////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Project description // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ // Name: nJoy // Description: A Dolphin Compatible Input Plugin // // Author: Falcon4ever (nJoy@falcon4ever.com) // Site: www.multigesture.net // Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensetype: GNU General Public License (GPL) // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef __CONFIGBOX_h__ #define __CONFIGBOX_h__ #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../nJoy.h" class ConfigBox : public wxDialog { private: DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); public: ConfigBox(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = 1, const wxString &title = wxT("Configure: nJoy Input Plugin"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE); virtual ~ConfigBox(); #if wxUSE_TIMER void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { Update(); } void OnButtonTimer(wxTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { DoGetButtons(GetButtonWaitingID); } wxTimer *m_ConstantTimer, *m_ButtonMappingTimer; #endif // Debugging wxStaticText* m_pStatusBar, * m_pStatusBar2; wxTextCtrl* m_TCDebugging; bool Debugging; void LogMsg(const char* format, ...); // Status window int BoxW, BoxH; // Configure buttons int GetButtonWaitingID, GetButtonWaitingTimer; private: wxButton *m_About; wxButton *m_OK; wxButton *m_Cancel; wxPanel *m_Controller[4]; // Main containers wxNotebook *m_Notebook; wxBoxSizer * m_MainSizer; wxPanel * m_pKeys[4], * m_pInStatus[4], * m_pOutStatus[4]; wxBitmap WxStaticBitmap1_BITMAP, WxStaticBitmap1_BITMAPGray; wxStaticBoxSizer * m_sKeys[4]; wxBoxSizer *m_sMain[4], *m_sMainLeft[4], *m_sMainRight[4]; ///////////////////////////// // Settings // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ wxComboBox *m_Joyname[4]; wxComboBox *m_ControlType[4], *m_TriggerType[4]; wxComboBox *m_Deadzone[4]; wxCheckBox *m_Joyattach[4]; // Attached pad wxStaticBoxSizer *m_gJoyname[4]; wxStaticBoxSizer *m_gExtrasettings[4]; // Extra settings wxGridBagSizer * m_gGBExtrasettings[4]; wxBoxSizer* m_sSettings[4]; // General settings 2 wxStaticBoxSizer *m_gGenSettings[4]; wxStaticBoxSizer *m_gGenSettingsID[4]; wxGridBagSizer * m_gGBGenSettings[4]; wxCheckBox *m_CBSaveByID[4], *m_CBShowAdvanced[4], *m_CBCheckFocus[4]; wxStaticText *m_TSControltype[4], *m_TSTriggerType[4]; wxStaticBoxSizer *m_gStatusIn[4], *m_gStatusInSettings[4]; // Advanced settings wxBoxSizer *m_gStatusInSettingsH[4]; wxGridBagSizer * m_GBAdvancedMainStick[4]; wxStaticText *m_TStatusIn[4], *m_TStatusOut[4], *m_STDiagonal[4]; wxComboBox *m_CoBDiagonal[4]; wxCheckBox *m_CBS_to_C[4]; wxCheckBox *AdvancedMapFilter[4]; wxStaticBoxSizer *m_gStatusTriggers[4]; // Triggers wxStaticText *m_TStatusTriggers[4]; ///////////////////////////// // Keys // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ int g_Pressed; // Keyboard input wxTextCtrl *m_JoyShoulderL[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyShoulderR[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyShoulderL[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyShoulderR[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyButtonA[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyButtonB[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyButtonX[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyButtonY[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyButtonZ[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyButtonStart[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyButtonHalfpress[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyButtonA[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyButtonB[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyButtonX[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyButtonY[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyButtonZ[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyButtonStart[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyButtonHalfpress[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyAnalogMainX[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyAnalogMainY[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyAnalogSubX[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyAnalogSubY[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyAnalogMainX[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyAnalogMainY[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyAnalogSubX[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyAnalogSubY[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyDpadUp[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyDpadDown[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyDpadLeft[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_JoyDpadRight[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyDpadUp[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyDpadDown[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyDpadLeft[4]; wxButton *m_bJoyDpadRight[4]; wxStaticText *m_textMainX[4]; wxStaticText *m_textMainY[4]; wxStaticText *m_textDpadUp[4]; wxStaticText *m_textDpadDown[4]; wxStaticText *m_textDpadLeft[4]; wxStaticText *m_textDpadRight[4]; wxStaticText *m_textDeadzone[4]; wxStaticText *m_textHalfpress[4]; wxStaticText *m_textSubX[4]; wxStaticText *m_textSubY[4]; wxStaticText *m_textWebsite[4]; wxTextCtrl *m_PlaceholderBMP[4]; wxStaticBitmap *m_controllerimage[4], *m_bmpSquare[4], *m_bmpDot[4], *m_bmpSquareOut[4], *m_bmpDotOut[4]; int notebookpage; bool ControlsCreated; private: enum { ID_ABOUT = 1000, ID_OK, ID_CANCEL, ID_NOTEBOOK, ID_CONTROLLERPAGE1, ID_CONTROLLERPAGE2, ID_CONTROLLERPAGE3, ID_CONTROLLERPAGE4, ID_CONTROLLERPICTURE, // Background picture ID_KEYSPANEL1, ID_KEYSPANEL2, ID_KEYSPANEL3, ID_KEYSPANEL4, IDG_JOYSTICK, IDC_JOYNAME, IDC_JOYATTACH, // Controller attached IDG_EXTRASETTINGS, IDC_DEADZONE, // Extra settings IDG_CONTROLLERTYPE, IDC_CONTROLTYPE, IDC_TRIGGERTYPE, // Controller type IDC_SAVEBYID, IDC_SHOWADVANCED, IDC_CHECKFOCUS, // Settings ID_INSTATUS1, ID_INSTATUS2, ID_INSTATUS3, ID_INSTATUS4, // Advanced status ID_STATUSBMP1, ID_STATUSBMP2, ID_STATUSBMP3, ID_STATUSBMP4, ID_STATUSDOTBMP1, ID_STATUSDOTBMP2, ID_STATUSDOTBMP3, ID_STATUSDOTBMP4, IDT_STATUS_IN, IDT_STATUS_OUT, // Advaced settings IDCB_MAINSTICK_DIAGONAL, IDCB_MAINSTICK_S_TO_C, IDT_MAINSTICK_DIAGONAL, IDT_TRIGGERS,IDFILTER_SETTINGS, // Timers IDTM_CONSTANT, IDTM_BUTTON, // ============================================== // Keys objects // ----------------------------- // ------------------------------------- // Text controls that hold the mapped key value // ---------- ID_ANALOG_MAIN_X = 2000, ID_ANALOG_MAIN_Y, ID_ANALOG_SUB_X, ID_ANALOG_SUB_Y, ID_SHOULDER_L, ID_SHOULDER_R, ID_DPAD_UP, ID_DPAD_DOWN, ID_DPAD_LEFT, ID_DPAD_RIGHT, ID_BUTTON_A, ID_BUTTON_B, ID_BUTTON_X, ID_BUTTON_Y, ID_BUTTON_Z, ID_BUTTONSTART, ID_BUTTONHALFPRESS, // ------------------ Keep this order // ------------------------------------- // Buttons controls (it's important that they are kept in this order) // -------- IDB_ANALOG_MAIN_X = 3000, IDB_ANALOG_MAIN_Y, IDB_ANALOG_SUB_X, IDB_ANALOG_SUB_Y, IDB_SHOULDER_L, IDB_SHOULDER_R, IDB_DPAD_UP, IDB_DPAD_DOWN, IDB_DPAD_LEFT, IDB_DPAD_RIGHT, IDB_BUTTON_A, IDB_BUTTON_B, IDB_BUTTON_X, IDB_BUTTON_Y, IDB_BUTTON_Z, IDB_BUTTONSTART, IDB_BUTTONHALFPRESS, // ------------------ Keep this order // Statis text controls that hold the button label IDT_ANALOG_MAIN_X = 4000, IDT_ANALOG_MAIN_Y, IDT_ANALOG_SUB_X, IDT_ANALOG_SUB_Y, IDT_DPAD_UP, IDT_DPAD_DOWN, IDT_DPAD_LEFT, IDT_DPAD_RIGHT, IDT_DEADZONE, IDT_BUTTONHALFPRESS, IDT_DPADTYPE, IDT_TRIGGERTYPE, IDT_WEBSITE, IDT_DEBUGGING, IDT_DEBUGGING2, IDT_DEBUGGING3, // ============ ID_DUMMY_VALUE_ //don't remove this value unless you have other enum values }; private: void AboutClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void OKClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void CancelClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void DoSave(bool ChangePad = false, int Slot = -1); void DoChangeJoystick(); void PadOpen(int Open); void PadClose(int Close); void UpdateGUI(int _notebookpage); void ChangeSettings(wxCommandEvent& event); void ComboChange(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event); void CreateGUIControls(); void CreateAdvancedControls(int i); void SizeWindow(); wxBitmap CreateBitmap(); wxBitmap CreateBitmapDot(); void PadGetStatus(); void Update(); void UpdateGUIButtonMapping(int controller); void SaveButtonMapping(int controller, bool DontChangeId = false, int FromSlot = -1); void SaveButtonMappingAll(int Slot); void UpdateGUIAll(int Slot); void ToBlank(bool ToBlank = true); void OnSaveById(); void NotebookPageChanged(wxNotebookEvent& event); void GetButtons(wxCommandEvent& event); void DoGetButtons(int); void GetHats(int ID); void GetAxis(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &event); void SetButtonText(int id, char text[128], int Page = -1); void SetButtonTextAll(int id, char text[128]); wxString GetButtonText(int id, int Page = -1); void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event); }; #endif