# # SCons python library: wxWidgets configuration # # \author Willem van Engen <wvengen@stack.nl> # \date created 2006/10/16 # \version v 2006/11/24 14:26:47 willem Exp # import os, os.path import re import sys import glob import string # Runs a system command and returns return value and output def SystemBacktick(program): # Run and return result pipe = os.popen(program + ' 2>&1') # TODO: properly redirect stderr to stdout output = pipe.read() retcode = pipe.close() or 0 return [retcode, output] def SystemWXConfig(env, args): if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': return SystemBacktick(env['wxconfig']+' --wxcfg='+env['ENV']['WXCFG']+' '+args+env['wxconfig_postargs']) else: return SystemBacktick(env['wxconfig']+' '+args+env['wxconfig_postargs']) # Check version of wx-config # It succeeds with a warning if version check failed. def CheckWXConfigVersion(context, version): releaseversion = SystemWXConfig(context.env,'--release')[1] try: if float(version) > float(releaseversion.strip()): return False except (ValueError, TypeError): context.Message('version check failed, but ok... ') return True return True # Check if requested components exist in wxWidgets def CheckWXConfigComponents(context, libraries): # set components, method depending on wxWidgets version if CheckWXConfigVersion(context, '2.6'): context.env['wxconfig_postargs'] += ' '+string.join(libraries,',') return SystemWXConfig(context.env, '--libs ')[0] == 0 # version 2.4 or below, only gl is an optional component with special flag if 'gl' in libraries: context.env['wxconfig'] += ' --gl-libs' return SystemWXConfig(context.env, '--libs')[0] == 0 # no optional components can be checked, it should be allright return True # Find wx-config with suitable settings. It tries to use a debug configuration if requested, # but reverts to release or default when that fails. def CheckWXConfigWin(context, version, debug): context.Message('Checking for wxWidgets >= %s... '%version) # Some environment variables are required for wx-config to work, check them. if 'WXWIN' not in context.env['ENV']: # TODO: maybe try some default location like "C:\Program Files\wxWidgets-*" or registry context.Message('please set WXWIN in environment... ') return False # If there's no WXCFG, either there is only one config or we try to find out. if 'WXCFG' not in context.env['ENV']: # TODO: try to find one in some sensible order from alternatives # Current guess is: visual studio static, non-unicode # Try debugging version first if requested, else fallback to release if debug: context.env['ENV']['WXCFG'] = 'vc_lib\mswd' if SystemWXConfig(context.env,'--libs')[0] == 0: return CheckWXConfigVersion(context, version) # Non-debug context.env['ENV']['WXCFG'] = 'vc_lib\msw' if SystemWXConfig(context.env,'--libs')[0] == 0: # this is the only configuration: use it return CheckWXConfigVersion(context, version) context.Message('please set WXCFG in environment... ') return False # WXCFG is in environment, nice. # Try a debugging version if requested: postfix WXCFG with 'd' if debug: oldwxcfg = context.env['ENV']['WXCFG'] context.env['ENV']['WXCFG'] += 'd' if SystemWXConfig(context.env,'--libs')[0] == 0: return CheckWXConfigVersion(context, version) # Failed: revert to plain WXCFG, use existing environment context.env['ENV']['WXCFG'] = oldwxcfg if SystemWXConfig(context.env,'--libs')[0] == 0: return CheckWXConfigVersion(context, version) # Everything failed ... return False def CheckWXConfigPosixFind(context, debug): # Find a wx-config compatible pathname # wx*-config --> wx*-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+-config / wx<platform>-<version>-config if (context.env['wxconfig']): return context.env['wxconfig'] dbglist = [] rellist = [] cfgre = re.compile('.*?\/wx(\w+?)(d?)-(\d+\.\d+)-config') for dir in context.env['ENV']['PATH'].split(':'): for cfgprog in glob.glob(os.path.join(dir,'wx*-config')): m = cfgre.match(cfgprog) if m and not m.group(1) == 'base': # add to either debug or release list if m.group(2) == 'release': rellist.append(cfgprog) else: dbglist.append(cfgprog) # TODO: sort on version # Now pick the right one if debug and len(dbglist)>0: return dbglist[0] if len(rellist)>0: return rellist[0] # Too bad return False def CheckWXConfigPosix(context, version, debug): # TODO: try several wx-config names context.Message('Checking for wxWidgets >= %s... '%version) # If supplied wx-config doesn't work, try to find another one if SystemWXConfig(context.env,'--libs')[0] != 0: wx_prog = CheckWXConfigPosixFind(context, debug) if not wx_prog: context.Message('not found... ') return False context.env['wxconfig'] = wx_prog if not debug: return CheckWXConfigVersion(context, version) # use `wx-config --debug` if it's in its help helpoutput = SystemWXConfig(context.env,'--help')[1] if helpoutput.find('--debug') != -1: context.Message('--debug') if SystemWXConfig(context.env,'--debug --libs')[0] == 0: context.env['wxconfig'] = context.env['wxconfig'] +' --debug' return CheckWXConfigVersion(context, version) # If it's plain wx-config, we may need to look for another one for debugging if context.env['wxconfig'] == 'wx-config': wx_prog = CheckWXConfigPosixFind(context, debug) if wx_prog: context.env['wxconfig'] = wx_prog # TODO: possibly warning message when using release instead of debug return CheckWXConfigVersion(context, version) def CheckWXConfig(context, version, components, debug = False): context.env['wxconfig_postargs']= '' # Try to find it in path try: context.env['wxconfig'] except KeyError: wx_prog = context.env.WhereIs('wx-config') if wx_prog == None: # You could supply wx-config.exe as a fallback option. #wx_prog = os.path.join('scons','wx-config') context.Message('wx-config not found...') return False context.env['wxconfig'] = wx_prog # Get wx-config invocation and check version if context.env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': res = CheckWXConfigWin(context, version, debug) else: res = CheckWXConfigPosix(context, version, debug) # Make sure we have the required libraries if res: res = CheckWXConfigComponents(context, components) if not res: context.Message('not all components found ['+string.join(components,',')+']... ') context.Result(res) return int(res) def ParseWXConfig(env): # Windows doesn't work with ParseConfig (yet) :( if env['PLATFORM'] == 'win32': # Use wx-config, yay! # ParseConfig() on windows is broken, so the following is done instead cflags = SystemWXConfig(env,'--cxxflags')[1] env.AppendUnique(CPPFLAGS = cflags.strip().split(' ')) libs = SystemWXConfig(env,'--libs')[1] env.AppendUnique(LINKFLAGS = libs.strip().split(' ')) else: # Here ParseConfig should really work env.ParseConfig(env['wxconfig']+' --cxxflags --libs'+env['wxconfig_postargs'])