This change fixes the scratchy audio in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (SX7E52/SX7P52). The game starts an audio interface DMA with an unaligned address, and because Dolphin was not masking off the low 5 bits of AUDIO_DMA_START_LO, all future AI DMAs were misaligned. To understand why, it is instructive to refer to AUDIO_InitDMA() in libogc, which behaves the same as the official SDK:
_dspReg[25] = (_dspReg[25]&~0xffe0)|(startaddr&0xffff);
The implementation does not mask off the low bits of the passed in value before it ORs them with low bits of the current register value. Therefore, if they are not masked off by the hardware itself, they become permanently stuck once set.
Adding a write mask for AUDIO_DMA_START_LO is enough to fix the bug in TMNT, but I decided to run some tests on GC and Wii to find the correct write masks for the surrounding registers, as only a couple were already being masked. Dolphin has gotten away with not masking the rest because many are already A) masked on read (or never read) by the SDK and/or B) masked on use (or never used) in Dolphin.
This leaves just three registers where the difference may be observable: AR_DMA_CNT_H and AUDIO_DMA_START_HI/LO.
operator[] performs a default construction if an object at the given key
doesn't exist before overwriting it with the one we provide in operator=
insert_or_assign performs optimal insertion by avoiding the default
construction if an entry doesn't exist.
Not a game changer, but it is essentially a "free" change.
Allows lookups to be done with std::string_view or any other string
type. This allows for non-allocating strings to be used with the name
lookup without needing to construct a std::string.
Cleans up some locks that explicitly specify the recursive mutex type in
it. Meant to be included with the previous commit that cleaned out
regular mutexes, but I forgot.
These games are erroneously zeroing buffers before they can be fully copied to ARAM by DMA. The responsible memset() calls are followed by a call to DVDRead() which issues dcbi instructions that effectively cancel the memset() on real hardware. Because Dolphin lacks dcache emulation, the effects of the memset() calls are observed, which causes missing audio.
In a comment on the original bug, phire noted that the issue can be corrected by simply nop'ing out the offending memset() calls. Because the games dynamically load different .rel executables based on the character and/or language, the addresses of these calls can vary.
To deal generally with the problem of code being dynamically loaded to fixed, known addresses, the patch engine is extended to support conditional patches which require a match against a known value. This sort of thing is already achievable with Action Replay/Gecko codes, but their use depends on enabling cheats globally in Dolphin, which is not a prerequisite shared by patches.
Patches are included for every region, character, and language combination. They are enabled by default.
The end result is an approximation of the games' behavior on real hardware without the associated complexity of proper dcache emulation.
C++17 allows omitting the mutex type, which makes for both less reading
and more flexibility (e.g. The mutex type can change and all occurrences
don't need to be updated).
Allows the analyzer to exist independently of the DSP structure. This
allows for unit-tests to be created in a nicer manner.
SDSP is only necessary during the analysis phase, so we only need to
keep a reference around to it then as opposed to the entire lifecycle of
the analyzer.
This also allows the copy/move assignment operators to be defaulted, as
a reference member variable prevents that.
Now that we have the convenience functions around the flag
bit manipulations, there's no external usages of the flags, so we can
make these private to the analyzer implementation.
Now the Analyzer namespace is largely unnecessary and can be merged with
the DSP namespace in the next commit.
This commit implements the following commands:
* open
* close
* GetMode
* SetLinkState (used to actually trigger scanning)
* GetLinkState (used to check if the driver is in the expected state)
* GetInfo
* RecvFrame and RecvNotification (stubbed)
* Disassociate (stubbed)
GetInfo was already implemented, but the structure wasn't initialized
correctly so the info was being rejected by official titles.
That has also been fixed in this commit.
Some of the checks may seem unimportant but official titles actually
require WD to return error codes... Failing to do so can cause hangs
and softlocks when DS communications are shut down.
This minimal implementation is enough to satisfy the Mii channel
and all other DS games, except Tales of Graces (
which still softlocks because it probably requires us to actually
feed it frame data.
NCD returns an error if it receives a request to lock the driver
when it is already locked.
Emulating this may seem pointless, but it turns out PPC-side code
expects NCD to return an error and will immediately fail and stop
initialising wireless stuff if NCD succeeds.
Localizes code that modifies m_dsp into the struct itself. This reduces
the overal coupling between DSPCore and SDSP by reducing access to its
member variables.
This commit is only code movement and has no functional changes.