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synced 2025-03-24 17:34:54 +01:00
HiresTextures: Load full mipmap chain from DDS files
This removes the need for multiple texture files to store the mipmap chain for a texture. As many mipmaps will be loaded as are present in the DDS file, and any remaining mipmaps will fall back to the old behavior.
This commit is contained in:
@ -395,71 +395,92 @@ std::shared_ptr<HiresTexture> HiresTexture::Search(const u8* texture, size_t tex
std::unique_ptr<HiresTexture> HiresTexture::Load(const std::string& base_filename, u32 width,
u32 height)
std::unique_ptr<HiresTexture> ret;
for (int level = 0;; level++)
// We need to have a level 0 custom texture to even consider loading.
auto filename_iter = s_textureMap.find(base_filename);
if (filename_iter == s_textureMap.end())
return nullptr;
// Try to load level 0 (and any mipmaps) from a DDS file.
// If this fails, it's fine, we'll just load level0 again using SOIL.
// Can't use make_unique due to private constructor.
std::unique_ptr<HiresTexture> ret = std::unique_ptr<HiresTexture>(new HiresTexture());
const std::string& first_mip_filename = filename_iter->second;
LoadDDSTexture(ret.get(), first_mip_filename);
// Load remaining mip levels, or from the start if it's not a DDS texture.
for (u32 mip_level = static_cast<u32>(ret->m_levels.size());; mip_level++)
std::string filename = base_filename;
if (level)
filename += StringFromFormat("_mip%u", level);
if (mip_level != 0)
filename += StringFromFormat("_mip%u", mip_level);
auto filename_iter = s_textureMap.find(filename);
if (filename_iter != s_textureMap.end())
Level l;
filename_iter = s_textureMap.find(filename);
if (filename_iter == s_textureMap.end())
// Try loading DDS textures first, that way we maintain compression of DXT formats.
// TODO: Reduce the number of open() calls here. We could use one fd.
Level level;
if (!LoadDDSTexture(level, filename_iter->second))
File::IOFile file;
file.Open(filename_iter->second, "rb");
std::vector<u8> buffer(file.GetSize());
file.ReadBytes(buffer.data(), file.GetSize());
// Try loading DDS textures first, that way we maintain compression of DXT formats.
if (!LoadDDSTexture(l, buffer) && !LoadTexture(l, buffer))
if (!LoadTexture(level, buffer))
ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Custom texture %s failed to load", filename.c_str());
if (!level)
if (l.width * height != l.height * width)
ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Invalid custom texture size %dx%d for texture %s. The aspect differs "
"from the native size %dx%d.",
l.width, l.height, filename.c_str(), width, height);
if (width && height && (l.width % width || l.height % height))
WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "Invalid custom texture size %dx%d for texture %s. Please use an integer "
"upscaling factor based on the native size %dx%d.",
l.width, l.height, filename.c_str(), width, height);
width = l.width;
height = l.height;
else if (width != l.width || height != l.height)
"Invalid custom texture size %dx%d for texture %s. This mipmap layer _must_ be %dx%d.",
l.width, l.height, filename.c_str(), width, height);
if (!ret)
ret = std::unique_ptr<HiresTexture>(new HiresTexture);
// no more mipmaps available
if (width == 1 && height == 1)
// calculate the size of the next mipmap
width = std::max(1u, width >> 1);
height = std::max(1u, height >> 1);
// If we failed to load any mip levels, we can't use this texture at all.
if (ret->m_levels.empty())
return nullptr;
// Verify that the aspect ratio of the texture hasn't changed, as this could have side-effects.
const Level& first_mip = ret->m_levels[0];
if (first_mip.width * height != first_mip.height * width)
ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Invalid custom texture size %ux%u for texture %s. The aspect differs "
"from the native size %ux%u.",
first_mip.width, first_mip.height, first_mip_filename.c_str(), width, height);
// Same deal if the custom texture isn't a multiple of the native size.
if (width != 0 && height != 0 && (first_mip.width % width || first_mip.height % height))
WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "Invalid custom texture size %ux%u for texture %s. Please use an integer "
"upscaling factor based on the native size %ux%u.",
first_mip.width, first_mip.height, first_mip_filename.c_str(), width, height);
// Verify that each mip level is the correct size (divide by 2 each time).
u32 current_mip_width = std::max(first_mip.width / 2, 1u);
u32 current_mip_height = std::max(first_mip.height / 2, 1u);
for (u32 mip_level = 1; mip_level < static_cast<u32>(ret->m_levels.size()); mip_level++)
const Level& level = ret->m_levels[mip_level];
if (current_mip_width == level.width && current_mip_height == level.height)
current_mip_width = std::max(current_mip_width / 2, 1u);
current_mip_height = std::max(current_mip_height / 2, 1u);
"Invalid custom texture size %dx%d for texture %s. Mipmap level %u _must_ be %dx%d.",
level.width, level.height, first_mip_filename.c_str(), mip_level, current_mip_width,
// Drop this mip level and any others after it.
while (ret->m_levels.size() > mip_level)
// All levels have to have the same format.
@ -467,8 +488,9 @@ std::unique_ptr<HiresTexture> HiresTexture::Load(const std::string& base_filenam
[&ret](const Level& l) { return l.format != ret->m_levels[0].format; }))
ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Custom texture %s has inconsistent formats across mip levels.",
return nullptr;
return ret;
@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ public:
static std::unique_ptr<HiresTexture> Load(const std::string& base_filename, u32 width,
u32 height);
static bool LoadDDSTexture(Level& level, const std::vector<u8>& buffer);
static bool LoadDDSTexture(HiresTexture* tex, const std::string& filename);
static bool LoadDDSTexture(Level& level, const std::string& filename);
static bool LoadTexture(Level& level, const std::vector<u8>& buffer);
static void Prefetch();
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include "Common/Align.h"
#include "Common/FileUtil.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h"
@ -153,19 +154,49 @@ static_assert(sizeof(DDS_HEADER_DXT10) == 20, "DDS DX10 Extended Header size mis
} // namespace
bool HiresTexture::LoadDDSTexture(Level& level, const std::vector<u8>& buffer)
struct DDSLoadInfo
u32 magic;
std::memcpy(&magic, buffer.data(), sizeof(magic));
u32 block_size = 1;
u32 bytes_per_block = 4;
u32 width = 0;
u32 height = 0;
u32 mip_count = 0;
HostTextureFormat format = HostTextureFormat::RGBA8;
size_t first_mip_offset = 0;
size_t first_mip_size = 0;
u32 first_mip_row_length = 0;
static u32 GetBlockCount(u32 extent, u32 block_size)
return std::max(Common::AlignUp(extent, block_size) / block_size, 1u);
static u32 CalculateMipCount(u32 width, u32 height)
u32 mip_width = std::max(width / 2, 1u);
u32 mip_height = std::max(height / 2, 1u);
u32 mip_count = 1;
while (mip_width > 1 || mip_height > 1)
mip_width = std::max(mip_width / 2, 1u);
mip_height = std::max(mip_height / 2, 1u);
return mip_count;
static bool ParseDDSHeader(File::IOFile& file, DDSLoadInfo* info)
// Exit as early as possible for non-DDS textures, since all extensions are currently
// passed through this function.
if (magic != DDS_MAGIC)
u32 magic;
if (!file.ReadBytes(&magic, sizeof(magic)) || magic != DDS_MAGIC)
return false;
DDS_HEADER header;
std::memcpy(&header, &buffer[sizeof(magic)], sizeof(header));
if (header.dwSize < sizeof(header))
if (!file.ReadBytes(&header, sizeof(header)) || header.dwSize < sizeof(header))
return false;
// Required fields.
@ -177,34 +208,51 @@ bool HiresTexture::LoadDDSTexture(Level& level, const std::vector<u8>& buffer)
return false;
// Presence of width/height fields is already tested by DDS_HEADER_FLAGS_TEXTURE.
level.width = header.dwWidth;
level.height = header.dwHeight;
info->width = header.dwWidth;
info->height = header.dwHeight;
if (info->width == 0 || info->height == 0)
return false;
// Check for mip levels.
if (header.dwFlags & DDS_HEADER_FLAGS_MIPMAP)
// Miplevels = 0 means full mip chain?
// Some files may specify a number too large here, which doesn't play well with the backends.
info->mip_count = header.dwMipMapCount;
if (info->mip_count != 0)
info->mip_count = std::min(info->mip_count, CalculateMipCount(info->width, info->height));
info->mip_count = CalculateMipCount(info->width, info->height);
info->mip_count = 1;
// Currently, we only handle compressed textures here, and leave the rest to the SOIL loader.
// In the future, this could be extended, but these isn't much benefit in doing so currently.
// TODO: DX10 extension header handling.
u32 block_size = 1;
u32 bytes_per_block = 4;
// TODO: Support RGBA8 and friends.
bool needs_s3tc = false;
if (header.ddspf.dwFourCC == MAKEFOURCC('D', 'X', 'T', '1'))
level.format = HostTextureFormat::DXT1;
block_size = 4;
bytes_per_block = 8;
info->format = HostTextureFormat::DXT1;
info->block_size = 4;
info->bytes_per_block = 8;
needs_s3tc = true;
else if (header.ddspf.dwFourCC == MAKEFOURCC('D', 'X', 'T', '3'))
level.format = HostTextureFormat::DXT3;
block_size = 4;
bytes_per_block = 16;
info->format = HostTextureFormat::DXT3;
info->block_size = 4;
info->bytes_per_block = 16;
needs_s3tc = true;
else if (header.ddspf.dwFourCC == MAKEFOURCC('D', 'X', 'T', '5'))
level.format = HostTextureFormat::DXT5;
block_size = 4;
bytes_per_block = 16;
info->format = HostTextureFormat::DXT5;
info->block_size = 4;
info->bytes_per_block = 16;
needs_s3tc = true;
@ -219,8 +267,8 @@ bool HiresTexture::LoadDDSTexture(Level& level, const std::vector<u8>& buffer)
return false;
// Mip levels smaller than the block size are padded to multiples of the block size.
u32 blocks_wide = std::max(level.width / block_size, 1u);
u32 blocks_high = std::max(level.height / block_size, 1u);
u32 blocks_wide = GetBlockCount(info->width, info->block_size);
u32 blocks_high = GetBlockCount(info->height, info->block_size);
// Pitch can be specified in the header, otherwise we can derive it from the dimensions. For
// compressed formats, both DDS_HEADER_FLAGS_LINEARSIZE and DDS_HEADER_FLAGS_PITCH should be
@ -228,30 +276,110 @@ bool HiresTexture::LoadDDSTexture(Level& level, const std::vector<u8>& buffer)
if (header.dwFlags & DDS_HEADER_FLAGS_PITCH && header.dwFlags & DDS_HEADER_FLAGS_LINEARSIZE)
// Convert pitch (in bytes) to texels/row length.
if (header.dwPitchOrLinearSize < bytes_per_block)
if (header.dwPitchOrLinearSize < info->bytes_per_block)
// Likely a corrupted or invalid file.
return false;
level.row_length = std::max(header.dwPitchOrLinearSize / bytes_per_block, 1u) * block_size;
level.data_size = static_cast<size_t>(level.row_length / block_size) * block_size * blocks_high;
info->first_mip_row_length =
std::max(header.dwPitchOrLinearSize / info->bytes_per_block, 1u) * info->block_size;
info->first_mip_size = static_cast<size_t>(info->first_mip_row_length / info->block_size) *
info->block_size * blocks_high;
// Assume no padding between rows of blocks.
level.row_length = blocks_wide * block_size;
level.data_size = blocks_wide * static_cast<size_t>(bytes_per_block) * blocks_high;
info->first_mip_row_length = blocks_wide * info->block_size;
info->first_mip_size = blocks_wide * static_cast<size_t>(info->bytes_per_block) * blocks_high;
// Check for truncated or corrupted files.
size_t data_offset = sizeof(magic) + sizeof(DDS_HEADER);
if ((data_offset + level.data_size) > buffer.size())
info->first_mip_offset = sizeof(magic) + sizeof(DDS_HEADER);
if (info->first_mip_offset >= file.GetSize())
return false;
// Copy to the final storage location. The deallocator here is simple, nothing extra is
// needed, compared to the SOIL-based loader.
level.data = ImageDataPointer(new u8[level.data_size], [](u8* data) { delete[] data; });
std::memcpy(level.data.get(), &buffer[data_offset], level.data_size);
return true;
static bool ReadMipLevel(HiresTexture::Level& level, File::IOFile& file, u32 width, u32 height,
HostTextureFormat format, u32 row_length, size_t size)
// Copy to the final storage location. The deallocator here is simple, nothing extra is
// needed, compared to the SOIL-based loader.
level.width = width;
level.height = height;
level.format = format;
level.row_length = row_length;
level.data_size = size;
level.data =
HiresTexture::ImageDataPointer(new u8[level.data_size], [](u8* data) { delete[] data; });
if (!file.ReadBytes(level.data.get(), level.data_size))
return false;
return true;
bool HiresTexture::LoadDDSTexture(HiresTexture* tex, const std::string& filename)
File::IOFile file;
file.Open(filename, "rb");
if (!file.IsOpen())
return false;
DDSLoadInfo info;
if (!ParseDDSHeader(file, &info))
return false;
// Read first mip level, as it may have a custom pitch.
Level first_level;
if (!file.Seek(info.first_mip_offset, SEEK_SET) ||
!ReadMipLevel(first_level, file, info.width, info.height, info.format,
info.first_mip_row_length, info.first_mip_size))
return false;
// Read in any remaining mip levels in the file.
// If the .dds file does not contain a full mip chain, we'll fall back to the old path.
u32 mip_width = std::max(info.width / 2, 1u);
u32 mip_height = std::max(info.height / 2, 1u);
for (u32 i = 1; i < info.mip_count; i++)
// Pitch can't be specified with each mip level, so we have to calculate it ourselves.
u32 blocks_wide = GetBlockCount(mip_width, info.block_size);
u32 blocks_high = GetBlockCount(mip_height, info.block_size);
u32 mip_row_length = blocks_wide * info.block_size;
size_t mip_size = blocks_wide * static_cast<size_t>(info.bytes_per_block) * blocks_high;
Level level;
if (!ReadMipLevel(level, file, mip_width, mip_height, info.format, mip_row_length, mip_size))
mip_width = std::max(mip_width / 2, 1u);
mip_height = std::max(mip_height / 2, 1u);
return true;
bool HiresTexture::LoadDDSTexture(Level& level, const std::string& filename)
// Only loading a single mip level.
File::IOFile file;
file.Open(filename, "rb");
if (!file.IsOpen())
return false;
DDSLoadInfo info;
if (!ParseDDSHeader(file, &info))
return false;
return ReadMipLevel(level, file, info.width, info.height, info.format, info.first_mip_row_length,
Reference in New Issue
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