// Copyright 2020 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/Wiimote/WiimoteController.h" #include "Common/BitUtils.h" #include "Common/Logging/Log.h" #include "Common/MathUtil.h" #include "Core/Config/SYSCONFSettings.h" #include "Core/HW/WiimoteEmu/ExtensionPort.h" #include "Core/HW/WiimoteEmu/WiimoteEmu.h" #include "InputCommon/ControllerEmu/ControllerEmu.h" #include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/ControllerInterface.h" namespace ciface::WiimoteController { static constexpr char SOURCE_NAME[] = "Bluetooth"; static constexpr size_t IR_SENSITIVITY_LEVEL_COUNT = 5; template <typename T> class Button final : public Core::Device::Input { public: Button(const T* value, std::common_type_t<T> mask, std::string name) : m_value(*value), m_mask(mask), m_name(std::move(name)) { } std::string GetName() const override { return m_name; } ControlState GetState() const override { return (m_value & m_mask) != 0; } private: const T& m_value; const T m_mask; const std::string m_name; }; // GetState returns value divided by supplied "extent". template <typename T, bool Detectable> class GenericInput : public Core::Device::Input { public: GenericInput(const T* value, std::string name, ControlState extent) : m_value(*value), m_name(std::move(name)), m_extent(extent) { } bool IsDetectable() const override { return Detectable; } std::string GetName() const override { return m_name; } ControlState GetState() const final override { return ControlState(m_value) / m_extent; } protected: const T& m_value; const std::string m_name; const ControlState m_extent; }; template <typename T> using AnalogInput = GenericInput<T, true>; template <typename T> using UndetectableAnalogInput = GenericInput<T, false>; // GetName() is appended with '-' or '+' based on sign of "extent" value. template <bool Detectable> class SignedInput final : public GenericInput<float, Detectable> { public: using GenericInput<float, Detectable>::GenericInput; std::string GetName() const override { return this->m_name + (this->m_extent < 0 ? '-' : '+'); } }; using SignedAnalogInput = SignedInput<true>; using UndetectableSignedAnalogInput = SignedInput<false>; class Motor final : public Core::Device::Output { public: Motor(std::atomic<ControlState>* value) : m_value(*value) {} std::string GetName() const override { return "Motor"; } void SetState(ControlState state) override { m_value = state; } private: std::atomic<ControlState>& m_value; }; template <typename T> void Device::QueueReport(T&& report, std::function<void(ErrorCode)> ack_callback) { // Maintain proper rumble state. report.rumble = m_rumble; m_wiimote->QueueReport(report.REPORT_ID, &report, sizeof(report)); if (ack_callback) AddReportHandler(MakeAckHandler(report.REPORT_ID, std::move(ack_callback))); } void AddDevice(std::unique_ptr<WiimoteReal::Wiimote> wiimote) { // Our real wiimote class requires an index. // Within the pool it's only going to be used for logging purposes. static constexpr int CIFACE_WIIMOTE_INDEX = 55; if (!wiimote->Connect(CIFACE_WIIMOTE_INDEX)) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Failed to connect."); return; } wiimote->Prepare(); wiimote->EventLinked(); g_controller_interface.AddDevice(std::make_shared<Device>(std::move(wiimote))); } void ReleaseDevices(std::optional<u32> count) { u32 removed_devices = 0; // Remove up to "count" remotes (or all of them if nullopt). // Real wiimotes will be added to the pool. // Make sure to force the device removal immediately (as they are shared ptrs and // they could be kept alive, preventing us from re-creating the device) g_controller_interface.RemoveDevice( [&](const Core::Device* device) { if (device->GetSource() != SOURCE_NAME || count == removed_devices) return false; ++removed_devices; return true; }, true); } Device::Device(std::unique_ptr<WiimoteReal::Wiimote> wiimote) : m_wiimote(std::move(wiimote)) { using EmuWiimote = WiimoteEmu::Wiimote; // Buttons. static constexpr std::pair<u16, const char*> button_masks[] = { {EmuWiimote::BUTTON_A, "A"}, {EmuWiimote::BUTTON_B, "B"}, {EmuWiimote::BUTTON_ONE, "1"}, {EmuWiimote::BUTTON_TWO, "2"}, {EmuWiimote::BUTTON_MINUS, "-"}, {EmuWiimote::BUTTON_PLUS, "+"}, {EmuWiimote::BUTTON_HOME, "HOME"}, }; for (auto& button : button_masks) AddInput(new Button<u16>(&m_core_data.hex, button.first, button.second)); static constexpr u16 dpad_masks[] = { EmuWiimote::PAD_UP, EmuWiimote::PAD_DOWN, EmuWiimote::PAD_LEFT, EmuWiimote::PAD_RIGHT, }; // Friendly orientation inputs. static constexpr const char* const rotation_names[] = {"Pitch", "Roll", "Yaw"}; for (std::size_t i = 0; i != std::size(rotation_names); ++i) { AddInput( new UndetectableSignedAnalogInput(&m_rotation_inputs.data[i], rotation_names[i], -1.f)); AddInput(new UndetectableSignedAnalogInput(&m_rotation_inputs.data[i], rotation_names[i], 1.f)); } // Raw accelerometer. for (std::size_t i = 0; i != std::size(dpad_masks); ++i) AddInput(new Button<u16>(&m_core_data.hex, dpad_masks[i], named_directions[i])); static constexpr std::array<std::array<const char*, 2>, 3> accel_names = {{ {"Accel Left", "Accel Right"}, {"Accel Backward", "Accel Forward"}, {"Accel Up", "Accel Down"}, }}; for (std::size_t i = 0; i != m_accel_data.data.size(); ++i) { AddInput(new UndetectableAnalogInput<float>(&m_accel_data.data[i], accel_names[i][0], 1)); AddInput(new UndetectableAnalogInput<float>(&m_accel_data.data[i], accel_names[i][1], -1)); } // IR data. static constexpr const char* const ir_names[] = {"IR Center X", "IR Center Y"}; for (std::size_t i = 0; i != std::size(ir_names); ++i) { AddInput( new UndetectableSignedAnalogInput(&m_ir_state.center_position.data[i], ir_names[i], -1.f)); AddInput( new UndetectableSignedAnalogInput(&m_ir_state.center_position.data[i], ir_names[i], 1.f)); } AddInput(new UndetectableAnalogInput<bool>(&m_ir_state.is_hidden, "IR Hidden", 1)); AddInput(new UndetectableAnalogInput<float>(&m_ir_state.distance, "IR Distance", 1)); // Raw gyroscope. static constexpr std::array<std::array<const char*, 2>, 3> gyro_names = {{ {"Gyro Pitch Down", "Gyro Pitch Up"}, {"Gyro Roll Left", "Gyro Roll Right"}, {"Gyro Yaw Left", "Gyro Yaw Right"}, }}; for (std::size_t i = 0; i != m_accel_data.data.size(); ++i) { AddInput( new UndetectableAnalogInput<float>(&m_mplus_state.gyro_data.data[i], gyro_names[i][0], 1)); AddInput( new UndetectableAnalogInput<float>(&m_mplus_state.gyro_data.data[i], gyro_names[i][1], -1)); } using WiimoteEmu::Nunchuk; const std::string nunchuk_prefix = "Nunchuk "; // Buttons. AddInput(new Button<u8>(&m_nunchuk_state.buttons, Nunchuk::BUTTON_C, nunchuk_prefix + "C")); AddInput(new Button<u8>(&m_nunchuk_state.buttons, Nunchuk::BUTTON_Z, nunchuk_prefix + "Z")); // Stick. static constexpr const char* const nunchuk_stick_names[] = {"X", "Y"}; for (std::size_t i = 0; i != std::size(nunchuk_stick_names); ++i) { AddInput(new SignedAnalogInput(&m_nunchuk_state.stick.data[i], nunchuk_prefix + nunchuk_stick_names[i], -1.f)); AddInput(new SignedAnalogInput(&m_nunchuk_state.stick.data[i], nunchuk_prefix + nunchuk_stick_names[i], 1.f)); } // Raw accelerometer. for (std::size_t i = 0; i != m_accel_data.data.size(); ++i) { AddInput(new UndetectableAnalogInput<float>(&m_nunchuk_state.accel.data[i], nunchuk_prefix + accel_names[i][0], 1)); AddInput(new UndetectableAnalogInput<float>(&m_nunchuk_state.accel.data[i], nunchuk_prefix + accel_names[i][1], -1)); } using WiimoteEmu::Classic; const std::string classic_prefix = "Classic "; // Buttons. static constexpr u16 classic_dpad_masks[] = { Classic::PAD_UP, Classic::PAD_DOWN, Classic::PAD_LEFT, Classic::PAD_RIGHT, }; for (std::size_t i = 0; i != std::size(classic_dpad_masks); ++i) AddInput(new Button<u16>(&m_classic_state.buttons, classic_dpad_masks[i], classic_prefix + named_directions[i])); static constexpr u16 classic_button_masks[] = { Classic::BUTTON_A, Classic::BUTTON_B, Classic::BUTTON_X, Classic::BUTTON_Y, Classic::TRIGGER_L, Classic::TRIGGER_R, Classic::BUTTON_ZL, Classic::BUTTON_ZR, Classic::BUTTON_MINUS, Classic::BUTTON_PLUS, Classic::BUTTON_HOME, }; static constexpr const char* const classic_button_names[] = { "A", "B", "X", "Y", "L", "R", "ZL", "ZR", "-", "+", "HOME", }; for (std::size_t i = 0; i != std::size(classic_button_masks); ++i) AddInput(new Button<u16>(&m_classic_state.buttons, classic_button_masks[i], classic_prefix + classic_button_names[i])); // Sticks. static constexpr const char* const classic_stick_names[][2] = {{"Left X", "Left Y"}, {"Right X", "Right Y"}}; for (std::size_t s = 0; s != std::size(m_classic_state.sticks); ++s) { for (std::size_t i = 0; i != std::size(m_classic_state.sticks[0].data); ++i) { AddInput(new SignedAnalogInput(&m_classic_state.sticks[s].data[i], classic_prefix + classic_stick_names[s][i], -1.f)); AddInput(new SignedAnalogInput(&m_classic_state.sticks[s].data[i], classic_prefix + classic_stick_names[s][i], 1.f)); } } // Triggers. AddInput(new AnalogInput<float>(&m_classic_state.triggers[0], classic_prefix + "L-Analog", 1.f)); AddInput(new AnalogInput<float>(&m_classic_state.triggers[1], classic_prefix + "R-Analog", 1.f)); // Specialty inputs: AddInput(new UndetectableAnalogInput<float>(&m_battery, "Battery", 1.f)); AddInput(new UndetectableAnalogInput<WiimoteEmu::ExtensionNumber>( &m_extension_number_input, "Attached Extension", WiimoteEmu::ExtensionNumber(1))); AddInput(new UndetectableAnalogInput<bool>(&m_mplus_attached_input, "Attached MotionPlus", 1)); AddOutput(new Motor(&m_rumble_level)); } Device::~Device() { if (!m_wiimote->IsConnected()) return; m_wiimote->EmuStop(); INFO_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Returning remote to pool."); WiimoteReal::AddWiimoteToPool(std::move(m_wiimote)); } std::string Device::GetName() const { return "Wii Remote"; } std::string Device::GetSource() const { return SOURCE_NAME; } // Always add these at the end, given their hotplug nature int Device::GetSortPriority() const { return -1; } void Device::RunTasks() { if (IsPerformingTask()) return; // Request status. if (Clock::now() >= m_status_outdated_time) { QueueReport(OutputReportRequestStatus()); AddReportHandler(std::function<void(const InputReportStatus& status)>( [this](const InputReportStatus& status) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Received requested status."); ProcessStatusReport(status); })); return; } // Set LEDs. const auto desired_leds = GetDesiredLEDValue(); if (m_leds != desired_leds) { OutputReportLeds rpt = {}; rpt.ack = 1; rpt.leds = desired_leds; QueueReport(rpt, [this, desired_leds](ErrorCode result) { if (result != ErrorCode::Success) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Failed to set LEDs."); return; } DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Set LEDs."); m_leds = desired_leds; }); return; } // Set reporting mode to one that supports every component. static constexpr auto desired_reporting_mode = InputReportID::ReportCoreAccelIR10Ext6; if (m_reporting_mode != desired_reporting_mode) { OutputReportMode mode = {}; mode.ack = 1; mode.mode = desired_reporting_mode; QueueReport(mode, [this](ErrorCode error) { if (error != ErrorCode::Success) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Failed to set reporting mode."); return; } m_reporting_mode = desired_reporting_mode; DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Set reporting mode."); }); return; } // Read accelerometer calibration. if (!m_accel_calibration.has_value()) { static constexpr u16 ACCEL_CALIBRATION_ADDR = 0x16; ReadData(AddressSpace::EEPROM, 0, ACCEL_CALIBRATION_ADDR, sizeof(AccelCalibrationData), [this](ReadResponse response) { if (!response) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Failed to read accelerometer calibration."); return; } DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Read accelerometer calibration."); auto& calibration_data = *response; const AccelCalibrationData accel_calibration = Common::BitCastPtr<AccelCalibrationData>(calibration_data.data()); m_accel_calibration = accel_calibration.GetCalibration(); WiimoteEmu::UpdateCalibrationDataChecksum(calibration_data, 1); // We could potentially try the second block at 0x26 if the checksum is bad. if (accel_calibration.checksum != calibration_data.back()) WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Bad accelerometer calibration checksum."); }); return; } if (!m_ir_state.IsFullyConfigured()) { ConfigureIRCamera(); return; } if (!m_speaker_configured) { ConfigureSpeaker(); return; } // Perform the following tasks only after M+ is settled. if (IsWaitingForMotionPlus()) return; // Read the "active" extension ID. (This also gives us the current M+ mode) // This will fail on an un-intialized other extension. // But extension initialization is the same as M+ de-activation so we must try this first. if (m_extension_port == true && (!IsMotionPlusStateKnown() || (!IsMotionPlusActive() && !m_extension_id.has_value()))) { static constexpr u16 ENCRYPTION_ADDR = 0xfb; static constexpr u8 ENCRYPTION_VALUE = 0x00; // First disable encryption. Note this is a no-op when performed on the M+. WriteData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::ExtensionPort::REPORT_I2C_SLAVE, ENCRYPTION_ADDR, {ENCRYPTION_VALUE}, [this](ErrorCode error) { if (error != ErrorCode::Success) return; ReadActiveExtensionID(); }); return; } static constexpr u16 INIT_ADDR = 0xf0; static constexpr u8 INIT_VALUE = 0x55; // Initialize "active" extension if ID was not recognized. // Note this is done before M+ setup to determine the required passthrough mode. if (m_extension_id == ExtensionID::Unsupported) { // Note that this signal also DE-activates a M+. WriteData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::ExtensionPort::REPORT_I2C_SLAVE, INIT_ADDR, {INIT_VALUE}, [this](ErrorCode result) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Initialized extension: {}.", int(result)); m_extension_id = std::nullopt; }); return; } // The following tasks require a known M+ state. if (!IsMotionPlusStateKnown()) return; // We now know the status of the M+. // Updating it too frequently results off/on flashes on mode change. m_mplus_attached_input = IsMotionPlusActive(); // Extension removal status is known here. Attachment status is updated after the ID is read. if (m_extension_port != true) m_extension_number_input = WiimoteEmu::ExtensionNumber::NONE; // Periodically try to initialize and activate an inactive M+. if (!IsMotionPlusActive() && m_mplus_desired_mode.has_value() && m_mplus_state.current_mode != m_mplus_desired_mode) { static constexpr u16 MPLUS_POLL_ADDR = WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::PASSTHROUGH_MODE_OFFSET; ReadData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::INACTIVE_DEVICE_ADDR, MPLUS_POLL_ADDR, 1, [this](ReadResponse response) { if (!response) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: M+ poll failed."); HandleMotionPlusNonResponse(); return; } WriteData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::INACTIVE_DEVICE_ADDR, INIT_ADDR, {INIT_VALUE}, [this](ErrorCode result) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: M+ initialization: {}.", int(result)); if (result != ErrorCode::Success) { HandleMotionPlusNonResponse(); return; } TriggerMotionPlusModeChange(); }); }); return; } // Change active M+ passthrough mode. if (IsMotionPlusActive() && m_mplus_desired_mode.has_value() && m_mplus_state.current_mode != m_mplus_desired_mode) { TriggerMotionPlusModeChange(); return; } // Read passthrough extension ID. // This will also give us a desired M+ passthrough mode. if (IsMotionPlusActive() && m_mplus_state.passthrough_port == true && !m_extension_id.has_value()) { // The M+ reads the passthrough ext ID and stores it at 0xf6,f8,f9. static constexpr u16 PASSTHROUGH_EXT_ID_ADDR = 0xf6; ReadData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::ACTIVE_DEVICE_ADDR, PASSTHROUGH_EXT_ID_ADDR, 4, [this](ReadResponse response) { if (!response) return; // Port status may have changed since the read was sent. // In which case this data read would succeed but be useless. if (m_mplus_state.passthrough_port != true) return; auto& identifier = *response; ProcessExtensionID(identifier[2], identifier[0], identifier[3]); }); return; } // The following tasks require M+ configuration to be done. if (!IsMotionPlusInDesiredMode()) return; // Now that M+ config has settled we can update the extension number. // Updating it too frequently results off/on flashes on M+ mode change. UpdateExtensionNumberInput(); static constexpr u16 NORMAL_CALIBRATION_ADDR = 0x20; // Read M+ calibration. if (IsMotionPlusActive() && !m_mplus_state.calibration.has_value()) { ReadData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::ACTIVE_DEVICE_ADDR, NORMAL_CALIBRATION_ADDR, sizeof(WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::CalibrationData), [this](ReadResponse response) { if (!response) return; DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Read M+ calibration."); WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::CalibrationData calibration = Common::BitCastPtr<WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::CalibrationData>(response->data()); const auto read_checksum = std::pair(calibration.crc32_lsb, calibration.crc32_msb); calibration.UpdateChecksum(); m_mplus_state.SetCalibrationData(calibration); if (read_checksum != std::pair(calibration.crc32_lsb, calibration.crc32_msb)) { // We could potentially try another read or call the M+ unusable. WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Bad M+ calibration checksum."); } }); return; } // Read normal extension calibration. if ((m_extension_id == ExtensionID::Nunchuk && !m_nunchuk_state.calibration) || (m_extension_id == ExtensionID::Classic && !m_classic_state.calibration)) { // Extension calibration is normally at 0x20 but M+ reads and stores it at 0x40. static constexpr u16 PASSTHROUGH_CALIBRATION_ADDR = 0x40; const u16 calibration_addr = IsMotionPlusActive() ? PASSTHROUGH_CALIBRATION_ADDR : NORMAL_CALIBRATION_ADDR; static constexpr u16 CALIBRATION_SIZE = 0x10; ReadData( AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::ExtensionPort::REPORT_I2C_SLAVE, calibration_addr, CALIBRATION_SIZE, [this](ReadResponse response) { if (!response) return; DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Read extension calibration."); auto& calibration_data = *response; const auto read_checksum = std::pair(calibration_data[CALIBRATION_SIZE - 2], calibration_data[CALIBRATION_SIZE - 1]); WiimoteEmu::UpdateCalibrationDataChecksum(calibration_data, 2); Checksum checksum = Checksum::Good; if (read_checksum != std::pair(calibration_data[CALIBRATION_SIZE - 2], calibration_data[CALIBRATION_SIZE - 1])) { // We could potentially try another block or call the extension unusable. WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Bad extension calibration checksum."); checksum = Checksum::Bad; } if (m_extension_id == ExtensionID::Nunchuk) { m_nunchuk_state.SetCalibrationData( Common::BitCastPtr<WiimoteEmu::Nunchuk::CalibrationData>(calibration_data.data()), checksum); } else if (m_extension_id == ExtensionID::Classic) { m_classic_state.SetCalibrationData( Common::BitCastPtr<WiimoteEmu::Classic::CalibrationData>(calibration_data.data()), checksum); } }); return; } } void Device::HandleMotionPlusNonResponse() { // No need for additional checks if an extension is attached. // (not possible for M+ to become attached) if (m_extension_port == true) m_mplus_desired_mode = MotionPlusState::PassthroughMode{}; else WaitForMotionPlus(); } // Produce LED bitmask for remotes. // Remotes 1-4 are normal. Additional remotes LED labels will add up to their assigned ID. u8 Device::GetDesiredLEDValue() const { const auto index = GetId(); // Normal LED behavior for remotes 1-4. if (index < 4) return 1 << index; // Light LED 4 and LEDs 1 through 3 for remotes 5-7. (Add up the numbers on the remote) if (index < 7) return 1 << (index - 4) | 8; // Light LED 4+3 and LEDs 1 or 2 for remotes 8 or 9. (Add up the numbers on the remote) if (index < 9) return 1 << (index - 7) | 8 | 4; // For remotes 10 and up just light all LEDs. return 0xf; } void Device::UpdateExtensionNumberInput() { switch (m_extension_id.value_or(ExtensionID::Unsupported)) { case ExtensionID::Nunchuk: m_extension_number_input = WiimoteEmu::ExtensionNumber::NUNCHUK; break; case ExtensionID::Classic: m_extension_number_input = WiimoteEmu::ExtensionNumber::CLASSIC; break; case ExtensionID::Unsupported: default: m_extension_number_input = WiimoteEmu::ExtensionNumber::NONE; break; } } void Device::ProcessExtensionEvent(bool connected) { // Reset extension state. m_nunchuk_state = {}; m_classic_state = {}; m_extension_id = std::nullopt; // We won't know the desired mode until we get the extension ID. if (connected) m_mplus_desired_mode = std::nullopt; } void Device::ProcessExtensionID(u8 id_0, u8 id_4, u8 id_5) { if (id_4 == 0x00 && id_5 == 0x00) { INFO_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Nunchuk is attached."); m_extension_id = ExtensionID::Nunchuk; m_mplus_desired_mode = MotionPlusState::PassthroughMode::Nunchuk; } else if (id_4 == 0x01 && id_5 == 0x01) { INFO_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Classic Controller is attached."); m_extension_id = ExtensionID::Classic; m_mplus_desired_mode = MotionPlusState::PassthroughMode::Classic; } else { // This is a normal occurance before extension initialization. DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Unknown extension: {} {} {}.", id_0, id_4, id_5); m_extension_id = ExtensionID::Unsupported; } } void Device::MotionPlusState::SetCalibrationData( const WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::CalibrationData& data) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Set M+ calibration."); calibration.emplace(); calibration->fast = data.fast; calibration->slow = data.slow; } Device::NunchukState::Calibration::Calibration() : accel{}, stick{} { accel.zero.data.fill(1 << (accel.BITS_OF_PRECISION - 1)); // Approximate 1G value per WiiBrew: accel.max.data.fill(740); stick.zero.data.fill(1 << (stick.BITS_OF_PRECISION - 1)); stick.max.data.fill((1 << stick.BITS_OF_PRECISION) - 1); } void Device::NunchukState::SetCalibrationData(const WiimoteEmu::Nunchuk::CalibrationData& data, Checksum checksum) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Set Nunchuk calibration."); calibration.emplace(); if (checksum == Checksum::Bad) return; // Genuine Nunchuks have been observed with "min" and "max" values of zero. // We catch that here and fall back to "full range" calibration. const auto stick_calibration = data.GetStick(); if (stick_calibration.IsSane()) { calibration->stick = stick_calibration; } else { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Nunchuk stick calibration is not sane. Using fallback values."); } // No known reports of bad accelerometer calibration but we'll handle it just in case. const auto accel_calibration = data.GetAccel(); if (accel_calibration.IsSane()) { calibration->accel = accel_calibration; } else { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Nunchuk accel calibration is not sane. Using fallback values."); } } Device::ClassicState::Calibration::Calibration() : left_stick{}, right_stick{}, left_trigger{}, right_trigger{} { left_stick.zero.data.fill(1 << (left_stick.BITS_OF_PRECISION - 1)); left_stick.max.data.fill((1 << left_stick.BITS_OF_PRECISION) - 1); right_stick.zero.data.fill(1 << (right_stick.BITS_OF_PRECISION - 1)); right_stick.max.data.fill((1 << right_stick.BITS_OF_PRECISION) - 1); left_trigger.max = (1 << left_trigger.BITS_OF_PRECISION) - 1; right_trigger.max = (1 << right_trigger.BITS_OF_PRECISION) - 1; } void Device::ClassicState::SetCalibrationData(const WiimoteEmu::Classic::CalibrationData& data, Checksum checksum) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Set Classic Controller calibration."); calibration.emplace(); if (checksum == Checksum::Bad) return; const auto left_stick_calibration = data.GetLeftStick(); if (left_stick_calibration.IsSane()) { calibration->left_stick = left_stick_calibration; } else { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: CC left stick calibration is not sane. Using fallback values."); } const auto right_stick_calibration = data.GetRightStick(); if (right_stick_calibration.IsSane()) { calibration->right_stick = right_stick_calibration; } else { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: CC right stick calibration is not sane. Using fallback values."); } calibration->left_trigger = data.GetLeftTrigger(); calibration->right_trigger = data.GetRightTrigger(); } void Device::ReadActiveExtensionID() { static constexpr u16 EXT_ID_ADDR = 0xfa; static constexpr u16 EXT_ID_SIZE = 6; ReadData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::ExtensionPort::REPORT_I2C_SLAVE, EXT_ID_ADDR, EXT_ID_SIZE, [this](ReadResponse response) { if (!response) return; auto& identifier = *response; // Check for M+ ID. if (identifier[5] == 0x05) { const auto passthrough_mode = MotionPlusState::PassthroughMode(identifier[4]); m_mplus_state.current_mode = passthrough_mode; INFO_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: M+ is active in mode: {}.", int(passthrough_mode)); } else { m_mplus_state.current_mode = MotionPlusState::PassthroughMode{}; ProcessExtensionID(identifier[0], identifier[4], identifier[5]); } }); } bool Device::IRState::IsFullyConfigured() const { return enabled && mode_set && current_sensitivity == GetDesiredIRSensitivity(); } u32 Device::IRState::GetDesiredIRSensitivity() { // Wii stores values from 1 to 5. (subtract 1) const u32 configured_level = Config::Get(Config::SYSCONF_SENSOR_BAR_SENSITIVITY) - 1; if (configured_level < IR_SENSITIVITY_LEVEL_COUNT) return configured_level; // Default to middle level on bad value. return 2; } void Device::SetIRSensitivity(u32 level) { struct IRSensitivityConfig { std::array<u8, 9> block1; std::array<u8, 2> block2; }; // Data for Wii levels 1 to 5. static constexpr std::array<IRSensitivityConfig, IR_SENSITIVITY_LEVEL_COUNT> sensitivity_configs = {{ {{0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x71, 0x01, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0xfe}, {0xfd, 0x05}}, {{0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x71, 0x01, 0x00, 0x96, 0x00, 0xb4}, {0xb3, 0x04}}, {{0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x71, 0x01, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x64}, {0x63, 0x03}}, {{0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x71, 0x01, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x00, 0x36}, {0x35, 0x03}}, {{0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x71, 0x01, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x20}, {0x1f, 0x03}}, }}; static constexpr u16 BLOCK1_ADDR = 0x00; static constexpr u16 BLOCK2_ADDR = 0x1a; DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Setting IR sensitivity: {}.", level + 1); const auto& sensitivity_config = sensitivity_configs[level]; WriteData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::I2C_ADDR, BLOCK1_ADDR, sensitivity_config.block1, [&sensitivity_config, level, this](ErrorCode block_result) { if (block_result != ErrorCode::Success) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Failed to write IR block 1."); return; } WriteData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::I2C_ADDR, BLOCK2_ADDR, sensitivity_config.block2, [&, level, this](ErrorCode block2_result) { if (block2_result != ErrorCode::Success) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Failed to write IR block 2."); return; } DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: IR sensitivity set."); m_ir_state.current_sensitivity = level; }); }); } void Device::ConfigureIRCamera() { if (!m_ir_state.enabled) { OutputReportIRLogicEnable2 ir_logic2 = {}; ir_logic2.ack = 1; ir_logic2.enable = 1; QueueReport(ir_logic2, [this](ErrorCode result) { if (result != ErrorCode::Success) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Failed to enable IR."); return; } OutputReportIRLogicEnable ir_logic = {}; ir_logic.ack = 1; ir_logic.enable = 1; QueueReport(ir_logic, [this](ErrorCode ir_result) { if (ir_result != ErrorCode::Success) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Failed to enable IR."); return; } DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: IR enabled."); m_ir_state.enabled = true; }); }); return; } if (const u32 desired_level = IRState::GetDesiredIRSensitivity(); desired_level != m_ir_state.current_sensitivity) { SetIRSensitivity(desired_level); return; } if (!m_ir_state.mode_set) { static constexpr u16 MODE_ADDR = 0x33; // We only support "Basic" mode (it's all that fits in ReportCoreAccelIR10Ext6). WriteData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::I2C_ADDR, MODE_ADDR, {WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::IR_MODE_BASIC}, [this](ErrorCode mode_result) { if (mode_result != ErrorCode::Success) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Failed to set IR mode."); return; } // This seems to enable object tracking. static constexpr u16 ENABLE_ADDR = 0x30; static constexpr u8 ENABLE_VALUE = 0x08; WriteData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::I2C_ADDR, ENABLE_ADDR, {ENABLE_VALUE}, [this](ErrorCode result) { if (result != ErrorCode::Success) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Failed to enable object tracking."); return; } DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: IR mode set."); m_ir_state.mode_set = true; }); }); } } void Device::ConfigureSpeaker() { OutputReportSpeakerMute mute = {}; mute.enable = 1; mute.ack = 1; QueueReport(mute, [this](ErrorCode mute_result) { if (mute_result != ErrorCode::Success) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Failed to mute speaker."); return; } OutputReportSpeakerEnable spkr = {}; spkr.enable = 0; spkr.ack = 1; QueueReport(spkr, [this](ErrorCode enable_result) { if (enable_result != ErrorCode::Success) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Failed to disable speaker."); return; } DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Speaker muted and disabled."); m_speaker_configured = true; }); }); } void Device::TriggerMotionPlusModeChange() { if (!m_mplus_desired_mode.has_value()) return; const u8 passthrough_mode = u8(*m_mplus_desired_mode); const u8 device_addr = IsMotionPlusActive() ? WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::ACTIVE_DEVICE_ADDR : WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::INACTIVE_DEVICE_ADDR; WriteData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, device_addr, WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::PASSTHROUGH_MODE_OFFSET, {passthrough_mode}, [this](ErrorCode activation_result) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: M+ activation: {}.", int(activation_result)); WaitForMotionPlus(); // Normally M+ will be seen performing a reset here. (extension port events) // But sometimes (rarely) M+ activation does not cause an extension port event. // We'll consider the mode unknown. It will be read back after some time. m_mplus_state.current_mode = std::nullopt; }); } void Device::TriggerMotionPlusCalibration() { static constexpr u16 CALIBRATION_TRIGGER_ADDR = 0xf2; static constexpr u8 CALIBRATION_TRIGGER_VALUE = 0x00; // This triggers a hardware "zero" calibration. // The effect is notiecable but output still strays from calibration data. // It seems we're better off just manually determining "zero". WriteData(AddressSpace::I2CBus, WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::ACTIVE_DEVICE_ADDR, CALIBRATION_TRIGGER_ADDR, {CALIBRATION_TRIGGER_VALUE}, [](ErrorCode result) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: M+ calibration trigger done: {}.", int(result)); }); } bool Device::IsMotionPlusStateKnown() const { return m_mplus_state.current_mode.has_value(); } bool Device::IsMotionPlusActive() const { return m_mplus_state.current_mode != MotionPlusState::PassthroughMode{}; } bool Device::IsMotionPlusInDesiredMode() const { return m_mplus_state.current_mode.has_value() && (m_mplus_state.current_mode == m_mplus_desired_mode); } void Device::ProcessInputReport(WiimoteReal::Report& report) { if (report.size() < WiimoteReal::REPORT_HID_HEADER_SIZE) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Bad report size."); return; } auto report_id = InputReportID(report[WiimoteReal::REPORT_HID_HEADER_SIZE]); for (auto it = m_report_handlers.begin(); true;) { if (it == m_report_handlers.end()) { if (report_id == InputReportID::Status) { if (report.size() - WiimoteReal::REPORT_HID_HEADER_SIZE < sizeof(TypedInputData<InputReportStatus>)) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Bad report size."); } else { ProcessStatusReport(Common::BitCastPtr<InputReportStatus>(report.data() + 2)); } } else if (report_id < InputReportID::ReportCore) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Unhandled input report: {}.", ArrayToString(report.data(), u32(report.size()))); } break; } if (it->IsExpired()) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Removing expired handler."); it = m_report_handlers.erase(it); continue; } if (const auto result = it->TryToHandleReport(report); result == ReportHandler::HandlerResult::Handled) { it = m_report_handlers.erase(it); break; } ++it; } if (report_id < InputReportID::ReportCore) { // Normal input reports can be processed as "ReportCore". report_id = InputReportID::ReportCore; } else { // We can assume the last received input report is the current reporting mode. // FYI: This logic fails to properly handle the (never used) "interleaved" reports. m_reporting_mode = InputReportID(report_id); } auto manipulator = MakeDataReportManipulator( report_id, report.data() + WiimoteReal::REPORT_HID_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(InputReportID)); if (manipulator->GetDataSize() + WiimoteReal::REPORT_HID_HEADER_SIZE > report.size()) { WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Bad report size."); return; } // Read buttons. manipulator->GetCoreData(&m_core_data); // Process accel data. if (manipulator->HasAccel() && m_accel_calibration.has_value()) { // FYI: This logic fails to properly handle the (never used) "interleaved" reports. AccelData accel_data = {}; manipulator->GetAccelData(&accel_data); m_accel_data = accel_data.GetNormalizedValue(*m_accel_calibration) * float(MathUtil::GRAVITY_ACCELERATION); } // Process IR data. if (manipulator->HasIR() && m_ir_state.IsFullyConfigured()) { m_ir_state.ProcessData( Common::BitCastPtr<std::array<WiimoteEmu::IRBasic, 2>>(manipulator->GetIRDataPtr())); } // Process extension data. if (IsMotionPlusStateKnown()) { const auto ext_data = manipulator->GetExtDataPtr(); const auto ext_size = manipulator->GetExtDataSize(); if (IsMotionPlusActive()) ProcessMotionPlusExtensionData(ext_data, ext_size); else ProcessNormalExtensionData(ext_data, ext_size); } UpdateOrientation(); } void Device::UpdateOrientation() { const auto current_report_time = Clock::now(); const auto elapsed_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::duration<float>>( current_report_time - m_last_report_time); m_last_report_time = current_report_time; // Apply M+ gyro data to our orientation. m_orientation = WiimoteEmu::GetRotationFromGyroscope(m_mplus_state.gyro_data * -1 * elapsed_time.count()) * m_orientation; // When M+ data is not available give accel/ir data more weight. // ComplementaryFilter will then just smooth out our data a bit. const bool is_mplus_active = IsMotionPlusStateKnown() && IsMotionPlusActive(); // With non-zero acceleration data we can perform pitch and roll correction. if (m_accel_data.LengthSquared()) { const auto accel_weight = is_mplus_active ? 0.04 : 0.5f; m_orientation = WiimoteEmu::ComplementaryFilter(m_orientation, m_accel_data, accel_weight); } // If IR objects are visible we can perform yaw and pitch correction. if (!m_ir_state.is_hidden) { // FYI: We could do some roll correction from multiple IR objects. const auto ir_rotation = Common::Vec3(m_ir_state.center_position.y * WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::CAMERA_FOV_Y, 0, m_ir_state.center_position.x * WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::CAMERA_FOV_X) / 2; const auto ir_normal = Common::Vec3(0, 1, 0); const auto ir_vector = WiimoteEmu::GetRotationFromGyroscope(-ir_rotation) * ir_normal; // Pitch correction will be slightly wrong based on sensorbar height. // Keep weight below accelerometer weight for that reason. // Correction will only happen near pitch zero when the sensorbar is actually in view. const auto ir_weight = is_mplus_active ? 0.035 : 0.45f; m_orientation = WiimoteEmu::ComplementaryFilter(m_orientation, ir_vector, ir_weight, ir_normal); } // Normalize for floating point inaccuracies. m_orientation = m_orientation.Normalized(); // Update our (pitch, roll, yaw) inputs now that orientation has been adjusted. m_rotation_inputs = Common::Vec3{WiimoteEmu::GetPitch(m_orientation), WiimoteEmu::GetRoll(m_orientation), WiimoteEmu::GetYaw(m_orientation)} / float(MathUtil::PI); } void Device::IRState::ProcessData(const std::array<WiimoteEmu::IRBasic, 2>& data) { // A better implementation might extrapolate points when they fall out of camera view. // But just averaging visible points actually seems to work very well. using IRObject = WiimoteEmu::IRBasic::IRObject; MathUtil::RunningVariance<Common::Vec2> points; const auto camera_max = IRObject(WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::CAMERA_RES_X - 1, WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::CAMERA_RES_Y - 1); const auto add_point = [&](IRObject point) { // Non-visible points are 0xFF-filled. if (point.y > camera_max.y) return; points.Push(Common::Vec2(point)); }; for (auto& block : data) { add_point(block.GetObject1()); add_point(block.GetObject2()); } is_hidden = !points.Count(); if (points.Count() >= 2) { const auto variance = points.PopulationVariance(); // Adjusts Y coorinate to match horizontal FOV. const auto separation = Common::Vec2(std::sqrt(variance.x), std::sqrt(variance.y)) / Common::Vec2(WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::CAMERA_RES_X, WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::CAMERA_RES_Y * WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::CAMERA_AR) * 2; distance = WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::SENSOR_BAR_LED_SEPARATION / separation.Length() / 2 / std::tan(WiimoteEmu::CameraLogic::CAMERA_FOV_X / 2); } if (points.Count()) { center_position = points.Mean() / Common::Vec2(camera_max) * 2.f - Common::Vec2(1, 1); } else { center_position = {}; } } void Device::ProcessMotionPlusExtensionData(const u8* ext_data, u32 ext_size) { if (ext_size < sizeof(WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::DataFormat)) return; const WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::DataFormat mplus_data = Common::BitCastPtr<WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::DataFormat>(ext_data); const bool is_ext_connected = mplus_data.extension_connected; // Handle passthrough extension change. if (is_ext_connected != m_mplus_state.passthrough_port) { m_mplus_state.passthrough_port = is_ext_connected; DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: M+ passthrough port event: {}.", is_ext_connected); // With no passthrough extension we'll be happy with the current mode. if (!is_ext_connected) m_mplus_desired_mode = m_mplus_state.current_mode; ProcessExtensionEvent(is_ext_connected); } if (mplus_data.is_mp_data) { m_mplus_state.ProcessData(mplus_data); return; } if (!IsMotionPlusInDesiredMode()) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Ignoring unwanted passthrough data."); return; } std::array<u8, sizeof(WiimoteEmu::Nunchuk::DataFormat)> data; std::copy_n(ext_data, ext_size, data.begin()); // Undo bit-hacks of M+ passthrough. WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::ReversePassthroughModifications(*m_mplus_state.current_mode, data.data()); ProcessNormalExtensionData(data.data(), u32(data.size())); } void Device::ProcessNormalExtensionData(const u8* ext_data, u32 ext_size) { if (m_extension_id == ExtensionID::Nunchuk) { if (ext_size < sizeof(WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::DataFormat)) return; const WiimoteEmu::Nunchuk::DataFormat nunchuk_data = Common::BitCastPtr<WiimoteEmu::Nunchuk::DataFormat>(ext_data); m_nunchuk_state.ProcessData(nunchuk_data); } else if (m_extension_id == ExtensionID::Classic) { if (ext_size < sizeof(WiimoteEmu::Classic::DataFormat)) return; const WiimoteEmu::Classic::DataFormat cc_data = Common::BitCastPtr<WiimoteEmu::Classic::DataFormat>(ext_data); m_classic_state.ProcessData(cc_data); } } void Device::UpdateRumble() { static constexpr auto rumble_period = std::chrono::milliseconds(100); const auto on_time = std::chrono::duration_cast<Clock::duration>(rumble_period * m_rumble_level.load()); const auto off_time = rumble_period - on_time; const auto now = Clock::now(); if (m_rumble && (now < m_last_rumble_change + on_time || !off_time.count())) return; if (!m_rumble && (now < m_last_rumble_change + off_time || !on_time.count())) return; m_last_rumble_change = now; m_rumble ^= true; // Rumble flag will be set within QueueReport. QueueReport(OutputReportRumble{}); } void Device::UpdateInput() { if (!m_wiimote->IsConnected()) { g_controller_interface.RemoveDevice( [this](const Core::Device* device) { return device == this; }); return; } UpdateRumble(); RunTasks(); WiimoteReal::Report report; while (m_wiimote->GetNextReport(&report)) { ProcessInputReport(report); RunTasks(); } } void Device::MotionPlusState::ProcessData(const WiimoteEmu::MotionPlus::DataFormat& data) { // We need the calibration block read to know the sensor orientations. if (!calibration.has_value()) return; gyro_data = data.GetData().GetAngularVelocity(*calibration); } bool Device::IsWaitingForMotionPlus() const { return Clock::now() < m_mplus_wait_time; } void Device::WaitForMotionPlus() { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Wait for M+."); m_mplus_wait_time = Clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds{2}; } void Device::NunchukState::ProcessData(const WiimoteEmu::Nunchuk::DataFormat& data) { buttons = data.GetButtons(); // Stick/accel require calibration data. if (!calibration.has_value()) return; stick = data.GetStick().GetNormalizedValue(calibration->stick); accel = data.GetAccel().GetNormalizedValue(calibration->accel) * float(MathUtil::GRAVITY_ACCELERATION); } void Device::ClassicState::ProcessData(const WiimoteEmu::Classic::DataFormat& data) { buttons = data.GetButtons(); // Sticks/triggers require calibration data. if (!calibration.has_value()) return; sticks[0] = data.GetLeftStick().GetNormalizedValue(calibration->left_stick); sticks[1] = data.GetRightStick().GetNormalizedValue(calibration->right_stick); triggers[0] = data.GetLeftTrigger().GetNormalizedValue(calibration->left_trigger); triggers[1] = data.GetRightTrigger().GetNormalizedValue(calibration->right_trigger); } void Device::ReadData(AddressSpace space, u8 slave, u16 address, u16 size, std::function<void(ReadResponse)> callback) { OutputReportReadData read_data{}; read_data.space = u8(space); read_data.slave_address = slave; read_data.address[0] = u8(address >> 8); read_data.address[1] = u8(address); read_data.size[0] = u8(size >> 8); read_data.size[1] = u8(size); QueueReport(read_data); AddReadDataReplyHandler(space, slave, address, size, {}, std::move(callback)); } void Device::AddReadDataReplyHandler(AddressSpace space, u8 slave, u16 address, u16 size, std::vector<u8> starting_data, std::function<void(ReadResponse)> callback) { // Data read may return a busy ack. auto ack_handler = MakeAckHandler(OutputReportID::ReadData, [callback](ErrorCode result) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Read ack error: {}.", int(result)); callback(ReadResponse{}); }); // Or more normally a "ReadDataReply". auto read_handler = [this, space, slave, address, size, data = std::move(starting_data), callback = std::move(callback)](const InputReportReadDataReply& reply) mutable { if (Common::swap16(reply.address) != address) return ReportHandler::HandlerResult::NotHandled; if (reply.error != u8(ErrorCode::Success)) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Read reply error: {}.", int(reply.error)); callback(ReadResponse{}); return ReportHandler::HandlerResult::Handled; } const auto read_count = reply.size_minus_one + 1; data.insert(data.end(), reply.data, reply.data + read_count); if (read_count < size) { // We have more data to acquire. AddReadDataReplyHandler(space, slave, address + read_count, size - read_count, std::move(data), std::move(callback)); } else { // We have all the data. callback(std::move(data)); } return ReportHandler::HandlerResult::Handled; }; AddReportHandler( std::function<ReportHandler::HandlerResult(const InputReportReadDataReply& reply)>( std::move(read_handler)), std::move(ack_handler)); } template <typename T, typename C> void Device::WriteData(AddressSpace space, u8 slave, u16 address, T&& data, C&& callback) { OutputReportWriteData write_data = {}; write_data.space = u8(space); write_data.slave_address = slave; write_data.address[0] = u8(address >> 8); write_data.address[1] = u8(address); static constexpr auto MAX_DATA_SIZE = std::size(write_data.data); write_data.size = u8(std::min(std::size(data), MAX_DATA_SIZE)); std::copy_n(std::begin(data), write_data.size, write_data.data); // Writes of more than 16 bytes must be split into multiple reports. if (std::size(data) > MAX_DATA_SIZE) { auto next_write = [this, space, slave, address, additional_data = std::vector<u8>(std::begin(data) + MAX_DATA_SIZE, std::end(data)), callback = std::forward<C>(callback)](ErrorCode result) mutable { if (result != ErrorCode::Success) callback(result); else WriteData(space, slave, address + MAX_DATA_SIZE, additional_data, std::move(callback)); }; QueueReport(write_data, std::move(next_write)); } else { QueueReport(write_data, std::forward<C>(callback)); } } Device::ReportHandler::ReportHandler(Clock::time_point expired_time) : m_expired_time(expired_time) { } template <typename... T> void Device::AddReportHandler(T&&... callbacks) { auto& handler = m_report_handlers.emplace_back(Clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds{5}); (handler.AddHandler(std::forward<T>(callbacks)), ...); } template <typename R, typename T> void Device::ReportHandler::AddHandler(std::function<R(const T&)> handler) { m_callbacks.emplace_back([handler = std::move(handler)](const WiimoteReal::Report& report) { if (report[WiimoteReal::REPORT_HID_HEADER_SIZE] != u8(T::REPORT_ID)) return ReportHandler::HandlerResult::NotHandled; T data; if (report.size() < sizeof(T) + WiimoteReal::REPORT_HID_HEADER_SIZE + 1) { // Off-brand "NEW 2in1" Wii Remote likes to shorten read data replies. WARN_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Bad report size ({}) for report {:#x}. Zero-filling.", report.size(), int(T::REPORT_ID)); data = {}; std::memcpy(&data, report.data() + WiimoteReal::REPORT_HID_HEADER_SIZE + 1, report.size() - WiimoteReal::REPORT_HID_HEADER_SIZE + 1); } else { data = Common::BitCastPtr<T>(report.data() + WiimoteReal::REPORT_HID_HEADER_SIZE + 1); } if constexpr (std::is_same_v<decltype(handler(data)), void>) { handler(data); return ReportHandler::HandlerResult::Handled; } else { return handler(data); } }); } auto Device::ReportHandler::TryToHandleReport(const WiimoteReal::Report& report) -> HandlerResult { for (auto& callback : m_callbacks) { if (const auto result = callback(report); result != HandlerResult::NotHandled) return result; } return HandlerResult::NotHandled; } bool Device::ReportHandler::IsExpired() const { return Clock::now() >= m_expired_time; } auto Device::MakeAckHandler(OutputReportID report_id, std::function<void(WiimoteCommon::ErrorCode)> callback) -> AckReportHandler { return [report_id, callback = std::move(callback)](const InputReportAck& reply) { if (reply.rpt_id != report_id) return ReportHandler::HandlerResult::NotHandled; callback(reply.error_code); return ReportHandler::HandlerResult::Handled; }; } bool Device::IsPerformingTask() const { return !m_report_handlers.empty(); } void Device::ProcessStatusReport(const InputReportStatus& status) { // Update status periodically to keep battery level value up to date. m_status_outdated_time = Clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(10); m_battery = status.GetEstimatedCharge() * BATTERY_INPUT_MAX_VALUE; m_leds = status.leds; if (!status.ir) m_ir_state = {}; const bool is_ext_connected = status.extension; // Handle extension port state change. if (is_ext_connected != m_extension_port) { DEBUG_LOG_FMT(WIIMOTE, "WiiRemote: Extension port event: {}.", is_ext_connected); m_extension_port = is_ext_connected; // Data reporting stops on an extension port event. m_reporting_mode = InputReportID::ReportDisabled; ProcessExtensionEvent(is_ext_connected); // The M+ is now in an unknown state. m_mplus_state = {}; if (is_ext_connected) { // We can assume the M+ is settled on an attachment event. m_mplus_wait_time = Clock::now(); } else { // "Nunchuk" will be the most used mode and also works with no passthrough extension. m_mplus_desired_mode = MotionPlusState::PassthroughMode::Nunchuk; // If an extension is not connected the M+ is either disabled or resetting. m_mplus_state.current_mode = MotionPlusState::PassthroughMode{}; } } } } // namespace ciface::WiimoteController