// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "DiscIO/VolumeGC.h" #include <cstddef> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <optional> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include <mbedtls/sha1.h> #include "Common/Assert.h" #include "Common/ColorUtil.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/Logging/Log.h" #include "Common/MsgHandler.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "DiscIO/Blob.h" #include "DiscIO/DiscExtractor.h" #include "DiscIO/DiscUtils.h" #include "DiscIO/Enums.h" #include "DiscIO/FileSystemGCWii.h" #include "DiscIO/Filesystem.h" #include "DiscIO/Volume.h" namespace DiscIO { VolumeGC::VolumeGC(std::unique_ptr<BlobReader> reader) : m_reader(std::move(reader)) { ASSERT(m_reader); m_file_system = [this]() -> std::unique_ptr<FileSystem> { auto file_system = std::make_unique<FileSystemGCWii>(this, PARTITION_NONE); return file_system->IsValid() ? std::move(file_system) : nullptr; }; m_converted_banner = [this] { return LoadBannerFile(); }; } VolumeGC::~VolumeGC() { } bool VolumeGC::Read(u64 offset, u64 length, u8* buffer, const Partition& partition) const { if (partition != PARTITION_NONE) return false; return m_reader->Read(offset, length, buffer); } const FileSystem* VolumeGC::GetFileSystem(const Partition& partition) const { return m_file_system->get(); } std::string VolumeGC::GetGameTDBID(const Partition& partition) const { const std::string game_id = GetGameID(partition); // Don't return an ID for Datel discs that are using the game ID of NHL Hitz 2002 return game_id == "GNHE5d" && IsDatelDisc() ? "" : game_id; } Region VolumeGC::GetRegion() const { return RegionCodeToRegion(m_reader->ReadSwapped<u32>(0x458)); } std::map<Language, std::string> VolumeGC::GetShortNames() const { return m_converted_banner->short_names; } std::map<Language, std::string> VolumeGC::GetLongNames() const { return m_converted_banner->long_names; } std::map<Language, std::string> VolumeGC::GetShortMakers() const { return m_converted_banner->short_makers; } std::map<Language, std::string> VolumeGC::GetLongMakers() const { return m_converted_banner->long_makers; } std::map<Language, std::string> VolumeGC::GetDescriptions() const { return m_converted_banner->descriptions; } std::vector<u32> VolumeGC::GetBanner(u32* width, u32* height) const { *width = m_converted_banner->image_width; *height = m_converted_banner->image_height; return m_converted_banner->image_buffer; } BlobType VolumeGC::GetBlobType() const { return m_reader->GetBlobType(); } u64 VolumeGC::GetSize() const { return m_reader->GetDataSize(); } bool VolumeGC::IsSizeAccurate() const { return m_reader->IsDataSizeAccurate(); } u64 VolumeGC::GetRawSize() const { return m_reader->GetRawSize(); } const BlobReader& VolumeGC::GetBlobReader() const { return *m_reader; } Platform VolumeGC::GetVolumeType() const { return Platform::GameCubeDisc; } bool VolumeGC::IsDatelDisc() const { return !GetBootDOLOffset(*this, PARTITION_NONE).has_value(); } std::array<u8, 20> VolumeGC::GetSyncHash() const { mbedtls_sha1_context context; mbedtls_sha1_init(&context); mbedtls_sha1_starts_ret(&context); AddGamePartitionToSyncHash(&context); std::array<u8, 20> hash; mbedtls_sha1_finish_ret(&context, hash.data()); return hash; } VolumeGC::ConvertedGCBanner VolumeGC::LoadBannerFile() const { GCBanner banner_file; const u64 file_size = ReadFile(*this, PARTITION_NONE, "opening.bnr", reinterpret_cast<u8*>(&banner_file), sizeof(GCBanner)); if (file_size < 4) { WARN_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "Could not read opening.bnr."); return {}; // Return early so that we don't access the uninitialized banner_file.id } constexpr u32 BNR1_MAGIC = 0x31524e42; constexpr u32 BNR2_MAGIC = 0x32524e42; bool is_bnr1; if (banner_file.id == BNR1_MAGIC && file_size == BNR1_SIZE) { is_bnr1 = true; } else if (banner_file.id == BNR2_MAGIC && file_size == BNR2_SIZE) { is_bnr1 = false; } else { WARN_LOG_FMT(DISCIO, "Invalid opening.bnr. Type: {:#0x} Size: {:#0x}", banner_file.id, file_size); return {}; } return ExtractBannerInformation(banner_file, is_bnr1); } VolumeGC::ConvertedGCBanner VolumeGC::ExtractBannerInformation(const GCBanner& banner_file, bool is_bnr1) const { ConvertedGCBanner banner; u32 number_of_languages = 0; Language start_language = Language::Unknown; if (is_bnr1) // NTSC { number_of_languages = 1; start_language = GetRegion() == Region::NTSC_J ? Language::Japanese : Language::English; } else // PAL { number_of_languages = 6; start_language = Language::English; } banner.image_width = GC_BANNER_WIDTH; banner.image_height = GC_BANNER_HEIGHT; banner.image_buffer = std::vector<u32>(GC_BANNER_WIDTH * GC_BANNER_HEIGHT); Common::Decode5A3Image(banner.image_buffer.data(), banner_file.image, GC_BANNER_WIDTH, GC_BANNER_HEIGHT); for (u32 i = 0; i < number_of_languages; ++i) { const GCBannerInformation& info = banner_file.information[i]; Language language = static_cast<Language>(static_cast<int>(start_language) + i); std::string description = DecodeString(info.description); if (!description.empty()) banner.descriptions.emplace(language, description); std::string short_name = DecodeString(info.short_name); if (!short_name.empty()) banner.short_names.emplace(language, short_name); std::string long_name = DecodeString(info.long_name); if (!long_name.empty()) banner.long_names.emplace(language, long_name); std::string short_maker = DecodeString(info.short_maker); if (!short_maker.empty()) banner.short_makers.emplace(language, short_maker); std::string long_maker = DecodeString(info.long_maker); if (!long_maker.empty()) banner.long_makers.emplace(language, long_maker); } return banner; } VolumeGC::ConvertedGCBanner::ConvertedGCBanner() = default; VolumeGC::ConvertedGCBanner::~ConvertedGCBanner() = default; } // namespace DiscIO