mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 22:56:52 +01:00
ControllerEmu: Reorganize stick reshaping code and use it for emu wiimote tilt as well. Also make the tilt mapping indicator pretty.
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#include "InputCommon/ControlReference/ControlReference.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/Control/Control.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/ControlGroup/AnalogStick.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/ControlGroup/MixedTriggers.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/Setting/NumericSetting.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/Device.h"
@ -164,15 +163,13 @@ QPolygonF GetPolygonFromRadiusGetter(F&& radius_getter, double scale)
return shape;
void MappingIndicator::DrawStick()
void MappingIndicator::DrawReshapableInput(ControllerEmu::ReshapableInput& stick)
// Make the c-stick yellow:
const bool is_c_stick = m_group->name == "C-Stick";
const QColor gate_brush_color = is_c_stick ? Qt::yellow : Qt::lightGray;
const QColor gate_pen_color = gate_brush_color.darker(125);
auto& stick = *static_cast<ControllerEmu::AnalogStick*>(m_group);
// TODO: This SetControllerStateNeeded interface leaks input into the game
// We should probably hold the mutex for UI updates.
@ -334,11 +331,9 @@ void MappingIndicator::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
case ControllerEmu::GroupType::Cursor:
case ControllerEmu::GroupType::Tilt:
case ControllerEmu::GroupType::Stick:
case ControllerEmu::GroupType::Tilt:
case ControllerEmu::GroupType::MixedTriggers:
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
#include <QWidget>
#include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/StickGate.h"
namespace ControllerEmu
class Control;
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ private:
void BindCursorControls(bool tilt);
void DrawCursor(bool tilt);
void DrawStick();
void DrawReshapableInput(ControllerEmu::ReshapableInput& stick);
void DrawMixedTriggers();
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) override;
@ -24,22 +24,17 @@ AnalogStick::AnalogStick(const char* const name_, std::unique_ptr<StickGate>&& s
AnalogStick::AnalogStick(const char* const name_, const char* const ui_name_,
std::unique_ptr<StickGate>&& stick_gate)
: ControlGroup(name_, ui_name_, GroupType::Stick), m_stick_gate(std::move(stick_gate))
: ReshapableInput(name_, ui_name_, GroupType::Stick), m_stick_gate(std::move(stick_gate))
for (auto& named_direction : named_directions)
controls.emplace_back(std::make_unique<Input>(Translate, named_direction));
controls.emplace_back(std::make_unique<Input>(Translate, _trans("Modifier")));
// Set default input radius to that of the gate radius (no resizing)
// Allow radius greater than 1.0 for definitions of rounded squares
// This is ideal for Xbox controllers (and probably others)
std::make_unique<NumericSetting>(_trans("Input Radius"), GetGateRadiusAtAngle(0.0), 0, 140));
// Set default input shape to an octagon (no reshaping)
std::make_unique<NumericSetting>(_trans("Input Shape"), 0.0, 0, 50));
numeric_settings.emplace_back(std::make_unique<NumericSetting>(_trans("Dead Zone"), 0, 0, 50));
// Default input radius to that of the gate radius (no resizing)
// Default input shape to an octagon (no reshaping)
// Max deadzone to 50%
AddReshapingSettings(GetGateRadiusAtAngle(0.0), 0.0, 50);
AnalogStick::StateData AnalogStick::GetState(bool adjusted)
@ -51,40 +46,9 @@ AnalogStick::StateData AnalogStick::GetState(bool adjusted)
if (!adjusted)
return {x, y};
// TODO: make the AtAngle functions work with negative angles:
const ControlState ang = std::atan2(y, x) + MathUtil::TAU;
const ControlState gate_max_dist = GetGateRadiusAtAngle(ang);
const ControlState input_max_dist = GetInputRadiusAtAngle(ang);
// If input radius is zero we apply no scaling.
// This is useful when mapping native controllers without knowing intimate radius details.
const ControlState max_dist = input_max_dist ? input_max_dist : gate_max_dist;
ControlState dist = std::sqrt(x * x + y * y) / max_dist;
// If the modifier is pressed, scale the distance by the modifier's value.
// This is affected by the modifier's "range" setting which defaults to 50%.
const ControlState modifier = controls[4]->control_ref->State();
if (modifier)
// TODO: Modifier's range setting gets reset to 100% when the clear button is clicked.
// This causes the modifier to not behave how a user might suspect.
// Retaining the old scale-by-50% behavior until range is fixed to clear to 50%.
dist *= 0.5;
// dist *= modifier;
// Apply deadzone as a percentage of the user-defined radius/shape:
const ControlState deadzone = GetDeadzoneRadiusAtAngle(ang);
dist = std::max(0.0, dist - deadzone) / (1.0 - deadzone);
// Scale to the gate shape/radius:
dist = dist *= gate_max_dist;
x = MathUtil::Clamp(std::cos(ang) * dist, -1.0, 1.0);
y = MathUtil::Clamp(std::sin(ang) * dist, -1.0, 1.0);
return {x, y};
return Reshape(x, y, modifier);
ControlState AnalogStick::GetGateRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const
@ -92,37 +56,6 @@ ControlState AnalogStick::GetGateRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const
return m_stick_gate->GetRadiusAtAngle(ang);
ControlState AnalogStick::GetDeadzoneRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const
return CalculateInputShapeRadiusAtAngle(ang) * numeric_settings[SETTING_DEADZONE]->GetValue();
ControlState AnalogStick::GetInputRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const
const ControlState radius =
CalculateInputShapeRadiusAtAngle(ang) * numeric_settings[SETTING_INPUT_RADIUS]->GetValue();
// Clamp within the -1 to +1 square as input radius may be greater than 1.0:
return std::min(radius, SquareStickGate(1).GetRadiusAtAngle(ang));
ControlState AnalogStick::CalculateInputShapeRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const
const auto shape = numeric_settings[SETTING_INPUT_SHAPE]->GetValue() * 4.0;
if (shape < 1.0)
// Between 0 and 25 return a shape between octagon and circle
const auto amt = shape;
return OctagonStickGate(1).GetRadiusAtAngle(ang) * (1 - amt) + amt;
// Between 25 and 50 return a shape between circle and square
const auto amt = shape - 1.0;
return (1 - amt) + SquareStickGate(1).GetRadiusAtAngle(ang) * amt;
OctagonAnalogStick::OctagonAnalogStick(const char* name, ControlState gate_radius)
: OctagonAnalogStick(name, name, gate_radius)
@ -10,35 +10,17 @@
namespace ControllerEmu
class AnalogStick : public ControlGroup
class AnalogStick : public ReshapableInput
struct StateData
ControlState x{};
ControlState y{};
AnalogStick(const char* name, std::unique_ptr<StickGate>&& stick_gate);
AnalogStick(const char* name, const char* ui_name, std::unique_ptr<StickGate>&& stick_gate);
StateData GetState(bool adjusted = true);
StateData GetState(bool adjusted = true) override;
// Angle is in radians and should be non-negative
ControlState GetGateRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const;
ControlState GetDeadzoneRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const;
ControlState GetInputRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const;
ControlState GetGateRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const override;
ControlState CalculateInputShapeRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const;
std::unique_ptr<StickGate> m_stick_gate;
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
namespace ControllerEmu
Tilt::Tilt(const std::string& name_) : ControlGroup(name_, GroupType::Tilt)
Tilt::Tilt(const std::string& name_)
: ReshapableInput(name_, name_, GroupType::Tilt), m_last_update(Clock::now())
controls.emplace_back(std::make_unique<Input>(Translate, _trans("Forward")));
controls.emplace_back(std::make_unique<Input>(Translate, _trans("Backward")));
@ -26,71 +27,52 @@ Tilt::Tilt(const std::string& name_) : ControlGroup(name_, GroupType::Tilt)
controls.emplace_back(std::make_unique<Input>(Translate, _trans("Modifier")));
numeric_settings.emplace_back(std::make_unique<NumericSetting>(_trans("Dead Zone"), 0, 0, 50));
numeric_settings.emplace_back(std::make_unique<NumericSetting>(_trans("Circle Stick"), 0));
// Set default input radius to the full 1.0 (no resizing)
// Set default input shape to a square (no reshaping)
// Max deadzone to 50%
AddReshapingSettings(1.0, 0.5, 50);
numeric_settings.emplace_back(std::make_unique<NumericSetting>(_trans("Angle"), 0.9, 0, 180));
Tilt::StateData Tilt::GetState(const bool step)
Tilt::StateData Tilt::GetState(bool adjusted)
// this is all a mess
ControlState y = controls[0]->control_ref->State() - controls[1]->control_ref->State();
ControlState x = controls[3]->control_ref->State() - controls[2]->control_ref->State();
ControlState yy = controls[0]->control_ref->State() - controls[1]->control_ref->State();
ControlState xx = controls[3]->control_ref->State() - controls[2]->control_ref->State();
// Return raw values. (used in UI)
if (!adjusted)
return {x, y};
ControlState deadzone = numeric_settings[0]->GetValue();
ControlState circle = numeric_settings[1]->GetValue();
auto const angle = numeric_settings[2]->GetValue() / 1.8;
ControlState m = controls[4]->control_ref->State();
const ControlState modifier = controls[4]->control_ref->State();
// deadzone / circle stick code
// this section might be all wrong, but its working good enough, I think
// Compute desired tilt:
StateData target = Reshape(x, y, modifier);
ControlState ang = atan2(yy, xx);
ControlState ang_sin = sin(ang);
ControlState ang_cos = cos(ang);
// Step the simulation. This is pretty ugly being here.
const auto now = Clock::now();
const auto ms_since_update =
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - m_last_update).count();
m_last_update = now;
// the amt a full square stick would have at current angle
ControlState square_full =
std::min(ang_sin ? 1 / fabs(ang_sin) : 2, ang_cos ? 1 / fabs(ang_cos) : 2);
constexpr int MAX_DEG_PER_SEC = 360 * 2;
const double MAX_STEP = MAX_DEG_PER_SEC / 180.0 * ms_since_update / 1000;
// the amt a full stick would have that was (user setting circular) at current angle
// I think this is more like a pointed circle rather than a rounded square like it should be
ControlState stick_full = (square_full * (1 - circle)) + (circle);
// TODO: Allow wrap around from 1.0 to -1.0
// (take the fastest route to target)
ControlState dist = sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy);
const double diff_x = (target.x - m_tilt.x);
m_tilt.x += std::min(MAX_STEP, std::abs(diff_x)) * ((diff_x < 0) ? -1 : 1);
const double diff_y = (target.y - m_tilt.y);
m_tilt.y += std::min(MAX_STEP, std::abs(diff_y)) * ((diff_y < 0) ? -1 : 1);
// dead zone code
dist = std::max(0.0, dist - deadzone * stick_full);
dist /= (1 - deadzone);
// circle stick code
ControlState amt = dist / stick_full;
dist += (square_full - 1) * amt * circle;
if (m)
dist *= 0.5;
yy = std::max(-1.0, std::min(1.0, ang_sin * dist));
xx = std::max(-1.0, std::min(1.0, ang_cos * dist));
// this is kinda silly here
// gui being open will make this happen 2x as fast, o well
// silly
if (step)
if (xx > m_tilt.x)
m_tilt.x = std::min(m_tilt.x + 0.1, xx);
else if (xx < m_tilt.x)
m_tilt.x = std::max(m_tilt.x - 0.1, xx);
if (yy > m_tilt.y)
m_tilt.y = std::min(m_tilt.y + 0.1, yy);
else if (yy < m_tilt.y)
m_tilt.y = std::max(m_tilt.y - 0.1, yy);
return {m_tilt.x * angle, m_tilt.y * angle};
return m_tilt;
ControlState Tilt::GetGateRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const
const ControlState max_tilt_angle = numeric_settings[SETTING_MAX_ANGLE]->GetValue() / 1.8;
return SquareStickGate(max_tilt_angle).GetRadiusAtAngle(ang);
} // namespace ControllerEmu
@ -4,26 +4,32 @@
#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/ControlGroup/ControlGroup.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/StickGate.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/Device.h"
namespace ControllerEmu
class Tilt : public ControlGroup
class Tilt : public ReshapableInput
struct StateData
ControlState x{};
ControlState y{};
explicit Tilt(const std::string& name);
StateData GetState(bool step = true);
StateData GetState(bool adjusted = true);
ControlState GetGateRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const override;
typedef std::chrono::steady_clock Clock;
StateData m_tilt;
Clock::time_point m_last_update;
} // namespace ControllerEmu
@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
#include <cmath>
#include "Common/Common.h"
#include "Common/MathUtil.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/Setting/NumericSetting.h"
namespace ControllerEmu
@ -44,4 +46,90 @@ ControlState SquareStickGate::GetRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const
return m_half_width / std::cos(std::fmod(ang + section_ang / 2, section_ang) - section_ang / 2);
ReshapableInput::ReshapableInput(std::string name, std::string ui_name, GroupType type)
: ControlGroup(std::move(name), std::move(ui_name), type)
ControlState ReshapableInput::GetDeadzoneRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const
return CalculateInputShapeRadiusAtAngle(ang) * numeric_settings[SETTING_DEADZONE]->GetValue();
ControlState ReshapableInput::GetInputRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const
const ControlState radius =
CalculateInputShapeRadiusAtAngle(ang) * numeric_settings[SETTING_INPUT_RADIUS]->GetValue();
// Clamp within the -1 to +1 square as input radius may be greater than 1.0:
return std::min(radius, SquareStickGate(1).GetRadiusAtAngle(ang));
void ReshapableInput::AddReshapingSettings(ControlState default_radius, ControlState default_shape,
int max_deadzone)
// Allow radius greater than 1.0 for definitions of rounded squares
// This is ideal for Xbox controllers (and probably others)
std::make_unique<NumericSetting>(_trans("Input Radius"), default_radius, 0, 140));
std::make_unique<NumericSetting>(_trans("Input Shape"), default_shape, 0, 50));
numeric_settings.emplace_back(std::make_unique<NumericSetting>(_trans("Dead Zone"), 0, 0, 50));
ReshapableInput::StateData ReshapableInput::Reshape(ControlState x, ControlState y,
ControlState modifier)
// TODO: make the AtAngle functions work with negative angles:
const ControlState ang = std::atan2(y, x) + MathUtil::TAU;
const ControlState gate_max_dist = GetGateRadiusAtAngle(ang);
const ControlState input_max_dist = GetInputRadiusAtAngle(ang);
// If input radius is zero we apply no scaling.
// This is useful when mapping native controllers without knowing intimate radius details.
const ControlState max_dist = input_max_dist ? input_max_dist : gate_max_dist;
ControlState dist = std::sqrt(x * x + y * y) / max_dist;
// If the modifier is pressed, scale the distance by the modifier's value.
// This is affected by the modifier's "range" setting which defaults to 50%.
if (modifier)
// TODO: Modifier's range setting gets reset to 100% when the clear button is clicked.
// This causes the modifier to not behave how a user might suspect.
// Retaining the old scale-by-50% behavior until range is fixed to clear to 50%.
dist *= 0.5;
// dist *= modifier;
// Apply deadzone as a percentage of the user-defined radius/shape:
const ControlState deadzone = GetDeadzoneRadiusAtAngle(ang);
dist = std::max(0.0, dist - deadzone) / (1.0 - deadzone);
// Scale to the gate shape/radius:
dist = dist *= gate_max_dist;
x = MathUtil::Clamp(std::cos(ang) * dist, -1.0, 1.0);
y = MathUtil::Clamp(std::sin(ang) * dist, -1.0, 1.0);
return {x, y};
ControlState ReshapableInput::CalculateInputShapeRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const
const auto shape = numeric_settings[SETTING_INPUT_SHAPE]->GetValue() * 4.0;
if (shape < 1.0)
// Between 0 and 25 return a shape between octagon and circle
const auto amt = shape;
return OctagonStickGate(1).GetRadiusAtAngle(ang) * (1 - amt) + amt;
// Between 25 and 50 return a shape between circle and square
const auto amt = shape - 1.0;
return (1 - amt) + SquareStickGate(1).GetRadiusAtAngle(ang) * amt;
} // namespace ControllerEmu
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "InputCommon/ControlReference/ControlReference.h"
#include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/ControlGroup/ControlGroup.h"
namespace ControllerEmu
@ -52,4 +53,40 @@ private:
const ControlState m_half_width;
class ReshapableInput : public ControlGroup
ReshapableInput(std::string name, std::string ui_name, GroupType type);
struct StateData
ControlState x{};
ControlState y{};
// Angle is in radians and should be non-negative
ControlState GetDeadzoneRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const;
ControlState GetInputRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const;
virtual ControlState GetGateRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const = 0;
virtual StateData GetState(bool adjusted = true) = 0;
void AddReshapingSettings(ControlState default_radius, ControlState default_shape,
int max_deadzone);
StateData Reshape(ControlState x, ControlState y, ControlState modifier = 0.0);
ControlState CalculateInputShapeRadiusAtAngle(double ang) const;
} // namespace ControllerEmu
Reference in New Issue
Block a user