// How to use the DSPJitTester: // // == Before running == // Make sure to call Initialize to set initial stuff required by int and jit: // DSPJitTester::Initialize(); // // == Creation of a testcase == // Create a testcase for a normal operation: // DSPJitTester tester(0x0004); //taken from DSPTables.cpp, opcodes[] // // Create a testcase for an extended operation: // DSPJitTester tester(0x8000, 0x0004); //NX from opcodes, DR from opcodes_ext // // By default, no messages are written. // To log all operations, set verbose to true: // DSPJitTester tester(0x8000, 0x0004, true); // // You can also choose to only print failing tests: // DSPJitTester tester(0x8000, 0x0004, verbosity_setting, true); // verbose = true will give the same output as verbose, // while verbose = false will only (really!) print failing tests. // // == Setting up values == // You can set the tester up with values for each DSP register: // tester.AddTestData(DSP_REG_ACC0, 1); // tester.AddTestData(DSP_REG_ACC0, 2); // tester.AddTestData(DSP_REG_ACC0, 3); // // You can also choose to have a few predefined values added for a register: // tester.AddTestData(DSP_REG_ACC0); //see the method body for the values added // // == Running the tests == // After setup, you can either run JIT against the interpreter // using all predefined register values, pass your own set of // registers or run either of the two independently from each other. // // int failed_tests = tester.TestAll(); //run jit against int, using values from AddTestData // int failed_tests = tester.TestAll(true); //override the value for only_failed to show failure // // SDSP dsp = GetCustomSetOfRegisters(); // bool success = tester.Test(dsp); //run jit against int, using a custom set of register values // // SDSP result = tester.RunInterpreter(dsp); //run int alone // SDSP result = tester.RunJit(dsp); //run jit alone // // == Examining results == // When either verbose or only_failed is set to true, the tester will automatically report // failure to stdout, along with input registers and the differences in output registers. // // tester.Report(); //display a small report afterwards // // SDSP int = tester.GetLastInterpreterDSP(); //examine the DSP set left after running int // SDSP jit = tester.GetLastJitDSP(); //same for jit // // int tests_run = tester.GetRunCount(); // int tests_failed = tester.GetFailCount(); // const char* tested_instruction = tester.GetInstructionName(); // printf("%s ran %d tests and failed %d times\n", tested_instruction, tests_run, tests_failed); // // tester.DumpJittedCode(); //prints the code bytes produced by jit (examine with udcli/udis86 or similar) #ifndef __DSP_JIT_TESTER_ #define __DSP_JIT_TESTER_ #include "DSP/DSPCore.h" #include "DSP/DSPInterpreter.h" #include <map> #include <vector> typedef std::vector<u16> TestData; typedef std::map<u8, TestData> TestDataList; typedef TestDataList::iterator TestDataIterator; #define DSP_REG_NUM 32 class DSPJitTester { UDSPInstruction instruction; const DSPOPCTemplate *opcode_template; DSPEmitter jit; SDSP last_int_dsp; SDSP last_jit_dsp; SDSP last_input_dsp; bool be_verbose; bool failed_only; int run_count; int fail_count; char instruction_name[16]; TestDataList test_values; bool AreEqual(SDSP&, SDSP&); int TestOne(TestDataIterator, SDSP&); void DumpRegs(SDSP&); public: DSPJitTester(u16 opcode, u16 opcode_ext = 0, bool verbose = false, bool only_failed = false); bool Test(SDSP); int TestAll() { return TestAll(failed_only); } int TestAll(bool verbose_fail); void AddTestData(u8 reg); void AddTestData(u8 reg, u16 value); SDSP RunInterpreter(SDSP); SDSP RunJit(SDSP); void ResetInterpreter(); void ResetJit(); inline SDSP GetLastInterpreterDSP() { return last_int_dsp; } inline SDSP GetLastJitDSP() { return last_jit_dsp; } inline int GetRunCount() { return run_count; } inline int GetFailCount() { return fail_count; } inline const char* GetInstructionName() { return instruction_name; } void Report(); void DumpJittedCode(); static void Initialize(); }; #endif