mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 17:34:54 +01:00
BPMemory: Convert a number of unions to BitFields
This commit is contained in:
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ void Tev::Draw()
// - scaling of the "k" coefficient isn't clear either.
// First, calculate the offset from the viewport center (normalized to 0..1)
float offset = (Position[0] - (static_cast<s32>(bpmem.fogRange.Base.Center) - 342)) /
float offset = (Position[0] - (static_cast<s32>(bpmem.fogRange.Base.Center.Value()) - 342)) /
// Based on that, choose the index such that points which are far away from the z-axis use the
@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ float FogParam0::GetA() const
float FogParam3::GetC() const
// scale mantissa from 11 to 23 bits
const u32 integral = (static_cast<u32>(c_sign) << 31) | (static_cast<u32>(c_exp) << 23) |
(static_cast<u32>(c_mant) << 12);
const u32 integral = (c_sign.Value() << 31) | (c_exp.Value() << 23) | (c_mant.Value() << 12);
float real;
std::memcpy(&real, &integral, sizeof(u32));
@ -301,40 +301,37 @@ struct TevStageCombiner
union ColorCombiner
struct // abc=8bit,d=10bit
u32 d : 4; // TEVSELCC_X
u32 c : 4; // TEVSELCC_X
u32 b : 4; // TEVSELCC_X
u32 a : 4; // TEVSELCC_X
// abc=8bit,d=10bit
BitField<0, 4, u32> d; // TEVSELCC_X
BitField<4, 4, u32> c; // TEVSELCC_X
BitField<8, 4, u32> b; // TEVSELCC_X
BitField<12, 4, u32> a; // TEVSELCC_X
u32 bias : 2;
u32 op : 1;
u32 clamp : 1;
BitField<16, 2, u32> bias;
BitField<18, 1, u32> op;
BitField<19, 1, u32> clamp;
BitField<20, 2, u32> shift;
BitField<22, 2, u32> dest; // 1,2,3
u32 shift : 2;
u32 dest : 2; // 1,2,3
u32 hex;
union AlphaCombiner
u32 rswap : 2;
u32 tswap : 2;
u32 d : 3; // TEVSELCA_
u32 c : 3; // TEVSELCA_
u32 b : 3; // TEVSELCA_
u32 a : 3; // TEVSELCA_
BitField<0, 2, u32> rswap;
BitField<2, 2, u32> tswap;
BitField<4, 3, u32> d; // TEVSELCA_
BitField<7, 3, u32> c; // TEVSELCA_
BitField<10, 3, u32> b; // TEVSELCA_
BitField<13, 3, u32> a; // TEVSELCA_
u32 bias : 2; // GXTevBias
u32 op : 1;
u32 clamp : 1;
BitField<16, 2, u32> bias; // GXTevBias
BitField<18, 1, u32> op;
BitField<19, 1, u32> clamp;
BitField<20, 2, u32> shift;
BitField<22, 2, u32> dest; // 1,2,3
u32 shift : 2;
u32 dest : 2; // 1,2,3
u32 hex;
@ -353,21 +350,18 @@ struct TevStageCombiner
union TevStageIndirect
u32 bt : 2; // Indirect tex stage ID
u32 fmt : 2; // Format: ITF_X
u32 bias : 3; // ITB_X
u32 bs : 2; // ITBA_X, indicates which coordinate will become the 'bump alpha'
u32 mid : 4; // Matrix ID to multiply offsets with
u32 sw : 3; // ITW_X, wrapping factor for S of regular coord
u32 tw : 3; // ITW_X, wrapping factor for T of regular coord
u32 lb_utclod : 1; // Use modified or unmodified texture coordinates for LOD computation
u32 fb_addprev : 1; // 1 if the texture coordinate results from the previous TEV stage should
// be added
u32 pad0 : 3;
u32 rid : 8;
BitField<0, 2, u32> bt; // Indirect tex stage ID
BitField<2, 2, u32> fmt; // Format: ITF_X
BitField<4, 3, u32> bias; // ITB_X
BitField<7, 2, u32> bs; // ITBA_X, indicates which coordinate will become the 'bump alpha'
BitField<9, 4, u32> mid; // Matrix ID to multiply offsets with
BitField<13, 3, u32> sw; // ITW_X, wrapping factor for S of regular coord
BitField<16, 3, u32> tw; // ITW_X, wrapping factor for T of regular coord
BitField<19, 1, u32> lb_utclod; // Use modified or unmodified texture
// coordinates for LOD computation
BitField<20, 1, u32> fb_addprev; // 1 if the texture coordinate results from the previous TEV
// stage should be added
u32 hex : 21;
@ -381,28 +375,23 @@ union TevStageIndirect
union TwoTevStageOrders
u32 texmap0 : 3; // Indirect tex stage texmap
u32 texcoord0 : 3;
u32 enable0 : 1; // 1 if should read from texture
u32 colorchan0 : 3; // RAS1_CC_X
BitField<0, 3, u32> texmap0; // Indirect tex stage texmap
BitField<3, 3, u32> texcoord0;
BitField<6, 1, u32> enable0; // 1 if should read from texture
BitField<7, 3, u32> colorchan0; // RAS1_CC_X
u32 pad0 : 2;
BitField<12, 3, u32> texmap1;
BitField<15, 3, u32> texcoord1;
BitField<18, 1, u32> enable1; // 1 if should read from texture
BitField<19, 3, u32> colorchan1; // RAS1_CC_X
u32 texmap1 : 3;
u32 texcoord1 : 3;
u32 enable1 : 1; // 1 if should read from texture
u32 colorchan1 : 3; // RAS1_CC_X
BitField<24, 8, u32> rid;
u32 pad1 : 2;
u32 rid : 8;
u32 hex;
int getTexMap(int i) const { return i ? texmap1 : texmap0; }
int getTexCoord(int i) const { return i ? texcoord1 : texcoord0; }
int getEnable(int i) const { return i ? enable1 : enable0; }
int getColorChan(int i) const { return i ? colorchan1 : colorchan0; }
u32 getTexMap(int i) const { return i ? texmap1.Value() : texmap0.Value(); }
u32 getTexCoord(int i) const { return i ? texcoord1.Value() : texcoord0.Value(); }
u32 getEnable(int i) const { return i ? enable1.Value() : enable0.Value(); }
u32 getColorChan(int i) const { return i ? colorchan1.Value() : colorchan0.Value(); }
@ -527,20 +516,14 @@ union TexTLUT
union ZTex1
u32 bias : 24;
BitField<0, 24, u32> bias;
u32 hex;
union ZTex2
u32 type : 2; // TEV_Z_TYPE_X
u32 op : 2; // GXZTexOp
BitField<0, 2, u32> type; // TEV_Z_TYPE_X
BitField<2, 2, u32> op; // GXZTexOp
u32 hex;
@ -681,14 +664,12 @@ union FogParam0
union FogParam3
u32 c_mant : 11;
u32 c_exp : 8;
u32 c_sign : 1;
u32 proj : 1; // 0 - perspective, 1 - orthographic
u32 fsel : 3; // 0 - off, 2 - linear, 4 - exp, 5 - exp2, 6 - backward exp, 7 - backward exp2
BitField<0, 11, u32> c_mant;
BitField<11, 8, u32> c_exp;
BitField<19, 1, u32> c_sign;
BitField<20, 1, u32> proj; // 0 - perspective, 1 - orthographic
BitField<21, 3, u32> fsel; // 0 - off, 2 - linear, 4 - exp, 5 - exp2, 6 -
// backward exp, 7 - backward exp2
// amount to subtract from eyespacez after range adjustment
float GetC() const;
@ -698,15 +679,12 @@ union FogParam3
union FogRangeKElement
u32 HI : 12;
u32 LO : 12;
u32 regid : 8;
BitField<0, 12, u32> HI;
BitField<12, 12, u32> LO;
BitField<24, 8, u32> regid;
// TODO: Which scaling coefficient should we use here? This is just a guess!
float GetValue(int i) const { return (i ? HI : LO) / 256.f; }
float GetValue(int i) const { return (i ? HI.Value() : LO.Value()) / 256.f; }
u32 HEX;
@ -714,13 +692,9 @@ struct FogRangeParams
union RangeBase
u32 Center : 10; // viewport center + 342
u32 Enabled : 1;
u32 unused : 13;
u32 regid : 8;
BitField<0, 10, u32> Center; // viewport center + 342
BitField<10, 1, u32> Enabled;
BitField<24, 8, u32> regid;
u32 hex;
RangeBase Base;
@ -736,12 +710,9 @@ struct FogParams
union FogColor
u32 b : 8;
u32 g : 8;
u32 r : 8;
BitField<0, 8, u32> b;
BitField<8, 8, u32> g;
BitField<16, 8, u32> r;
u32 hex;
@ -771,11 +742,8 @@ union ZMode
union ConstantAlpha
u32 alpha : 8;
u32 enable : 1;
BitField<0, 8, u32> alpha;
BitField<8, 1, u32> enable;
u32 hex;
@ -881,19 +849,16 @@ union TevReg
union TevKSel
u32 swap1 : 2;
u32 swap2 : 2;
u32 kcsel0 : 5;
u32 kasel0 : 5;
u32 kcsel1 : 5;
u32 kasel1 : 5;
BitField<0, 2, u32> swap1;
BitField<2, 2, u32> swap2;
BitField<4, 5, u32> kcsel0;
BitField<9, 5, u32> kasel0;
BitField<14, 5, u32> kcsel1;
BitField<19, 5, u32> kasel1;
u32 hex;
int getKC(int i) const { return i ? kcsel1 : kcsel0; }
int getKA(int i) const { return i ? kasel1 : kasel0; }
u32 getKC(int i) const { return i ? kcsel1.Value() : kcsel0.Value(); }
u32 getKA(int i) const { return i ? kasel1.Value() : kasel0.Value(); }
union AlphaTest
@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ static void BPWritten(const BPCmd& bp)
case BPMEM_CONSTANTALPHA: // Set Destination Alpha
PRIM_LOG("constalpha: alp=%d, en=%d", bpmem.dstalpha.alpha, bpmem.dstalpha.enable);
PRIM_LOG("constalpha: alp=%d, en=%d", bpmem.dstalpha.alpha.Value(),
if (bp.changes & 0xFF)
if (bp.changes & 0x100)
@ -322,7 +323,7 @@ static void BPWritten(const BPCmd& bp)
PRIM_LOG("ztex bias=0x%x", bpmem.ztex1.bias);
PRIM_LOG("ztex bias=0x%x", bpmem.ztex1.bias.Value());
if (bp.changes)
@ -1281,7 +1282,7 @@ void GetBPRegInfo(const u8* data, std::string* name, std::string* desc)
"Tex sel: %d\n",
(data[0] - BPMEM_TEV_ALPHA_ENV) / 2, tevin[ac.a], tevin[ac.b], tevin[ac.c],
tevin[ac.d], tevbias[ac.bias], tevop[ac.op], no_yes[ac.clamp],
tevscale[ac.shift], tevout[ac.dest], ac.rswap, ac.tswap);
tevscale[ac.shift], tevout[ac.dest], ac.rswap.Value(), ac.tswap.Value());
@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
const char* tevIndAlphaSel[] = {"", "x", "y", "z"};
const char* tevIndAlphaMask[] = {"248", "224", "240",
"248"}; // 0b11111000, 0b11100000, 0b11110000, 0b11111000
out.Write("alphabump = iindtex%d.%s & %s;\n", tevind.bt, tevIndAlphaSel[tevind.bs],
out.Write("alphabump = iindtex%d.%s & %s;\n", tevind.bt.Value(), tevIndAlphaSel[tevind.bs],
@ -836,7 +836,8 @@ static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, i
// format
const char* tevIndFmtMask[] = {"255", "31", "15", "7"};
out.Write("\tint3 iindtevcrd%d = iindtex%d & %s;\n", n, tevind.bt, tevIndFmtMask[tevind.fmt]);
out.Write("\tint3 iindtevcrd%d = iindtex%d & %s;\n", n, tevind.bt.Value(),
// bias - TODO: Check if this needs to be this complicated..
const char* tevIndBiasField[] = {"", "x", "y", "xy",
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ void VertexManagerBase::Flush()
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST)
PRIM_LOG("frame%d:\n texgen=%d, numchan=%d, dualtex=%d, ztex=%d, cole=%d, alpe=%d, ze=%d",
g_ActiveConfig.iSaveTargetId, xfmem.numTexGen.numTexGens, xfmem.numChan.numColorChans,
xfmem.dualTexTrans.enabled, bpmem.ztex2.op, (int)bpmem.blendmode.colorupdate,
xfmem.dualTexTrans.enabled, (int)bpmem.ztex2.op, (int)bpmem.blendmode.colorupdate,
(int)bpmem.blendmode.alphaupdate, (int)bpmem.zmode.updateenable);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfmem.numChan.numColorChans; ++i)
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