mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 19:57:42 +01:00

Should fix the native anti-aliasing preset most importantly, but since I ported all of the packs now the script "watermark" is at least a proper sentence, heh. Also, I fixed the porting scripts. Basically, there were a bug in the verification script that wouldn't check if the uf_* variables matched and the conversion script also had a fun bug where it wasn't automatically fixing an incorrect order of the uf_* variables. So that basically made both of them slip through. Both are now fixed however. Don't know if it's needed to check the previously ported graphic packs to see if the error affected those, but it might not hurt.
617 lines
30 KiB
617 lines
30 KiB
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const child_process = require("child_process");
// Main functions
var manualFixingShaders = 0;
var manualCheckingShaders = 0;
const crossHeader = [
// Vulkan
"#ifdef VULKAN\r",
"#define ATTR_LAYOUT(__vkSet, __location) layout(set = __vkSet, location = __location)\r",
"#define UNIFORM_BUFFER_LAYOUT(__glLocation, __vkSet, __vkLocation) layout(set = __vkSet, binding = __vkLocation, std140)\r",
"#define TEXTURE_LAYOUT(__glLocation, __vkSet, __vkLocation) layout(set = __vkSet, binding = __vkLocation)\r",
"#define SET_POSITION(_v) gl_Position = _v; gl_Position.z = (gl_Position.z + gl_Position.w) / 2.0\r",
"#define GET_FRAGCOORD() vec4(gl_FragCoord.xy*uf_fragCoordScale.xy,gl_FragCoord.zw)\r",
"#define gl_VertexID gl_VertexIndex",
"#define gl_InstanceID gl_InstanceIndex",
// OpenGL
"#define ATTR_LAYOUT(__vkSet, __location) layout(location = __location)\r",
"#define UNIFORM_BUFFER_LAYOUT(__glLocation, __vkSet, __vkLocation) layout(binding = __glLocation, std140) \r",
"#define TEXTURE_LAYOUT(__glLocation, __vkSet, __vkLocation) layout(binding = __glLocation)\r",
"#define SET_POSITION(_v) gl_Position = _v\r",
"#define GET_FRAGCOORD() vec4(gl_FragCoord.xy*uf_fragCoordScale,gl_FragCoord.zw)\r",
const samplerTypes = ["sampler1D", "sampler2D", "sampler3D", "samplerCube", "sampler2DRect", "sampler1DArray", "sampler2DArray", "samplerCubeArray","samplerBuffer", "sampler2DMS", "sampler2DMSArray", "sampler1DShadow", "sampler2DShadow", "samplerCubeShadow", "sampler2DRectShadow", "sampler1DArrayShadow", "sampler2DArrayShadow", "samplerCubeArrayShadow"];
// Regex written on https://regex101.com/r/2aAtA1/5
const uniformUfRegex = /^(\s*uniform)\s+([biuvd]?vec[234]|bool|int|uint|float|double)\s+(uf_alphaTestRef|uf_verticesPerInstance|uf_streamoutBufferBase\[\d+\]|uf_tex\[\d+\]Scale|uf_pointSize|uf_fragCoordScale|uf_windowSpaceToClipSpaceTransform|uf_remappedPS\[\d+\]|uf_remappedVS\[\d+\]|uf_uniformRegisterVS\[\d+\]|uf_uniformRegisterPS\[\d+\])\s*;.*/m;
const layoutTextureRegex = /layout\s*\(binding\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*\)\s*/;
const layoutBufferRegex = /layout\s*\(binding\s*=\s*(\d+)\s*(?:,\s*std140|,\s*std430|,\s*shared|,\s*packed)\s*\)\s*/;
const ufVariablesOrder = [
"uf_remappedVS", "uf_remappedPS", "uf_uniformRegisterVS",
"uf_uniformRegisterPS", "uf_windowSpaceToClipSpaceTransform",
"uf_alphaTestRef", "uf_pointSize", "uf_fragCoordScale",
"uf_tex"/*"\dScale"*/, "uf_verticesPerInstance", "uf_streamoutBufferBase"
function convertRules(rulesText, dstPath) {
let rulesPresets = [];
let presetsValidation = {};
let textLines = rulesText.split("\n");
let prevUsedVersion = undefined;
let currentSection = "";
let currentPreset = {name: "", variables: []};
for (line in textLines) {
// Version number parsing
if (textLines[line].replace(/\s+/g, "").startsWith("version=")) {
if (textLines[line].replace(/\s+/g, "") != "version=3" && textLines[line].replace(/\s+/g, "") != "version=4") {
console.log("Why does this rules.txt file have something appended to the version variable?");
if (textLines[line].replace(/\s+/g, "").startsWith("version=3") || textLines[line].replace(/\s+/g, "").startsWith("version=4")) {
if (prevUsedVersion) console.warn("Why is there a second version definition in this file?");
prevUsedVersion = parseInt(textLines[line].replace(/\s+/g, "").split("version=")[1]);
textLines[line] = "version = 4";
else {
console.warn("What's this version? "+textLines[line]);
else {
// Parse preset variables
if (/^\[(.+)]/.test(textLines[line])) {
if (currentSection == "Preset") {
if (currentPreset.name == "") console.warn("Why does this preset not have a name?");
//console.log("Added new preset called "+currentPreset.name+" with the following variables: "+JSON.stringify(currentPreset));
rulesPresets.push({name: currentPreset.name, variables: [...currentPreset.variables]});
currentPreset = null;
currentSection = textLines[line].match(/^\[(.+)]/)[1];
if (currentSection == "Preset") {
currentPreset = {name: "", variables: []};
if (currentSection == "Preset") {
let nameMatch = textLines[line].match(/^name[ ]?=[ ]?([^\n#]+)[ ]?/m);
if (nameMatch != null) {
if (currentPreset.name != "") console.warn("Why does this preset have it's name two times?");
else {
currentPreset.name = nameMatch[1].trim();
let presetVariable = textLines[line].match(/^(?<key>\$[a-zA-Z_]+)(?:(?<isInt>:int))?[ ]*=[ ]*(?<value>\d+\.\d+|\d+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|(?<expression>[+\-*\/\(\)\d]+))/m);
if (presetVariable != null) {
if (presetVariable.groups.expression != undefined) currentPreset.variables.push({key: presetVariable.groups.key, value: (presetVariable.groups.isInt != undefined ? 666 : 666.666667), isInt: (presetVariable.groups.isInt != undefined)});
else currentPreset.variables.push({key: presetVariable.groups.key, value: (presetVariable.groups.isInt != undefined ? parseInt(presetVariable.groups.value) : parseFloat(presetVariable.groups.value)), isInt: (presetVariable.groups.isInt != undefined)});
if (presetsValidation.hasOwnProperty(presetVariable.groups.key)) presetsValidation[presetVariable.groups.key]++;
else presetsValidation[presetVariable.groups.key] = 1;
if (currentSection == "Preset") rulesPresets.push({name: currentPreset.name, variables: [...currentPreset.variables]});
// Check for oddities in presets
for (variable in presetsValidation) {
if (presetsValidation[variable] != rulesPresets.length) console.warn("This shader doesn't have all the variables in each preset...", presetsValidation, rulesPresets);
// Order variables
for (let i=0; i<rulesPresets.length; i++) {
rulesPresets[i].variables.sort((a, b) => {
return (b.key.length - a.key.length);
// Add a Default preset if it doesn't have any presets yet since the code relies on that.
if (rulesPresets.length == 0) rulesPresets.push({name: "Default", variables: []});
fs.writeFileSync(dstPath, textLines.join("\n"));
return [prevUsedVersion, rulesPresets];
function convertShader(shaderText, rulesPresets, folderArray, vulkanSet) {
let shaderOutput = [];
let shaderLines = shaderText.split("\n");
if (!shaderLines[0].startsWith("#")) console.warn("Why does "+path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray)+" not have a #version definition on it's first line?");
let sharedUFBlockAlternativeLine = undefined;
// First (header, GET_FRAGCOORD, SET_POSITION, ATTR_LAYOUT, GL_ARB_shading_language_packing and GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays) pass
let newShaderLines = [];
let parsingHeader = true;
for (line in shaderLines) {
let currLine = shaderLines[line];
if (currLine.startsWith("#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_packing")) {
if (currLine.startsWith("#extension GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays")) {
if (parsingHeader && !currLine.startsWith("#")) {
parsingHeader = false;
newShaderLines = newShaderLines.concat(crossHeader);
newShaderLines.push("// This shader was automatically converted to be cross-compatible with Vulkan and OpenGL.\r");
if (verboseOutput) {
newShaderLines.push("Conversion output:\r");
sharedUFBlockAlternativeLine = newShaderLines.length;
if (/(R[\d+]f = )vec4\(gl_FragCoord\.xy\*uf_fragCoordScale,gl_FragCoord\.zw\);/.test(currLine)) {
newShaderLines.push(currLine.split("=")[0]+"= GET_FRAGCOORD();");
else if (/R[\d+]i = floatBitsToInt\(vec4\(gl_FragCoord\.xy\*uf_fragCoordScale,gl_FragCoord\.zw\)\);/.test(currLine)) {
newShaderLines.push(currLine.split("=")[0]+"= floatBitsToInt(GET_FRAGCOORD());");
else if (/^gl_Position[ ]?=[ ]?(.*);$/m.test(currLine)) {
newShaderLines.push(`SET_POSITION(${currLine.match(/^gl_Position = (.*);$/m)[1]});`);
else if (currLine.startsWith("layout(location = ") && currLine.includes(" attrData")) {
OpenGLLocation = parseInt(currLine.substr(17));
if (OpenGLLocation == NaN) throw "Tried finding the attrData's OpenGL binding, but returned a NaN.";
newShaderLines.push(`ATTR_LAYOUT(${vulkanSet}, ${OpenGLLocation})${currLine.split(")")[1]}`);
else {
shaderLines = newShaderLines;
// Second (binding and ufBlock) pass
let ufBlockLineIndexes = {};
let consecutiveUfVariables = true;
let allUfLines = [];
for (preset in rulesPresets) {
let currPreset = rulesPresets[preset];
// Add properties to store parsing information.
currPreset.ufBlockVariables = [];
currPreset.shaderChanges = new Array(shaderLines.length);
// Fill shaders with presets
let presetChangedShader = [];
for (line in shaderLines) {
let currLine = shaderLines[line];
for (presetVar in currPreset.variables) {
let currPresetVar = currPreset.variables[presetVar];
let currPresetVarOccur = currLine.split(currPresetVar.key).length-1;
for (let i=0; i<currPresetVarOccur; i++) {
if (currPresetVar.isInt) currLine = currLine.replace(currPresetVar.key, currPresetVar.value.toFixed(0));
else currLine = currLine.replace(currPresetVar.key, currPresetVar.value.toFixed(3));
// Let glslangValidator pre-parse preprocessor directives
let preprocessedPresetLines = undefined;
try {
let preprocessOutput = child_process.spawnSync("glslangValidator.exe", ["--stdin"/*Pass shader via stdin instead of having to write a file*/, "-E"/*Only preprocessor pass*/, "-S "+(vulkanSet == 0 ? "vert" : "frag")/*Whether shader is a vertex or fragment shader*/], {encoding: "utf8", shell: true, input: presetChangedShader.join("\n")});
if (preprocessOutput.stderr.trim() != "") throw preprocessOutput.stderr; // Throw an error if glslangValidator logged a warning or an error, since those are passed via stderr.
preprocessedPresetLines = preprocessOutput.stdout.split("\n");
catch (err) {
console.error("An error occured while preprocessing this shader:\r\n", err);
fs.writeFileSync(`./errors/preprocess_${path.basename(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray), path.extname(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray)))}_${currPreset.name.replace(/\W/g, "")}${vulkanSet == 0 ? ".vert" : ".frag"}`, presetChangedShader.join("\n"), {encoding: "utf8"});
// Create preset replacements
let textureBindingCounter = 0;
let bufferBindingCounter = 0;
let lastUfVariableLine = undefined;
let ufVariableCrossOffList = [...ufVariablesOrder];
let ufVariableShaderOrder = [];
for (let i=0; i<shaderLines.length; i++) {
let currLine = preprocessedPresetLines[i];
// Create TEXTURE_LAYOUT preset replacement
if (layoutTextureRegex.test(currLine)) {
currPreset.shaderChanges[i] = currLine.replace(layoutTextureRegex, `TEXTURE_LAYOUT($1, ${vulkanSet}, ${textureBindingCounter}) `);
// Create UNIFORM_BUFFER_LAYOUT preset replacement
if (layoutBufferRegex.test(currLine)) {
currPreset.shaderChanges[i] = currLine.replace(layoutBufferRegex, `UNIFORM_BUFFER_LAYOUT($1, ${vulkanSet}, %BUFFER_BINDING_${bufferBindingCounter}%) `);
// Collect and replace uf variables with blank lines
if (uniformUfRegex.test(currLine)) {
if (currPreset.ufBlockVariables.length == 0) {
currPreset.shaderChanges[i] = "%FIRST_UF_VARIABLE_IN_PRESET%\r";
lastUfVariableLine = i;
else {
currPreset.shaderChanges[i] = `// ${currLine.match(uniformUfRegex)[3]} was moved to the ufBlock\r`;
if (lastUfVariableLine != i-1 && consecutiveUfVariables) {
lastUfVariableLine = i;
else {
consecutiveUfVariables = false;
if (!ufBlockLineIndexes.hasOwnProperty(currLine.match(uniformUfRegex)[3])) {
ufBlockLineIndexes[currLine.match(uniformUfRegex)[3]] = [];
let indexUfVariable = ufVariableCrossOffList.findIndex(ufVariableStart => currLine.match(uniformUfRegex)[3].startsWith(ufVariableStart));
if (indexUfVariable != -1) ufVariableCrossOffList.splice(0, indexUfVariable);
else {
shaderOutput.push(`This shader (with "${currPreset.name}" preset) doesn't follow the uf_* variable order from Cemu, which means that some uf_* variables could've been left-out or added.\r`);
currPreset.textureBindingCounter = textureBindingCounter;
// Sort the order of uf_variables
let beforeOrder = [...allUfLines];
function getSortRank(unit) {
let currUfVariableName = unit.match(uniformUfRegex)[3];
for (var i = 0; i < ufVariablesOrder.length; i++) {
if (currUfVariableName.startsWith(ufVariablesOrder[i])) {
return i;
return ufVariablesOrder.length;
allUfLines.sort(function(a, b){
return getSortRank(a) - getSortRank(b);
if (beforeOrder.toString() != allUfLines.toString()) {
shaderOutput.push(`Since the uf_* variables that were encountered were incorrect, the conversion script has corrected them.\r`);
shaderOutput.push(`Order found:\r\n${beforeOrder.join("\n")}`);
shaderOutput.push(`Expected/fixed order:\r\n${allUfLines.join("\n")}`);
// Log some extra stuff
if (!consecutiveUfVariables) {
//shaderOutput.push("The uf_* variables weren't found to be consecutive, which means that someone probably messed with them.\r");
// It seems that Cemu previously didn't insert all the uf_* variables consecutively.
// It's not really that big of a deal anyway to move them in one block anyways, and shouldn't cause any issues due to the early inserted backup method.
if (allUfLines.length == 0) {
shaderOutput.push("This shader doesn't seem to have any uf_* variables. This could mean that this shader was edited.\r");
// Check if unified ufBlock can be made
let differingUfBlock = false;
let ufBlockLineSize = undefined;
for (let [ufVariableName, lineIndexes] of Object.entries(ufBlockLineIndexes)) {
// Check if each ufBlock has the same amount of variables.
let sameAmount = true;
if (ufBlockLineSize == undefined) ufBlockLineSize = lineIndexes.length;
else if (sameAmount) sameAmount = (ufBlockLineSize == lineIndexes.length);
// Check if each uf variable is on the same lines.
let sameLineIndexes = true;
for (let i=0; i<lineIndexes.length; i++) {
if (lineIndexes[i] != lineIndexes[0]) sameLineIndexes = false;
if (!sameAmount || !sameLineIndexes) {
if (!sameAmount) shaderOutput.push("This shader doesn't have the same amount of uf_* variables for each preset.\r");
else if (!sameLineIndexes) shaderOutput.push("This shader doesn't have the same line indexes for the uf_* variables. Hence why it might've been edited.\r");
differingUfBlock = true;
// Check if each preset has the same amount of texture bindings
let textureBindingsAmount = undefined;
sameTextureBindingsAmount = true;
for (preset in rulesPresets) {
if (textureBindingsAmount == undefined) textureBindingsAmount = rulesPresets[preset].textureBindingCounter;
if (rulesPresets[preset].textureBindingCounter != textureBindingsAmount) {
sameTextureBindingsAmount = false;
// Cemu optimized some uf variables away at some point. So, it's commented in the ufBlock. But also disable the ufBlock creation when that was the only variable.
let optimizedUfVariablesLength = 0;
for (ufLine in allUfLines) {
if (allUfLines[ufLine].split(" ")[2].split(";")[0].split("[")[0] == "uf_windowSpaceToClipSpaceTransform") continue;
else optimizedUfVariablesLength++;
// Merge changes from each preset and insert placeholder text
let inplaceUfBlock = !differingUfBlock && sameTextureBindingsAmount;
if (!inplaceUfBlock && optimizedUfVariablesLength != 0) {
shaderOutput.push("Due to one or more things mentioned above, this shader might be broken.\r");
let newUfBlockLines = [];
newUfBlockLines.push("#ifdef VULKAN\r");
newUfBlockLines.push(`layout(set = ${vulkanSet}, binding = ${textureBindingsAmount}) uniform ufBlock\r`);
for (ufLine in allUfLines) {
if (allUfLines[ufLine].split(" ")[2].split(";")[0].split("[")[0] == "uf_windowSpaceToClipSpaceTransform") {
newUfBlockLines.push("// "+allUfLines[ufLine]+" // Cemu optimized this uf_variable away in Cemu 1.15.7\r");
else if (allUfLines[ufLine].split(" ")[2].split(";")[0].split("[")[0] == "uf_fragCoordScale") newUfBlockLines.push(allUfLines[ufLine].replace("vec2", "vec4"));
else newUfBlockLines.push(allUfLines[ufLine]);
for (ufLine in allUfLines) {
if (allUfLines[ufLine].split(" ")[2].split(";")[0].split("[")[0] == "uf_windowSpaceToClipSpaceTransform") newUfBlockLines.push("// "+allUfLines[ufLine]+" // Cemu optimized this uf_variable away in Cemu 1.15.7\r");
else newUfBlockLines.push(allUfLines[ufLine]);
shaderLines[sharedUFBlockAlternativeLine] = newUfBlockLines.join("\n");
for (let i=0; i<shaderLines.length; i++) {
let currLineChanges = [];
for (preset in rulesPresets) {
if (rulesPresets[preset].shaderChanges[i] != undefined) {
// Replace placeholders
let bufferBindingMatches = rulesPresets[preset].shaderChanges[i].match(/%BUFFER_BINDING_(\d)+%/);
if (bufferBindingMatches != null) {
currLineChanges.push(rulesPresets[preset].shaderChanges[i].replace(`%BUFFER_BINDING_${bufferBindingMatches[1]}%`, parseInt(bufferBindingMatches[1])+(allUfLines.length!=0)+rulesPresets[preset].textureBindingCounter));
else if (rulesPresets[preset].shaderChanges[i] == "%FIRST_UF_VARIABLE_IN_PRESET%\r") {
if (inplaceUfBlock && optimizedUfVariablesLength != 0) {
let newUfBlockLines = [];
newUfBlockLines.push("#ifdef VULKAN\r");
newUfBlockLines.push(`layout(set = ${vulkanSet}, binding = ${rulesPresets[preset].textureBindingCounter}) uniform ufBlock\r`);
for (ufLine in allUfLines) {
if (allUfLines[ufLine].split(" ")[2].split(";")[0].split("[")[0] == "uf_fragCoordScale") newUfBlockLines.push(allUfLines[ufLine].replace("vec2", "vec4"));
else if (allUfLines[ufLine].split(" ")[2].split(";")[0].split("[")[0] == "uf_windowSpaceToClipSpaceTransform") newUfBlockLines.push("// "+allUfLines[ufLine].trim()+" // Cemu optimized this uf_variable away in Cemu 1.15.7\r");
else newUfBlockLines.push(allUfLines[ufLine]);
for (ufLine in allUfLines) {
if (allUfLines[ufLine].split(" ")[2].split(";")[0].split("[")[0] == "uf_windowSpaceToClipSpaceTransform") newUfBlockLines.push("// "+allUfLines[ufLine].trim()+" // Cemu optimized this uf_variable away in Cemu 1.15.7\r");
else newUfBlockLines.push(allUfLines[ufLine]);
else currLineChanges.push("\r");
else currLineChanges.push(rulesPresets[preset].shaderChanges[i]);
if (currLineChanges.length == 0) continue;
else if (currLineChanges.length == 1) shaderLines[i] = currLineChanges[0];
else {
let conflictingLineChanges = [];
for (change in currLineChanges) {
if (!conflictingLineChanges.includes(currLineChanges[change])) conflictingLineChanges.push(currLineChanges[change]);
if (conflictingLineChanges.length > 1) {
shaderOutput.push(`Encountered a conflict between lines. Probably will end-up in a broken shader. Conflicts: ${conflictingLineChanges.toString()}\r`);
shaderLines[i] = conflictingLineChanges[0];
// Insert shader output into shader output
if (verboseOutput) shaderLines.splice(shaderLines.findIndex(line => line === "%CONVERSION_OUTPUT%\r"), 1, ...shaderOutput);
if (shaderOutput.length != 0) console.error("Encountered a few warnings in this shader "+path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray)+":\r\n", shaderOutput);
shaderLines = shaderLines.join("\n").replace(/(UNIFORM_BUFFER_LAYOUT\(\d+,[ ]*\d+,[ ]*\d+\)[ ]*)\r*\n+(uniform[ ]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/g, "$1$2").split("\n");
// Third (testing) pass
for (preset in rulesPresets) {
let currPreset = rulesPresets[preset];
// Replace values from this preset variable, if there are any.
let presetChangedShader = [];
for (line in shaderLines) {
let currLine = shaderLines[line];
for (presetVar in currPreset.variables) {
let currPresetVar = currPreset.variables[presetVar];
let currPresetVarOccur = currLine.split(currPresetVar.key).length-1;
for (let i=0; i<currPresetVarOccur; i++) {
if (currPresetVar.isInt) currLine = currLine.replace(currPresetVar.key, currPresetVar.value.toFixed(0));
else currLine = currLine.replace(currPresetVar.key, currPresetVar.value.toFixed(3));
// Compile final shader with OpenGL
try {
let preprocessOutput = child_process.spawnSync("glslangValidator.exe", ["--stdin"/*Pass shader via stdin instead of having to write a file*/, "-S "+(vulkanSet == 0 ? "vert" : "frag")/*Whether shader is a vertex or fragment shader*/], {encoding: "utf8", shell: true, input: presetChangedShader.join("\n")});
if (preprocessOutput.stderr.trim() != "") throw preprocessOutput.stderr; // Throw an error if glslangValidator logged a warning or an error, since those are passed via stderr.
if (preprocessOutput.output[1] != "stdin\r\n" && preprocessOutput.output[1].trim() != "") throw preprocessOutput.output[1];
catch (err) {
console.error("An error occured while compiling the V4 shader with OpenGL:\r\n", err);
fs.writeFileSync(`./errors/OpenGLTesting_${path.basename(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray), path.extname(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray)))}_${currPreset.name.replace(/\W/g, "")}${vulkanSet == 0 ? ".vert" : ".frag"}`, presetChangedShader.join("\n"), {encoding: "utf8"});
// Compile final shader with Vulkan
try {
let preprocessOutput = child_process.spawnSync("glslangValidator.exe", ["--stdin"/*Pass shader via stdin instead of having to write a file*/, "--client vulkan100"/*Use Vulkan*/, "-S "+(vulkanSet == 0 ? "vert" : "frag")/*Whether shader is a vertex or fragment shader*/], {encoding: "utf8", shell: true, input: presetChangedShader.join("\n")});
if (preprocessOutput.stderr.trim() != "") throw preprocessOutput.stderr; // Throw an error if glslangValidator logged a warning or an error, since those are passed via stderr.
if (preprocessOutput.output[1] != "stdin\r\n" && preprocessOutput.output[1].trim() != "") throw preprocessOutput.output[1];
catch (err) {
console.error("An error occured while compiling the V4 shader with Vulkan:\r\n", err);
fs.writeFileSync(`./errors/VulkanTesting_${path.basename(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray), path.extname(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray)))}_${currPreset.name.replace(/\W/g, "")}${vulkanSet == 0 ? ".vert" : ".frag"}`, presetChangedShader.join("\n"), {encoding: "utf8"});
process.stdout.write(`Testing presets: ${(((preset)/(rulesPresets.length-1))*100).toFixed().padStart(2, " ")}% has been compiled.\r`);
// Write to file
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray), shaderLines.join("\n"));
function convertPack(convertFiles, folderArray) {
if (convertFiles.shaders.length == 0) {
//console.log("This graphic pack doesn't have any shaders so we can just copy all the files!");
let [prevUsedVersion, rulesPresets] = convertRules(convertFiles.rulesText, path.join(process.cwd(), "graphicPacks", ...folderArray, "rules.txt"));
for (otherFile in convertFiles.otherFiles) {
//console.debug("Copying unrelated file to the new directory "+srcFolder+convertFiles.otherFiles[otherFile]+"...");
fs.copyFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray, convertFiles.otherFiles[otherFile]), path.join(process.cwd(), "graphicPacks", ...folderArray, convertFiles.otherFiles[otherFile]));
if (prevUsedVersion == 3) {
for (shader in convertFiles.shaders) {
convertShader(convertFiles.shaders[shader].shaderText, rulesPresets, ["graphicPacks", ...folderArray, convertFiles.shaders[shader].name], convertFiles.shaders[shader].vulkanSet);
else if (prevUsedVersion == 4 && convertFiles.shaders.length != 0) {
console.info("The shaders in this graphic pack are already ported, so just copy all the files...");
for (shader in convertFiles.shaders) {
fs.copyFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderArray, convertFiles.shaders[shader].name), path.join(process.cwd(), "graphicPacks", ...folderArray, convertFiles.shaders[shader].name));
if (prevUsedVersion == undefined) console.warn("Why does this rules.txt file have no version?");
function convertFolder(folderPathArray) {
let dirEntries = fs.readdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderPathArray), {withFileTypes: true});
if (fs.existsSync(path.join(process.cwd(), "/graphicPacks/", ...folderPathArray))) fs.rmdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), "/graphicPacks/", ...folderPathArray), {recursive: true});
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), "/graphicPacks/", ...folderPathArray), {recursive: true});
for (let entry in dirEntries) {
if (dirEntries[entry].isDirectory()) {
// Check for folder entries and see if there's a rules.txt file.
let packFiles = fs.readdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderPathArray, dirEntries[entry].name), {withFileTypes: true});
if (filterFolderNames.length != 0) {
let filtered = true;
for (name in filterFolderNames) {
if (dirEntries[entry].name.toLowerCase().startsWith(filterFolderNames[name].toLowerCase())) filtered = false;
if (filtered) continue;
console.group("Converting "+path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderPathArray, dirEntries[entry].name)+" to "+path.join(process.cwd(), "/graphicPacks/", ...folderPathArray, dirEntries[entry].name)+"...");
let convertFiles = {rulesText: undefined, shaders: [], otherFiles: []};
for (file in packFiles) {
if (packFiles[file].isFile() && packFiles[file].name == "rules.txt") {
convertFiles.rulesText = fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderPathArray, dirEntries[entry].name, "rules.txt"), {encoding: "utf8"});
else if (packFiles[file].isFile() && packFiles[file].name.length >= "0000000000000000_0000000000000000_xx.txt".length) {
if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}_[\w]{16}_[p|v]s/.test(packFiles[file].name)) {
convertFiles.shaders.push({name: packFiles[file].name, shaderText: fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), ...folderPathArray, dirEntries[entry].name, packFiles[file].name), {encoding: "utf8"}), vulkanSet: ((packFiles[file].name.substr(34, 2) == "vs") ? 0 : 1)});
else {
//console.debug("Why does "+path+dirEntries[entry].name+"/ have "+packFiles[file].name+" as a disabled shader? Can this file be deleted?");
else if (packFiles[file].isFile() && (packFiles[file].name == "patches.txt" || packFiles[file].name == "output.glsl")) {
else if (packFiles[file].isDirectory()) {
//console.debug("Why does "+path+dirEntries[entry].name+"/ have a folder called "+packFiles[file].name+".");
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), "/graphicPacks/", ...folderPathArray, dirEntries[entry].name), {recursive: true});
convertFolder([...folderPathArray, dirEntries[entry].name]);
else if (packFiles[file].isFile()) {
//console.debug("Why does "+dirEntries[entry].name+"/ have a random file called "+packFiles[file].name+"? Is this one necessary?");
if (convertFiles.rulesText == undefined) {
//console.warn("Why does "+dirEntries[entry].name+" not have a rules.txt file?");
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), "/graphicPacks/", ...folderPathArray, dirEntries[entry].name), {recursive: true});
convertPack(convertFiles, [...folderPathArray, dirEntries[entry].name], ["/graphicPacks/", ...folderPathArray, dirEntries[entry].name]);
// Configuration
const filterFolderNames = ["BreathOfTheWild"];
const verboseOutput = false;
if (fs.existsSync(path.join(process.cwd(), "/errors/"))) fs.rmdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), "/errors/"), {recursive: true});
fs.mkdirSync(path.join(process.cwd(), "/errors/"));
console.group("Convert shaders from Filters...");
console.group("Convert shaders from Enhancements...");
console.group("Convert shaders from Resolutions...");
console.group("Convert shaders from Mods...");
console.group("Convert shaders from Workarounds...");
if (fs.existsSync("./preprocessed-shader.temp")) fs.unlinkSync("./preprocessed-shader.temp");
if (fs.existsSync("./frag.spv")) fs.unlinkSync("./frag.spv");
if (fs.existsSync("./vert.spv")) fs.unlinkSync("./vert.spv");
console.log(manualFixingShaders+" shaders need to be fixed manually and "+manualCheckingShaders+" shaders need to be checked, see the output above.");