2022-08-01 17:35:22 -05:00
# like add_library(new ALIAS old) but avoids add_library cannot create ALIAS target "new" because target "old" is imported but not globally visible. on older cmake
# This can be replaced with a direct alias call once our minimum is cmake 3.18
function ( dolphin_alias_library new old )
string ( REPLACE "::" "" library_no_namespace ${ old } )
if ( NOT TARGET _alias_ ${ library_no_namespace } )
add_library ( _alias_ ${ library_no_namespace } INTERFACE )
target_link_libraries ( _alias_ ${ library_no_namespace } INTERFACE ${ old } )
endif ( )
add_library ( ${ new } ALIAS _alias_ ${ library_no_namespace } )
endfunction ( )
2022-08-01 17:35:34 -05:00
# Makes an imported target if it doesn't exist. Useful for when find scripts from older versions of cmake don't make the targets you need
function ( dolphin_make_imported_target_if_missing target lib )
if ( ${ lib } _FOUND AND NOT TARGET ${ target } )
add_library ( _ ${ lib } INTERFACE )
target_link_libraries ( _ ${ lib } INTERFACE "${${lib}_LIBRARIES}" )
target_include_directories ( _ ${ lib } INTERFACE "${${lib}_INCLUDE_DIRS}" )
add_library ( ${ target } ALIAS _ ${ lib } )
e n d i f ( )
endfunction ( )