Remove runtime OS X version check.

My recent update to that check broke compilation on 10.9:

However, on further review, the check isn't actually necessary.  If the
OS X version is older than LSMinimumSystemVersion in Info.plist, the
system will generally refuse to run the binary in the first place.  You
can try to launch it via a terminal, but at that point it's the user's
problem if it crashes.
This commit is contained in:
comex 2014-12-01 14:21:24 -05:00
parent 3210a942ec
commit 05cb1ff136

@ -240,18 +240,6 @@ bool DolphinApp::OnInit()
#ifdef __APPLE__
if (floor(NSAppKitVersionNumber) < NSAppKitVersionNumber10_9)
PanicAlertT("Hi,\n\nDolphin requires Mac OS X 10.9 or greater.\n"
"Unfortunately you're running an old version of OS X.\n"
"The last Dolphin version to support OS X 10.6 is Dolphin 3.5\n"
"Please upgrade to 10.9 or greater to use the newest Dolphin version.\n\n"
return false;