mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:56:52 +01:00
docs/DSP: Hyperlink opcode names
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
% Title formatting commands
\newcommand{\OpcodeTitle}[1]{\subsection{\textbf{\Large #1}}}
% Formatting/self-documenting commands
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ Opcode decoding uses special naming for bits and their decimal representations t
\section{Conditional opcodes}
Conditional opcodes are executed only when the condition described by their encoded conditional field has been met.
The groups of conditional instructions are: \Opcode{CALL}, \Opcode{JMP}, \Opcode{IF}, and \Opcode{RET}.
The groups of conditional instructions are: \Opcode{CALLcc}, \Opcode{Jcc}, \Opcode{IFcc}, and \Opcode{RETcc}.
@ -3750,149 +3750,178 @@ allow extending (8 lower bits of opcode not used by opcode). Extended opcodes do
\section{Instructions sorted by opcode}
\newcommand{\OpcodeRow}[2]{\Opcode{#2} & \texttt{#1} & \pageref{instruction:#2} \\*}
\newcommand{\OpcodeRowUnk}[1]{Unknown & \texttt{#1} \\*}
NOP & & * & 0000 0000 0000 0000 \\
DAR & & * & 0000 0000 0000 01aa \\
IAR & & * & 0000 0000 0000 10aa \\
XXX & NOT USED & & 0000 0000 0000 11xx \\
ADDARN & & * & 0000 0000 0001 bbaa \\
HALT & & * & 0000 0000 0010 0001 \\
& & & \\
LOOP & & * & 0000 0000 010r rrrr \\
BLOOP & & * & 0000 0000 011r rrrr aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa \\
& & & \\
LRI & & * & 0000 0000 100r rrrr iiii iiii iiii iiii \\
XXX & NOT USED & * & 0000 0000 101x xxxx \\
LR & & * & 0000 0000 110r rrrr mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm \\
SR & & * & 0000 0000 111r rrrr mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm \\
& & & \\
IF cc & & * & 0000 0010 0111 cccc \\
JMP cc & & * & 0000 0010 1001 cccc aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa \\
CALL cc & & * & 0000 0010 1011 cccc aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa \\
RET cc & & * & 0000 0010 1101 cccc \\
RTI & & * & 0000 0010 1111 1111 \\
& & & \\
ADDI & & * & 0000 001r 0000 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii \\
XORI & & * & 0000 001r 0010 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii \\
ANDI & & * & 0000 001r 0100 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii \\
ORI & & * & 0000 001r 0110 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii \\
CMPI & & * & 0000 001r 1000 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii \\
ANDF & & * & 0000 001r 1010 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii \\
ANDCF & & * & 0000 001r 1100 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii \\
& & & \\
ILRR & & * & 0000 001r 0001 00aa \\
ILRRD & & * & 0000 001r 0001 01aa \\
ILRRI & & * & 0000 001r 0001 10aa \\
ILRRN & & * & 0000 001r 0001 11aa \\
& & & \\
ADDIS & & * & 0000 010d iiii iiii \\
CMPIS & & * & 0000 011d iiii iiii \\
LRIS & & * & 0000 1rrr iiii iiii \\
& & & \\
LOOPI & & * & 0001 0000 iiii iiii \\
BLOOPI & & * & 0001 0001 iiii iiii aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa \\
SBCLR & & * & 0001 0010 ???? ?iii \\
SBSET & & * & 0001 0011 ???? ?iii \\
LSL/LSR & & * & 0001 010r 0sss ssss \\
ASL/ASR & & * & 0001 010r 1sss ssss \\
SI & & * & 0001 0110 iiii iiii mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm \\
CALLR & & * & 0001 0111 rrr1 1111 \\
JMPR & & * & 0001 0111 rrr0 1111 \\
LRR(I|D|X) & & * & 0001 100x xaar rrrr \\
SRR(I|D|X) & & * & 0001 101x xaar rrrr \\
MRR & & * & 0001 11dd ddds ssss \\
& & & \\
LRS & & * & 0010 0rrr mmmm mmmm \\
SRS & & * & 0010 1rrr mmmm mmmm \\
& & & \\
XORR & & * & 0011 00sr xxxx xxxx \\
ANDR & & * & 0011 01sr xxxx xxxx \\
ORR & & * & 0011 10sr xxxx xxxx \\
ANDC & & * & 0011 110r xxxx xxxx \\
ORC & & * & 0011 111r xxxx xxxx \\
& & & \\
ADDR & & * & 0100 0ssd xxxx xxxx \\
ADDAX & & * & 0100 10sd xxxx xxxx \\
ADD & & * & 0100 110d xxxx xxxx \\
ADDP & & * & 0100 111d xxxx xxxx \\
& & & \\
SUBR & & * & 0101 0ssd xxxx xxxx \\
SUBAX & & * & 0101 10sd xxxx xxxx \\
SUB & & * & 0101 110d xxxx xxxx \\
SUBP & & * & 0101 111d xxxx xxxx \\
& & & \\
MOVR & & * & 0110 0ssd xxxx xxxx \\
MOVAX & & * & 0110 10sd xxxx xxxx \\
MOV & & * & 0110 110d xxxx xxxx \\
MOVP & & * & 0110 111d xxxx xxxx \\
& & & \\
ADDAXL & & * & 0111 00sr xxxx xxxx \\
INCM & & * & 0111 010r xxxx xxxx \\
INC & & * & 0111 011r xxxx xxxx \\
DECM & & * & 0111 100r xxxx xxxx \\
DEC & & * & 0111 101r xxxx xxxx \\
NEG & & * & 0111 110r xxxx xxxx \\
MOVNP & & * & 0111 111r xxxx xxxx \\
& & & \\
NX & & * & 1000 x000 xxxx xxxx \\
CLR & & * & 1000 x001 xxxx xxxx \\
CMP & & * & 1000 0010 xxxx xxxx \\
??? & UNUSED & * & 1000 0011 xxxx xxxx \\
CLRP & & * & 1000 0100 xxxx xxxx \\
TSTAXH & & * & 1000 011x xxxx xxxx \\
M0/M2 & & & 1000 101x xxxx xxxx \\
CLR15/SET15 & & & 1000 110x xxxx xxxx \\
SET40/16 & & & 1000 111x xxxx xxxx \\
& & & \\
MUL & & * & 1001 a000 xxxx xxxx \\
ASR16 & & * & 1001 r001 xxxx xxxx \\
MULMVZ & & * & 1001 a01r xxxx xxxx \\
MULAC & & * & 1001 a10r xxxx xxxx \\
MULMV & & * & 1001 a11r xxxx xxxx \\
& & & \\
MULX & & * & 101b a000 xxxx xxxx \\
??? & & & 1010 r001 xxxx xxxx \\
TST & & & 1011 r001 xxxx xxxx \\
MULXMVZ & & * & 101b a01r xxxx xxxx \\
MULXAC & & * & 101b a10r xxxx xxxx \\
MULXMV & & * & 101b a11r xxxx xxxx \\
& & & \\
MULC & & * & 110s a000 xxxx xxxx \\
CMP & & * & 110x r001 xxxx xxxx \\
MULCMVZ & & * & 110s a01r xxxx xxxx \\
MULCAC & & * & 110s a10r xxxx xxxx \\
MULCMV & & * & 110s a11r xxxx xxxx \\
& & & \\
MADDX & & ** & 1110 00st xxxx xxxx \\
MSUBX & & ** & 1110 01st xxxx xxxx \\
MADDC & & ** & 1110 10st xxxx xxxx \\
MSUBC & & ** & 1110 11st xxxx xxxx \\
& & & \\
LSL16 & & * & 1111 000r xxxx xxxx \\
MADD & & * & 1111 001s xxxx xxxx \\
LSR16 & & * & 1111 010r xxxx xxxx \\
MSUB & & * & 1111 011s xxxx xxxx \\
ADDPAXZ & & * & 1111 10ar xxxx xxxx \\
CLRL & & * & 1111 110r xxxx xxxx \\
MOVPZ & & * & 1111 111r xxxx xxxx
Instruction & Opcode & Page \\ \hline
\OpcodeRow{0000 0000 0000 0000}{NOP}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0000 0000 01aa}{DAR}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0000 0000 10aa}{IAR}
\OpcodeRowUnk{0000 0000 0000 11xx}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0000 0001 bbaa}{ADDARN}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0000 0010 0001}{HALT}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0000 010r rrrr}{LOOP}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0000 011r rrrr aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa}{BLOOP}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0000 100r rrrr iiii iiii iiii iiii}{LRI}
\OpcodeRowUnk{0000 0000 101x xxxx}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0000 110r rrrr mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm}{LR}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0000 111r rrrr mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm}{SR}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0010 0111 cccc}{IFcc}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0010 1001 cccc aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa}{Jcc}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0010 1011 cccc aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa}{CALLcc}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0010 1101 cccc}{RETcc}
\OpcodeRow{0000 0010 1111 1111}{RTI}
\OpcodeRow{0000 001r 0000 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii}{ADDI}
\OpcodeRow{0000 001r 0010 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii}{XORI}
\OpcodeRow{0000 001r 0100 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii}{ANDI}
\OpcodeRow{0000 001r 0110 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii}{ORI}
\OpcodeRow{0000 001r 1000 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii}{CMPI}
\OpcodeRow{0000 001r 1010 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii}{ANDF}
\OpcodeRow{0000 001r 1100 0000 iiii iiii iiii iiii}{ANDCF}
\OpcodeRow{0000 001r 0001 00aa}{ILRR}
\OpcodeRow{0000 001r 0001 01aa}{ILRRD}
\OpcodeRow{0000 001r 0001 10aa}{ILRRI}
\OpcodeRow{0000 001r 0001 11aa}{ILRRN}
\OpcodeRow{0000 010d iiii iiii}{ADDIS}
\OpcodeRow{0000 011d iiii iiii}{CMPIS}
\OpcodeRow{0000 1rrr iiii iiii}{LRIS}
\OpcodeRow{0001 0000 iiii iiii}{LOOPI}
\OpcodeRow{0001 0001 iiii iiii aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa}{BLOOPI}
\OpcodeRow{0001 0010 xxxx xiii}{SBCLR}
\OpcodeRow{0001 0011 xxxx xiii}{SBSET}
\OpcodeRow{0001 010r 00ss ssss}{LSL}
\OpcodeRow{0001 010r 01ss ssss}{LSR}
\OpcodeRow{0001 010r 10ss ssss}{ASL}
\OpcodeRow{0001 010r 11ss ssss}{ASR}
\OpcodeRow{0001 0110 iiii iiii mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm}{SI}
\OpcodeRow{0001 0111 rrr1 1111}{CALLR}
\OpcodeRow{0001 0111 rrr0 1111}{JMPR}
\OpcodeRow{0001 1000 0aar rrrr}{LRR}
\OpcodeRow{0001 1000 1aar rrrr}{LRRD}
\OpcodeRow{0001 1001 1aar rrrr}{LRRI}
\OpcodeRow{0001 1001 1aar rrrr}{LRRN}
\OpcodeRow{0001 1010 0aar rrrr}{SRR}
\OpcodeRow{0001 1010 1aar rrrr}{SRRD}
\OpcodeRow{0001 1011 0aar rrrr}{SRRI}
\OpcodeRow{0001 1011 1aar rrrr}{SRRN}
\OpcodeRow{0001 11dd ddds ssss}{MRR}
\OpcodeRow{0010 0rrr mmmm mmmm}{LRS}
\OpcodeRow{0010 1rrr mmmm mmmm}{SRS}
\OpcodeRow{0011 00sr xxxx xxxx}{XORR}
\OpcodeRow{0011 01sr xxxx xxxx}{ANDR}
\OpcodeRow{0011 10sr xxxx xxxx}{ORR}
\OpcodeRow{0011 110r xxxx xxxx}{ANDC}
\OpcodeRow{0011 111r xxxx xxxx}{ORC}
\OpcodeRow{0100 0ssd xxxx xxxx}{ADDR}
\OpcodeRow{0100 10sd xxxx xxxx}{ADDAX}
\OpcodeRow{0100 110d xxxx xxxx}{ADD}
\OpcodeRow{0100 111d xxxx xxxx}{ADDP}
\OpcodeRow{0101 0ssd xxxx xxxx}{SUBR}
\OpcodeRow{0101 10sd xxxx xxxx}{SUBAX}
\OpcodeRow{0101 110d xxxx xxxx}{SUB}
\OpcodeRow{0101 111d xxxx xxxx}{SUBP}
\OpcodeRow{0110 0ssd xxxx xxxx}{MOVR}
\OpcodeRow{0110 10sd xxxx xxxx}{MOVAX}
\OpcodeRow{0110 110d xxxx xxxx}{MOV}
\OpcodeRow{0110 111d xxxx xxxx}{MOVP}
\OpcodeRow{0111 00sr xxxx xxxx}{ADDAXL}
\OpcodeRow{0111 010r xxxx xxxx}{INCM}
\OpcodeRow{0111 011r xxxx xxxx}{INC}
\OpcodeRow{0111 100r xxxx xxxx}{DECM}
\OpcodeRow{0111 101r xxxx xxxx}{DEC}
\OpcodeRow{0111 110r xxxx xxxx}{NEG}
\OpcodeRow{0111 111r xxxx xxxx}{MOVNP}
\OpcodeRow{1000 x000 xxxx xxxx}{NX}
\OpcodeRow{1000 x001 xxxx xxxx}{CLR}
\OpcodeRow{1000 0010 xxxx xxxx}{CMP}
\OpcodeRowUnk{1000 0011 xxxx xxxx}
\OpcodeRow{1000 0100 xxxx xxxx}{CLRP}
\OpcodeRow{1000 011x xxxx xxxx}{TSTAXH}
\OpcodeRow{1000 1010 xxxx xxxx}{M2}
\OpcodeRow{1000 1011 xxxx xxxx}{M0}
\OpcodeRow{1000 1100 xxxx xxxx}{CLR15}
\OpcodeRow{1000 1101 xxxx xxxx}{SET15}
\OpcodeRow{1000 1110 xxxx xxxx}{SET16}
\OpcodeRow{1000 1111 xxxx xxxx}{SET40}
\OpcodeRow{1001 a000 xxxx xxxx}{MUL}
\OpcodeRow{1001 r001 xxxx xxxx}{ASR16}
\OpcodeRow{1001 a01r xxxx xxxx}{MULMVZ}
\OpcodeRow{1001 a10r xxxx xxxx}{MULAC}
\OpcodeRow{1001 a11r xxxx xxxx}{MULMV}
\OpcodeRow{101b a000 xxxx xxxx}{MULX}
\OpcodeRowUnk{1010 r001 xxxx xxxx}
\OpcodeRow{1011 r001 xxxx xxxx}{TST}
\OpcodeRow{101b a01r xxxx xxxx}{MULXMVZ}
\OpcodeRow{101b a10r xxxx xxxx}{MULXAC}
\OpcodeRow{101b a11r xxxx xxxx}{MULXMV}
\OpcodeRow{110s a000 xxxx xxxx}{MULC}
\OpcodeRow{110x r001 xxxx xxxx}{CMP}
\OpcodeRow{110s a01r xxxx xxxx}{MULCMVZ}
\OpcodeRow{110s a10r xxxx xxxx}{MULCAC}
\OpcodeRow{110s a11r xxxx xxxx}{MULCMV}
\OpcodeRow{1110 00st xxxx xxxx}{MADDX}
\OpcodeRow{1110 01st xxxx xxxx}{MSUBX}
\OpcodeRow{1110 10st xxxx xxxx}{MADDC}
\OpcodeRow{1110 11st xxxx xxxx}{MSUBC}
\OpcodeRow{1111 000r xxxx xxxx}{LSL16}
\OpcodeRow{1111 001s xxxx xxxx}{MADD}
\OpcodeRow{1111 010r xxxx xxxx}{LSR16}
\OpcodeRow{1111 011s xxxx xxxx}{MSUB}
\OpcodeRow{1111 10ar xxxx xxxx}{ADDPAXZ}
\OpcodeRow{1111 110r xxxx xxxx}{CLRL}
\OpcodeRow{1111 111r xxxx xxxx}{MOVPZ}
Extension Opcodes
[D|I|N]R & & * & xxxx xxxx 0000 nnaa \\
MV & & * & xxxx xxxx 0001 ddss \\
S[N] & & * & xxxx xxxx 001r rnaa \\
L[N] & & * & xxxx xxxx 01dd diss \\
LS[NM|M|N] & & * & xxxx xxxx 10dd ba0r \\
SL[NM|M|N] & & * & xxxx xxxx 10dd ba1r \\
LD[NM|M|N] & & & xxxx xxxx 11mn barr \\
LD2[NM|M|N] & & & xxxx xxxx 11rm ba11
Instruction & Opcode & Page \\ \hline
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 0000 01aa}{'DR}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 0000 10aa}{'IR}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 0000 11aa}{'NR}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 0001 ddss}{'MV}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 001r r0aa}{'S}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 001r r1aa}{'SN}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 01dd d0ss}{'L}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 01dd d1ss}{'LN}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 10dd 000r}{'LS}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 10dd 001r}{'SL}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 10dd 010r}{'LSN}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 10dd 011r}{'SLN}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 10dd 100r}{'LSM}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 10dd 101r}{'SLM}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 10dd 110r}{'LSNM}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 10dd 111r}{'SLNM}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 11mn barr}{'LD[NM|M|N]}
\OpcodeRow{xxxx xxxx 11rm ba11}{'LD2[NM|M|N]}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user