// Copyright 2009 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "VideoBackends/Software/TextureSampler.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Core/HW/Memmap.h" #include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h" #include "VideoCommon/SamplerCommon.h" #include "VideoCommon/TextureDecoder.h" #define ALLOW_MIPMAP 1 namespace TextureSampler { static inline void WrapCoord(int* coordp, int wrapMode, int imageSize) { int coord = *coordp; switch (wrapMode) { case 0: // clamp coord = (coord > imageSize) ? imageSize : (coord < 0) ? 0 : coord; break; case 1: // wrap coord = coord % (imageSize + 1); coord = (coord < 0) ? imageSize + coord : coord; break; case 2: // mirror { const int sizePlus1 = imageSize + 1; const int div = coord / sizePlus1; coord = coord - (div * sizePlus1); coord = (coord < 0) ? -coord : coord; coord = (div & 1) ? imageSize - coord : coord; } break; } *coordp = coord; } static inline void SetTexel(const u8* inTexel, u32* outTexel, u32 fract) { outTexel[0] = inTexel[0] * fract; outTexel[1] = inTexel[1] * fract; outTexel[2] = inTexel[2] * fract; outTexel[3] = inTexel[3] * fract; } static inline void AddTexel(const u8* inTexel, u32* outTexel, u32 fract) { outTexel[0] += inTexel[0] * fract; outTexel[1] += inTexel[1] * fract; outTexel[2] += inTexel[2] * fract; outTexel[3] += inTexel[3] * fract; } void Sample(s32 s, s32 t, s32 lod, bool linear, u8 texmap, u8* sample) { int baseMip = 0; bool mipLinear = false; #if (ALLOW_MIPMAP) const FourTexUnits& texUnit = bpmem.tex[(texmap >> 2) & 1]; const TexMode0& tm0 = texUnit.texMode0[texmap & 3]; const s32 lodFract = lod & 0xf; if (lod > 0 && SamplerCommon::AreBpTexMode0MipmapsEnabled(tm0)) { // use mipmap baseMip = lod >> 4; mipLinear = (lodFract && tm0.min_filter & TexMode0::TEXF_LINEAR); // if using nearest mip filter and lodFract >= 0.5 round up to next mip baseMip += (lodFract >> 3) & (tm0.min_filter & TexMode0::TEXF_POINT); } if (mipLinear) { u8 sampledTex[4]; u32 texel[4]; SampleMip(s, t, baseMip, linear, texmap, sampledTex); SetTexel(sampledTex, texel, (16 - lodFract)); SampleMip(s, t, baseMip + 1, linear, texmap, sampledTex); AddTexel(sampledTex, texel, lodFract); sample[0] = (u8)(texel[0] >> 4); sample[1] = (u8)(texel[1] >> 4); sample[2] = (u8)(texel[2] >> 4); sample[3] = (u8)(texel[3] >> 4); } else #endif { SampleMip(s, t, baseMip, linear, texmap, sample); } } void SampleMip(s32 s, s32 t, s32 mip, bool linear, u8 texmap, u8* sample) { const FourTexUnits& texUnit = bpmem.tex[(texmap >> 2) & 1]; const u8 subTexmap = texmap & 3; const TexMode0& tm0 = texUnit.texMode0[subTexmap]; const TexImage0& ti0 = texUnit.texImage0[subTexmap]; const TexTLUT& texTlut = texUnit.texTlut[subTexmap]; const TextureFormat texfmt = static_cast<TextureFormat>(ti0.format); const TLUTFormat tlutfmt = static_cast<TLUTFormat>(texTlut.tlut_format); const u8* imageSrc; const u8* imageSrcOdd = nullptr; if (texUnit.texImage1[subTexmap].image_type) { imageSrc = &texMem[texUnit.texImage1[subTexmap].tmem_even * TMEM_LINE_SIZE]; if (texfmt == TextureFormat::RGBA8) imageSrcOdd = &texMem[texUnit.texImage2[subTexmap].tmem_odd * TMEM_LINE_SIZE]; } else { const u32 imageBase = texUnit.texImage3[subTexmap].image_base << 5; imageSrc = Memory::GetPointer(imageBase); } int imageWidth = ti0.width; int imageHeight = ti0.height; const int tlutAddress = texTlut.tmem_offset << 9; const u8* tlut = &texMem[tlutAddress]; // reduce sample location and texture size to mip level // move texture pointer to mip location if (mip) { int mipWidth = imageWidth + 1; int mipHeight = imageHeight + 1; const int fmtWidth = TexDecoder_GetBlockWidthInTexels(texfmt); const int fmtHeight = TexDecoder_GetBlockHeightInTexels(texfmt); const int fmtDepth = TexDecoder_GetTexelSizeInNibbles(texfmt); imageWidth >>= mip; imageHeight >>= mip; s >>= mip; t >>= mip; while (mip) { mipWidth = std::max(mipWidth, fmtWidth); mipHeight = std::max(mipHeight, fmtHeight); const u32 size = (mipWidth * mipHeight * fmtDepth) >> 1; imageSrc += size; mipWidth >>= 1; mipHeight >>= 1; mip--; } } if (linear) { // offset linear sampling s -= 64; t -= 64; // integer part of sample location int imageS = s >> 7; int imageT = t >> 7; // linear sampling int imageSPlus1 = imageS + 1; const int fractS = s & 0x7f; int imageTPlus1 = imageT + 1; const int fractT = t & 0x7f; u8 sampledTex[4]; u32 texel[4]; WrapCoord(&imageS, tm0.wrap_s, imageWidth); WrapCoord(&imageT, tm0.wrap_t, imageHeight); WrapCoord(&imageSPlus1, tm0.wrap_s, imageWidth); WrapCoord(&imageTPlus1, tm0.wrap_t, imageHeight); if (!(texfmt == TextureFormat::RGBA8 && texUnit.texImage1[subTexmap].image_type)) { TexDecoder_DecodeTexel(sampledTex, imageSrc, imageS, imageT, imageWidth, texfmt, tlut, tlutfmt); SetTexel(sampledTex, texel, (128 - fractS) * (128 - fractT)); TexDecoder_DecodeTexel(sampledTex, imageSrc, imageSPlus1, imageT, imageWidth, texfmt, tlut, tlutfmt); AddTexel(sampledTex, texel, (fractS) * (128 - fractT)); TexDecoder_DecodeTexel(sampledTex, imageSrc, imageS, imageTPlus1, imageWidth, texfmt, tlut, tlutfmt); AddTexel(sampledTex, texel, (128 - fractS) * (fractT)); TexDecoder_DecodeTexel(sampledTex, imageSrc, imageSPlus1, imageTPlus1, imageWidth, texfmt, tlut, tlutfmt); AddTexel(sampledTex, texel, (fractS) * (fractT)); } else { TexDecoder_DecodeTexelRGBA8FromTmem(sampledTex, imageSrc, imageSrcOdd, imageS, imageT, imageWidth); SetTexel(sampledTex, texel, (128 - fractS) * (128 - fractT)); TexDecoder_DecodeTexelRGBA8FromTmem(sampledTex, imageSrc, imageSrcOdd, imageSPlus1, imageT, imageWidth); AddTexel(sampledTex, texel, (fractS) * (128 - fractT)); TexDecoder_DecodeTexelRGBA8FromTmem(sampledTex, imageSrc, imageSrcOdd, imageS, imageTPlus1, imageWidth); AddTexel(sampledTex, texel, (128 - fractS) * (fractT)); TexDecoder_DecodeTexelRGBA8FromTmem(sampledTex, imageSrc, imageSrcOdd, imageSPlus1, imageTPlus1, imageWidth); AddTexel(sampledTex, texel, (fractS) * (fractT)); } sample[0] = (u8)(texel[0] >> 14); sample[1] = (u8)(texel[1] >> 14); sample[2] = (u8)(texel[2] >> 14); sample[3] = (u8)(texel[3] >> 14); } else { // integer part of sample location int imageS = s >> 7; int imageT = t >> 7; // nearest neighbor sampling WrapCoord(&imageS, tm0.wrap_s, imageWidth); WrapCoord(&imageT, tm0.wrap_t, imageHeight); if (!(texfmt == TextureFormat::RGBA8 && texUnit.texImage1[subTexmap].image_type)) TexDecoder_DecodeTexel(sample, imageSrc, imageS, imageT, imageWidth, texfmt, tlut, tlutfmt); else TexDecoder_DecodeTexelRGBA8FromTmem(sample, imageSrc, imageSrcOdd, imageS, imageT, imageWidth); } } }