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/* minizip.c
part of the minizip-ng project
Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Nathan Moinvaziri
Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Gilles Vollant
This program is distributed under the terms of the same license as zlib.
See the accompanying LICENSE file for the full text of the license.
#include "mz.h"
#include "mz_os.h"
#include "mz_strm.h"
#include "mz_strm_buf.h"
#include "mz_strm_split.h"
#include "mz_zip.h"
#include "mz_zip_rw.h"
#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
typedef struct minizip_opt_s {
uint8_t include_path;
int16_t compress_level;
uint8_t compress_method;
uint8_t overwrite;
uint8_t append;
int64_t disk_size;
uint8_t follow_links;
uint8_t store_links;
uint8_t zip_cd;
int32_t encoding;
uint8_t verbose;
uint8_t aes;
const char *cert_path;
const char *cert_pwd;
} minizip_opt;
int32_t minizip_banner(void);
int32_t minizip_help(void);
int32_t minizip_list(const char *path);
int32_t minizip_add_entry_cb(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_file *file_info);
int32_t minizip_add_progress_cb(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_file *file_info, int64_t position);
int32_t minizip_add_overwrite_cb(void *handle, void *userdata, const char *path);
int32_t minizip_add(const char *path, const char *password, minizip_opt *options, int32_t arg_count, const char **args);
int32_t minizip_extract_entry_cb(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_file *file_info, const char *path);
int32_t minizip_extract_progress_cb(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_file *file_info, int64_t position);
int32_t minizip_extract_overwrite_cb(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_file *file_info, const char *path);
int32_t minizip_extract(const char *path, const char *pattern, const char *destination, const char *password, minizip_opt *options);
int32_t minizip_erase(const char *src_path, const char *target_path, int32_t arg_count, const char **args);
int32_t minizip_banner(void) {
printf("minizip-ng %s - https://github.com/zlib-ng/minizip-ng\n", MZ_VERSION);
return MZ_OK;
int32_t minizip_help(void) {
printf("Usage: minizip [-x][-d dir|-l|-e][-o][-f][-y][-c cp][-a][-0 to -9][-b|-m|-t][-k 512][-p pwd][-s] file.zip [files]\n\n" \
" -x Extract files\n" \
" -l List files\n" \
" -d Destination directory\n" \
" -e Erase files\n" \
" -o Overwrite existing files\n" \
" -c File names use cp437 encoding (or specified codepage)\n" \
" -a Append to existing zip file\n" \
" -i Include full path of files\n" \
" -f Follow symbolic links\n" \
" -y Store symbolic links\n" \
" -v Verbose info\n" \
" -0 Store only\n" \
" -1 Compress faster\n" \
" -9 Compress better\n" \
" -k Disk size in KB\n" \
" -z Zip central directory\n" \
" -p Encryption password\n" \
" -s AES encryption\n" \
" -h PKCS12 certificate path\n" \
" -w PKCS12 certificate password\n" \
" -b BZIP2 compression\n" \
" -m LZMA compression\n" \
" -n XZ compression\n" \
" -t ZSTD compression\n\n");
return MZ_OK;
int32_t minizip_list(const char *path) {
mz_zip_file *file_info = NULL;
uint32_t ratio = 0;
int32_t err = MZ_OK;
struct tm tmu_date;
const char *method = NULL;
char crypt = ' ';
void *reader = NULL;
err = mz_zip_reader_open_file(reader, path);
if (err != MZ_OK) {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " opening archive %s\n", err, path);
return err;
err = mz_zip_reader_goto_first_entry(reader);
if (err != MZ_OK && err != MZ_END_OF_LIST) {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " going to first entry in archive\n", err);
return err;
printf(" Packed Unpacked Ratio Method Attribs Date Time CRC-32 Name\n");
printf(" ------ -------- ----- ------ ------- ---- ---- ------ ----\n");
/* Enumerate all entries in the archive */
do {
err = mz_zip_reader_entry_get_info(reader, &file_info);
if (err != MZ_OK) {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " getting entry info in archive\n", err);
ratio = 0;
if (file_info->uncompressed_size > 0)
ratio = (uint32_t)((file_info->compressed_size * 100) / file_info->uncompressed_size);
/* Display a '*' if the file is encrypted */
if (file_info->flag & MZ_ZIP_FLAG_ENCRYPTED)
crypt = '*';
crypt = ' ';
method = mz_zip_get_compression_method_string(file_info->compression_method);
mz_zip_time_t_to_tm(file_info->modified_date, &tmu_date);
/* Print entry information */
printf("%12" PRId64 " %12" PRId64 " %3" PRIu32 "%% %6s%c %8" PRIx32 " %2.2" PRIu32 \
"-%2.2" PRIu32 "-%2.2" PRIu32 " %2.2" PRIu32 ":%2.2" PRIu32 " %8.8" PRIx32 " %s\n",
file_info->compressed_size, file_info->uncompressed_size, ratio,
method, crypt, file_info->external_fa,
(uint32_t)tmu_date.tm_mon + 1, (uint32_t)tmu_date.tm_mday,
(uint32_t)tmu_date.tm_year % 100,
(uint32_t)tmu_date.tm_hour, (uint32_t)tmu_date.tm_min,
file_info->crc, file_info->filename);
err = mz_zip_reader_goto_next_entry(reader);
if (err != MZ_OK && err != MZ_END_OF_LIST) {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " going to next entry in archive\n", err);
} while (err == MZ_OK);
if (err == MZ_END_OF_LIST)
return MZ_OK;
return err;
int32_t minizip_add_entry_cb(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_file *file_info) {
/* Print the current file we are trying to compress */
printf("Adding %s\n", file_info->filename);
return MZ_OK;
int32_t minizip_add_progress_cb(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_file *file_info, int64_t position) {
minizip_opt *options = (minizip_opt *)userdata;
double progress = 0;
uint8_t raw = 0;
mz_zip_writer_get_raw(handle, &raw);
if (raw && file_info->compressed_size > 0)
progress = ((double)position / file_info->compressed_size) * 100;
else if (!raw && file_info->uncompressed_size > 0)
progress = ((double)position / file_info->uncompressed_size) * 100;
/* Print the progress of the current compress operation */
if (options->verbose)
printf("%s - %" PRId64 " / %" PRId64 " (%.02f%%)\n", file_info->filename, position,
file_info->uncompressed_size, progress);
return MZ_OK;
int32_t minizip_add_overwrite_cb(void *handle, void *userdata, const char *path) {
minizip_opt *options = (minizip_opt *)userdata;
if (options->overwrite == 0) {
/* If ask the user what to do because append and overwrite args not set */
char rep = 0;
do {
char answer[128];
printf("The file %s exists. Overwrite ? [y]es, [n]o, [a]ppend : ", path);
if (scanf("%1s", answer) != 1)
rep = answer[0];
if ((rep >= 'a') && (rep <= 'z'))
rep -= 0x20;
} while ((rep != 'Y') && (rep != 'N') && (rep != 'A'));
if (rep == 'A') {
} else if (rep == 'N') {
return MZ_OK;
int32_t minizip_add(const char *path, const char *password, minizip_opt *options, int32_t arg_count, const char **args) {
void *writer = NULL;
int32_t err = MZ_OK;
int32_t err_close = MZ_OK;
int32_t i = 0;
const char *filename_in_zip = NULL;
printf("Archive %s\n", path);
/* Create zip writer */
mz_zip_writer_set_password(writer, password);
mz_zip_writer_set_aes(writer, options->aes);
mz_zip_writer_set_compress_method(writer, options->compress_method);
mz_zip_writer_set_compress_level(writer, options->compress_level);
mz_zip_writer_set_follow_links(writer, options->follow_links);
mz_zip_writer_set_store_links(writer, options->store_links);
mz_zip_writer_set_overwrite_cb(writer, options, minizip_add_overwrite_cb);
mz_zip_writer_set_progress_cb(writer, options, minizip_add_progress_cb);
mz_zip_writer_set_entry_cb(writer, options, minizip_add_entry_cb);
mz_zip_writer_set_zip_cd(writer, options->zip_cd);
if (options->cert_path != NULL)
mz_zip_writer_set_certificate(writer, options->cert_path, options->cert_pwd);
err = mz_zip_writer_open_file(writer, path, options->disk_size, options->append);
if (err == MZ_OK) {
for (i = 0; i < arg_count; i += 1) {
filename_in_zip = args[i];
/* Add file system path to archive */
err = mz_zip_writer_add_path(writer, filename_in_zip, NULL, options->include_path, 1);
if (err != MZ_OK)
printf("Error %" PRId32 " adding path to archive %s\n", err, filename_in_zip);
} else {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " opening archive for writing\n", err);
err_close = mz_zip_writer_close(writer);
if (err_close != MZ_OK) {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " closing archive for writing %s\n", err_close, path);
err = err_close;
return err;
int32_t minizip_extract_entry_cb(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_file *file_info, const char *path) {
/* Print the current entry extracting */
printf("Extracting %s\n", file_info->filename);
return MZ_OK;
int32_t minizip_extract_progress_cb(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_file *file_info, int64_t position) {
minizip_opt *options = (minizip_opt *)userdata;
double progress = 0;
uint8_t raw = 0;
mz_zip_reader_get_raw(handle, &raw);
if (raw && file_info->compressed_size > 0)
progress = ((double)position / file_info->compressed_size) * 100;
else if (!raw && file_info->uncompressed_size > 0)
progress = ((double)position / file_info->uncompressed_size) * 100;
/* Print the progress of the current extraction */
if (options->verbose)
printf("%s - %" PRId64 " / %" PRId64 " (%.02f%%)\n", file_info->filename, position,
file_info->uncompressed_size, progress);
return MZ_OK;
int32_t minizip_extract_overwrite_cb(void *handle, void *userdata, mz_zip_file *file_info, const char *path) {
minizip_opt *options = (minizip_opt *)userdata;
/* Verify if we want to overwrite current entry on disk */
if (options->overwrite == 0) {
char rep = 0;
do {
char answer[128];
printf("The file %s exists. Overwrite ? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll: ", path);
if (scanf("%1s", answer) != 1)
rep = answer[0];
if ((rep >= 'a') && (rep <= 'z'))
rep -= 0x20;
} while ((rep != 'Y') && (rep != 'N') && (rep != 'A'));
if (rep == 'N')
if (rep == 'A')
options->overwrite = 1;
return MZ_OK;
int32_t minizip_extract(const char *path, const char *pattern, const char *destination, const char *password, minizip_opt *options) {
void *reader = NULL;
int32_t err = MZ_OK;
int32_t err_close = MZ_OK;
printf("Archive %s\n", path);
/* Create zip reader */
mz_zip_reader_set_pattern(reader, pattern, 1);
mz_zip_reader_set_password(reader, password);
mz_zip_reader_set_encoding(reader, options->encoding);
mz_zip_reader_set_entry_cb(reader, options, minizip_extract_entry_cb);
mz_zip_reader_set_progress_cb(reader, options, minizip_extract_progress_cb);
mz_zip_reader_set_overwrite_cb(reader, options, minizip_extract_overwrite_cb);
err = mz_zip_reader_open_file(reader, path);
if (err != MZ_OK) {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " opening archive %s\n", err, path);
} else {
/* Save all entries in archive to destination directory */
err = mz_zip_reader_save_all(reader, destination);
if (err == MZ_END_OF_LIST) {
if (pattern != NULL) {
printf("Files matching %s not found in archive\n", pattern);
} else {
printf("No files in archive\n");
err = MZ_OK;
} else if (err != MZ_OK) {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " saving entries to disk %s\n", err, path);
err_close = mz_zip_reader_close(reader);
if (err_close != MZ_OK) {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " closing archive for reading\n", err_close);
err = err_close;
return err;
int32_t minizip_erase(const char *src_path, const char *target_path, int32_t arg_count, const char **args) {
mz_zip_file *file_info = NULL;
const char *filename_in_zip = NULL;
const char *target_path_ptr = target_path;
void *reader = NULL;
void *writer = NULL;
int32_t skip = 0;
int32_t err = MZ_OK;
int32_t i = 0;
uint8_t zip_cd = 0;
char bak_path[256];
char tmp_path[256];
if (target_path == NULL) {
/* Construct temporary zip name */
strncpy(tmp_path, src_path, sizeof(tmp_path) - 1);
tmp_path[sizeof(tmp_path) - 1] = 0;
strncat(tmp_path, ".tmp.zip", sizeof(tmp_path) - strlen(tmp_path) - 1);
target_path_ptr = tmp_path;
/* Open original archive we want to erase an entry in */
err = mz_zip_reader_open_file(reader, src_path);
if (err != MZ_OK) {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " opening archive for reading %s\n", err, src_path);
return err;
/* Open temporary archive */
err = mz_zip_writer_open_file(writer, target_path_ptr, 0, 0);
if (err != MZ_OK) {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " opening archive for writing %s\n", err, target_path_ptr);
return err;
err = mz_zip_reader_goto_first_entry(reader);
if (err != MZ_OK && err != MZ_END_OF_LIST)
printf("Error %" PRId32 " going to first entry in archive\n", err);
while (err == MZ_OK) {
err = mz_zip_reader_entry_get_info(reader, &file_info);
if (err != MZ_OK) {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " getting info from archive\n", err);
/* Copy all entries from original archive to temporary archive
except the ones we don't want */
for (i = 0, skip = 0; i < arg_count; i += 1) {
filename_in_zip = args[i];
if (mz_path_compare_wc(file_info->filename, filename_in_zip, 1) == MZ_OK)
skip = 1;
if (skip) {
printf("Skipping %s\n", file_info->filename);
} else {
printf("Copying %s\n", file_info->filename);
err = mz_zip_writer_copy_from_reader(writer, reader);
if (err != MZ_OK) {
printf("Error %" PRId32 " copying entry into new zip\n", err);
err = mz_zip_reader_goto_next_entry(reader);
if (err != MZ_OK && err != MZ_END_OF_LIST)
printf("Error %" PRId32 " going to next entry in archive\n", err);
mz_zip_reader_get_zip_cd(reader, &zip_cd);
mz_zip_writer_set_zip_cd(writer, zip_cd);
if (err == MZ_END_OF_LIST) {
if (target_path == NULL) {
/* Swap original archive with temporary archive, backup old archive if possible */
strncpy(bak_path, src_path, sizeof(bak_path) - 1);
bak_path[sizeof(bak_path) - 1] = 0;
strncat(bak_path, ".bak", sizeof(bak_path) - strlen(bak_path) - 1);
if (mz_os_file_exists(bak_path) == MZ_OK)
if (mz_os_rename(src_path, bak_path) != MZ_OK)
printf("Error backing up archive before replacing %s\n", bak_path);
if (mz_os_rename(tmp_path, src_path) != MZ_OK)
printf("Error replacing archive with temp %s\n", tmp_path);
return MZ_OK;
return err;
#if !defined(MZ_ZIP_NO_MAIN)
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
minizip_opt options;
int32_t path_arg = 0;
int32_t err = 0;
int32_t i = 0;
uint8_t do_list = 0;
uint8_t do_extract = 0;
uint8_t do_erase = 0;
const char *path = NULL;
const char *password = NULL;
const char *destination = NULL;
const char *filename_to_extract = NULL;
if (argc == 1) {
return 0;
memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options));
options.compress_method = MZ_COMPRESS_METHOD_DEFLATE;
options.compress_level = MZ_COMPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
/* Parse command line options */
for (i = 1; i < argc; i += 1) {
printf("%s ", argv[i]);
if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
char c = argv[i][1];
if ((c == 'l') || (c == 'L'))
do_list = 1;
else if ((c == 'x') || (c == 'X'))
do_extract = 1;
else if ((c == 'e') || (c == 'E'))
do_erase = 1;
else if ((c == 'a') || (c == 'A'))
options.append = 1;
else if ((c == 'o') || (c == 'O'))
options.overwrite = 1;
else if ((c == 'f') || (c == 'F'))
options.follow_links = 1;
else if ((c == 'y') || (c == 'Y'))
options.store_links = 1;
else if ((c == 'i') || (c == 'I'))
options.include_path = 1;
else if ((c == 'z') || (c == 'Z'))
options.zip_cd = 1;
else if ((c == 'v') || (c == 'V'))
options.verbose = 1;
else if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) {
options.compress_level = (c - '0');
if (options.compress_level == 0)
options.compress_method = MZ_COMPRESS_METHOD_STORE;
} else if ((c == 'b') || (c == 'B'))
#ifdef HAVE_BZIP2
options.compress_method = MZ_COMPRESS_METHOD_BZIP2;
else if ((c == 'm') || (c == 'M'))
#ifdef HAVE_LZMA
options.compress_method = MZ_COMPRESS_METHOD_LZMA;
else if ((c == 'n') || (c == 'N'))
#if defined(HAVE_LZMA) || defined(HAVE_LIBCOMP)
options.compress_method = MZ_COMPRESS_METHOD_XZ;
else if ((c == 't') || (c == 'T'))
#ifdef HAVE_ZSTD
options.compress_method = MZ_COMPRESS_METHOD_ZSTD;
else if ((c == 's') || (c == 'S'))
options.aes = 1;
else if (((c == 'h') || (c == 'H')) && (i + 1 < argc)) {
options.cert_path = argv[i + 1];
printf("%s ", argv[i + 1]);
i += 1;
} else if (((c == 'w') || (c == 'W')) && (i + 1 < argc)) {
options.cert_pwd = argv[i + 1];
printf("%s ", argv[i + 1]);
i += 1;
} else if (((c == 'c') || (c == 'C')) && (i + 1 < argc)) {
options.encoding = (int32_t)atoi(argv[i + 1]);
i += 1;
} else if (((c == 'k') || (c == 'K')) && (i + 1 < argc)) {
options.disk_size = (int64_t)atoi(argv[i + 1]) * 1024;
printf("%s ", argv[i + 1]);
i += 1;
} else if (((c == 'd') || (c == 'D')) && (i + 1 < argc)) {
destination = argv[i + 1];
printf("%s ", argv[i + 1]);
i += 1;
} else if (((c == 'p') || (c == 'P')) && (i + 1 < argc)) {
password = argv[i + 1];
printf("*** ");
i += 1;
} else if (path_arg == 0)
path_arg = i;
if (err == MZ_SUPPORT_ERROR) {
printf("Feature not supported\n");
return err;
if (path_arg == 0) {
return 0;
path = argv[path_arg];
if (do_list) {
/* List archive contents */
err = minizip_list(path);
} else if (do_extract) {
if (argc > path_arg + 1)
filename_to_extract = argv[path_arg + 1];
/* Extract archive */
err = minizip_extract(path, filename_to_extract, destination, password, &options);
} else if (do_erase) {
/* Erase file in archive */
err = minizip_erase(path, NULL, argc - (path_arg + 1), &argv[path_arg + 1]);
} else {
/* Add files to archive */
err = minizip_add(path, password, &options, argc - (path_arg + 1), &argv[path_arg + 1]);
return err;