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synced 2025-03-12 14:46:49 +01:00
Merge pull request #6646 from spycrab/fbm_strings
OGL/FramebufferManager: Clean up inline GLSL code
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
#include "VideoBackends/OGL/FramebufferManager.h"
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "Common/Common.h"
@ -25,6 +24,156 @@
#include "VideoCommon/VertexShaderGen.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VideoBackendBase.h"
constexpr const char* GLSL_REINTERPRET_PIXELFMT_VS = R"GLSL(
#define MULTILAYER %d
flat out int layer;
void main(void) {
layer = 0;
vec2 rawpos = vec2(gl_VertexID & 1, gl_VertexID & 2);
gl_Position = vec4(rawpos* 2.0 - 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
constexpr const char* GLSL_SHADER_FS = R"GLSL(
#define MULTILAYER %d
#define MSAA %d
#if MSAA
SAMPLER_BINDING(9) uniform sampler2DMSArray samp9;
SAMPLER_BINDING(9) uniform sampler2DMS samp9;
SAMPLER_BINDING(9) uniform sampler2DArray samp9;
vec4 sampleEFB(ivec3 pos) {
#if MSAA
return texelFetch(samp9, pos, gl_SampleID);
return texelFetch(samp9, pos.xy, gl_SampleID);
return texelFetch(samp9, pos, 0);
constexpr const char* GLSL_SAMPLE_EFB_FS = R"GLSL(
#define MULTILAYER %d
SAMPLER_BINDING(9) uniform sampler2DMSArray samp9;
SAMPLER_BINDING(9) uniform sampler2DMS samp9;
vec4 sampleEFB(ivec3 pos) {
vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (int i = 0; i < %d; i++)
color += texelFetch(samp9, pos, i);
color += texelFetch(samp9, pos.xy, i);
return color / %d;
constexpr const char* GLSL_RGBA6_TO_RGB8_FS = R"GLSL(
flat in int layer;
out vec4 ocol0;
void main() {
ivec4 src6 = ivec4(round(sampleEFB(ivec3(gl_FragCoord.xy, layer)) * 63.f));
ivec4 dst8;
dst8.r = (src6.r << 2) | (src6.g >> 4);
dst8.g = ((src6.g & 0xF) << 4) | (src6.b >> 2);
dst8.b = ((src6.b & 0x3) << 6) | src6.a;
dst8.a = 255;
ocol0 = float4(dst8) / 255.f;
constexpr const char* GLSL_RGB8_TO_RGBA6_FS = R"GLSL(
flat in int layer;
out vec4 ocol0;
void main() {
ivec4 src8 = ivec4(round(sampleEFB(ivec3(gl_FragCoord.xy, layer)) * 255.f));
ivec4 dst6;
dst6.r = src8.r >> 2;
dst6.g = ((src8.r & 0x3) << 4) | (src8.g >> 4);
dst6.b = ((src8.g & 0xF) << 2) | (src8.b >> 6);
dst6.a = src8.b & 0x3F;
ocol0 = float4(dst6) / 63.f;
constexpr const char* GLSL_GS = R"GLSL(
layout(triangles) in;
layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = %d) out;
flat out int layer;
void main() {
for (int j = 0; j < %d; layers.str(); ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
layer = j;
gl_Layer = j;
gl_Position = gl_in[i].gl_Position;
constexpr const char* GLSL_EFB_POKE_VERTEX_VS = R"GLSL(
in vec2 rawpos;
in vec4 rawcolor0; // color
in int rawcolor1; // depth
out vec4 v_c;
out float v_z;
void main(void) {
gl_Position = vec4(((rawpos + 0.5) / vec2(640.0, 528.0) * 2.0 - 1.0) * vec2(1.0, -1.0), 0.0, 1.0);
gl_PointSize = %d.0 / 640.0;
v_c = rawcolor0.bgra;
v_z = float(rawcolor1 & 0xFFFFFF) / 16777216.0;
constexpr const char* GLSL_EFB_POKE_PIXEL_FS = R"GLSL(
in vec4 %s_c;
in float %s_z;
out vec4 ocol0;
void main(void) {
ocol0 = %s_c;
gl_FragDepth = %s_z;
constexpr const char* GLSL_EFB_POKE_GEOMETRY_GS = R"GLSL("
layout(points) in;
layout(points, max_vertices = %d) out;
in vec4 v_c[1];
in float v_z[1];
out vec4 g_c;
out float g_z;
void main() {
for (int j = 0; j < %d; ++j) {
gl_Layer = j;
gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position;
gl_PointSize = %d.0 / 640.0;
g_c = v_c[0];
g_z = v_z[0];
namespace OGL
int FramebufferManager::m_targetWidth;
@ -149,6 +298,8 @@ FramebufferManager::FramebufferManager(int targetWidth, int targetHeight, int ms
depth_data_type = GL_FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV;
const bool multilayer = m_EFBLayers > 1;
if (m_msaaSamples <= 1)
m_textureType = GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY;
@ -157,16 +308,12 @@ FramebufferManager::FramebufferManager(int targetWidth, int targetHeight, int ms
// Only use a layered multisample texture if needed. Some drivers
// slow down significantly with single-layered multisample textures.
if (m_EFBLayers > 1)
// Although we are able to access the multisampled texture directly, we don't do it everywhere.
// The old way is to "resolve" this multisampled texture by copying it into a non-sampled
// texture.
// This would lead to an unneeded copy of the EFB, so we are going to avoid it.
// But as this job isn't done right now, we do need that texture for resolving:
// Although we are able to access the multisampled texture directly, we don't do it
// everywhere. The old way is to "resolve" this multisampled texture by copying it into a
// non-sampled texture. This would lead to an unneeded copy of the EFB, so we are going to
// avoid it. But as this job isn't done right now, we do need that texture for resolving:
GLenum resolvedType = GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY;
m_resolvedColorTexture = CreateTexture(resolvedType, GL_RGBA8, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
@ -209,185 +356,51 @@ FramebufferManager::FramebufferManager(int targetWidth, int targetHeight, int ms
// reinterpret pixel format
const char* vs = m_EFBLayers > 1 ? "void main(void) {\n"
" vec2 rawpos = vec2(gl_VertexID&1, gl_VertexID&2);\n"
" gl_Position = vec4(rawpos*2.0-1.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
"}\n" :
"flat out int layer;\n"
"void main(void) {\n"
" layer = 0;\n"
" vec2 rawpos = vec2(gl_VertexID&1, gl_VertexID&2);\n"
" gl_Position = vec4(rawpos*2.0-1.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
std::string vs = StringFromFormat(GLSL_REINTERPRET_PIXELFMT_VS, multilayer);
// The way to sample the EFB is based on the on the current configuration.
// As we use the same sampling way for both interpreting shaders, the sampling
// shader are generated first:
std::string sampler;
if (m_msaaSamples <= 1)
// non-msaa, so just fetch the pixel
sampler = "SAMPLER_BINDING(9) uniform sampler2DArray samp9;\n"
"vec4 sampleEFB(ivec3 pos) {\n"
" return texelFetch(samp9, pos, 0);\n"
sampler = StringFromFormat(GLSL_SHADER_FS, multilayer, false);
else if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsSSAA)
// msaa + sample shading available, so just fetch the sample
// This will lead to sample shading, but it's the only way to not loose
// the values of each sample.
if (m_EFBLayers > 1)
sampler = "SAMPLER_BINDING(9) uniform sampler2DMSArray samp9;\n"
"vec4 sampleEFB(ivec3 pos) {\n"
" return texelFetch(samp9, pos, gl_SampleID);\n"
sampler = "SAMPLER_BINDING(9) uniform sampler2DMS samp9;\n"
"vec4 sampleEFB(ivec3 pos) {\n"
" return texelFetch(samp9, pos.xy, gl_SampleID);\n"
sampler = StringFromFormat(GLSL_SHADER_FS, multilayer, true);
// msaa without sample shading: calculate the mean value of the pixel
std::stringstream samples;
samples << m_msaaSamples;
if (m_EFBLayers > 1)
sampler = "SAMPLER_BINDING(9) uniform sampler2DMSArray samp9;\n"
"vec4 sampleEFB(ivec3 pos) {\n"
" vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" for(int i=0; i<" +
samples.str() +
"; i++)\n"
" color += texelFetch(samp9, pos, i);\n"
" return color / " +
samples.str() +
sampler = "SAMPLER_BINDING(9) uniform sampler2DMS samp9;\n"
"vec4 sampleEFB(ivec3 pos) {\n"
" vec4 color = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
" for(int i=0; i<" +
samples.str() +
"; i++)\n"
" color += texelFetch(samp9, pos.xy, i);\n"
" return color / " +
samples.str() +
sampler = StringFromFormat(GLSL_SAMPLE_EFB_FS, multilayer, m_msaaSamples, m_msaaSamples);
std::string ps_rgba6_to_rgb8 =
sampler + "flat in int layer;\n"
"out vec4 ocol0;\n"
"void main()\n"
" ivec4 src6 = ivec4(round(sampleEFB(ivec3(gl_FragCoord.xy, layer)) * 63.f));\n"
" ivec4 dst8;\n"
" dst8.r = (src6.r << 2) | (src6.g >> 4);\n"
" dst8.g = ((src6.g & 0xF) << 4) | (src6.b >> 2);\n"
" dst8.b = ((src6.b & 0x3) << 6) | src6.a;\n"
" dst8.a = 255;\n"
" ocol0 = float4(dst8) / 255.f;\n"
std::string ps_rgba6_to_rgb8 = sampler + GLSL_RGBA6_TO_RGB8_FS;
std::string ps_rgb8_to_rgba6 =
sampler + "flat in int layer;\n"
"out vec4 ocol0;\n"
"void main()\n"
" ivec4 src8 = ivec4(round(sampleEFB(ivec3(gl_FragCoord.xy, layer)) * 255.f));\n"
" ivec4 dst6;\n"
" dst6.r = src8.r >> 2;\n"
" dst6.g = ((src8.r & 0x3) << 4) | (src8.g >> 4);\n"
" dst6.b = ((src8.g & 0xF) << 2) | (src8.b >> 6);\n"
" dst6.a = src8.b & 0x3F;\n"
" ocol0 = float4(dst6) / 63.f;\n"
std::string ps_rgb8_to_rgba6 = sampler + GLSL_RGB8_TO_RGBA6_FS;
std::stringstream vertices, layers;
vertices << m_EFBLayers * 3;
layers << m_EFBLayers;
std::string gs = "layout(triangles) in;\n"
"layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = " +
vertices.str() +
") out;\n"
"flat out int layer;\n"
"void main()\n"
" for (int j = 0; j < " +
layers.str() +
"; ++j) {\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {\n"
" layer = j;\n"
" gl_Layer = j;\n"
" gl_Position = gl_in[i].gl_Position;\n"
" EmitVertex();\n"
" }\n"
" EndPrimitive();\n"
" }\n"
std::string gs = StringFromFormat(GLSL_GS, m_EFBLayers * 3, m_EFBLayers);
ProgramShaderCache::CompileShader(m_pixel_format_shaders[0], vs, ps_rgb8_to_rgba6,
(m_EFBLayers > 1) ? gs : "");
multilayer ? gs : "");
ProgramShaderCache::CompileShader(m_pixel_format_shaders[1], vs, ps_rgba6_to_rgb8,
(m_EFBLayers > 1) ? gs : "");
multilayer ? gs : "");
const auto prefix = multilayer ? "g" : "v";
StringFromFormat("in vec2 rawpos;\n"
"in vec4 rawcolor0;\n" // color
"in int rawcolor1;\n" // depth
"out vec4 v_c;\n"
"out float v_z;\n"
"void main(void) {\n"
" gl_Position = vec4(((rawpos + 0.5) / vec2(640.0, 528.0) * 2.0 - 1.0) * "
"vec2(1.0, -1.0), 0.0, 1.0);\n"
" gl_PointSize = %d.0 / 640.0;\n"
" v_c = rawcolor0.bgra;\n"
" v_z = float(rawcolor1 & 0xFFFFFF) / 16777216.0;\n"
m_EfbPokes, StringFromFormat(GLSL_EFB_POKE_VERTEX_VS, m_targetWidth),
StringFromFormat("in vec4 %s_c;\n"
"in float %s_z;\n"
"out vec4 ocol0;\n"
"void main(void) {\n"
" ocol0 = %s_c;\n"
" gl_FragDepth = %s_z;\n"
m_EFBLayers > 1 ? "g" : "v", m_EFBLayers > 1 ? "g" : "v",
m_EFBLayers > 1 ? "g" : "v", m_EFBLayers > 1 ? "g" : "v"),
StringFromFormat(GLSL_EFB_POKE_PIXEL_FS, prefix, prefix, prefix, prefix),
m_EFBLayers > 1 ? StringFromFormat("layout(points) in;\n"
"layout(points, max_vertices = %d) out;\n"
"in vec4 v_c[1];\n"
"in float v_z[1];\n"
"out vec4 g_c;\n"
"out float g_z;\n"
"void main()\n"
" for (int j = 0; j < %d; ++j) {\n"
" gl_Layer = j;\n"
" gl_Position = gl_in[0].gl_Position;\n"
" gl_PointSize = %d.0 / 640.0;\n"
" g_c = v_c[0];\n"
" g_z = v_z[0];\n"
" EmitVertex();\n"
" EndPrimitive();\n"
" }\n"
m_EFBLayers, m_EFBLayers, m_targetWidth) :
multilayer ?
StringFromFormat(GLSL_EFB_POKE_GEOMETRY_GS, m_EFBLayers, m_EFBLayers, m_targetWidth) :
glGenBuffers(1, &m_EfbPokes_VBO);
glGenVertexArrays(1, &m_EfbPokes_VAO);
Reference in New Issue
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