// Copyright 2009 Dolphin Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2+
// Refer to the license.txt file included.

#include "Common/Common.h"
#include "Common/FileUtil.h"
#include "Common/StringUtil.h"
#include "Core/DSP/DSPCodeUtil.h"
#include "Core/DSP/DSPDisassembler.h"
#include "Core/DSP/DSPHost.h"
#include "Core/DSP/DSPTables.h"

// Stub out the dsplib host stuff, since this is just a simple cmdline tools.
u8 DSP::Host::ReadHostMemory(u32 addr)
  return 0;
void DSP::Host::WriteHostMemory(u8 value, u32 addr)
void DSP::Host::OSD_AddMessage(const std::string& str, u32 ms)
bool DSP::Host::OnThread()
  return false;
bool DSP::Host::IsWiiHost()
  return false;
void DSP::Host::CodeLoaded(const u8* ptr, int size)
void DSP::Host::InterruptRequest()
void DSP::Host::UpdateDebugger()

static void CodeToHeader(const std::vector<u16>& code, std::string filename, const char* name,
                         std::string& header)
  std::vector<u16> code_padded = code;
  // Pad with nops to 32byte boundary
  while (code_padded.size() & 0x7f)
  header.reserve(code_padded.size() * 4);
  header.append("#define NUM_UCODES 1\n\n");
  std::string filename_without_extension;
  SplitPath(filename, nullptr, &filename_without_extension, nullptr);
  header.append(StringFromFormat("const char* UCODE_NAMES[NUM_UCODES] = {\"%s\"};\n\n",
  header.append("const unsigned short dsp_code[NUM_UCODES][0x1000] = {\n");

  for (u32 j = 0; j < code_padded.size(); j++)
    if (j && ((j & 15) == 0))
    header.append(StringFromFormat("0x%04x, ", code_padded[j]));


static void CodesToHeader(const std::vector<u16>* codes, const std::vector<std::string>* filenames,
                          u32 num_codes, const char* name, std::string& header)
  std::vector<std::vector<u16>> codes_padded;
  u32 reserveSize = 0;
  for (u32 i = 0; i < num_codes; i++)
    // Pad with nops to 32byte boundary
    while (codes_padded.at(i).size() & 0x7f)

    reserveSize += (u32)codes_padded.at(i).size();
  header.reserve(reserveSize * 4);
  header.append(StringFromFormat("#define NUM_UCODES %u\n\n", num_codes));
  header.append("const char* UCODE_NAMES[NUM_UCODES] = {\n");
  for (u32 i = 0; i < num_codes; i++)
    std::string filename;
    if (!SplitPath(filenames->at(i), nullptr, &filename, nullptr))
      filename = filenames->at(i);
    header.append(StringFromFormat("\t\"%s\",\n", filename.c_str()));
  header.append("const unsigned short dsp_code[NUM_UCODES][0x1000] = {\n");

  for (u32 i = 0; i < num_codes; i++)
    if (codes[i].size() == 0)

    for (u32 j = 0; j < codes_padded.at(i).size(); j++)
      if (j && ((j & 15) == 0))
      header.append(StringFromFormat("0x%04x, ", codes_padded.at(i).at(j)));

// Usage:
// Disassemble a file:
//   dsptool -d -o asdf.txt asdf.bin
// Disassemble a file, output to standard output:
//   dsptool -d asdf.bin
// Assemble a file:
//   dsptool [-f] -o asdf.bin asdf.txt
// Assemble a file, output header:
//   dsptool [-f] -h asdf.h asdf.txt
// Print results from DSPSpy register dump
//   dsptool -p dsp_dump0.bin
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
  if (argc == 1 || (argc == 2 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "--help") || (!strcmp(argv[1], "-?")))))
    printf("USAGE: DSPTool [-?] [--help] [-f] [-d] [-m] [-p <FILE>] [-o <FILE>] [-h <FILE>] <DSP "
           "ASSEMBLER FILE>\n");
    printf("-? / --help: Prints this message\n");
    printf("-d: Disassemble\n");
    printf("-m: Input file contains a list of files (Header assembly only)\n");
    printf("-s: Print the final size in bytes (only)\n");
    printf("-f: Force assembly (errors are not critical)\n");
    printf("-o <OUTPUT FILE>: Results from stdout redirected to a file\n");
    printf("-h <HEADER FILE>: Output assembly results to a header\n");
    printf("-p <DUMP FILE>: Print results of DSPSpy register dump\n");
    printf("-ps <DUMP FILE>: Print results of DSPSpy register dump (disable SR output)\n");
    printf("-pm <DUMP FILE>: Print results of DSPSpy register dump (convert PROD values)\n");
    printf("-psm <DUMP FILE>: Print results of DSPSpy register dump (convert PROD values/disable "
           "SR output)\n");

    return 0;

  std::string input_name;
  std::string output_header_name;
  std::string output_name;

  bool disassemble = false, compare = false, multiple = false, outputSize = false, force = false,
       print_results = false, print_results_prodhack = false, print_results_srhack = false;
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-d"))
      disassemble = true;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-o"))
      output_name = argv[++i];
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h"))
      output_header_name = argv[++i];
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-c"))
      compare = true;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-s"))
      outputSize = true;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-m"))
      multiple = true;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-f"))
      force = true;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-p"))
      print_results = true;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ps"))
      print_results = true;
      print_results_srhack = true;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-pm"))
      print_results = true;
      print_results_prodhack = true;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-psm"))
      print_results = true;
      print_results_srhack = true;
      print_results_prodhack = true;
      if (!input_name.empty())
        printf("ERROR: Can only take one input file.\n");
        return 1;
      input_name = argv[i];
      if (!File::Exists(input_name))
        printf("ERROR: Input path does not exist.\n");
        return 1;

  if (multiple && (compare || disassemble || !output_name.empty() || input_name.empty()))
    printf("ERROR: Multiple files can only be used with assembly "
           "and must compile a header file.\n");
    return 1;

  if (compare)
    // Two binary inputs, let's diff.
    std::string binary_code;
    std::vector<u16> code1, code2;
    File::ReadFileToString(input_name, binary_code);
    DSP::BinaryStringBEToCode(binary_code, code1);
    File::ReadFileToString(output_name, binary_code);
    DSP::BinaryStringBEToCode(binary_code, code2);
    DSP::Compare(code1, code2);
    return 0;

  if (print_results)
    std::string dumpfile, results;
    std::vector<u16> reg_vector;

    File::ReadFileToString(input_name, dumpfile);
    DSP::BinaryStringBEToCode(dumpfile, reg_vector);

    for (int initial_reg = 0; initial_reg < 32; initial_reg++)
      results.append(StringFromFormat("%02x %04x ", initial_reg, reg_vector.at(initial_reg)));
      if ((initial_reg + 1) % 8 == 0)
    results.append("Step [number]:\n[Reg] [last value] [current value]\n\n");
    for (unsigned int step = 1; step < reg_vector.size() / 32; step++)
      bool changed = false;
      u16 current_reg;
      u16 last_reg;
      u32 htemp;
      // results.append(StringFromFormat("Step %3d: (CW 0x%04x) UC:%03d\n", step, 0x8fff+step,
      // (step-1)/32));
      results.append(StringFromFormat("Step %3d:\n", step));
      for (int reg = 0; reg < 32; reg++)
        if ((reg >= 0x0c) && (reg <= 0x0f))
        if (print_results_srhack && (reg == 0x13))

        if ((print_results_prodhack) && (reg >= 0x15) && (reg <= 0x17))
          switch (reg)
          case 0x15:  // DSP_REG_PRODM
            last_reg =
                reg_vector.at((step * 32 - 32) + reg) + reg_vector.at((step * 32 - 32) + reg + 2);
            current_reg = reg_vector.at(step * 32 + reg) + reg_vector.at(step * 32 + reg + 2);
          case 0x16:  // DSP_REG_PRODH
            htemp = ((reg_vector.at(step * 32 + reg - 1) + reg_vector.at(step * 32 + reg + 1)) &
                     ~0xffff) >>
            current_reg = (u8)(reg_vector.at(step * 32 + reg) + htemp);
            htemp = ((reg_vector.at(step * 32 - 32 + reg - 1) +
                      reg_vector.at(step * 32 - 32 + reg + 1)) &
                     ~0xffff) >>
            last_reg = (u8)(reg_vector.at(step * 32 - 32 + reg) + htemp);
          case 0x17:  // DSP_REG_PRODM2
            current_reg = 0;
            last_reg = 0;
          current_reg = reg_vector.at(step * 32 + reg);
          last_reg = reg_vector.at((step * 32 - 32) + reg);
        if (last_reg != current_reg)
          results.append(StringFromFormat("%02x %-7s: %04x %04x\n", reg, DSP::pdregname(reg),
                                          last_reg, current_reg));
          changed = true;
      if (!changed)
        results.append("No Change\n\n");

    if (!output_name.empty())
      File::WriteStringToFile(results, output_name.c_str());
      printf("%s", results.c_str());
    return 0;

  if (disassemble)
    if (input_name.empty())
      printf("Disassemble: Must specify input.\n");
      return 1;
    std::string binary_code;
    std::vector<u16> code;
    File::ReadFileToString(input_name, binary_code);
    DSP::BinaryStringBEToCode(binary_code, code);
    std::string text;
    DSP::Disassemble(code, true, text);
    if (!output_name.empty())
      File::WriteStringToFile(text, output_name);
      printf("%s", text.c_str());
    if (input_name.empty())
      printf("Assemble: Must specify input.\n");
      return 1;
    std::string source;
    if (File::ReadFileToString(input_name.c_str(), source))
      if (multiple)
        // When specifying a list of files we must compile a header
        // (we can't assemble multiple files to one binary)
        // since we checked it before, we assume output_header_name isn't empty
        int lines;
        std::vector<u16>* codes;
        std::vector<std::string> files;
        std::string header, currentSource;
        size_t lastPos = 0, pos = 0;


        while ((pos = source.find('\n', lastPos)) != std::string::npos)
          std::string temp = source.substr(lastPos, pos - lastPos);
          if (!temp.empty())
          lastPos = pos + 1;

        lines = (int)files.size();

        if (lines == 0)
          printf("ERROR: Must specify at least one file\n");
          return 1;

        codes = new std::vector<u16>[lines];

        for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++)
          if (!File::ReadFileToString(files[i].c_str(), currentSource))
            printf("ERROR reading %s, skipping...\n", files[i].c_str());
            if (!DSP::Assemble(currentSource, codes[i], force))
              printf("Assemble: Assembly of %s failed due to errors\n", files[i].c_str());
            if (outputSize)
              printf("%s: %d\n", files[i].c_str(), (int)codes[i].size());

        CodesToHeader(codes, &files, lines, output_header_name.c_str(), header);
        File::WriteStringToFile(header, output_header_name + ".h");

        delete[] codes;
        std::vector<u16> code;

        if (!DSP::Assemble(source, code, force))
          printf("Assemble: Assembly failed due to errors\n");
          return 1;

        if (outputSize)
          printf("%s: %d\n", input_name.c_str(), (int)code.size());

        if (!output_name.empty())
          std::string binary_code;
          DSP::CodeToBinaryStringBE(code, binary_code);
          File::WriteStringToFile(binary_code, output_name);
        if (!output_header_name.empty())
          std::string header;
          CodeToHeader(code, input_name, output_header_name.c_str(), header);
          File::WriteStringToFile(header, output_header_name + ".h");

  if (disassemble)
    printf("Disassembly completed successfully!\n");
    if (!outputSize)
      printf("Assembly completed successfully!\n");

  return 0;