#include <wil/com.h> #include <wil/result.h> #include <wil/result_originate.h> #include <roerrorapi.h> #include "common.h" static volatile long objectCount = 0; struct SharedObject { SharedObject() { ::InterlockedIncrement(&objectCount); } ~SharedObject() { ::InterlockedDecrement(&objectCount); } void ProcessShutdown() { } int value{}; }; TEST_CASE("ResultTests::SemaphoreValue", "[result]") { auto TestValue = [&](auto start, auto end) { wil::details_abi::SemaphoreValue semaphore; for (auto index = start; index <= end; index++) { semaphore.Destroy(); REQUIRE(SUCCEEDED(semaphore.CreateFromValue(L"test", index))); auto num1 = index; auto num2 = index; REQUIRE(SUCCEEDED(semaphore.TryGetValue(L"test", &num1))); REQUIRE(SUCCEEDED(semaphore.TryGetValue(L"test", &num2))); REQUIRE(num1 == index); REQUIRE(num2 == index); } }; // Test 32-bit values (edge cases) TestValue(0u, 10u); TestValue(250u, 260u); TestValue(0x7FFFFFF0u, 0x7FFFFFFFu); // Test 64-bit values (edge cases) TestValue(0ull, 10ull); TestValue(250ull, 260ull); TestValue(0x000000007FFFFFF0ull, 0x000000008000000Full); TestValue(0x00000000FFFFFFF0ull, 0x000000010000000Full); TestValue(0x00000000FFFFFFF0ull, 0x000000010000000Full); TestValue(0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFF0ull, 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFull); // Test pointer values wil::details_abi::SemaphoreValue semaphore; void* address = &semaphore; REQUIRE(SUCCEEDED(semaphore.CreateFromPointer(L"test", address))); void* ptr; REQUIRE(SUCCEEDED(semaphore.TryGetPointer(L"test", &ptr))); REQUIRE(ptr == address); } TEST_CASE("ResultTests::ProcessLocalStorage", "[result]") { // Test process local storage memory and ref-counting { wil::details_abi::ProcessLocalStorage<SharedObject> obj1("ver1"); wil::details_abi::ProcessLocalStorage<SharedObject> obj2("ver1"); auto& o1 = *obj1.GetShared(); auto& o2 = *obj2.GetShared(); REQUIRE(o1.value == 0); REQUIRE(o2.value == 0); o1.value = 42; REQUIRE(o2.value == 42); REQUIRE(objectCount == 1); wil::details_abi::ProcessLocalStorage<SharedObject> obj3("ver3"); auto& o3 = *obj3.GetShared(); REQUIRE(o3.value == 0); REQUIRE(objectCount == 2); } REQUIRE(objectCount == 0); } #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 4702) // Unreachable code TEST_CASE("ResultTests::ExceptionHandling", "[result]") { witest::TestFailureCache failures; SECTION("Test 'what()' implementation on ResultException") { auto swap = witest::AssignTemporaryValue(&wil::g_fResultThrowPlatformException, false); try { THROW_HR(E_INVALIDARG); FAIL("Expected an exception"); } catch (const std::exception& exception) { REQUIRE(failures.size() == 1); REQUIRE(failures[0].hr == E_INVALIDARG); auto what = exception.what(); REQUIRE((what && *what)); REQUIRE(strstr(what, "Exception") != nullptr); } } failures.clear(); SECTION("Test messaging from an unhandled std exception") { // #pragma warning(suppress: 28931) // unused assignment -- it IS being used... seems like a tool issue. auto hr = []() { try { throw std::runtime_error("runtime"); } catch (...) { RETURN_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); } }(); REQUIRE(failures.size() == 1); REQUIRE(failures[0].hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION)); REQUIRE(wcsstr(failures[0].pszMessage, L"runtime") != nullptr); // should get the exception what() string... REQUIRE(hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION)); } failures.clear(); SECTION("Test messaging from bad_alloc") { auto hr = []() -> HRESULT { try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { RETURN_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); } }(); REQUIRE(failures.size() == 1); REQUIRE(failures[0].hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY); REQUIRE(wcsstr(failures[0].pszMessage, L"alloc") != nullptr); // should get the exception what() string... REQUIRE(hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY); } failures.clear(); SECTION("Test messaging from a WIL exception") { auto hr = []() -> HRESULT { try { THROW_HR(E_INVALIDARG); } catch (...) { RETURN_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); } return S_OK; }(); REQUIRE(failures.size() == 2); REQUIRE(failures[0].hr == E_INVALIDARG); REQUIRE(failures[0].pszMessage == nullptr); REQUIRE(failures[1].hr == E_INVALIDARG); REQUIRE(wcsstr(failures[1].pszMessage, L"Exception") != nullptr); // should get the exception debug string... REQUIRE(hr == E_INVALIDARG); } failures.clear(); SECTION("Fail fast an unknown exception") { REQUIRE(witest::DoesCodeCrash([]() { try { throw E_INVALIDARG; // bad throw... (long) } catch (...) { RETURN_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); } })); } failures.clear(); SECTION("Log test (returns hr)") { HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { hr = LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); auto hrDirect = wil::ResultFromCaughtException(); REQUIRE(hr == hrDirect); } REQUIRE(failures.size() == 1); REQUIRE(failures[0].hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY); REQUIRE(wcsstr(failures[0].pszMessage, L"alloc") != nullptr); // should get the exception what() string... REQUIRE(hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY); } failures.clear(); SECTION("Fail-fast test") { REQUIRE_CRASH([]() { try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { FAIL_FAST_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); } }()); } failures.clear(); SECTION("Exception test (different exception type thrown...)") { auto swap = witest::AssignTemporaryValue(&wil::g_fResultThrowPlatformException, false); size_t line = 0; try { try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { line = __LINE__; THROW_NORMALIZED_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); } } catch (const wil::ResultException& exception) { REQUIRE(exception.GetFailureInfo().uLineNumber == line); // should have thrown new, so we should have the rethrow line number REQUIRE(exception.GetErrorCode() == E_OUTOFMEMORY); } catch (...) { FAIL(); } REQUIRE(failures.size() == 1); REQUIRE(failures[0].hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY); REQUIRE(wcsstr(failures[0].pszMessage, L"alloc") != nullptr); // should get the exception what() string... } failures.clear(); SECTION("Exception test (rethrow same exception type...)") { auto swap = witest::AssignTemporaryValue(&wil::g_fResultThrowPlatformException, false); size_t line = 0; try { try { line = __LINE__; THROW_HR(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } catch (...) { THROW_NORMALIZED_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); } } catch (const wil::ResultException& exception) { REQUIRE(exception.GetFailureInfo().uLineNumber == line); // should have re-thrown the original exception (with the original line number) } catch (...) { FAIL(); } } failures.clear(); SECTION("Test catch message") { try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION_MSG("train: %d", 42); } REQUIRE(failures.size() == 1); REQUIRE(failures[0].hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY); REQUIRE(wcsstr(failures[0].pszMessage, L"alloc") != nullptr); // should get the exception what() string... REQUIRE(wcsstr(failures[0].pszMessage, L"train") != nullptr); // should *also* get the message... REQUIRE(wcsstr(failures[0].pszMessage, L"42") != nullptr); } failures.clear(); SECTION("Test messaging from a WIL exception") { auto hr = []() -> HRESULT { try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { RETURN_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION_EXPECTED(); } }(); REQUIRE(failures.size() == 0); REQUIRE(hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY); } failures.clear(); SECTION("Test ResultFromException...") { auto hrOk = wil::ResultFromException([&] { }); REQUIRE(hrOk == S_OK); auto hr = wil::ResultFromException([&] { throw std::bad_alloc(); }); REQUIRE(failures.size() == 0); REQUIRE(hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY); } failures.clear(); SECTION("Explicit failfast for unrecognized") { REQUIRE_CRASH(wil::ResultFromException([&] { throw E_FAIL; })); } failures.clear(); SECTION("Manual debug-only validation of the SEH failfast") { auto hr1 = wil::ResultFromExceptionDebug(WI_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO, [&]() { // Uncomment to test SEH fail-fast // throw E_FAIL; }); REQUIRE(hr1 == S_OK); auto hr2 = wil::ResultFromExceptionDebug(WI_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO, wil::SupportedExceptions::Thrown, [&] { // Uncomment to test SEH fail-fast // throw std::range_error("range"); }); REQUIRE(hr2 == S_OK); wil::FailFastException(WI_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO, [&] { // Uncomment to test SEH fail-fast // THROW_HR(E_FAIL); }); } failures.clear(); SECTION("Standard") { auto line = __LINE__; auto hr = wil::ResultFromExceptionDebug(WI_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO, [&] { THROW_HR(E_INVALIDARG); }); REQUIRE(failures.size() == 2); REQUIRE(static_cast<decltype(line)>(failures[1].uLineNumber) == line); REQUIRE(hr == E_INVALIDARG); } failures.clear(); SECTION("bad_alloc") { auto hr = wil::ResultFromExceptionDebug(WI_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO, [&] { throw std::bad_alloc(); }); REQUIRE(failures.size() == 1); REQUIRE(hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY); } failures.clear(); SECTION("std::exception") { auto hr = wil::ResultFromExceptionDebug(WI_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO, [&] { throw std::range_error("range"); }); REQUIRE(failures.size() == 1); REQUIRE(wcsstr(failures[0].pszMessage, L"range") != nullptr); REQUIRE(hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION)); } } void ExceptionHandlingCompilationTest() { []{ try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } CATCH_RETURN(); }(); []{ try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } CATCH_RETURN_MSG("train: %d", 42); }(); []{ try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } CATCH_RETURN_EXPECTED(); }(); []{ try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { RETURN_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); } }(); []{ try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { RETURN_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION_MSG("train: %d", 42); } }(); []{ try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { RETURN_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION_EXPECTED(); } }(); try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } CATCH_LOG(); try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } CATCH_LOG_MSG("train: %d", 42); try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); } try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { LOG_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION_MSG("train: %d", 42); } try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } CATCH_FAIL_FAST(); try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } CATCH_FAIL_FAST_MSG("train: %d", 42); try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { FAIL_FAST_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); } try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { FAIL_FAST_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION_MSG("train: %d", 42); } try { try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } CATCH_THROW_NORMALIZED(); } catch (...) {} try { try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } CATCH_THROW_NORMALIZED_MSG("train: %d", 42); } catch (...) {} try { try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { THROW_NORMALIZED_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION(); } } catch (...) {} try { try { throw std::bad_alloc(); } catch (...) { THROW_NORMALIZED_CAUGHT_EXCEPTION_MSG("train: %d", 42); } } catch (...) {} HRESULT hr = wil::ResultFromExceptionDebug(WI_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO, wil::SupportedExceptions::All, [&] { THROW_HR(E_FAIL); }); hr = wil::ResultFromException(WI_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO, wil::SupportedExceptions::None, [&] { }); hr = wil::ResultFromException([&] { }); wil::FailFastException(WI_DIAGNOSTICS_INFO, [&] { }); } #pragma warning(pop) #endif TEST_CASE("ResultTests::ErrorMacros", "[result]") { REQUIRE_ERROR(FAIL_FAST()); REQUIRE_ERROR(FAIL_FAST_IF(true)); REQUIRE_ERROR(FAIL_FAST_IF_NULL(nullptr)); REQUIRE_NOERROR(FAIL_FAST_IF(false)); REQUIRE_NOERROR(FAIL_FAST_IF_NULL(_ReturnAddress())); REQUIRE_ERROR(FAIL_FAST_MSG("%d", 42)); REQUIRE_ERROR(FAIL_FAST_IF_MSG(true, "%d", 42)); REQUIRE_ERROR(FAIL_FAST_IF_NULL_MSG(nullptr, "%d", 42)); REQUIRE_NOERROR(FAIL_FAST_IF_MSG(false, "%d", 42)); REQUIRE_NOERROR(FAIL_FAST_IF_NULL_MSG(_ReturnAddress(), "%d", 42)); //wil::g_pfnResultLoggingCallback = ResultMacrosLoggingCallback; SetLastError(ERROR_PRINTER_ALREADY_EXISTS); REQUIRE_ERROR(__FAIL_FAST_ASSERT_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE__(FALSE)); REQUIRE_NOERROR(__FAIL_FAST_ASSERT_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE__(TRUE)); } // The originate helper isn't compatible with CX so don't test it in that mode. #ifndef __cplusplus_winrt TEST_CASE("ResultTests::NoOriginationByDefault", "[result]") { ::wil::SetOriginateErrorCallback(nullptr); wil::com_ptr_nothrow<IRestrictedErrorInfo> restrictedErrorInformation; // We can't guarantee test order, so clear the error payload prior to starting SetRestrictedErrorInfo(nullptr); []() -> HRESULT { RETURN_HR(S_OK); }(); REQUIRE(S_FALSE == GetRestrictedErrorInfo(&restrictedErrorInformation)); #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS try { THROW_HR(E_FAIL); } catch (...) {} REQUIRE(S_FALSE == GetRestrictedErrorInfo(&restrictedErrorInformation)); #endif // WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS []() -> HRESULT { RETURN_HR(E_FAIL); }(); REQUIRE(S_FALSE == GetRestrictedErrorInfo(&restrictedErrorInformation)); []() -> HRESULT { RETURN_IF_FAILED_EXPECTED(E_ACCESSDENIED); return S_OK; }(); REQUIRE(S_FALSE == GetRestrictedErrorInfo(&restrictedErrorInformation)); } TEST_CASE("ResultTests::AutomaticOriginationOnFailure", "[result]") { ::wil::SetOriginateErrorCallback(::wil::details::RaiseRoOriginateOnWilExceptions); wil::com_ptr_nothrow<IRestrictedErrorInfo> restrictedErrorInformation; // Make sure we don't start with an error payload SetRestrictedErrorInfo(nullptr); // Success codes shouldn't originate. []() { RETURN_HR(S_OK); }(); REQUIRE(S_FALSE == GetRestrictedErrorInfo(&restrictedErrorInformation)); auto validateOriginatedError = [&](HRESULT hrExpected) { wil::unique_bstr descriptionUnused; HRESULT existingHr = S_OK; wil::unique_bstr restrictedDescriptionUnused; wil::unique_bstr capabilitySidUnused; REQUIRE_SUCCEEDED(restrictedErrorInformation->GetErrorDetails(&descriptionUnused, &existingHr, &restrictedDescriptionUnused, &capabilitySidUnused)); REQUIRE(hrExpected == existingHr); }; #ifdef WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS // Throwing an error should originate. constexpr HRESULT thrownErrorCode = TYPE_E_ELEMENTNOTFOUND; try { THROW_HR(thrownErrorCode); } catch (...) {} REQUIRE(S_OK == GetRestrictedErrorInfo(&restrictedErrorInformation)); validateOriginatedError(thrownErrorCode); #endif // WIL_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS // Returning an error code should originate. static constexpr HRESULT returnedErrorCode = REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG; []() { RETURN_HR(returnedErrorCode); }(); REQUIRE(S_OK == GetRestrictedErrorInfo(&restrictedErrorInformation)); validateOriginatedError(returnedErrorCode); // _EXPECTED errors should NOT originate. static constexpr HRESULT expectedErrorCode = E_ACCESSDENIED; []() { RETURN_IF_FAILED_EXPECTED(expectedErrorCode); return S_OK; }(); REQUIRE(S_FALSE == GetRestrictedErrorInfo(&restrictedErrorInformation)); } #endif // __cplusplus_winrt