// Stupidly simple automated testing framework // by ector // licence: Public Domain // If TESTING_ENABLE is true, all tests across the project will run before main(). // If it's false, all tests will be destroyed by the linker, hopefully. // Unfortunately, MSVC:s library linker seems to kill off unreferenced objects, even if the // initialization has side effects. This makes this framework not work properly :( // TODO(ector): Find solution. // TODO(ector): make sure tests are destroyed and that things compile without TESTING_ENABLE :P #define TESTING_ENABLE #ifndef _TEST_FRAMEWORK_H #define _TEST_FRAMEWORK_H #include "Common.h" #include <stdio.h> #ifdef TESTING_ENABLE namespace __test { extern int numTests; extern int numTestsFailed; } struct TestRunnah { const char* filename; const char* function; TestRunnah(const char* _filename, const char* _function) : filename(_filename), function(_function) {} bool AssertTrue(bool value, int line) { if (!value) { char string[256]; sprintf(string, "%s:%s:%i: %s", filename, function, line, "failed"); PanicAlert("Test Results: %s", string); TestFailed(); return(false); } return(true); } template<class T> bool AssertEqual(T a, T b, int line) { if (!(a == b)) { // TODO(ector) : better output char string[256]; sprintf(string, "%s:%s:%i: %s", filename, function, line, "failed"); PanicAlert("Test Results: %s", string); TestFailed(); return(false); } } void TestFailed() { __test::numTestsFailed++; } }; #define TEST(a) \ void TEST_ ## a(TestRunnah * __tr); \ struct DUMMY_ ## a \ : public TestRunnah { \ DUMMY_ ## a() \ : TestRunnah(__FILE__, # a) {\ TEST_ ## a(this); __test::numTests++;} }; \ DUMMY_ ## a ddummy_ ## a; \ void TEST_ ## a(TestRunnah * __tr) #else // TESTING_ENABLE #define TEST(a) \ void TEST_ ## a(TestRunnah * __tr) \ #endif #define CHECK(a) if (!__tr->AssertTrue(a, __LINE__)){return;} #define CHECK_EQ(a, b) if (!__tr->AssertEqual(a, b, __LINE__)){return;} int GetNumTests(); int GetNumTestsFailed(); #endif