/* This file is part of ShowMiiWads * Copyright (C) 2009 Leathl * * ShowMiiWads is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ShowMiiWads is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ //Wii.py by Xuzz, SquidMan, megazig, Matt_P, Omega and The Lemon Man was the base for TPL conversion //Zetsubou by SquidMan was a reference for TPL conversion //gbalzss by Andre Perrot was the base for LZ77 (de-)compression //Thanks to the authors! using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Drawing; using System.Net; namespace Wii { public class Tools { public static event EventHandler ProgressChanged; public static void ChangeProgress(int ProgressPercent) { EventHandler progressChanged = ProgressChanged; if (progressChanged != null) { progressChanged(new object(), new ProgressChangedEventArgs(ProgressPercent)); } } /// /// Writes the small Byte Array into the big one at the given offset /// /// /// /// /// public static byte[] InsertByteArray(byte[] big, byte[] small, int offset) { for (int i = 0; i < small.Length; i++) big[offset + i] = small[i]; return big; } /// /// Creates a new Byte Array out of the given one /// from the given offset with the specified length /// /// /// /// /// public static byte[] GetPartOfByteArray(byte[] array, int offset, int length) { byte[] ret = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) ret[i] = array[offset + i]; return ret; } /// /// Converts UInt32 Array into Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] UInt32ArrayToByteArray(UInt32[] array) { List results = new List(); foreach (UInt32 value in array) { byte[] converted = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); results.AddRange(converted); } return results.ToArray(); } /// /// Converts UInt16 Array into Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] UInt16ArrayToByteArray(UInt16[] array) { List results = new List(); foreach (UInt16 value in array) { byte[] converted = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); results.AddRange(converted); } return results.ToArray(); } /// /// Converts UInt16 Array into Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] UIntArrayToByteArray(uint[] array) { List results = new List(); foreach (uint value in array) { byte[] converted = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); results.AddRange(converted); } return results.ToArray(); } /// /// Converts Byte Array into UInt16 Array /// /// /// public static UInt32[] ByteArrayToUInt32Array(byte[] array) { UInt32[] converted = new UInt32[array.Length / 2]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i += 4) { converted[j] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(array, i); j++; } return converted; } /// /// Converts Byte Array into UInt16 Array /// /// /// public static UInt16[] ByteArrayToUInt16Array(byte[] array) { UInt16[] converted = new UInt16[array.Length / 2]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i += 2) { converted[j] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(array, i); j++; } return converted; } /// /// Returns the file length as a Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] FileLengthToByteArray(int filelength) { byte[] length = BitConverter.GetBytes(filelength); Array.Reverse(length); return length; } /// /// Adds a padding to the next 64 bytes, if necessary /// /// /// public static int AddPadding(int value) { return AddPadding(value, 64); } /// /// Adds a padding to the given value, if necessary /// /// /// /// public static int AddPadding(int value, int padding) { if (value % padding != 0) { value = value + (padding - (value % padding)); } return value; } /// /// Converts a Hex-String to Int /// /// /// public static int HexStringToInt(string hexstring) { try { return int.Parse(hexstring, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); } catch { throw new Exception("An Error occured, maybe the Wad file is corrupt!"); } } /// /// Converts a Hex-String to Long /// /// /// public static long HexStringToLong(string hexstring) { try { return long.Parse(hexstring, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); } catch { throw new Exception("An Error occured, maybe the Wad file is corrupt!"); } } /// /// Writes a Byte Array to a file /// /// public static void SaveFileFromByteArray(byte[] file, string destination) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(destination, FileMode.Create)) fs.Write(file, 0, file.Length); } /// /// Loads a file into a Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] LoadFileToByteArray(string sourcefile) { if (File.Exists(sourcefile)) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(sourcefile, FileMode.Open)) { byte[] filearray = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(filearray, 0, filearray.Length); return filearray; } } else throw new FileNotFoundException("File couldn't be found:\r\n" + sourcefile); } /// /// Loads a file into a Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] LoadFileToByteArray(string sourcefile, int offset, int length) { if (File.Exists(sourcefile)) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(sourcefile, FileMode.Open)) { if (fs.Length < length) length = (int)fs.Length; byte[] filearray = new byte[length]; fs.Read(filearray, offset, length); return filearray; } } else throw new FileNotFoundException("File couldn't be found:\r\n" + sourcefile); } /// /// Checks the SHA1 of the Common-Key /// /// /// public static bool CheckCommonKey(string pathtocommonkey) { byte[] sum = new byte[] { 0xEB, 0xEA, 0xE6, 0xD2, 0x76, 0x2D, 0x4D, 0x3E, 0xA1, 0x60, 0xA6, 0xD8, 0x32, 0x7F, 0xAC, 0x9A, 0x25, 0xF8, 0x06, 0x2B }; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(pathtocommonkey); if (fi.Length != 16) return false; else { byte[] ckey = LoadFileToByteArray(pathtocommonkey); SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed(); byte[] newsum = sha1.ComputeHash(ckey); if (CompareByteArrays(sum, newsum) == true) return true; else return false; } } /// /// Creates the Common Key /// /// Must be "45e" /// Destination Path public static void CreateCommonKey(string fat, string destinationpath) { //What an effort, lol byte[] encryptedwater = new byte[] { 0x4d, 0x89, 0x21, 0x34, 0x62, 0x81, 0xe4, 0x02, 0x37, 0x36, 0xc4, 0xb4, 0xde, 0x40, 0x32, 0xab }; byte[] key = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, byte.Parse(fat.Remove(2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber), byte.Parse(fat.Remove(0, 2) + "0", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) }; byte[] decryptedwater = new byte[10]; RijndaelManaged decryptkey = new RijndaelManaged(); decryptkey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; decryptkey.Padding = PaddingMode.None; decryptkey.KeySize = 128; decryptkey.BlockSize = 128; decryptkey.Key = key; Array.Reverse(key); decryptkey.IV = key; ICryptoTransform cryptor = decryptkey.CreateDecryptor(); using (MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream(encryptedwater)) { using (CryptoStream crypto = new CryptoStream(memory, cryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)) crypto.Read(decryptedwater, 0, 10); } string water = BitConverter.ToString(decryptedwater).Replace("-", "").ToLower() + " "; water = water.Insert(0, fat[2].ToString()); water = water.Insert(2, fat[2].ToString()); water = water.Insert(7, fat[2].ToString()); water = water.Insert(11, fat[2].ToString()); water = water.Insert(7, fat[1].ToString()); water = water.Insert(10, fat[1].ToString()); water = water.Insert(18, fat[1].ToString()); water = water.Insert(19, fat[1].ToString()); water = water.Insert(3, fat[0].ToString()); water = water.Insert(15, fat[0].ToString()); water = water.Insert(16, fat[0].ToString()); water = water.Insert(22, fat[0].ToString()); byte[] cheese = new byte[16]; int count = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i += 2) cheese[++count] = byte.Parse(water.Remove(0, i).Remove(2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); if (destinationpath[destinationpath.Length - 1] != '\\') destinationpath = destinationpath + "\\"; using (FileStream keystream = new FileStream(destinationpath + "\\common-key.bin", FileMode.Create)) { keystream.Write(cheese, 0, cheese.Length); } } /// /// Counts the appearance of a specific character in a string /// /// /// /// public static int CountCharsInString(string theString, char theChar) { int count = 0; foreach (char thisChar in theString) { if (thisChar == theChar) count++; } return count; } /// /// Compares two Byte Arrays and returns true, if they match /// /// /// /// public static bool CompareByteArrays(byte[] first, byte[] second) { if (first.Length != second.Length) return false; else { for (int i = 0; i < first.Length; i++) if (first[i] != second[i]) return false; return true; } } /// /// Converts a Hex String to a Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] HexStringToByteArray(string hexstring) { byte[] ba = new byte[hexstring.Length / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < hexstring.Length / 2; i++) { ba[i] = byte.Parse(hexstring.Substring(i * 2, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); } return ba; } /// /// Checks, if the given string does exist in the string Array /// /// /// /// public static bool StringExistsInStringArray(string theString, string[] theStringArray) { return Array.Exists(theStringArray, thisString => thisString == theString); } /// /// Copies an entire Directoy /// /// /// public static void CopyDirectory(string source, string destination) { string[] subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(source); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(source); foreach (string thisFile in files) { if (!Directory.Exists(destination)) Directory.CreateDirectory(destination); if (File.Exists(destination + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(thisFile))) File.Delete(destination + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(thisFile)); File.Copy(thisFile, destination + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(thisFile)); } foreach (string thisDir in subdirs) { CopyDirectory(thisDir, destination + "\\" + thisDir.Remove(0, thisDir.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1)); } } } public class WadInfo { public const int Headersize = 64; public static string[] RegionCode = new string[4] { "Japan", "USA", "Europe", "Region Free" }; /// /// Returns the Header of a Wadfile /// /// /// public static byte[] GetHeader(byte[] wadfile) { byte[] Header = new byte[0x20]; for (int i = 0; i < Header.Length; i++) { Header[i] = wadfile[i]; } return Header; } /// /// Returns the size of the Certificate /// /// /// public static int GetCertSize(byte[] wadfile) { int size = int.Parse(wadfile[0x08].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x09].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x0a].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x0b].ToString("x2"), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); return size; } /// /// Returns the size of the Ticket /// /// /// public static int GetTikSize(byte[] wadfile) { int size = int.Parse(wadfile[0x10].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x11].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x12].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x13].ToString("x2"), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); return size; } /// /// Returns the size of the TMD /// /// /// public static int GetTmdSize(byte[] wadfile) { int size = int.Parse(wadfile[0x14].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x15].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x16].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x17].ToString("x2"), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); return size; } /// /// Returns the size of all Contents /// /// /// public static int GetContentSize(byte[] wadfile) { int size = int.Parse(wadfile[0x18].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x19].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x1a].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x1b].ToString("x2"), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); return size; } /// /// Returns the size of the Footer /// /// /// public static int GetFooterSize(byte[] wadfile) { int size = int.Parse(wadfile[0x1c].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x1d].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x1e].ToString("x2") + wadfile[0x1f].ToString("x2"), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); return size; } /// /// Returns the position of the tmd in the wad file /// /// /// public static int GetTmdPos(byte[] wadfile) { return Headersize + Tools.AddPadding(GetCertSize(wadfile)) + Tools.AddPadding(GetTikSize(wadfile)); } /// /// Returns the position of the ticket in the wad file, ticket or tmd /// /// /// public static int GetTikPos(byte[] wadfile) { return Headersize + Tools.AddPadding(GetCertSize(wadfile)); } /// /// Returns the title ID of the wad file. /// /// /// 0 = Tik, 1 = Tmd /// public static string GetTitleID(byte[] wadtiktmd, int type) { string channeltype = GetChannelType(wadtiktmd, type); int tikpos = 0; int tmdpos = 0; if (IsThisWad(wadtiktmd) == true) { //It's a wad tikpos = GetTikPos(wadtiktmd); tmdpos = GetTmdPos(wadtiktmd); } if (type == 1) { if (!channeltype.Contains("System:")) { string tmdid = Convert.ToChar(wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x190]).ToString() + Convert.ToChar(wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x191]).ToString() + Convert.ToChar(wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x192]).ToString() + Convert.ToChar(wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x193]).ToString(); return tmdid; } else if (channeltype.Contains("IOS")) { int tmdid = Tools.HexStringToInt(wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x190].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x191].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x192].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x193].ToString("x2")); return "IOS" + tmdid; } else if (channeltype.Contains("System")) return "SYSTEM"; else return ""; } else { if (!channeltype.Contains("System:")) { string tikid = Convert.ToChar(wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e0]).ToString() + Convert.ToChar(wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e1]).ToString() + Convert.ToChar(wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e2]).ToString() + Convert.ToChar(wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e3]).ToString(); return tikid; } else if (channeltype.Contains("IOS")) { int tikid = Tools.HexStringToInt(wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e0].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e1].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e2].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e3].ToString("x2")); return "IOS" + tikid; } else if (channeltype.Contains("System")) return "SYSTEM"; else return ""; } } /// /// Returns the full title ID of the wad file as a hex string. /// /// /// 0 = Tik, 1 = Tmd /// public static string GetFullTitleID(byte[] wadtiktmd, int type) { int tikpos = 0; int tmdpos = 0; if (IsThisWad(wadtiktmd) == true) { //It's a wad tikpos = GetTikPos(wadtiktmd); tmdpos = GetTmdPos(wadtiktmd); } if (type == 1) { string tmdid = wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x18c].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x18d].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x18e].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x18f].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x190].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x191].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x192].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x193].ToString("x2"); return tmdid; } else { string tikid = wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1dc].ToString() + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1dd].ToString() + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1de].ToString() + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1df].ToString() + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e0].ToString() + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e1].ToString() + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e2].ToString() + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e3].ToString(); return tikid; } } /// /// Returns the title for each language of a wad file. /// Order: Jap, Eng, Ger, Fra, Spa, Ita, Dut /// /// /// public static string[] GetChannelTitles(string wadfile) { byte[] wadarray = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(wadfile); return GetChannelTitles(wadarray); } /// /// Returns the title for each language of a wad file. /// Order: Jap, Eng, Ger, Fra, Spa, Ita, Dut /// /// /// public static string[] GetChannelTitles(byte[] wadfile) { if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\common-key.bin") || File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\key.bin")) { string channeltype = GetChannelType(wadfile, 0); if (!channeltype.Contains("System:")) { if (!channeltype.Contains("Hidden")) { string[] titles = new string[7]; //Detection from footer is turned off, cause the footer //can be easily edited and thus the titles in it could be simply wrong //int footer = GetFooterSize(wadfile); //if (footer > 0) //{ // int footerpos = wadfile.Length - footer; // int count = 0; // int imetpos = 0; // if ((wadfile.Length - (wadfile.Length - footer)) < 250) return new string[7]; // for (int z = 0; z < 250; z++) // { // if (Convert.ToChar(wadfile[footerpos + z]) == 'I') // if (Convert.ToChar(wadfile[footerpos + z + 1]) == 'M') // if (Convert.ToChar(wadfile[footerpos + z + 2]) == 'E') // if (Convert.ToChar(wadfile[footerpos + z + 3]) == 'T') // { // imetpos = footerpos + z; // break; // } // } // int jappos = imetpos + 29; // for (int i = jappos; i < jappos + 588; i += 84) // { // for (int j = 0; j < 40; j += 2) // { // if (wadfile[i + j] != 0x00) // { // char temp = Convert.ToChar(wadfile[i + j]); // titles[count] += temp; // } // } // count++; // } // return titles; //} string[,] conts = GetContentInfo(wadfile); byte[] titlekey = GetTitleKey(wadfile); int nullapp = 0; for (int i = 0; i < conts.GetLength(0); i++) { if (conts[i, 1] == "00000000") nullapp = i; } byte[] contenthandle = WadEdit.DecryptContent(wadfile, nullapp, titlekey); int imetpos = 0; if (contenthandle.Length < 400) return new string[7]; for (int z = 0; z < 400; z++) { if (Convert.ToChar(contenthandle[z]) == 'I') if (Convert.ToChar(contenthandle[z + 1]) == 'M') if (Convert.ToChar(contenthandle[z + 2]) == 'E') if (Convert.ToChar(contenthandle[z + 3]) == 'T') { imetpos = z; break; } } int jappos = imetpos + 29; int count = 0; for (int i = jappos; i < jappos + 588; i += 84) { for (int j = 0; j < 40; j += 2) { if (contenthandle[i + j] != 0x00) { char temp = Convert.ToChar(contenthandle[i + j]); titles[count] += temp; } } count++; } return titles; } else return new string[7]; } else return new string[7]; } else return new string[7]; } /// /// Returns the title for each language of a 00.app file /// Order: Jap, Eng, Ger, Fra, Spa, Ita, Dut /// /// /// public static string[] GetChannelTitlesFromApp(string app) { byte[] tmp = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(app); return GetChannelTitlesFromApp(tmp); } /// /// Returns the title for each language of a 00.app file /// Order: Jap, Eng, Ger, Fra, Spa, Ita, Dut /// /// /// public static string[] GetChannelTitlesFromApp(byte[] app) { string[] titles = new string[7]; int imetpos = 0; int length = 400; if (app.Length < 400) length = app.Length - 4; for (int z = 0; z < length; z++) { if (Convert.ToChar(app[z]) == 'I') if (Convert.ToChar(app[z + 1]) == 'M') if (Convert.ToChar(app[z + 2]) == 'E') if (Convert.ToChar(app[z + 3]) == 'T') { imetpos = z; break; } } if (imetpos != 0) { int jappos = imetpos + 29; int count = 0; for (int i = jappos; i < jappos + 588; i += 84) { for (int j = 0; j < 40; j += 2) { if (app[i + j] != 0x00) { char temp = Convert.ToChar(app[i + j]); titles[count] += temp; } } count++; } } return titles; } /// /// Returns the Type of the Channel as a string /// Wad or Tik needed for WiiWare / VC detection! /// /// /// public static string GetChannelType(byte[] wadtiktmd, int type) { int tikpos = 0; int tmdpos = 0; if (IsThisWad(wadtiktmd) == true) { //It's a wad tikpos = GetTikPos(wadtiktmd); tmdpos = GetTmdPos(wadtiktmd); } string thistype = ""; if (type == 0) { thistype = wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1dc].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1dd].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1de].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1df].ToString("x2"); } else { thistype = wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x18c].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x18d].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x18e].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x18f].ToString("x2"); } string channeltype = "Unknown"; if (thistype == "00010001") { channeltype = CheckWiiWareVC(wadtiktmd, type); } else if (thistype == "00010002") channeltype = "System Channel"; else if (thistype == "00010004" || thistype == "00010000") channeltype = "Game Channel"; else if (thistype == "00010005") channeltype = "Downloaded Content"; else if (thistype == "00010008") channeltype = "Hidden Channel"; else if (thistype == "00000001") { channeltype = "System: IOS"; string thisid = ""; if (type == 0) { thisid = wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e0].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e1].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e2].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e3].ToString("x2"); } else { thisid = wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x190].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x191].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x192].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x193].ToString("x2"); } if (thisid == "00000001") channeltype = "System: Boot2"; else if (thisid == "00000002") channeltype = "System: Menu"; else if (thisid == "00000100") channeltype = "System: BC"; else if (thisid == "00000101") channeltype = "System: MIOS"; } return channeltype; } /// /// Returns the amount of included Contents (app-files) /// /// /// public static int GetContentNum(byte[] wadtmd) { int tmdpos = 0; if (IsThisWad(wadtmd) == true) { //It's a wad file, so get the tmd position tmdpos = GetTmdPos(wadtmd); } int contents = Tools.HexStringToInt(wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1de].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1df].ToString("x2")); return contents; } /// /// Returns the approx. destination size on the Wii /// /// /// public static string GetNandSize(byte[] wadtmd, bool ConvertToMB) { int tmdpos = 0; int minsize = 0; int maxsize = 0; int numcont = GetContentNum(wadtmd); if (IsThisWad(wadtmd) == true) { //It's a wad tmdpos = GetTmdPos(wadtmd); } for (int i = 0; i < numcont; i++) { int cont = 36 * i; int contentsize = Tools.HexStringToInt(wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e4 + 8 + cont].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e5 + 8 + cont].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e6 + 8 + cont].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e7 + 8 + cont].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e8 + 8 + cont].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e9 + 8 + cont].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1ea + 8 + cont].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1eb + 8 + cont].ToString("x2")); string type = wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e4 + 6 + cont].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e5 + 6 + cont].ToString("x2"); if (type == "0001") { minsize += contentsize; maxsize += contentsize; } else if (type == "8001") maxsize += contentsize; } string size = ""; if (maxsize == minsize) size = maxsize.ToString(); else size = minsize.ToString() + " - " + maxsize.ToString(); if (ConvertToMB == true) { if (size.Contains("-")) { string min = size.Remove(size.IndexOf(' ')); string max = size.Remove(0, size.IndexOf('-') + 2); min = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(min) * 0.0009765625 * 0.0009765625, 2)); max = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(max) * 0.0009765625 * 0.0009765625, 2)); if (min.Length > 4) { min = min.Remove(4); } if (max.Length > 4) { max = max.Remove(4); } size = min + " - " + max + " MB"; } else { size = Convert.ToString(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(size) * 0.0009765625 * 0.0009765625, 2)); if (size.Length > 4) { size = size.Remove(4); } size = size + " MB"; } } return size.Replace(",", "."); } /// /// Returns the approx. destination block on the Wii /// /// /// public static string GetNandBlocks(byte[] wadtmd) { string size = GetNandSize(wadtmd, false); if (size.Contains("-")) { string size1 = size.Remove(size.IndexOf(' ')); string size2 = size.Remove(0, size.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1); double blocks1 = (double)((Convert.ToDouble(size1) / 1024) / 128); double blocks2 = (double)((Convert.ToDouble(size2) / 1024) / 128); return Math.Ceiling(blocks1) + " - " + Math.Ceiling(blocks2); } else { double blocks = (double)((Convert.ToDouble(size) / 1024) / 128); return Math.Ceiling(blocks).ToString(); } } /// /// Returns the title version of the wad file /// /// /// public static int GetTitleVersion(string wadtmd) { byte[] temp = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(wadtmd, 0, 10000); return GetTitleVersion(temp); } /// /// Returns the title version of the wad file /// /// /// public static int GetTitleVersion(byte[] wadtmd) { int tmdpos = 0; if (IsThisWad(wadtmd) == true) { tmdpos = GetTmdPos(wadtmd); } return Tools.HexStringToInt(wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1dc].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1dd].ToString("x2")); } /// /// Returns the IOS that is needed by the wad file /// /// /// public static string GetIosFlag(byte[] wadtmd) { string type = GetChannelType(wadtmd, 1); if (!type.Contains("IOS") && !type.Contains("BC")) { int tmdpos = 0; if (IsThisWad(wadtmd) == true) { tmdpos = GetTmdPos(wadtmd); } return "IOS" + Tools.HexStringToInt(wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x188].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x189].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x18a].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x18b].ToString("x2")); } else return ""; } /// /// Returns the region of the wad file /// /// /// public static string GetRegionFlag(byte[] wadtmd) { int tmdpos = 0; string channeltype = GetChannelType(wadtmd, 1); if (IsThisWad(wadtmd) == true) { tmdpos = GetTmdPos(wadtmd); } if (!channeltype.Contains("System:")) { int region = Tools.HexStringToInt(wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x19d].ToString("x2")); return RegionCode[region]; } else return ""; } /// /// Returns the Path where the wad will be installed on the Wii /// /// /// public static string GetNandPath(string wadfile) { byte[] wad = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(wadfile); return GetNandPath(wad, 0); } /// /// Returns the Path where the wad will be installed on the Wii /// /// /// 0 = Tik, 1 = Tmd /// public static string GetNandPath(byte[] wadtiktmd, int type) { int tikpos = 0; int tmdpos = 0; if (IsThisWad(wadtiktmd) == true) { tikpos = GetTikPos(wadtiktmd); tmdpos = GetTmdPos(wadtiktmd); } string thispath = ""; if (type == 0) { thispath = wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1dc].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1dd].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1de].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1df].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e0].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e1].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e2].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tikpos + 0x1e3].ToString("x2"); } else { thispath = wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x18c].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x18d].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x18e].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x18f].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x190].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x191].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x192].ToString("x2") + wadtiktmd[tmdpos + 0x193].ToString("x2"); } thispath = thispath.Insert(8, "\\"); return thispath; } /// /// Returns true, if the wad file is a WiiWare / VC title. /// /// /// 0 = Tik, 1 = Tmd /// public static string CheckWiiWareVC(byte[] wadtiktmd, int type) { int tiktmdpos = 0; int offset = 0x221; int idoffset = 0x1e0; if (type == 1) { offset = 0x197; idoffset = 0x190; } if (IsThisWad(wadtiktmd) == true) { if (type == 1) tiktmdpos = GetTmdPos(wadtiktmd); else tiktmdpos = GetTikPos(wadtiktmd); } if (wadtiktmd[tiktmdpos + offset] == 0x01) { char idchar = Convert.ToChar(wadtiktmd[tiktmdpos + idoffset]); char idchar2 = Convert.ToChar(wadtiktmd[tiktmdpos + idoffset + 1]); if (idchar == 'H') return "System Channel"; else if (idchar == 'W') return "WiiWare"; else { if (idchar == 'C') return "C64"; else if (idchar == 'E' && idchar2 == 'A') return "NeoGeo"; else if (idchar == 'E') return "VC - Arcade"; else if (idchar == 'F') return "NES"; else if (idchar == 'J') return "SNES"; else if (idchar == 'L') return "Sega Master System"; else if (idchar == 'M') return "Sega Genesis"; else if (idchar == 'N') return "Nintendo 64"; else if (idchar == 'P') return "Turbografx"; else if (idchar == 'Q') return "Turbografx CD"; else return "Channel Title"; } } else return "Channel Title"; } /// /// Returns all information stored in the tmd for all contents in the wad file. /// [x, 0] = Content ID, [x, 1] = Index, [x, 2] = Type, [x, 3] = Size, [x, 4] = Sha1 /// /// /// public static string[,] GetContentInfo(byte[] wadtmd) { int tmdpos = 0; if (IsThisWad(wadtmd) == true) { tmdpos = GetTmdPos(wadtmd); } int contentcount = GetContentNum(wadtmd); string[,] contentinfo = new string[contentcount, 5]; for (int i = 0; i < contentcount; i++) { contentinfo[i, 0] = wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e4 + (36 * i)].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e5 + (36 * i)].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e6 + (36 * i)].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e7 + (36 * i)].ToString("x2"); contentinfo[i, 1] = "0000" + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e8 + (36 * i)].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e9 + (36 * i)].ToString("x2"); contentinfo[i, 2] = wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1ea + (36 * i)].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1eb + (36 * i)].ToString("x2"); contentinfo[i, 3] = Tools.HexStringToInt( wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1ec + (36 * i)].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1ed + (36 * i)].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1ee + (36 * i)].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1ef + (36 * i)].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1f0 + (36 * i)].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1f1 + (36 * i)].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1f2 + (36 * i)].ToString("x2") + wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1f3 + (36 * i)].ToString("x2")).ToString(); for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { contentinfo[i, 4] += wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1f4 + (36 * i) + j].ToString("x2"); } } return contentinfo; } /// /// Returns the Tik of the wad file as a Byte-Array /// /// /// public static byte[] ReturnTik(byte[] wadfile) { int tikpos = GetTikPos(wadfile); int tiksize = GetTikSize(wadfile); byte[] tik = new byte[tiksize]; for (int i = 0; i < tiksize; i++) { tik[i] = wadfile[tikpos + i]; } return tik; } /// /// Returns the Tmd of the wad file as a Byte-Array /// /// /// public static byte[] ReturnTmd(byte[] wadfile) { int tmdpos = GetTmdPos(wadfile); int tmdsize = GetTmdSize(wadfile); byte[] tmd = new byte[tmdsize]; for (int i = 0; i < tmdsize; i++) { tmd[i] = wadfile[tmdpos + i]; } return tmd; } /// /// Checks, if the given file is a wad /// /// /// public static bool IsThisWad(byte[] wadtiktmd) { if (wadtiktmd[0] == 0x00 && wadtiktmd[1] == 0x00 && wadtiktmd[2] == 0x00 && wadtiktmd[3] == 0x20 && wadtiktmd[4] == 0x49 && wadtiktmd[5] == 0x73) { return true; } return false; } /// /// Returns the decrypted TitleKey /// /// /// public static byte[] GetTitleKey(byte[] wadtik) { byte[] commonkey = new byte[16]; if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\common-key.bin")) { commonkey = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\common-key.bin"); } else if (File.Exists(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\key.bin")) { commonkey = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\key.bin"); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("The (common-)key.bin must be in the application directory!"); } byte[] encryptedkey = new byte[16]; byte[] iv = new byte[16]; int tikpos = 0; if (IsThisWad(wadtik) == true) { //It's a wad file, so get the tik position tikpos = GetTikPos(wadtik); } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { encryptedkey[i] = wadtik[tikpos + 0x1bf + i]; } for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { iv[j] = wadtik[tikpos + 0x1dc + j]; iv[j + 8] = 0x00; } RijndaelManaged decrypt = new RijndaelManaged(); decrypt.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; decrypt.Padding = PaddingMode.None; decrypt.KeySize = 128; decrypt.BlockSize = 128; decrypt.Key = commonkey; decrypt.IV = iv; ICryptoTransform cryptor = decrypt.CreateDecryptor(); MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream(encryptedkey); CryptoStream crypto = new CryptoStream(memory, cryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read); byte[] decryptedkey = new byte[16]; crypto.Read(decryptedkey, 0, decryptedkey.Length); crypto.Close(); memory.Close(); return decryptedkey; } } public class WadEdit { /// /// Changes the region of the wad file /// /// /// 0 = JAP, 1 = USA, 2 = EUR, 3 = FREE /// public static byte[] ChangeRegion(byte[] wadfile, int region) { int tmdpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadfile); if (region == 0) wadfile[tmdpos + 0x19d] = 0x00; else if (region == 1) wadfile[tmdpos + 0x19d] = 0x01; else if (region == 2) wadfile[tmdpos + 0x19d] = 0x02; else wadfile[tmdpos + 0x19d] = 0x03; wadfile = TruchaSign(wadfile, 1); return wadfile; } /// /// Changes the region of the wad file /// /// /// public static void ChangeRegion(string wadfile, int region) { byte[] wadarray = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(wadfile); wadarray = ChangeRegion(wadarray, region); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(wadfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write)) { fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Write(wadarray, 0, wadarray.Length); } } /// /// Changes the Channel Title of the wad file /// All languages have the same title /// /// /// /// public static byte[] ChangeChannelTitle(byte[] wadfile, string title) { return ChangeChannelTitle(wadfile, title, title, title, title, title, title, title); } /// /// Changes the Channel Title of the wad file /// Each language has a specific title /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// public static void ChangeChannelTitle(string wadfile, string jap, string eng, string ger, string fra, string spa, string ita, string dut) { byte[] wadarray = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(wadfile); wadarray = ChangeChannelTitle(wadarray, jap, eng, ger, fra, spa, ita, dut); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(wadfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write)) { fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Write(wadarray, 0, wadarray.Length); } } /// /// Changes the Channel Title of the wad file /// Each language has a specific title /// /// /// Japanese Title /// English Title /// German Title /// French Title /// Spanish Title /// Italian Title /// Dutch Title /// public static byte[] ChangeChannelTitle(byte[] wadfile, string jap, string eng, string ger, string fra, string spa, string ita, string dut) { Tools.ChangeProgress(0); char[] japchars = jap.ToCharArray(); char[] engchars = eng.ToCharArray(); char[] gerchars = ger.ToCharArray(); char[] frachars = fra.ToCharArray(); char[] spachars = spa.ToCharArray(); char[] itachars = ita.ToCharArray(); char[] dutchars = dut.ToCharArray(); byte[] titlekey = WadInfo.GetTitleKey(wadfile); string[,] conts = WadInfo.GetContentInfo(wadfile); int tmdpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadfile); int tmdsize = WadInfo.GetTmdSize(wadfile); int nullapp = 0; int contentpos = 64 + Tools.AddPadding(WadInfo.GetCertSize(wadfile)) + Tools.AddPadding(WadInfo.GetTikSize(wadfile)) + Tools.AddPadding(WadInfo.GetTmdSize(wadfile)); SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed(); Tools.ChangeProgress(10); for (int i = 0; i < conts.GetLength(0); i++) { if (conts[i, 1] == "00000000") { nullapp = i; break; } else contentpos += Tools.AddPadding(Convert.ToInt32(conts[i, 3])); } byte[] contenthandle = DecryptContent(wadfile, nullapp, titlekey); Tools.ChangeProgress(25); int imetpos = 0; for (int z = 0; z < 400; z++) { if (Convert.ToChar(contenthandle[z]) == 'I') if (Convert.ToChar(contenthandle[z + 1]) == 'M') if (Convert.ToChar(contenthandle[z + 2]) == 'E') if (Convert.ToChar(contenthandle[z + 3]) == 'T') { imetpos = z; break; } } Tools.ChangeProgress(40); int count = 0; for (int x = imetpos; x < imetpos + 40; x += 2) { if (japchars.Length > count) { contenthandle[x + 29] = Convert.ToByte(japchars[count]); } else { contenthandle[x + 29] = 0x00; } if (engchars.Length > count) { contenthandle[x + 29 + 84] = Convert.ToByte(engchars[count]); } else { contenthandle[x + 29 + 84] = 0x00; } if (gerchars.Length > count) { contenthandle[x + 29 + 84 * 2] = Convert.ToByte(gerchars[count]); } else { contenthandle[x + 29 + 84 * 2] = 0x00; } if (frachars.Length > count) { contenthandle[x + 29 + 84 * 3] = Convert.ToByte(frachars[count]); } else { contenthandle[x + 29 + 84 * 3] = 0x00; } if (spachars.Length > count) { contenthandle[x + 29 + 84 * 4] = Convert.ToByte(spachars[count]); } else { contenthandle[x + 29 + 84 * 4] = 0x00; } if (itachars.Length > count) { contenthandle[x + 29 + 84 * 5] = Convert.ToByte(itachars[count]); } else { contenthandle[x + 29 + 84 * 5] = 0x00; } if (dutchars.Length > count) { contenthandle[x + 29 + 84 * 6] = Convert.ToByte(dutchars[count]); } else { contenthandle[x + 29 + 84 * 6] = 0x00; } count++; } Tools.ChangeProgress(50); byte[] newmd5 = new byte[16]; contenthandle = FixMD5InImet(contenthandle, out newmd5); byte[] newsha = sha1.ComputeHash(contenthandle); contenthandle = EncryptContent(contenthandle, WadInfo.ReturnTmd(wadfile), nullapp, titlekey, false); Tools.ChangeProgress(70); for (int y = 0; y < contenthandle.Length; y++) { wadfile[contentpos + y] = contenthandle[y]; } //SHA1 in TMD byte[] tmd = Tools.GetPartOfByteArray(wadfile, tmdpos, tmdsize); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) tmd[0x1f4 + (36 * nullapp) + i] = newsha[i]; TruchaSign(tmd, 1); wadfile = Tools.InsertByteArray(wadfile, tmd, tmdpos); int footer = WadInfo.GetFooterSize(wadfile); Tools.ChangeProgress(80); if (footer > 0) { int footerpos = wadfile.Length - footer; int imetposfoot = 0; for (int z = 0; z < 200; z++) { if (Convert.ToChar(wadfile[footerpos + z]) == 'I') if (Convert.ToChar(wadfile[footerpos + z + 1]) == 'M') if (Convert.ToChar(wadfile[footerpos + z + 2]) == 'E') if (Convert.ToChar(wadfile[footerpos + z + 3]) == 'T') { imetposfoot = footerpos + z; break; } } Tools.ChangeProgress(90); int count2 = 0; for (int x = imetposfoot; x < imetposfoot + 40; x += 2) { if (japchars.Length > count2) { wadfile[x + 29] = Convert.ToByte(japchars[count2]); } else { wadfile[x + 29] = 0x00; } if (engchars.Length > count2) { wadfile[x + 29 + 84] = Convert.ToByte(engchars[count2]); } else { wadfile[x + 29 + 84] = 0x00; } if (gerchars.Length > count2) { wadfile[x + 29 + 84 * 2] = Convert.ToByte(gerchars[count2]); } else { wadfile[x + 29 + 84 * 2] = 0x00; } if (frachars.Length > count2) { wadfile[x + 29 + 84 * 3] = Convert.ToByte(frachars[count2]); } else { wadfile[x + 29 + 84 * 3] = 0x00; } if (spachars.Length > count2) { wadfile[x + 29 + 84 * 4] = Convert.ToByte(spachars[count2]); } else { wadfile[x + 29 + 84 * 4] = 0x00; } if (itachars.Length > count2) { wadfile[x + 29 + 84 * 5] = Convert.ToByte(itachars[count2]); } else { wadfile[x + 29 + 84 * 5] = 0x00; } if (dutchars.Length > count2) { wadfile[x + 29 + 84 * 6] = Convert.ToByte(dutchars[count2]); } else { wadfile[x + 29 + 84 * 6] = 0x00; } count2++; } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) wadfile[imetposfoot + 1456 + i] = newmd5[i]; } Tools.ChangeProgress(100); return wadfile; } /// /// Changes the Title ID in the Tik or Tmd file /// /// /// 0 = Tik, 1 = Tmd /// public static void ChangeTitleID(string tiktmdfile, int type, string titleid) { byte[] temp = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(tiktmdfile); temp = ChangeTitleID(temp, type, titleid); Tools.SaveFileFromByteArray(temp, tiktmdfile); } /// /// Changes the Title ID in the Tik or Tmd file /// /// /// 0 = Tik, 1 = Tmd /// public static byte[] ChangeTitleID(byte[] tiktmd, int type, string titleid) { int offset = 0x1e0; if (type == 1) offset = 0x190; char[] id = titleid.ToCharArray(); tiktmd[offset] = (byte)id[0]; tiktmd[offset + 1] = (byte)id[1]; tiktmd[offset + 2] = (byte)id[2]; tiktmd[offset + 3] = (byte)id[3]; tiktmd = TruchaSign(tiktmd, type); return tiktmd; } /// /// Changes the title ID of the wad file /// /// /// /// public static byte[] ChangeTitleID(byte[] wadfile, string titleid) { Tools.ChangeProgress(0); int tikpos = WadInfo.GetTikPos(wadfile); int tmdpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadfile); char[] id = titleid.ToCharArray(); byte[] oldtitlekey = WadInfo.GetTitleKey(wadfile); Tools.ChangeProgress(20); //Change the ID in the ticket wadfile[tikpos + 0x1e0] = (byte)id[0]; wadfile[tikpos + 0x1e1] = (byte)id[1]; wadfile[tikpos + 0x1e2] = (byte)id[2]; wadfile[tikpos + 0x1e3] = (byte)id[3]; //Change the ID in the tmd wadfile[tmdpos + 0x190] = (byte)id[0]; wadfile[tmdpos + 0x191] = (byte)id[1]; wadfile[tmdpos + 0x192] = (byte)id[2]; wadfile[tmdpos + 0x193] = (byte)id[3]; Tools.ChangeProgress(40); //Trucha-Sign both wadfile = TruchaSign(wadfile, 0); Tools.ChangeProgress(50); wadfile = TruchaSign(wadfile, 1); Tools.ChangeProgress(60); byte[] newtitlekey = WadInfo.GetTitleKey(wadfile); byte[] tmd = WadInfo.ReturnTmd(wadfile); int contentcount = WadInfo.GetContentNum(wadfile); wadfile = ReEncryptAllContents(wadfile, oldtitlekey, newtitlekey); Tools.ChangeProgress(100); return wadfile; } /// /// Changes the title ID of the wad file /// /// /// public static void ChangeTitleID(string wadfile, string titleid) { byte[] wadarray = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(wadfile); wadarray = ChangeTitleID(wadarray, titleid); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(wadfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write)) { fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Write(wadarray, 0, wadarray.Length); } } /// /// Clears the Signature of the Tik / Tmd to 0x00 /// /// Wad, Tik or Tmd /// 0 = Tik, 1 = Tmd /// public static byte[] ClearSignature(byte[] wadtiktmd, int type) { int tmdtikpos = 0; int tmdtiksize = wadtiktmd.Length; ; if (WadInfo.IsThisWad(wadtiktmd) == true) { //It's a wad file, so get the tik or tmd position and length switch (type) { case 1: tmdtikpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadtiktmd); tmdtiksize = WadInfo.GetTmdSize(wadtiktmd); break; default: tmdtikpos = WadInfo.GetTikPos(wadtiktmd); tmdtiksize = WadInfo.GetTikSize(wadtiktmd); break; } } for (int i = 4; i < 260; i++) { wadtiktmd[tmdtikpos + i] = 0x00; } return wadtiktmd; } /// /// Trucha-Signs the Tik or Tmd /// /// Wad or Tik or Tmd /// 0 = Tik, 1 = Tmd /// public static void TruchaSign(string file, int type) { byte[] temp = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(file); temp = TruchaSign(temp, type); Tools.SaveFileFromByteArray(temp, file); } /// /// Trucha-Signs the Tik or Tmd /// /// Wad or Tik or Tmd /// 0 = Tik, 1 = Tmd /// public static byte[] TruchaSign(byte[] wadtiktmd, int type) { SHA1Managed sha = new SHA1Managed(); int[] position = new int[2] { 0x1f1, 0x1d4 }; //0x104 0x1c1 int[] tosign = new int[2] { 0x140, 0x140 }; //0x104 0x140 int tiktmdpos = 0; int tiktmdsize = wadtiktmd.Length; if (sha.ComputeHash(wadtiktmd, tiktmdpos + tosign[type], tiktmdsize - tosign[type])[0] != 0x00) { ClearSignature(wadtiktmd, type); if (WadInfo.IsThisWad(wadtiktmd) == true) { //It's a wad file if (type == 0) //Get Tik position and size { tiktmdpos = WadInfo.GetTikPos(wadtiktmd); tiktmdsize = WadInfo.GetTikSize(wadtiktmd); } else //Get Tmd position and size { tiktmdpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadtiktmd); tiktmdsize = WadInfo.GetTmdSize(wadtiktmd); } } byte[] sha1 = new byte[20]; for (UInt16 i = 0; i < 65535; i++) { byte[] hex = BitConverter.GetBytes(i); wadtiktmd[tiktmdpos + position[type]] = hex[0]; wadtiktmd[tiktmdpos + position[type] + 1] = hex[1]; sha1 = sha.ComputeHash(wadtiktmd, tiktmdpos + tosign[type], tiktmdsize - tosign[type]); if (sha1[0] == 0x00) break; } return wadtiktmd; } else return wadtiktmd; } /// /// Decrypts the given content /// /// /// public static byte[] DecryptContent(byte[] wadfile, int contentcount, byte[] titlekey) { int tmdpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadfile); byte[] iv = new byte[16]; string[,] continfo = WadInfo.GetContentInfo(wadfile); int contentsize = Convert.ToInt32(continfo[contentcount, 3]); int paddedsize = Tools.AddPadding(contentsize, 16); int contentpos = 64 + Tools.AddPadding(WadInfo.GetCertSize(wadfile)) + Tools.AddPadding(WadInfo.GetTikSize(wadfile)) + Tools.AddPadding(WadInfo.GetTmdSize(wadfile)); for (int x = 0; x < contentcount; x++) { contentpos += Tools.AddPadding(Convert.ToInt32(continfo[x, 3])); } iv[0] = wadfile[tmdpos + 0x1e8 + (0x24 * contentcount)]; iv[1] = wadfile[tmdpos + 0x1e9 + (0x24 * contentcount)]; RijndaelManaged decrypt = new RijndaelManaged(); decrypt.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; decrypt.Padding = PaddingMode.None; decrypt.KeySize = 128; decrypt.BlockSize = 128; decrypt.Key = titlekey; decrypt.IV = iv; ICryptoTransform cryptor = decrypt.CreateDecryptor(); MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream(wadfile, contentpos, paddedsize); CryptoStream crypto = new CryptoStream(memory, cryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read); bool fullread = false; byte[] buffer = new byte[16384]; byte[] cont = new byte[1]; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { while (fullread == false) { int len = 0; if ((len = crypto.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) <= 0) { fullread = true; cont = ms.ToArray(); } ms.Write(buffer, 0, len); } } memory.Close(); crypto.Close(); Array.Resize(ref cont, contentsize); return cont; } /// /// Decrypts the given content /// /// /// /// /// /// public static byte[] DecryptContent(byte[] content, byte[] tmd, int contentcount, byte[] titlekey) { byte[] iv = new byte[16]; string[,] continfo = WadInfo.GetContentInfo(tmd); int contentsize = content.Length; int paddedsize = Tools.AddPadding(contentsize, 16); Array.Resize(ref content, paddedsize); iv[0] = tmd[0x1e8 + (0x24 * contentcount)]; iv[1] = tmd[0x1e9 + (0x24 * contentcount)]; RijndaelManaged decrypt = new RijndaelManaged(); decrypt.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; decrypt.Padding = PaddingMode.None; decrypt.KeySize = 128; decrypt.BlockSize = 128; decrypt.Key = titlekey; decrypt.IV = iv; ICryptoTransform cryptor = decrypt.CreateDecryptor(); MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream(content, 0, paddedsize); CryptoStream crypto = new CryptoStream(memory, cryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read); bool fullread = false; byte[] buffer = new byte[memory.Length]; byte[] cont = new byte[1]; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { while (fullread == false) { int len = 0; if ((len = crypto.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) <= 0) { fullread = true; cont = ms.ToArray(); } ms.Write(buffer, 0, len); } } memory.Close(); crypto.Close(); return cont; } /// /// Encrypts the given content and adds a padding to the next 64 bytes /// /// /// /// /// /// public static byte[] EncryptContent(byte[] content, byte[] tmd, int contentcount, byte[] titlekey, bool addpadding) { byte[] iv = new byte[16]; string[,] continfo = WadInfo.GetContentInfo(tmd); int contentsize = content.Length; int paddedsize = Tools.AddPadding(contentsize, 16); Array.Resize(ref content, paddedsize); iv[0] = tmd[0x1e8 + (0x24 * contentcount)]; iv[1] = tmd[0x1e9 + (0x24 * contentcount)]; RijndaelManaged encrypt = new RijndaelManaged(); encrypt.Mode = CipherMode.CBC; encrypt.Padding = PaddingMode.None; encrypt.KeySize = 128; encrypt.BlockSize = 128; encrypt.Key = titlekey; encrypt.IV = iv; ICryptoTransform cryptor = encrypt.CreateEncryptor(); MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream(content, 0, paddedsize); CryptoStream crypto = new CryptoStream(memory, cryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read); bool fullread = false; byte[] buffer = new byte[memory.Length]; byte[] cont = new byte[1]; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { while (fullread == false) { int len = 0; if ((len = crypto.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) <= 0) { fullread = true; cont = ms.ToArray(); } ms.Write(buffer, 0, len); } } memory.Close(); crypto.Close(); if (addpadding == true) { Array.Resize(ref cont, Tools.AddPadding(cont.Length)); } return cont; } /// /// Re-Encrypts the given content /// /// /// public static byte[] ReEncryptAllContents(byte[] wadfile, byte[] oldtitlekey, byte[] newtitlekey) { int contentnum = WadInfo.GetContentNum(wadfile); int certsize = WadInfo.GetCertSize(wadfile); int tiksize = WadInfo.GetTikSize(wadfile); int tmdsize = WadInfo.GetTmdSize(wadfile); int contentpos = 64 + Tools.AddPadding(certsize) + Tools.AddPadding(tiksize) + Tools.AddPadding(tmdsize); for (int i = 0; i < contentnum; i++) { byte[] tmd = WadInfo.ReturnTmd(wadfile); byte[] decryptedcontent = DecryptContent(wadfile, i, oldtitlekey); byte[] encryptedcontent = EncryptContent(decryptedcontent, tmd, i, newtitlekey, false); for (int j = 0; j < encryptedcontent.Length; j++) { wadfile[contentpos + j] = encryptedcontent[j]; } contentpos += Tools.AddPadding(encryptedcontent.Length); } return wadfile; } /// /// Fixes the MD5 Sum in the IMET Header /// /// /// public static byte[] FixMD5InImet(byte[] file, out byte[] newmd5) { if (Convert.ToChar(file[128]) == 'I' && Convert.ToChar(file[129]) == 'M' && Convert.ToChar(file[130]) == 'E' && Convert.ToChar(file[131]) == 'T') { byte[] buffer = new byte[1536]; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { ms.Write(file, 0x40, 1536); buffer = ms.ToArray(); } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) buffer[1520 + i] = 0x00; MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(buffer); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) file[1584 + i] = hash[i]; newmd5 = hash; return file; } else { byte[] oldmd5 = new byte[16]; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { ms.Write(file, 1584, 16); oldmd5 = ms.ToArray(); } newmd5 = oldmd5; return file; } } /// /// Fixes the MD5 Sum in the IMET Header. /// /// /// public static byte[] FixMD5InImet(byte[] file) { byte[] tmp = new byte[16]; return FixMD5InImet(file, out tmp); } /// /// Updates the Content Info in the Tmd. /// Tmd and Contents must be in the same Directory /// /// public static void UpdateTmdContents(string tmdfile) { FileStream tmd = new FileStream(tmdfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite); tmd.Seek(0x1de, SeekOrigin.Begin); int contentcount = Tools.HexStringToInt(tmd.ReadByte().ToString("x2") + tmd.ReadByte().ToString("x2")); for (int i = 0; i < contentcount; i++) { int oldsize = 0; int contentpos = 0x1e4 + (36 * i); tmd.Seek(contentpos + 4, SeekOrigin.Begin); string index = "0000" + tmd.ReadByte().ToString("x2") + tmd.ReadByte().ToString("x2"); tmd.Seek(contentpos + 8, SeekOrigin.Begin); try { oldsize = Tools.HexStringToInt(tmd.ReadByte().ToString("x2") + tmd.ReadByte().ToString("x2") + tmd.ReadByte().ToString("x2") + tmd.ReadByte().ToString("x2") + tmd.ReadByte().ToString("x2") + tmd.ReadByte().ToString("x2") + tmd.ReadByte().ToString("x2") + tmd.ReadByte().ToString("x2")); } catch { } byte[] oldsha1 = new byte[20]; tmd.Read(oldsha1, 0, oldsha1.Length); if (File.Exists(tmdfile.Remove(tmdfile.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1) + index + ".app")) { byte[] content = Wii.Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(tmdfile.Remove(tmdfile.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1) + index + ".app"); int newsize = content.Length; if (newsize != oldsize) { byte[] changedsize = Tools.FileLengthToByteArray(newsize); tmd.Seek(contentpos + 8, SeekOrigin.Begin); for (int x = 8; x > changedsize.Length; x--) tmd.WriteByte(0x00); tmd.Write(changedsize, 0, changedsize.Length); } SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed(); byte[] newsha1 = sha1.ComputeHash(content); sha1.Clear(); if (Tools.CompareByteArrays(newsha1, oldsha1) == false) { tmd.Seek(contentpos + 16, SeekOrigin.Begin); tmd.Write(newsha1, 0, newsha1.Length); } } else { throw new Exception("At least one content file wasn't found!"); } } tmd.Close(); } /// /// Changes the Boot Index in the Tmd to the given value /// /// /// public static byte[] ChangeTmdBootIndex(byte[] wadtmd, int newindex) { int tmdpos = 0; if (WadInfo.IsThisWad(wadtmd) == true) tmdpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadtmd); byte[] index = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt16)newindex); wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e0] = index[1]; wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1e1] = index[0]; return wadtmd; } /// /// Changes the Content Count in the Tmd /// /// /// /// public static byte[] ChangeTmdContentCount(byte[] wadtmd, int newcount) { int tmdpos = 0; if (WadInfo.IsThisWad(wadtmd) == true) tmdpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadtmd); byte[] count = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt16)newcount); wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1de] = count[1]; wadtmd[tmdpos + 0x1df] = count[0]; return wadtmd; } /// /// Changes the Slot where the IOS Wad will be installed to /// /// /// /// public static byte[] ChangeIosSlot(byte[] wadfile, int newslot) { Tools.ChangeProgress(0); int tikpos = WadInfo.GetTikPos(wadfile); int tmdpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadfile); byte[] slot = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(newslot)); byte[] oldtitlekey = WadInfo.GetTitleKey(wadfile); Tools.ChangeProgress(20); //Change the ID in the ticket wadfile[tikpos + 0x1e0] = slot[0]; wadfile[tikpos + 0x1e1] = slot[1]; wadfile[tikpos + 0x1e2] = slot[2]; wadfile[tikpos + 0x1e3] = slot[3]; //Change the ID in the tmd wadfile[tmdpos + 0x190] = slot[0]; wadfile[tmdpos + 0x191] = slot[1]; wadfile[tmdpos + 0x192] = slot[2]; wadfile[tmdpos + 0x193] = slot[3]; Tools.ChangeProgress(40); //Trucha-Sign both wadfile = TruchaSign(wadfile, 0); Tools.ChangeProgress(50); wadfile = TruchaSign(wadfile, 1); Tools.ChangeProgress(60); byte[] newtitlekey = WadInfo.GetTitleKey(wadfile); byte[] tmd = WadInfo.ReturnTmd(wadfile); int contentcount = WadInfo.GetContentNum(wadfile); wadfile = ReEncryptAllContents(wadfile, oldtitlekey, newtitlekey); Tools.ChangeProgress(100); return wadfile; } /// /// Changes the Title Version of a Wad or Tmd /// /// /// /// public static byte[] ChangeTitleVersion(byte[] wadtmd, int newversion) { if (newversion > 65535) throw new Exception("Version can be max. 65535"); int offset = 0x1dc; int tmdpos = 0; if (WadInfo.IsThisWad(wadtmd)) tmdpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadtmd); byte[] version = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt16)newversion); Array.Reverse(version); wadtmd[tmdpos + offset] = version[0]; wadtmd[tmdpos + offset + 1] = version[1]; wadtmd = TruchaSign(wadtmd, 1); return wadtmd; } } public class WadUnpack { /// /// Unpacks the the wad file /// public static void UnpackWad(string pathtowad, string destinationpath) { byte[] wadfile = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(pathtowad); UnpackWad(wadfile, destinationpath); } /// /// Unpacks the wad file to *wadpath*\wadunpack\ /// /// public static void UnpackWad(string pathtowad) { string destinationpath = pathtowad.Remove(pathtowad.LastIndexOf('\\')); byte[] wadfile = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(pathtowad); UnpackWad(wadfile, destinationpath); } /// /// Unpacks the 00000000.app of a wad /// /// /// public static void UnpackNullApp(string wadfile, string destination) { if (!destination.EndsWith(".app")) destination += "\\00000000.app"; byte[] wad = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(wadfile); byte[] nullapp = UnpackNullApp(wad); Tools.SaveFileFromByteArray(nullapp, destination); } /// /// Unpacks the 00000000.app of a wad /// /// /// public static byte[] UnpackNullApp(byte[] wadfile) { int certsize = WadInfo.GetCertSize(wadfile); int tiksize = WadInfo.GetTikSize(wadfile); int tmdpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadfile); int tmdsize = WadInfo.GetTmdSize(wadfile); int contentpos = 64 + Tools.AddPadding(certsize) + Tools.AddPadding(tiksize) + Tools.AddPadding(tmdsize); byte[] titlekey = WadInfo.GetTitleKey(wadfile); string[,] contents = WadInfo.GetContentInfo(wadfile); for (int i = 0; i < contents.GetLength(0); i++) { if (contents[i, 1] == "00000000") { return WadEdit.DecryptContent(wadfile, i, titlekey); } } throw new Exception("00000000.app couldn't be found in the Wad"); } /// /// Unpacks the wad file /// public static void UnpackWad(byte[] wadfile, string destinationpath) { if (destinationpath[destinationpath.Length - 1] != '\\') { destinationpath = destinationpath + "\\"; } if (!Directory.Exists(destinationpath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destinationpath); } if (Directory.GetFiles(destinationpath, "*.app").Length > 0) { throw new Exception("At least one of the files to unpack already exists!"); } int certpos = 0x40; int certsize = WadInfo.GetCertSize(wadfile); int tikpos = WadInfo.GetTikPos(wadfile); int tiksize = WadInfo.GetTikSize(wadfile); int tmdpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadfile); int tmdsize = WadInfo.GetTmdSize(wadfile); int contentlength = WadInfo.GetContentSize(wadfile); int footersize = WadInfo.GetFooterSize(wadfile); int footerpos = 64 + Tools.AddPadding(certsize) + Tools.AddPadding(tiksize) + Tools.AddPadding(tmdsize) + Tools.AddPadding(contentlength); string wadpath = WadInfo.GetNandPath(wadfile, 0).Remove(8, 1); string[,] contents = WadInfo.GetContentInfo(wadfile); byte[] titlekey = WadInfo.GetTitleKey(wadfile); int contentpos = 64 + Tools.AddPadding(certsize) + Tools.AddPadding(tiksize) + Tools.AddPadding(tmdsize); //unpack cert using (FileStream cert = new FileStream(destinationpath + wadpath + ".cert", FileMode.Create)) { cert.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); cert.Write(wadfile, certpos, certsize); } //unpack ticket using (FileStream tik = new FileStream(destinationpath + wadpath + ".tik", FileMode.Create)) { tik.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); tik.Write(wadfile, tikpos, tiksize); } //unpack tmd using (FileStream tmd = new FileStream(destinationpath + wadpath + ".tmd", FileMode.Create)) { tmd.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); tmd.Write(wadfile, tmdpos, tmdsize); } //unpack trailer try { if (footersize > 0) { using (FileStream trailer = new FileStream(destinationpath + wadpath + ".trailer", FileMode.Create)) { trailer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); trailer.Write(wadfile, footerpos, footersize); } } } catch { } //who cares if the trailer doesn't extract properly? Tools.ChangeProgress(0); //unpack contents for (int i = 0; i < contents.GetLength(0); i++) { Tools.ChangeProgress((i + 1) * 100 / contents.GetLength(0)); byte[] thiscontent = WadEdit.DecryptContent(wadfile, i, titlekey); FileStream content = new FileStream(destinationpath + contents[i, 1] + ".app", FileMode.Create); content.Write(thiscontent, 0, thiscontent.Length); content.Close(); contentpos += Tools.AddPadding(thiscontent.Length); //sha1 comparison SHA1Managed sha1 = new SHA1Managed(); byte[] thishash = sha1.ComputeHash(thiscontent); byte[] tmdhash = Tools.HexStringToByteArray(contents[i, 4]); if (Tools.CompareByteArrays(thishash, tmdhash) == false) throw new Exception("At least one content's hash doesn't match the hash in the Tmd!"); } } /// /// Unpacks the wad file to the given directory. /// Shared contents will be unpacked to /shared1 /// /// /// public static void UnpackToNand(string wadfile, string nandpath) { byte[] wadarray = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(wadfile); UnpackToNand(wadarray, nandpath); } /// /// Unpacks the wad file to the given directory. /// Shared contents will be unpacked to /shared1 /// /// /// public static void UnpackToNand(byte[] wadfile, string nandpath) { string path = WadInfo.GetNandPath(wadfile, 0); string path1 = path.Remove(path.IndexOf('\\')); string path2 = path.Remove(0, path.IndexOf('\\') + 1); if (nandpath[nandpath.Length - 1] != '\\') { nandpath = nandpath + "\\"; } if (!Directory.Exists(nandpath + "ticket")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(nandpath + "ticket"); } if (!Directory.Exists(nandpath + "title")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(nandpath + "title"); } if (!Directory.Exists(nandpath + "ticket\\" + path1)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(nandpath + "ticket\\" + path1); } if (!Directory.Exists(nandpath + "title\\" + path1)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(nandpath + "title\\" + path1); } if (!Directory.Exists(nandpath + "title\\" + path1 + "\\" + path2)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(nandpath + "title\\" + path1 + "\\" + path2); } if (!Directory.Exists(nandpath + "title\\" + path1 + "\\" + path2 + "\\content")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(nandpath + "title\\" + path1 + "\\" + path2 + "\\content"); } if (!Directory.Exists(nandpath + "title\\" + path1 + "\\" + path2 + "\\data")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(nandpath + "title\\" + path1 + "\\" + path2 + "\\data"); } if (!Directory.Exists(nandpath + "shared1")) Directory.CreateDirectory(nandpath + "shared1"); int certsize = WadInfo.GetCertSize(wadfile); int tikpos = WadInfo.GetTikPos(wadfile); int tiksize = WadInfo.GetTikSize(wadfile); int tmdpos = WadInfo.GetTmdPos(wadfile); int tmdsize = WadInfo.GetTmdSize(wadfile); int contentlength = WadInfo.GetContentSize(wadfile); string[,] contents = WadInfo.GetContentInfo(wadfile); byte[] titlekey = WadInfo.GetTitleKey(wadfile); int contentpos = 64 + Tools.AddPadding(certsize) + Tools.AddPadding(tiksize) + Tools.AddPadding(tmdsize); //unpack ticket using (FileStream tik = new FileStream(nandpath + "ticket\\" + path1 + "\\" + path2 + ".tik", FileMode.Create)) { tik.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); tik.Write(wadfile, tikpos, tiksize); } //unpack tmd using (FileStream tmd = new FileStream(nandpath + "title\\" + path1 + "\\" + path2 + "\\content\\title.tmd", FileMode.Create)) { tmd.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); tmd.Write(wadfile, tmdpos, tmdsize); } Tools.ChangeProgress(0); //unpack contents for (int i = 0; i < contents.GetLength(0); i++) { Tools.ChangeProgress((i + 1) * 100 / contents.GetLength(0)); byte[] thiscontent = WadEdit.DecryptContent(wadfile, i, titlekey); if (contents[i, 2] == "8001") { if (File.Exists(nandpath + "shared1\\content.map")) { byte[] contmap = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(nandpath + "shared1\\content.map"); if (ContentMap.CheckSharedContent(contmap, contents[i, 4]) == false) { string newname = ContentMap.GetNewSharedContentName(contmap); FileStream content = new FileStream(nandpath + "shared1\\" + newname + ".app", FileMode.Create); content.Write(thiscontent, 0, thiscontent.Length); content.Close(); ContentMap.AddSharedContent(nandpath + "shared1\\content.map", newname, contents[i, 4]); } } else { FileStream content = new FileStream(nandpath + "shared1\\00000000.app", FileMode.Create); content.Write(thiscontent, 0, thiscontent.Length); content.Close(); ContentMap.AddSharedContent(nandpath + "shared1\\content.map", "00000000", contents[i, 4]); } } else { FileStream content = new FileStream(nandpath + "title\\" + path1 + "\\" + path2 + "\\content\\" + contents[i, 0] + ".app", FileMode.Create); content.Write(thiscontent, 0, thiscontent.Length); content.Close(); } contentpos += Tools.AddPadding(thiscontent.Length); } //add titleid to uid.sys, if it doesn't exist string titleid = WadInfo.GetFullTitleID(wadfile, 1); if (File.Exists(nandpath + "\\sys\\uid.sys")) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(nandpath + "\\sys\\uid.sys", FileMode.Open); byte[] uidsys = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(uidsys, 0, uidsys.Length); fs.Close(); if (UID.CheckUID(uidsys, titleid) == false) { uidsys = UID.AddUID(uidsys, titleid); Tools.SaveFileFromByteArray(uidsys, nandpath + "\\sys\\uid.sys"); } } else { if (!Directory.Exists(nandpath + "\\sys")) Directory.CreateDirectory(nandpath + "\\sys"); byte[] uidsys = UID.AddUID(new byte[0], titleid); Tools.SaveFileFromByteArray(uidsys, nandpath + "\\sys\\uid.sys"); } } } public class WadPack { public static byte[] wadheader = new byte[8] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x49, 0x73, 0x00, 0x00 }; /// /// Packs the contents in the given directory and creates the destination wad file /// /// public static void PackWad(string contentdirectory, string destinationfile, bool includefooter) { if (contentdirectory[contentdirectory.Length - 1] != '\\') { contentdirectory = contentdirectory + "\\"; } if (!Directory.Exists(contentdirectory)) throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("The directory doesn't exists:\r\n" + contentdirectory); if (Directory.GetFiles(contentdirectory, "*.app").Length < 1) throw new Exception("No *.app file was found"); if (Directory.GetFiles(contentdirectory, "*.cert").Length < 1) throw new Exception("No *.cert file was found"); if (Directory.GetFiles(contentdirectory, "*.tik").Length < 1) throw new Exception("No *.tik file was found"); if (Directory.GetFiles(contentdirectory, "*.tmd").Length < 1) throw new Exception("No *.tmd file was found"); if (File.Exists(destinationfile)) throw new Exception("The destination file already exists!"); string[] certfile = Directory.GetFiles(contentdirectory, "*.cert"); string[] tikfile = Directory.GetFiles(contentdirectory, "*.tik"); string[] tmdfile = Directory.GetFiles(contentdirectory, "*.tmd"); string[] trailerfile = Directory.GetFiles(contentdirectory, "*.trailer"); byte[] cert = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(certfile[0]); byte[] tik = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(tikfile[0]); byte[] tmd = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(tmdfile[0]); string[,] contents = WadInfo.GetContentInfo(tmd); FileStream wadstream = new FileStream(destinationfile, FileMode.Create); //Trucha-Sign Tik and Tmd, if they aren't already WadEdit.TruchaSign(tik, 0); WadEdit.TruchaSign(tmd, 1); //Write Cert wadstream.Seek(64, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(cert, 0, cert.Length); //Write Tik wadstream.Seek(64 + Tools.AddPadding(cert.Length), SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(tik, 0, tik.Length); //Write Tmd wadstream.Seek(64 + Tools.AddPadding(cert.Length) + Tools.AddPadding(tik.Length), SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(tmd, 0, tmd.Length); //Write Content int allcont = 0; int contpos = 64 + Tools.AddPadding(cert.Length) + Tools.AddPadding(tik.Length) + Tools.AddPadding(tmd.Length); int contcount = WadInfo.GetContentNum(tmd); Tools.ChangeProgress(0); byte[] titlekey = WadInfo.GetTitleKey(tik); for (int i = 0; i < contents.GetLength(0); i++) { Tools.ChangeProgress((i + 1) * 100 / contents.GetLength(0)); byte[] thiscont = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(contentdirectory + contents[i, 1] + ".app"); //if (i == contents.GetLength(0) - 1) { thiscont = WadEdit.EncryptContent(thiscont, tmd, i, titlekey, false); } //else { thiscont = WadEdit.EncryptContent(thiscont, tmd, i, titlekey, true); } thiscont = WadEdit.EncryptContent(thiscont, tmd, i, titlekey, true); wadstream.Seek(contpos, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(thiscont, 0, thiscont.Length); contpos += thiscont.Length; allcont += thiscont.Length; } //Write Trailer, if exists and includefooter = true int trailerlength = 0; if (trailerfile.Length > 0 && includefooter == true) { byte[] trailer = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(trailerfile[0]); trailerlength = trailer.Length; Array.Resize(ref trailer, Tools.AddPadding(trailer.Length)); wadstream.Seek(Tools.AddPadding(contpos), SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(trailer, 0, trailer.Length); } //Write Header byte[] certsize = Tools.FileLengthToByteArray(cert.Length); byte[] tiksize = Tools.FileLengthToByteArray(tik.Length); byte[] tmdsize = Tools.FileLengthToByteArray(tmd.Length); byte[] allcontsize = Tools.FileLengthToByteArray(allcont); byte[] trailersize = Tools.FileLengthToByteArray(trailerlength); wadstream.Seek(0x00, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(wadheader, 0, wadheader.Length); wadstream.Seek(0x08, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(certsize, 0, certsize.Length); wadstream.Seek(0x10, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(tiksize, 0, tiksize.Length); wadstream.Seek(0x14, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(tmdsize, 0, tmdsize.Length); wadstream.Seek(0x18, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(allcontsize, 0, allcontsize.Length); wadstream.Seek(0x1c, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(trailersize, 0, trailersize.Length); wadstream.Close(); } /// /// Packs a Wad from a title installed on Nand /// Returns: 0 = OK, 1 = Files missing, 2 = Shared contents missing, 3 = Cert missing /// /// /// XXXXXXXX\XXXXXXXX /// /// public static void PackWadFromNand(string nandpath, string path, string destinationfile) { if (nandpath[nandpath.Length - 1] != '\\') { nandpath = nandpath + "\\"; } string path1 = path.Remove(8); string path2 = path.Remove(0, 9); string ticketdir = nandpath + "ticket\\" + path1 + "\\"; string contentdir = nandpath + "title\\" + path1 + "\\" + path2 + "\\content\\"; string sharedir = nandpath + "shared1\\"; string certdir = nandpath + "sys\\"; if (!Directory.Exists(ticketdir) || !Directory.Exists(contentdir)) throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Directory doesn't exist:\r\n" + contentdir); if (!Directory.Exists(sharedir)) throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Directory doesn't exist:\r\n" + sharedir); if (!File.Exists(certdir + "cert.sys")) throw new FileNotFoundException("File doesn't exist:\r\n" + certdir + "cert.sys"); byte[] cert = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(certdir + "cert.sys"); byte[] tik = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(ticketdir + path2 + ".tik"); byte[] tmd = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(contentdir + "title.tmd"); string[,] contents = WadInfo.GetContentInfo(tmd); FileStream wadstream = new FileStream(destinationfile, FileMode.Create); //Trucha-Sign Tik and Tmd, if they aren't already WadEdit.TruchaSign(tik, 0); WadEdit.TruchaSign(tmd, 1); //Write Cert wadstream.Seek(64, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(cert, 0, cert.Length); //Write Tik wadstream.Seek(64 + Tools.AddPadding(cert.Length), SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(tik, 0, tik.Length); //Write Tmd wadstream.Seek(64 + Tools.AddPadding(cert.Length) + Tools.AddPadding(tik.Length), SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(tmd, 0, tmd.Length); //Write Content int allcont = 0; int contpos = 64 + Tools.AddPadding(cert.Length) + Tools.AddPadding(tik.Length) + Tools.AddPadding(tmd.Length); int contcount = WadInfo.GetContentNum(tmd); Tools.ChangeProgress(0); byte[] titlekey = WadInfo.GetTitleKey(tik); byte[] contentmap = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(sharedir + "content.map"); for (int i = 0; i < contents.GetLength(0); i++) { Tools.ChangeProgress((i + 1) * 100 / contents.GetLength(0)); byte[] thiscont = new byte[1]; if (contents[i, 2] == "8001") { string contname = ContentMap.GetSharedContentName(contentmap, contents[i, 4]); if (contname == "fail") { wadstream.Close(); File.Delete(destinationfile); throw new FileNotFoundException("At least one shared content is missing!"); } thiscont = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(sharedir + contname + ".app"); } else thiscont = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(contentdir + contents[i, 0] + ".app"); //if (i == contents.GetLength(0) - 1) { thiscont = WadEdit.EncryptContent(thiscont, tmd, i, titlekey, false); } //else { thiscont = WadEdit.EncryptContent(thiscont, tmd, i, titlekey, true); } thiscont = WadEdit.EncryptContent(thiscont, tmd, i, titlekey, true); wadstream.Seek(contpos, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(thiscont, 0, thiscont.Length); contpos += thiscont.Length; allcont += thiscont.Length; } //Write Header byte[] certsize = Tools.FileLengthToByteArray(cert.Length); byte[] tiksize = Tools.FileLengthToByteArray(tik.Length); byte[] tmdsize = Tools.FileLengthToByteArray(tmd.Length); byte[] allcontsize = Tools.FileLengthToByteArray(allcont); byte[] trailersize = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; wadstream.Seek(0x00, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(wadheader, 0, wadheader.Length); wadstream.Seek(0x08, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(certsize, 0, certsize.Length); wadstream.Seek(0x10, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(tiksize, 0, tiksize.Length); wadstream.Seek(0x14, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(tmdsize, 0, tmdsize.Length); wadstream.Seek(0x18, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(allcontsize, 0, allcontsize.Length); wadstream.Seek(0x1c, SeekOrigin.Begin); wadstream.Write(trailersize, 0, trailersize.Length); wadstream.Close(); } } public class UID { /// /// Checks if the given Title ID exists in the uid.sys /// /// /// /// public static bool CheckUID(byte[] uidsys, string fulltitleid) { for (int i = 0; i < uidsys.Length; i += 12) { string temp = ""; for (int y = i; y < i + 8; y++) temp += uidsys[y].ToString("x2"); if (temp == fulltitleid) return true; } return false; } /// /// Gets a new UID /// /// /// public static string GetNewUID(byte[] uidsys) { string lastuid = uidsys[uidsys.Length - 4].ToString("x2") + uidsys[uidsys.Length - 3].ToString("x2") + uidsys[uidsys.Length - 2].ToString("x2") + uidsys[uidsys.Length - 1].ToString("x2"); string newuid = (int.Parse(lastuid, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + 1).ToString("x8"); return newuid; } /// /// Adds a Title ID to uid.sys /// /// /// /// public static byte[] AddUID(byte[] uidsys, string fulltitleid) { if (uidsys.Length > 11) { MemoryStream uid = new MemoryStream(); byte[] titleid = Tools.HexStringToByteArray(fulltitleid); byte[] newuid = Tools.HexStringToByteArray(GetNewUID(uidsys)); uid.Write(uidsys, 0, uidsys.Length); uid.Write(titleid, 0, titleid.Length); uid.Write(newuid, 0, newuid.Length); return uid.ToArray(); } else { MemoryStream uid = new MemoryStream(); byte[] titleid = Tools.HexStringToByteArray(fulltitleid); byte[] newuid = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00 }; uid.Write(titleid, 0, titleid.Length); uid.Write(newuid, 0, newuid.Length); return uid.ToArray(); } } } public class ContentMap { /// /// Gets the name of the shared content in /shared1/. /// Returns "fail", if the content doesn't exist /// /// /// /// public static string GetSharedContentName(byte[] contentmap, string sha1ofcontent) { int contindex = 0; string result = ""; for (int i = 0; i < contentmap.Length - 19; i++) { string tmp = ""; for (int y = 0; y < 20; y++) { tmp += contentmap[i + y].ToString("x2"); } if (tmp == sha1ofcontent) { contindex = i; break; } } if (contindex == 0) return "fail"; result += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contindex - 8]); result += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contindex - 7]); result += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contindex - 6]); result += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contindex - 5]); result += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contindex - 4]); result += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contindex - 3]); result += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contindex - 2]); result += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contindex - 1]); return result; } /// /// Checks, if the shared content exists /// /// /// /// public static bool CheckSharedContent(byte[] contentmap, string sha1ofcontent) { for (int i = 0; i < contentmap.Length - 19; i++) { string tmp = ""; for (int y = 0; y < 20; y++) { tmp += contentmap[i + y].ToString("x2"); } if (tmp == sha1ofcontent) return true; } return false; } public static string GetNewSharedContentName(byte[] contentmap) { string name = ""; name += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contentmap.Length - 28]); name += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contentmap.Length - 27]); name += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contentmap.Length - 26]); name += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contentmap.Length - 25]); name += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contentmap.Length - 24]); name += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contentmap.Length - 23]); name += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contentmap.Length - 22]); name += Convert.ToChar(contentmap[contentmap.Length - 21]); string newname = (int.Parse(name, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + 1).ToString("x8"); return newname; } public static void AddSharedContent(string contentmap, string contentname, string sha1ofcontent) { byte[] name = new byte[8]; byte[] sha1 = new byte[20]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { name[i] = (byte)contentname[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < sha1ofcontent.Length; i += 2) { sha1[i / 2] = Convert.ToByte(sha1ofcontent.Substring(i, 2), 16); } using (FileStream map = new FileStream(contentmap, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { map.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); map.Write(name, 0, name.Length); map.Write(sha1, 0, sha1.Length); } } } public class U8 { /// /// Checks if the given file is a U8 Archive /// /// /// public static bool CheckU8(byte[] file) { int length = 2500; if (file.Length < length) length = file.Length - 4; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (file[i] == 0x55 && file[i + 1] == 0xAA && file[i + 2] == 0x38 && file[i + 3] == 0x2D) return true; } return false; } /// /// Checks if the given file is a U8 Archive /// /// /// public static bool CheckU8(string file) { byte[] buff = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(file, 0, 2500); return CheckU8(buff); } /// /// Gets all contents of a folder (including (sub-)files and (sub-)folders) /// /// /// /// public static string[] GetDirContent(string dir, bool root) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(dir); string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(dir); string all = ""; if (root == false) all += dir + "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) all += files[i] + "\n"; foreach (string thisDir in dirs) { string[] temp = GetDirContent(thisDir, false); foreach (string thisTemp in temp) all += thisTemp + "\n"; } return all.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); } /// /// Detecs if the U8 file has an IMD5 or IMET Header. /// Return: 0 = No Header, 1 = IMD5, 2 = IMET /// /// public static int DetectHeader(string file) { byte[] temp = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(file, 0, 400); return DetectHeader(temp); } /// /// Detecs if the U8 file has an IMD5 or IMET Header. /// Return: 0 = No Header, 1 = IMD5, 2 = IMET /// /// public static int DetectHeader(byte[] file) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) //Just to be safe { if (Convert.ToChar(file[i]) == 'I') if (Convert.ToChar(file[i + 1]) == 'M') if (Convert.ToChar(file[i + 2]) == 'D') if (Convert.ToChar(file[i + 3]) == '5') return 1; } int length = 400; if (file.Length < 400) length = file.Length - 4; for (int z = 0; z < length; z++) { if (Convert.ToChar(file[z]) == 'I') if (Convert.ToChar(file[z + 1]) == 'M') if (Convert.ToChar(file[z + 2]) == 'E') if (Convert.ToChar(file[z + 3]) == 'T') return 2; } return 0; } /// /// Adds an IMD5 Header to the given U8 Archive /// /// /// public static byte[] AddHeaderIMD5(byte[] u8archive) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); MD5 md5 = MD5.Create(); byte[] imd5 = new byte[4]; imd5[0] = (byte)'I'; imd5[1] = (byte)'M'; imd5[2] = (byte)'D'; imd5[3] = (byte)'5'; byte[] size = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(u8archive.Length)); byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(u8archive, 0, u8archive.Length); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); ms.Write(imd5, 0, imd5.Length); ms.Write(size, 0, size.Length); ms.Seek(0x10, SeekOrigin.Begin); ms.Write(hash, 0, hash.Length); ms.Write(u8archive, 0, u8archive.Length); md5.Clear(); return ms.ToArray(); } /// /// Adds an IMET Header to the given 00.app /// /// /// Order: Jap, Eng, Ger, Fra, Spa, Ita, Dut /// Order: Banner.bin, Icon.bin, Sound.bin /// public static byte[] AddHeaderIMET(byte[] nullapp, string[] channeltitles, int[] sizes) { if (channeltitles.Length < 7) return nullapp; for (int i = 0; i < channeltitles.Length; i++) if (channeltitles[i].Length > 20) return nullapp; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); MD5 md5 = MD5.Create(); byte[] imet = new byte[4]; imet[0] = (byte)'I'; imet[1] = (byte)'M'; imet[2] = (byte)'E'; imet[3] = (byte)'T'; byte[] unknown = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(0x0000060000000003)); byte[] iconsize = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(sizes[1])); byte[] bannersize = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(sizes[0])); byte[] soundsize = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(sizes[2])); byte[] japtitle = new byte[84]; byte[] engtitle = new byte[84]; byte[] gertitle = new byte[84]; byte[] fratitle = new byte[84]; byte[] spatitle = new byte[84]; byte[] itatitle = new byte[84]; byte[] duttitle = new byte[84]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (channeltitles[0].Length > i) { japtitle[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)channeltitles[0][i]; } if (channeltitles[1].Length > i) { engtitle[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)channeltitles[1][i]; } if (channeltitles[2].Length > i) { gertitle[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)channeltitles[2][i]; } if (channeltitles[3].Length > i) { fratitle[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)channeltitles[3][i]; } if (channeltitles[4].Length > i) { spatitle[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)channeltitles[4][i]; } if (channeltitles[5].Length > i) { itatitle[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)channeltitles[5][i]; } if (channeltitles[6].Length > i) { duttitle[i * 2 + 1] = (byte)channeltitles[6][i]; } } byte[] crypto = new byte[16]; ms.Seek(128, SeekOrigin.Begin); ms.Write(imet, 0, imet.Length); ms.Write(unknown, 0, unknown.Length); ms.Write(iconsize, 0, iconsize.Length); ms.Write(bannersize, 0, bannersize.Length); ms.Write(soundsize, 0, soundsize.Length); ms.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); ms.Write(japtitle, 0, japtitle.Length); ms.Write(engtitle, 0, engtitle.Length); ms.Write(gertitle, 0, gertitle.Length); ms.Write(fratitle, 0, fratitle.Length); ms.Write(spatitle, 0, spatitle.Length); ms.Write(itatitle, 0, itatitle.Length); ms.Write(duttitle, 0, duttitle.Length); ms.Seek(0x348, SeekOrigin.Current); ms.Write(crypto, 0, crypto.Length); byte[] tohash = ms.ToArray(); crypto = md5.ComputeHash(tohash, 0x40, 0x600); ms.Seek(-16, SeekOrigin.Current); ms.Write(crypto, 0, crypto.Length); ms.Write(nullapp, 0, nullapp.Length); md5.Clear(); return ms.ToArray(); } /// /// Packs a U8 Archive /// /// /// public static void PackU8(string folder, string outfile) { byte[] u8 = PackU8(folder); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(outfile, FileMode.Create)) fs.Write(u8, 0, u8.Length); } /// /// Packs a U8 Archive /// /// /// public static void PackU8(string folder, string outfile, bool addimd5header) { byte[] u8 = PackU8(folder); if (addimd5header == true) u8 = AddHeaderIMD5(u8); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(outfile, FileMode.Create)) fs.Write(u8, 0, u8.Length); } /// /// Packs a U8 Archive /// /// /// public static byte[] PackU8(string folder) { int a = 0, b = 0, c = 0; return PackU8(folder, out a, out b, out c); } /// /// Packs a U8 Archive /// /// /// public static byte[] PackU8(string folder, bool addimd5header) { byte[] u8 = PackU8(folder); if (addimd5header == true) u8 = AddHeaderIMD5(u8); return u8; } /// /// Packs a U8 Archive /// /// /// public static byte[] PackU8(string folder, out int bannersize, out int iconsize, out int soundsize) { int datapad = 32, stringtablepad = 32; //Biggie seems to use these paddings, so let's do it, too ;) string rootpath = folder; if (rootpath[rootpath.Length - 1] != '\\') rootpath = rootpath + "\\"; bannersize = 0; iconsize = 0; soundsize = 0; string[] files = GetDirContent(folder, true); int nodecount = files.Length + 1; //All files and dirs + rootnode int recursion = 0; int currentnodes = 0; string name = string.Empty; string stringtable = "\0"; byte[] tempnode = new byte[12]; MemoryStream nodes = new MemoryStream(); MemoryStream data = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter writedata = new BinaryWriter(data); tempnode[0] = 0x01; tempnode[1] = 0x00; tempnode[2] = 0x00; tempnode[3] = 0x00; tempnode[4] = 0x00; tempnode[5] = 0x00; tempnode[6] = 0x00; tempnode[7] = 0x00; byte[] temp = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)files.Length + 1); Array.Reverse(temp); tempnode[8] = temp[0]; tempnode[9] = temp[1]; tempnode[10] = temp[2]; tempnode[11] = temp[3]; nodes.Write(tempnode, 0, tempnode.Length); for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++) { files[i] = files[i].Remove(0, rootpath.Length - 1); recursion = Tools.CountCharsInString(files[i], '\\') - 1; name = files[i].Remove(0, files[i].LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); byte[] temp1 = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt16)stringtable.Length); Array.Reverse(temp1); tempnode[2] = temp1[0]; tempnode[3] = temp1[1]; stringtable += name + "\0"; if (Directory.Exists(rootpath + files[i])) //It's a dir { tempnode[0] = 0x01; tempnode[1] = 0x00; byte[] temp2 = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)recursion); Array.Reverse(temp2); tempnode[4] = temp2[0]; tempnode[5] = temp2[1]; tempnode[6] = temp2[2]; tempnode[7] = temp2[3]; int size = currentnodes + 1; for (int j = i; j < files.Length; j++) if (files[j].Contains(files[i])) size++; byte[] temp3 = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)size); Array.Reverse(temp3); tempnode[8] = temp3[0]; tempnode[9] = temp3[1]; tempnode[10] = temp3[2]; tempnode[11] = temp3[3]; } else //It's a file { byte[] tempfile = new byte[0x40]; int lzoffset = -1; if (files[i].EndsWith("banner.bin")) { tempfile = Wii.Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(rootpath + files[i], 0, tempfile.Length); for (int x = 0; x < tempfile.Length; x++) { if (tempfile[x] == 'L') if (tempfile[x + 1] == 'Z') if (tempfile[x + 2] == '7') if (tempfile[x + 3] == '7') { lzoffset = x; break; } } if (lzoffset != -1) { bannersize = BitConverter.ToInt32(new byte[] { tempfile[lzoffset + 5], tempfile[lzoffset + 6], tempfile[lzoffset + 7], tempfile[lzoffset + 8] }, 0); } else { FileInfo fibanner = new FileInfo(rootpath + files[i]); bannersize = (int)fibanner.Length - 32; } } else if (files[i].EndsWith("icon.bin")) {tempfile = Wii.Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(rootpath + files[i], 0, tempfile.Length); for (int x = 0; x < tempfile.Length; x++) { if (tempfile[x] == 'L') if (tempfile[x + 1] == 'Z') if (tempfile[x + 2] == '7') if (tempfile[x + 3] == '7') { lzoffset = x; } } if (lzoffset != -1) { iconsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(new byte[] { tempfile[lzoffset + 5], tempfile[lzoffset + 6], tempfile[lzoffset + 7], tempfile[lzoffset + 8] }, 0); } else { FileInfo fiicon = new FileInfo(rootpath + files[i]); iconsize = (int)fiicon.Length - 32; } } else if (files[i].EndsWith("sound.bin")) {tempfile = Wii.Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(rootpath + files[i], 0, tempfile.Length); for (int x = 0; x < tempfile.Length; x++) { if (tempfile[x] == 'L') if (tempfile[x + 1] == 'Z') if (tempfile[x + 2] == '7') if (tempfile[x + 3] == '7') { lzoffset = x; break; } } if (lzoffset != -1) { soundsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(new byte[] { tempfile[lzoffset + 5], tempfile[lzoffset + 6], tempfile[lzoffset + 7], tempfile[lzoffset + 8] }, 0); } else { FileInfo fisound = new FileInfo(rootpath + files[i]); soundsize = (int)fisound.Length - 32; } } tempnode[0] = 0x00; tempnode[1] = 0x00; byte[] temp2 = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)data.Position); Array.Reverse(temp2); tempnode[4] = temp2[0]; tempnode[5] = temp2[1]; tempnode[6] = temp2[2]; tempnode[7] = temp2[3]; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(rootpath + files[i]); byte[] temp3 = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)fi.Length); Array.Reverse(temp3); tempnode[8] = temp3[0]; tempnode[9] = temp3[1]; tempnode[10] = temp3[2]; tempnode[11] = temp3[3]; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(rootpath + files[i], FileMode.Open)) using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs)) writedata.Write(br.ReadBytes((int)br.BaseStream.Length)); writedata.Seek(Tools.AddPadding((int)data.Position, datapad), SeekOrigin.Begin); } nodes.Write(tempnode, 0, tempnode.Length); currentnodes++; } byte[] type = new byte[2]; byte[] curpos = new byte[4]; for (int x = 0; x < nodecount * 12; x += 12) { nodes.Seek(x, SeekOrigin.Begin); nodes.Read(type, 0, 2); if (type[0] == 0x00 && type[1] == 0x00) { nodes.Seek(x + 4, SeekOrigin.Begin); nodes.Read(curpos, 0, 4); Array.Reverse(curpos); UInt32 newpos = BitConverter.ToUInt32(curpos, 0) + (UInt32)(Tools.AddPadding(0x20 + ((12 * nodecount) + stringtable.Length), stringtablepad)); nodes.Seek(x + 4, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] temp2 = BitConverter.GetBytes(newpos); Array.Reverse(temp2); nodes.Write(temp2, 0, 4); } } writedata.Close(); MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter writeout = new BinaryWriter(output); writeout.Write((UInt32)0x2d38aa55); writeout.Write(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((ushort)0x20)); writeout.Write(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((ushort)((12 * nodecount) + stringtable.Length))); writeout.Write(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((ushort)(Tools.AddPadding(0x20 + ((12 * nodecount) + stringtable.Length), stringtablepad)))); writeout.Seek(0x10, SeekOrigin.Current); writeout.Write(nodes.ToArray()); writeout.Write(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(stringtable)); writeout.Seek(Tools.AddPadding(0x20 + ((12 * nodecount) + stringtable.Length), stringtablepad), SeekOrigin.Begin); writeout.Write(data.ToArray()); output.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End); for (int i = (int)output.Position; i < Tools.AddPadding((int)output.Position, datapad); i++) output.WriteByte(0); writeout.Close(); output.Close(); return output.ToArray(); } /// /// Unpacks the given U8 archive /// If the archive is Lz77 compressed, it will be decompressed first! /// /// /// public static void UnpackU8(string u8archive, string unpackpath) { byte[] u8 = Wii.Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(u8archive); UnpackU8(u8, unpackpath); } /// /// Unpacks the given U8 archive /// If the archive is Lz77 compressed, it will be decompressed first! /// /// /// public static void UnpackU8(byte[] u8archive, string unpackpath) { int lz77offset = Lz77.GetLz77Offset(u8archive); if (lz77offset != -1) { u8archive = Lz77.Decompress(u8archive, lz77offset); } if (unpackpath[unpackpath.Length - 1] != '\\') { unpackpath = unpackpath + "\\"; } if (!Directory.Exists(unpackpath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(unpackpath); int u8offset = -1; int length = 2500; if (u8archive.Length < length) length = u8archive.Length - 4; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (u8archive[i] == 0x55 && u8archive[i + 1] == 0xAA && u8archive[i + 2] == 0x38 && u8archive[i + 3] == 0x2D) { u8offset = i; break; } } if (u8offset == -1) throw new Exception("File is not a valid U8 Archive!"); int nodecount = Tools.HexStringToInt(u8archive[u8offset + 0x28].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + 0x29].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + 0x2a].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + 0x2b].ToString("x2")); int nodeoffset = 0x20; string[,] nodes = new string[nodecount, 5]; for (int j = 0; j < nodecount; j++) { nodes[j, 0] = u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 1].ToString("x2"); nodes[j, 1] = u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 2].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 3].ToString("x2"); nodes[j, 2] = u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 4].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 5].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 6].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 7].ToString("x2"); nodes[j, 3] = u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 8].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 9].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 10].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 11].ToString("x2"); nodeoffset += 12; } int stringtablepos = u8offset + nodeoffset; for (int x = 0; x < nodecount; x++) { bool end = false; int nameoffset = Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[x, 1]); string thisname = ""; do { if (u8archive[stringtablepos + nameoffset] != 0x00) { char tempchar = Convert.ToChar(u8archive[stringtablepos + nameoffset]); thisname += tempchar.ToString(); nameoffset++; } else end = true; } while (end == false); nodes[x, 4] = thisname; } string[] dirs = new string[nodecount]; dirs[0] = unpackpath; int[] dircount = new int[nodecount]; int dirindex = 0; try { for (int y = 1; y < nodecount; y++) { switch (nodes[y, 0]) { case "0100": if (dirs[dirindex][dirs[dirindex].Length - 1] != '\\') { dirs[dirindex] = dirs[dirindex] + "\\"; } Directory.CreateDirectory(dirs[dirindex] + nodes[y, 4]); dirs[dirindex + 1] = dirs[dirindex] + nodes[y, 4]; dirindex++; dircount[dirindex] = Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[y, 3]); break; default: int filepos = u8offset + Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[y, 2]); int filesize = Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[y, 3]); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(dirs[dirindex] + "\\" + nodes[y, 4], FileMode.Create)) { fs.Write(u8archive, filepos, filesize); } break; } while (dirindex > 0 && dircount[dirindex] == (y + 1)) { dirindex--; } } } catch { } } /// /// Gets the Banner.bin out of the 00000000.app /// /// /// public static byte[] GetBannerBin(byte[] nullapp) { int lz77offset = Lz77.GetLz77Offset(nullapp); if (lz77offset != -1) { nullapp = Lz77.Decompress(nullapp, lz77offset); } int u8offset = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 2500; i++) { if (nullapp[i] == 0x55 && nullapp[i + 1] == 0xAA && nullapp[i + 2] == 0x38 && nullapp[i + 3] == 0x2D) { u8offset = i; break; } } if (u8offset == -1) throw new Exception("File is not a valid U8 Archive!"); int nodecount = Tools.HexStringToInt(nullapp[u8offset + 0x28].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + 0x29].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + 0x2a].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + 0x2b].ToString("x2")); int nodeoffset = 0x20; string[,] nodes = new string[nodecount, 5]; for (int j = 0; j < nodecount; j++) { nodes[j, 0] = nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 1].ToString("x2"); nodes[j, 1] = nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 2].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 3].ToString("x2"); nodes[j, 2] = nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 4].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 5].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 6].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 7].ToString("x2"); nodes[j, 3] = nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 8].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 9].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 10].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 11].ToString("x2"); nodeoffset += 12; } int stringtablepos = u8offset + nodeoffset; for (int x = 0; x < nodecount; x++) { bool end = false; int nameoffset = Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[x, 1]); string thisname = ""; while (end == false) { if (nullapp[stringtablepos + nameoffset] != 0x00) { char tempchar = Convert.ToChar(nullapp[stringtablepos + nameoffset]); thisname += tempchar.ToString(); nameoffset++; } else end = true; } nodes[x, 4] = thisname; } for (int y = 1; y < nodecount; y++) { if (nodes[y, 4] == "banner.bin") { int filepos = u8offset + Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[y, 2]); int filesize = Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[y, 3]); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(nullapp); byte[] banner = new byte[filesize]; ms.Seek(filepos, SeekOrigin.Begin); ms.Read(banner, 0, filesize); ms.Close(); return banner; } } throw new Exception("This file doesn't contain banner.bin!"); } /// /// Gets the Icon.bin out of the 00000000.app /// /// /// public static byte[] GetIconBin(byte[] nullapp) { int lz77offset = Lz77.GetLz77Offset(nullapp); if (lz77offset != -1) { nullapp = Lz77.Decompress(nullapp, lz77offset); } int u8offset = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 2500; i++) { if (nullapp[i] == 0x55 && nullapp[i + 1] == 0xAA && nullapp[i + 2] == 0x38 && nullapp[i + 3] == 0x2D) { u8offset = i; break; } } if (u8offset == -1) throw new Exception("File is not a valid U8 Archive!"); int nodecount = Tools.HexStringToInt(nullapp[u8offset + 0x28].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + 0x29].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + 0x2a].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + 0x2b].ToString("x2")); int nodeoffset = 0x20; string[,] nodes = new string[nodecount, 5]; for (int j = 0; j < nodecount; j++) { nodes[j, 0] = nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 1].ToString("x2"); nodes[j, 1] = nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 2].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 3].ToString("x2"); nodes[j, 2] = nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 4].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 5].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 6].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 7].ToString("x2"); nodes[j, 3] = nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 8].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 9].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 10].ToString("x2") + nullapp[u8offset + nodeoffset + 11].ToString("x2"); nodeoffset += 12; } int stringtablepos = u8offset + nodeoffset; for (int x = 0; x < nodecount; x++) { bool end = false; int nameoffset = Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[x, 1]); string thisname = ""; while (end == false) { if (nullapp[stringtablepos + nameoffset] != 0x00) { char tempchar = Convert.ToChar(nullapp[stringtablepos + nameoffset]); thisname += tempchar.ToString(); nameoffset++; } else end = true; } nodes[x, 4] = thisname; } for (int y = 1; y < nodecount; y++) { if (nodes[y, 4] == "icon.bin") { int filepos = u8offset + Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[y, 2]); int filesize = Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[y, 3]); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(nullapp); byte[] icon = new byte[filesize]; ms.Seek(filepos, SeekOrigin.Begin); ms.Read(icon, 0, filesize); ms.Close(); return icon; } } throw new Exception("This file doesn't contain icon.bin!"); } /// /// Extracts all Tpl's to the given path /// /// /// public static void UnpackTpls(byte[] u8archive, string unpackpath) { int lz77offset = Lz77.GetLz77Offset(u8archive); if (lz77offset != -1) { u8archive = Lz77.Decompress(u8archive, lz77offset); } if (unpackpath[unpackpath.Length - 1] != '\\') { unpackpath = unpackpath + "\\"; } if (!Directory.Exists(unpackpath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(unpackpath); int u8offset = -1; int length = 2500; if (u8archive.Length < 2500) length = u8archive.Length - 4; for (int i = 0; i < 2500; i++) { if (u8archive[i] == 0x55 && u8archive[i + 1] == 0xAA && u8archive[i + 2] == 0x38 && u8archive[i + 3] == 0x2D) { u8offset = i; break; } } if (u8offset == -1) throw new Exception("File is not a valid U8 Archive!"); int nodecount = Tools.HexStringToInt(u8archive[u8offset + 0x28].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + 0x29].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + 0x2a].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + 0x2b].ToString("x2")); int nodeoffset = 0x20; string[,] nodes = new string[nodecount, 5]; for (int j = 0; j < nodecount; j++) { nodes[j, 0] = u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 1].ToString("x2"); nodes[j, 1] = u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 2].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 3].ToString("x2"); nodes[j, 2] = u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 4].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 5].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 6].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 7].ToString("x2"); nodes[j, 3] = u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 8].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 9].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 10].ToString("x2") + u8archive[u8offset + nodeoffset + 11].ToString("x2"); nodeoffset += 12; } int stringtablepos = u8offset + nodeoffset; for (int x = 0; x < nodecount; x++) { bool end = false; int nameoffset = Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[x, 1]); string thisname = ""; while (end == false) { if (u8archive[stringtablepos + nameoffset] != 0x00) { char tempchar = Convert.ToChar(u8archive[stringtablepos + nameoffset]); thisname += tempchar.ToString(); nameoffset++; } else end = true; } nodes[x, 4] = thisname; } for (int y = 1; y < nodecount; y++) { if (nodes[y, 4].Contains(".")) { if (nodes[y, 4].Remove(0, nodes[y, 4].LastIndexOf('.')) == ".tpl") { int filepos = u8offset + Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[y, 2]); int filesize = Tools.HexStringToInt(nodes[y, 3]); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(unpackpath + nodes[y, 4], FileMode.Create)) { fs.Write(u8archive, filepos, filesize); } } } } } } public class Lz77 { private const int N = 4096; private const int F = 18; private const int threshold = 2; private static int[] lson = new int[N + 1]; private static int[] rson = new int[N + 257]; private static int[] dad = new int[N + 1]; private static ushort[] text_buf = new ushort[N + 17]; private static int match_position = 0, match_length = 0; private static int textsize = 0; private static int codesize = 0; /// /// Returns the Offset to the Lz77 Header /// -1 will be returned, if the file is not Lz77 compressed /// /// /// public static int GetLz77Offset(byte[] data) { int length = 5000; if (data.Length < 5000) length = data.Length - 4; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (data[i] == 0x55 && data[i + 1] == 0xAA && data[i + 2] == 0x38 && data[i + 3] == 0x2D) { break; } UInt32 tmp = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, i); if (tmp == 0x37375a4c) return i; } return -1; } /// /// Decompresses the given file /// /// /// public static void Decompress(string infile, string outfile) { byte[] input = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(infile); int offset = GetLz77Offset(input); if (offset == -1) throw new Exception("File is not Lz77 compressed!"); Tools.SaveFileFromByteArray(Decompress(input, offset), outfile); } /// /// Decompresses the given data /// /// /// /// public static byte[] Decompress(byte[] compressed, int offset) { int i, j, k, r, c, z; uint flags; UInt32 decomp_size; UInt32 cur_size = 0; MemoryStream infile = new MemoryStream(compressed); MemoryStream outfile = new MemoryStream(); UInt32 gbaheader = new UInt32(); byte[] temp = new byte[4]; infile.Seek(offset + 4, SeekOrigin.Begin); infile.Read(temp, 0, 4); gbaheader = BitConverter.ToUInt32(temp, 0); decomp_size = gbaheader >> 8; byte[] text_buf = new byte[N + 17]; for (i = 0; i < N - F; i++) text_buf[i] = 0xdf; r = N - F; flags = 7; z = 7; while (true) { flags <<= 1; z++; if (z == 8) { if ((c = (char)infile.ReadByte()) == -1) break; flags = (uint)c; z = 0; } if ((flags & 0x80) == 0) { if ((c = infile.ReadByte()) == infile.Length - 1) break; if (cur_size < decomp_size) outfile.WriteByte((byte)c); text_buf[r++] = (byte)c; r &= (N - 1); cur_size++; } else { if ((i = infile.ReadByte()) == -1) break; if ((j = infile.ReadByte()) == -1) break; j = j | ((i << 8) & 0xf00); i = ((i >> 4) & 0x0f) + threshold; for (k = 0; k <= i; k++) { c = text_buf[(r - j - 1) & (N - 1)]; if (cur_size < decomp_size) outfile.WriteByte((byte)c); text_buf[r++] = (byte)c; r &= (N - 1); cur_size++; } } } return outfile.ToArray(); } public static void InitTree() { int i; for (i = N + 1; i <= N + 256; i++) rson[i] = N; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) dad[i] = N; } public static void InsertNode(int r) { int i, p, cmp; cmp = 1; p = N + 1 + (text_buf[r] == 0xffff ? 0 : text_buf[r]); //text_buf[r]; rson[r] = lson[r] = N; match_length = 0; for (; ; ) { if (cmp >= 0) { if (rson[p] != N) p = rson[p]; else { rson[p] = r; dad[r] = p; return; } } else { if (lson[p] != N) p = lson[p]; else { lson[p] = r; dad[r] = p; return; } } for (i = 1; i < F; i++) if ((cmp = text_buf[r + i] - text_buf[p + i]) != 0) break; if (i > match_length) { match_position = p; if ((match_length = i) >= F) break; } } dad[r] = dad[p]; lson[r] = lson[p]; rson[r] = rson[p]; dad[lson[p]] = r; dad[rson[p]] = r; if (rson[dad[p]] == p) rson[dad[p]] = r; else lson[dad[p]] = r; dad[p] = N; } public static void DeleteNode(int p) { int q; if (dad[p] == N) return; /* not in tree */ if (rson[p] == N) q = lson[p]; else if (lson[p] == N) q = rson[p]; else { q = lson[p]; if (rson[q] != N) { do { q = rson[q]; } while (rson[q] != N); rson[dad[q]] = lson[q]; dad[lson[q]] = dad[q]; lson[q] = lson[p]; dad[lson[p]] = q; } rson[q] = rson[p]; dad[rson[p]] = q; } dad[q] = dad[p]; if (rson[dad[p]] == p) rson[dad[p]] = q; else lson[dad[p]] = q; dad[p] = N; } /// /// Lz77 compresses the given File /// /// /// public static void Compress(string infile, string outfile) { byte[] thisfile = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(infile); thisfile = Compress(thisfile); Tools.SaveFileFromByteArray(thisfile, outfile); } /// /// Lz77 compresses the given and saves it to the given Path /// /// /// public static void Compress(byte[] file, string outfile) { byte[] temp = Compress(file); Tools.SaveFileFromByteArray(temp, outfile); } /// /// Lz77 compresses the given Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] Compress(byte[] file) { int i, c, len, r, s, last_match_length, code_buf_ptr; int[] code_buf = new int[17]; int mask; UInt32 filesize = ((Convert.ToUInt32(file.Length)) << 8) + 0x10; byte[] filesizebytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(filesize); MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(); output.WriteByte((byte)'L'); output.WriteByte((byte)'Z'); output.WriteByte((byte)'7'); output.WriteByte((byte)'7'); MemoryStream infile = new MemoryStream(file); output.Write(filesizebytes, 0, filesizebytes.Length); InitTree(); code_buf[0] = 0; code_buf_ptr = 1; mask = 0x80; s = 0; r = N - F; for (i = s; i < r; i++) text_buf[i] = 0xffff; for (len = 0; len < F && (c = (int)infile.ReadByte()) != -1; len++) text_buf[r + len] = (ushort)c; if ((textsize = len) == 0) return file; for (i = 1; i <= F; i++) InsertNode(r - i); InsertNode(r); do { if (match_length > len) match_length = len; if (match_length <= threshold) { match_length = 1; code_buf[code_buf_ptr++] = text_buf[r]; } else { code_buf[0] |= mask; code_buf[code_buf_ptr++] = (char) (((r - match_position - 1) >> 8) & 0x0f) | ((match_length - (threshold + 1)) << 4); code_buf[code_buf_ptr++] = (char)((r - match_position - 1) & 0xff); } if ((mask >>= 1) == 0) { for (i = 0; i < code_buf_ptr; i++) output.WriteByte((byte)code_buf[i]); codesize += code_buf_ptr; code_buf[0] = 0; code_buf_ptr = 1; mask = 0x80; } last_match_length = match_length; for (i = 0; i < last_match_length && (c = (int)infile.ReadByte()) != -1; i++) { DeleteNode(s); text_buf[s] = (ushort)c; if (s < F - 1) text_buf[s + N] = (ushort)c; s = (s + 1) & (N - 1); r = (r + 1) & (N - 1); InsertNode(r); } while (i++ < last_match_length) { DeleteNode(s); s = (s + 1) & (N - 1); r = (r + 1) & (N - 1); if (--len != 0) InsertNode(r); } } while (len > 0); if (code_buf_ptr > 1) { for (i = 0; i < code_buf_ptr; i++) output.WriteByte((byte)code_buf[i]); codesize += code_buf_ptr; } if (codesize % 4 != 0) for (i = 0; i < 4 - (codesize % 4); i++) output.WriteByte(0x00); infile.Close(); return output.ToArray(); } } public class TPL { /// /// Converts a Tpl to a Bitmap /// /// /// public static Bitmap ConvertFromTPL(string tpl) { byte[] tplarray = Wii.Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(tpl); return ConvertFromTPL(tplarray); } /// /// Converts a Tpl to a Bitmap /// /// /// public static Bitmap ConvertFromTPL(byte[] tpl) { if (GetTextureCount(tpl) > 1) throw new Exception("Tpl's containing more than one Texture are not supported!"); int width = GetTextureWidth(tpl); int height = GetTextureHeight(tpl); int format = GetTextureFormat(tpl); if (format == -1) throw new Exception("The Texture has an unsupported format!"); switch (format) { case 0: byte[] temp0 = FromI4(tpl); return ConvertPixelToBitmap(temp0, width, height); case 1: byte[] temp1 = FromI8(tpl); return ConvertPixelToBitmap(temp1, width, height); case 2: byte[] temp2 = FromIA4(tpl); return ConvertPixelToBitmap(temp2, width, height); case 3: byte[] temp3 = FromIA8(tpl); return ConvertPixelToBitmap(temp3, width, height); case 4: byte[] temp4 = FromRGB565(tpl); return ConvertPixelToBitmap(temp4, width, height); case 5: byte[] temp5 = FromRGB5A3(tpl); return ConvertPixelToBitmap(temp5, width, height); case 6: byte[] temp6 = FromRGBA8(tpl); return ConvertPixelToBitmap(temp6, width, height); case 14: byte[] temp14 = FromCMP(tpl); return ConvertPixelToBitmap(temp14, width, height); default: throw new Exception("The Texture has an unsupported format!"); } } /// /// Converts the Pixel Data into a Png Image /// /// Byte array with pixel data public static System.Drawing.Bitmap ConvertPixelToBitmap(byte[] data, int width, int height) { if (width == 0) width = 1; if (height == 0) height = 1; System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(width, height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData = bmp.LockBits( new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, bmp.PixelFormat); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(data, 0, bmpData.Scan0, data.Length); bmp.UnlockBits(bmpData); return bmp; } /// /// Gets the Number of Textures in a Tpl /// /// /// public static int GetTextureCount(byte[] tpl) { byte[] tmp = new byte[4]; tmp[3] = tpl[4]; tmp[2] = tpl[5]; tmp[1] = tpl[6]; tmp[0] = tpl[7]; UInt32 count = BitConverter.ToUInt32(tmp, 0); return (int)count; } /// /// Gets the Format of the Texture in the Tpl /// /// /// public static int GetTextureFormat(string tpl) { byte[] temp = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(tpl, 0, 50); return GetTextureFormat(temp); } /// /// Gets the Format of the Texture in the Tpl /// /// /// public static int GetTextureFormat(byte[] tpl) { byte[] tmp = new byte[4]; tmp[3] = tpl[24]; tmp[2] = tpl[25]; tmp[1] = tpl[26]; tmp[0] = tpl[27]; UInt32 format = BitConverter.ToUInt32(tmp, 0); if (format == 0 || format == 1 || format == 2 || format == 3 || format == 4 || format == 5 || format == 6 || format == 14) return (int)format; else return -1; //Unsupported Format } /// /// Gets the Format Name of the Texture in the Tpl /// /// /// public static string GetTextureFormatName(byte[] tpl) { switch (GetTextureFormat(tpl)) { case 0: return "I4"; case 1: return "I8"; case 2: return "IA4"; case 3: return "IA8"; case 4: return "RGB565"; case 5: return "RGB5A3"; case 6: return "RGBA8"; case 14: return "CMP"; default: return "Unknown"; } } public static int avg(int w0, int w1, int c0, int c1) { int a0 = c0 >> 11; int a1 = c1 >> 11; int a = (w0 * a0 + w1 * a1) / (w0 + w1); int c = (a << 11) & 0xffff; a0 = (c0 >> 5) & 63; a1 = (c1 >> 5) & 63; a = (w0 * a0 + w1 * a1) / (w0 + w1); c = c | ((a << 5) & 0xffff); a0 = c0 & 31; a1 = c1 & 31; a = (w0 * a0 + w1 * a1) / (w0 + w1); c = c | a; return c; } /// /// Gets the Width of the Texture in the Tpl /// /// /// public static int GetTextureWidth(byte[] tpl) { byte[] tmp = new byte[2]; tmp[1] = tpl[22]; tmp[0] = tpl[23]; UInt16 width = BitConverter.ToUInt16(tmp, 0); return (int)width; } /// /// Gets the Height of the Texture in the Tpl /// /// /// public static int GetTextureHeight(byte[] tpl) { byte[] tmp = new byte[2]; tmp[1] = tpl[20]; tmp[0] = tpl[21]; UInt16 height = BitConverter.ToUInt16(tmp, 0); return (int)height; } /// /// Gets the offset to the Texturedata in the Tpl /// /// /// public static int GetTextureOffset(byte[] tpl) { byte[] tmp = new byte[4]; tmp[3] = tpl[28]; tmp[2] = tpl[29]; tmp[1] = tpl[30]; tmp[0] = tpl[31]; UInt32 offset = BitConverter.ToUInt32(tmp, 0); return (int)offset; } /// /// Converts RGBA8 Tpl Array to RGBA Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] FromRGBA8(byte[] tpl) { int width = GetTextureWidth(tpl); int height = GetTextureHeight(tpl); int offset = GetTextureOffset(tpl); UInt32[] output = new UInt32[width * height]; int inp = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 4) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 4) { for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { for (int y1 = y; y1 < y + 4; y1++) { for (int x1 = x; x1 < x + 4; x1++) { byte[] pixelbytes = new byte[2]; pixelbytes[1] = tpl[offset + inp * 2]; pixelbytes[0] = tpl[offset + inp * 2 + 1]; UInt16 pixel = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pixelbytes, 0); inp++; if ((x1 >= width) || (y1 >= height)) continue; if (k == 0) { int a = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff; int r = (pixel >> 0) & 0xff; output[x1 + (y1 * width)] |= (UInt32)((r << 16) | (a << 24)); } else { int g = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff; int b = (pixel >> 0) & 0xff; output[x1 + (y1 * width)] |= (UInt32)((g << 8) | (b << 0)); } } } } } } return Tools.UInt32ArrayToByteArray(output); } /// /// Converts RGB5A3 Tpl Array to RGBA Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] FromRGB5A3(byte[] tpl) { int width = GetTextureWidth(tpl); int height = GetTextureHeight(tpl); int offset = GetTextureOffset(tpl); UInt32[] output = new UInt32[width * height]; int inp = 0; int r, g, b; int a = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 4) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 4) { for (int y1 = y; y1 < y + 4; y1++) { for (int x1 = x; x1 < x + 4; x1++) { byte[] pixelbytes = new byte[2]; pixelbytes[1] = tpl[offset + inp * 2]; pixelbytes[0] = tpl[offset + inp * 2 + 1]; UInt16 pixel = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pixelbytes, 0); inp++; if (y1 >= height || x1 >= width) continue; if ((pixel & (1 << 15)) != 0) { b = (((pixel >> 10) & 0x1F) * 255) / 31; g = (((pixel >> 5) & 0x1F) * 255) / 31; r = (((pixel >> 0) & 0x1F) * 255) / 31; a = 255; } else { a = (((pixel >> 12) & 0x07) * 255) / 7; b = (((pixel >> 8) & 0x0F) * 255) / 15; g = (((pixel >> 4) & 0x0F) * 255) / 15; r = (((pixel >> 0) & 0x0F) * 255) / 15; } int rgba = (r << 0) | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (a << 24); output[(y1 * width) + x1] = (UInt32)rgba; } } } } return Tools.UInt32ArrayToByteArray(output); } /// /// Converts RGB565 Tpl Array to RGBA Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] FromRGB565(byte[] tpl) { int width = GetTextureWidth(tpl); int height = GetTextureHeight(tpl); int offset = GetTextureOffset(tpl); UInt32[] output = new UInt32[width * height]; int inp = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 4) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 4) { for (int y1 = y; y1 < y + 4; y1++) { for (int x1 = x; x1 < x + 4; x1++) { byte[] pixelbytes = new byte[2]; pixelbytes[1] = tpl[offset + inp * 2]; pixelbytes[0] = tpl[offset + inp * 2 + 1]; UInt16 pixel = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pixelbytes, 0); inp++; if (y1 >= height || x1 >= width) continue; int b = (((pixel >> 11) & 0x1F) << 3) & 0xff; int g = (((pixel >> 5) & 0x3F) << 2) & 0xff; int r = (((pixel >> 0) & 0x1F) << 3) & 0xff; int a = 255; int rgba = (r << 0) | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (a << 24); output[y1 * width + x1] = (UInt32)rgba; } } } } return Tools.UInt32ArrayToByteArray(output); } /// /// Converts I4 Tpl Array to RGBA Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] FromI4(byte[] tpl) { int width = GetTextureWidth(tpl); int height = GetTextureHeight(tpl); int offset = GetTextureOffset(tpl); UInt32[] output = new UInt32[width * height]; int inp = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 8) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 8) { for (int y1 = y; y1 < y + 8; y1++) { for (int x1 = x; x1 < x + 8; x1 += 2) { int pixel = tpl[offset + inp]; if (y1 >= height || x1 >= width) continue; int r = (pixel >> 4) * 255 / 15; int g = (pixel >> 4) * 255 / 15; int b = (pixel >> 4) * 255 / 15; int a = (pixel >> 4) * 255 / 15; int rgba = (r << 0) | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (a << 24); output[y1 * width + x1] = (UInt32)rgba; pixel = tpl[offset + inp]; inp++; if (y1 >= height || x1 >= width) continue; r = (pixel & 0x0F) * 255 / 15; g = (pixel & 0x0F) * 255 / 15; b = (pixel & 0x0F) * 255 / 15; a = (pixel & 0x0F) * 255 / 15; rgba = (r << 0) | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (a << 24); output[y1 * width + x1 + 1] = (UInt32)rgba; } } } } return Tools.UInt32ArrayToByteArray(output); } /// /// Converts IA4 Tpl Array to RGBA Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] FromIA4(byte[] tpl) { int width = GetTextureWidth(tpl); int height = GetTextureHeight(tpl); int offset = GetTextureOffset(tpl); UInt32[] output = new UInt32[width * height]; int inp = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 4) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 8) { for (int y1 = y; y1 < y + 4; y1++) { for (int x1 = x; x1 < x + 8; x1++) { int pixel = tpl[offset + inp]; inp++; if (y1 >= height || x1 >= width) continue; int r = ((pixel & 0x0F) * 255 / 15) & 0xff; int g = ((pixel & 0x0F) * 255 / 15) & 0xff; int b = ((pixel & 0x0F) * 255 / 15) & 0xff; int a = (((pixel >> 4) * 255) / 15) & 0xff; int rgba = (r << 0) | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (a << 24); output[y1 * width + x1] = (UInt32)rgba; } } } } return Tools.UInt32ArrayToByteArray(output); } /// /// Converts I8 Tpl Array to RGBA Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] FromI8(byte[] tpl) { int width = GetTextureWidth(tpl); int height = GetTextureHeight(tpl); int offset = GetTextureOffset(tpl); UInt32[] output = new UInt32[width * height]; int inp = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 4) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 8) { for (int y1 = y; y1 < y + 4; y1++) { for (int x1 = x; x1 < x + 8; x1++) { int pixel = tpl[offset + inp]; inp++; if (y1 >= height || x1 >= width) continue; int r = pixel; int g = pixel; int b = pixel; int a = 255; int rgba = (r << 0) | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (a << 24); output[y1 * width + x1] = (UInt32)rgba; } } } } return Tools.UInt32ArrayToByteArray(output); } /// /// Converts IA8 Tpl Array to RGBA Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] FromIA8(byte[] tpl) { int width = GetTextureWidth(tpl); int height = GetTextureHeight(tpl); int offset = GetTextureOffset(tpl); UInt32[] output = new UInt32[width * height]; int inp = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 4) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 4) { for (int y1 = y; y1 < y + 4; y1++) { for (int x1 = x; x1 < x + 4; x1++) { byte[] pixelbytes = new byte[2]; pixelbytes[1] = tpl[offset + inp * 2]; pixelbytes[0] = tpl[offset + inp * 2 + 1]; UInt16 pixel = BitConverter.ToUInt16(pixelbytes, 0); inp++; if (y1 >= height || x1 >= width) continue; int r = (pixel >> 8);// &0xff; int g = (pixel >> 8);// &0xff; int b = (pixel >> 8);// &0xff; int a = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff; int rgba = (r << 0) | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | (a << 24); output[y1 * width + x1] = (UInt32)rgba; } } } } return Tools.UInt32ArrayToByteArray(output); } /// /// Converts CMP Tpl Array to RGBA Byte Array /// /// /// public static byte[] FromCMP(byte[] tpl) { int width = GetTextureWidth(tpl); int height = GetTextureHeight(tpl); int offset = GetTextureOffset(tpl); UInt32[] output = new UInt32[width * height]; UInt16[] c = new UInt16[4]; int[] pix = new int[3]; int inp = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int ww = Tools.AddPadding(width, 8); int x0 = x & 0x03; int x1 = (x >> 2) & 0x01; int x2 = x >> 3; int y0 = y & 0x03; int y1 = (y >> 2) & 0x01; int y2 = y >> 3; int off = (8 * x1) + (16 * y1) + (32 * x2) + (4 * ww * y2); byte[] tmp1 = new byte[2]; tmp1[1] = tpl[offset + off]; tmp1[0] = tpl[offset + off + 1]; c[0] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(tmp1, 0); tmp1[1] = tpl[offset + off + 2]; tmp1[0] = tpl[offset + off + 3]; c[1] = BitConverter.ToUInt16(tmp1, 0); if (c[0] > c[1]) { c[2] = (UInt16)avg(2, 1, c[0], c[1]); c[3] = (UInt16)avg(1, 2, c[0], c[1]); } else { c[2] = (UInt16)avg(1, 1, c[0], c[1]); c[3] = 0; } byte[] pixeldata = new byte[4]; pixeldata[3] = tpl[offset + off + 4]; pixeldata[2] = tpl[offset + off + 5]; pixeldata[1] = tpl[offset + off + 6]; pixeldata[0] = tpl[offset + off + 7]; UInt32 pixel = BitConverter.ToUInt32(pixeldata, 0); int ix = x0 + (4 * y0); int raw = c[(pixel >> (30 - (2 * ix))) & 0x03]; pix[0] = (raw >> 8) & 0xf8; pix[1] = (raw >> 3) & 0xf8; pix[2] = (raw << 3) & 0xf8; int intout = (pix[0] << 16) | (pix[1] << 8) | (pix[2] << 0) | (255 << 24); output[inp] = (UInt32)intout; inp++; } } return Tools.UInt32ArrayToByteArray(output); } /// /// Gets the pixel data of a Bitmap as an Byte Array /// /// /// public static uint[] BitmapToRGBA(Bitmap img) { int x = img.Width; int y = img.Height; UInt32[] rgba = new UInt32[x * y]; for (int i = 0; i < y; i += 4) { for (int j = 0; j < x; j += 4) { for (int y1 = i; y1 < i + 4; y1++) { for (int x1 = j; x1 < j + 4; x1++) { if (y1 >= y || x1 >= x) continue; Color color = img.GetPixel(x1, y1); rgba[x1 + (y1 * x)] = (UInt32)color.ToArgb(); } } } } return rgba; } /// /// Converts an Image to a Tpl /// /// /// 4 = RGB565, 5 = RGB5A3, 6 = RGBA8 /// public static void ConvertToTPL(Bitmap img, string destination, int format) { byte[] tpl = ConvertToTPL(img, format); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(destination, FileMode.Create)) { fs.Write(tpl, 0, tpl.Length); } } /// /// Converts an Image to a Tpl /// /// /// 4 = RGB565, 5 = RGB5A3, 6 = RGBA8 /// public static void ConvertToTPL(Image img, string destination, int format) { byte[] tpl = ConvertToTPL((Bitmap)img, format); using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(destination, FileMode.Create)) { fs.Write(tpl, 0, tpl.Length); } } /// /// Converts an Image to a Tpl /// /// /// 4 = RGB565, 5 = RGB5A3, 6 = RGBA8 /// public static byte[] ConvertToTPL(Image img, int format) { return ConvertToTPL((Bitmap)img, format); } /// /// Converts an Image to a Tpl /// /// /// 4 = RGB565, 5 = RGB5A3, 6 = RGBA8 /// public static byte[] ConvertToTPL(Bitmap img, int format) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { byte[] rgbaData; UInt32 tplmagic = 0x20af30; UInt32 ntextures = 0x1; UInt32 headersize = 0xc; UInt32 texheaderoff = 0x14; UInt32 texpaletteoff = 0x0; UInt16 texheight = (UInt16)img.Height; UInt16 texwidth = (UInt16)img.Width; UInt32 texformat; UInt32 texdataoffset = 0x40; byte[] rest = new byte[] { 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00 }; //This should do it for our needs.. rest includes padding switch (format) { case 4: //RGB565 texformat = 0x4; rgbaData = ToRGB565(img); break; case 5: //RGB5A3 texformat = 0x5; rgbaData = ToRGB5A3(img); break; default: //RGBA8 = 6 texformat = 0x6; rgbaData = ToRGBA8(img); break; } byte[] buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(tplmagic); Array.Reverse(buffer); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(ntextures); Array.Reverse(buffer); ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(headersize); Array.Reverse(buffer); ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(texheaderoff); Array.Reverse(buffer); ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(texpaletteoff); Array.Reverse(buffer); ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(texheight); Array.Reverse(buffer); ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(texwidth); Array.Reverse(buffer); ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(texformat); Array.Reverse(buffer); ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes(texdataoffset); Array.Reverse(buffer); ms.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); ms.Write(rest, 0, rest.Length); ms.Write(rgbaData, 0, rgbaData.Length); return ms.ToArray(); } } /// /// Converts an Image to RGBA8 Tpl data /// /// /// public static byte[] ToRGBA8(Bitmap img) { uint[] pixeldata = BitmapToRGBA(img); int w = img.Width; int h = img.Height; int z = 0, iv = 0; byte[] output = new byte[Tools.AddPadding(w, 4) * Tools.AddPadding(h, 4) * 4]; uint[] lr = new uint[32], lg = new uint[32], lb = new uint[32], la = new uint[32]; for (int y1 = 0; y1 < h; y1 += 4) { for (int x1 = 0; x1 < w; x1 += 4) { for (int y = y1; y < (y1 + 4); y++) { for (int x = x1; x < (x1 + 4); x++) { UInt32 rgba; if (y >= h || x >= w) { rgba = 0; } else { rgba = pixeldata[x + (y * w)]; } lr[z] = (uint)(rgba >> 16) & 0xff; lg[z] = (uint)(rgba >> 8) & 0xff; lb[z] = (uint)(rgba >> 0) & 0xff; la[z] = (uint)(rgba >> 24) & 0xff; z++; } } if (z == 16) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { output[iv++] = (byte)(la[i]); output[iv++] = (byte)(lr[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { output[iv++] = (byte)(lg[i]); output[iv++] = (byte)(lb[i]); } z = 0; } } } return output; } /// /// Converts an Image to RGBA565 Tpl data /// /// /// public static byte[] ToRGB565(Bitmap img) { uint[] pixeldata = BitmapToRGBA(img); int w = img.Width; int h = img.Height; int z = -1; byte[] output = new byte[Tools.AddPadding(w, 4) * Tools.AddPadding(h, 4) * 2]; for (int y1 = 0; y1 < h; y1 += 4) { for (int x1 = 0; x1 < w; x1 += 4) { for (int y = y1; y < y1 + 4; y++) { for (int x = x1; x < x1 + 4; x++) { UInt16 newpixel; if (y >= h || x >= w) { newpixel = 0; } else { uint rgba = pixeldata[x + (y * w)]; uint b = (rgba >> 16) & 0xff; uint g = (rgba >> 8) & 0xff; uint r = (rgba >> 0) & 0xff; newpixel = (UInt16)(((b >> 3) << 11) | ((g >> 2) << 5) | ((r >> 3) << 0)); } byte[] temp = BitConverter.GetBytes(newpixel); Array.Reverse(temp); output[++z] = temp[0]; output[++z] = temp[1]; } } } } return output; } /// /// Converts an Image to RGBA5A3 Tpl data /// /// /// public static byte[] ToRGB5A3(Bitmap img) { uint[] pixeldata = BitmapToRGBA(img); int w = img.Width; int h = img.Height; int z = -1; byte[] output = new byte[Tools.AddPadding(w, 4) * Tools.AddPadding(h, 4) * 2]; for (int y1 = 0; y1 < h; y1 += 4) { for (int x1 = 0; x1 < w; x1 += 4) { for (int y = y1; y < y1 + 4; y++) { for (int x = x1; x < x1 + 4; x++) { int newpixel; if (y >= h || x >= w) { newpixel = 0; } else { int rgba = (int)pixeldata[x + (y * w)]; newpixel = 0; int r = (rgba >> 16) & 0xff; int g = (rgba >> 8) & 0xff; int b = (rgba >> 0) & 0xff; int a = (rgba >> 24) & 0xff; if (a <= 0xda) { //RGB4A3 newpixel &= ~(1 << 15); r = ((r * 15) / 255) & 0xf; g = ((g * 15) / 255) & 0xf; b = ((b * 15) / 255) & 0xf; a = ((a * 7) / 255) & 0x7; newpixel |= a << 12; newpixel |= b << 0; newpixel |= g << 4; newpixel |= r << 8; } else { //RGB5 newpixel |= (1 << 15); r = ((r * 31) / 255) & 0x1f; g = ((g * 31) / 255) & 0x1f; b = ((b * 31) / 255) & 0x1f; newpixel |= b << 0; newpixel |= g << 5; newpixel |= r << 10; } } byte[] temp = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt16)newpixel); Array.Reverse(temp); output[++z] = temp[0]; output[++z] = temp[1]; } } } } return output; } } public class NAND { /// /// Backups all Saves from a NAND Backup /// /// /// public static void BackupSaves(string nandpath, string destinationpath) { string titlefolder = nandpath + "\\title"; string[] lowerdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(titlefolder); Tools.ChangeProgress(0); for (int i = 0; i < lowerdirs.Length; i++) { Tools.ChangeProgress((i + 1) * 100 / lowerdirs.Length); string[] upperdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(lowerdirs[i]); for (int j = 0; j < upperdirs.Length; j++) { if (Directory.Exists(upperdirs[j] + "\\data")) { if (Directory.GetFiles(upperdirs[j] + "\\data").Length > 0 || Directory.GetDirectories(upperdirs[j] + "\\data").Length > 0) { Tools.CopyDirectory(upperdirs[j] + "\\data", (upperdirs[j] + "\\data").Replace(nandpath, destinationpath).Replace("\\title", "")); } } } } } /// /// Restores all Saves for existing titles to a NAND Backup /// /// /// public static void RestoreSaves(string backuppath, string nandpath) { string titlefolder = nandpath + "\\title"; string[] lowerdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(backuppath); Tools.ChangeProgress(0); for (int i = 0; i < lowerdirs.Length; i++) { Tools.ChangeProgress((i + 1) * 100 / lowerdirs.Length); string[] upperdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(lowerdirs[i]); for (int j = 0; j < upperdirs.Length; j++) { string[] datafiles = Directory.GetFiles(upperdirs[j] + "\\data"); string upperdirnand = upperdirs[j].Replace(backuppath, titlefolder); if (Directory.Exists(upperdirnand) && (Directory.GetFiles(upperdirs[j] + "\\data").Length > 0 || Directory.GetDirectories(upperdirs[j] + "\\data").Length > 0)) { if (!Directory.Exists(upperdirnand + "\\data")) Directory.CreateDirectory(upperdirnand + "\\data"); Tools.CopyDirectory(upperdirs[j] + "\\data", (upperdirs[j] + "\\data").Replace(backuppath, titlefolder)); } } } Tools.ChangeProgress(100); } /// /// Backups a single Save /// /// /// Format: XXXXXXXX\XXXXXXXX /// public static void BackupSingleSave(string nandpath, string titlepath, string destinationpath) { string datafolder = nandpath + "\\title\\" + titlepath + "\\data"; if (Directory.GetFiles(datafolder).Length > 0 || Directory.GetDirectories(datafolder).Length > 0) { string savefolder = datafolder.Replace(nandpath, destinationpath).Replace("\\title", ""); if (!Directory.Exists(savefolder)) Directory.CreateDirectory(savefolder); Tools.CopyDirectory(datafolder, savefolder); } else { throw new Exception("No save data was found!"); } } /// /// Restores a singe Save, if the title exists on NAND Backup /// /// /// Format: XXXXXXXX\XXXXXXXX /// public static void RestoreSingleSave(string backuppath, string titlepath, string nandpath) { string titlefoldernand = nandpath + "\\title\\" + titlepath; string titlefolder = titlefoldernand.Replace(nandpath, backuppath).Replace("\\title", ""); if (Directory.Exists(titlefoldernand) && (Directory.GetFiles(titlefolder + "\\data").Length > 0 || Directory.GetDirectories(titlefolder + "\\data").Length > 0)) { if (!Directory.Exists(titlefoldernand + "\\data")) Directory.CreateDirectory(titlefoldernand + "\\data"); Tools.CopyDirectory(titlefolder + "\\data", titlefoldernand + "\\data"); } else { throw new Exception("Title not found in NAND Backup!"); } } /// /// Checks, if save data exists in the given title folder /// /// /// Format: XXXXXXXX\XXXXXXXX public static bool CheckForSaveData(string nandpath, string titlepath) { string datafolder = nandpath + "\\title\\" + titlepath + "\\data"; if (!Directory.Exists(datafolder)) return false; else { string[] datafiles = Directory.GetFiles(datafolder); if (datafiles.Length > 0) return true; else return false; } } /// /// Checks, if save data exists in the given title folder /// /// /// Format: XXXXXXXX\XXXXXXXX public static bool CheckForBackupData(string backuppath, string titlepath) { string datafolder = backuppath + "\\" + titlepath + "\\data"; if (!Directory.Exists(datafolder)) return false; else { string[] datafiles = Directory.GetFiles(datafolder); if (datafiles.Length > 0) return true; else return false; } } } public class Sound { /// /// Checks if the given Wave is a proper PCM WAV file /// /// /// public static bool CheckWave(string wavefile) { byte[] wave = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(wavefile, 0, 256); return CheckWave(wave); } /// /// Checks if the given Wave is a proper PCM WAV file /// /// /// public static bool CheckWave(byte[] wavefile) { if (wavefile[0] != 'R' || wavefile[1] != 'I' || wavefile[2] != 'F' || wavefile[3] != 'F' || wavefile[8] != 'W' || wavefile[9] != 'A' || wavefile[10] != 'V' || wavefile[11] != 'E' || wavefile[12] != 'f' || wavefile[13] != 'm' || wavefile[14] != 't' || wavefile[20] != 0x01 || //Format = PCM wavefile[21] != 0x00 || wavefile[34] != 0x10 || //Bitrate (16bit) wavefile[35] != 0x00 ) return false; return true; } /// /// Returns the playlength of the Wave file in seconds /// /// /// public static int GetWaveLength(string wavefile) { byte[] wave = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(wavefile, 0, 256); return GetWaveLength(wave); } /// /// Returns the playlength of the Wave file in seconds /// /// /// public static int GetWaveLength(byte[] wavefile) { if (CheckWave(wavefile) == true) { byte[] BytesPerSec = new byte[] { wavefile[28], wavefile[29], wavefile[30], wavefile[31] }; int bps = BitConverter.ToInt32(BytesPerSec, 0); byte[] Chunksize = new byte[] { wavefile[4], wavefile[5], wavefile[6], wavefile[7] }; int chunks = BitConverter.ToInt32(Chunksize, 0); return Math.Abs(chunks / bps); } else throw new Exception("This is not a supported PCM Wave file!"); } /// /// Converts a wave file to a sound.bin /// /// /// public static void WaveToSoundBin(string wavefile, string soundbin, bool compress) { if (CheckWave(wavefile) == true) { byte[] sound = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(wavefile); if (compress == true) sound = Lz77.Compress(sound); sound = U8.AddHeaderIMD5(sound); Wii.Tools.SaveFileFromByteArray(sound, soundbin); } else throw new Exception("This is not a supported 16bit PCM Wave file!"); } /// /// Converts a sound.bin to a wave file /// /// /// public static void SoundBinToWave(string soundbin, string wavefile) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(soundbin)); byte[] wave = new byte[ms.Length - 32]; int offset = 0; ms.Seek(32, SeekOrigin.Begin); ms.Read(wave, 0, wave.Length); if ((offset = Lz77.GetLz77Offset(wave)) != -1) wave = Lz77.Decompress(wave, offset); Tools.SaveFileFromByteArray(wave, wavefile); } } public class Brlyt { /// /// Checks, if the TPLs match the TPLs specified in the brlyt /// /// /// /// public static bool CheckBrlytTpls(string brlyt, string[] tpls) { byte[] brlytArray = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(brlyt); return CheckBrlytTpls(brlytArray, tpls); } /// /// Checks, if the TPLs match the TPLs specified in the brlyt /// /// /// /// public static bool CheckBrlytTpls(byte[] brlyt, string[] tpls) { int texcount = Tools.HexStringToInt(brlyt[44].ToString("x2") + brlyt[45].ToString("x2")); if (tpls.Length != texcount) return false; int texnamepos = 48 + (texcount * 8); for (int i = 0; i < texcount; i++) { string thisTex = ""; while (brlyt[texnamepos] != 0x00) { thisTex += Convert.ToChar(brlyt[texnamepos]); texnamepos++; } texnamepos++; bool exists = Array.Exists(tpls,tpl => tpl == thisTex); if (exists == false) return false; } return true; } /// /// Checks, if one or more Tpls specified in the brlyt are missing and returns /// the names of the missing ones. /// /// /// /// /// public static bool CheckForMissingTpls(string brlyt, string[] tpls, out string[] missingtpls) { byte[] brlytArray = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(brlyt); return CheckForMissingTpls(brlytArray, tpls, out missingtpls); } /// /// Checks, if one or more Tpls specified in the brlyt are missing and returns /// the names of the missing ones. /// /// /// /// /// public static bool CheckForMissingTpls(byte[] brlyt, string[] tpls, out string[] missingtpls) { List missings = new List(); string[] brlytTpls = GetBrlytTpls(brlyt); bool missing = false; for (int i = 0; i < brlytTpls.Length; i++) { if (Tools.StringExistsInStringArray(brlytTpls[i], tpls) == false) { missings.Add(brlytTpls[i]); missing = true; } } missingtpls = missings.ToArray(); return missing; } /// /// Checks, if one or more Tpls are not specified in the brlyt and returns /// the names of the missing ones. /// /// /// /// /// public static bool CheckForUnusedTpls(string brlyt, string[] tpls, out string[] unusedtpls) { byte[] brlytArray = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(brlyt); return CheckForUnusedTpls(brlytArray, tpls, out unusedtpls); } /// /// Checks, if one or more Tpls are not specified in the brlyt and returns /// the names of the missing ones. /// /// /// /// /// public static bool CheckForUnusedTpls(byte[] brlyt, string[] tpls, out string[] unusedtpls) { List unuseds = new List(); string[] brlytTpls = GetBrlytTpls(brlyt); bool missing = false; for (int i = 0; i < tpls.Length; i++) { if (Tools.StringExistsInStringArray(tpls[i], brlytTpls) == false) { unuseds.Add(tpls[i]); missing = true; } } unusedtpls = unuseds.ToArray(); return missing; } /// /// Returns the name of all Tpls specified in the brlyt /// /// /// public static string[] GetBrlytTpls(string brlyt) { byte[] temp = Tools.LoadFileToByteArray(brlyt); return GetBrlytTpls(temp); } /// /// Returns the name of all Tpls specified in the brlyt /// /// /// public static string[] GetBrlytTpls(byte[] brlyt) { int texcount = Tools.HexStringToInt(brlyt[44].ToString("x2") + brlyt[45].ToString("x2")); int texnamepos = 48 + (texcount * 8); List Tpls = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < texcount; i++) { string thisTex = ""; while (brlyt[texnamepos] != 0x00) { thisTex += Convert.ToChar(brlyt[texnamepos]); texnamepos++; } Tpls.Add(thisTex); texnamepos++; } return Tpls.ToArray(); } /// /// Returns true, if the given Tpl is specified in the brlyt. /// TplName must end with ".tpl"! /// /// /// /// public static bool IsTplInBrlyt(byte[] brlyt, string TplName) { string[] brlytTpls = GetBrlytTpls(brlyt); bool exists = Array.Exists(brlytTpls, Tpl => Tpl == TplName); return exists; } } public class ProgressChangedEventArgs : EventArgs { private readonly int p_Percent = 0; public int PercentProgress { get { return p_Percent; } } internal ProgressChangedEventArgs(int PercentProgress) : base() { this.p_Percent = PercentProgress; } } }