mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 17:34:57 +01:00
Merge pull request #6420 from JosJuice/qt-translateability
Tweak Qt strings to be more translation friendly
This commit is contained in:
@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ QGroupBox* NewPatchDialog::CreateEntry(int index)
auto* type_layout = new QHBoxLayout;
auto* remove = new QPushButton(tr("Remove"));
auto* byte = new QRadioButton(tr("byte"));
auto* word = new QRadioButton(tr("word"));
auto* dword = new QRadioButton(tr("dword"));
auto* byte = new QRadioButton(tr("8-bit"));
auto* word = new QRadioButton(tr("16-bit"));
auto* dword = new QRadioButton(tr("32-bit"));
@ -87,7 +87,11 @@ void PatchesWidget::OnEdit()
auto patch = m_patches[m_list->row(item)];
if (!patch.user_defined)
patch.name += tr(" (Copy)").toStdString();
// i18n: If there is a pre-defined patch with the name %1 and the user wants to edit it,
// a copy of it gets created with this name
patch.name = tr("%1 (Copy)").arg(QString::fromStdString(patch.name)).toStdString();
if (NewPatchDialog(patch).exec())
@ -299,10 +299,9 @@ void GCMemcardManager::ExportFiles(bool prompt)
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Success"),
tr("Successfully exported %1 %2")
.arg(count == 1 ? tr("save file") : tr("save files")));
QString text = count == 1 ? tr("Successfully exported the save file.") :
tr("Successfully exported the %1 save files.");
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Success"), text);
void GCMemcardManager::ExportAllFiles()
@ -362,11 +361,10 @@ void GCMemcardManager::DeleteFiles()
// Ask for confirmation if we are to delete multiple files
if (count > 1)
auto response = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Question"),
tr("Do you want to delete the %1 selected %2?")
.arg(count == 1 ? tr("save file") : tr("save files")),
QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Abort);
QString text = count == 1 ? tr("Do you want to delete the selected save file?") :
tr("Do you want to delete the %1 selected save files?").arg(count);
auto response =
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Question"), text, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Abort);
if (response == QMessageBox::Abort)
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ void WiiPane::CreateMisc()
"(576i) for PAL games.\nMay not work for all games."));
m_screensaver_checkbox->setToolTip(tr("Dims the screen after five minutes of inactivity."));
m_system_language_choice->setToolTip(tr("Sets the Wii system language."));
m_sd_card_checkbox->setToolTip(tr("Saved to /Wii/sd.raw (default size is 128mb)"));
m_sd_card_checkbox->setToolTip(tr("Saved to /Wii/sd.raw (default size is 128mb)."));
m_connect_keyboard_checkbox->setToolTip(tr("May cause slow down in Wii Menu and some games."));
misc_settings_group_layout->addWidget(m_pal60_mode_checkbox, 0, 0, 1, 1);
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ void WiiPane::CreateWiiRemoteSettings()
m_wiimote_motor = new QCheckBox(tr("Wii Remote Rumble"));
m_wiimote_sensor_position_label = new QLabel(tr("Sensor Position:"));
m_wiimote_sensor_position_label = new QLabel(tr("Sensor Bar Position:"));
m_wiimote_ir_sensor_position = new QComboBox();
@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
GCTASInputWindow::GCTASInputWindow(QWidget* parent, int num) : QDialog(parent)
setWindowTitle(tr("GameCube TAS Input %1").arg(num + 1));
auto* main_stick_box = CreateStickInputs(this, tr("Main Stick (ALT+F/G)"), m_x_main_stick_value,
auto* main_stick_box = CreateStickInputs(this, tr("Main Stick"), m_x_main_stick_value,
m_y_main_stick_value, 255, 255, Qt::Key_F, Qt::Key_G);
auto* c_stick_box = CreateStickInputs(this, tr("C Stick (ALT+H/J)"), m_x_c_stick_value,
m_y_c_stick_value, 255, 255, Qt::Key_H, Qt::Key_J);
auto* c_stick_box = CreateStickInputs(this, tr("C Stick"), m_x_c_stick_value, m_y_c_stick_value,
255, 255, Qt::Key_H, Qt::Key_J);
auto* top_layout = new QHBoxLayout;
@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ GCTASInputWindow::GCTASInputWindow(QWidget* parent, int num) : QDialog(parent)
auto* triggers_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Triggers"));
auto* l_trigger_layout = CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Left (ALT+N)"), m_l_trigger_value,
255, Qt::Key_N, triggers_box);
auto* r_trigger_layout = CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Right (ALT+M)"), m_r_trigger_value,
255, Qt::Key_M, triggers_box);
auto* l_trigger_layout = CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Left"), m_l_trigger_value, 255,
Qt::Key_N, triggers_box);
auto* r_trigger_layout = CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Right"), m_r_trigger_value, 255,
Qt::Key_M, triggers_box);
auto* triggers_layout = new QVBoxLayout;
@ -20,13 +20,21 @@
QGroupBox* CreateStickInputs(QDialog* window, QString name, QSpinBox*& x_value, QSpinBox*& y_value,
u16 max_x, u16 max_y, Qt::Key x_shortcut_key, Qt::Key y_shortcut_key)
auto* box = new QGroupBox(name);
const QKeySequence x_shortcut_key_sequence = QKeySequence(Qt::ALT + x_shortcut_key);
const QKeySequence y_shortcut_key_sequence = QKeySequence(Qt::ALT + y_shortcut_key);
auto* box =
new QGroupBox(QStringLiteral("%1 (%2/%3)")
.arg(name, x_shortcut_key_sequence.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText),
auto* x_layout = new QHBoxLayout;
x_value = CreateSliderValuePair(window, x_layout, max_x, x_shortcut_key, Qt::Horizontal, box);
x_value =
CreateSliderValuePair(window, x_layout, max_x, x_shortcut_key_sequence, Qt::Horizontal, box);
auto* y_layout = new QVBoxLayout;
y_value = CreateSliderValuePair(window, y_layout, max_y, y_shortcut_key, Qt::Vertical, box);
y_value =
CreateSliderValuePair(window, y_layout, max_y, y_shortcut_key_sequence, Qt::Vertical, box);
auto* visual = new StickWidget(window, max_x, max_y);
@ -57,21 +65,25 @@ QGroupBox* CreateStickInputs(QDialog* window, QString name, QSpinBox*& x_value,
QBoxLayout* CreateSliderValuePairLayout(QDialog* window, QString name, QSpinBox*& value, u16 max,
Qt::Key shortcut_key, QWidget* shortcut_widget, bool invert)
auto* label = new QLabel(name);
const QKeySequence shortcut_key_sequence = QKeySequence(Qt::ALT + shortcut_key);
auto* label = new QLabel(QStringLiteral("%1 (%2)").arg(
name, shortcut_key_sequence.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText)));
QBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout;
value = CreateSliderValuePair(window, layout, max, shortcut_key, Qt::Horizontal, shortcut_widget,
value = CreateSliderValuePair(window, layout, max, shortcut_key_sequence, Qt::Horizontal,
shortcut_widget, invert);
return layout;
// The shortcut_widget argument needs to specify the container widget that will be hidden/shown.
// This is done to avoid ambigous shortcuts
QSpinBox* CreateSliderValuePair(QDialog* window, QBoxLayout* layout, u16 max, Qt::Key shortcut_key,
Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget* shortcut_widget, bool invert)
QSpinBox* CreateSliderValuePair(QDialog* window, QBoxLayout* layout, u16 max,
QKeySequence shortcut_key_sequence, Qt::Orientation orientation,
QWidget* shortcut_widget, bool invert)
auto* value = new QSpinBox();
value->setRange(0, 99999);
@ -89,7 +101,7 @@ QSpinBox* CreateSliderValuePair(QDialog* window, QBoxLayout* layout, u16 max, Qt
window->connect(value, static_cast<void (QSpinBox::*)(int)>(&QSpinBox::valueChanged), slider,
auto* shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::ALT + shortcut_key), shortcut_widget);
auto* shortcut = new QShortcut(shortcut_key_sequence, shortcut_widget);
window->connect(shortcut, &QShortcut::activated, [value] {
@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ QGroupBox* CreateStickInputs(QDialog* window, QString name, QSpinBox*& x_value,
QBoxLayout* CreateSliderValuePairLayout(QDialog* window, QString name, QSpinBox*& value, u16 max,
Qt::Key shortcut_key, QWidget* shortcut_widget,
bool invert = false);
QSpinBox* CreateSliderValuePair(QDialog* window, QBoxLayout* layout, u16 max, Qt::Key shortcut_key,
Qt::Orientation orientation, QWidget* shortcut_widget,
bool invert = false);
QSpinBox* CreateSliderValuePair(QDialog* window, QBoxLayout* layout, u16 max,
QKeySequence shortcut_key_sequence, Qt::Orientation orientation,
QWidget* shortcut_widget, bool invert = false);
@ -25,15 +25,21 @@
WiiTASInputWindow::WiiTASInputWindow(QWidget* parent, int num) : QDialog(parent), m_num(num)
m_ir_box = new QGroupBox(tr("IR (ALT+F/G)"));
const QKeySequence ir_x_shortcut_key_sequence = QKeySequence(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_F);
const QKeySequence ir_y_shortcut_key_sequence = QKeySequence(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_G);
m_ir_box = new QGroupBox(QStringLiteral("%1 (%2/%3)")
auto* x_layout = new QHBoxLayout;
m_ir_x_value = CreateSliderValuePair(this, x_layout, ir_max_x, Qt::Key_F, Qt::Horizontal,
m_ir_box, true);
m_ir_x_value = CreateSliderValuePair(this, x_layout, ir_max_x, ir_x_shortcut_key_sequence,
Qt::Horizontal, m_ir_box, true);
auto* y_layout = new QVBoxLayout;
m_ir_y_value = CreateSliderValuePair(this, y_layout, ir_max_y, Qt::Key_G, Qt::Vertical,
m_ir_box, true);
m_ir_y_value = CreateSliderValuePair(this, y_layout, ir_max_y, ir_y_shortcut_key_sequence,
Qt::Vertical, m_ir_box, true);
auto* visual = new IRWidget(this);
@ -58,16 +64,15 @@ WiiTASInputWindow::WiiTASInputWindow(QWidget* parent, int num) : QDialog(parent)
m_nunchuk_stick_box =
CreateStickInputs(this, tr("Nunchuk Stick (ALT+X/Y)"), m_nunchuk_stick_x_value,
m_nunchuk_stick_y_value, 255, 255, Qt::Key_X, Qt::Key_Y);
m_nunchuk_stick_box = CreateStickInputs(this, tr("Nunchuk Stick"), m_nunchuk_stick_x_value,
m_nunchuk_stick_y_value, 255, 255, Qt::Key_X, Qt::Key_Y);
m_classic_left_stick_box =
CreateStickInputs(this, tr("Left Stick (ALT+F/G)"), m_classic_left_stick_x_value,
CreateStickInputs(this, tr("Left Stick"), m_classic_left_stick_x_value,
m_classic_left_stick_y_value, 63, 63, Qt::Key_F, Qt::Key_G);
m_classic_right_stick_box =
CreateStickInputs(this, tr("Right Stick (ALT+Q/W)"), m_classic_right_stick_x_value,
CreateStickInputs(this, tr("Right Stick"), m_classic_right_stick_x_value,
m_classic_right_stick_y_value, 31, 31, Qt::Key_Q, Qt::Key_W);
// Need to enforce the same minimum width because otherwise the different lengths in the labels
@ -75,7 +80,7 @@ WiiTASInputWindow::WiiTASInputWindow(QWidget* parent, int num) : QDialog(parent)
m_remote_orientation_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Remote Orientation"));
m_remote_orientation_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Wii Remote Orientation"));
auto* top_layout = new QHBoxLayout;
@ -84,14 +89,17 @@ WiiTASInputWindow::WiiTASInputWindow(QWidget* parent, int num) : QDialog(parent)
auto* remote_orientation_x_layout =
CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("X (ALT+Q)"), m_remote_orientation_x_value, 1023,
Qt::Key_Q, m_remote_orientation_box);
// i18n: Refers to a 3D axis (used when mapping motion controls)
CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("X"), m_remote_orientation_x_value, 1023, Qt::Key_Q,
auto* remote_orientation_y_layout =
CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Y (ALT+W)"), m_remote_orientation_y_value, 1023,
Qt::Key_W, m_remote_orientation_box);
// i18n: Refers to a 3D axis (used when mapping motion controls)
CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Y"), m_remote_orientation_y_value, 1023, Qt::Key_W,
auto* remote_orientation_z_layout =
CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Z (ALT+E)"), m_remote_orientation_z_value, 1023,
Qt::Key_E, m_remote_orientation_box);
// i18n: Refers to a 3D axis (used when mapping motion controls)
CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Z"), m_remote_orientation_z_value, 1023, Qt::Key_E,
auto* remote_orientation_layout = new QVBoxLayout;
@ -102,14 +110,17 @@ WiiTASInputWindow::WiiTASInputWindow(QWidget* parent, int num) : QDialog(parent)
m_nunchuk_orientation_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Nunchuk Orientation"));
auto* nunchuk_orientation_x_layout =
CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("X (ALT+I)"), m_nunchuk_orientation_x_value, 1023,
Qt::Key_I, m_nunchuk_orientation_box);
// i18n: Refers to a 3D axis (used when mapping motion controls)
CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("X"), m_nunchuk_orientation_x_value, 1023, Qt::Key_I,
auto* nunchuk_orientation_y_layout =
CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Y (ALT+O)"), m_nunchuk_orientation_y_value, 1023,
Qt::Key_O, m_nunchuk_orientation_box);
// i18n: Refers to a 3D axis (used when mapping motion controls)
CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Y"), m_nunchuk_orientation_y_value, 1023, Qt::Key_O,
auto* nunchuk_orientation_z_layout =
CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Z (ALT+P)"), m_nunchuk_orientation_z_value, 1023,
Qt::Key_P, m_nunchuk_orientation_box);
// i18n: Refers to a 3D axis (used when mapping motion controls)
CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Z"), m_nunchuk_orientation_z_value, 1023, Qt::Key_P,
auto* nunchuk_orientation_layout = new QVBoxLayout;
@ -118,10 +129,10 @@ WiiTASInputWindow::WiiTASInputWindow(QWidget* parent, int num) : QDialog(parent)
m_triggers_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Triggers"));
auto* l_trigger_layout = CreateSliderValuePairLayout(
this, tr("Left (ALT+N)"), m_left_trigger_value, 31, Qt::Key_N, m_triggers_box);
auto* r_trigger_layout = CreateSliderValuePairLayout(
this, tr("Right (ALT+M)"), m_right_trigger_value, 31, Qt::Key_M, m_triggers_box);
auto* l_trigger_layout = CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Left"), m_left_trigger_value, 31,
Qt::Key_N, m_triggers_box);
auto* r_trigger_layout = CreateSliderValuePairLayout(this, tr("Right"), m_right_trigger_value, 31,
Qt::Key_M, m_triggers_box);
auto* triggers_layout = new QVBoxLayout;
@ -162,7 +173,7 @@ WiiTASInputWindow::WiiTASInputWindow(QWidget* parent, int num) : QDialog(parent)
m_remote_buttons_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Remote Buttons"));
m_remote_buttons_box = new QGroupBox(tr("Wii Remote Buttons"));
auto* nunchuk_buttons_layout = new QHBoxLayout;
@ -252,7 +263,7 @@ void WiiTASInputWindow::UpdateExt(u8 ext)
if (ext == 1)
setWindowTitle(tr("Wii TAS Input %1 - Remote + Nunchuk").arg(m_num + 1));
setWindowTitle(tr("Wii TAS Input %1 - Wii Remote + Nunchuk").arg(m_num + 1));
@ -280,7 +291,7 @@ void WiiTASInputWindow::UpdateExt(u8 ext)
setWindowTitle(tr("Wii TAS Input %1 - Remote").arg(m_num + 1));
setWindowTitle(tr("Wii TAS Input %1 - Wii Remote").arg(m_num + 1));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user