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// Copyright 2015 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#pragma once
#include <cstring>
2015-02-12 18:46:20 -06:00
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
2015-02-12 18:46:20 -06:00
#include "Common/ArmCommon.h"
#include "Common/Assert.h"
#include "Common/BitSet.h"
#include "Common/BitUtils.h"
#include "Common/CodeBlock.h"
#include "Common/Common.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/MathUtil.h"
namespace Arm64Gen
// X30 serves a dual purpose as a link register
// Encoded as <u3:type><u5:reg>
// Types:
// 000 - 32bit GPR
// 001 - 64bit GPR
// 010 - VFP single precision
// 100 - VFP double precision
// 110 - VFP quad precision
enum class ARM64Reg
// 32bit registers
W0 = 0,
WSP, // 32bit stack pointer
// 64bit registers
X0 = 0x20,
SP, // 64bit stack pointer
// VFP single precision registers
S0 = 0x40,
// VFP Double Precision registers
D0 = 0x80,
// ASIMD Quad-Word registers
Q0 = 0xC0,
// For PRFM(prefetch memory) encoding
// This is encoded in the Rt register
// Data preload
// Instruction preload
// Prepare for store
ZR = SP,
constexpr int operator&(const ARM64Reg& reg, const int mask)
return static_cast<int>(reg) & mask;
constexpr int operator|(const ARM64Reg& reg, const int mask)
return static_cast<int>(reg) | mask;
constexpr ARM64Reg operator+(const ARM64Reg& reg, const int addend)
return static_cast<ARM64Reg>(static_cast<int>(reg) + addend);
constexpr bool Is64Bit(ARM64Reg reg)
return (reg & 0x20) != 0;
constexpr bool IsSingle(ARM64Reg reg)
return (reg & 0xC0) == 0x40;
constexpr bool IsDouble(ARM64Reg reg)
return (reg & 0xC0) == 0x80;
constexpr bool IsScalar(ARM64Reg reg)
return IsSingle(reg) || IsDouble(reg);
constexpr bool IsQuad(ARM64Reg reg)
return (reg & 0xC0) == 0xC0;
constexpr bool IsVector(ARM64Reg reg)
return (reg & 0xC0) != 0;
constexpr bool IsGPR(ARM64Reg reg)
return static_cast<int>(reg) < 0x40;
constexpr int DecodeReg(ARM64Reg reg)
return reg & 0x1F;
constexpr ARM64Reg EncodeRegTo32(ARM64Reg reg)
return static_cast<ARM64Reg>(DecodeReg(reg));
constexpr ARM64Reg EncodeRegTo64(ARM64Reg reg)
return static_cast<ARM64Reg>(reg | 0x20);
constexpr ARM64Reg EncodeRegToSingle(ARM64Reg reg)
return static_cast<ARM64Reg>(ARM64Reg::S0 | DecodeReg(reg));
constexpr ARM64Reg EncodeRegToDouble(ARM64Reg reg)
return static_cast<ARM64Reg>((reg & ~0xC0) | 0x80);
constexpr ARM64Reg EncodeRegToQuad(ARM64Reg reg)
return static_cast<ARM64Reg>(reg | 0xC0);
enum class ShiftType
// Logical Shift Left
LSL = 0,
// Logical Shift Right
LSR = 1,
// Arithmetic Shift Right
ASR = 2,
// Rotate Right
ROR = 3,
enum class IndexType
Signed, // used in LDP/STP
enum class ShiftAmount
enum class RoundingMode
A, // round to nearest, ties to away
M, // round towards -inf
N, // round to nearest, ties to even
P, // round towards +inf
Z, // round towards zero
struct FixupBranch
enum class Type : u32
u8* ptr;
Type type;
// Used with B.cond
CCFlags cond;
// Used with TBZ/TBNZ
u8 bit;
// Used with Test/Compare and Branch
ARM64Reg reg;
enum class PStateField
SPSel = 0,
NZCV, // The only system registers accessible from EL0 (user space)
FPCR = 0x340,
FPSR = 0x341,
enum class SystemHint
enum class BarrierType
OSHLD = 1,
OSHST = 2,
OSH = 3,
NSHLD = 5,
NSHST = 6,
NSH = 7,
ISHLD = 9,
ISHST = 10,
ISH = 11,
LD = 13,
ST = 14,
SY = 15,
class ArithOption
enum class WidthSpecifier
enum class ExtendSpecifier
UXTB = 0x0,
UXTH = 0x1,
UXTW = 0x2, /* Also LSL on 32bit width */
UXTX = 0x3, /* Also LSL on 64bit width */
SXTB = 0x4,
SXTH = 0x5,
SXTW = 0x6,
SXTX = 0x7,
enum class TypeSpecifier
ARM64Reg m_destReg;
WidthSpecifier m_width;
ExtendSpecifier m_extend;
TypeSpecifier m_type;
ShiftType m_shifttype;
u32 m_shift;
ArithOption(ARM64Reg Rd, bool index = false)
// Indexed registers are a certain feature of AARch64
// On Loadstore instructions that use a register offset
// We can have the register as an index
// If we are indexing then the offset register will
// be shifted to the left so we are indexing at intervals
// of the size of what we are loading
// 8-bit: Index does nothing
// 16-bit: Index LSL 1
// 32-bit: Index LSL 2
// 64-bit: Index LSL 3
if (index)
m_shift = 4;
m_shift = 0;
m_destReg = Rd;
m_type = TypeSpecifier::ExtendedReg;
if (Is64Bit(Rd))
m_width = WidthSpecifier::Width64Bit;
m_extend = ExtendSpecifier::UXTX;
m_width = WidthSpecifier::Width32Bit;
m_extend = ExtendSpecifier::UXTW;
m_shifttype = ShiftType::LSL;
ArithOption(ARM64Reg Rd, ShiftType shift_type, u32 shift)
m_destReg = Rd;
m_shift = shift;
m_shifttype = shift_type;
m_type = TypeSpecifier::ShiftedReg;
if (Is64Bit(Rd))
m_width = WidthSpecifier::Width64Bit;
if (shift == 64)
m_shift = 0;
m_width = WidthSpecifier::Width32Bit;
if (shift == 32)
m_shift = 0;
ARM64Reg GetReg() const { return m_destReg; }
u32 GetData() const
switch (m_type)
case TypeSpecifier::ExtendedReg:
return (static_cast<u32>(m_extend) << 13) | (m_shift << 10);
case TypeSpecifier::ShiftedReg:
return (static_cast<u32>(m_shifttype) << 22) | (m_shift << 10);
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(DYNA_REC, false, "Invalid type in GetData");
return 0;
bool IsExtended() const { return m_type == TypeSpecifier::ExtendedReg; }
struct LogicalImm
constexpr LogicalImm() {}
constexpr LogicalImm(u8 r_, u8 s_, bool n_) : r(r_), s(s_), n(n_), valid(true) {}
constexpr LogicalImm(u64 value, u32 width)
bool negate = false;
// Logical immediates are encoded using parameters n, imm_s and imm_r using
// the following table:
// N imms immr size S R
// 1 ssssss rrrrrr 64 UInt(ssssss) UInt(rrrrrr)
// 0 0sssss xrrrrr 32 UInt(sssss) UInt(rrrrr)
// 0 10ssss xxrrrr 16 UInt(ssss) UInt(rrrr)
// 0 110sss xxxrrr 8 UInt(sss) UInt(rrr)
// 0 1110ss xxxxrr 4 UInt(ss) UInt(rr)
// 0 11110s xxxxxr 2 UInt(s) UInt(r)
// (s bits must not be all set)
// A pattern is constructed of size bits, where the least significant S+1 bits
// are set. The pattern is rotated right by R, and repeated across a 32 or
// 64-bit value, depending on destination register width.
// Put another way: the basic format of a logical immediate is a single
// contiguous stretch of 1 bits, repeated across the whole word at intervals
// given by a power of 2. To identify them quickly, we first locate the
// lowest stretch of 1 bits, then the next 1 bit above that; that combination
// is different for every logical immediate, so it gives us all the
// information we need to identify the only logical immediate that our input
// could be, and then we simply check if that's the value we actually have.
// (The rotation parameter does give the possibility of the stretch of 1 bits
// going 'round the end' of the word. To deal with that, we observe that in
// any situation where that happens the bitwise NOT of the value is also a
// valid logical immediate. So we simply invert the input whenever its low bit
// is set, and then we know that the rotated case can't arise.)
if (value & 1)
// If the low bit is 1, negate the value, and set a flag to remember that we
// did (so that we can adjust the return values appropriately).
negate = true;
value = ~value;
constexpr int kWRegSizeInBits = 32;
if (width == kWRegSizeInBits)
// To handle 32-bit logical immediates, the very easiest thing is to repeat
// the input value twice to make a 64-bit word. The correct encoding of that
// as a logical immediate will also be the correct encoding of the 32-bit
// value.
// The most-significant 32 bits may not be zero (ie. negate is true) so
// shift the value left before duplicating it.
value <<= kWRegSizeInBits;
value |= value >> kWRegSizeInBits;
// The basic analysis idea: imagine our input word looks like this.
// 0011111000111110001111100011111000111110001111100011111000111110
// c b a
// |<--d-->|
// We find the lowest set bit (as an actual power-of-2 value, not its index)
// and call it a. Then we add a to our original number, which wipes out the
// bottommost stretch of set bits and replaces it with a 1 carried into the
// next zero bit. Then we look for the new lowest set bit, which is in
// position b, and subtract it, so now our number is just like the original
// but with the lowest stretch of set bits completely gone. Now we find the
// lowest set bit again, which is position c in the diagram above. Then we'll
// measure the distance d between bit positions a and c (using CLZ), and that
// tells us that the only valid logical immediate that could possibly be equal
// to this number is the one in which a stretch of bits running from a to just
// below b is replicated every d bits.
u64 a = Common::LargestPowerOf2Divisor(value);
u64 value_plus_a = value + a;
u64 b = Common::LargestPowerOf2Divisor(value_plus_a);
u64 value_plus_a_minus_b = value_plus_a - b;
u64 c = Common::LargestPowerOf2Divisor(value_plus_a_minus_b);
int d = 0, clz_a = 0, out_n = 0;
u64 mask = 0;
if (c != 0)
// The general case, in which there is more than one stretch of set bits.
// Compute the repeat distance d, and set up a bitmask covering the basic
// unit of repetition (i.e. a word with the bottom d bits set). Also, in all
// of these cases the N bit of the output will be zero.
clz_a = Common::CountLeadingZeros(a);
int clz_c = Common::CountLeadingZeros(c);
d = clz_a - clz_c;
mask = ((UINT64_C(1) << d) - 1);
out_n = 0;
// Handle degenerate cases.
// If any of those 'find lowest set bit' operations didn't find a set bit at
// all, then the word will have been zero thereafter, so in particular the
// last lowest_set_bit operation will have returned zero. So we can test for
// all the special case conditions in one go by seeing if c is zero.
if (a == 0)
// The input was zero (or all 1 bits, which will come to here too after we
// inverted it at the start of the function), which is invalid.
// Otherwise, if c was zero but a was not, then there's just one stretch
// of set bits in our word, meaning that we have the trivial case of
// d == 64 and only one 'repetition'. Set up all the same variables as in
// the general case above, and set the N bit in the output.
clz_a = Common::CountLeadingZeros(a);
d = 64;
mask = ~UINT64_C(0);
out_n = 1;
// If the repeat period d is not a power of two, it can't be encoded.
if (!MathUtil::IsPow2<u64>(d))
// If the bit stretch (b - a) does not fit within the mask derived from the
// repeat period, then fail.
if (((b - a) & ~mask) != 0)
// The only possible option is b - a repeated every d bits. Now we're going to
// actually construct the valid logical immediate derived from that
// specification, and see if it equals our original input.
// To repeat a value every d bits, we multiply it by a number of the form
// (1 + 2^d + 2^(2d) + ...), i.e. 0x0001000100010001 or similar. These can
// be derived using a table lookup on CLZ(d).
constexpr std::array<u64, 6> multipliers = {{
const int multiplier_idx = Common::CountLeadingZeros((u64)d) - 57;
// Ensure that the index to the multipliers array is within bounds.
DEBUG_ASSERT((multiplier_idx >= 0) &&
(static_cast<size_t>(multiplier_idx) < multipliers.size()));
const u64 multiplier = multipliers[multiplier_idx];
const u64 candidate = (b - a) * multiplier;
// The candidate pattern doesn't match our input value, so fail.
if (value != candidate)
// We have a match! This is a valid logical immediate, so now we have to
// construct the bits and pieces of the instruction encoding that generates
// it.
n = out_n;
// Count the set bits in our basic stretch. The special case of clz(0) == -1
// makes the answer come out right for stretches that reach the very top of
// the word (e.g. numbers like 0xffffc00000000000).
const int clz_b = (b == 0) ? -1 : Common::CountLeadingZeros(b);
s = clz_a - clz_b;
// Decide how many bits to rotate right by, to put the low bit of that basic
// stretch in position a.
if (negate)
// If we inverted the input right at the start of this function, here's
// where we compensate: the number of set bits becomes the number of clear
// bits, and the rotation count is based on position b rather than position
// a (since b is the location of the 'lowest' 1 bit after inversion).
s = d - s;
r = (clz_b + 1) & (d - 1);
r = (clz_a + 1) & (d - 1);
// Now we're done, except for having to encode the S output in such a way that
// it gives both the number of set bits and the length of the repeated
// segment. The s field is encoded like this:
// imms size S
// ssssss 64 UInt(ssssss)
// 0sssss 32 UInt(sssss)
// 10ssss 16 UInt(ssss)
// 110sss 8 UInt(sss)
// 1110ss 4 UInt(ss)
// 11110s 2 UInt(s)
// So we 'or' (-d << 1) with our computed s to form imms.
s = ((-d << 1) | (s - 1)) & 0x3f;
valid = true;
constexpr operator bool() const { return valid; }
u8 r = 0;
u8 s = 0;
bool n = false;
bool valid = false;
class ARM64XEmitter
friend class ARM64FloatEmitter;
2015-01-07 13:42:36 -06:00
u8* m_code;
u8* m_lastCacheFlushEnd;
void AddImmediate(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm, bool shift, bool negative, bool flags);
void EncodeCompareBranchInst(u32 op, ARM64Reg Rt, const void* ptr);
void EncodeTestBranchInst(u32 op, ARM64Reg Rt, u8 bits, const void* ptr);
void EncodeUnconditionalBranchInst(u32 op, const void* ptr);
void EncodeUnconditionalBranchInst(u32 opc, u32 op2, u32 op3, u32 op4, ARM64Reg Rn);
void EncodeExceptionInst(u32 instenc, u32 imm);
void EncodeSystemInst(u32 op0, u32 op1, u32 CRn, u32 CRm, u32 op2, ARM64Reg Rt);
void EncodeArithmeticInst(u32 instenc, bool flags, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm,
ArithOption Option);
void EncodeArithmeticCarryInst(u32 op, bool flags, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void EncodeCondCompareImmInst(u32 op, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 imm, u32 nzcv, CCFlags cond);
void EncodeCondCompareRegInst(u32 op, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, u32 nzcv, CCFlags cond);
void EncodeCondSelectInst(u32 instenc, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, CCFlags cond);
void EncodeData1SrcInst(u32 instenc, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void EncodeData2SrcInst(u32 instenc, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void EncodeData3SrcInst(u32 instenc, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ARM64Reg Ra);
void EncodeLogicalInst(u32 instenc, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Shift);
void EncodeLoadRegisterInst(u32 bitop, ARM64Reg Rt, u32 imm);
void EncodeLoadStoreExcInst(u32 instenc, ARM64Reg Rs, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rt);
void EncodeLoadStorePairedInst(u32 op, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 imm);
void EncodeLoadStoreIndexedInst(u32 op, u32 op2, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void EncodeLoadStoreIndexedInst(u32 op, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm, u8 size);
void EncodeMOVWideInst(u32 op, ARM64Reg Rd, u32 imm, ShiftAmount pos);
void EncodeBitfieldMOVInst(u32 op, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 immr, u32 imms);
void EncodeLoadStoreRegisterOffset(u32 size, u32 opc, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
void EncodeAddSubImmInst(u32 op, bool flags, u32 shift, u32 imm, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rd);
void EncodeLogicalImmInst(u32 op, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, LogicalImm imm);
void EncodeLoadStorePair(u32 op, u32 load, IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn,
s32 imm);
void EncodeAddressInst(u32 op, ARM64Reg Rd, s32 imm);
void EncodeLoadStoreUnscaled(u32 size, u32 op, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
template <typename T>
void MOVI2RImpl(ARM64Reg Rd, T imm);
void Write32(u32 value);
ARM64XEmitter() : m_code(nullptr), m_lastCacheFlushEnd(nullptr) {}
ARM64XEmitter(u8* code_ptr)
m_code = code_ptr;
m_lastCacheFlushEnd = code_ptr;
virtual ~ARM64XEmitter() {}
// 'end' and 'write_failed' are unused in the ARM code emitter at the moment.
// They're just here for interface compatibility with the x64 code emitter.
void SetCodePtr(u8* ptr, u8* end, bool write_failed = false);
void SetCodePtrUnsafe(u8* ptr);
void ReserveCodeSpace(u32 bytes);
u8* AlignCode16();
u8* AlignCodePage();
const u8* GetCodePtr() const;
void FlushIcache();
void FlushIcacheSection(u8* start, u8* end);
u8* GetWritableCodePtr();
// FixupBranch branching
void SetJumpTarget(FixupBranch const& branch);
FixupBranch CBZ(ARM64Reg Rt);
FixupBranch CBNZ(ARM64Reg Rt);
FixupBranch B(CCFlags cond);
FixupBranch TBZ(ARM64Reg Rt, u8 bit);
FixupBranch TBNZ(ARM64Reg Rt, u8 bit);
FixupBranch B();
FixupBranch BL();
// Compare and Branch
void CBZ(ARM64Reg Rt, const void* ptr);
void CBNZ(ARM64Reg Rt, const void* ptr);
// Conditional Branch
void B(CCFlags cond, const void* ptr);
// Test and Branch
void TBZ(ARM64Reg Rt, u8 bits, const void* ptr);
void TBNZ(ARM64Reg Rt, u8 bits, const void* ptr);
// Unconditional Branch
void B(const void* ptr);
void BL(const void* ptr);
// Unconditional Branch (register)
void BR(ARM64Reg Rn);
void BLR(ARM64Reg Rn);
void RET(ARM64Reg Rn = ARM64Reg::X30);
void ERET();
void DRPS();
// Exception generation
void SVC(u32 imm);
void HVC(u32 imm);
void SMC(u32 imm);
void BRK(u32 imm);
void HLT(u32 imm);
void DCPS1(u32 imm);
void DCPS2(u32 imm);
void DCPS3(u32 imm);
// System
void _MSR(PStateField field, u8 imm);
void _MSR(PStateField field, ARM64Reg Rt);
void MRS(ARM64Reg Rt, PStateField field);
void CNTVCT(ARM64Reg Rt);
void HINT(SystemHint op);
void NOP() { HINT(SystemHint::NOP); }
void SEV() { HINT(SystemHint::SEV); }
void SEVL() { HINT(SystemHint::SEVL); }
void WFE() { HINT(SystemHint::WFE); }
void WFI() { HINT(SystemHint::WFI); }
void YIELD() { HINT(SystemHint::YIELD); }
void CLREX();
void DSB(BarrierType type);
void DMB(BarrierType type);
void ISB(BarrierType type);
// Add/Subtract (Extended/Shifted register)
void ADD(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void ADD(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Option);
void ADDS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void ADDS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Option);
void SUB(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void SUB(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Option);
void SUBS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void SUBS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Option);
void CMN(ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void CMN(ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Option);
void CMP(ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void CMP(ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Option);
// Add/Subtract (with carry)
void ADC(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void ADCS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void SBC(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void SBCS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
// Conditional Compare (immediate)
void CCMN(ARM64Reg Rn, u32 imm, u32 nzcv, CCFlags cond);
void CCMP(ARM64Reg Rn, u32 imm, u32 nzcv, CCFlags cond);
// Conditional Compare (register)
void CCMN(ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, u32 nzcv, CCFlags cond);
void CCMP(ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, u32 nzcv, CCFlags cond);
// Conditional Select
void CSEL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, CCFlags cond);
void CSINC(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, CCFlags cond);
void CSINV(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, CCFlags cond);
void CSNEG(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, CCFlags cond);
// Aliases
void CSET(ARM64Reg Rd, CCFlags cond)
ARM64Reg zr = Is64Bit(Rd) ? ARM64Reg::ZR : ARM64Reg::WZR;
CSINC(Rd, zr, zr, (CCFlags)((u32)cond ^ 1));
2016-10-27 00:32:04 +02:00
void CSETM(ARM64Reg Rd, CCFlags cond)
ARM64Reg zr = Is64Bit(Rd) ? ARM64Reg::ZR : ARM64Reg::WZR;
2016-10-27 00:32:04 +02:00
CSINV(Rd, zr, zr, (CCFlags)((u32)cond ^ 1));
void NEG(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rs) { SUB(Rd, Is64Bit(Rd) ? ARM64Reg::ZR : ARM64Reg::WZR, Rs); }
void NEG(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rs, ArithOption Option)
SUB(Rd, Is64Bit(Rd) ? ARM64Reg::ZR : ARM64Reg::WZR, Rs, Option);
void NEGS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rs) { SUBS(Rd, Is64Bit(Rd) ? ARM64Reg::ZR : ARM64Reg::WZR, Rs); }
void NEGS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rs, ArithOption Option)
SUBS(Rd, Is64Bit(Rd) ? ARM64Reg::ZR : ARM64Reg::WZR, Rs, Option);
// Data-Processing 1 source
void RBIT(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void REV16(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void REV32(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void REV64(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void CLZ(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void CLS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
// Data-Processing 2 source
void UDIV(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void SDIV(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void LSLV(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void LSRV(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void ASRV(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void RORV(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void CRC32B(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void CRC32H(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void CRC32W(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void CRC32CB(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void CRC32CH(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void CRC32CW(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void CRC32X(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void CRC32CX(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
// Data-Processing 3 source
void MADD(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ARM64Reg Ra);
void MSUB(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ARM64Reg Ra);
void SMADDL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ARM64Reg Ra);
void SMULL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void SMSUBL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ARM64Reg Ra);
void SMULH(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void UMADDL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ARM64Reg Ra);
void UMULL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void UMSUBL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ARM64Reg Ra);
void UMULH(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void MUL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void MNEG(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
// Logical (shifted register)
void AND(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Shift);
void BIC(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Shift);
void ORR(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Shift);
void ORN(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Shift);
void EOR(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Shift);
void EON(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Shift);
void ANDS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Shift);
void BICS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Shift);
void TST(ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm) { ANDS(Is64Bit(Rn) ? ARM64Reg::ZR : ARM64Reg::WZR, Rn, Rm); }
void TST(ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Shift)
ANDS(Is64Bit(Rn) ? ARM64Reg::ZR : ARM64Reg::WZR, Rn, Rm, Shift);
// Wrap the above for saner syntax
void AND(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm)
AND(Rd, Rn, Rm, ArithOption(Rd, ShiftType::LSL, 0));
void BIC(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm)
BIC(Rd, Rn, Rm, ArithOption(Rd, ShiftType::LSL, 0));
void ORR(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm)
ORR(Rd, Rn, Rm, ArithOption(Rd, ShiftType::LSL, 0));
void ORN(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm)
ORN(Rd, Rn, Rm, ArithOption(Rd, ShiftType::LSL, 0));
void EOR(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm)
EOR(Rd, Rn, Rm, ArithOption(Rd, ShiftType::LSL, 0));
void EON(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm)
EON(Rd, Rn, Rm, ArithOption(Rd, ShiftType::LSL, 0));
void ANDS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm)
ANDS(Rd, Rn, Rm, ArithOption(Rd, ShiftType::LSL, 0));
void BICS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm)
BICS(Rd, Rn, Rm, ArithOption(Rd, ShiftType::LSL, 0));
// Convenience wrappers around ORR. These match the official convenience syntax.
void MOV(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rm, ArithOption Shift);
void MOV(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rm);
void MVN(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rm);
// Convenience wrappers around UBFM/EXTR.
void LSR(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rm, int shift);
void LSL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rm, int shift);
void ASR(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rm, int shift);
void ROR(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rm, int shift);
// Logical (immediate)
void AND(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, LogicalImm imm);
void ANDS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, LogicalImm imm);
void EOR(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, LogicalImm imm);
void ORR(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, LogicalImm imm);
void TST(ARM64Reg Rn, LogicalImm imm);
// Add/subtract (immediate)
void ADD(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 imm, bool shift = false);
void ADDS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 imm, bool shift = false);
void SUB(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 imm, bool shift = false);
void SUBS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 imm, bool shift = false);
void CMP(ARM64Reg Rn, u32 imm, bool shift = false);
void CMN(ARM64Reg Rn, u32 imm, bool shift = false);
// Data Processing (Immediate)
void MOVZ(ARM64Reg Rd, u32 imm, ShiftAmount pos = ShiftAmount::Shift0);
void MOVN(ARM64Reg Rd, u32 imm, ShiftAmount pos = ShiftAmount::Shift0);
void MOVK(ARM64Reg Rd, u32 imm, ShiftAmount pos = ShiftAmount::Shift0);
// Bitfield move
void BFM(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 immr, u32 imms);
void SBFM(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 immr, u32 imms);
void UBFM(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 immr, u32 imms);
void BFI(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 lsb, u32 width);
2020-12-27 20:47:53 +00:00
void BFXIL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 lsb, u32 width);
void UBFIZ(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 lsb, u32 width);
// Extract register (ROR with two inputs, if same then faster on A67)
void EXTR(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, u32 shift);
// Aliases
void SXTB(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void SXTH(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void SXTW(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void UXTB(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void UXTH(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void UBFX(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, int lsb, int width) { UBFM(Rd, Rn, lsb, lsb + width - 1); }
// Load Register (Literal)
void LDR(ARM64Reg Rt, u32 imm);
void LDRSW(ARM64Reg Rt, u32 imm);
void PRFM(ARM64Reg Rt, u32 imm);
// Load/Store Exclusive
void STXRB(ARM64Reg Rs, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void STLXRB(ARM64Reg Rs, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LDXRB(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LDAXRB(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void STLRB(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LDARB(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void STXRH(ARM64Reg Rs, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void STLXRH(ARM64Reg Rs, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LDXRH(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LDAXRH(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void STLRH(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LDARH(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void STXR(ARM64Reg Rs, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void STLXR(ARM64Reg Rs, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void STXP(ARM64Reg Rs, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn);
void STLXP(ARM64Reg Rs, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LDXR(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LDAXR(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LDXP(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LDAXP(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn);
void STLR(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LDAR(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
// Load/Store no-allocate pair (offset)
void STNP(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 imm);
void LDNP(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 imm);
// Load/Store register (immediate indexed)
void STRB(IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDRB(IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDRSB(IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void STRH(IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDRH(IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDRSH(IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void STR(IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDR(IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDRSW(IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
// Load/Store register (register offset)
void STRB(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
void LDRB(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
void LDRSB(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
void STRH(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
void LDRH(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
void LDRSH(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
void STR(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
void LDR(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
void LDRSW(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
void PRFM(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
// Load/Store register (unscaled offset)
void STURB(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDURB(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDURSB(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void STURH(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDURH(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDURSH(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void STUR(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDUR(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDURSW(ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
// Load/Store pair
void LDP(IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void LDPSW(IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void STP(IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
// Address of label/page PC-relative
void ADR(ARM64Reg Rd, s32 imm);
void ADRP(ARM64Reg Rd, s64 imm);
// Wrapper around ADR/ADRP/MOVZ/MOVN/MOVK
void MOVI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, u64 imm);
2016-10-27 09:14:01 +02:00
bool MOVI2R2(ARM64Reg Rd, u64 imm1, u64 imm2);
template <class P>
void MOVP2R(ARM64Reg Rd, P* ptr)
ASSERT_MSG(DYNA_REC, Is64Bit(Rd), "Can't store pointers in 32-bit registers");
MOVI2R(Rd, (uintptr_t)ptr);
// Wrapper around AND x, y, imm etc.
// If you are sure the imm will work, preferably construct a LogicalImm directly instead,
// since that is constexpr and thus can be done at compile-time for constant values.
void ANDI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm, ARM64Reg scratch);
void ANDSI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm, ARM64Reg scratch);
void TSTI2R(ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm, ARM64Reg scratch)
ANDSI2R(Is64Bit(Rn) ? ARM64Reg::ZR : ARM64Reg::WZR, Rn, imm, scratch);
void ORRI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm, ARM64Reg scratch);
void EORI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm, ARM64Reg scratch);
2016-10-27 18:11:51 +02:00
void ADDI2R_internal(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm, bool negative, bool flags,
ARM64Reg scratch);
void ADDI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm, ARM64Reg scratch = ARM64Reg::INVALID_REG);
void ADDSI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm, ARM64Reg scratch = ARM64Reg::INVALID_REG);
void SUBI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm, ARM64Reg scratch = ARM64Reg::INVALID_REG);
void SUBSI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm, ARM64Reg scratch = ARM64Reg::INVALID_REG);
void CMPI2R(ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm, ARM64Reg scratch = ARM64Reg::INVALID_REG);
2021-01-03 13:36:37 +01:00
bool TryADDI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm);
bool TrySUBI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm);
bool TryCMPI2R(ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm);
2021-01-03 13:36:37 +01:00
bool TryANDI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm);
bool TryORRI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm);
bool TryEORI2R(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u64 imm);
// ABI related
void ABI_PushRegisters(BitSet32 registers);
void ABI_PopRegisters(BitSet32 registers, BitSet32 ignore_mask = BitSet32(0));
// Utility to generate a call to a std::function object.
// Unfortunately, calling operator() directly is undefined behavior in C++
// (this method might be a thunk in the case of multi-inheritance) so we
// have to go through a trampoline function.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static T CallLambdaTrampoline(const std::function<T(Args...)>* f, Args... args)
return (*f)(args...);
// This function expects you to have set up the state.
// Overwrites X0 and X8
template <typename T, typename... Args>
ARM64Reg ABI_SetupLambda(const std::function<T(Args...)>* f)
auto trampoline = &ARM64XEmitter::CallLambdaTrampoline<T, Args...>;
MOVP2R(ARM64Reg::X8, trampoline);
MOVP2R(ARM64Reg::X0, const_cast<void*>((const void*)f));
return ARM64Reg::X8;
// Plain function call
void QuickCallFunction(ARM64Reg scratchreg, const void* func);
template <typename T>
void QuickCallFunction(ARM64Reg scratchreg, T func)
QuickCallFunction(scratchreg, (const void*)func);
2015-01-07 13:42:36 -06:00
class ARM64FloatEmitter
ARM64FloatEmitter(ARM64XEmitter* emit) : m_emit(emit) {}
void LDR(u8 size, IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void STR(u8 size, IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
// Loadstore unscaled
void LDUR(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void STUR(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
// Loadstore single structure
void LD1(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rt, u8 index, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LD1(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rt, u8 index, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void LD1R(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LD2R(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LD1R(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void LD2R(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void ST1(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rt, u8 index, ARM64Reg Rn);
void ST1(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rt, u8 index, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
// Loadstore multiple structure
void LD1(u8 size, u8 count, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void LD1(u8 size, u8 count, IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm = ARM64Reg::SP);
void ST1(u8 size, u8 count, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void ST1(u8 size, u8 count, IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm = ARM64Reg::SP);
// Loadstore paired
void LDP(u8 size, IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void STP(u8 size, IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
// Loadstore register offset
void STR(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
void LDR(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
// Scalar - 1 Source
void FABS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FNEG(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FSQRT(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FMOV(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, bool top = false); // Also generalized move between GPR/FP
2021-05-02 22:12:00 +02:00
void FRECPE(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FRSQRTE(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
// Scalar - 2 Source
void ADD(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FADD(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FMUL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FSUB(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FDIV(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FMAX(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FMIN(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FMAXNM(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FMINNM(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FNMUL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
// Scalar - 3 Source. Note - the accumulator is last on ARM!
void FMADD(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ARM64Reg Ra);
void FMSUB(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ARM64Reg Ra);
void FNMADD(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ARM64Reg Ra);
void FNMSUB(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ARM64Reg Ra);
// Scalar floating point immediate
void FMOV(ARM64Reg Rd, uint8_t imm8);
// Vector
void ADD(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void AND(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void BIC(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void BIF(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void BIT(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void BSL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void DUP(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u8 index);
void FABS(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FADD(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FMAX(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FMLA(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FMLS(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FMIN(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FCVTL(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FCVTL2(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FCVTN(u8 dest_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FCVTN2(u8 dest_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FCVTZS(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FCVTZU(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FDIV(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FMUL(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FNEG(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
2017-05-03 07:52:26 +01:00
void FRECPE(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FRSQRTE(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FSUB(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void NOT(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void ORR(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void ORN(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void MOV(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn) { ORR(Rd, Rn, Rn); }
void REV16(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void REV32(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void REV64(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void SCVTF(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void UCVTF(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void SCVTF(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, int scale);
void UCVTF(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, int scale);
void SQXTN(u8 dest_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void SQXTN2(u8 dest_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void UQXTN(u8 dest_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void UQXTN2(u8 dest_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void XTN(u8 dest_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void XTN2(u8 dest_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
// Move
void DUP(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void INS(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, u8 index, ARM64Reg Rn);
void INS(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, u8 index1, ARM64Reg Rn, u8 index2);
void UMOV(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u8 index);
void SMOV(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u8 index);
// One source
void FCVT(u8 size_to, u8 size_from, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
// Scalar convert float to int, in a lot of variants.
// Note that the scalar version of this operation has two encodings, one that goes to an integer
// register
// and one that outputs to a scalar fp register.
void FCVTS(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, RoundingMode round);
void FCVTU(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, RoundingMode round);
// Scalar convert int to float. No rounding mode specifier necessary.
void SCVTF(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void UCVTF(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
// Scalar fixed point to float. scale is the number of fractional bits.
void SCVTF(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, int scale);
void UCVTF(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, int scale);
// Float comparison
void FCMP(ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FCMP(ARM64Reg Rn);
void FCMPE(ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FCMPE(ARM64Reg Rn);
void FCMEQ(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FCMEQ(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FCMGE(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FCMGE(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FCMGT(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FCMGT(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FCMLE(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FCMLT(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void FACGE(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void FACGT(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
// Conditional select
void FCSEL(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, CCFlags cond);
// Permute
void UZP1(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void TRN1(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void ZIP1(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void UZP2(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void TRN2(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void ZIP2(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
// Shift by immediate
void SSHLL(u8 src_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 shift);
void SSHLL2(u8 src_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 shift);
void USHLL(u8 src_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 shift);
void USHLL2(u8 src_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 shift);
void SHRN(u8 dest_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 shift);
void SHRN2(u8 dest_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 shift);
void SXTL(u8 src_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void SXTL2(u8 src_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void UXTL(u8 src_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void UXTL2(u8 src_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
// vector x indexed element
void FMUL(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, u8 index);
void FMLA(u8 esize, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, u8 index);
// Modified Immediate
void MOVI(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, u64 imm, u8 shift = 0);
void ORR(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, u8 imm, u8 shift = 0);
void BIC(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, u8 imm, u8 shift = 0);
void MOVI2F(ARM64Reg Rd, float value, ARM64Reg scratch = ARM64Reg::INVALID_REG,
bool negate = false);
void MOVI2FDUP(ARM64Reg Rd, float value, ARM64Reg scratch = ARM64Reg::INVALID_REG);
// ABI related
void ABI_PushRegisters(BitSet32 registers, ARM64Reg tmp = ARM64Reg::INVALID_REG);
void ABI_PopRegisters(BitSet32 registers, ARM64Reg tmp = ARM64Reg::INVALID_REG);
2015-01-07 13:42:36 -06:00
ARM64XEmitter* m_emit;
inline void Write32(u32 value) { m_emit->Write32(value); }
// Emitting functions
void EmitLoadStoreImmediate(u8 size, u32 opc, IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void EmitScalar2Source(bool M, bool S, u32 type, u32 opcode, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn,
ARM64Reg Rm);
void EmitScalarThreeSame(bool U, u32 size, u32 opcode, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void EmitThreeSame(bool U, u32 size, u32 opcode, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void EmitCopy(bool Q, u32 op, u32 imm5, u32 imm4, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
2021-05-02 22:12:00 +02:00
void EmitScalar2RegMisc(bool U, u32 size, u32 opcode, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void Emit2RegMisc(bool Q, bool U, u32 size, u32 opcode, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void EmitLoadStoreSingleStructure(bool L, bool R, u32 opcode, bool S, u32 size, ARM64Reg Rt,
ARM64Reg Rn);
void EmitLoadStoreSingleStructure(bool L, bool R, u32 opcode, bool S, u32 size, ARM64Reg Rt,
ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void Emit1Source(bool M, bool S, u32 type, u32 opcode, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void EmitConversion(bool sf, bool S, u32 type, u32 rmode, u32 opcode, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void EmitConversion2(bool sf, bool S, bool direction, u32 type, u32 rmode, u32 opcode, int scale,
ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void EmitCompare(bool M, bool S, u32 op, u32 opcode2, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void EmitCondSelect(bool M, bool S, CCFlags cond, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void EmitPermute(u32 size, u32 op, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm);
void EmitScalarImm(bool M, bool S, u32 type, u32 imm5, ARM64Reg Rd, u32 imm8);
void EmitShiftImm(bool Q, bool U, u32 immh, u32 immb, u32 opcode, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void EmitScalarShiftImm(bool U, u32 immh, u32 immb, u32 opcode, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void EmitLoadStoreMultipleStructure(u32 size, bool L, u32 opcode, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn);
void EmitLoadStoreMultipleStructurePost(u32 size, bool L, u32 opcode, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn,
ARM64Reg Rm);
void EmitScalar1Source(bool M, bool S, u32 type, u32 opcode, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn);
void EmitVectorxElement(bool U, u32 size, bool L, u32 opcode, bool H, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn,
ARM64Reg Rm);
void EmitLoadStoreUnscaled(u32 size, u32 op, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void EmitConvertScalarToInt(ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, RoundingMode round, bool sign);
void EmitScalar3Source(bool isDouble, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, ARM64Reg Rm, ARM64Reg Ra,
int opcode);
void EncodeLoadStorePair(u32 size, bool load, IndexType type, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rt2,
ARM64Reg Rn, s32 imm);
void EncodeLoadStoreRegisterOffset(u32 size, bool load, ARM64Reg Rt, ARM64Reg Rn, ArithOption Rm);
void EncodeModImm(bool Q, u8 op, u8 cmode, u8 o2, ARM64Reg Rd, u8 abcdefgh);
void ORR_BIC(u8 size, ARM64Reg Rd, u8 imm, u8 shift, u8 op);
void SSHLL(u8 src_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 shift, bool upper);
void USHLL(u8 src_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 shift, bool upper);
void SHRN(u8 dest_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, u32 shift, bool upper);
void SXTL(u8 src_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, bool upper);
void UXTL(u8 src_size, ARM64Reg Rd, ARM64Reg Rn, bool upper);
2015-01-07 13:42:36 -06:00
class ARM64CodeBlock : public Common::CodeBlock<ARM64XEmitter>
void PoisonMemory() override
// If our memory isn't a multiple of u32 then this won't write the last remaining bytes with
// anything
// Less than optimal, but there would be nothing we could do but throw a runtime warning anyway.
// AArch64: 0xD4200000 = BRK 0
constexpr u32 brk_0 = 0xD4200000;
for (size_t i = 0; i < region_size; i += sizeof(u32))
std::memcpy(region + i, &brk_0, sizeof(u32));
} // namespace Arm64Gen