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// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see
// Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Common.h"
#include "StringUtil.h"
#include "LogManager.h"
#include "PowerPC/PowerPC.h"
#include "PowerPC/SymbolDB.h" // for g_symbolDB
#include "Debugger/Debugger_SymbolMap.h"
#include "Timer.h"
LogManager::SMessage (*LogManager::m_Messages)[MAX_MESSAGES];
int LogManager::m_nextMessages[LogManager::VERBOSITY_LEVELS + 1];
CDebugger_Log* LogManager::m_Log[LogTypes::NUMBER_OF_LOGS + (LogManager::VERBOSITY_LEVELS * 100)];
int LogManager::m_activeLog = LogTypes::MASTER_LOG;
bool LogManager::m_bDirty = true;
bool LogManager::m_bInitialized = false;
void __Log(int log, const char *format, ...)
char* temp = (char*)alloca(strlen(format)+512);
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
CharArrayFromFormatV(temp, 512, format, args);
LogManager::Log((LogTypes::LOG_TYPE)log, temp);
void __Logv(int log, int v, const char *format, ...)
char* temp = (char*)alloca(strlen(format)+512);
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
CharArrayFromFormatV(temp, 512, format, args);
LogManager::Log((LogTypes::LOG_TYPE)(log + v*100), temp);
CDebugger_Log::CDebugger_Log(const char* _szShortName, const char* _szName, int a) :
m_bLogToFile(true), // write to file or not
strcpy((char*)m_szName, _szName);
strcpy((char*)m_szShortName_, _szShortName);
sprintf((char*)m_szShortName, "%s%i", _szShortName, a);
sprintf((char*)m_szFilename, FULL_LOGS_DIR "%s%i.txt", _szName, a);
if (m_pFile)
m_pFile = NULL;
// we may need to declare these
CDebugger_LogSettings::CDebugger_LogSettings() {}
CDebugger_LogSettings::~CDebugger_LogSettings(void) {}
void CDebugger_Log::Init()
#ifdef LOGGING
m_pFile = fopen(m_szFilename, "wtb");
void CDebugger_Log::Shutdown()
#ifdef LOGGING
if (m_pFile != NULL)
m_pFile = NULL;
void LogManager::Init()
m_Messages = new SMessage[LogManager::VERBOSITY_LEVELS + 1][MAX_MESSAGES];
m_bDirty = true;
// create log files
for(int i = 0; i <= LogManager::VERBOSITY_LEVELS; i++)
m_Log[LogTypes::MASTER_LOG + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("*", "Master Log", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::BOOT + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("BOOT", "Boot", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::PIXELENGINE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("PE", "PixelEngine", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::COMMANDPROCESSOR + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("CP", "CommandProc", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::VIDEOINTERFACE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("VI", "VideoInt", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::SERIALINTERFACE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("SI", "SerialInt", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::PERIPHERALINTERFACE + i*100]= new CDebugger_Log("PI", "PeripheralInt", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::MEMMAP + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("MI", "MI & memmap", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::STREAMINGINTERFACE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("Stream", "StreamingInt", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::DSPINTERFACE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("DSP", "DSPInterface", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::DVDINTERFACE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("DVD", "DVDInterface", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::GPFIFO + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("GP", "GPFifo", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::EXPANSIONINTERFACE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("EXI", "ExpansionInt", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::AUDIO_INTERFACE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("AI", "AudioInt", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::GEKKO + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("GEKKO", "IBM CPU", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::HLE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("HLE", "HLE", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::DSPHLE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("DSPHLE", "DSP HLE", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::VIDEO + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("Video", "Video Plugin", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::AUDIO + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("Audio", "Audio Plugin", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::DYNA_REC + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("DYNA", "Dynamic Recompiler", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::CONSOLE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("CONSOLE", "Dolphin Console", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::OSREPORT + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("OSREPORT", "OSReport", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::WII_IOB + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("WII_IOB", "WII IO Bridge", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::WII_IPC + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("WII_IPC", "WII IPC", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::WII_IPC_HLE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("WII_IPC_HLE", "WII IPC HLE", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::WII_IPC_DVD + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("WII_IPC_DVD", "WII IPC DVD", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::WII_IPC_ES + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("WII_IPC_ES", "WII IPC ES", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::WII_IPC_FILEIO + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("WII_IPC_FILEIO", "WII IPC FILEIO", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::WII_IPC_SD + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("WII_IPC_SD", "WII IPC SD", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::WII_IPC_NET + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("WII_IPC_NET", "WII IPC NET", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::WII_IPC_WIIMOTE + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("WII_IPC_WIIMOTE", "WII IPC WIIMOTE", i);
m_Log[LogTypes::ACTIONREPLAY + i*100] = new CDebugger_Log("ActionReplay", "ActionReplay", i);
m_nextMessages[i] = 0; // initiate to zero
// create the files
for (int i = 0; i < LogTypes::NUMBER_OF_LOGS; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= LogManager::VERBOSITY_LEVELS; j++)
m_Log[j*100 + i]->Init();
m_bInitialized = true;
void LogManager::Clear()
for (int v = 0; v <= LogManager::VERBOSITY_LEVELS; v++)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MESSAGES; i++)
m_Messages[v][i].m_dwMsgLen = 0;
m_Messages[v][i].m_bInUse = false;
m_nextMessages[v] = 0;
// __________________________________________________________________________________________________
// Shutdown
void LogManager::Shutdown()
m_bInitialized = false;
// delete all loggers
for (int i=0; i<LogTypes::NUMBER_OF_LOGS; i++)
if (m_Log[i] != NULL)
delete m_Log[i];
m_Log[i] = NULL;
delete [] m_Messages;
// ==========================================================================================
// The function that finally writes the log.
// ---------------
void LogManager::Log(LogTypes::LOG_TYPE _type, const char *_fmt, ...)
static u32 lastPC;
static std::string lastSymbol;
if (m_LogSettings == NULL)
// get the current verbosity level and type
// TODO: Base 100 is bad for speed.
int v = _type / 100;
int type = _type % 100;
// security checks
if (m_Log[_type] == NULL || !m_Log[_type]->m_bEnable
|| _type > (LogTypes::NUMBER_OF_LOGS + LogManager::VERBOSITY_LEVELS * 100)
|| _type < 0)
// prepare message
char Msg[512];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, _fmt);
vsprintf(Msg, _fmt, ap);
static u32 count = 0;
char* Msg2 = (char*)alloca(strlen(_fmt)+512);
// Here's the old symbol request
// const Debugger::Symbol& symbol = Debugger::GetSymbol(Index);
// Warning: Getting the function name this often is very demanding on the CPU.
// I have limited it to the two lowest verbosity levels because of that. I've also
// added a simple caching function so that we don't search again if we get the same
// question again.
std::string symbol;
if ((v == 0 || v == 1) && lastPC != PC && LogManager::m_LogSettings->bResolve)
symbol = g_symbolDB.GetDescription(PC);
lastSymbol = symbol;
lastPC = PC;
else if(lastPC == PC && LogManager::m_LogSettings->bResolve)
symbol = lastSymbol;
symbol = "---";
int Index = 1;
const char *eol = "\n";
if (Index > 0)
//sprintf(Msg2, "%i | %i %02i:%02i:%03i: %x %s (%s, %08x) : %s%s",
sprintf(Msg2, "%i %llu: %x %s (%s, %08x) : %s%s",
m_Log[_type]->m_szShortName_, // (CONSOLE etc)
symbol.c_str(), PC, // current PC location (name, address)
Msg, eol);
// ==========================================================================================
/* Here we have two options
1. Verbosity mode where level 0 verbosity logs will be written to all verbosity
levels. Given that logging is enabled for that level. Level 1 verbosity will
only be written to level 1, 2, 3 and so on.
2. Unify mode where everything is written to the last message struct and the
last file */
// ---------------
// Check if we should do a unified write to a single file
// prepare the right id
int id = VERBOSITY_LEVELS*100 + type;
// write to memory
m_Messages[ver][m_nextMessages[ver]].Set((LogTypes::LOG_TYPE)id, v, Msg2);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write to file
// ---------------
if (m_Log[id]->m_pFile && m_Log[id]->m_bLogToFile)
fprintf(m_Log[id]->m_pFile, "%s", Msg2);
if (m_Log[ver*100 + LogTypes::MASTER_LOG] && m_Log[ver*100 + LogTypes::MASTER_LOG]->m_pFile
&& m_LogSettings->bWriteMaster)
fprintf(m_Log[ver*100 + LogTypes::MASTER_LOG]->m_pFile, "%s", Msg2);
/* In case it crashes write now to make sure you get the last messages.
Is this slower than caching it? Most likely yes, fflush can be really slow.*/
//fflush(m_Log[ver*100 + LogTypes::MASTER_LOG]->m_pFile);
printf("%s", Msg2); // write to console screen
// this limits the memory space used for the memory logs to MAX_MESSAGES rows
if (m_nextMessages[ver] >= MAX_MESSAGES)
m_nextMessages[ver] = 0;
else // write to separate files and structs
for (int i = VERBOSITY_LEVELS; i >= v ; i--)
// prepare the right id
int id = i*100 + type;
// write to memory
m_Messages[i][m_nextMessages[i]].Set((LogTypes::LOG_TYPE)id, v, Msg2);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write to file
// ---------------
if (m_Log[id]->m_pFile && m_Log[id]->m_bLogToFile)
fprintf(m_Log[id]->m_pFile, "%s", Msg2);
if (m_Log[i*100 + LogTypes::MASTER_LOG] && m_Log[i*100 + LogTypes::MASTER_LOG]->m_pFile
&& m_LogSettings->bWriteMaster)
fprintf(m_Log[i*100 + LogTypes::MASTER_LOG]->m_pFile, "%s", Msg2);
// Write now. Is this slower than caching it?
//fflush(m_Log[i*100 + LogTypes::MASTER_LOG]->m_pFile);
printf("%s", Msg2); // write to console screen
// this limits the memory space used for the memory logs to MAX_MESSAGES rows
if (m_nextMessages[i] >= MAX_MESSAGES)
m_nextMessages[i] = 0;
// ---------------
m_bDirty = true; // tell LogWindow that the log has been updated