mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 06:39:14 +01:00
More AX Wii work - ax parsing corrected (hopefully), still no sound :p
git-svn-id: https://dolphin-emu.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1102 8ced0084-cf51-0410-be5f-012b33b47a6e
This commit is contained in:
@ -682,10 +682,26 @@
@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ extern int nFiles;
float ratioFactor; // a global to get the ratio factor from MixAdd
int gUpdFreq = 5;
int gPreset = 0;
u32 gLastBlock;
extern bool gSSBM;
extern bool gSSBMremedy1;
extern bool gSSBMremedy2;
@ -261,10 +260,8 @@ std::string writeMessage(int a, int i)
// I placed this in CUCode_AX because it needs access to private members of that class.
void CUCode_AX::Logging(short* _pBuffer, int _iSize, int a)
int numberOfPBs = ReadOutPBs(0, PBs, NUMBER_OF_PBS);
int numberOfPBs = ReadOutPBs(m_addressPBs, PBs, NUMBER_OF_PBS);
// =======================================================================================
// Update parameter values
@ -275,7 +272,7 @@ void CUCode_AX::Logging(short* _pBuffer, int _iSize, int a)
int irun = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPBs; i++)
if (PBs[i].running)
@ -598,8 +595,7 @@ void CUCode_AX::Logging(short* _pBuffer, int _iSize, int a)
// =======================================================================================
// Write global values
// ---------------
sprintf(buffer, "\nThe parameter blocks span from %08x to %08x | distance %i | num. of blocks %i | _iSize %i\n",
m_addressPBs, gLastBlock, (gLastBlock-m_addressPBs), (gLastBlock-m_addressPBs) / 192, _iSize);
sprintf(buffer, "\nThe parameter blocks span from %08x", m_addressPBs);
sbuff = sbuff + buffer; strcpy(buffer, "");
// ===============
@ -27,25 +27,24 @@
#include "UCodes.h"
#include "UCode_AXStructs.h"
#include "UCode_AX.h"
#include "UCode_AX_Voice.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Externals
// -----------
extern float ratioFactor;
extern u32 gLastBlock;
bool gSSBM = true; // used externally
bool gSSBMremedy1 = true; // used externally
bool gSSBMremedy2 = true; // used externally
bool gSequenced = true; // used externally
bool gVolume= true; // used externally
bool gVolume = true; // used externally
bool gReset = false; // used externally
extern CDebugger* m_frame;
// -----------
CUCode_AX::CUCode_AX(CMailHandler& _rMailHandler, bool wii)
CUCode_AX::CUCode_AX(CMailHandler& _rMailHandler)
: IUCode(_rMailHandler)
, m_addressPBs(0xFFFFFFFF)
, wii_mode(wii)
// we got loaded
@ -74,96 +73,8 @@ void CUCode_AX::HandleMail(u32 _uMail)
s16 ADPCM_Step(AXParamBlock& pb, u32& samplePos, u32 newSamplePos, u16 frac)
void DoVoiceHacks(AXParamBlock &pb)
PBADPCMInfo &adpcm = pb.adpcm;
while (samplePos < newSamplePos)
if ((samplePos & 15) == 0)
adpcm.pred_scale = g_dspInitialize.pARAM_Read_U8((samplePos & ~15) >> 1);
samplePos += 2;
newSamplePos += 2;
int scale = 1 << (adpcm.pred_scale & 0xF);
int coef_idx = adpcm.pred_scale >> 4;
s32 coef1 = adpcm.coefs[coef_idx * 2 + 0];
s32 coef2 = adpcm.coefs[coef_idx * 2 + 1];
int temp = (samplePos & 1) ?
(g_dspInitialize.pARAM_Read_U8(samplePos >> 1) & 0xF) :
(g_dspInitialize.pARAM_Read_U8(samplePos >> 1) >> 4);
if (temp >= 8)
temp -= 16;
// 0x400 = 0.5 in 11-bit fixed point
int val = (scale * temp) + ((0x400 + coef1 * adpcm.yn1 + coef2 * adpcm.yn2) >> 11);
if (val > 0x7FFF)
val = 0x7FFF;
else if (val < -0x7FFF)
val = -0x7FFF;
adpcm.yn2 = adpcm.yn1;
adpcm.yn1 = val;
return adpcm.yn1;
void ADPCM_Loop(AXParamBlock& pb)
if (!pb.is_stream)
pb.adpcm.yn1 = pb.adpcm_loop_info.yn1;
pb.adpcm.yn2 = pb.adpcm_loop_info.yn2;
pb.adpcm.pred_scale = pb.adpcm_loop_info.pred_scale;
//else stream and we should not attempt to replace values
// =======================================================================================
// Volume control (ramping)
// --------------
u16 ADPCM_Vol(u16 vol, u16 delta, u16 mixer_control)
int x = vol;
if (delta && delta < 0x5000)
x += delta * 20 * 8; // unsure what the right step is
else if (delta && delta > 0x5000)
//x -= (0x10000 - delta); // this is to small, it's often 1
x -= (0x10000 - delta) * 20 * 16; // if this was 20 * 8 the sounds in Fire Emblem and Paper Mario
// did not have time to go to zero before the were closed
// make lower limits
if (x < 0) x = 0;
//if (pb.mixer_control < 1000 && x < pb.mixer_control) x = pb.mixer_control; // does this make
// any sense?
// make upper limits
//if (mixer_control > 1000 && x > mixer_control) x = mixer_control; // maybe mixer_control also
// has a volume target?
//if (x >= 0x7fff) x = 0x7fff; // this seems a little high
if (x >= 0x4e20) x = 0x4e20; // add a definitive limit at 20 000
return x; // update volume
// ==============
void MixAddVoice(AXParamBlock &pb, int *templbuffer, int *temprbuffer, int _iSize)
#ifdef _WIN32
ratioFactor = 32000.0f / (float)DSound::DSound_GetSampleRate();
ratioFactor = 32000.0f / 44100.0f;
// get necessary values
const u32 sampleEnd = (pb.audio_addr.end_addr_hi << 16) | pb.audio_addr.end_addr_lo;
const u32 loopPos = (pb.audio_addr.loop_addr_hi << 16) | pb.audio_addr.loop_addr_lo;
@ -260,159 +171,51 @@ void MixAddVoice(AXParamBlock &pb, int *templbuffer, int *temprbuffer, int _iSiz
pb.adpcm_loop_info.pred_scale = 0;
pb.adpcm_loop_info.yn1 = 0; pb.adpcm_loop_info.yn2 = 0;
// =============
if (pb.running)
int ReadOutPBs(u32 pbs_address, AXParamBlock* _pPBs, int _num)
int count = 0;
u32 blockAddr = pbs_address;
// reading and 'halfword' swap
for (int i = 0; i < _num; i++)
// =======================================================================================
// Set initial parameters
// ------------
const u32 ratio = (u32)(((pb.src.ratio_hi << 16) + pb.src.ratio_lo) * ratioFactor);
u32 samplePos = (pb.audio_addr.cur_addr_hi << 16) | pb.audio_addr.cur_addr_lo;
u32 frac = pb.src.cur_addr_frac;
// =============
// =======================================================================================
// Handle no-src streams - No src streams have pb.src_type == 2 and have pb.src.ratio_hi = 0
// and pb.src.ratio_lo = 0. We handle that by setting the sampling ratio integer to 1. This
// makes samplePos update in the correct way. I'm unsure how we are actually supposed to
// detect that this setting. Updates did not fix this automatically.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stream settings
// src_type = 2 (most other games have src_type = 0)
// ------------
// Affected games:
// Baten Kaitos - Eternal Wings (2003)
// Baten Kaitos - Origins (2006)?
// Soul Calibur 2: The movie music use src_type 2 but it needs no adjustment, perhaps
// the sound format plays in to, Baten use ADPCM SC2 use PCM16
// ------------
if(pb.src_type == 2 && (pb.src.ratio_hi == 0 && pb.src.ratio_lo == 0))
const short *pSrc = (const short *)g_dspInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(blockAddr);
if (pSrc != NULL)
pb.src.ratio_hi = 1;
// =============
// =======================================================================================
// Games that use looping to play non-looping music streams - SSBM has info in all
// pb.adpcm_loop_info parameters but has pb.audio_addr.looping = 0. If we treat these streams
// like any other looping streams the music works. I'm unsure how we are actually supposed to
// detect that these kinds of blocks should be looping. It seems like pb.mixer_control == 0 may
// identify these types of blocks. Updates did not write any looping values.
// --------------
(pb.adpcm_loop_info.pred_scale || pb.adpcm_loop_info.yn1 || pb.adpcm_loop_info.yn2)
&& pb.mixer_control == 0
&& gSSBM
pb.audio_addr.looping = 1;
// ==============
// =======================================================================================
// Walk through _iSize. _iSize = numSamples. If the game goes slow _iSize will be higher to
// compensate for that. _iSize can be as low as 100 or as high as 2000 some cases.
for (int s = 0; s < _iSize; s++)
int sample = 0;
frac += ratio;
u32 newSamplePos = samplePos + (frac >> 16); //whole number of frac
// =======================================================================================
// Process sample format
// --------------
switch (pb.audio_addr.sample_format)
short *pDest = (short *)&_pPBs[i];
for (size_t p = 0; p < sizeof(AXParamBlock) / 2; p++)
pb.adpcm.yn2 = pb.adpcm.yn1; //save last sample
pb.adpcm.yn1 = ((s8)g_dspInitialize.pARAM_Read_U8(samplePos)) << 8;
if (pb.src_type == SRCTYPE_NEAREST)
sample = pb.adpcm.yn1;
else //linear interpolation
sample = (pb.adpcm.yn1 * (u16)frac + pb.adpcm.yn2 * (u16)(0xFFFF - frac)) >> 16;
samplePos = newSamplePos;
pb.adpcm.yn2 = pb.adpcm.yn1; //save last sample
pb.adpcm.yn1 = (s16)(u16)((g_dspInitialize.pARAM_Read_U8(samplePos * 2) << 8) | (g_dspInitialize.pARAM_Read_U8((samplePos * 2 + 1))));
if (pb.src_type == SRCTYPE_NEAREST)
sample = pb.adpcm.yn1;
else //linear interpolation
sample = (pb.adpcm.yn1 * (u16)frac + pb.adpcm.yn2 * (u16)(0xFFFF - frac)) >> 16;
samplePos = newSamplePos;
sample = ADPCM_Step(pb, samplePos, newSamplePos, frac);
pDest[p] = Common::swap16(pSrc[p]);
// ================
// =======================================================================================
// Volume control
frac &= 0xffff;
int vol = pb.vol_env.cur_volume >> 9;
sample = sample * vol >> 8;
if (pb.mixer_control & MIXCONTROL_RAMPING)
int x = pb.vol_env.cur_volume;
x += pb.vol_env.cur_volume_delta; // I'm not sure about this, can anybody find a game
// that use this? Or how does it work?
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (x >= 0x7fff) x = 0x7fff;
pb.vol_env.cur_volume = x; // maybe not per sample?? :P
int leftmix = pb.mixer.volume_left >> 5;
int rightmix = pb.mixer.volume_right >> 5;
// ===============
int left = sample * leftmix >> 8;
int right = sample * rightmix >> 8;
//adpcm has to walk from oldSamplePos to samplePos here
templbuffer[s] += left;
temprbuffer[s] += right;
if (samplePos >= sampleEnd)
if (pb.audio_addr.looping == 1)
samplePos = loopPos;
if (pb.audio_addr.sample_format == AUDIOFORMAT_ADPCM)
pb.running = 0;
} // end of the _iSize loop
// ============
if (gVolume) // allow us to turn this off in the debugger
pb.mixer.volume_left = ADPCM_Vol(pb.mixer.volume_left, pb.mixer.unknown, pb.mixer_control);
pb.mixer.volume_right = ADPCM_Vol(pb.mixer.volume_right, pb.mixer.unknown2, pb.mixer_control);
blockAddr = (_pPBs[i].next_pb_hi << 16) | _pPBs[i].next_pb_lo;
pb.src.cur_addr_frac = (u16)frac;
pb.audio_addr.cur_addr_hi = samplePos >> 16;
pb.audio_addr.cur_addr_lo = (u16)samplePos;
// return the number of read PBs
return count;
void WriteBackPBs(u32 pbs_address, AXParamBlock* _pPBs, int _num)
u32 blockAddr = pbs_address;
// write back and 'halfword'swap
for (int i = 0; i < _num; i++)
short* pSrc = (short*)&_pPBs[i];
short* pDest = (short*)g_dspInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(blockAddr);
for (size_t p = 0; p < sizeof(AXParamBlock) / 2; p++)
pDest[p] = Common::swap16(pSrc[p]);
// next block
blockAddr = (_pPBs[i].next_pb_hi << 16) | _pPBs[i].next_pb_lo;
@ -421,7 +224,7 @@ void CUCode_AX::MixAdd(short* _pBuffer, int _iSize)
// read out pbs
int numberOfPBs = ReadOutPBs(1, PBs, NUMBER_OF_PBS);
int numberOfPBs = ReadOutPBs(m_addressPBs, PBs, NUMBER_OF_PBS);
if (_iSize > 1024 * 1024)
_iSize = 1024 * 1024;
@ -435,6 +238,34 @@ void CUCode_AX::MixAdd(short* _pBuffer, int _iSize)
CUCode_AX::Logging(_pBuffer, _iSize, 0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make the updates we are told to do
// This code is buggy, TODO - fix. If multiple updates in a ms, only does first.
// ------------
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPBs; i++) {
u16 *pDest = (u16 *)&PBs[i];
u16 upd0 = pDest[34]; u16 upd1 = pDest[35]; u16 upd2 = pDest[36]; // num_updates
u16 upd3 = pDest[37]; u16 upd4 = pDest[38];
u16 upd_hi = pDest[39]; // update addr
u16 upd_lo = pDest[40];
const u32 updaddr = (u32)(upd_hi << 16) | upd_lo;
const u16 updpar = Memory_Read_U16(updaddr);
const u16 upddata = Memory_Read_U16(updaddr + 2);
// some safety checks, I hope it's enough, how long does the memory go?
if(updaddr > 0x80000000 && updaddr < 0x82000000
&& updpar < 63 && updpar > 3 && upddata >= 0 // updpar > 3 because we don't want to change
// 0-3, those are important
&& (upd0 || upd1 || upd2 || upd3 || upd4) // We should use these in some way to I think
// but I don't know how or when
&& gSequenced) // on and off option
pDest[updpar] = upddata;
//aprintf(1, "%08x %04x %04x\n", updaddr, updpar, upddata);
// ------------
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPBs; i++)
AXParamBlock& pb = PBs[i];
@ -442,7 +273,7 @@ void CUCode_AX::MixAdd(short* _pBuffer, int _iSize)
// write back out pbs
WriteBackPBs(PBs, numberOfPBs);
WriteBackPBs(m_addressPBs, PBs, numberOfPBs);
for (int i = 0; i < _iSize; i++)
@ -490,6 +321,8 @@ bool CUCode_AX::AXTask(u32& _uMail)
u32 Addr__12;
u32 Addr__4_1;
u32 Addr__4_2;
u32 Addr__4_3;
u32 Addr__4_4;
u32 Addr__5_1;
u32 Addr__5_2;
u32 Addr__6;
@ -507,12 +340,10 @@ bool CUCode_AX::AXTask(u32& _uMail)
Addr__AXStudio = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
if (wii_mode)
uAddress += 6;
DebugLog("AXLIST studio address: %08x", Addr__AXStudio);
case 0x001:
case 0x001: // 2byte x 10
u32 address = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
@ -549,7 +380,7 @@ bool CUCode_AX::AXTask(u32& _uMail)
DebugLog("AXLIST command 0x0003 ????");
case 0x0004:
case 0x0004: // AUX?
Addr__4_1 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
Addr__4_2 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
@ -572,12 +403,8 @@ bool CUCode_AX::AXTask(u32& _uMail)
// Hopefully this is where in main ram to write.
Addr__AXOutSBuffer = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
if (wii_mode) {
uAddress += 12;
DebugLog("AXLIST OutSBuffer address: %08x", Addr__AXOutSBuffer);
@ -590,10 +417,6 @@ bool CUCode_AX::AXTask(u32& _uMail)
Addr__A = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
if (wii_mode) {
// There's one more here.
// uAddress += 4;
DebugLog("AXLIST CompressorTable address: %08x", Addr__A);
@ -632,22 +455,7 @@ bool CUCode_AX::AXTask(u32& _uMail)
uAddress += 6 * 4; // 6 Addresses.
case 0x000d:
if (wii_mode) {
uAddress += 4 * 4; // 4 addresses. another aux?
// non-wii : fall through
case 0x000b:
if (wii_mode) {
uAddress += 2; // one 0x8000 in rabbids
uAddress += 4 * 2; // then two RAM addressses
// non-wii : fall through
static bool bFirst = true;
if (bFirst == true)
@ -665,8 +473,8 @@ bool CUCode_AX::AXTask(u32& _uMail)
// Wii AX will always show this
bFirst = false;
// bFirst = false;
// unknown command so stop the execution of this TaskList
@ -683,81 +491,3 @@ bool CUCode_AX::AXTask(u32& _uMail)
return true;
int CUCode_AX::ReadOutPBs(int a, AXParamBlock* _pPBs, int _num)
int count = 0;
u32 blockAddr = m_addressPBs;
// reading and 'halfword' swap
for (int i = 0; i < _num; i++)
const short *pSrc = (const short *)g_dspInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(blockAddr);
if (pSrc != NULL)
short *pDest = (short *)&_pPBs[i];
for (size_t p = 0; p < sizeof(AXParamBlock) / 2; p++)
pDest[p] = Common::swap16(pSrc[p]);
// To avoid a performance drop in the Release build I place this in the debug
// build only
#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUGFAST)
gLastBlock = blockAddr + p*2 + 2; // save last block location
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make the updates we are told to do
// ------------
if(a) // only do this once every 5 ms
u16 upd0 = pDest[34]; u16 upd1 = pDest[35]; u16 upd2 = pDest[36]; // num_updates
u16 upd3 = pDest[37]; u16 upd4 = pDest[38];
u16 upd_hi = pDest[39]; // update addr
u16 upd_lo = pDest[40];
const u32 updaddr = (u32)(upd_hi << 16) | upd_lo;
const u16 updpar = Memory_Read_U16(updaddr);
const u16 upddata = Memory_Read_U16(updaddr + 2);
// some safety checks, I hope it's enough, how long does the memory go?
if(updaddr > 0x80000000 && updaddr < 0x82000000
&& updpar < 63 && updpar > 3 && upddata >= 0 // updpar > 3 because we don't want to change
// 0-3, those are important
&& (upd0 || upd1 || upd2 || upd3 || upd4) // We should use these in some way to I think
// but I don't know how or when
&& gSequenced) // on and off option
pDest[updpar] = upddata;
//aprintf(1, "%08x %04x %04x\n", updaddr, updpar, upddata);
// ------------
blockAddr = (_pPBs[i].next_pb_hi << 16) | _pPBs[i].next_pb_lo;
// return the number of read PBs
return count;
void CUCode_AX::WriteBackPBs(AXParamBlock* _pPBs, int _num)
u32 blockAddr = m_addressPBs;
// write back and 'halfword'swap
for (int i = 0; i < _num; i++)
short* pSrc = (short*)&_pPBs[i];
short* pDest = (short*)g_dspInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(blockAddr);
for (size_t p = 0; p < sizeof(AXParamBlock) / 2; p++)
pDest[p] = Common::swap16(pSrc[p]);
// next block
blockAddr = (_pPBs[i].next_pb_hi << 16) | _pPBs[i].next_pb_lo;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ enum
class CUCode_AX : public IUCode
CUCode_AX(CMailHandler& _rMailHandler, bool wii = false);
CUCode_AX(CMailHandler& _rMailHandler);
virtual ~CUCode_AX();
void HandleMail(u32 _uMail);
@ -55,14 +55,13 @@ private:
int *templbuffer;
int *temprbuffer;
bool wii_mode;
// ax task message handler
bool AXTask(u32& _uMail);
void SendMail(u32 _uMail);
int ReadOutPBs(int a, AXParamBlock *_pPBs, int _num);
void WriteBackPBs(AXParamBlock *_pPBs, int _num);
int ReadOutPBs(u32 pbs_address, AXParamBlock* _pPBs, int _num);
void WriteBackPBs(u32 pbs_address, AXParamBlock* _pPBs, int _num);
#endif // _UCODE_AX
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
// Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at
// http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/
struct PBMixer
@ -203,5 +203,4 @@ enum {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at
// http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/
#include "../Debugger/Debugger.h"
#include "../Logging/Console.h" // for aprintf
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "../PCHW/DSoundStream.h"
#include "../PCHW/Mixer.h"
#include "../MailHandler.h"
#include "UCodes.h"
#include "UCode_AXStructs.h"
#include "UCode_AXWii.h"
#include "UCode_AX_Voice.h"
CUCode_AXWii::CUCode_AXWii(CMailHandler& _rMailHandler)
: IUCode(_rMailHandler)
, m_addressPBs(0xFFFFFFFF)
// we got loaded
m_rMailHandler.PushMail(0x80000000); // handshake ??? only (crc == 0xe2136399) needs it ...
templbuffer = new int[1024 * 1024];
temprbuffer = new int[1024 * 1024];
delete [] templbuffer;
delete [] temprbuffer;
void CUCode_AXWii::HandleMail(u32 _uMail)
if ((_uMail & 0xFFFF0000) == MAIL_AX_ALIST)
// a new List
int ReadOutPBsWii(u32 pbs_address, AXParamBlockWii* _pPBs, int _num)
int count = 0;
u32 blockAddr = pbs_address;
// reading and 'halfword' swap
for (int i = 0; i < _num; i++)
const short *pSrc = (const short *)g_dspInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(blockAddr);
if (pSrc != NULL)
short *pDest = (short *)&_pPBs[i];
for (size_t p = 0; p < sizeof(AXParamBlock) / 2; p++)
pDest[p] = Common::swap16(pSrc[p]);
blockAddr = (_pPBs[i].next_pb_hi << 16) | _pPBs[i].next_pb_lo;
// return the number of read PBs
return count;
void WriteBackPBsWii(u32 pbs_address, AXParamBlockWii* _pPBs, int _num)
u32 blockAddr = pbs_address;
// write back and 'halfword'swap
for (int i = 0; i < _num; i++)
short* pSrc = (short*)&_pPBs[i];
short* pDest = (short*)g_dspInitialize.pGetMemoryPointer(blockAddr);
for (size_t p = 0; p < sizeof(AXParamBlockWii) / 2; p++)
pDest[p] = Common::swap16(pSrc[p]);
// next block
blockAddr = (_pPBs[i].next_pb_hi << 16) | _pPBs[i].next_pb_lo;
void CUCode_AXWii::MixAdd(short* _pBuffer, int _iSize)
// read out pbs
int numberOfPBs = ReadOutPBsWii(m_addressPBs, PBs, NUMBER_OF_PBS);
if (_iSize > 1024 * 1024)
_iSize = 1024 * 1024;
memset(templbuffer, 0, _iSize * sizeof(int));
memset(temprbuffer, 0, _iSize * sizeof(int));
// write logging data to debugger
//if (m_frame)
// CUCode_AXWii::Logging(_pBuffer, _iSize, 0);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Make the updates we are told to do
// This code is buggy, TODO - fix. If multiple updates in a ms, only does first.
// ------------
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPBs; i++) {
u16 *pDest = (u16 *)&PBs[i];
u16 upd0 = pDest[34]; u16 upd1 = pDest[35]; u16 upd2 = pDest[36]; // num_updates
u16 upd_hi = pDest[39]; // update addr
u16 upd_lo = pDest[40];
const u32 updaddr = (u32)(upd_hi << 16) | upd_lo;
const u16 updpar = Memory_Read_U16(updaddr);
const u16 upddata = Memory_Read_U16(updaddr + 2);
// some safety checks, I hope it's enough, how long does the memory go?
if(updaddr > 0x80000000 && updaddr < 0x82000000
&& updpar < 63 && updpar > 3 && upddata >= 0 // updpar > 3 because we don't want to change
// 0-3, those are important
&& (upd0 || upd1 || upd2 || upd3 || upd4) // We should use these in some way to I think
// but I don't know how or when
&& gSequenced) // on and off option
pDest[updpar] = upddata;
//aprintf(1, "%08x %04x %04x\n", updaddr, updpar, upddata);
// ------------
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPBs; i++)
AXParamBlockWii& pb = PBs[i];
MixAddVoice(pb, templbuffer, temprbuffer, _iSize);
// write back out pbs
WriteBackPBsWii(m_addressPBs, PBs, numberOfPBs);
for (int i = 0; i < _iSize; i++)
// Clamp into 16-bit. Maybe we should add a volume compressor here.
int left = templbuffer[i] + _pBuffer[0];
int right = temprbuffer[i] + _pBuffer[1];
if (left < -32767) left = -32767;
if (left > 32767) left = 32767;
if (right < -32767) right = -32767;
if (right > 32767) right = 32767;
*_pBuffer++ = left;
*_pBuffer++ = right;
// write logging data to debugger again after the update
//if (m_frame)
// CUCode_AXWii::Logging(_pBuffer, _iSize, 1);
void CUCode_AXWii::Update()
// check if we have to sent something
if (!m_rMailHandler.IsEmpty())
// AX seems to bootup one task only and waits for resume-callbacks
// everytime the DSP has "spare time" it sends a resume-mail to the CPU
// and the __DSPHandler calls a AX-Callback which generates a new AXFrame
bool CUCode_AXWii::AXTask(u32& _uMail)
u32 uAddress = _uMail;
DebugLog("AXTask - AXCommandList-Addr: 0x%08x", uAddress);
u32 Addr__AXStudio;
u32 Addr__AXOutSBuffer;
u32 Addr__AXOutSBuffer_1;
u32 Addr__AXOutSBuffer_2;
u32 Addr__A;
u32 Addr__12;
u32 Addr__4_1;
u32 Addr__4_2;
u32 Addr__4_3;
u32 Addr__4_4;
u32 Addr__5_1;
u32 Addr__5_2;
u32 Addr__6;
u32 Addr__9;
bool bExecuteList = true;
if (true)
// PanicAlert("%i", sizeof(AXParamBlockWii)); // 252 ??
FILE *f = fopen("D:\\axdump.txt", "a");
if (!f)
f = fopen("D:\\axdump.txt", "w");
u32 addr = uAddress;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
fprintf(f, "%02x\n", Memory_Read_U16(addr + i * 2));
fprintf(f, "===========------------------------------------------------=\n");
// PanicAlert("%i", sizeof(AXParamBlock)); // 192
while (bExecuteList)
static int last_valid_command = 0;
u16 iCommand = Memory_Read_U16(uAddress);
uAddress += 2;
switch (iCommand)
case 0x0000: //00
Addr__AXStudio = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
DebugLog("AXLIST studio address: %08x", Addr__AXStudio);
case 0x0001:
u32 address = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
DebugLog("AXLIST 1: %08x", address);
// Somewhere we should be getting a bitmask of AX_SYNC values
// that tells us what has been updated
// Dunno if important
case 0x0002: //02
m_addressPBs = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
mixer_HLEready = true;
DebugLog("AXLIST PB address: %08x", m_addressPBs);
#ifdef _WIN32
DebugLog("Update the SoundThread to be in sync");
DSound::DSound_UpdateSound(); //do it in this thread to avoid sync problems
case 0x0003:
DebugLog("AXLIST command 0x0003 ????");
case 0x0004: // AUX?
Addr__4_1 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
DebugLog("AXLIST 4 address: %08x", Addr__4_1);
case 0x0005:
Addr__5_1 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
Addr__5_2 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
uAddress += 2;
DebugLog("AXLIST 5_1 5_2 addresses: %08x %08x", Addr__5_1, Addr__5_2);
case 0x0006:
Addr__6 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 10;
DebugLog("AXLIST 6 address: %08x", Addr__6);
case 0x0007: // AXLIST_SBUFFER
Addr__AXOutSBuffer = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
// uAddress += 12;
DebugLog("AXLIST OutSBuffer address: %08x", Addr__AXOutSBuffer);
case 0x0009:
Addr__9 = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
DebugLog("AXLIST 6 address: %08x", Addr__9);
Addr__A = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
//Addr__A = Memory_Read_U32(uAddress);
uAddress += 4;
DebugLog("AXLIST CompressorTable address: %08x", Addr__A);
case 0x000b:
uAddress += 2; // one 0x8000 in rabbids
uAddress += 4 * 2; // then two RAM addressses
case 0x000d:
uAddress += 4 * 4;
case 0x000e:
// This is the end.
bExecuteList = false;
DebugLog("AXLIST end, wii stylee.");
case 0x0010: //Super Monkey Ball 2
DebugLog("AXLIST unknown");
//should probably read/skip stuff here
uAddress += 8;
case 0x0011:
uAddress += 4;
case 0x0012:
Addr__12 = Memory_Read_U16(uAddress);
uAddress += 2;
case 0x0013:
uAddress += 6 * 4; // 6 Addresses.
static bool bFirst = true;
if (bFirst == true)
char szTemp[2048];
sprintf(szTemp, "Unknown AX-Command 0x%x (address: 0x%08x). Last valid: %02x\n",
iCommand, uAddress - 2, last_valid_command);
int num = -32;
while (num < 64+32)
char szTemp2[128] = "";
sprintf(szTemp2, "%s0x%04x\n", num == 0 ? ">>" : " ", Memory_Read_U16(uAddress + num));
strcat(szTemp, szTemp2);
num += 2;
// Wii AX will always show this
// bFirst = false;
// unknown command so stop the execution of this TaskList
bExecuteList = false;
if (bExecuteList)
last_valid_command = iCommand;
DebugLog("AXTask - done, send resume");
// i hope resume is okay AX
return true;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at
// http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/
#ifndef _UCODE_AXWII
#define _UCODE_AXWII
#include "UCode_AXStructs.h"
#define NUMBER_OF_PBS 64
class CUCode_AXWii : public IUCode
CUCode_AXWii(CMailHandler& _rMailHandler);
virtual ~CUCode_AXWii();
void HandleMail(u32 _uMail);
void MixAdd(short* _pBuffer, int _iSize);
void Update();
// this is a little ugly perhaps, feel free to move it out of here
void Logging(short* _pBuffer, int _iSize, int a);
// PBs
u32 m_addressPBs;
int *templbuffer;
int *temprbuffer;
// ax task message handler
bool AXTask(u32& _uMail);
void SendMail(u32 _uMail);
int ReadOutPBsWii(u32 pbs_address, AXParamBlockWii* _pPBs, int _num);
void WriteBackPBsWii(u32 pbs_address, AXParamBlockWii* _pPBs, int _num);
#endif // _UCODE_AXWII
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at
// http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/
inline s16 ADPCM_Step(PBADPCMInfo &adpcm, u32& samplePos, u32 newSamplePos, u16 frac)
while (samplePos < newSamplePos)
if ((samplePos & 15) == 0)
adpcm.pred_scale = g_dspInitialize.pARAM_Read_U8((samplePos & ~15) >> 1);
samplePos += 2;
newSamplePos += 2;
int scale = 1 << (adpcm.pred_scale & 0xF);
int coef_idx = adpcm.pred_scale >> 4;
s32 coef1 = adpcm.coefs[coef_idx * 2 + 0];
s32 coef2 = adpcm.coefs[coef_idx * 2 + 1];
int temp = (samplePos & 1) ?
(g_dspInitialize.pARAM_Read_U8(samplePos >> 1) & 0xF) :
(g_dspInitialize.pARAM_Read_U8(samplePos >> 1) >> 4);
if (temp >= 8)
temp -= 16;
// 0x400 = 0.5 in 11-bit fixed point
int val = (scale * temp) + ((0x400 + coef1 * adpcm.yn1 + coef2 * adpcm.yn2) >> 11);
if (val > 0x7FFF)
val = 0x7FFF;
else if (val < -0x7FFF)
val = -0x7FFF;
adpcm.yn2 = adpcm.yn1;
adpcm.yn1 = val;
return adpcm.yn1;
// =======================================================================================
// Volume control (ramping)
// --------------
inline u16 ADPCM_Vol(u16 vol, u16 delta, u16 mixer_control)
int x = vol;
if (delta && delta < 0x5000)
x += delta * 20 * 8; // unsure what the right step is
else if (delta && delta > 0x5000)
//x -= (0x10000 - delta); // this is to small, it's often 1
x -= (0x10000 - delta) * 20 * 16; // if this was 20 * 8 the sounds in Fire Emblem and Paper Mario
// did not have time to go to zero before the were closed
// make lower limits
if (x < 0) x = 0;
//if (pb.mixer_control < 1000 && x < pb.mixer_control) x = pb.mixer_control; // does this make
// any sense?
// make upper limits
//if (mixer_control > 1000 && x > mixer_control) x = mixer_control; // maybe mixer_control also
// has a volume target?
//if (x >= 0x7fff) x = 0x7fff; // this seems a little high
if (x >= 0x4e20) x = 0x4e20; // add a definitive limit at 20 000
return x; // update volume
// ==============
#endif // _UCODE_AX_ADPCM_H
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details.
// A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program.
// If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at
// http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/
#include "UCode_AX_ADPCM.h"
template<class ParamBlockType>
inline void MixAddVoice(ParamBlockType &pb, int *templbuffer, int *temprbuffer, int _iSize)
#ifdef _WIN32
float ratioFactor = 32000.0f / (float)DSound::DSound_GetSampleRate();
float ratioFactor = 32000.0f / 44100.0f;
// DoVoiceHacks(pb);
// =============
if (pb.running)
// =======================================================================================
// Read initial parameters
// ------------
const u32 ratio = (u32)(((pb.src.ratio_hi << 16) + pb.src.ratio_lo) * ratioFactor);
const u32 sampleEnd = (pb.audio_addr.end_addr_hi << 16) | pb.audio_addr.end_addr_lo;
const u32 loopPos = (pb.audio_addr.loop_addr_hi << 16) | pb.audio_addr.loop_addr_lo;
u32 samplePos = (pb.audio_addr.cur_addr_hi << 16) | pb.audio_addr.cur_addr_lo;
u32 frac = pb.src.cur_addr_frac;
// =============
// =======================================================================================
// Handle no-src streams - No src streams have pb.src_type == 2 and have pb.src.ratio_hi = 0
// and pb.src.ratio_lo = 0. We handle that by setting the sampling ratio integer to 1. This
// makes samplePos update in the correct way. I'm unsure how we are actually supposed to
// detect that this setting. Updates did not fix this automatically.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stream settings
// src_type = 2 (most other games have src_type = 0)
// ------------
// Affected games:
// Baten Kaitos - Eternal Wings (2003)
// Baten Kaitos - Origins (2006)?
// Soul Calibur 2: The movie music use src_type 2 but it needs no adjustment, perhaps
// the sound format plays in to, Baten use ADPCM SC2 use PCM16
// ------------
if (pb.src_type == 2 && (pb.src.ratio_hi == 0 && pb.src.ratio_lo == 0))
pb.src.ratio_hi = 1;
// =============
// =======================================================================================
// Games that use looping to play non-looping music streams - SSBM has info in all
// pb.adpcm_loop_info parameters but has pb.audio_addr.looping = 0. If we treat these streams
// like any other looping streams the music works. I'm unsure how we are actually supposed to
// detect that these kinds of blocks should be looping. It seems like pb.mixer_control == 0 may
// identify these types of blocks. Updates did not write any looping values.
// --------------
if (
(pb.adpcm_loop_info.pred_scale || pb.adpcm_loop_info.yn1 || pb.adpcm_loop_info.yn2)
&& pb.mixer_control == 0
pb.audio_addr.looping = 1;
// ==============
// =======================================================================================
// Walk through _iSize. _iSize = numSamples. If the game goes slow _iSize will be higher to
// compensate for that. _iSize can be as low as 100 or as high as 2000 some cases.
for (int s = 0; s < _iSize; s++)
int sample = 0;
frac += ratio;
u32 newSamplePos = samplePos + (frac >> 16); //whole number of frac
// =======================================================================================
// Process sample format
// --------------
switch (pb.audio_addr.sample_format)
// TODO - the linear interpolation code below is somewhat suspicious
pb.adpcm.yn2 = pb.adpcm.yn1; //save last sample
pb.adpcm.yn1 = ((s8)g_dspInitialize.pARAM_Read_U8(samplePos)) << 8;
if (pb.src_type == SRCTYPE_NEAREST)
sample = pb.adpcm.yn1;
else //linear interpolation
sample = (pb.adpcm.yn1 * (u16)frac + pb.adpcm.yn2 * (u16)(0xFFFF - frac)) >> 16;
samplePos = newSamplePos;
// TODO - the linear interpolation code below is somewhat suspicious
pb.adpcm.yn2 = pb.adpcm.yn1; //save last sample
pb.adpcm.yn1 = (s16)(u16)((g_dspInitialize.pARAM_Read_U8(samplePos * 2) << 8) | (g_dspInitialize.pARAM_Read_U8((samplePos * 2 + 1))));
if (pb.src_type == SRCTYPE_NEAREST)
sample = pb.adpcm.yn1;
else //linear interpolation
sample = (pb.adpcm.yn1 * (u16)frac + pb.adpcm.yn2 * (u16)(0xFFFF - frac)) >> 16;
samplePos = newSamplePos;
sample = ADPCM_Step(pb.adpcm, samplePos, newSamplePos, frac);
// ================
// =======================================================================================
// Volume control
frac &= 0xffff;
int vol = pb.vol_env.cur_volume >> 9;
sample = sample * vol >> 8;
if (pb.mixer_control & MIXCONTROL_RAMPING)
int x = pb.vol_env.cur_volume;
x += pb.vol_env.cur_volume_delta; // I'm not sure about this, can anybody find a game
// that use this? Or how does it work?
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (x >= 0x7fff) x = 0x7fff;
pb.vol_env.cur_volume = x; // maybe not per sample?? :P
int leftmix = pb.mixer.volume_left >> 5;
int rightmix = pb.mixer.volume_right >> 5;
// ===============
int left = sample * leftmix >> 8;
int right = sample * rightmix >> 8;
//adpcm has to walk from oldSamplePos to samplePos here
templbuffer[s] += left;
temprbuffer[s] += right;
if (samplePos >= sampleEnd)
if (pb.audio_addr.looping == 1)
samplePos = loopPos;
if (pb.audio_addr.sample_format == AUDIOFORMAT_ADPCM)
if (!pb.is_stream)
pb.adpcm.yn1 = pb.adpcm_loop_info.yn1;
pb.adpcm.yn2 = pb.adpcm_loop_info.yn2;
pb.adpcm.pred_scale = pb.adpcm_loop_info.pred_scale;
pb.running = 0;
} // end of the _iSize loop
pb.src.cur_addr_frac = (u16)frac;
pb.audio_addr.cur_addr_hi = samplePos >> 16;
pb.audio_addr.cur_addr_lo = (u16)samplePos;
#endif // _UCODE_AX_VOICE_H
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "UCodes.h"
#include "UCode_AX.h"
#include "UCode_AXWii.h"
#include "UCode_Zelda.h"
#include "UCode_Jac.h"
#include "UCode_ROM.h"
@ -72,8 +73,8 @@ IUCode* UCodeFactory(u32 _CRC, CMailHandler& _rMailHandler)
return new CUCode_Zelda(_rMailHandler);
case 0x347112ba: // raving rabbits
DebugLog("Wii - AX chosen");
return new CUCode_AX(_rMailHandler, true);
DebugLog("Wii - AXWii chosen");
return new CUCode_AXWii(_rMailHandler);
PanicAlert("Unknown ucode (CRC = %08x) - forcing AX", _CRC);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user