2010-01-12 17:03:46 +00:00
/ * This file is part of CustomizeMii
* Copyright ( C ) 2009 Leathl
* CustomizeMii is free software : you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
* ( at your option ) any later version .
* CustomizeMii is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* /
using System ;
2010-01-08 22:10:02 +00:00
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
namespace CustomizeMii
partial class CustomizeMii_Main
private void CustomizeMii_Main_DragEnter ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
if ( e . Data . GetDataPresent ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) & & pbProgress . Value = = 100 )
string [ ] data = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
if ( data . Length = = 1 & & data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".wad" ) )
e . Effect = DragDropEffects . Copy ;
private void CustomizeMii_Main_DragDrop ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
string [ ] data = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
if ( data . Length = = 1 & & data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".wad" ) )
LoadChannel ( data [ 0 ] ) ;
private void tbReplace_DragEnter ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( tbSourceWad . Text ) )
if ( pbProgress . Value = = 100 & & e . Data . GetDataPresent ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) )
string [ ] data = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
if ( data . Length = = 1 )
if ( data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".wad" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( "00000000.app" ) )
e . Effect = DragDropEffects . Copy ;
else if ( ( cmbReplace . SelectedIndex = = 2 & & data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( "sound.bin" ) ) | |
( cmbReplace . SelectedIndex = = 1 & & data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( "icon.bin" ) ) | |
( cmbReplace . SelectedIndex = = 0 & & data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( "banner.bin" ) ) )
e . Effect = DragDropEffects . Copy ;
private void tbReplace_DragDrop ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
string [ ] data = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
if ( data . Length = = 1 & & ( data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".wad" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( "00000000.app" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( "sound.bin" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( "icon.bin" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( "banner.bin" ) ) )
ReplacePart ( data [ 0 ] ) ;
private void tbDol_DragEnter ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
if ( e . Data . GetDataPresent ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) & & pbProgress . Value = = 100 )
string [ ] data = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
if ( data . Length = = 1 & & ( data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".wad" ) | | data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".dol" ) ) )
e . Effect = DragDropEffects . Copy ;
private void tbDol_DragDrop ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
string [ ] data = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
if ( data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".wad" ) )
byte [ ] wad = Wii . Tools . LoadFileToByteArray ( data [ 0 ] ) ;
int numContents = Wii . WadInfo . GetContentNum ( wad ) ;
if ( numContents = = 3 )
int bootIndex = Wii . WadInfo . GetBootIndex ( wad ) ;
string appFile = string . Empty ;
if ( bootIndex = = 1 )
{ appFile = "00000002.app" ; }
else if ( bootIndex = = 2 )
{ appFile = "00000001.app" ; }
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( appFile ) )
if ( Directory . Exists ( TempTempPath + "TempWad" ) ) Directory . Delete ( TempTempPath + "TempWad" , true ) ;
Wii . WadUnpack . UnpackWad ( data [ 0 ] , TempTempPath + "TempWad" ) ;
File . Copy ( TempTempPath + "TempWad\\" + appFile , TempDolPath , true ) ;
SetText ( tbDol , data [ 0 ] ) ;
btnBrowseDol . Text = "Clear" ;
ErrorBox ( "The DOL file couldn't be found!" ) ;
ErrorBox ( "The DOL file couldn't be found!" ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SetText ( tbDol , string . Empty ) ;
ErrorBox ( ex . Message ) ;
else if ( data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".dol" ) )
SetText ( tbDol , data [ 0 ] ) ;
btnBrowseDol . Text = "Clear" ;
private void tbSound_DragEnter ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
if ( e . Data . GetDataPresent ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) & & pbProgress . Value = = 100 )
string [ ] data = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
if ( File . Exists ( Application . StartupPath + "\\lame.exe" ) )
if ( data . Length = = 1 & & ( data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".wav" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".bns" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".mp3" ) ) )
e . Effect = DragDropEffects . Copy ;
if ( data . Length = = 1 & & ( data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".wav" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".bns" ) ) )
e . Effect = DragDropEffects . Copy ;
private void tbSound_DragDrop ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
string [ ] data = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
if ( data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".mp3" ) )
ConvertMp3ToWave ( data [ 0 ] ) ;
SetText ( tbSound , data [ 0 ] ) ;
btnBrowseSound . Text = "Clear" ;
if ( ! string . IsNullOrEmpty ( SoundReplace ) )
SoundReplace = string . Empty ;
if ( cmbReplace . SelectedIndex = = 2 ) SetText ( tbReplace , SoundReplace ) ;
if ( File . Exists ( TempSoundPath ) ) File . Delete ( TempSoundPath ) ;
private void lbxBannerTpls_DragEnter ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
if ( e . Data . GetDataPresent ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) & & pbProgress . Value = = 100 )
string [ ] data = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
bool correct = true ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < data . Length ; i + + )
if ( ! ( data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".tpl" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".png" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".jpg" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".gif" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".bmp" ) ) )
correct = false ;
if ( correct ) e . Effect = DragDropEffects . Copy ;
private void lbxBannerTpls_DragDrop ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
string [ ] data = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
List < string > errors = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( string thisFile in data )
AddTpl ( lbxBannerTpls , thisFile ) ;
catch { errors . Add ( thisFile ) ; }
if ( errors . Count > 0 )
ErrorBox ( string . Format ( "These files were not added, because either they already exist or an error occured during conversion:\n\n{0}" , string . Join ( "\n" , ( errors . ToArray ( ) ) ) ) ) ;
private void lbxIconTpls_DragEnter ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
if ( e . Data . GetDataPresent ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) & & pbProgress . Value = = 100 )
string [ ] data = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
bool correct = true ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < data . Length ; i + + )
if ( ! ( data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".tpl" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".png" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".jpg" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".gif" ) | |
data [ 0 ] . ToLower ( ) . EndsWith ( ".bmp" ) ) )
correct = false ;
if ( correct ) e . Effect = DragDropEffects . Copy ;
private void lbxIconTpls_DragDrop ( object sender , DragEventArgs e )
string [ ] data = ( string [ ] ) e . Data . GetData ( DataFormats . FileDrop ) ;
List < string > errors = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( string thisFile in data )
AddTpl ( lbxIconTpls , thisFile ) ;
catch { errors . Add ( thisFile ) ; }
if ( errors . Count > 0 )
ErrorBox ( string . Format ( "These files were not added, because either they already exist or an error occured during conversion:\n\n{0}" , string . Join ( "\n" , ( errors . ToArray ( ) ) ) ) ) ;