// Copyright 2010 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <SFML/Network/Http.hpp> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <wx/button.h> #include <wx/checklst.h> #include <wx/listbox.h> #include <wx/msgdlg.h> #include <wx/panel.h> #include <wx/sizer.h> #include <wx/stattext.h> #include <wx/textctrl.h> #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/GeckoCode.h" #include "Core/GeckoCodeConfig.h" #include "DolphinWX/Cheats/GeckoCodeDiag.h" #include "DolphinWX/WxUtils.h" wxDEFINE_EVENT(DOLPHIN_EVT_GECKOCODE_TOGGLED, wxCommandEvent); namespace Gecko { static const char str_name[] = wxTRANSLATE("Name: "); static const char str_notes[] = wxTRANSLATE("Notes: "); static const char str_creator[] = wxTRANSLATE("Creator: "); CodeConfigPanel::CodeConfigPanel(wxWindow* const parent) : wxPanel(parent) { m_listbox_gcodes = new wxCheckListBox(this, wxID_ANY); m_listbox_gcodes->Bind(wxEVT_LISTBOX, &CodeConfigPanel::UpdateInfoBox, this); m_listbox_gcodes->Bind(wxEVT_CHECKLISTBOX, &CodeConfigPanel::ToggleCode, this); m_infobox.label_name = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, wxGetTranslation(str_name)); m_infobox.label_creator = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, wxGetTranslation(str_creator)); m_infobox.label_notes = new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, wxGetTranslation(str_notes)); m_infobox.textctrl_notes = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY); m_infobox.listbox_codes = new wxListBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDLG_UNIT(this, wxSize(-1, 48))); // TODO: buttons to add/edit codes // sizers const int space5 = FromDIP(5); wxBoxSizer* const sizer_infobox = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizer_infobox->Add(m_infobox.label_name); sizer_infobox->Add(m_infobox.label_creator, 0, wxTOP, space5); sizer_infobox->Add(m_infobox.label_notes, 0, wxTOP, space5); sizer_infobox->Add(m_infobox.textctrl_notes, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP, space5); sizer_infobox->Add(m_infobox.listbox_codes, 1, wxEXPAND | wxTOP, space5); // button sizer wxBoxSizer* const sizer_buttons = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); btn_download = new wxButton(this, wxID_ANY, _("Download Codes (WiiRD Database)")); btn_download->Disable(); btn_download->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &CodeConfigPanel::DownloadCodes, this); sizer_buttons->AddStretchSpacer(1); sizer_buttons->Add(WxUtils::GiveMinSizeDIP(btn_download, wxSize(128, -1)), 1, wxEXPAND); wxBoxSizer* const sizer_main = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizer_main->AddSpacer(space5); sizer_main->Add(m_listbox_gcodes, 1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, space5); sizer_main->AddSpacer(space5); sizer_main->Add(sizer_infobox, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, space5); sizer_main->AddSpacer(space5); sizer_main->Add(sizer_buttons, 0, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, space5); sizer_main->AddSpacer(space5); SetSizerAndFit(sizer_main); } void CodeConfigPanel::UpdateCodeList(bool checkRunning) { // disable the button if it doesn't have an effect btn_download->Enable((!checkRunning || Core::IsRunning()) && !m_gameid.empty()); m_listbox_gcodes->Clear(); // add the codes to the listbox for (const GeckoCode& code : m_gcodes) { m_listbox_gcodes->Append(m_listbox_gcodes->EscapeMnemonics(StrToWxStr(code.name))); if (code.enabled) { m_listbox_gcodes->Check(m_listbox_gcodes->GetCount() - 1, true); } } wxCommandEvent evt; UpdateInfoBox(evt); } void CodeConfigPanel::LoadCodes(const IniFile& globalIni, const IniFile& localIni, const std::string& gameid, bool checkRunning) { m_gameid = gameid; m_gcodes.clear(); if (!checkRunning || Core::IsRunning()) Gecko::LoadCodes(globalIni, localIni, m_gcodes); UpdateCodeList(checkRunning); } void CodeConfigPanel::ToggleCode(wxCommandEvent& evt) { const int sel = evt.GetInt(); // this right? if (sel > -1) { m_gcodes[sel].enabled = m_listbox_gcodes->IsChecked(sel); wxCommandEvent toggle_event(DOLPHIN_EVT_GECKOCODE_TOGGLED, GetId()); toggle_event.SetClientData(&m_gcodes[sel]); GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(toggle_event); } } void CodeConfigPanel::UpdateInfoBox(wxCommandEvent&) { m_infobox.listbox_codes->Clear(); const int sel = m_listbox_gcodes->GetSelection(); if (sel > -1) { m_infobox.label_name->SetLabel(wxGetTranslation(str_name) + StrToWxStr(m_gcodes[sel].name)); // notes textctrl m_infobox.textctrl_notes->Clear(); for (const std::string& note : m_gcodes[sel].notes) { m_infobox.textctrl_notes->AppendText(StrToWxStr(note)); } m_infobox.textctrl_notes->ScrollLines(-99); // silly m_infobox.label_creator->SetLabel(wxGetTranslation(str_creator) + StrToWxStr(m_gcodes[sel].creator)); // add codes to info listbox for (const GeckoCode::Code& code : m_gcodes[sel].codes) { m_infobox.listbox_codes->Append(wxString::Format("%08X %08X", code.address, code.data)); } } else { m_infobox.label_name->SetLabel(wxGetTranslation(str_name)); m_infobox.textctrl_notes->Clear(); m_infobox.label_creator->SetLabel(wxGetTranslation(str_creator)); } } void CodeConfigPanel::DownloadCodes(wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_gameid.empty()) return; std::string gameid = m_gameid; switch (m_gameid[0]) { case 'R': case 'S': case 'G': break; default: // All channels (WiiWare, VirtualConsole, etc) are identified by their first four characters gameid = m_gameid.substr(0, 4); break; } sf::Http::Request req; req.setUri("/txt.php?txt=" + gameid); sf::Http http; http.setHost("geckocodes.org"); const sf::Http::Response resp = http.sendRequest(req, sf::seconds(5)); if (sf::Http::Response::Ok == resp.getStatus()) { // temp vector containing parsed codes std::vector<GeckoCode> gcodes; // parse the codes std::istringstream ss(resp.getBody()); std::string line; // seek past the header, get to the first code std::getline(ss, line); std::getline(ss, line); std::getline(ss, line); int read_state = 0; GeckoCode gcode; while ((std::getline(ss, line).good())) { // Remove \r at the end of the line for files using windows line endings, std::getline only // removes \n line = StripSpaces(line); if (line.empty()) { // add the code if (gcode.codes.size()) gcodes.push_back(gcode); gcode = GeckoCode(); read_state = 0; continue; } switch (read_state) { // read new code case 0: { std::istringstream ssline(line); // stop at [ character (beginning of contributor name) std::getline(ssline, gcode.name, '['); gcode.name = StripSpaces(gcode.name); gcode.user_defined = true; // read the code creator name std::getline(ssline, gcode.creator, ']'); read_state = 1; } break; // read code lines case 1: { std::istringstream ssline(line); std::string addr, data; ssline >> addr >> data; ssline.seekg(0); // check if this line a code, silly, but the dumb txt file comment lines can start with // valid hex chars :/ if (8 == addr.length() && 8 == data.length()) { GeckoCode::Code new_code; new_code.original_line = line; ssline >> std::hex >> new_code.address >> new_code.data; gcode.codes.push_back(new_code); } else { gcode.notes.push_back(line); read_state = 2; // start reading comments } } break; // read comment lines case 2: // append comment line gcode.notes.push_back(line); break; } } // add the last code if (gcode.codes.size()) gcodes.push_back(gcode); if (gcodes.size()) { unsigned long added_count = 0; // append the codes to the code list for (const GeckoCode& code : gcodes) { // only add codes which do not already exist auto existing_gcodes_iter = m_gcodes.begin(); auto existing_gcodes_end = m_gcodes.end(); for (;; ++existing_gcodes_iter) { if (existing_gcodes_end == existing_gcodes_iter) { m_gcodes.push_back(code); ++added_count; break; } // code exists if (*existing_gcodes_iter == code) break; } } wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Downloaded %lu codes. (added %lu)"), (unsigned long)gcodes.size(), added_count)); // refresh the list UpdateCodeList(); } else { wxMessageBox(_("File contained no codes.")); } } else { WxUtils::ShowErrorDialog(_("Failed to download codes.")); } } }