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synced 2025-03-12 22:56:52 +01:00
Vulkan: Move XFB encoding/decoding to TextureConverter
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "VideoBackends/Vulkan/StateTracker.h"
#include "VideoBackends/Vulkan/StreamBuffer.h"
#include "VideoBackends/Vulkan/Texture2D.h"
#include "VideoBackends/Vulkan/TextureConverter.h"
#include "VideoBackends/Vulkan/Util.h"
#include "VideoBackends/Vulkan/VertexFormat.h"
#include "VideoBackends/Vulkan/VulkanContext.h"
@ -1411,7 +1412,7 @@ void FramebufferManager::CopyToRealXFB(u32 xfb_addr, u32 fb_stride, u32 fb_heigh
// The destination stride can differ from the copy region width, in which case the pixels
// outside the copy region should not be written to.
xfb_ptr, static_cast<u32>(source_rc.GetWidth()), fb_stride, fb_height, src_texture,
@ -1437,8 +1438,8 @@ void XFBSource::DecodeToTexture(u32 xfb_addr, u32 fb_width, u32 fb_height)
// Guest memory -> GPU EFB Textures
const u8* src_ptr = Memory::GetPointer(xfb_addr);
TextureCache::GetInstance()->DecodeYUYVTextureFromMemory(m_texture.get(), src_ptr, fb_width,
fb_width * 2, fb_height);
m_texture.get(), src_ptr, fb_width, fb_width * 2, fb_height);
void XFBSource::CopyEFB(float gamma)
@ -730,52 +730,6 @@ bool TextureCache::CompileShaders()
static const char RGB_TO_YUYV_SHADER_SOURCE[] = R"(
SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2DArray source;
layout(location = 0) in vec3 uv0;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 ocol0;
const vec3 y_const = vec3(0.257,0.504,0.098);
const vec3 u_const = vec3(-0.148,-0.291,0.439);
const vec3 v_const = vec3(0.439,-0.368,-0.071);
const vec4 const3 = vec4(0.0625,0.5,0.0625,0.5);
void main()
vec3 c0 = texture(source, vec3(uv0.xy - dFdx(uv0.xy) * 0.25, 0.0)).rgb;
vec3 c1 = texture(source, vec3(uv0.xy + dFdx(uv0.xy) * 0.25, 0.0)).rgb;
vec3 c01 = (c0 + c1) * 0.5;
ocol0 = vec4(dot(c1, y_const),
dot(c01, v_const)) + const3;
static const char YUYV_TO_RGB_SHADER_SOURCE[] = R"(
SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2D source;
layout(location = 0) in vec3 uv0;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 ocol0;
void main()
ivec2 uv = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
vec4 c0 = texelFetch(source, ivec2(uv.x / 2, uv.y), 0);
// The texture used to stage the upload is in BGRA order.
c0 = c0.zyxw;
float y = mix(c0.r, c0.b, (uv.x & 1) == 1);
float yComp = 1.164 * (y - 0.0625);
float uComp = c0.g - 0.5;
float vComp = c0.a - 0.5;
ocol0 = vec4(yComp + (1.596 * vComp),
yComp - (0.813 * vComp) - (0.391 * uComp),
yComp + (2.018 * uComp),
std::string header = g_object_cache->GetUtilityShaderHeader();
std::string source;
@ -791,14 +745,8 @@ bool TextureCache::CompileShaders()
source = header + EFB_DEPTH_TO_TEX_SOURCE;
m_efb_depth_to_tex_shader = Util::CompileAndCreateFragmentShader(source);
source = header + RGB_TO_YUYV_SHADER_SOURCE;
m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader = Util::CompileAndCreateFragmentShader(source);
source = header + YUYV_TO_RGB_SHADER_SOURCE;
m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader = Util::CompileAndCreateFragmentShader(source);
return (m_copy_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE && m_efb_color_to_tex_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE &&
m_efb_depth_to_tex_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE && m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE &&
m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
return m_copy_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE && m_efb_color_to_tex_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE &&
m_efb_depth_to_tex_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE;
void TextureCache::DeleteShaders()
@ -822,120 +770,6 @@ void TextureCache::DeleteShaders()
vkDestroyShaderModule(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), m_efb_depth_to_tex_shader, nullptr);
m_efb_depth_to_tex_shader = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
vkDestroyShaderModule(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader, nullptr);
m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
if (m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
vkDestroyShaderModule(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader, nullptr);
m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
void TextureCache::EncodeYUYVTextureToMemory(void* dst_ptr, u32 dst_width, u32 dst_stride,
u32 dst_height, Texture2D* src_texture,
const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& src_rect)
VkCommandBuffer command_buffer = g_command_buffer_mgr->GetCurrentCommandBuffer();
src_texture->TransitionToLayout(command_buffer, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL);
// Borrow framebuffer from EFB2RAM encoder.
Texture2D* encoding_texture = m_texture_converter->GetEncodingTexture();
StagingTexture2D* download_texture = m_texture_converter->GetDownloadTexture();
encoding_texture->TransitionToLayout(command_buffer, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OPTIMAL);
// Use fragment shader to convert RGBA to YUYV.
// Use linear sampler for downscaling. This texture is in BGRA order, so the data is already in
// the order the guest is expecting and we don't have to swap it at readback time. The width
// is halved because we're using an RGBA8 texture, but the YUYV data is two bytes per pixel.
u32 output_width = dst_width / 2;
UtilityShaderDraw draw(
command_buffer, g_object_cache->GetPipelineLayout(PIPELINE_LAYOUT_STANDARD),
m_texture_converter->GetEncodingRenderPass(), g_object_cache->GetPassthroughVertexShader(),
VK_NULL_HANDLE, m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader);
VkRect2D region = {{0, 0}, {output_width, dst_height}};
draw.BeginRenderPass(m_texture_converter->GetEncodingTextureFramebuffer(), region);
draw.SetPSSampler(0, src_texture->GetView(), g_object_cache->GetLinearSampler());
draw.DrawQuad(0, 0, static_cast<int>(output_width), static_cast<int>(dst_height), src_rect.left,
src_rect.top, 0, src_rect.GetWidth(), src_rect.GetHeight(),
// Render pass transitions to TRANSFER_SRC.
// Copy from encoding texture to download buffer.
download_texture->CopyFromImage(command_buffer, encoding_texture->GetImage(),
VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, 0, 0, output_width, dst_height, 0, 0);
Util::ExecuteCurrentCommandsAndRestoreState(false, true);
// Finally, copy to guest memory. This may have a different stride.
download_texture->ReadTexels(0, 0, output_width, dst_height, dst_ptr, dst_stride);
void TextureCache::DecodeYUYVTextureFromMemory(TCacheEntry* dst_texture, const void* src_ptr,
u32 src_width, u32 src_stride, u32 src_height)
// Copies (and our decoding step) cannot be done inside a render pass.
// We share the upload buffer with normal textures here, since the XFB buffers aren't very large.
u32 upload_size = src_stride * src_height;
if (!m_texture_upload_buffer->ReserveMemory(upload_size,
// Execute the command buffer first.
WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "Executing command list while waiting for space in texture upload buffer");
if (!m_texture_upload_buffer->ReserveMemory(upload_size,
PanicAlert("Failed to allocate space in texture upload buffer");
// Assume that each source row is not padded.
_assert_(src_stride == (src_width * sizeof(u16)));
VkDeviceSize image_upload_buffer_offset = m_texture_upload_buffer->GetCurrentOffset();
std::memcpy(m_texture_upload_buffer->GetCurrentHostPointer(), src_ptr, upload_size);
// Copy from the upload buffer to the intermediate texture. We borrow this from the encoder.
// The width is specified as half here because we have two pixels packed in each RGBA texel.
// In the future this could be skipped by reading the upload buffer as a uniform texel buffer.
VkBufferImageCopy image_copy = {
image_upload_buffer_offset, // VkDeviceSize bufferOffset
0, // uint32_t bufferRowLength
0, // uint32_t bufferImageHeight
{VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, 0, 0, 1}, // VkImageSubresourceLayers imageSubresource
{0, 0, 0}, // VkOffset3D imageOffset
{src_width / 2, src_height, 1} // VkExtent3D imageExtent
VkCommandBuffer command_buffer = g_command_buffer_mgr->GetCurrentCommandBuffer();
Texture2D* intermediate_texture = m_texture_converter->GetEncodingTexture();
intermediate_texture->TransitionToLayout(command_buffer, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL);
vkCmdCopyBufferToImage(command_buffer, m_texture_upload_buffer->GetBuffer(),
intermediate_texture->GetImage(), VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_TRANSFER_DST_OPTIMAL, 1,
// Convert from the YUYV data now in the intermediate texture to RGBA in the destination.
UtilityShaderDraw draw(
command_buffer, g_object_cache->GetPipelineLayout(PIPELINE_LAYOUT_STANDARD),
m_texture_converter->GetEncodingRenderPass(), g_object_cache->GetScreenQuadVertexShader(),
VK_NULL_HANDLE, m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader);
VkRect2D region = {{0, 0}, {src_width, src_height}};
draw.BeginRenderPass(dst_texture->GetFramebuffer(), region);
draw.SetViewportAndScissor(0, 0, static_cast<int>(src_width), static_cast<int>(src_height));
draw.SetPSSampler(0, intermediate_texture->GetView(), g_object_cache->GetPointSampler());
} // namespace Vulkan
@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ public:
static TextureCache* GetInstance();
StreamBuffer* GetUploadBuffer() const { return m_texture_upload_buffer.get(); }
TextureConverter* GetTextureConverter() const { return m_texture_converter.get(); }
bool Initialize();
bool CompileShaders() override;
@ -65,14 +67,6 @@ public:
void CopyRectangleFromTexture(TCacheEntry* dst_texture, const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& dst_rect,
Texture2D* src_texture, const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& src_rect);
// Encodes texture to guest memory in XFB (YUYV) format.
void EncodeYUYVTextureToMemory(void* dst_ptr, u32 dst_width, u32 dst_stride, u32 dst_height,
Texture2D* src_texture, const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& src_rect);
// Decodes data from guest memory in XFB (YUYV) format to a RGBA format texture on the GPU.
void DecodeYUYVTextureFromMemory(TCacheEntry* dst_texture, const void* src_ptr, u32 src_width,
u32 src_stride, u32 src_height);
bool CreateRenderPasses();
VkRenderPass GetRenderPassForTextureUpdate(const Texture2D* texture) const;
@ -95,8 +89,6 @@ private:
VkShaderModule m_copy_shader = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkShaderModule m_efb_color_to_tex_shader = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkShaderModule m_efb_depth_to_tex_shader = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkShaderModule m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkShaderModule m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
} // namespace Vulkan
@ -56,6 +56,11 @@ TextureConverter::~TextureConverter()
if (shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
vkDestroyShaderModule(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), shader, nullptr);
if (m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
vkDestroyShaderModule(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader, nullptr);
if (m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE)
vkDestroyShaderModule(g_vulkan_context->GetDevice(), m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader, nullptr);
bool TextureConverter::Initialize()
@ -96,6 +101,12 @@ bool TextureConverter::Initialize()
return false;
if (!CompileYUYVConversionShaders())
PanicAlert("Failed to compile YUYV conversion shaders");
return false;
return true;
@ -228,6 +239,112 @@ void TextureConverter::EncodeTextureToMemory(VkImageView src_texture, u8* dest_p
void TextureConverter::EncodeTextureToMemoryYUYV(void* dst_ptr, u32 dst_width, u32 dst_stride,
u32 dst_height, Texture2D* src_texture,
const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& src_rect)
// Borrow framebuffer from EFB2RAM encoder.
VkCommandBuffer command_buffer = g_command_buffer_mgr->GetCurrentCommandBuffer();
src_texture->TransitionToLayout(command_buffer, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL);
// Use fragment shader to convert RGBA to YUYV.
// Use linear sampler for downscaling. This texture is in BGRA order, so the data is already in
// the order the guest is expecting and we don't have to swap it at readback time. The width
// is halved because we're using an RGBA8 texture, but the YUYV data is two bytes per pixel.
u32 output_width = dst_width / 2;
UtilityShaderDraw draw(command_buffer,
m_encoding_render_pass, g_object_cache->GetPassthroughVertexShader(),
VK_NULL_HANDLE, m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader);
VkRect2D region = {{0, 0}, {output_width, dst_height}};
draw.BeginRenderPass(m_encoding_render_framebuffer, region);
draw.SetPSSampler(0, src_texture->GetView(), g_object_cache->GetLinearSampler());
draw.DrawQuad(0, 0, static_cast<int>(output_width), static_cast<int>(dst_height), src_rect.left,
src_rect.top, 0, src_rect.GetWidth(), src_rect.GetHeight(),
// Render pass transitions to TRANSFER_SRC.
// Copy from encoding texture to download buffer.
m_encoding_download_texture->CopyFromImage(command_buffer, m_encoding_render_texture->GetImage(),
VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, 0, 0, output_width,
dst_height, 0, 0);
Util::ExecuteCurrentCommandsAndRestoreState(false, true);
// Finally, copy to guest memory. This may have a different stride.
m_encoding_download_texture->ReadTexels(0, 0, output_width, dst_height, dst_ptr, dst_stride);
void TextureConverter::DecodeYUYVTextureFromMemory(TextureCache::TCacheEntry* dst_texture,
const void* src_ptr, u32 src_width,
u32 src_stride, u32 src_height)
// Copies (and our decoding step) cannot be done inside a render pass.
// We share the upload buffer with normal textures here, since the XFB buffers aren't very large.
u32 upload_size = src_stride * src_height;
StreamBuffer* texture_upload_buffer = TextureCache::GetInstance()->GetUploadBuffer();
if (!texture_upload_buffer->ReserveMemory(upload_size,
// Execute the command buffer first.
WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "Executing command list while waiting for space in texture upload buffer");
if (!texture_upload_buffer->ReserveMemory(upload_size,
PanicAlert("Failed to allocate space in texture upload buffer");
// Assume that each source row is not padded.
_assert_(src_stride == (src_width * sizeof(u16)));
VkDeviceSize image_upload_buffer_offset = texture_upload_buffer->GetCurrentOffset();
std::memcpy(texture_upload_buffer->GetCurrentHostPointer(), src_ptr, upload_size);
// Copy from the upload buffer to the intermediate texture. We borrow this from the encoder.
// The width is specified as half here because we have two pixels packed in each RGBA texel.
// In the future this could be skipped by reading the upload buffer as a uniform texel buffer.
VkBufferImageCopy image_copy = {
image_upload_buffer_offset, // VkDeviceSize bufferOffset
0, // uint32_t bufferRowLength
0, // uint32_t bufferImageHeight
{VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, 0, 0, 1}, // VkImageSubresourceLayers imageSubresource
{0, 0, 0}, // VkOffset3D imageOffset
{src_width / 2, src_height, 1} // VkExtent3D imageExtent
VkCommandBuffer command_buffer = g_command_buffer_mgr->GetCurrentCommandBuffer();
vkCmdCopyBufferToImage(command_buffer, texture_upload_buffer->GetBuffer(),
// Convert from the YUYV data now in the intermediate texture to RGBA in the destination.
UtilityShaderDraw draw(command_buffer,
m_encoding_render_pass, g_object_cache->GetScreenQuadVertexShader(),
VK_NULL_HANDLE, m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader);
VkRect2D region = {{0, 0}, {src_width, src_height}};
draw.BeginRenderPass(dst_texture->GetFramebuffer(), region);
draw.SetViewportAndScissor(0, 0, static_cast<int>(src_width), static_cast<int>(src_height));
draw.SetPSSampler(0, m_encoding_render_texture->GetView(), g_object_cache->GetPointSampler());
bool TextureConverter::CreateTexelBuffer()
// Prefer an 8MB buffer if possible, but use less if the device doesn't support this.
@ -472,4 +589,61 @@ bool TextureConverter::CreateEncodingDownloadTexture()
return m_encoding_download_texture && m_encoding_download_texture->Map();
bool TextureConverter::CompileYUYVConversionShaders()
static const char RGB_TO_YUYV_SHADER_SOURCE[] = R"(
SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2DArray source;
layout(location = 0) in vec3 uv0;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 ocol0;
const vec3 y_const = vec3(0.257,0.504,0.098);
const vec3 u_const = vec3(-0.148,-0.291,0.439);
const vec3 v_const = vec3(0.439,-0.368,-0.071);
const vec4 const3 = vec4(0.0625,0.5,0.0625,0.5);
void main()
vec3 c0 = texture(source, vec3(uv0.xy - dFdx(uv0.xy) * 0.25, 0.0)).rgb;
vec3 c1 = texture(source, vec3(uv0.xy + dFdx(uv0.xy) * 0.25, 0.0)).rgb;
vec3 c01 = (c0 + c1) * 0.5;
ocol0 = vec4(dot(c1, y_const),
dot(c01, v_const)) + const3;
static const char YUYV_TO_RGB_SHADER_SOURCE[] = R"(
SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2D source;
layout(location = 0) in vec3 uv0;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 ocol0;
void main()
ivec2 uv = ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
vec4 c0 = texelFetch(source, ivec2(uv.x / 2, uv.y), 0);
// The texture used to stage the upload is in BGRA order.
c0 = c0.zyxw;
float y = mix(c0.r, c0.b, (uv.x & 1) == 1);
float yComp = 1.164 * (y - 0.0625);
float uComp = c0.g - 0.5;
float vComp = c0.a - 0.5;
ocol0 = vec4(yComp + (1.596 * vComp),
yComp - (0.813 * vComp) - (0.391 * uComp),
yComp + (2.018 * uComp),
std::string header = g_object_cache->GetUtilityShaderHeader();
std::string source = header + RGB_TO_YUYV_SHADER_SOURCE;
m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader = Util::CompileAndCreateFragmentShader(source);
source = header + YUYV_TO_RGB_SHADER_SOURCE;
m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader = Util::CompileAndCreateFragmentShader(source);
return m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE && m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader != VK_NULL_HANDLE;
} // namespace Vulkan
@ -25,10 +25,6 @@ public:
VkRenderPass GetEncodingRenderPass() const { return m_encoding_render_pass; }
Texture2D* GetEncodingTexture() const { return m_encoding_render_texture.get(); }
VkFramebuffer GetEncodingTextureFramebuffer() const { return m_encoding_render_framebuffer; }
StagingTexture2D* GetDownloadTexture() const { return m_encoding_download_texture.get(); }
bool Initialize();
// Applies palette to dst_entry, using indices from src_entry.
@ -42,6 +38,14 @@ public:
PEControl::PixelFormat src_format, bool is_intensity,
int scale_by_half, const EFBRectangle& source);
// Encodes texture to guest memory in XFB (YUYV) format.
void EncodeTextureToMemoryYUYV(void* dst_ptr, u32 dst_width, u32 dst_stride, u32 dst_height,
Texture2D* src_texture, const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& src_rect);
// Decodes data from guest memory in XFB (YUYV) format to a RGBA format texture on the GPU.
void DecodeYUYVTextureFromMemory(TextureCache::TCacheEntry* dst_texture, const void* src_ptr,
u32 src_width, u32 src_stride, u32 src_height);
static const u32 NUM_TEXTURE_ENCODING_SHADERS = 64;
static const u32 ENCODING_TEXTURE_WIDTH = EFB_WIDTH * 4;
@ -59,6 +63,8 @@ private:
bool CreateEncodingTexture();
bool CreateEncodingDownloadTexture();
bool CompileYUYVConversionShaders();
// Shared between conversion types
std::unique_ptr<StreamBuffer> m_texel_buffer;
VkBufferView m_texel_buffer_view_r16_uint = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
@ -73,6 +79,10 @@ private:
std::unique_ptr<Texture2D> m_encoding_render_texture;
VkFramebuffer m_encoding_render_framebuffer = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
std::unique_ptr<StagingTexture2D> m_encoding_download_texture;
// XFB encoding/decoding shaders
VkShaderModule m_rgb_to_yuyv_shader = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
VkShaderModule m_yuyv_to_rgb_shader = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
} // namespace Vulkan
Reference in New Issue
Block a user