// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #ifndef __CONFIG_MAIN_h__ #define __CONFIG_MAIN_h__ #include #include #include #include #include "ConfigManager.h" class CConfigMain : public wxDialog { public: CConfigMain(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = 1, const wxString& title = wxT("Dolphin Configuration"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE); virtual ~CConfigMain(); void OnClick(wxMouseEvent& event); void CloseClick(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnSelectionChanged(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnConfig(wxCommandEvent& event); bool bRefreshList; private: DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); wxBoxSizer* sGeneralPage; // General Settings wxCheckBox* ConfirmStop, * AutoHideCursor, *HideCursor; wxCheckBox* WiimoteStatusLEDs, * WiimoteStatusSpeakers; wxRadioBox* Theme; wxBoxSizer* sCore; wxStaticBoxSizer* sbBasic, *sbAdvanced, *sbInterface; wxCheckBox* AllwaysHLEBIOS; wxCheckBox* UseDynaRec; wxCheckBox* UseDualCore; wxCheckBox* LockThreads; wxCheckBox* OptimizeQuantizers; wxCheckBox* SkipIdle; wxCheckBox* EnableCheats; wxBoxSizer* sGamecube; // GC settings wxStaticBoxSizer* sbGamecubeIPLSettings; wxGridBagSizer* sGamecubeIPLSettings; wxArrayString arrayStringFor_GCSystemLang; wxStaticText* GCSystemLangText; wxChoice* GCSystemLang; wxBoxSizer* sWii; // Wii settings wxStaticBoxSizer* sbWiimoteSettings; wxGridBagSizer* sWiimoteSettings; wxStaticBoxSizer* sbWiiIPLSettings; wxGridBagSizer* sWiiIPLSettings; wxBoxSizer* sPaths; wxStaticBoxSizer* sbISOPaths; wxBoxSizer* sISOButtons; wxGridBagSizer* sOtherPaths; wxBoxSizer* sPlugins; wxStaticBoxSizer* sbGraphicsPlugin; wxStaticBoxSizer* sbDSPPlugin; wxStaticBoxSizer* sbPadPlugin; wxStaticBoxSizer* sbWiimotePlugin; wxNotebook *Notebook; wxPanel *GeneralPage; wxPanel *GamecubePage; wxPanel *WiiPage; wxPanel *PathsPage; wxPanel *PluginPage; wxButton* m_Close; FILE* pStream; u8 m_SYSCONF[0x4000]; bool m_bSysconfOK; std::string FullSYSCONFPath; enum { BT_DINF = 0x0044, BT_SENS = 0x04AF, BT_BAR = 0x04E1, BT_SPKV = 0x151A, BT_MOT = 0x1807 }; enum { IPL_AR = 0x04D9, IPL_SSV = 0x04EA, IPL_LNG = 0x04F3, IPL_PGS = 0x17CC, IPL_E60 = 0x17D5 }; /* Some offsets in SYSCONF: (taken from ector's SYSCONF) Note: offset is where the actual data starts, not where the type or name begins offset length name comment 0x0044 0x460 BT.DINF List of Wiimotes "synced" to the system 0x158B ? BT.CDIF ? -- Starts with 0x0204 followed by 0x210 of 0x00 0x04AF 4 BT.SENS Wiimote sensitivity setting 0x04E1 1 BT.BAR Sensor bar position (0:bottom) 0x151A 1 BT.SPKV Wiimote speaker volume 0x1807 1 BT.MOT Wiimote motor on/off 0x17F3 2 IPL.IDL Shutdown mode and idle LED mode 0x17C3 1 IPL.UPT Update Type 0x04BB 0x16 IPL.NIK Console Nickname 0x04D9 1 IPL.AR Aspect ratio setting. 0: 4:3 1: 16:9 0x04EA 1 IPL.SSV Screen Saver off/on (burn-in reduction) 0x04F3 1 IPL.LNG System Language, see conf.c for some values 0x04FD 0x1007 IPL.SADR "Simple Address" Contains some region info 0x150E 4 IPL.CB Counter Bias -- difference between RTC and local time, in seconds 0x1522 0x50 IPL.PC Parental Control password/setting 0x17B1 1 IPL.CD Config Done flag -- has initial setup been performed? 0x17BA 1 IPL.CD2 Config2 Done flag -- has network setup been performed? 0x17FF 1 IPL.EULA EULA Done flag -- has EULA been acknowledged? 0x17CC 1 IPL.PGS Use Progressive Scan 0x17D5 1 IPL.E60 Use EuRGB60 (PAL6) ? 1 IPL.SND Sound setting 0x17DD 1 IPL.DH Display Offset (Horiz) 0x179A 4 IPL.INC "Installed Channel App Count" ? ? IPL.ARN ? 0x17A7 4 IPL.FRC "Free Channel App Count" ? ? DEV.BTM ? ? ? DEV.VIM ? ? ? DEV.CTC ? ? ? DEV.DSM ? ? ? DVD.CNF ? 0x1582 ? WWW.RST WWW Restriction ? ? NET.CNF ? ? ? NET.CFG ? 0x1576 4 NET.CTPC Net Content Restrictions ("Content Parental Control"?) 0x17E7 4 NET.WCFG WC24 Configuration flags */ wxArrayString arrayStringFor_WiiSensBarPos; // Wiimote Settings wxStaticText* WiiSensBarPosText; wxChoice* WiiSensBarPos; wxCheckBox* WiiScreenSaver; // IPL settings wxCheckBox* WiiProgressiveScan; wxCheckBox* WiiEuRGB60; wxArrayString arrayStringFor_WiiAspectRatio; wxStaticText* WiiAspectRatioText; wxChoice* WiiAspectRatio; wxArrayString arrayStringFor_WiiSystemLang; wxStaticText* WiiSystemLangText; wxChoice* WiiSystemLang; wxArrayString arrayStringFor_ISOPaths; wxListBox* ISOPaths; wxButton* AddISOPath; wxButton* RemoveISOPath; wxStaticText* DefaultISOText; wxFilePickerCtrl* DefaultISO; wxStaticText* DVDRootText; wxDirPickerCtrl* DVDRoot; wxStaticText* PADText; wxButton* PADConfig; wxChoice* PADSelection; wxButton* DSPConfig; wxStaticText* DSPText; wxChoice* DSPSelection; wxButton* GraphicConfig; wxStaticText* GraphicText; wxChoice* GraphicSelection; wxButton* WiimoteConfig; wxStaticText* WiimoteText; wxChoice* WiimoteSelection; enum { ID_NOTEBOOK = 1000, ID_GENERALPAGE, ID_GAMECUBEPAGE, ID_WIIPAGE, ID_PATHSPAGE, ID_PLUGINPAGE, ID_CLOSE, ID_ALLWAYS_HLEBIOS, ID_USEDYNAREC, ID_USEDUALCORE, ID_LOCKTHREADS, ID_OPTIMIZEQUANTIZERS, ID_IDLESKIP, ID_ENABLECHEATS, ID_ENABLEISOCACHE, ID_GC_SRAM_LNG_TEXT, ID_GC_SRAM_LNG, ID_INTERFACE_CONFIRMSTOP, // Interface settings ID_INTERFACE_HIDECURSOR_TEXT, ID_INTERFACE_HIDECURSOR, ID_INTERFACE_AUTOHIDECURSOR, ID_INTERFACE_WIIMOTE_TEXT, ID_INTERFACE_WIIMOTE_LEDS, ID_INTERFACE_WIIMOTE_SPEAKERS, ID_INTERFACE_THEME, ID_WII_BT_BAR_TEXT, ID_WII_BT_BAR, ID_WII_IPL_SSV, ID_WII_IPL_PGS, ID_WII_IPL_E60, ID_WII_IPL_AR_TEXT, ID_WII_IPL_AR, ID_WII_IPL_LNG_TEXT, ID_WII_IPL_LNG, ID_ISOPATHS, ID_ADDISOPATH, ID_REMOVEISOPATH, ID_DEFAULTISO_TEXT, ID_DEFAULTISO, ID_DVDROOT_TEXT, ID_DVDROOT, ID_WIIMOTE_ABOUT, ID_WIIMOTE_CONFIG, ID_WIIMOTE_TEXT, ID_WIIMOTE_CB, ID_PAD_TEXT, ID_PAD_ABOUT , ID_PAD_CONFIG, ID_PAD_CB, ID_DSP_ABOUT, ID_DSP_CONFIG, ID_DSP_TEXT, ID_DSP_CB, ID_GRAPHIC_ABOUT, ID_GRAPHIC_CONFIG, ID_GRAPHIC_TEXT, ID_GRAPHIC_CB }; void CreateGUIControls(); void UpdateGUI(); void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event); void CoreSettingsChanged(wxCommandEvent& event); void GCSettingsChanged(wxCommandEvent& event); void WiiSettingsChanged(wxCommandEvent& event); void ISOPathsSelectionChanged(wxCommandEvent& event); void AddRemoveISOPaths(wxCommandEvent& event); void DefaultISOChanged(wxFileDirPickerEvent& event); void DVDRootChanged(wxFileDirPickerEvent& event); void FillChoiceBox(wxChoice* _pChoice, int _PluginType, const std::string& _SelectFilename); void CallConfig(wxChoice* _pChoice); bool GetFilename(wxChoice* _pChoice, std::string& _rFilename); }; #endif