// Copyright 2018 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "DolphinQt/Debugger/MemoryViewWidget.h" #include <QApplication> #include <QClipboard> #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QHeaderView> #include <QMenu> #include <QMouseEvent> #include <QScrollBar> #include <QSignalBlocker> #include <QTableWidget> #include <QtGlobal> #include <cmath> #include <fmt/printf.h> #include "Common/Align.h" #include "Common/FloatUtils.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "Common/Swap.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/HW/AddressSpace.h" #include "Core/PowerPC/BreakPoints.h" #include "Core/PowerPC/PowerPC.h" #include "DolphinQt/Host.h" #include "DolphinQt/Resources.h" #include "DolphinQt/Settings.h" // "Most mouse types work in steps of 15 degrees, in which case the delta value is a multiple of // 120; i.e., 120 units * 1/8 = 15 degrees." (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qwheelevent.html#angleDelta) constexpr double SCROLL_FRACTION_DEGREES = 15.; constexpr auto USER_ROLE_IS_ROW_BREAKPOINT_CELL = Qt::UserRole; constexpr auto USER_ROLE_CELL_ADDRESS = Qt::UserRole + 1; constexpr auto USER_ROLE_VALUE_TYPE = Qt::UserRole + 2; // Numbers for the scrollbar. These affect how much big the draggable part of the scrollbar is, how // smooth it scrolls, and how much memory it traverses while dragging. constexpr int SCROLLBAR_MINIMUM = 0; constexpr int SCROLLBAR_PAGESTEP = 250; constexpr int SCROLLBAR_MAXIMUM = 20000; constexpr int SCROLLBAR_CENTER = SCROLLBAR_MAXIMUM / 2; class MemoryViewTable final : public QTableWidget { public: explicit MemoryViewTable(MemoryViewWidget* parent) : QTableWidget(parent), m_view(parent) { horizontalHeader()->hide(); verticalHeader()->hide(); setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff); setShowGrid(false); setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); setSelectionMode(SingleSelection); connect(this, &MemoryViewTable::customContextMenuRequested, m_view, &MemoryViewWidget::OnContextMenu); connect(this, &MemoryViewTable::itemChanged, this, &MemoryViewTable::OnItemChanged); } void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) override { QTableWidget::resizeEvent(event); m_view->Update(); } void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) override { switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Up: m_view->m_address -= m_view->m_bytes_per_row; m_view->Update(); return; case Qt::Key_Down: m_view->m_address += m_view->m_bytes_per_row; m_view->Update(); return; case Qt::Key_PageUp: m_view->m_address -= this->rowCount() * m_view->m_bytes_per_row; m_view->Update(); return; case Qt::Key_PageDown: m_view->m_address += this->rowCount() * m_view->m_bytes_per_row; m_view->Update(); return; default: QWidget::keyPressEvent(event); break; } } void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) override { auto delta = -static_cast<int>(std::round((event->angleDelta().y() / (SCROLL_FRACTION_DEGREES * 8)))); if (delta == 0) return; m_view->m_address += delta * m_view->m_bytes_per_row; m_view->Update(); } void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) override { if (event->button() != Qt::LeftButton) return; auto* item = this->itemAt(event->pos()); if (!item) return; if (item->data(USER_ROLE_IS_ROW_BREAKPOINT_CELL).toBool()) { const u32 address = item->data(USER_ROLE_CELL_ADDRESS).toUInt(); m_view->ToggleBreakpoint(address, true); m_view->Update(); } else { QTableWidget::mousePressEvent(event); } } void OnItemChanged(QTableWidgetItem* item) { QString text = item->text(); MemoryViewWidget::Type type = static_cast<MemoryViewWidget::Type>(item->data(USER_ROLE_VALUE_TYPE).toInt()); std::vector<u8> bytes = m_view->ConvertTextToBytes(type, text); u32 address = item->data(USER_ROLE_CELL_ADDRESS).toUInt(); u32 end_address = address + static_cast<u32>(bytes.size()) - 1; AddressSpace::Accessors* accessors = AddressSpace::GetAccessors(m_view->GetAddressSpace()); if (!bytes.empty() && accessors->IsValidAddress(address) && accessors->IsValidAddress(end_address)) { for (const u8 c : bytes) accessors->WriteU8(address++, c); } m_view->Update(); } private: MemoryViewWidget* m_view; }; MemoryViewWidget::MemoryViewWidget(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) { auto* layout = new QHBoxLayout(); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); m_table = new MemoryViewTable(this); layout->addWidget(m_table); // Since the Memory View is infinitely long -- it wraps around -- we can't use a normal scroll // bar, so this initializes a custom one that is always centered but otherwise still behaves more // or less like a regular scrollbar. m_scrollbar = new QScrollBar(this); m_scrollbar->setRange(SCROLLBAR_MINIMUM, SCROLLBAR_MAXIMUM); m_scrollbar->setPageStep(SCROLLBAR_PAGESTEP); m_scrollbar->setValue(SCROLLBAR_CENTER); connect(m_scrollbar, &QScrollBar::actionTriggered, this, &MemoryViewWidget::ScrollbarActionTriggered); connect(m_scrollbar, &QScrollBar::sliderReleased, this, &MemoryViewWidget::ScrollbarSliderReleased); layout->addWidget(m_scrollbar); this->setLayout(layout); connect(&Settings::Instance(), &Settings::DebugFontChanged, this, &MemoryViewWidget::UpdateFont); connect(&Settings::Instance(), &Settings::EmulationStateChanged, this, [this] { Update(); }); connect(Host::GetInstance(), &Host::UpdateDisasmDialog, this, &MemoryViewWidget::Update); connect(&Settings::Instance(), &Settings::ThemeChanged, this, &MemoryViewWidget::Update); // Also calls update. UpdateFont(); } void MemoryViewWidget::UpdateFont() { const QFontMetrics fm(Settings::Instance().GetDebugFont()); m_font_vspace = fm.lineSpacing(); // BoundingRect is too unpredictable, a custom one would be needed for each view type. Different // fonts have wildly different spacing between two characters and horizontalAdvance includes // spacing. #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0) m_font_width = fm.horizontalAdvance(QLatin1Char('0')); #else m_font_width = fm.width(QLatin1Char('0')); #endif m_table->setFont(Settings::Instance().GetDebugFont()); Update(); } constexpr int GetTypeSize(MemoryViewWidget::Type type) { switch (type) { case MemoryViewWidget::Type::ASCII: case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Hex8: case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Unsigned8: case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Signed8: return 1; case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Unsigned16: case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Signed16: case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Hex16: return 2; case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Hex32: case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Unsigned32: case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Signed32: case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Float32: return 4; case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Double: case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Hex64: return 8; default: return 1; } } constexpr int GetCharacterCount(MemoryViewWidget::Type type) { // Max number of characters +1 for spacing between columns. switch (type) { case MemoryViewWidget::Type::ASCII: // A return 2; case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Hex8: // Byte = FF return 3; case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Unsigned8: // UCHAR_MAX = 255 return 4; case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Hex16: // 2 Bytes = FFFF case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Signed8: // CHAR_MIN = -128 return 5; case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Unsigned16: // USHORT_MAX = 65535 return 6; case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Signed16: // SHORT_MIN = -32768 return 7; case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Hex32: // 4 Bytes = FFFFFFFF return 9; case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Float32: // Rounded and Negative FLT_MAX = -3.403e+38 case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Unsigned32: // UINT_MAX = 4294967295 return 11; case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Double: // Rounded and Negative DBL_MAX = -1.798e+308 case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Signed32: // INT_MIN = -2147483648 return 12; case MemoryViewWidget::Type::Hex64: // For dual_view + Double. 8 Bytes = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF return 17; default: return 10; } } void MemoryViewWidget::Update() { const QSignalBlocker blocker(m_table); m_table->clearSelection(); u32 address = m_address; address = Common::AlignDown(address, m_alignment); const int data_columns = m_bytes_per_row / GetTypeSize(m_type); if (m_dual_view) m_table->setColumnCount(2 + 2 * data_columns); else m_table->setColumnCount(2 + data_columns); if (m_table->rowCount() == 0) m_table->setRowCount(1); // This sets all row heights and determines horizontal ascii spacing. m_table->verticalHeader()->setDefaultSectionSize(m_font_vspace - 1); m_table->verticalHeader()->setMinimumSectionSize(m_font_vspace - 1); m_table->horizontalHeader()->setMinimumSectionSize(m_font_width * 2); m_table->setTextElideMode(Qt::TextElideMode::ElideNone); const AddressSpace::Accessors* accessors = AddressSpace::GetAccessors(m_address_space); // Calculate (roughly) how many rows will fit in our table const int rows = std::round((m_table->height() / static_cast<float>(m_table->rowHeight(0))) - 0.25); m_table->setRowCount(rows); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { u32 row_address = address - ((m_table->rowCount() / 2) * m_bytes_per_row) + i * m_bytes_per_row; auto* bp_item = new QTableWidgetItem; bp_item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled); bp_item->setData(USER_ROLE_IS_ROW_BREAKPOINT_CELL, true); bp_item->setData(USER_ROLE_CELL_ADDRESS, row_address); bp_item->setData(USER_ROLE_VALUE_TYPE, static_cast<int>(Type::Null)); m_table->setItem(i, 0, bp_item); auto* row_item = new QTableWidgetItem(QStringLiteral("%1").arg(row_address, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))); row_item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable); row_item->setData(USER_ROLE_IS_ROW_BREAKPOINT_CELL, false); row_item->setData(USER_ROLE_CELL_ADDRESS, row_address); row_item->setData(USER_ROLE_VALUE_TYPE, static_cast<int>(Type::Null)); m_table->setItem(i, 1, row_item); if (row_address == address) row_item->setSelected(true); if (Core::GetState() != Core::State::Paused || !accessors->IsValidAddress(row_address)) { for (int c = 2; c < m_table->columnCount(); c++) { auto* item = new QTableWidgetItem(QStringLiteral("-")); item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable); item->setData(USER_ROLE_IS_ROW_BREAKPOINT_CELL, false); item->setData(USER_ROLE_CELL_ADDRESS, row_address); item->setData(USER_ROLE_VALUE_TYPE, static_cast<int>(Type::Null)); m_table->setItem(i, c, item); } continue; } } int starting_column = 2; if (m_dual_view) { // Match left columns to number of right columns. Type left_type = Type::Hex32; if (GetTypeSize(m_type) == 1) left_type = Type::Hex8; else if (GetTypeSize(m_type) == 2) left_type = Type::Hex16; else if (GetTypeSize(m_type) == 8) left_type = Type::Hex64; UpdateColumns(left_type, starting_column); const int column_count = m_bytes_per_row / GetTypeSize(left_type); // Update column width for (int i = starting_column; i < starting_column + column_count - 1; i++) m_table->setColumnWidth(i, m_font_width * GetCharacterCount(left_type)); // Extra spacing between dual views. m_table->setColumnWidth(starting_column + column_count - 1, m_font_width * (GetCharacterCount(left_type) + 2)); starting_column += column_count; } UpdateColumns(m_type, starting_column); UpdateBreakpointTags(); m_table->setColumnWidth(0, m_table->rowHeight(0)); for (int i = starting_column; i <= m_table->columnCount(); i++) m_table->setColumnWidth(i, m_font_width * GetCharacterCount(m_type)); m_table->viewport()->update(); m_table->update(); update(); } void MemoryViewWidget::UpdateColumns(Type type, int first_column) { if (Core::GetState() != Core::State::Paused) return; const int data_columns = m_bytes_per_row / GetTypeSize(type); const AddressSpace::Accessors* accessors = AddressSpace::GetAccessors(m_address_space); auto text_alignment = Qt::AlignLeft; if (type == Type::Signed32 || type == Type::Unsigned32 || type == Type::Signed16 || type == Type::Unsigned16 || type == Type::Signed8 || type == Type::Unsigned8) { text_alignment = Qt::AlignRight; } for (int i = 0; i < m_table->rowCount(); i++) { u32 row_address = m_table->item(i, 1)->data(USER_ROLE_CELL_ADDRESS).toUInt(); if (!accessors->IsValidAddress(row_address)) continue; auto update_values = [&](auto value_to_string) { for (int c = 0; c < data_columns; c++) { auto* cell_item = new QTableWidgetItem; cell_item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable); cell_item->setTextAlignment(text_alignment); const u32 cell_address = row_address + c * GetTypeSize(type); m_table->setItem(i, first_column + c, cell_item); if (accessors->IsValidAddress(cell_address)) { cell_item->setText(value_to_string(cell_address)); cell_item->setData(USER_ROLE_IS_ROW_BREAKPOINT_CELL, false); cell_item->setData(USER_ROLE_CELL_ADDRESS, cell_address); cell_item->setData(USER_ROLE_VALUE_TYPE, static_cast<int>(type)); } else { cell_item->setText(QStringLiteral("-")); cell_item->setData(USER_ROLE_IS_ROW_BREAKPOINT_CELL, false); cell_item->setData(USER_ROLE_CELL_ADDRESS, cell_address); cell_item->setData(USER_ROLE_VALUE_TYPE, static_cast<int>(Type::Null)); } } }; switch (type) { case Type::Hex8: update_values([&accessors](u32 address) { const u8 value = accessors->ReadU8(address); return QStringLiteral("%1").arg(value, 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); }); break; case Type::ASCII: update_values([&accessors](u32 address) { const char value = accessors->ReadU8(address); return IsPrintableCharacter(value) ? QString{QChar::fromLatin1(value)} : QString{QChar::fromLatin1('.')}; }); break; case Type::Hex16: update_values([&accessors](u32 address) { const u16 value = accessors->ReadU16(address); return QStringLiteral("%1").arg(value, 4, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); }); break; case Type::Hex32: update_values([&accessors](u32 address) { const u32 value = accessors->ReadU32(address); return QStringLiteral("%1").arg(value, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); }); break; case Type::Hex64: update_values([&accessors](u32 address) { const u64 value = accessors->ReadU64(address); return QStringLiteral("%1").arg(value, 16, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); }); break; case Type::Unsigned8: update_values( [&accessors](u32 address) { return QString::number(accessors->ReadU8(address)); }); break; case Type::Unsigned16: update_values( [&accessors](u32 address) { return QString::number(accessors->ReadU16(address)); }); break; case Type::Unsigned32: update_values( [&accessors](u32 address) { return QString::number(accessors->ReadU32(address)); }); break; case Type::Signed8: update_values([&accessors](u32 address) { return QString::number(Common::BitCast<s8>(accessors->ReadU8(address))); }); break; case Type::Signed16: update_values([&accessors](u32 address) { return QString::number(Common::BitCast<s16>(accessors->ReadU16(address))); }); break; case Type::Signed32: update_values([&accessors](u32 address) { return QString::number(Common::BitCast<s32>(accessors->ReadU32(address))); }); break; case Type::Float32: update_values([&accessors](u32 address) { QString string = QString::number(accessors->ReadF32(address), 'g', 4); // Align to first digit. if (!string.startsWith(QLatin1Char('-'))) string.prepend(QLatin1Char(' ')); return string; }); break; case Type::Double: update_values([&accessors](u32 address) { QString string = QString::number(Common::BitCast<double>(accessors->ReadU64(address)), 'g', 4); // Align to first digit. if (!string.startsWith(QLatin1Char('-'))) string.prepend(QLatin1Char(' ')); return string; }); break; } } } void MemoryViewWidget::UpdateBreakpointTags() { if (Core::GetState() != Core::State::Paused) return; for (int i = 0; i < m_table->rowCount(); i++) { bool row_breakpoint = false; for (int c = 2; c < m_table->columnCount(); c++) { // Pull address from cell itself, helpful for dual column view. auto cell = m_table->item(i, c); u32 address = cell->data(USER_ROLE_CELL_ADDRESS).toUInt(); if (address == 0) { row_breakpoint = false; continue; } // In dual view the only sizes that dont match up on both left and right views are for // Double, which uses two or four columns of hex32. if (m_address_space == AddressSpace::Type::Effective && PowerPC::memchecks.GetMemCheck(address, GetTypeSize(m_type)) != nullptr) { row_breakpoint = true; cell->setBackground(Qt::red); } } if (row_breakpoint) { m_table->item(i, 0)->setData( Qt::DecorationRole, Resources::GetScaledThemeIcon("debugger_breakpoint") .pixmap(QSize(m_table->rowHeight(0) - 3, m_table->rowHeight(0) - 3))); } } } void MemoryViewWidget::SetAddressSpace(AddressSpace::Type address_space) { if (m_address_space == address_space) { return; } m_address_space = address_space; Update(); } AddressSpace::Type MemoryViewWidget::GetAddressSpace() const { return m_address_space; } std::vector<u8> MemoryViewWidget::ConvertTextToBytes(Type type, QString input_text) { if (type == Type::Null) return {}; bool good = false; int radix = 0; switch (type) { case Type::ASCII: { const QByteArray qbytes = input_text.toUtf8(); std::vector<u8> bytes; for (const char c : qbytes) bytes.push_back(static_cast<u8>(c)); return bytes; } case Type::Float32: { const float float_value = input_text.toFloat(&good); if (good) { const u32 value = Common::BitCast<u32>(float_value); auto std_array = Common::BitCastToArray<u8>(Common::swap32(value)); return std::vector<u8>(std_array.begin(), std_array.end()); } break; } case Type::Double: { const double double_value = input_text.toDouble(&good); if (good) { const u64 value = Common::BitCast<u64>(double_value); auto std_array = Common::BitCastToArray<u8>(Common::swap64(value)); return std::vector<u8>(std_array.begin(), std_array.end()); } break; } case Type::Signed8: { const short value = input_text.toShort(&good, radix); good &= std::numeric_limits<signed char>::min() <= value && value <= std::numeric_limits<signed char>::max(); if (good) { auto std_array = Common::BitCastToArray<u8>(Common::swap8(value)); return std::vector<u8>(std_array.begin(), std_array.end()); } break; } case Type::Signed16: { const short value = input_text.toShort(&good, radix); if (good) { auto std_array = Common::BitCastToArray<u8>(Common::swap16(value)); return std::vector<u8>(std_array.begin(), std_array.end()); } break; } case Type::Signed32: { const int value = input_text.toInt(&good, radix); if (good) { auto std_array = Common::BitCastToArray<u8>(Common::swap32(value)); return std::vector<u8>(std_array.begin(), std_array.end()); } break; } case Type::Hex8: radix = 16; [[fallthrough]]; case Type::Unsigned8: { const unsigned short value = input_text.toUShort(&good, radix); good &= (value & 0xFF00) == 0; if (good) { auto std_array = Common::BitCastToArray<u8>(Common::swap8(value)); return std::vector<u8>(std_array.begin(), std_array.end()); } break; } case Type::Hex16: radix = 16; [[fallthrough]]; case Type::Unsigned16: { const unsigned short value = input_text.toUShort(&good, radix); if (good) { auto std_array = Common::BitCastToArray<u8>(Common::swap16(value)); return std::vector<u8>(std_array.begin(), std_array.end()); } break; } case Type::Hex32: radix = 16; [[fallthrough]]; case Type::Unsigned32: { const u32 value = input_text.toUInt(&good, radix); if (good) { auto std_array = Common::BitCastToArray<u8>(Common::swap32(value)); return std::vector<u8>(std_array.begin(), std_array.end()); } break; } case Type::Hex64: { const u64 value = input_text.toULongLong(&good, 16); if (good) { auto std_array = Common::BitCastToArray<u8>(Common::swap64(value)); return std::vector<u8>(std_array.begin(), std_array.end()); } break; } case Type::HexString: { // Confirm it is only hex bytes const QRegularExpression is_hex(QStringLiteral("^([0-9A-F]{2})*$"), QRegularExpression::CaseInsensitiveOption); const QRegularExpressionMatch match = is_hex.match(input_text); good = match.hasMatch(); if (good) { const QByteArray qbytes = QByteArray::fromHex(input_text.toUtf8()); std::vector<u8> bytes; for (const char c : qbytes) bytes.push_back(static_cast<u8>(c)); return bytes; } break; } } return {}; } void MemoryViewWidget::SetDisplay(Type type, int bytes_per_row, int alignment, bool dual_view) { m_type = type; m_bytes_per_row = bytes_per_row; m_dual_view = dual_view; if (alignment == 0) m_alignment = GetTypeSize(type); else m_alignment = alignment; Update(); } void MemoryViewWidget::SetBPType(BPType type) { m_bp_type = type; } void MemoryViewWidget::SetAddress(u32 address) { if (m_address == address) return; m_address = address; Update(); } void MemoryViewWidget::SetBPLoggingEnabled(bool enabled) { m_do_log = enabled; } void MemoryViewWidget::ToggleBreakpoint(u32 addr, bool row) { if (m_address_space != AddressSpace::Type::Effective) return; const auto length = GetTypeSize(m_type); const int breaks = row ? (m_bytes_per_row / length) : 1; bool overlap = false; // Row breakpoint should either remove any breakpoint left on the row, or activate all // breakpoints. if (row && PowerPC::memchecks.OverlapsMemcheck(addr, m_bytes_per_row)) overlap = true; for (int i = 0; i < breaks; i++) { u32 address = addr + length * i; TMemCheck* check_ptr = PowerPC::memchecks.GetMemCheck(address, length); if (check_ptr == nullptr && !overlap) { TMemCheck check; check.start_address = address; check.end_address = check.start_address + length - 1; check.is_ranged = length > 0; check.is_break_on_read = (m_bp_type == BPType::ReadOnly || m_bp_type == BPType::ReadWrite); check.is_break_on_write = (m_bp_type == BPType::WriteOnly || m_bp_type == BPType::ReadWrite); check.log_on_hit = m_do_log; check.break_on_hit = true; PowerPC::memchecks.Add(check); } else if (check_ptr != nullptr) { // Using the pointer fixes misaligned breakpoints (0x11 breakpoint in 0x10 aligned view). PowerPC::memchecks.Remove(check_ptr->start_address); } } emit BreakpointsChanged(); Update(); } void MemoryViewWidget::OnCopyAddress(u32 addr) { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(QStringLiteral("%1").arg(addr, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0'))); } void MemoryViewWidget::OnCopyHex(u32 addr) { const auto length = GetTypeSize(m_type); const AddressSpace::Accessors* accessors = AddressSpace::GetAccessors(m_address_space); u64 value = accessors->ReadU64(addr); QApplication::clipboard()->setText( QStringLiteral("%1").arg(value, sizeof(u64) * 2, 16, QLatin1Char('0')).left(length * 2)); } void MemoryViewWidget::OnContextMenu(const QPoint& pos) { auto* item_selected = m_table->itemAt(pos); // We don't have a meaningful context menu to show for when the user right-clicks either free // space in the table or the row breakpoint cell. if (!item_selected || item_selected->data(USER_ROLE_IS_ROW_BREAKPOINT_CELL).toBool()) return; const bool item_has_value = item_selected->data(USER_ROLE_VALUE_TYPE).toInt() != static_cast<int>(Type::Null); const u32 addr = item_selected->data(USER_ROLE_CELL_ADDRESS).toUInt(); auto* menu = new QMenu(this); menu->addAction(tr("Copy Address"), this, [this, addr] { OnCopyAddress(addr); }); auto* copy_hex = menu->addAction(tr("Copy Hex"), this, [this, addr] { OnCopyHex(addr); }); const AddressSpace::Accessors* accessors = AddressSpace::GetAccessors(m_address_space); copy_hex->setEnabled(item_has_value && Core::GetState() != Core::State::Uninitialized && accessors->IsValidAddress(addr)); auto* copy_value = menu->addAction(tr("Copy Value"), this, [this, &pos] { // Re-fetch the item in case the underlying table has refreshed since the menu was opened. auto* item = m_table->itemAt(pos); if (item && item->data(USER_ROLE_VALUE_TYPE).toInt() != static_cast<int>(Type::Null)) QApplication::clipboard()->setText(item->text()); }); copy_value->setEnabled(item_has_value); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(tr("Show in code"), this, [this, addr] { emit ShowCode(addr); }); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(tr("Add to watch"), this, [this, addr] { const QString name = QStringLiteral("mem_%1").arg(addr, 8, 16, QLatin1Char('0')); emit RequestWatch(name, addr); }); menu->addAction(tr("Toggle Breakpoint"), this, [this, addr] { ToggleBreakpoint(addr, false); }); menu->exec(QCursor::pos()); } void MemoryViewWidget::ScrollbarActionTriggered(int action) { const int difference = m_scrollbar->sliderPosition() - m_scrollbar->value(); if (difference == 0) return; if (m_scrollbar->isSliderDown()) { // User is currently dragging the scrollbar. // Adjust the memory view by the exact drag difference. SetAddress(m_address + difference * m_bytes_per_row); } else { if (std::abs(difference) == 1) { // User clicked the arrows at the top or bottom, go up/down one row. SetAddress(m_address + difference * m_bytes_per_row); } else { // User clicked the free part of the scrollbar, go up/down one page. SetAddress(m_address + (difference < 0 ? -1 : 1) * m_bytes_per_row * m_table->rowCount()); } // Manually reset the draggable part of the bar back to the center. m_scrollbar->setSliderPosition(SCROLLBAR_CENTER); } } void MemoryViewWidget::ScrollbarSliderReleased() { // Reset the draggable part of the bar back to the center. m_scrollbar->setValue(SCROLLBAR_CENTER); }