/* * loadMii loader v0.3 * main.c * http://code.google.com/p/loadmii * * Copyright 2009 The Lemon Man * Thanks to luccax, Wiipower, Aurelio and crediar * GX added by dimok (thanks to Tantric) * usbGecko powered by Nuke * little modifications by Leathl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pngu/pngu.h" #include "video.h" #include "filelist.h" #include "dolloader.h" #include "elfloader.h" #include "fatmounter.h" /*edit these*/ #define USB_FIRST false #define ELF_FIRST false #define SD_DOL "---path1---" #define SD_ELF "---path2---" #define USB_DOL "---path3---" #define USB_ELF "---path4---" static PNGUPROP imgProp; static IMGCTX ctx; u8 * GetImageData(void) { u8 * data = NULL; int ret; if (CONF_GetAspectRatio()) { ctx = PNGU_SelectImageFromBuffer(background169_png); if (!ctx) return NULL; } else { ctx = PNGU_SelectImageFromBuffer(background_png); if (!ctx) return NULL; } ret = PNGU_GetImageProperties(ctx, &imgProp); if (ret != PNGU_OK) return NULL; int len = imgProp.imgWidth * imgProp.imgHeight * 4; if(len%32) len += (32-len%32); data = (u8 *)memalign (32, len); ret = PNGU_DecodeTo4x4RGBA8 (ctx, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, data, 255); DCFlushRange(data, len); PNGU_ReleaseImageContext(ctx); return data; } void Background_Show(int x, int y, int z, u8 * data, int angle, int scaleX, int scaleY, int alpha) { /* Draw image */ Menu_DrawImg(x, y, z, imgProp.imgWidth, imgProp.imgHeight, data, angle, scaleX, scaleY, alpha); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { u32 cookie; FILE *exeFile = NULL; void *exeBuffer = (void *)EXECUTABLE_MEM_ADDR; int exeSize = 0; u32 exeEntryPointAddress = 0; entrypoint exeEntryPoint; char cfgpath[256], first[256], second[256], third[256], fourth[256]; /* int videomod */ InitVideo(); /* get imagedata */ u8 * imgdata = GetImageData(); /* fadein of image */ for(int i = 0; i < 255; i = i+10) { if(i>255) i = 255; Background_Show(0, 0, 0, imgdata, 0, 1, 1, i); Menu_Render(); } /*set order*/ if (USB_FIRST && ELF_FIRST) { sprintf(first, USB_ELF); sprintf(second, USB_DOL); sprintf(third, SD_ELF); sprintf(fourth, SD_DOL); } else if (USB_FIRST) { sprintf(first, USB_DOL); sprintf(second, USB_ELF); sprintf(third, SD_DOL); sprintf(fourth, SD_ELF); } else if (ELF_FIRST) { sprintf(first, SD_ELF); sprintf(second, SD_DOL); sprintf(third, USB_ELF); sprintf(fourth, USB_DOL); } else { sprintf(first, SD_DOL); sprintf(second, SD_ELF); sprintf(third, USB_DOL); sprintf(fourth, USB_ELF); } /* check devices */ SDCard_Init(); USBDevice_Init(); /* Open dol File and check exist */ sprintf(cfgpath, first); exeFile = fopen (cfgpath ,"rb"); if (exeFile==NULL) { sprintf(cfgpath, second); exeFile = fopen (cfgpath ,"rb"); } if (exeFile==NULL) { sprintf(cfgpath, third); exeFile = fopen (cfgpath ,"rb"); } if (exeFile==NULL) { sprintf(cfgpath, fourth); exeFile = fopen (cfgpath ,"rb"); } // if nothing found exiting if (exeFile==NULL) { printf("\n\n\t\tCan't find DOL File...\n"); Menu_Render(); sleep(3); fclose (exeFile); SDCard_deInit(); USBDevice_deInit(); StopGX(); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0); } fseek (exeFile, 0, SEEK_END); exeSize = ftell(exeFile); fseek (exeFile, 0, SEEK_SET); if(fread (exeBuffer, 1, exeSize, exeFile) != (unsigned int) exeSize) { printf("\n\n\t\tCan't open DOL File...\n"); Menu_Render(); fclose (exeFile); sleep(3); SDCard_deInit(); USBDevice_deInit(); StopGX(); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0); } fclose (exeFile); /* load entry point */ struct __argv args; bzero(&args, sizeof(args)); args.argvMagic = ARGV_MAGIC; args.length = strlen(cfgpath) + 2; args.commandLine = (char*)malloc(args.length); if (!args.commandLine) SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0); strcpy(args.commandLine, cfgpath); args.commandLine[args.length - 1] = '\0'; args.argc = 1; args.argv = &args.commandLine; args.endARGV = args.argv + 1; int ret = valid_elf_image(exeBuffer); if (ret == 1) exeEntryPointAddress = load_elf_image(exeBuffer); else exeEntryPointAddress = load_dol_image(exeBuffer, &args); /* fadeout of image */ for(int i = 255; i > 1; i = i-7) { if(i < 0) i = 0; Background_Show(0, 0, 0, imgdata, 0, 1, 1, i); Menu_Render(); } SDCard_deInit(); USBDevice_deInit(); StopGX(); if (exeEntryPointAddress == 0) { printf("EntryPointAddress failed...\n"); Menu_Render(); sleep(3); fclose (exeFile); SDCard_deInit(); USBDevice_deInit(); StopGX(); SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_RETURNTOMENU, 0, 0);; } exeEntryPoint = (entrypoint) exeEntryPointAddress; /* cleaning up and load dol */ SYS_ResetSystem(SYS_SHUTDOWN, 0, 0); _CPU_ISR_Disable (cookie); __exception_closeall (); exeEntryPoint (); _CPU_ISR_Restore (cookie); return 0; }