mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:56:52 +01:00
Merge pull request #10831 from sepalani/BBA-cleanup
Common/Network+BBA/Builtin: Cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -85,9 +85,13 @@ std::optional<MACAddress> StringToMacAddress(std::string_view mac_string)
EthernetHeader::EthernetHeader() = default;
EthernetHeader::EthernetHeader(u16 ether_type)
EthernetHeader::EthernetHeader(u16 ether_type) : ethertype(htons(ether_type))
EthernetHeader::EthernetHeader(const MACAddress& dest, const MACAddress& src, u16 ether_type)
: destination(dest), source(src), ethertype(htons(ether_type))
ethertype = htons(ether_type);
u16 EthernetHeader::Size() const
@ -310,6 +314,14 @@ u16 ComputeTCPNetworkChecksum(const IPAddress& from, const IPAddress& to, const
return htons(static_cast<u16>(tcp_checksum));
template <typename Container, typename T>
static inline void InsertObj(Container* container, const T& obj)
const u8* const ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&obj);
container->insert(container->end(), ptr, ptr + sizeof(obj));
ARPPacket::ARPPacket() = default;
u16 ARPPacket::Size() const
@ -328,74 +340,57 @@ std::vector<u8> ARPPacket::Build() const
std::vector<u8> result;
result.reserve(EthernetHeader::SIZE + ARPHeader::SIZE);
const u8* eth_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(ð_header);
result.insert(result.end(), eth_ptr, eth_ptr + EthernetHeader::SIZE);
const u8* arp_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&arp_header);
result.insert(result.end(), arp_ptr, arp_ptr + ARPHeader::SIZE);
InsertObj(&result, eth_header);
InsertObj(&result, arp_header);
return result;
TCPPacket::TCPPacket() = default;
TCPPacket::TCPPacket(const MACAddress& destination, const MACAddress& source)
eth_header.destination = destination;
eth_header.source = source;
eth_header.ethertype = htons(IPV4_ETHERTYPE);
TCPPacket::TCPPacket(const MACAddress& destination, const MACAddress& source,
const sockaddr_in& from, const sockaddr_in& to, u32 seq, u32 ack, u16 flags)
: eth_header(destination, source, IPV4_ETHERTYPE),
ip_header(Common::TCPHeader::SIZE, IPPROTO_TCP, from, to),
tcp_header(from, to, seq, ack, flags)
eth_header.destination = destination;
eth_header.source = source;
eth_header.ethertype = htons(IPV4_ETHERTYPE);
ip_header = Common::IPv4Header(Common::TCPHeader::SIZE, IPPROTO_TCP, from, to);
tcp_header = Common::TCPHeader(from, to, seq, ack, flags);
std::vector<u8> TCPPacket::Build()
std::vector<u8> TCPPacket::Build() const
std::vector<u8> result;
result.reserve(Size()); // Useful not to invalidate .data() pointers
// recalc size
ip_header.total_len = htons(static_cast<u16>(IPv4Header::SIZE + ipv4_options.size() +
TCPHeader::SIZE + tcp_options.size() + data.size()));
// Copy data
InsertObj(&result, eth_header);
u8* const ip_ptr = result.data() + result.size();
InsertObj(&result, ip_header);
result.insert(result.end(), ipv4_options.begin(), ipv4_options.end());
u8* const tcp_ptr = result.data() + result.size();
InsertObj(&result, tcp_header);
result.insert(result.end(), tcp_options.begin(), tcp_options.end());
result.insert(result.end(), data.begin(), data.end());
// Adjust size and checksum fields
const u16 tcp_length = static_cast<u16>(TCPHeader::SIZE + tcp_options.size() + data.size());
const u16 tcp_properties =
(ntohs(tcp_header.properties) & 0xfff) |
(static_cast<u16>((tcp_options.size() + TCPHeader::SIZE) & 0x3c) << 10);
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(tcp_ptr + offsetof(TCPHeader, properties)) = htons(tcp_properties);
const u16 ip_header_size = static_cast<u16>(IPv4Header::SIZE + ipv4_options.size());
const u16 ip_total_len = ip_header_size + tcp_length;
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(ip_ptr + offsetof(IPv4Header, total_len)) = htons(ip_total_len);
auto ip_checksum_bitcast_ptr =
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(ip_ptr + offsetof(IPv4Header, header_checksum));
ip_checksum_bitcast_ptr = u16(0);
ip_checksum_bitcast_ptr = htons(Common::ComputeNetworkChecksum(ip_ptr, ip_header_size));
auto checksum_bitcast_ptr = Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(tcp_ptr + offsetof(TCPHeader, checksum));
checksum_bitcast_ptr = u16(0);
checksum_bitcast_ptr = ComputeTCPNetworkChecksum(
ip_header.source_addr, ip_header.destination_addr, tcp_ptr, tcp_length, IPPROTO_TCP);
// copy data
const u8* eth_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(ð_header);
result.insert(result.end(), eth_ptr, eth_ptr + EthernetHeader::SIZE);
const u8* ip_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&ip_header);
result.insert(result.end(), ip_ptr, ip_ptr + IPv4Header::SIZE);
std::size_t offset = EthernetHeader::SIZE + IPv4Header::SIZE;
if (ipv4_options.size() > 0)
result.insert(result.end(), ipv4_options.begin(), ipv4_options.end());
offset += ipv4_options.size();
tcp_header.checksum = 0;
const u16 props = (ntohs(tcp_header.properties) & 0xfff) |
(static_cast<u16>((tcp_options.size() + TCPHeader::SIZE) & 0x3c) << 10);
tcp_header.properties = htons(props);
const u8* tcp_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&tcp_header);
result.insert(result.end(), tcp_ptr, tcp_ptr + TCPHeader::SIZE);
const std::size_t tcp_offset = offset;
offset += TCPHeader::SIZE;
if (tcp_options.size() > 0)
result.insert(result.end(), tcp_options.begin(), tcp_options.end());
offset += tcp_options.size();
if (data.size() > 0)
result.insert(result.end(), data.begin(), data.end());
tcp_header.checksum = ComputeTCPNetworkChecksum(
ip_header.source_addr, ip_header.destination_addr, &result[tcp_offset],
static_cast<u16>(result.size() - tcp_offset), IPPROTO_TCP);
std::copy(tcp_ptr, tcp_ptr + TCPHeader::SIZE, result.begin() + tcp_offset);
return result;
@ -406,60 +401,45 @@ u16 TCPPacket::Size() const
UDPPacket::UDPPacket() = default;
UDPPacket::UDPPacket(const MACAddress& destination, const MACAddress& source)
eth_header.destination = destination;
eth_header.source = source;
eth_header.ethertype = htons(IPV4_ETHERTYPE);
UDPPacket::UDPPacket(const MACAddress& destination, const MACAddress& source,
const sockaddr_in& from, const sockaddr_in& to, const std::vector<u8>& payload)
: eth_header(destination, source, IPV4_ETHERTYPE),
ip_header(static_cast<u16>(payload.size() + Common::UDPHeader::SIZE), IPPROTO_UDP, from, to),
udp_header(from, to, static_cast<u16>(payload.size())), data(payload)
eth_header.destination = destination;
eth_header.source = source;
eth_header.ethertype = htons(IPV4_ETHERTYPE);
ip_header = Common::IPv4Header(static_cast<u16>(payload.size() + Common::UDPHeader::SIZE),
IPPROTO_UDP, from, to);
udp_header = Common::UDPHeader(from, to, static_cast<u16>(payload.size()));
data = payload;
std::vector<u8> UDPPacket::Build()
std::vector<u8> UDPPacket::Build() const
std::vector<u8> result;
result.reserve(Size()); // Useful not to invalidate .data() pointers
// recalc size
ip_header.total_len = htons(
static_cast<u16>(IPv4Header::SIZE + ipv4_options.size() + UDPHeader::SIZE + data.size()));
udp_header.length = htons(static_cast<u16>(UDPHeader::SIZE + data.size()));
// Copy data
InsertObj(&result, eth_header);
u8* const ip_ptr = result.data() + result.size();
InsertObj(&result, ip_header);
result.insert(result.end(), ipv4_options.begin(), ipv4_options.end());
u8* const udp_ptr = result.data() + result.size();
InsertObj(&result, udp_header);
result.insert(result.end(), data.begin(), data.end());
// copy data
const u8* eth_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(ð_header);
result.insert(result.end(), eth_ptr, eth_ptr + EthernetHeader::SIZE);
const u8* ip_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&ip_header);
result.insert(result.end(), ip_ptr, ip_ptr + IPv4Header::SIZE);
std::size_t offset = EthernetHeader::SIZE + IPv4Header::SIZE;
if (ipv4_options.size() > 0)
result.insert(result.end(), ipv4_options.begin(), ipv4_options.end());
offset += ipv4_options.size();
udp_header.checksum = 0;
const u8* udp_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(&udp_header);
result.insert(result.end(), udp_ptr, udp_ptr + UDPHeader::SIZE);
const std::size_t udp_offset = offset;
offset += UDPHeader::SIZE;
if (data.size() > 0)
result.insert(result.end(), data.begin(), data.end());
udp_header.checksum = ComputeTCPNetworkChecksum(
ip_header.source_addr, ip_header.destination_addr, &result[udp_offset],
static_cast<u16>(result.size() - udp_offset), IPPROTO_UDP);
std::copy(udp_ptr, udp_ptr + UDPHeader::SIZE, result.begin() + udp_offset);
// Adjust size and checksum fields
const u16 udp_length = static_cast<u16>(UDPHeader::SIZE + data.size());
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(udp_ptr + offsetof(UDPHeader, length)) = htons(udp_length);
const u16 ip_header_size = static_cast<u16>(IPv4Header::SIZE + ipv4_options.size());
const u16 ip_total_len = ip_header_size + udp_length;
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(ip_ptr + offsetof(IPv4Header, total_len)) = htons(ip_total_len);
auto ip_checksum_bitcast_ptr =
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(ip_ptr + offsetof(IPv4Header, header_checksum));
ip_checksum_bitcast_ptr = u16(0);
ip_checksum_bitcast_ptr = htons(Common::ComputeNetworkChecksum(ip_ptr, ip_header_size));
auto checksum_bitcast_ptr = Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(udp_ptr + offsetof(UDPHeader, checksum));
checksum_bitcast_ptr = u16(0);
checksum_bitcast_ptr = ComputeTCPNetworkChecksum(
ip_header.source_addr, ip_header.destination_addr, udp_ptr, udp_length, IPPROTO_UDP);
return result;
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ struct EthernetHeader
explicit EthernetHeader(u16 ether_type);
EthernetHeader(const MACAddress& dest, const MACAddress& src, u16 ether_type);
u16 Size() const;
static constexpr std::size_t SIZE = 14;
@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ struct EthernetHeader
u16 ethertype = 0;
static_assert(sizeof(EthernetHeader) == EthernetHeader::SIZE);
struct IPv4Header
@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ struct IPv4Header
IPAddress destination_addr{};
static_assert(sizeof(IPv4Header) == IPv4Header::SIZE);
struct TCPHeader
@ -100,6 +104,7 @@ struct TCPHeader
u16 urgent_pointer = 0;
static_assert(sizeof(TCPHeader) == TCPHeader::SIZE);
struct UDPHeader
@ -116,6 +121,7 @@ struct UDPHeader
u16 checksum = 0;
static_assert(sizeof(UDPHeader) == UDPHeader::SIZE);
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct ARPHeader
@ -194,10 +200,9 @@ static_assert(sizeof(ARPPacket) == ARPPacket::SIZE);
struct TCPPacket
TCPPacket(const MACAddress& destination, const MACAddress& source);
TCPPacket(const MACAddress& destination, const MACAddress& source, const sockaddr_in& from,
const sockaddr_in& to, u32 seq, u32 ack, u16 flags);
std::vector<u8> Build();
std::vector<u8> Build() const;
u16 Size() const;
EthernetHeader eth_header;
@ -213,10 +218,9 @@ struct TCPPacket
struct UDPPacket
UDPPacket(const MACAddress& destination, const MACAddress& source);
UDPPacket(const MACAddress& destination, const MACAddress& source, const sockaddr_in& from,
const sockaddr_in& to, const std::vector<u8>& payload);
std::vector<u8> Build();
std::vector<u8> Build() const;
u16 Size() const;
EthernetHeader eth_header;
@ -12,12 +12,123 @@
namespace ExpansionInterface
u64 GetTickCountStd()
using namespace std::chrono;
return duration_cast<milliseconds>(steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
std::vector<u8> BuildFINFrame(StackRef* ref)
const Common::TCPPacket result(ref->bba_mac, ref->my_mac, ref->from, ref->to, ref->seq_num,
for (auto& tcp_buf : ref->tcp_buffers)
tcp_buf.used = false;
return result.Build();
std::vector<u8> BuildAckFrame(StackRef* ref)
const Common::TCPPacket result(ref->bba_mac, ref->my_mac, ref->from, ref->to, ref->seq_num,
ref->ack_num, TCP_FLAG_ACK);
return result.Build();
// Change the IP identification and recompute the checksum
void SetIPIdentification(u8* ptr, std::size_t size, u16 value)
if (size < Common::EthernetHeader::SIZE + Common::IPv4Header::SIZE)
u8* const ip_ptr = ptr + Common::EthernetHeader::SIZE;
const u8 ip_header_size = (*ip_ptr & 0xf) * 4;
if (size < Common::EthernetHeader::SIZE + ip_header_size)
u8* const ip_id_ptr = ip_ptr + offsetof(Common::IPv4Header, identification);
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(ip_id_ptr) = htons(value);
u8* const ip_checksum_ptr = ip_ptr + offsetof(Common::IPv4Header, header_checksum);
auto checksum_bitcast_ptr = Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(ip_checksum_ptr);
checksum_bitcast_ptr = u16(0);
checksum_bitcast_ptr = htons(Common::ComputeNetworkChecksum(ip_ptr, ip_header_size));
std::optional<std::vector<u8>> TryGetDataFromSocket(StackRef* ref)
size_t datasize = 0; // Set by socket.receive using a non-const reference
unsigned short remote_port;
switch (ref->type)
std::array<u8, MAX_UDP_LENGTH> buffer;
ref->udp_socket.receive(buffer.data(), MAX_UDP_LENGTH, datasize, ref->target, remote_port);
if (datasize > 0)
ref->from.sin_port = htons(remote_port);
ref->from.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ref->target.toInteger());
const std::vector<u8> udp_data(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + datasize);
const Common::UDPPacket packet(ref->bba_mac, ref->my_mac, ref->from, ref->to, udp_data);
return packet.Build();
sf::Socket::Status st = sf::Socket::Status::Done;
TcpBuffer* tcp_buffer = nullptr;
for (auto& tcp_buf : ref->tcp_buffers)
if (tcp_buf.used)
tcp_buffer = &tcp_buf;
// set default size to 0 to avoid issue
datasize = 0;
const bool can_go = (GetTickCountStd() - ref->poke_time > 100 || ref->window_size > 2000);
std::array<u8, MAX_TCP_LENGTH> buffer;
if (tcp_buffer != nullptr && ref->ready && can_go)
st = ref->tcp_socket.receive(buffer.data(), MAX_TCP_LENGTH, datasize);
if (datasize > 0)
Common::TCPPacket packet(ref->bba_mac, ref->my_mac, ref->from, ref->to, ref->seq_num,
ref->ack_num, TCP_FLAG_ACK);
packet.data = std::vector<u8>(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + datasize);
// build buffer
tcp_buffer->seq_id = ref->seq_num;
tcp_buffer->tick = GetTickCountStd();
tcp_buffer->data = packet.Build();
tcp_buffer->seq_id = ref->seq_num;
tcp_buffer->used = true;
ref->seq_num += static_cast<u32>(datasize);
ref->poke_time = GetTickCountStd();
return tcp_buffer->data;
if (GetTickCountStd() - ref->delay > 3000)
if (st == sf::Socket::Disconnected || st == sf::Socket::Error)
ref->ip = 0;
return BuildFINFrame(ref);
return std::nullopt;
} // namespace
bool CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::Activate()
if (IsActivated())
@ -142,7 +253,7 @@ void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::HandleDHCP(const Common::UDPPacket& pack
reply.AddOption(3, ip_part); // router ip
reply.AddOption(255, {}); // end
Common::UDPPacket response(bba_mac, m_fake_mac, from, to, reply.Build());
const Common::UDPPacket response(bba_mac, m_fake_mac, from, to, reply.Build());
@ -177,23 +288,6 @@ StackRef* CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::GetTCPSlot(u16 src_port, u16 dst_po
return nullptr;
std::vector<u8> BuildFINFrame(StackRef* ref)
Common::TCPPacket result(ref->bba_mac, ref->my_mac, ref->from, ref->to, ref->seq_num,
for (auto& tcp_buf : ref->tcp_buffers)
tcp_buf.used = false;
return result.Build();
std::vector<u8> BuildAckFrame(StackRef* ref)
Common::TCPPacket result(ref->bba_mac, ref->my_mac, ref->from, ref->to, ref->seq_num,
ref->ack_num, TCP_FLAG_ACK);
return result.Build();
void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::HandleTCPFrame(const Common::TCPPacket& packet)
const auto& [hwdata, ip_header, tcp_header, ip_options, tcp_options, data] = packet;
@ -482,97 +576,6 @@ bool CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::SendFrame(const u8* frame, u32 size)
return true;
std::optional<std::vector<u8>> TryGetDataFromSocket(StackRef* ref)
size_t datasize = 0; // Set by socket.receive using a non-const reference
unsigned short remote_port;
switch (ref->type)
std::array<u8, MAX_UDP_LENGTH> buffer;
ref->udp_socket.receive(buffer.data(), MAX_UDP_LENGTH, datasize, ref->target, remote_port);
if (datasize > 0)
ref->from.sin_port = htons(remote_port);
ref->from.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ref->target.toInteger());
const std::vector<u8> udp_data(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + datasize);
Common::UDPPacket packet(ref->bba_mac, ref->my_mac, ref->from, ref->to, udp_data);
return packet.Build();
sf::Socket::Status st = sf::Socket::Status::Done;
TcpBuffer* tcp_buffer = nullptr;
for (auto& tcp_buf : ref->tcp_buffers)
if (tcp_buf.used)
tcp_buffer = &tcp_buf;
// set default size to 0 to avoid issue
datasize = 0;
const bool can_go = (GetTickCountStd() - ref->poke_time > 100 || ref->window_size > 2000);
std::array<u8, MAX_TCP_LENGTH> buffer;
if (tcp_buffer != nullptr && ref->ready && can_go)
st = ref->tcp_socket.receive(buffer.data(), MAX_TCP_LENGTH, datasize);
if (datasize > 0)
Common::TCPPacket packet(ref->bba_mac, ref->my_mac, ref->from, ref->to, ref->seq_num,
ref->ack_num, TCP_FLAG_ACK);
packet.data = std::vector<u8>(buffer.begin(), buffer.begin() + datasize);
// build buffer
tcp_buffer->seq_id = ref->seq_num;
tcp_buffer->tick = GetTickCountStd();
tcp_buffer->data = packet.Build();
tcp_buffer->seq_id = ref->seq_num;
tcp_buffer->used = true;
ref->seq_num += static_cast<u32>(datasize);
ref->poke_time = GetTickCountStd();
return tcp_buffer->data;
if (GetTickCountStd() - ref->delay > 3000)
if (st == sf::Socket::Disconnected || st == sf::Socket::Error)
ref->ip = 0;
return BuildFINFrame(ref);
return std::nullopt;
// Change the IP identification and recompute the checksum
static void SetIPIdentification(u8* ptr, std::size_t size, u16 value)
if (size < Common::EthernetHeader::SIZE + Common::IPv4Header::SIZE)
u8* const ip_ptr = ptr + Common::EthernetHeader::SIZE;
const u8 ip_header_size = (*ip_ptr & 0xf) * 4;
if (size < Common::EthernetHeader::SIZE + ip_header_size)
u8* const ip_id_ptr = ip_ptr + offsetof(Common::IPv4Header, identification);
Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(ip_id_ptr) = htons(value);
u8* const ip_checksum_ptr = ip_ptr + offsetof(Common::IPv4Header, header_checksum);
auto checksum_bitcast_ptr = Common::BitCastPtr<u16>(ip_checksum_ptr);
checksum_bitcast_ptr = u16(0);
checksum_bitcast_ptr = htons(Common::ComputeNetworkChecksum(ip_ptr, ip_header_size));
void CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface::ReadThreadHandler(CEXIETHERNET::BuiltInBBAInterface* self)
while (!self->m_read_thread_shutdown.IsSet())
Reference in New Issue
Block a user