I initially thought the 0x01 side was both sides (equavalent to just C. However, this turned out to be something I forgot I implemented in my personal interface. 0x01 does not seem to change any colors.
Recently discovered how exactly the last 2 bytes of the J command for timing data
using portmapping with hosting while using traversal server (which is possible by checking the option while under "direct connect" and flipping back to traversal server) causes dolphin to request a mapping to external port 0.
In UPnP a mapping to external port 0 is actually the wildcard, which means that connection requests on all
external ports (that are not otherwise mapped) will be forwarded to the client.
Additionally it seems like using port mapping with traversal server is probably not expected behavior, as the option checkbox disappears when traversal server is used.
Dolphin no longer supports Windows 7, so the fact that there are (were?)
more people who use Windows 7 than who use a GPU that doesn't support
the required feature is no longer relevant.
By misusing Config, this netplay-related code opened up a race condition between Config::OnConfigChanged() and SerialInterface::SerialInterfaceManager::UpdateDevices() that could cause iterator invalidation.
GCAdapter::UseAdapter() reads s_is_adapter_wanted, which gets
initialized by config_guard.~ConfigChangeCallbackGuard(). So we must
wait until after destroying the config guard to know whether we have any
controllers set to GC Adapter.
Expanded the use of the lock mutex already used for loading the player's existing unlock status to guard against races involving the Achievements dialog window reading from data AchievementManager might be in the process of updating. The lock has been exposed publicly and the AchievementsWindow uses it in its UpdateData method, and anywhere else that might modify data used to render that window has also been wrapped with it.
AchievementManager now has a SetUpdateCallback method for providing a single universal callback for anytime something important changes in the achievement state, such as logging in/out, game load/close, or events such as achievement unlocks. AchievementsWindow sets this callback in its own init to its UpdateData method so that the AchievementsWindow gets updated when one of these changes takes place.
This widget is a tab in the AchievementsWindow that displays the player's current achievement progress: which achievements are locked or unlocked, and the progress of achievements that have progress metrics.