Beautify the generate pixel shader code

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Houdek 2012-12-28 14:18:39 -06:00
parent 76fc1fe95a
commit 9e76a457ff

View File

@ -559,14 +559,14 @@ const char *GeneratePixelShaderCode(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode, API_TYPE ApiType
if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
// A few required defines and ones that will make our lives a lot easier
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLBinding || g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLUBO)
WRITE(p, "#version 130\n");
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLBinding)
WRITE(p, "#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack : enable\n");
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLUBO)
WRITE(p, "#extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object : enable\n");
// A few required defines and ones that will make our lives a lot easier
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLBinding || g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLUBO)
WRITE(p, "#version 130\n");
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLBinding)
WRITE(p, "#extension GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack : enable\n");
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLUBO)
WRITE(p, "#extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object : enable\n");
WRITE(p, "#define ATTRIN in\n");
WRITE(p, "#define ATTROUT out\n");
WRITE(p, "#define VARYIN in\n");
@ -581,35 +581,33 @@ const char *GeneratePixelShaderCode(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode, API_TYPE ApiType
WRITE(p, "#define VARYOUT varying\n");
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLATTRBind)
WRITE(p, "#extension GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location : enable\n");
// Silly differences
WRITE(p, "#define float2 vec2\n");
WRITE(p, "#define float3 vec3\n");
WRITE(p, "#define float4 vec4\n");
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLATTRBind)
WRITE(p, "#extension GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location : enable\n");
// Silly differences
WRITE(p, "#define float2 vec2\n");
WRITE(p, "#define float3 vec3\n");
WRITE(p, "#define float4 vec4\n");
// cg to glsl function translation
WRITE(p, "#define frac(x) fract(x)\n");
WRITE(p, "#define saturate(x) clamp(x, 0.0f, 1.0f)\n");
WRITE(p, "#define lerp(x, y, z) mix(x, y, z)\n");
// cg to glsl function translation
WRITE(p, "#define frac(x) fract(x)\n");
WRITE(p, "#define saturate(x) clamp(x, 0.0f, 1.0f)\n");
WRITE(p, "#define lerp(x, y, z) mix(x, y, z)\n");
// A function here
// Fmod implementation gleaned from Nvidia
// At
WRITE(p, "float fmod( float x, float y )\n");
WRITE(p, "{\n");
WRITE(p, "float z = fract( abs( x / y) ) * abs( y );\n");
WRITE(p, "return (x < 0) ? -z : z;\n");
WRITE(p, "}\n");
// A function here
// Fmod implementation gleaned from Nvidia
// At
WRITE(p, "float fmod( float x, float y )\n");
WRITE(p, "{\n");
WRITE(p, "\tfloat z = fract( abs( x / y) ) * abs( y );\n");
WRITE(p, "\treturn (x < 0) ? -z : z;\n");
WRITE(p, "}\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
WRITE(p, "%suniform sampler2D samp%d;\n", WriteBinding(ApiType, i), i);
// Declare samplers
if (ApiType != API_D3D11)
WRITE(p, "uniform sampler2D ");
@ -642,25 +640,97 @@ const char *GeneratePixelShaderCode(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode, API_TYPE ApiType
WRITE(p, "\n");
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLUBO)
WRITE(p, "layout(std140) uniform PSBlock {\n");
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_COLORS"[4] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_COLORS));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_KCOLORS"[4] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_KCOLORS));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_ALPHA"[1] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_ALPHA));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_TEXDIMS"[8] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_TEXDIMS));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_ZBIAS"[2] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_ZBIAS));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_INDTEXSCALE"[2] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_INDTEXSCALE));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_INDTEXMTX"[6] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_INDTEXMTX));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_FOG"[3] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_FOG));
// Compiler will optimize these out by itself.
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_PLIGHTS"[40] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_PLIGHTS));
WRITE(p, "%sfloat4 " I_PMATERIALS"[4] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_PMATERIALS));
WRITE(p, "\t%sfloat4 " I_COLORS"[4] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_COLORS));
WRITE(p, "\t%sfloat4 " I_KCOLORS"[4] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_KCOLORS));
WRITE(p, "\t%sfloat4 " I_ALPHA"[1] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_ALPHA));
WRITE(p, "\t%sfloat4 " I_TEXDIMS"[8] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_TEXDIMS));
WRITE(p, "\t%sfloat4 " I_ZBIAS"[2] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_ZBIAS));
WRITE(p, "\t%sfloat4 " I_INDTEXSCALE"[2] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_INDTEXSCALE));
WRITE(p, "\t%sfloat4 " I_INDTEXMTX"[6] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_INDTEXMTX));
WRITE(p, "\t%sfloat4 " I_FOG"[3] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_FOG));
// For pixel lighting
WRITE(p, "\t%sfloat4 " I_PLIGHTS"[40] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_PLIGHTS));
WRITE(p, "\t%sfloat4 " I_PMATERIALS"[4] %s;\n", WriteLocation(ApiType), WriteRegister(ApiType, "c", C_PMATERIALS));
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLUBO)
WRITE(p, "};\n");
if (ApiType != API_OPENGL)
if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
// GLSL doesn't do main arguments
// Once we switch to GLSL 1.3 we will bind a lot of these.
// This won't get hit unless we support GL 3.3
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLBinding)
WRITE(p, "layout(location = 0) out float4 ocol0;\n");
WRITE(p, "layout(location = 0, index = 1) out float4 ocol1;\n");
WRITE(p, "out float4 ocol0;\n");
WRITE(p, "out float4 ocol1;\n");
WRITE(p, "float4 ocol0;\n");
if (DepthTextureEnable)
WRITE(p, "float depth;\n");
WRITE(p, "float4 rawpos = gl_FragCoord;\n");
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float4 colors_02;\n");
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float4 colors_12;\n");
WRITE(p, "float4 colors_0 = colors_02;\n");
WRITE(p, "float4 colors_1 = colors_12;\n");
// compute window position if needed because binding semantic WPOS is not widely supported
// Let's set up attributes
if (xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens < 7)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float3 uv%d_2;\n", i);
WRITE(p, "float3 uv%d = uv%d_2;\n", i, i);
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float4 clipPos_2;\n");
WRITE(p, "float4 clipPos = clipPos_2;\n");
if (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting)
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float4 Normal_2;\n");
WRITE(p, "float4 Normal = Normal_2;\n");
// wpos is in w of first 4 texcoords
if (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float4 uv%d_2;\n", i);
WRITE(p, "float4 uv%d = uv%d_2;\n", i, i);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i)
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float%d uv%d_2;\n", i < 4 ? 4 : 3 , i);
WRITE(p, "float%d uv%d = uv%d_2;\n", i < 4 ? 4 : 3 , i, i);
WRITE(p, "float4 clipPos;\n");
WRITE(p, "void main()\n{\n");
WRITE(p, "void main(\n");
if (ApiType != API_D3D11)
@ -704,77 +774,6 @@ const char *GeneratePixelShaderCode(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode, API_TYPE ApiType
WRITE(p, " ) {\n");
// GLSL doesn't do main arguments
// Once we switch to GLSL 1.3 we will bind a lot of these.
// This won't get hit unless we support GL 3.3
if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGLSLBinding)
WRITE(p, " layout(location = 0) out float4 ocol0;\n");
WRITE(p, " layout(location = 0, index = 1) out float4 ocol1;\n");
WRITE(p, " out float4 ocol0;\n");
WRITE(p, " out float4 ocol1;\n");
WRITE(p, " float4 ocol0;\n");
if (DepthTextureEnable)
WRITE(p, " float depth;\n"); // TODO: Passed to Vertex Shader right?
WRITE(p, " float4 rawpos = gl_FragCoord;\n");
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float4 colors_02;\n");
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float4 colors_12;\n");
WRITE(p, " float4 colors_0 = colors_02;\n");
WRITE(p, " float4 colors_1 = colors_12;\n");
// compute window position if needed because binding semantic WPOS is not widely supported
// Let's set up attributes
if (xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens < 7)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float3 uv%d_2;\n", i);
WRITE(p, " float3 uv%d = uv%d_2;\n", i, i);
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float4 clipPos_2;\n");
WRITE(p, " float4 clipPos = clipPos_2;\n");
if (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting)
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float4 Normal_2;\n");
WRITE(p, " float4 Normal = Normal_2;\n");
// wpos is in w of first 4 texcoords
if (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float4 uv%d_2;\n", i);
WRITE(p, " float4 uv%d = uv%d_2;\n", i, i);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens; ++i)
WRITE(p, "VARYIN float%d uv%d_2;\n", i < 4 ? 4 : 3 , i);
WRITE(p, " float%d uv%d = uv%d_2;\n", i < 4 ? 4 : 3 , i, i);
WRITE(p, "void main()\n{\n");
int Pretest = AlphaPreTest();
if(Pretest >= 0 && !DepthTextureEnable)
@ -782,18 +781,18 @@ const char *GeneratePixelShaderCode(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode, API_TYPE ApiType
if (!Pretest)
// alpha test will always fail, so restart the shader and just make it an empty function
WRITE(p, "ocol0 = float4(0.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "\tocol0 = float4(0.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "ocol1 = float4(0.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "\tocol1 = float4(0.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "gl_FragData[0] = ocol0;\n");
WRITE(p, "discard;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tgl_FragData[0] = ocol0;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tdiscard;\n");
if(ApiType != API_D3D11)
WRITE(p, "return;\n");
WRITE(p, "\treturn;\n");
else if (dstAlphaMode == DSTALPHA_ALPHA_PASS)
WRITE(p, " ocol0 = " I_ALPHA"[0].aaaa;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tocol0 = " I_ALPHA"[0].aaaa;\n");
if(!Pretest || dstAlphaMode == DSTALPHA_ALPHA_PASS)
@ -802,45 +801,45 @@ const char *GeneratePixelShaderCode(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode, API_TYPE ApiType
WRITE(p, " float4 c0 = " I_COLORS"[1], c1 = " I_COLORS"[2], c2 = " I_COLORS"[3], prev = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), textemp = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), rastemp = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), konsttemp = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n"
" float3 comp16 = float3(1.0f, 255.0f, 0.0f), comp24 = float3(1.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f*255.0f);\n"
" float4 alphabump=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);\n"
" float3 tevcoord=float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n"
" float2 wrappedcoord=float2(0.0f,0.0f), tempcoord=float2(0.0f,0.0f);\n"
" float4 cc0=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), cc1=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);\n"
" float4 cc2=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), cprev=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);\n"
" float4 crastemp=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),ckonsttemp=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);\n\n");
WRITE(p, "\tfloat4 c0 = " I_COLORS"[1], c1 = " I_COLORS"[2], c2 = " I_COLORS"[3], prev = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), textemp = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), rastemp = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), konsttemp = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n"
"\tfloat3 comp16 = float3(1.0f, 255.0f, 0.0f), comp24 = float3(1.0f, 255.0f, 255.0f*255.0f);\n"
"\tfloat4 alphabump=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);\n"
"\tfloat3 tevcoord=float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n"
"\tfloat2 wrappedcoord=float2(0.0f,0.0f), tempcoord=float2(0.0f,0.0f);\n"
"\tfloat4 cc0=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), cc1=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);\n"
"\tfloat4 cc2=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f), cprev=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);\n"
"\tfloat4 crastemp=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),ckonsttemp=float4(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);\n\n");
if (g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsPixelLighting)
if (xfregs.numTexGen.numTexGens < 7)
WRITE(p,"float3 _norm0 = normalize(;\n\n");
WRITE(p,"float3 pos = float3(clipPos.x,clipPos.y,Normal.w);\n");
WRITE(p,"\tfloat3 _norm0 = normalize(;\n\n");
WRITE(p,"\tfloat3 pos = float3(clipPos.x,clipPos.y,Normal.w);\n");
WRITE(p," float3 _norm0 = normalize(float3(uv4.w,uv5.w,uv6.w));\n\n");
WRITE(p,"float3 pos = float3(uv0.w,uv1.w,uv7.w);\n");
WRITE(p,"\tfloat3 _norm0 = normalize(float3(uv4.w,uv5.w,uv6.w));\n\n");
WRITE(p,"\tfloat3 pos = float3(uv0.w,uv1.w,uv7.w);\n");
WRITE(p, "float4 mat, lacc;\n"
"float3 ldir, h;\n"
"float dist, dist2, attn;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tfloat4 mat, lacc;\n"
"\tfloat3 ldir, h;\n"
"\tfloat dist, dist2, attn;\n");
p = GenerateLightingShader(p, components, I_PMATERIALS, I_PLIGHTS, "colors_", "colors_");
if (numTexgen < 7)
WRITE(p, "clipPos = float4(rawpos.x, rawpos.y, clipPos.z, clipPos.w);\n");
WRITE(p, "\tclipPos = float4(rawpos.x, rawpos.y, clipPos.z, clipPos.w);\n");
WRITE(p, "float4 clipPos = float4(rawpos.x, rawpos.y, uv2.w, uv3.w);\n");
WRITE(p, "\tclipPos = float4(rawpos.x, rawpos.y, uv2.w, uv3.w);\n");
// HACK to handle cases where the tex gen is not enabled
if (numTexgen == 0)
WRITE(p, "float3 uv0 = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "\tfloat3 uv0 = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n");
@ -849,8 +848,8 @@ const char *GeneratePixelShaderCode(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode, API_TYPE ApiType
// optional perspective divides
if (xfregs.texMtxInfo[i].projection == XF_TEXPROJ_STQ)
WRITE(p, "if (uv%d.z != 0.0f)", i);
WRITE(p, " uv%d.xy = uv%d.xy / uv%d.z;\n", i, i, i);
WRITE(p, "\tif (uv%d.z != 0.0f)", i);
WRITE(p, "\t\tuv%d.xy = uv%d.xy / uv%d.z;\n", i, i, i);
WRITE(p, "uv%d.xy = uv%d.xy * " I_TEXDIMS"[%d].zw;\n", i, i, i);
@ -865,9 +864,9 @@ const char *GeneratePixelShaderCode(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode, API_TYPE ApiType
int texcoord = bpmem.tevindref.getTexCoord(i);
if (texcoord < numTexgen)
WRITE(p, "tempcoord = uv%d.xy * " I_INDTEXSCALE"[%d].%s;\n", texcoord, i/2, (i&1)?"zw":"xy");
WRITE(p, "\ttempcoord = uv%d.xy * " I_INDTEXSCALE"[%d].%s;\n", texcoord, i/2, (i&1)?"zw":"xy");
WRITE(p, "tempcoord = float2(0.0f, 0.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "\ttempcoord = float2(0.0f, 0.0f);\n");
char buffer[32];
sprintf(buffer, "float3 indtex%d", i);
@ -895,19 +894,19 @@ const char *GeneratePixelShaderCode(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode, API_TYPE ApiType
if(bpmem.combiners[numStages - 1].colorC.dest != 0)
bool retrieveFromAuxRegister = !RegisterStates[bpmem.combiners[numStages - 1].colorC.dest].ColorNeedOverflowControl && RegisterStates[bpmem.combiners[numStages - 1].colorC.dest].AuxStored;
WRITE(p, "prev.rgb = %s%s;\n", retrieveFromAuxRegister ? "c" : "" , tevCOutputTable[bpmem.combiners[numStages - 1].colorC.dest]);
WRITE(p, "\tprev.rgb = %s%s;\n", retrieveFromAuxRegister ? "c" : "" , tevCOutputTable[bpmem.combiners[numStages - 1].colorC.dest]);
RegisterStates[0].ColorNeedOverflowControl = RegisterStates[bpmem.combiners[numStages - 1].colorC.dest].ColorNeedOverflowControl;
if(bpmem.combiners[numStages - 1].alphaC.dest != 0)
bool retrieveFromAuxRegister = !RegisterStates[bpmem.combiners[numStages - 1].alphaC.dest].AlphaNeedOverflowControl && RegisterStates[bpmem.combiners[numStages - 1].alphaC.dest].AuxStored;
WRITE(p, "prev.a = %s%s;\n", retrieveFromAuxRegister ? "c" : "" , tevAOutputTable[bpmem.combiners[numStages - 1].alphaC.dest]);
WRITE(p, "\tprev.a = %s%s;\n", retrieveFromAuxRegister ? "c" : "" , tevAOutputTable[bpmem.combiners[numStages - 1].alphaC.dest]);
RegisterStates[0].AlphaNeedOverflowControl = RegisterStates[bpmem.combiners[numStages - 1].alphaC.dest].AlphaNeedOverflowControl;
// emulation of unsigned 8 overflow when casting if needed
if(RegisterStates[0].AlphaNeedOverflowControl || RegisterStates[0].ColorNeedOverflowControl)
WRITE(p, "prev = frac(prev * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "\tprev = frac(prev * (255.0f/256.0f)) * (256.0f/255.0f);\n");
if(Pretest == -1)
@ -917,7 +916,7 @@ const char *GeneratePixelShaderCode(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode, API_TYPE ApiType
if((bpmem.fog.c_proj_fsel.fsel != 0) || DepthTextureEnable)
// the screen space depth value = far z + (clip z / clip w) * z range
WRITE(p, "float zCoord = " I_ZBIAS"[1].x + (clipPos.z / clipPos.w) * " I_ZBIAS"[1].y;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tfloat zCoord = " I_ZBIAS"[1].x + (clipPos.z / clipPos.w) * " I_ZBIAS"[1].y;\n");
if (DepthTextureEnable)
@ -926,24 +925,24 @@ const char *GeneratePixelShaderCode(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode, API_TYPE ApiType
if (bpmem.ztex2.op != ZTEXTURE_DISABLE && !bpmem.zcontrol.zcomploc && bpmem.zmode.testenable && bpmem.zmode.updateenable)
if (bpmem.ztex2.op == ZTEXTURE_ADD)
WRITE(p, "zCoord = dot(" I_ZBIAS"[0].xyzw, textemp.xyzw) + " I_ZBIAS"[1].w + zCoord;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tzCoord = dot(" I_ZBIAS"[0].xyzw, textemp.xyzw) + " I_ZBIAS"[1].w + zCoord;\n");
WRITE(p, "zCoord = dot(" I_ZBIAS"[0].xyzw, textemp.xyzw) + " I_ZBIAS"[1].w;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tzCoord = dot(" I_ZBIAS"[0].xyzw, textemp.xyzw) + " I_ZBIAS"[1].w;\n");
// scale to make result from frac correct
WRITE(p, "zCoord = zCoord * (16777215.0f/16777216.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "zCoord = frac(zCoord);\n");
WRITE(p, "zCoord = zCoord * (16777216.0f/16777215.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "\tzCoord = zCoord * (16777215.0f/16777216.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "\tzCoord = frac(zCoord);\n");
WRITE(p, "\tzCoord = zCoord * (16777216.0f/16777215.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "depth = zCoord;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tdepth = zCoord;\n");
if (dstAlphaMode == DSTALPHA_ALPHA_PASS)
WRITE(p, " ocol0 = float4(prev.rgb, " I_ALPHA"[0].a);\n");
WRITE(p, "\tocol0 = float4(prev.rgb, " I_ALPHA"[0].a);\n");
WRITE(p, " ocol0 = prev;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tocol0 = prev;\n");
// On D3D11, use dual-source color blending to perform dst alpha in a
@ -951,16 +950,16 @@ const char *GeneratePixelShaderCode(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode, API_TYPE ApiType
// Colors will be blended against the alpha from ocol1...
WRITE(p, " ocol1 = ocol0;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tocol1 = ocol0;\n");
// ...and the alpha from ocol0 will be written to the framebuffer.
WRITE(p, " ocol0.a = " I_ALPHA"[0].a;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tocol0.a = " I_ALPHA"[0].a;\n");
if (ApiType == API_OPENGL)
if (DepthTextureEnable)
WRITE(p, "gl_FragDepth = depth;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tgl_FragDepth = depth;\n");
WRITE(p, "gl_FragData[0] = ocol0;\n");
WRITE(p, "\tgl_FragData[0] = ocol0;\n");
WRITE(p, "}\n");
if (text[sizeof(text) - 1] != 0x7C)
@ -1396,7 +1395,7 @@ static void WriteAlphaTest(char *&p, API_TYPE ApiType,DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode
// using discard then return works the same in cg and dx9 but not in dx11
WRITE(p, "if(!( ");
WRITE(p, "\tif(!( ");
int compindex = bpmem.alphaFunc.comp0 % 8;
WRITE(p, tevAlphaFuncsTable[compindex],alphaRef[0]);//lookup the first component from the alpha function table
@ -1407,11 +1406,11 @@ static void WriteAlphaTest(char *&p, API_TYPE ApiType,DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode
WRITE(p, tevAlphaFuncsTable[compindex],alphaRef[1]);//lookup the second component from the alpha function table
WRITE(p, ")) {\n");
WRITE(p, "ocol0 = float4(0.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "\t\tocol0 = float4(0.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "ocol1 = float4(0.0f);\n");
WRITE(p, "\t\tocol1 = float4(0.0f);\n");
if (DepthTextureEnable)
WRITE(p, "depth = 1.f;\n");
WRITE(p, "\t\tdepth = 1.f;\n");
// HAXX: zcomploc is a way to control whether depth test is done before
// or after texturing and alpha test. PC GPU does depth test before texturing ONLY if depth value is
@ -1427,12 +1426,12 @@ static void WriteAlphaTest(char *&p, API_TYPE ApiType,DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode
// this way is the only CORRECT way to emulate perfectly the zcomplock behaviour
if (!(bpmem.zcontrol.zcomploc && bpmem.zmode.updateenable))
WRITE(p, "discard;\n");
WRITE(p, "\t\tdiscard;\n");
if (ApiType != API_D3D11)
WRITE(p, "return;\n");
WRITE(p, "\t\treturn;\n");
WRITE(p, "}\n");
WRITE(p, "\t}\n");
static const char *tevFogFuncsTable[] =
@ -1441,10 +1440,10 @@ static const char *tevFogFuncsTable[] =
"", //?
"", //Linear
"", //?
" fog = 1.0f - pow(2.0f, -8.0f * fog);\n", //exp
" fog = 1.0f - pow(2.0f, -8.0f * fog * fog);\n", //exp2
" fog = pow(2.0f, -8.0f * (1.0f - fog));\n", //backward exp
" fog = 1.0f - fog;\n fog = pow(2.0f, -8.0f * fog * fog);\n" //backward exp2
"\tfog = 1.0f - pow(2.0f, -8.0f * fog);\n", //exp
"\tfog = 1.0f - pow(2.0f, -8.0f * fog * fog);\n", //exp2
"\tfog = pow(2.0f, -8.0f * (1.0f - fog));\n", //backward exp
"\tfog = 1.0f - fog;\n fog = pow(2.0f, -8.0f * fog * fog);\n" //backward exp2
static void WriteFog(char *&p)
@ -1456,13 +1455,13 @@ static void WriteFog(char *&p)
// perspective
// ze = A/(B - (Zs >> B_SHF)
WRITE (p, " float ze = " I_FOG"[1].x / (" I_FOG"[1].y - (zCoord / " I_FOG"[1].w));\n");
WRITE (p, "\tfloat ze = " I_FOG"[1].x / (" I_FOG"[1].y - (zCoord / " I_FOG"[1].w));\n");
// orthographic
// ze = a*Zs (here, no B_SHF)
WRITE (p, " float ze = " I_FOG"[1].x * zCoord;\n");
WRITE (p, "\tfloat ze = " I_FOG"[1].x * zCoord;\n");
// x_adjust = sqrt((x-center)^2 + k^2)/k
@ -1470,12 +1469,12 @@ static void WriteFog(char *&p)
//this is complitly teorical as the real hard seems to use a table intead of calculate the values.
if (bpmem.fogRange.Base.Enabled)
WRITE (p, " float x_adjust = (2.0f * (clipPos.x / " I_FOG"[2].y)) - 1.0f - " I_FOG"[2].x;\n");
WRITE (p, " x_adjust = sqrt(x_adjust * x_adjust + " I_FOG"[2].z * " I_FOG"[2].z) / " I_FOG"[2].z;\n");
WRITE (p, " ze *= x_adjust;\n");
WRITE (p, "\tfloat x_adjust = (2.0f * (clipPos.x / " I_FOG"[2].y)) - 1.0f - " I_FOG"[2].x;\n");
WRITE (p, "\tx_adjust = sqrt(x_adjust * x_adjust + " I_FOG"[2].z * " I_FOG"[2].z) / " I_FOG"[2].z;\n");
WRITE (p, "\tze *= x_adjust;\n");
WRITE (p, " float fog = saturate(ze - " I_FOG"[1].z);\n");
WRITE (p, "\tfloat fog = saturate(ze - " I_FOG"[1].z);\n");
if (bpmem.fog.c_proj_fsel.fsel > 3)
@ -1487,5 +1486,5 @@ static void WriteFog(char *&p)
WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown Fog Type! %08x", bpmem.fog.c_proj_fsel.fsel);
WRITE(p, " prev.rgb = lerp(prev.rgb," I_FOG"[0].rgb,fog);\n");
WRITE(p, "\tprev.rgb = lerp(prev.rgb, " I_FOG"[0].rgb, fog);\n");