// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <algorithm> #include <cinttypes> #include <cstddef> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include <wx/app.h> #include <wx/bitmap.h> #include <wx/buffer.h> #include <wx/colour.h> #include <wx/dirdlg.h> #include <wx/filedlg.h> #include <wx/filefn.h> #include <wx/filename.h> #include <wx/gdicmn.h> #include <wx/imaglist.h> #include <wx/listctrl.h> #include <wx/menu.h> #include <wx/msgdlg.h> #include <wx/progdlg.h> #include <wx/settings.h> #include <wx/tipwin.h> #include <wx/wxcrt.h> #ifdef __WXMSW__ #include <CommCtrl.h> #include <wx/msw/dc.h> #endif #include "Common/CDUtils.h" #include "Common/CommonPaths.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "Common/Thread.h" #include "Core/Boot/Boot.h" #include "Core/Config/NetplaySettings.h" #include "Core/ConfigManager.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/HW/DVD/DVDInterface.h" #include "Core/HW/WiiSave.h" #include "Core/Movie.h" #include "Core/SysConf.h" #include "Core/TitleDatabase.h" #include "Core/WiiUtils.h" #include "DiscIO/Blob.h" #include "DiscIO/Enums.h" #include "DiscIO/Volume.h" #include "DolphinWX/Frame.h" #include "DolphinWX/GameListCtrl.h" #include "DolphinWX/Globals.h" #include "DolphinWX/ISOProperties/ISOProperties.h" #include "DolphinWX/Main.h" #include "DolphinWX/NetPlay/NetPlayLauncher.h" #include "DolphinWX/WxUtils.h" #include "UICommon/GameFile.h" #include "UICommon/GameFileCache.h" #include "UICommon/UICommon.h" struct CompressionProgress final { public: CompressionProgress(int items_done_, int items_total_, const std::string& current_filename_, wxProgressDialog* dialog_) : items_done(items_done_), items_total(items_total_), current_filename(current_filename_), dialog(dialog_) { } int items_done; int items_total; std::string current_filename; wxProgressDialog* dialog; }; static bool sorted = false; static int CompareGameListItems(size_t item1, size_t item2, long sortData, const GameListCtrl* caller) { // return 1 if item1 > item2 // return -1 if item1 < item2 // return 0 for identity const UICommon::GameFile* iso1 = caller->GetISO(item1); const UICommon::GameFile* iso2 = caller->GetISO(item2); if (iso1 == iso2) return 0; int t = 1; if (sortData < 0) { t = -1; sortData = -sortData; } switch (sortData) { case GameListCtrl::COLUMN_MAKER: { int maker_cmp = strcasecmp(iso1->GetMaker().c_str(), iso2->GetMaker().c_str()) * t; if (maker_cmp != 0) return maker_cmp; break; } case GameListCtrl::COLUMN_FILENAME: return wxStricmp(wxFileNameFromPath(iso1->GetFilePath()), wxFileNameFromPath(iso2->GetFilePath())) * t; case GameListCtrl::COLUMN_ID: { int id_cmp = strcasecmp(iso1->GetGameID().c_str(), iso2->GetGameID().c_str()) * t; if (id_cmp != 0) return id_cmp; break; } case GameListCtrl::COLUMN_COUNTRY: if (iso1->GetCountry() > iso2->GetCountry()) return 1 * t; if (iso1->GetCountry() < iso2->GetCountry()) return -1 * t; break; case GameListCtrl::COLUMN_SIZE: if (iso1->GetFileSize() > iso2->GetFileSize()) return 1 * t; if (iso1->GetFileSize() < iso2->GetFileSize()) return -1 * t; break; case GameListCtrl::COLUMN_PLATFORM: if (iso1->GetPlatform() > iso2->GetPlatform()) return 1 * t; if (iso1->GetPlatform() < iso2->GetPlatform()) return -1 * t; break; } if (sortData != GameListCtrl::COLUMN_TITLE) t = 1; int name_cmp = strcasecmp(caller->GetShownName(item1).c_str(), caller->GetShownName(item2).c_str()) * t; if (name_cmp != 0) return name_cmp; if (iso1->GetGameID() != iso2->GetGameID()) return t * (iso1->GetGameID() > iso2->GetGameID() ? 1 : -1); if (iso1->GetRevision() != iso2->GetRevision()) return t * (iso1->GetRevision() > iso2->GetRevision() ? 1 : -1); if (iso1->GetDiscNumber() != iso2->GetDiscNumber()) return t * (iso1->GetDiscNumber() > iso2->GetDiscNumber() ? 1 : -1); wxString iso1_filename = wxFileNameFromPath(iso1->GetFilePath()); wxString iso2_filename = wxFileNameFromPath(iso2->GetFilePath()); if (iso1_filename != iso2_filename) return t * wxStricmp(iso1_filename, iso2_filename); return 0; } static bool ShouldDisplayGameListItem(const UICommon::GameFile& item) { const bool show_platform = [&item] { switch (item.GetPlatform()) { case DiscIO::Platform::GameCubeDisc: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListGC; case DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWii; case DiscIO::Platform::WiiWAD: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWad; case DiscIO::Platform::ELFOrDOL: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListElfDol; default: return false; } }(); if (!show_platform) return false; switch (item.GetCountry()) { case DiscIO::Country::Australia: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListAustralia; case DiscIO::Country::Europe: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListPal; case DiscIO::Country::France: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListFrance; case DiscIO::Country::Germany: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListGermany; case DiscIO::Country::Italy: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListItaly; case DiscIO::Country::Japan: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListJap; case DiscIO::Country::Korea: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListKorea; case DiscIO::Country::Netherlands: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListNetherlands; case DiscIO::Country::Russia: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListRussia; case DiscIO::Country::Spain: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListSpain; case DiscIO::Country::Taiwan: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListTaiwan; case DiscIO::Country::USA: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListUsa; case DiscIO::Country::World: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWorld; case DiscIO::Country::Unknown: default: return SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListUnknown; } } wxDEFINE_EVENT(DOLPHIN_EVT_REFRESH_GAMELIST, wxCommandEvent); wxDEFINE_EVENT(DOLPHIN_EVT_RESCAN_GAMELIST, wxCommandEvent); struct GameListCtrl::ColumnInfo { const int id; const int default_width; const bool resizable; bool& visible; }; GameListCtrl::GameListCtrl(bool disable_scanning, wxWindow* parent, const wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxListCtrl(parent, id, pos, size, style), m_columns({// {COLUMN, {default_width (without platform padding), resizability, visibility}} {COLUMN_PLATFORM, 32 + 1 /* icon padding */, false, SConfig::GetInstance().m_showSystemColumn}, {COLUMN_BANNER, 96, false, SConfig::GetInstance().m_showBannerColumn}, {COLUMN_TITLE, 175, true, SConfig::GetInstance().m_showTitleColumn}, {COLUMN_MAKER, 150, true, SConfig::GetInstance().m_showMakerColumn}, {COLUMN_FILENAME, 100, true, SConfig::GetInstance().m_showFileNameColumn}, {COLUMN_ID, 75, false, SConfig::GetInstance().m_showIDColumn}, {COLUMN_COUNTRY, 32, false, SConfig::GetInstance().m_showRegionColumn}, {COLUMN_SIZE, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE, false, SConfig::GetInstance().m_showSizeColumn}}) { Bind(wxEVT_SIZE, &GameListCtrl::OnSize, this); Bind(wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, &GameListCtrl::OnRightClick, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &GameListCtrl::OnLeftClick, this); Bind(wxEVT_LIST_KEY_DOWN, &GameListCtrl::OnKeyPress, this); Bind(wxEVT_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG, &GameListCtrl::OnColBeginDrag, this); Bind(wxEVT_LIST_COL_CLICK, &GameListCtrl::OnColumnClick, this); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &GameListCtrl::OnProperties, this, IDM_PROPERTIES); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &GameListCtrl::OnWiki, this, IDM_GAME_WIKI); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &GameListCtrl::OnOpenContainingFolder, this, IDM_OPEN_CONTAINING_FOLDER); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &GameListCtrl::OnOpenSaveFolder, this, IDM_OPEN_SAVE_FOLDER); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &GameListCtrl::OnExportSave, this, IDM_EXPORT_SAVE); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &GameListCtrl::OnSetDefaultISO, this, IDM_SET_DEFAULT_ISO); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &GameListCtrl::OnCompressISO, this, IDM_COMPRESS_ISO); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &GameListCtrl::OnMultiCompressISO, this, IDM_MULTI_COMPRESS_ISO); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &GameListCtrl::OnMultiDecompressISO, this, IDM_MULTI_DECOMPRESS_ISO); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &GameListCtrl::OnDeleteISO, this, IDM_DELETE_ISO); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &GameListCtrl::OnChangeDisc, this, IDM_LIST_CHANGE_DISC); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, &GameListCtrl::OnNetPlayHost, this, IDM_START_NETPLAY); Bind(DOLPHIN_EVT_REFRESH_GAMELIST, &GameListCtrl::OnRefreshGameList, this); Bind(DOLPHIN_EVT_RESCAN_GAMELIST, &GameListCtrl::OnRescanGameList, this); wxTheApp->Bind(DOLPHIN_EVT_LOCAL_INI_CHANGED, &GameListCtrl::OnLocalIniModified, this); if (!disable_scanning) { m_scan_thread = std::thread([&] { Common::SetCurrentThreadName("Game list scanner"); if (m_cache.Load()) QueueEvent(new wxCommandEvent(DOLPHIN_EVT_REFRESH_GAMELIST)); // Always do an initial scan to catch new files and perform the more expensive per-file // checks. TODO Make this safely cancellable if it becomes too slow? RescanList(); m_scan_trigger.Wait(); while (!m_scan_exiting.IsSet()) { RescanList(); m_scan_trigger.Wait(); } }); } } GameListCtrl::~GameListCtrl() { if (m_scan_thread.joinable()) { m_scan_exiting.Set(); m_scan_trigger.Set(); m_scan_thread.join(); } } template <typename T> static void InitBitmap(wxImageList* img_list, std::vector<int>* vector, wxWindow* context, const wxSize& usable_size, T index, const std::string& name, bool themed = false) { wxSize size = img_list->GetSize(); auto bitmap_fnc = themed ? WxUtils::LoadScaledThemeBitmap : WxUtils::LoadScaledResourceBitmap; (*vector)[static_cast<size_t>(index)] = img_list->Add( bitmap_fnc(name, context, size, usable_size, WxUtils::LSI_SCALE | WxUtils::LSI_ALIGN_VCENTER, wxTransparentColour)); } void GameListCtrl::InitBitmaps() { const wxSize size = FromDIP(wxSize(96, 32)); const wxSize flag_bmp_size = FromDIP(wxSize(32, 32)); const wxSize platform_bmp_size = flag_bmp_size; wxImageList* img_list = new wxImageList(size.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight()); AssignImageList(img_list, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL); auto& flag_indexes = m_image_indexes.flag; flag_indexes.resize(static_cast<size_t>(DiscIO::Country::NumberOfCountries)); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::Japan, "Flag_Japan"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::Europe, "Flag_Europe"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::USA, "Flag_USA"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::Australia, "Flag_Australia"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::France, "Flag_France"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::Germany, "Flag_Germany"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::Italy, "Flag_Italy"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::Korea, "Flag_Korea"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::Netherlands, "Flag_Netherlands"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::Russia, "Flag_Russia"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::Spain, "Flag_Spain"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::Taiwan, "Flag_Taiwan"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::World, "Flag_International"); InitBitmap(img_list, &flag_indexes, this, flag_bmp_size, DiscIO::Country::Unknown, "Flag_Unknown"); auto& platform_indexes = m_image_indexes.platform; platform_indexes.resize(static_cast<size_t>(DiscIO::Platform::NumberOfPlatforms)); InitBitmap(img_list, &platform_indexes, this, platform_bmp_size, DiscIO::Platform::GameCubeDisc, "Platform_Gamecube"); InitBitmap(img_list, &platform_indexes, this, platform_bmp_size, DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc, "Platform_Wii"); InitBitmap(img_list, &platform_indexes, this, platform_bmp_size, DiscIO::Platform::WiiWAD, "Platform_Wad"); InitBitmap(img_list, &platform_indexes, this, platform_bmp_size, DiscIO::Platform::ELFOrDOL, "Platform_File"); auto& utility_banner_indexes = m_image_indexes.utility_banner; utility_banner_indexes.resize(1); InitBitmap(img_list, &utility_banner_indexes, this, size, 0, "nobanner"); } void GameListCtrl::BrowseForDirectory() { wxString dirHome; wxGetHomeDir(&dirHome); // browse wxDirDialog dialog(this, _("Browse for a directory to add"), dirHome, wxDD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxDD_DIR_MUST_EXIST); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { std::string sPath(WxStrToStr(dialog.GetPath())); std::vector<std::string>::iterator itResult = std::find(SConfig::GetInstance().m_ISOFolder.begin(), SConfig::GetInstance().m_ISOFolder.end(), sPath); if (itResult == SConfig::GetInstance().m_ISOFolder.end()) { SConfig::GetInstance().m_ISOFolder.push_back(sPath); SConfig::GetInstance().SaveSettings(); m_scan_trigger.Set(); } } } void GameListCtrl::RefreshList() { int scrollPos = wxWindow::GetScrollPos(wxVERTICAL); // Don't let the user refresh it while a game is running if (Core::GetState() != Core::State::Uninitialized) return; // Use a newly loaded title database (it might have gotten updated) const Core::TitleDatabase title_database; m_shown_names.clear(); m_shown_files.clear(); { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_cache_mutex); m_cache.ForEach( [this, &title_database](const std::shared_ptr<const UICommon::GameFile>& game_file) { if (ShouldDisplayGameListItem(*game_file)) { m_shown_names.push_back(game_file->GetName(title_database)); m_shown_files.push_back(game_file); } }); } // Drives are not cached. Not sure if this is required, but better to err on the // side of caution if cross-platform issues could come into play. if (SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListDrives) { for (const auto& drive : Common::GetCDDevices()) { auto file = std::make_shared<UICommon::GameFile>(drive); if (file->IsValid()) { m_shown_names.push_back(file->GetName(title_database)); m_shown_files.push_back(std::move(file)); } } } Freeze(); ClearAll(); if (!m_shown_files.empty()) { // Don't load bitmaps unless there are games to list InitBitmaps(); // add columns InsertColumn(COLUMN_DUMMY, ""); InsertColumn(COLUMN_PLATFORM, ""); InsertColumn(COLUMN_BANNER, _("Banner")); InsertColumn(COLUMN_TITLE, _("Title")); InsertColumn(COLUMN_MAKER, _("Maker")); InsertColumn(COLUMN_FILENAME, _("File")); InsertColumn(COLUMN_ID, _("ID")); InsertColumn(COLUMN_COUNTRY, ""); InsertColumn(COLUMN_SIZE, _("Size")); #ifdef __WXMSW__ const int platform_padding = 0; #else const int platform_padding = 8; #endif // set initial sizes for columns SetColumnWidth(COLUMN_DUMMY, 0); for (const auto& c : m_columns) { SetColumnWidth(c.id, c.visible ? FromDIP(c.default_width + platform_padding) : 0); } // add all items for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_shown_files.size(); i++) InsertItemInReportView(i); SetColors(); // Sort items by Title if (!sorted) m_last_column = 0; sorted = false; wxListEvent event; event.m_col = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListSort2; OnColumnClick(event); event.m_col = SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListSort; OnColumnClick(event); sorted = true; SetColumnWidth(COLUMN_SIZE, SConfig::GetInstance().m_showSizeColumn ? wxLIST_AUTOSIZE : 0); } else { // Remove existing image list and replace it with the smallest possible one. // The list needs an image list because it reserves screen pixels for the // image even if we aren't going to use one. It uses the dimensions of the // last non-null list so assigning nullptr doesn't work. AssignImageList(new wxImageList(1, 1), wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL); wxString errorString; // We just check for one hide setting to be enabled, as we may only // have GC games for example, and hide them, so we should show the // first message instead if (IsHidingItems()) { errorString = _("Dolphin is currently set to hide all games. Double-click here to show all games..."); } else { errorString = _("Dolphin could not find any GameCube/Wii ISOs or WADs. Double-click here to " "set a games directory..."); } InsertColumn(COLUMN_DUMMY, ""); long index = InsertItem(0, errorString); SetItemFont(index, *wxITALIC_FONT); SetColumnWidth(0, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE); } if (GetSelectedISO() == nullptr) main_frame->UpdateGUI(); // Thaw before calling AutomaticColumnWidth so that GetClientSize will // correctly account for the width of scrollbars if they appear. Thaw(); AutomaticColumnWidth(); ScrollLines(scrollPos); SetFocus(); } // Update the column content of the item at index void GameListCtrl::UpdateItemAtColumn(long index, int column) { const size_t item_data = GetItemData(index); const auto& iso_file = *GetISO(item_data); switch (column) { case COLUMN_PLATFORM: { SetItemColumnImage(index, COLUMN_PLATFORM, m_image_indexes.platform[static_cast<size_t>(iso_file.GetPlatform())]); break; } case COLUMN_BANNER: { int image_index = m_image_indexes.utility_banner[0]; // nobanner wxImage banner = WxUtils::ToWxImage(iso_file.GetBannerImage()); if (banner.IsOk()) { wxImageList* img_list = GetImageList(wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL); image_index = img_list->Add(WxUtils::ScaleImageToBitmap(banner, this, img_list->GetSize())); } SetItemColumnImage(index, COLUMN_BANNER, image_index); break; } case COLUMN_TITLE: { wxString name = StrToWxStr(GetShownName(item_data)); int disc_number = iso_file.GetDiscNumber() + 1; if (disc_number > 1 && name.Lower().find(wxString::Format("disc %i", disc_number)) == std::string::npos && name.Lower().find(wxString::Format("disc%i", disc_number)) == std::string::npos) { name = wxString::Format(_("%s (Disc %i)"), name.c_str(), disc_number); } SetItem(index, COLUMN_TITLE, name, -1); break; } case COLUMN_MAKER: SetItem(index, COLUMN_MAKER, StrToWxStr(iso_file.GetMaker()), -1); break; case COLUMN_FILENAME: SetItem(index, COLUMN_FILENAME, wxFileNameFromPath(StrToWxStr(iso_file.GetFilePath())), -1); break; case COLUMN_COUNTRY: SetItemColumnImage(index, COLUMN_COUNTRY, m_image_indexes.flag[static_cast<size_t>(iso_file.GetCountry())]); break; case COLUMN_SIZE: SetItem(index, COLUMN_SIZE, UICommon::FormatSize(iso_file.GetFileSize()), -1); break; case COLUMN_ID: SetItem(index, COLUMN_ID, iso_file.GetGameID(), -1); break; } } void GameListCtrl::InsertItemInReportView(long index) { // When using wxListCtrl, there is no hope of per-column text colors. // But for reference, here are the old colors that were used: (BGR) // title: 0xFF0000 // company: 0x007030 // Insert a first column (COLUMN_DUMMY) with nothing in it to use as the Index long item_index; { wxListItem li; li.SetId(index); li.SetData(index); li.SetMask(wxLIST_MASK_DATA); item_index = InsertItem(li); } // Iterate over all columns and fill them with content if they are visible for (int i = FIRST_COLUMN_WITH_CONTENT; i < NUMBER_OF_COLUMN; i++) { if (GetColumnWidth(i) != 0) UpdateItemAtColumn(item_index, i); } } static wxColour blend50(const wxColour& c1, const wxColour& c2) { unsigned char r, g, b, a; r = c1.Red() / 2 + c2.Red() / 2; g = c1.Green() / 2 + c2.Green() / 2; b = c1.Blue() / 2 + c2.Blue() / 2; a = c1.Alpha() / 2 + c2.Alpha() / 2; return a << 24 | b << 16 | g << 8 | r; } static wxColour ContrastText(const wxColour& bgc) { // Luminance threshold to determine whether to use black text on light background static constexpr int LUM_THRESHOLD = 186; int lum = 0.299 * bgc.Red() + 0.587 * bgc.Green() + 0.114 * bgc.Blue(); return (lum > LUM_THRESHOLD) ? *wxBLACK : *wxWHITE; } void GameListCtrl::SetColors() { for (long i = 0; i < GetItemCount(); i++) { wxColour color = (i & 1) ? blend50(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DLIGHT), wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)) : wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW); SetItemBackgroundColour(i, color); SetItemTextColour(i, ContrastText(color)); } } void GameListCtrl::RescanList() { auto post_status = [&](const wxString& status) { auto event = new wxCommandEvent(wxEVT_HOST_COMMAND, IDM_UPDATE_STATUS_BAR); event->SetInt(0); event->SetString(status); QueueEvent(event); }; post_status(_("Scanning...")); const std::vector<std::string> game_paths = UICommon::FindAllGamePaths( SConfig::GetInstance().m_ISOFolder, SConfig::GetInstance().m_RecursiveISOFolder); bool cache_changed = false; { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_cache_mutex); if (m_cache.Update(game_paths)) { cache_changed = true; QueueEvent(new wxCommandEvent(DOLPHIN_EVT_REFRESH_GAMELIST)); } } { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_cache_mutex); if (m_cache.UpdateAdditionalMetadata()) { cache_changed = true; QueueEvent(new wxCommandEvent(DOLPHIN_EVT_REFRESH_GAMELIST)); } } post_status(""); if (cache_changed) m_cache.Save(); } void GameListCtrl::OnRefreshGameList(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { RefreshList(); } void GameListCtrl::OnRescanGameList(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (event.GetInt()) { // Knock out the cache on a purge event std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m_cache_mutex); m_cache.Clear(); } m_scan_trigger.Set(); } void GameListCtrl::OnLocalIniModified(wxCommandEvent& ev) { ev.Skip(); // We need show any changes to the ini which could impact our columns. Currently only the // EmuState/Issues settings can do that. We also need to persist the changes to the cache - so // just trigger a rescan which will sync the cache and then display the new values. m_scan_trigger.Set(); } void GameListCtrl::OnColBeginDrag(wxListEvent& event) { const int column_id = event.GetColumn(); if (column_id != COLUMN_TITLE && column_id != COLUMN_MAKER && column_id != COLUMN_FILENAME) event.Veto(); } const UICommon::GameFile* GameListCtrl::GetISO(size_t index) const { if (index < m_shown_files.size()) return m_shown_files[index].get(); return nullptr; } const std::string& GameListCtrl::GetShownName(size_t index) const { return m_shown_names[index]; } static GameListCtrl* caller; static int wxCALLBACK wxListCompare(wxIntPtr item1, wxIntPtr item2, wxIntPtr sortData) { return CompareGameListItems(item1, item2, sortData, caller); } void GameListCtrl::OnColumnClick(wxListEvent& event) { if (event.GetColumn() != COLUMN_BANNER) { int current_column = event.GetColumn(); if (sorted) { if (m_last_column == current_column) { m_last_sort = -m_last_sort; } else { SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListSort2 = m_last_sort; m_last_column = current_column; m_last_sort = current_column; } SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListSort = m_last_sort; } else { m_last_sort = current_column; m_last_column = current_column; } caller = this; SortItems(wxListCompare, m_last_sort); } SetColors(); event.Skip(); } // This is used by keyboard gamelist search void GameListCtrl::OnKeyPress(wxListEvent& event) { static int lastKey = 0, sLoop = 0; int Loop = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_shown_files.size(); i++) { // Easy way to get game string wxListItem bleh; bleh.SetId(i); bleh.SetColumn(COLUMN_TITLE); bleh.SetMask(wxLIST_MASK_TEXT); GetItem(bleh); wxString text = bleh.GetText(); if (text.MakeUpper()[0] == event.GetKeyCode()) { if (lastKey == event.GetKeyCode() && Loop < sLoop) { Loop++; if (i + 1 == (int)m_shown_files.size()) i = -1; continue; } else if (lastKey != event.GetKeyCode()) { sLoop = 0; } lastKey = event.GetKeyCode(); sLoop++; UnselectAll(); SetItemState(i, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED | wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED | wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED); EnsureVisible(i); break; } // If we get past the last game in the list, // we'll have to go back to the first one. if (i + 1 == (int)m_shown_files.size() && sLoop > 0 && Loop > 0) i = -1; } event.Skip(); } void GameListCtrl::OnLeftClick(wxMouseEvent& event) { // Focus the clicked item. int flags; long item = HitTest(event.GetPosition(), flags); if ((item != wxNOT_FOUND) && (GetSelectedItemCount() == 0) && (!event.ControlDown()) && (!event.ShiftDown())) { SetItemState(item, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); SetItemState(item, wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED, wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED); wxGetApp().GetCFrame()->UpdateGUI(); } event.Skip(); } void GameListCtrl::OnRightClick(wxMouseEvent& event) { // Focus the clicked item. int flags; long item = HitTest(event.GetPosition(), flags); if (item != wxNOT_FOUND) { if (GetItemState(item, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED) != wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED) { UnselectAll(); SetItemState(item, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); } SetItemState(item, wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED, wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED); } if (GetSelectedItemCount() == 1) { const UICommon::GameFile* selected_iso = GetSelectedISO(); if (selected_iso) { wxMenu popupMenu; DiscIO::Platform platform = selected_iso->GetPlatform(); if (platform != DiscIO::Platform::ELFOrDOL) { popupMenu.Append(IDM_PROPERTIES, _("&Properties")); popupMenu.Append(IDM_GAME_WIKI, _("&Wiki")); popupMenu.AppendSeparator(); } if (platform == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc || platform == DiscIO::Platform::WiiWAD) { auto* const open_save_folder_item = popupMenu.Append(IDM_OPEN_SAVE_FOLDER, _("Open Wii &save folder")); auto* const export_save_item = popupMenu.Append(IDM_EXPORT_SAVE, _("Export Wii save (Experimental)")); // We should not allow the user to mess with the save folder or export saves while // emulation is running, because this could result in the exported save being in // an inconsistent state; the emulated software can do *anything* to its data directory, // and we definitely do not want the user to touch anything in there if it's running. for (auto* menu_item : {open_save_folder_item, export_save_item}) { menu_item->Enable((!Core::IsRunning() || !SConfig::GetInstance().bWii) && File::IsDirectory(selected_iso->GetWiiFSPath())); } } popupMenu.Append(IDM_OPEN_CONTAINING_FOLDER, _("Open &containing folder")); if (platform != DiscIO::Platform::ELFOrDOL) popupMenu.AppendCheckItem(IDM_SET_DEFAULT_ISO, _("Set as &default ISO")); // First we have to decide a starting value when we append it if (selected_iso->GetFilePath() == SConfig::GetInstance().m_strDefaultISO) popupMenu.FindItem(IDM_SET_DEFAULT_ISO)->Check(); popupMenu.AppendSeparator(); popupMenu.Append(IDM_DELETE_ISO, _("&Delete File...")); if (platform == DiscIO::Platform::GameCubeDisc || platform == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) { if (selected_iso->GetBlobType() == DiscIO::BlobType::GCZ) popupMenu.Append(IDM_COMPRESS_ISO, _("Decompress ISO...")); else if (selected_iso->GetBlobType() == DiscIO::BlobType::PLAIN) popupMenu.Append(IDM_COMPRESS_ISO, _("Compress ISO...")); wxMenuItem* changeDiscItem = popupMenu.Append(IDM_LIST_CHANGE_DISC, _("Change &Disc")); changeDiscItem->Enable(Core::IsRunning()); } if (platform == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) { auto* const perform_update_item = popupMenu.Append(IDM_LIST_PERFORM_DISC_UPDATE, _("Perform System Update")); perform_update_item->Enable(!Core::IsRunning() || !SConfig::GetInstance().bWii); } if (platform == DiscIO::Platform::WiiWAD) { auto* const install_wad_item = popupMenu.Append(IDM_LIST_INSTALL_WAD, _("Install to the NAND")); auto* const uninstall_wad_item = popupMenu.Append(IDM_LIST_UNINSTALL_WAD, _("Uninstall from the NAND")); // These should not be allowed while emulation is running for safety reasons. const bool can_enable = !Core::IsRunning() || !SConfig::GetInstance().bWii; install_wad_item->Enable(can_enable); // IsTitleInstalled should also only be called when nothing is using the NAND. if (can_enable) uninstall_wad_item->Enable(WiiUtils::IsTitleInstalled(selected_iso->GetTitleID())); else uninstall_wad_item->Enable(false); } popupMenu.Append(IDM_START_NETPLAY, _("Host with Netplay")); PopupMenu(&popupMenu); } } else if (GetSelectedItemCount() > 1) { wxMenu popupMenu; popupMenu.Append(IDM_DELETE_ISO, _("&Delete selected ISOs...")); popupMenu.AppendSeparator(); popupMenu.Append(IDM_MULTI_COMPRESS_ISO, _("Compress selected ISOs...")); popupMenu.Append(IDM_MULTI_DECOMPRESS_ISO, _("Decompress selected ISOs...")); PopupMenu(&popupMenu); } } const UICommon::GameFile* GameListCtrl::GetSelectedISO() const { if (m_shown_files.empty()) return nullptr; if (GetSelectedItemCount() == 0) return nullptr; long item = GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); if (item == wxNOT_FOUND) return nullptr; return GetISO(GetItemData(item)); } std::vector<const UICommon::GameFile*> GameListCtrl::GetAllSelectedISOs() const { std::vector<const UICommon::GameFile*> result; long item = -1; while (true) { item = GetNextItem(item, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); if (item == wxNOT_FOUND) return result; result.push_back(GetISO(GetItemData(item))); } } bool GameListCtrl::IsHidingItems() { return !(SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListGC && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWii && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWad && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListElfDol && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListJap && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListUsa && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListPal && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListAustralia && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListFrance && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListGermany && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListItaly && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListKorea && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListNetherlands && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListRussia && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListSpain && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListTaiwan && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListWorld && SConfig::GetInstance().m_ListUnknown); } void GameListCtrl::OnOpenContainingFolder(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { const UICommon::GameFile* iso = GetSelectedISO(); if (!iso) return; wxFileName path = wxFileName::FileName(StrToWxStr(iso->GetFilePath())); path.MakeAbsolute(); WxUtils::Explore(WxStrToStr(path.GetPath())); } void GameListCtrl::OnOpenSaveFolder(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { const UICommon::GameFile* iso = GetSelectedISO(); if (!iso) return; std::string path = iso->GetWiiFSPath(); if (!path.empty()) WxUtils::Explore(path); } void GameListCtrl::OnExportSave(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { const UICommon::GameFile* iso = GetSelectedISO(); if (iso) WiiSave::Export(iso->GetTitleID(), File::GetUserPath(D_USER_IDX)); } // Save this file as the default file void GameListCtrl::OnSetDefaultISO(wxCommandEvent& event) { const UICommon::GameFile* iso = GetSelectedISO(); if (!iso) return; if (event.IsChecked()) { // Write the new default value and save it the ini file SConfig::GetInstance().m_strDefaultISO = iso->GetFilePath(); SConfig::GetInstance().SaveSettings(); } else { // Otherwise blank the value and save it SConfig::GetInstance().m_strDefaultISO = ""; SConfig::GetInstance().SaveSettings(); } } void GameListCtrl::OnDeleteISO(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { const wxString message = GetSelectedItemCount() == 1 ? _("Are you sure you want to delete this file? It will be gone forever!") : _("Are you sure you want to delete these files? They will be gone forever!"); if (wxMessageBox(message, _("Warning"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_EXCLAMATION) == wxYES) { for (const UICommon::GameFile* iso : GetAllSelectedISOs()) File::Delete(iso->GetFilePath()); m_scan_trigger.Set(); } } void GameListCtrl::OnProperties(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { const UICommon::GameFile* iso = GetSelectedISO(); if (!iso) return; CISOProperties* ISOProperties = new CISOProperties(*iso, this); ISOProperties->Show(); } void GameListCtrl::OnWiki(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { const UICommon::GameFile* iso = GetSelectedISO(); if (!iso) return; std::string wikiUrl = "https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/dolphin-redirect.php?gameid=" + iso->GetGameID(); WxUtils::Launch(wikiUrl); } void GameListCtrl::OnNetPlayHost(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { const UICommon::GameFile* iso = GetSelectedISO(); if (!iso) return; NetPlayHostConfig config; config.FromConfig(); config.game_name = iso->GetUniqueIdentifier(); config.game_list_ctrl = this; config.SetDialogInfo(m_parent); Config::SetBaseOrCurrent(Config::NETPLAY_SELECTED_HOST_GAME, config.game_name); NetPlayLauncher::Host(config); } bool GameListCtrl::MultiCompressCB(const std::string& text, float percent, void* arg) { CompressionProgress* progress = static_cast<CompressionProgress*>(arg); float total_percent = ((float)progress->items_done + percent) / (float)progress->items_total; wxString text_string( StrToWxStr(StringFromFormat("%s (%i/%i) - %s", progress->current_filename.c_str(), progress->items_done + 1, progress->items_total, text.c_str()))); return progress->dialog->Update(total_percent * progress->dialog->GetRange(), text_string); } void GameListCtrl::OnMultiCompressISO(wxCommandEvent& /*event*/) { CompressSelection(true); } void GameListCtrl::OnMultiDecompressISO(wxCommandEvent& /*event*/) { CompressSelection(false); } void GameListCtrl::CompressSelection(bool _compress) { std::vector<const UICommon::GameFile*> items_to_compress; bool wii_compression_warning_accepted = false; for (const UICommon::GameFile* iso : GetAllSelectedISOs()) { // Don't include items that we can't do anything with if (iso->GetPlatform() != DiscIO::Platform::GameCubeDisc && iso->GetPlatform() != DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) continue; if (iso->GetBlobType() != DiscIO::BlobType::PLAIN && iso->GetBlobType() != DiscIO::BlobType::GCZ) continue; items_to_compress.push_back(iso); // Show the Wii compression warning if it's relevant and it hasn't been shown already if (!wii_compression_warning_accepted && _compress && iso->GetBlobType() != DiscIO::BlobType::GCZ && iso->GetPlatform() == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) { if (WiiCompressWarning()) wii_compression_warning_accepted = true; else return; } } wxString dirHome; wxGetHomeDir(&dirHome); wxDirDialog browseDialog(this, _("Browse for output directory"), dirHome, wxDD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wxDD_DIR_MUST_EXIST); if (browseDialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; bool all_good = true; { wxProgressDialog progressDialog( _compress ? _("Compressing ISO") : _("Decompressing ISO"), _("Working..."), 1000, // Arbitrary number that's larger than the dialog's width in pixels this, wxPD_APP_MODAL | wxPD_CAN_ABORT | wxPD_ELAPSED_TIME | wxPD_ESTIMATED_TIME | wxPD_REMAINING_TIME | wxPD_SMOOTH); CompressionProgress progress(0, items_to_compress.size(), "", &progressDialog); for (const UICommon::GameFile* iso : items_to_compress) { if (iso->GetBlobType() != DiscIO::BlobType::GCZ && _compress) { std::string FileName; SplitPath(iso->GetFilePath(), nullptr, &FileName, nullptr); progress.current_filename = FileName; FileName.append(".gcz"); std::string OutputFileName; BuildCompleteFilename(OutputFileName, WxStrToStr(browseDialog.GetPath()), FileName); if (File::Exists(OutputFileName) && wxMessageBox( wxString::Format(_("The file %s already exists.\nDo you wish to replace it?"), StrToWxStr(OutputFileName)), _("Confirm File Overwrite"), wxYES_NO) == wxNO) continue; all_good &= DiscIO::CompressFileToBlob(iso->GetFilePath(), OutputFileName, (iso->GetPlatform() == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) ? 1 : 0, 16384, &MultiCompressCB, &progress); } else if (iso->GetBlobType() == DiscIO::BlobType::GCZ && !_compress) { std::string FileName; SplitPath(iso->GetFilePath(), nullptr, &FileName, nullptr); progress.current_filename = FileName; if (iso->GetPlatform() == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) FileName.append(".iso"); else FileName.append(".gcm"); std::string OutputFileName; BuildCompleteFilename(OutputFileName, WxStrToStr(browseDialog.GetPath()), FileName); if (File::Exists(OutputFileName) && wxMessageBox( wxString::Format(_("The file %s already exists.\nDo you wish to replace it?"), StrToWxStr(OutputFileName)), _("Confirm File Overwrite"), wxYES_NO) == wxNO) continue; all_good &= DiscIO::DecompressBlobToFile(iso->GetFilePath().c_str(), OutputFileName.c_str(), &MultiCompressCB, &progress); } progress.items_done++; } } if (!all_good) WxUtils::ShowErrorDialog(_("Dolphin was unable to complete the requested action.")); m_scan_trigger.Set(); } bool GameListCtrl::CompressCB(const std::string& text, float percent, void* arg) { return ((wxProgressDialog*)arg)->Update((int)(percent * 1000), StrToWxStr(text)); } void GameListCtrl::OnCompressISO(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { const UICommon::GameFile* iso = GetSelectedISO(); if (!iso) return; bool is_compressed = iso->GetBlobType() == DiscIO::BlobType::GCZ; wxString path; std::string FileName, FilePath, FileExtension; SplitPath(iso->GetFilePath(), &FilePath, &FileName, &FileExtension); do { if (is_compressed) { wxString FileType; if (iso->GetPlatform() == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) FileType = _("All Wii ISO files (iso)") + "|*.iso"; else FileType = _("All GameCube GCM files (gcm)") + "|*.gcm"; path = wxFileSelector(_("Save decompressed GCM/ISO"), StrToWxStr(FilePath), StrToWxStr(FileName) + FileType.After('*'), wxEmptyString, FileType + "|" + wxGetTranslation(wxALL_FILES), wxFD_SAVE, this); } else { if (iso->GetPlatform() == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc && !WiiCompressWarning()) return; path = wxFileSelector(_("Save compressed GCM/ISO"), StrToWxStr(FilePath), StrToWxStr(FileName) + ".gcz", wxEmptyString, _("All compressed GC/Wii ISO files (gcz)") + wxString::Format("|*.gcz|%s", wxGetTranslation(wxALL_FILES)), wxFD_SAVE, this); } if (!path) return; } while ( wxFileExists(path) && wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("The file %s already exists.\nDo you wish to replace it?"), path.c_str()), _("Confirm File Overwrite"), wxYES_NO) == wxNO); bool all_good = false; { wxProgressDialog dialog(is_compressed ? _("Decompressing ISO") : _("Compressing ISO"), _("Working..."), 1000, this, wxPD_APP_MODAL | wxPD_CAN_ABORT | wxPD_ELAPSED_TIME | wxPD_ESTIMATED_TIME | wxPD_REMAINING_TIME | wxPD_SMOOTH); if (is_compressed) all_good = DiscIO::DecompressBlobToFile(iso->GetFilePath(), WxStrToStr(path), &CompressCB, &dialog); else all_good = DiscIO::CompressFileToBlob( iso->GetFilePath(), WxStrToStr(path), (iso->GetPlatform() == DiscIO::Platform::WiiDisc) ? 1 : 0, 16384, &CompressCB, &dialog); } if (!all_good) WxUtils::ShowErrorDialog(_("Dolphin was unable to complete the requested action.")); m_scan_trigger.Set(); } void GameListCtrl::OnChangeDisc(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { const UICommon::GameFile* iso = GetSelectedISO(); if (!iso || !Core::IsRunning()) return; Core::RunAsCPUThread([&iso] { DVDInterface::ChangeDisc(WxStrToStr(iso->GetFilePath())); }); } void GameListCtrl::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event) { event.Skip(); if (m_lastpos == event.GetSize()) return; m_lastpos = event.GetSize(); AutomaticColumnWidth(); } void GameListCtrl::AutomaticColumnWidth() { wxRect rc(GetClientRect()); Freeze(); if (GetColumnCount() == 1) { SetColumnWidth(0, rc.GetWidth()); } else if (GetColumnCount() > 0) { int remaining_width = rc.GetWidth(); std::vector<int> visible_columns; for (const auto& c : m_columns) { if (c.visible) { if (c.resizable) visible_columns.push_back(c.id); else remaining_width -= GetColumnWidth(c.id); } } if (visible_columns.empty()) visible_columns.push_back(COLUMN_DUMMY); for (const int column : visible_columns) SetColumnWidth(column, static_cast<int>(remaining_width / visible_columns.size())); } Thaw(); } void GameListCtrl::UnselectAll() { for (int i = 0; i < GetItemCount(); i++) { SetItemState(i, 0, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); } } bool GameListCtrl::WiiCompressWarning() { return wxMessageBox(_("Compressing a Wii disc image will irreversibly change the compressed copy " "by removing padding data. Your disc image will still work. Continue?"), _("Warning"), wxYES_NO) == wxYES; } #ifdef __WXMSW__ // Windows draws vertical rules between columns when using UXTheme (e.g. Aero, Win10) // This function paints over those lines which removes them. // [The repaint background idea is ripped off from Eclipse SWT which does the same thing] bool GameListCtrl::MSWOnNotify(int id, WXLPARAM lparam, WXLPARAM* result) { NMLVCUSTOMDRAW* nmlv = reinterpret_cast<NMLVCUSTOMDRAW*>(lparam); // Intercept the NM_CUSTOMDRAW[CDDS_PREPAINT] // This event occurs after the background has been painted before the content of the list // is painted. We can repaint the background to eliminate the column lines here. if (nmlv->nmcd.hdr.hwndFrom == GetHWND() && nmlv->nmcd.hdr.code == NM_CUSTOMDRAW && nmlv->nmcd.dwDrawStage == CDDS_PREPAINT) { // The column separators have already been painted, paint over them. wxDCTemp dc(nmlv->nmcd.hdc); dc.SetBrush(GetBackgroundColour()); dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.DrawRectangle(nmlv->nmcd.rc.left, nmlv->nmcd.rc.top, nmlv->nmcd.rc.right - nmlv->nmcd.rc.left, nmlv->nmcd.rc.bottom - nmlv->nmcd.rc.top); } // Defer to wxWidgets for normal processing. return wxListCtrl::MSWOnNotify(id, lparam, result); } #endif