Build with shared libraries whenever possible on Linux;

on OS X, always build with static libraries from Externals.

XXX LZO/SFML/SOIL are currently static only on Linux as well,
as they have been all along, because of a conflict between
CheckPKG('FOO') and the SHARED_FOO conditionals - on the second
build run with static version of these libraries, CheckPKG picks
them up, negating SHARED_FOO and making the code try to include
the canonical locations for these packages. The easiest fix is
probably to adjust the relative pathnames for those header files
in Externals, so that the same ones are included in the shared
and static cases.

git-svn-id: 8ced0084-cf51-0410-be5f-012b33b47a6e
This commit is contained in:
Soren Jorvang 2010-06-16 11:39:23 +00:00
parent 4f8a6a1573
commit d24e5a37a6
2 changed files with 49 additions and 133 deletions

View File

@ -98,16 +98,10 @@ vars.AddVariables(
BoolVariable('verbose', 'Set for compilation line', False),
BoolVariable('bundle', 'Set to create bundle', False),
BoolVariable('lint', 'Set for lint build (extra warnings)', False),
BoolVariable('nowx', 'Set For Building with no WX libs', False),
BoolVariable('wxgl', 'Set For Building with WX GL libs', False),
BoolVariable('nowx', 'Set for building with no WX libs', False),
BoolVariable('wxgl', 'Set for building with WX GL on Linux', False),
BoolVariable('opencl', 'Build with OpenCL', False),
BoolVariable('nojit', 'Remove entire jit cores', False),
BoolVariable('shared_glew', 'Use system shared libGLEW', False),
BoolVariable('shared_lzo', 'Use system shared liblzo2', False),
BoolVariable('shared_sdl', 'Use system shared libSDL', False),
BoolVariable('shared_sfml', 'Use system shared libsfml-network', False),
BoolVariable('shared_soil', 'Use system shared libSOIL', False),
BoolVariable('shared_zlib', 'Use system shared libz', False),
PathVariable('userdir', 'Set the name of the user data directory in home',
'.dolphin-emu', PathVariable.PathAccept),
EnumVariable('install', 'Choose a local or global installation', 'local',
@ -218,8 +212,6 @@ tests = {'CheckWXConfig' : wxconfig.CheckWXConfig,
'CheckPKGConfig' : utils.CheckPKGConfig,
'CheckPKG' : utils.CheckPKG,
'CheckSDL' : utils.CheckSDL,
'CheckFink' : utils.CheckFink,
'CheckMacports' : utils.CheckMacports,
'CheckPortaudio' : utils.CheckPortaudio,
@ -261,16 +253,6 @@ env['LIBPATH'].append(env['local_libs'])
conf = env.Configure(custom_tests = tests,
if env['shared_glew'] or env['shared_lzo'] or env['shared_sdl'] or \
env['shared_sfml'] or env['shared_soil'] or env['shared_zlib']:
if not conf.CheckPKGConfig('0.15.0'):
print "Can't find pkg-config, some tests will fail"
# Find MacPorts or Fink for library and include paths
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
# MacPorts usually has newer versions
# OS X specifics
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
compileFlags += ['-mmacosx-version-min=10.5']
@ -285,78 +267,48 @@ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
env['FRAMEWORKS'] += ['CoreFoundation', 'CoreServices']
env['FRAMEWORKS'] += ['IOBluetooth', 'IOKit', 'OpenGL']
env['FRAMEWORKS'] += ['AudioUnit', 'CoreAudio']
if not conf.CheckPKGConfig('0.15.0'):
print "Can't find pkg-config, some tests will fail"
# OpenCL
env['HAVE_OPENCL'] = 0
if env['opencl']:
env['HAVE_OPENCL'] = conf.CheckPKG('OpenCL')
shared = {}
shared['glew'] = shared['lzo'] = shared['sdl'] = \
shared['soil'] = shared['sfml'] = shared['zlib'] = 0
if not sys.platform == 'darwin':
shared['glew'] = conf.CheckPKG('GLEW')
#shared['lzo'] = conf.CheckPKG('lzo2') XXX
shared['sdl'] = conf.CheckPKG('SDL')
#shared['soil'] = conf.CheckPKG('SOIL') XXX
# TODO: Check the version of sfml. It should be at least version 1.5
#shared['sfml'] = conf.CheckPKG('sfml-network') and \
# conf.CheckCXXHeader("SFML/Network/Ftp.hpp") XXX
shared['zlib'] = conf.CheckPKG('z')
for lib in shared:
if not shared[lib]:
print "Shared library " + lib + " not detected, " \
"falling back to the static library"
env['SHARED_GLEW'] = 0;
if env['shared_glew']:
env['SHARED_GLEW'] = conf.CheckPKG('GLEW')
if not env['SHARED_GLEW']:
print "shared GLEW library not detected"
print "falling back to the static library"
if not env['SHARED_GLEW']:
conf.Define('SHARED_SOIL', shared['soil'])
conf.Define('SHARED_LZO', shared['lzo'])
conf.Define('SHARED_SFML', shared['sfml'])
if shared['glew'] == 0:
env['CPPPATH'] += [basedir + 'Externals/GLew/include']
dirs += ['Externals/GLew']
env['SHARED_LZO'] = 0;
if env['shared_lzo']:
env['SHARED_LZO'] = conf.CheckPKG('lzo2')
if not env['SHARED_LZO']:
print "shared LZO library not detected"
print "falling back to the static library"
if not env['SHARED_LZO']:
if shared['lzo'] == 0:
env['CPPPATH'] += [basedir + 'Externals/LZO']
dirs += ['Externals/LZO']
env['SHARED_SDL'] = 0;
if env['shared_sdl']:
env['SHARED_SDL'] = conf.CheckPKG('SDL')
if not env['SHARED_SDL']:
print "shared SDL library not detected"
print "falling back to the static library"
if not env['SHARED_SDL']:
if shared['sdl'] == 0:
env['CPPPATH'] += [basedir + 'Externals/SDL']
env['CPPPATH'] += [basedir + 'Externals/SDL/include']
dirs += ['Externals/SDL']
env['SHARED_SOIL'] = 0;
if env['shared_soil']:
env['SHARED_SOIL'] = conf.CheckPKG('SOIL')
if not env['SHARED_SOIL']:
print "shared SOIL library not detected"
print "falling back to the static library"
if not env['SHARED_SOIL']:
if shared['soil'] == 0:
env['CPPPATH'] += [basedir + 'Externals/SOIL']
dirs += ['Externals/SOIL']
env['SHARED_SFML'] = 0;
if env['shared_sfml']:
# TODO: Check the version of sfml. It should be at least version 1.5
env['SHARED_SFML'] = conf.CheckPKG('sfml-network') and \
if not env['SHARED_SFML']:
print "shared sfml-network library not detected"
print "falling back to the static library"
if not env['SHARED_SFML']:
if shared['sfml'] == 0:
env['CPPPATH'] += [basedir + 'Externals/SFML/include']
dirs += ['Externals/SFML/src']
# zlib
env['SHARED_ZLIB'] = 0;
if env['shared_zlib']:
env['SHARED_ZLIB'] = conf.CheckPKG('z')
if not env['SHARED_ZLIB']:
print "shared zlib library not detected"
print "falling back to the static library"
if not env['SHARED_ZLIB']:
if shared['zlib'] == 0:
env['CPPPATH'] += [basedir + 'Externals/zlib']
dirs += ['Externals/zlib']
@ -391,19 +343,18 @@ if not env['HAVE_WX'] and not env['nowx']:
print "WX libraries not found - see config.log"
env['HAVE_OPENCL'] = 0
if not sys.platform == 'win32':
if not conf.CheckPKG('Cg'):
print "Must have Cg framework from NVidia to build"
if env['opencl']:
env['HAVE_OPENCL'] = conf.CheckPKG('OpenCL')
env['HAVE_BLUEZ'] = 0
env['HAVE_ALSA'] = 0
env['HAVE_AO'] = 0
env['HAVE_OPENAL'] = 0
env['HAVE_X11'] = 0
env['HAVE_XRANDR'] = 0
env['HAVE_ALSA'] = env['HAVE_AO'] = env['HAVE_OPENAL'] = \
env['HAVE_X11'] = env['HAVE_XRANDR'] = 0
if not sys.platform == 'win32' and not sys.platform == 'darwin':
env['LINKFLAGS'] += ['-pthread']
@ -452,18 +403,13 @@ conf.Define('USE_WX', env['USE_WX'])
conf.Define('HAVE_X11', env['HAVE_X11'])
conf.Define('HAVE_XRANDR', env['HAVE_XRANDR'])
conf.Define('SHARED_SOIL', env['SHARED_SOIL'])
conf.Define('SHARED_LZO', env['SHARED_LZO'])
conf.Define('SHARED_SFML', env['SHARED_SFML'])
conf.Define('USER_DIR', "\"" + env['userdir'] + "\"")
if (env['install'] == 'global'):
conf.Define('DATA_DIR', "\"" + env['data_dir'] + "\"")
conf.Define('LIBS_DIR', "\"" + env['prefix'] + 'lib/' + "\"")
# Lua
env['LUA_USE_MACOSX'] = 0
env['LUA_USE_LINUX'] = 0
env['LUA_USE_POSIX'] = 0
env['LUA_USE_MACOSX'] = env['LUA_USE_LINUX'] = env['LUA_USE_POSIX'] = 0
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
env['LUA_USE_MACOSX'] = 1
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':

View File

@ -24,36 +24,6 @@ def CheckFramework(context, name):
return ret
def CheckFink(context):
context.Message( 'Looking for fink... ')
prog = context.env.WhereIs('fink')
if prog:
ret = 1
prefix = prog.rsplit(os.sep, 2)[0]
context.env.Append(LIBPATH = [prefix + os.sep +'lib'],
CPPPATH = [prefix + os.sep +'include'])
context.Message( 'Adding fink lib and include path ')
ret = 0
return int(ret)
def CheckMacports(context):
context.Message( 'Looking for macports... ')
prog = context.env.WhereIs('port')
if prog:
ret = 1
prefix = prog.rsplit(os.sep, 2)[0]
context.env.Append(LIBPATH = [prefix + os.sep + 'lib'],
CPPPATH = [prefix + os.sep + 'include'])
context.Message( 'Adding port lib and include path ')
ret = 0
return int(ret)
# TODO: We should use the scons one instead
def CheckLib(context, name):
context.Message( 'Looking for lib %s... ' % name )