// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

#pragma once

#include <type_traits>

#include "Common/Assert.h"
#include "Common/CommonTypes.h"
#include "Common/EnumFormatter.h"
#include "Common/Inline.h"
#include "Common/Swap.h"
#include "VideoCommon/CPMemory.h"
#include "VideoCommon/VertexLoaderBase.h"

struct CPState;
class DataReader;

namespace OpcodeDecoder
// Global flag to signal if FifoRecorder is active.
extern bool g_record_fifo_data;

enum class Opcode
  GX_NOP = 0x00,

  GX_LOAD_BP_REG = 0x61,
  GX_LOAD_CP_REG = 0x08,
  GX_LOAD_XF_REG = 0x10,
  GX_LOAD_INDX_A = 0x20,
  GX_LOAD_INDX_B = 0x28,
  GX_LOAD_INDX_C = 0x30,
  GX_LOAD_INDX_D = 0x38,

  GX_CMD_CALL_DL = 0x40,
  GX_CMD_INVL_VC = 0x48,


constexpr u8 GX_PRIMITIVE_MASK = 0x78;
constexpr u32 GX_PRIMITIVE_SHIFT = 3;
constexpr u8 GX_VAT_MASK = 0x07;

// These values are the values extracted using GX_PRIMITIVE_MASK
// GX_DRAW_QUADS_2 behaves the same way as GX_DRAW_QUADS.
enum class Primitive : u8
  GX_DRAW_QUADS = 0x0,           // 0x80
  GX_DRAW_QUADS_2 = 0x1,         // 0x88
  GX_DRAW_TRIANGLES = 0x2,       // 0x90
  GX_DRAW_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x3,  // 0x98
  GX_DRAW_TRIANGLE_FAN = 0x4,    // 0xA0
  GX_DRAW_LINES = 0x5,           // 0xA8
  GX_DRAW_LINE_STRIP = 0x6,      // 0xB0
  GX_DRAW_POINTS = 0x7           // 0xB8

// Interface for the Run and RunCommand functions below.
// The functions themselves are templates so that the compiler generates separate versions for each
// callback (with the callback functions inlined), so the callback doesn't actually need to be
// publicly inherited.
// Compilers don't generate warnings for failed inlining with virtual functions, so this define
// allows disabling the use of virtual functions to generate those warnings.  However, this means
// that missing functions will generate errors on their use in RunCommand, instead of in the
// subclass, which can be confusing.

#define OPCODE_CALLBACK_NOINLINE(sig) sig override
class Callback
  virtual ~Callback() = default;

  // Called on any XF command.
  virtual void OnXF(u16 address, u8 count, const u8* data) = 0;
  // Called on any CP command.
  // Subclasses should update the CP state with GetCPState().LoadCPReg(command, value) so that
  // primitive commands decode properly.
  virtual void OnCP(u8 command, u32 value) = 0;
  // Called on any BP command.
  virtual void OnBP(u8 command, u32 value) = 0;
  // Called on any indexed XF load command.
  virtual void OnIndexedLoad(CPArray array, u32 index, u16 address, u8 size) = 0;
  // Called on any primitive command.
  virtual void OnPrimitiveCommand(OpcodeDecoder::Primitive primitive, u8 vat, u32 vertex_size,
                                  u16 num_vertices, const u8* vertex_data) = 0;
  // Called on a display list.
  virtual void OnDisplayList(u32 address, u32 size) = 0;
  // Called on any NOP commands (which are all merged into a single call).
  virtual void OnNop(u32 count) = 0;
  // Called on an unknown opcode, or an opcode that is known but not implemented.
  // data[0] is opcode.
  virtual void OnUnknown(u8 opcode, const u8* data) = 0;

  // Called on ANY command.  The first byte of data is the opcode.  Size will be at least 1.
  // This function is called after one of the above functions is called.
  virtual void OnCommand(const u8* data, u32 size) = 0;

  // Get the current CP state.  Needed for vertex decoding; will also be mutated for CP commands.
  virtual CPState& GetCPState() = 0;

  virtual u32 GetVertexSize(u8 vat) = 0;

namespace detail
// Main logic; split so that the main RunCommand can call OnCommand with the returned size.
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Callback, T>>>
static DOLPHIN_FORCE_INLINE u32 RunCommand(const u8* data, u32 available, T& callback)
  if (available < 1)
    return 0;

  const Opcode cmd = static_cast<Opcode>(data[0]);

  switch (cmd)
  case Opcode::GX_NOP:
    u32 count = 1;
    while (count < available && static_cast<Opcode>(data[count]) == Opcode::GX_NOP)
    return count;

  case Opcode::GX_LOAD_CP_REG:
    if (available < 6)
      return 0;

    const u8 cmd2 = data[1];
    const u32 value = Common::swap32(&data[2]);

    callback.OnCP(cmd2, value);

    return 6;

  case Opcode::GX_LOAD_XF_REG:
    if (available < 5)
      return 0;

    const u32 cmd2 = Common::swap32(&data[1]);
    const u16 base_address = cmd2 & 0xffff;

    const u16 stream_size_temp = cmd2 >> 16;
    ASSERT_MSG(VIDEO, stream_size_temp < 16, "cmd2 = 0x{:08X}", cmd2);
    const u8 stream_size = (stream_size_temp & 0xf) + 1;

    if (available < u32(5 + stream_size * 4))
      return 0;

    callback.OnXF(base_address, stream_size, &data[5]);

    return 5 + stream_size * 4;

  case Opcode::GX_LOAD_INDX_A:  // Used for position matrices
  case Opcode::GX_LOAD_INDX_B:  // Used for normal matrices
  case Opcode::GX_LOAD_INDX_C:  // Used for postmatrices
  case Opcode::GX_LOAD_INDX_D:  // Used for lights
    if (available < 5)
      return 0;

    const u32 value = Common::swap32(&data[1]);

    const u32 index = value >> 16;
    const u16 address = value & 0xFFF;  // TODO: check mask
    const u8 size = ((value >> 12) & 0xF) + 1;

    // Map the command byte to its ref array.
    // GX_LOAD_INDX_A (32 = 8*4) . CPArray::XF_A (4+8 = 12)
    // GX_LOAD_INDX_B (40 = 8*5) . CPArray::XF_B (5+8 = 13)
    // GX_LOAD_INDX_C (48 = 8*6) . CPArray::XF_C (6+8 = 14)
    // GX_LOAD_INDX_D (56 = 8*7) . CPArray::XF_D (7+8 = 15)
    const auto ref_array = static_cast<CPArray>((static_cast<u8>(cmd) / 8) + 8);

    callback.OnIndexedLoad(ref_array, index, address, size);
    return 5;

  case Opcode::GX_CMD_CALL_DL:
    if (available < 9)
      return 0;

    const u32 address = Common::swap32(&data[1]);
    const u32 size = Common::swap32(&data[5]);

    // Force 32-byte alignment for both the address and the size.
    callback.OnDisplayList(address & ~31, size & ~31);
    return 9;

  case Opcode::GX_LOAD_BP_REG:
    if (available < 5)
      return 0;

    const u8 cmd2 = data[1];
    const u32 value = Common::swap24(&data[2]);

    callback.OnBP(cmd2, value);

    return 5;

    if (cmd >= Opcode::GX_PRIMITIVE_START && cmd <= Opcode::GX_PRIMITIVE_END)
      if (available < 3)
        return 0;

      const u8 cmdbyte = static_cast<u8>(cmd);
      const OpcodeDecoder::Primitive primitive = static_cast<OpcodeDecoder::Primitive>(
          (cmdbyte & OpcodeDecoder::GX_PRIMITIVE_MASK) >> OpcodeDecoder::GX_PRIMITIVE_SHIFT);
      const u8 vat = cmdbyte & OpcodeDecoder::GX_VAT_MASK;

      const u32 vertex_size = callback.GetVertexSize(vat);
      const u16 num_vertices = Common::swap16(&data[1]);

      if (available < 3 + num_vertices * vertex_size)
        return 0;

      callback.OnPrimitiveCommand(primitive, vat, vertex_size, num_vertices, &data[3]);

      return 3 + num_vertices * vertex_size;

  callback.OnUnknown(static_cast<u8>(cmd), data);
  return 1;
}  // namespace detail

template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Callback, T>>>
DOLPHIN_FORCE_INLINE u32 RunCommand(const u8* data, u32 available, T& callback)
  const u32 size = detail::RunCommand(data, available, callback);
  if (size > 0)
    callback.OnCommand(data, size);
  return size;

template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Callback, T>>>
DOLPHIN_FORCE_INLINE u32 Run(const u8* data, u32 available, T& callback)
  u32 size = 0;
  while (size < available)
    const u32 command_size = RunCommand(&data[size], available - size, callback);
    if (command_size == 0)
    size += command_size;
  return size;

template <bool is_preprocess = false>
u8* RunFifo(DataReader src, u32* cycles);

}  // namespace OpcodeDecoder

template <>
struct fmt::formatter<OpcodeDecoder::Primitive>
    : EnumFormatter<OpcodeDecoder::Primitive::GX_DRAW_POINTS>
  static constexpr array_type names = {
      "GX_DRAW_QUADS",        "GX_DRAW_QUADS_2 (nonstandard)",
  constexpr formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {}