Gcifolder use correct region for fifologs and homebrew

This commit is contained in:
LPFaint99 2014-07-08 22:48:02 -07:00
parent 29873a7c55
commit 19c94de6e0

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@ -132,6 +132,36 @@ void CEXIMemoryCard::setupGciFolder(u16 sizeMb)
case DiscIO::IVolume::COUNTRY_USA:
strDirectoryName += USA_DIR DIR_SEP;
case DiscIO::IVolume::COUNTRY_UNKNOWN:
// The current game's region is not passed down to the EXI device level.
// Usually, we can retrieve the region from Core::g_CoreStartupParameter.m_strUniqueId.
// The Wii System Menu requires a lookup based on the version number.
// This is not possible in some cases ( e.g. FIFO logs, homebrew elf/dol files).
// Instead, we then lookup the region from the memory card name
// Earlier in the boot process the region is added to the memory card name (This is done by the function checkMemcardPath)
// For now take advantage of this.
// Future options:
// Set memory card directory path in the checkMemcardPath function.
// or Add region to Core::g_CoreStartupParameter.
// or Pass region down to the EXI device creation.
std::string memcardFilename = (card_index == 0) ? SConfig::GetInstance().m_strMemoryCardA : SConfig::GetInstance().m_strMemoryCardB;
std::string region = memcardFilename.substr(memcardFilename.size() - 7, 3);
if (region == JAP_DIR)
CountryCode = DiscIO::IVolume::COUNTRY_JAPAN;
ascii = false;
strDirectoryName += JAP_DIR DIR_SEP;
else if (region == USA_DIR)
CountryCode = DiscIO::IVolume::COUNTRY_USA;
strDirectoryName += USA_DIR DIR_SEP;
CountryCode = DiscIO::IVolume::COUNTRY_EUROPE;
strDirectoryName += EUR_DIR DIR_SEP;