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synced 2025-03-10 11:37:43 +01:00
DSPHLE/AXWii: fix wiimote audio in multiple games
Three bugs specific to older Wii games: - The size difference between high-pass and biquad filter was not accounted for, causing wiimote related fields to be corrupted. - Wiimote sample buffer pointers were advanced by 32 samples per millisecond instead of 6 samples. Usually hidden by the first bug. - PB updates on Wii were being byte-swapped twice, but I've not actually found any Wii games that make use of PB updates. This fixes wiimote audio in at least the following games: - Excite Truck - Ice Age 2: The Meltdown - Kororinpa: Marble Mania - Rapala Tournament Fishing - Shrek the Third - Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz - Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 - WarioWare: Smooth Moves (issue 11725) - Wing Island
This commit is contained in:
@ -412,6 +412,56 @@ void AXUCode::DownloadAndMixWithVolume(u32 addr, u16 vol_main, u16 vol_auxa, u16
// Determines if this version of the UCode has a PBLowPassFilter in its AXPB layout.
static bool HasLpf(u32 crc)
return crc != 0x4E8A8B21;
// Read a PB from MRAM/ARAM
void AXUCode::ReadPB(Memory::MemoryManager& memory, u32 addr, AXPB& pb)
if (HasLpf(m_crc))
u16* dst = (u16*)&pb;
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>(dst, addr, sizeof(pb));
// Skip lpf field.
char* dst = (char*)&pb;
constexpr size_t lpf_off = offsetof(AXPB, lpf);
constexpr size_t lc_off = offsetof(AXPB, loop_counter);
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>((u16*)dst, addr, lpf_off);
memset(dst + lpf_off, 0, lc_off - lpf_off);
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>((u16*)(dst + lc_off), addr + lpf_off, sizeof(pb) - lc_off);
// Write a PB back to MRAM/ARAM
void AXUCode::WritePB(Memory::MemoryManager& memory, u32 addr, const AXPB& pb)
if (HasLpf(m_crc))
const u16* src = (const u16*)&pb;
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr, src, sizeof(pb));
// We skip lpf in this layout.
const char* src = (const char*)&pb;
constexpr size_t lpf_off = offsetof(AXPB, lpf);
constexpr size_t lc_off = offsetof(AXPB, loop_counter);
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr, (const u16*)src, lpf_off);
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr + lpf_off, (const u16*)(src + lc_off), sizeof(pb) - lc_off);
void AXUCode::ProcessPBList(u32 pb_addr)
// Samples per millisecond. In theory DSP sampling rate can be changed from
@ -427,10 +477,9 @@ void AXUCode::ProcessPBList(u32 pb_addr)
m_samples_auxA_left, m_samples_auxA_right, m_samples_auxA_surround,
m_samples_auxB_left, m_samples_auxB_right, m_samples_auxB_surround}};
ReadPB(memory, pb_addr, pb, m_crc);
ReadPB(memory, pb_addr, pb);
u32 updates_addr = HILO_TO_32(pb.updates.data);
u16* updates = (u16*)HLEMemory_Get_Pointer(memory, updates_addr);
PBUpdateData updates = LoadPBUpdates(memory, pb);
for (int curr_ms = 0; curr_ms < 5; ++curr_ms)
@ -445,7 +494,7 @@ void AXUCode::ProcessPBList(u32 pb_addr)
ptr += spms;
WritePB(memory, pb_addr, pb, m_crc);
WritePB(memory, pb_addr, pb);
pb_addr = HILO_TO_32(pb.next_pb);
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class Accelerator;
namespace DSP::HLE
struct AXPB;
class DSPHLE;
// We can't directly use the mixer_control field from the PB because it does
@ -125,27 +126,6 @@ protected:
// versions of AX.
AXMixControl ConvertMixerControl(u32 mixer_control);
// Apply updates to a PB. Generic, used in AX GC and AX Wii.
template <typename PBType>
void ApplyUpdatesForMs(int curr_ms, PBType& pb, u16* num_updates, u16* updates)
auto pb_mem = Common::BitCastToArray<u16>(pb);
u32 start_idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < curr_ms; ++i)
start_idx += num_updates[i];
for (u32 i = start_idx; i < start_idx + num_updates[curr_ms]; ++i)
u16 update_off = Common::swap16(updates[2 * i]);
u16 update_val = Common::swap16(updates[2 * i + 1]);
pb_mem[update_off] = update_val;
pb = std::bit_cast<PBType>(pb_mem);
virtual void HandleCommandList();
void SignalWorkEnd();
@ -195,6 +175,9 @@ protected:
void DoAXState(PointerWrap& p);
void ReadPB(Memory::MemoryManager& memory, u32 addr, AXPB& pb);
void WritePB(Memory::MemoryManager& memory, u32 addr, const AXPB& pb);
enum CmdType
CMD_SETUP = 0x00,
@ -59,6 +59,13 @@ struct PBInitialTimeDelay
u16 targetRight;
struct PBUpdate
u16 pb_offset;
u16 new_value;
using PBUpdateData = std::array<PBUpdate, 32>;
// Update data - read these each 1ms subframe and use them!
// It seems that to provide higher time precisions for MIDI events, some games
// use this thing to update the parameter blocks per 1ms sub-block (a block is 5ms).
@ -66,7 +73,15 @@ struct PBInitialTimeDelay
struct PBUpdates
u16 num_updates[5];
u16 data_hi; // These point to main RAM. Not sure about the structure of the data.
u16 data_hi; // These point to main RAM.
u16 data_lo;
// Same for Wii, where frames are only 3 ms.
struct PBUpdatesWii
u16 num_updates[3];
u16 data_hi;
u16 data_lo;
@ -213,6 +228,12 @@ struct AXPB
u16 padding[24];
struct PBHighPassFilter
u16 on;
u16 unk[3];
struct PBBiquadFilter
u16 on;
@ -252,13 +273,18 @@ struct AXPBWii
PBMixerWii mixer;
PBInitialTimeDelay initial_time_delay;
PBDpopWii dpop;
PBUpdatesWii updates; // Not present in all versions of the struct.
PBVolumeEnvelope vol_env;
PBAudioAddr audio_addr;
PBADPCMInfo adpcm;
PBSampleRateConverter src;
PBADPCMLoopInfo adpcm_loop_info;
PBLowPassFilter lpf;
PBBiquadFilter biquad;
PBHighPassFilter hpf;
PBBiquadFilter biquad;
u16 remote;
@ -269,7 +295,7 @@ struct AXPBWii
PBSampleRateConverterWM remote_src;
PBInfImpulseResponseWM remote_iir;
u16 pad[12]; // align us, captain! (32B)
u16 pad[2]; // align us, captain! (32B)
// TODO: All these enums have changed a lot for Wii
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <bit>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
@ -47,6 +48,34 @@ namespace
// Useful macro to convert xxx_hi + xxx_lo to xxx for 32 bits.
#define HILO_TO_32(name) ((u32(name##_hi) << 16) | name##_lo)
PBUpdateData LoadPBUpdates(Memory::MemoryManager& memory, const PB_TYPE& pb)
PBUpdateData updates;
u32 updates_addr = HILO_TO_32(pb.updates.data);
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped((u16*)updates.data(), updates_addr, sizeof(updates));
return updates;
// Apply updates to a PB.
void ApplyUpdatesForMs(int curr_ms, PB_TYPE& pb, u16* num_updates, const PBUpdateData& updates)
auto pb_mem = Common::BitCastToArray<u16>(pb);
u32 start_idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < curr_ms; ++i)
start_idx += num_updates[i];
for (u32 i = start_idx; i < start_idx + num_updates[curr_ms]; ++i)
u16 update_off = updates[i].pb_offset;
u16 update_val = updates[i].new_value;
pb_mem[update_off] = update_val;
pb = std::bit_cast<PB_TYPE>(pb_mem);
// Used to pass a large amount of buffers to the mixing function.
union AXBuffers
@ -83,69 +112,14 @@ union AXBuffers
#ifdef AX_GC
int* ptrs[9];
int* ptrs[20];
int* regular_ptrs[12];
int* wiimote_ptrs[8];
// Determines if this version of the UCode has a PBLowPassFilter in its AXPB layout.
bool HasLpf(u32 crc)
switch (crc)
case 0x4E8A8B21:
return false;
return true;
// Read a PB from MRAM/ARAM
void ReadPB(Memory::MemoryManager& memory, u32 addr, PB_TYPE& pb, u32 crc)
if (HasLpf(crc))
u16* dst = (u16*)&pb;
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>(dst, addr, sizeof(pb));
// The below is a terrible hack in order to support two different AXPB layouts.
// We skip lpf in this layout.
char* dst = (char*)&pb;
constexpr size_t lpf_off = offsetof(AXPB, lpf);
constexpr size_t lc_off = offsetof(AXPB, loop_counter);
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>((u16*)dst, addr, lpf_off);
memset(dst + lpf_off, 0, lc_off - lpf_off);
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>((u16*)(dst + lc_off), addr + lpf_off, sizeof(pb) - lc_off);
// Write a PB back to MRAM/ARAM
void WritePB(Memory::MemoryManager& memory, u32 addr, const PB_TYPE& pb, u32 crc)
if (HasLpf(crc))
const u16* src = (const u16*)&pb;
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr, src, sizeof(pb));
// The below is a terrible hack in order to support two different AXPB layouts.
// We skip lpf in this layout.
const char* src = (const char*)&pb;
constexpr size_t lpf_off = offsetof(AXPB, lpf);
constexpr size_t lc_off = offsetof(AXPB, loop_counter);
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr, (const u16*)src, lpf_off);
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr + lpf_off, (const u16*)(src + lc_off), sizeof(pb) - lc_off);
// Simulated accelerator state.
class HLEAccelerator final : public Accelerator
@ -360,64 +360,75 @@ void AXWiiUCode::GenerateVolumeRamp(u16* output, u16 vol1, u16 vol2, size_t nval
bool AXWiiUCode::ExtractUpdatesFields(AXPBWii& pb, u16* num_updates, u16* updates,
u32* updates_addr)
void AXWiiUCode::ReadPB(Memory::MemoryManager& memory, u32 addr, AXPBWii& pb)
auto pb_mem = Common::BitCastToArray<u16>(pb);
if (!m_old_axwii)
return false;
// Copy the num_updates field.
memcpy(num_updates, &pb_mem[41], 6);
// Get the address of the updates data
u16 addr_hi = pb_mem[44];
u16 addr_lo = pb_mem[45];
u32 addr = HILO_TO_32(addr);
auto& memory = m_dsphle->GetSystem().GetMemory();
u16* ptr = (u16*)HLEMemory_Get_Pointer(memory, addr);
*updates_addr = addr;
// Copy the updates data and change the offset to match a PB without
// updates data.
u32 updates_count = num_updates[0] + num_updates[1] + num_updates[2];
for (u32 i = 0; i < updates_count; ++i)
// The Wii PB memory layout changed twice.
// For HLE, we use the largest struct version.
char* dst = (char*)&pb;
constexpr size_t updates_begin = offsetof(AXPBWii, updates);
constexpr size_t updates_end = offsetof(AXPBWii, updates) + sizeof(PBUpdatesWii);
constexpr size_t gap_begin = offsetof(AXPBWii, hpf) + sizeof(PBHighPassFilter);
constexpr size_t gap_end = offsetof(AXPBWii, biquad) + sizeof(PBBiquadFilter);
switch (m_crc)
u16 update_off = Common::swap16(ptr[2 * i]);
u16 update_val = Common::swap16(ptr[2 * i + 1]);
if (update_off > 45)
update_off -= 5;
updates[2 * i] = update_off;
updates[2 * i + 1] = update_val;
case 0x7699af32:
case 0xfa450138:
// The hpf field is a bit smaller than the biquad. Skip the difference.
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>((u16*)dst, addr, gap_begin);
memset(dst + gap_begin, 0, gap_end - gap_begin);
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>((u16*)(dst + gap_end), addr + gap_begin, sizeof(pb) - gap_end);
case 0xd9c4bf34:
case 0xadbc06bd:
// Skip updates field and skip gap after hpf.
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>((u16*)dst, addr, updates_begin);
memset(dst + updates_begin, 0, sizeof(PBUpdatesWii));
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>((u16*)(dst + updates_end), addr + updates_begin,
gap_begin - updates_end);
memset(dst + gap_begin, 0, gap_end - gap_begin);
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>((u16*)(dst + gap_end), addr + gap_begin, sizeof(pb) - gap_end);
case 0x347112ba:
case 0x4cc52064:
// Just skip updates field.
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>((u16*)dst, addr, updates_begin);
memset(dst + updates_begin, 0, sizeof(PBUpdatesWii));
memory.CopyFromEmuSwapped<u16>((u16*)(dst + updates_end), addr + updates_begin,
sizeof(pb) - updates_end);
// Remove the updates data from the PB
memmove(&pb_mem[41], &pb_mem[46], sizeof(pb) - 2 * 46);
pb = std::bit_cast<AXPBWii>(pb_mem);
return true;
void AXWiiUCode::ReinjectUpdatesFields(AXPBWii& pb, u16* num_updates, u32 updates_addr)
void AXWiiUCode::WritePB(Memory::MemoryManager& memory, u32 addr, const AXPBWii& pb)
auto pb_mem = Common::BitCastToArray<u16>(pb);
// Make some space
memmove(&pb_mem[46], &pb_mem[41], sizeof(pb) - 2 * 46);
// Reinsert previous values
pb_mem[41] = num_updates[0];
pb_mem[42] = num_updates[1];
pb_mem[43] = num_updates[2];
pb_mem[44] = updates_addr >> 16;
pb_mem[45] = updates_addr & 0xFFFF;
pb = std::bit_cast<AXPBWii>(pb_mem);
const char* src = (const char*)&pb;
constexpr size_t updates_begin = offsetof(AXPBWii, updates);
constexpr size_t updates_end = offsetof(AXPBWii, updates) + sizeof(PBUpdatesWii);
constexpr size_t gap_begin = offsetof(AXPBWii, hpf) + sizeof(PBHighPassFilter);
constexpr size_t gap_end = offsetof(AXPBWii, biquad) + sizeof(PBBiquadFilter);
switch (m_crc)
case 0x7699af32:
case 0xfa450138:
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr, (const u16*)src, gap_begin);
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr + gap_begin, (const u16*)(src + gap_end),
sizeof(pb) - gap_end);
case 0xd9c4bf34:
case 0xadbc06bd:
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr, (const u16*)src, updates_begin);
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr + updates_begin, (const u16*)(src + updates_end),
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr + gap_begin, (const u16*)(src + gap_end),
sizeof(pb) - gap_end);
case 0x347112ba:
case 0x4cc52064:
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr, (const u16*)src, updates_begin);
memory.CopyToEmuSwapped<u16>(addr + updates_begin, (const u16*)(src + updates_end),
sizeof(pb) - updates_end);
void AXWiiUCode::ProcessPBList(u32 pb_addr)
@ -439,25 +450,25 @@ void AXWiiUCode::ProcessPBList(u32 pb_addr)
m_samples_aux1, m_samples_wm2, m_samples_aux2,
m_samples_wm3, m_samples_aux3}};
ReadPB(memory, pb_addr, pb, m_crc);
ReadPB(memory, pb_addr, pb);
u16 num_updates[3];
u16 updates[1024];
u32 updates_addr;
if (ExtractUpdatesFields(pb, num_updates, updates, &updates_addr))
if (m_old_axwii &&
(pb.updates.num_updates[0] | pb.updates.num_updates[1] | pb.updates.num_updates[2]))
PBUpdateData updates = LoadPBUpdates(memory, pb);
for (int curr_ms = 0; curr_ms < 3; ++curr_ms)
ApplyUpdatesForMs(curr_ms, pb, num_updates, updates);
ApplyUpdatesForMs(curr_ms, pb, pb.updates.num_updates, updates);
ProcessVoice(static_cast<HLEAccelerator*>(m_accelerator.get()), pb, buffers, spms,
m_coeffs_checksum ? m_coeffs.data() : nullptr, m_new_filter);
// Forward the buffers
for (auto& ptr : buffers.ptrs)
for (auto& ptr : buffers.regular_ptrs)
ptr += spms;
for (auto& ptr : buffers.wiimote_ptrs)
ptr += 6;
ReinjectUpdatesFields(pb, num_updates, updates_addr);
@ -466,7 +477,7 @@ void AXWiiUCode::ProcessPBList(u32 pb_addr)
m_coeffs_checksum ? m_coeffs.data() : nullptr, m_new_filter);
WritePB(memory, pb_addr, pb, m_crc);
WritePB(memory, pb_addr, pb);
pb_addr = HILO_TO_32(pb.next_pb);
@ -46,11 +46,6 @@ protected:
u16 m_last_main_volume = 0;
u16 m_last_aux_volumes[3]{};
// If needed, extract the updates related fields from a PB. We need to
// reinject them afterwards so that the correct PB typs is written to RAM.
bool ExtractUpdatesFields(AXPBWii& pb, u16* num_updates, u16* updates, u32* updates_addr);
void ReinjectUpdatesFields(AXPBWii& pb, u16* num_updates, u32 updates_addr);
// Convert a mixer_control bitfield to our internal representation for that
// value. Required because that bitfield has a different meaning in some
// versions of AX.
@ -73,6 +68,9 @@ protected:
void OutputWMSamples(u32* addresses); // 4 addresses
void ReadPB(Memory::MemoryManager& memory, u32 addr, AXPBWii& pb);
void WritePB(Memory::MemoryManager& memory, u32 addr, const AXPBWii& pb);
enum CmdType
CMD_SETUP = 0x00,
Reference in New Issue
Block a user