// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #pragma once // X.h defines None to be 0, which causes problems with some of the enums #undef None #include <array> #include "Common/BitField.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/EnumFormatter.h" #include "VideoCommon/CPMemory.h" class DataReader; constexpr size_t NUM_XF_COLOR_CHANNELS = 2; // Lighting // Projection enum class TexSize : u32 { ST = 0, STQ = 1 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TexSize> : EnumFormatter<TexSize::STQ> { formatter() : EnumFormatter({"ST (2x4 matrix)", "STQ (3x4 matrix)"}) {} }; // Input form enum class TexInputForm : u32 { AB11 = 0, ABC1 = 1 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TexInputForm> : EnumFormatter<TexInputForm::ABC1> { formatter() : EnumFormatter({"AB11", "ABC1"}) {} }; enum class NormalCount : u32 { None = 0, Normals = 1, NormalsBinormals = 2 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<NormalCount> : EnumFormatter<NormalCount::NormalsBinormals> { formatter() : EnumFormatter({"None", "Normals only", "Normals and binormals"}) {} }; // Texture generation type enum class TexGenType : u32 { Regular = 0, EmbossMap = 1, // Used when bump mapping Color0 = 2, Color1 = 3 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TexGenType> : EnumFormatter<TexGenType::Color1> { static constexpr array_type names = { "Regular", "Emboss map (used when bump mapping)", "Color channel 0", "Color channel 1", }; formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; // Source row enum class SourceRow : u32 { Geom = 0, // Input is abc Normal = 1, // Input is abc Colors = 2, BinormalT = 3, // Input is abc BinormalB = 4, // Input is abc Tex0 = 5, Tex1 = 6, Tex2 = 7, Tex3 = 8, Tex4 = 9, Tex5 = 10, Tex6 = 11, Tex7 = 12 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<SourceRow> : EnumFormatter<SourceRow::Tex7> { static constexpr array_type names = { "Geometry (input is ABC1)", "Normal (input is ABC1)", "Colors", "Binormal T (input is ABC1)", "Binormal B (input is ABC1)", "Tex 0", "Tex 1", "Tex 2", "Tex 3", "Tex 4", "Tex 5", "Tex 6", "Tex 7", }; formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; enum class MatSource : u32 { MatColorRegister = 0, Vertex = 1, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<MatSource> : EnumFormatter<MatSource::Vertex> { formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Material color register", "Vertex color"}) {} }; enum class AmbSource : u32 { AmbColorRegister = 0, Vertex = 1, }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<AmbSource> : EnumFormatter<AmbSource::Vertex> { formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Ambient color register", "Vertex color"}) {} }; // Light diffuse attenuation function enum class DiffuseFunc : u32 { None = 0, Sign = 1, Clamp = 2 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<DiffuseFunc> : EnumFormatter<DiffuseFunc::Clamp> { formatter() : EnumFormatter({"None", "Sign", "Clamp"}) {} }; // Light attenuation function enum class AttenuationFunc : u32 { None = 0, // No attenuation Spec = 1, // Point light attenuation Dir = 2, // Directional light attenuation Spot = 3 // Spot light attenuation }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<AttenuationFunc> : EnumFormatter<AttenuationFunc::Spot> { static constexpr array_type names = { "No attenuation", "Point light attenuation", "Directional light attenuation", "Spot light attenuation", }; formatter() : EnumFormatter(names) {} }; // Projection type enum class ProjectionType : u32 { Perspective = 0, Orthographic = 1 }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<ProjectionType> : EnumFormatter<ProjectionType::Orthographic> { formatter() : EnumFormatter({"Perspective", "Orthographic"}) {} }; // Registers and register ranges enum { XFMEM_POSMATRICES = 0x000, XFMEM_POSMATRICES_END = 0x100, XFMEM_NORMALMATRICES = 0x400, XFMEM_NORMALMATRICES_END = 0x460, XFMEM_POSTMATRICES = 0x500, XFMEM_POSTMATRICES_END = 0x600, XFMEM_LIGHTS = 0x600, XFMEM_LIGHTS_END = 0x680, XFMEM_REGISTERS_START = 0x1000, XFMEM_ERROR = 0x1000, XFMEM_DIAG = 0x1001, XFMEM_STATE0 = 0x1002, XFMEM_STATE1 = 0x1003, XFMEM_CLOCK = 0x1004, XFMEM_CLIPDISABLE = 0x1005, XFMEM_SETGPMETRIC = 0x1006, // Perf0 according to YAGCD XFMEM_UNKNOWN_1007 = 0x1007, // Perf1 according to YAGCD XFMEM_VTXSPECS = 0x1008, XFMEM_SETNUMCHAN = 0x1009, XFMEM_SETCHAN0_AMBCOLOR = 0x100a, XFMEM_SETCHAN1_AMBCOLOR = 0x100b, XFMEM_SETCHAN0_MATCOLOR = 0x100c, XFMEM_SETCHAN1_MATCOLOR = 0x100d, XFMEM_SETCHAN0_COLOR = 0x100e, XFMEM_SETCHAN1_COLOR = 0x100f, XFMEM_SETCHAN0_ALPHA = 0x1010, XFMEM_SETCHAN1_ALPHA = 0x1011, XFMEM_DUALTEX = 0x1012, XFMEM_UNKNOWN_GROUP_1_START = 0x1013, XFMEM_UNKNOWN_GROUP_1_END = 0x1017, XFMEM_SETMATRIXINDA = 0x1018, XFMEM_SETMATRIXINDB = 0x1019, XFMEM_SETVIEWPORT = 0x101a, XFMEM_SETZSCALE = 0x101c, XFMEM_SETZOFFSET = 0x101f, XFMEM_SETPROJECTION = 0x1020, // XFMEM_SETPROJECTIONB = 0x1021, // XFMEM_SETPROJECTIONC = 0x1022, // XFMEM_SETPROJECTIOND = 0x1023, // XFMEM_SETPROJECTIONE = 0x1024, // XFMEM_SETPROJECTIONF = 0x1025, // XFMEM_SETPROJECTIONORTHO = 0x1026, XFMEM_UNKNOWN_GROUP_2_START = 0x1027, XFMEM_UNKNOWN_GROUP_2_END = 0x103e, XFMEM_SETNUMTEXGENS = 0x103f, XFMEM_SETTEXMTXINFO = 0x1040, XFMEM_UNKNOWN_GROUP_3_START = 0x1048, XFMEM_UNKNOWN_GROUP_3_END = 0x104f, XFMEM_SETPOSTMTXINFO = 0x1050, XFMEM_REGISTERS_END = 0x1058, }; union LitChannel { BitField<0, 1, MatSource> matsource; BitField<1, 1, bool, u32> enablelighting; BitField<2, 4, u32> lightMask0_3; BitField<6, 1, AmbSource> ambsource; BitField<7, 2, DiffuseFunc> diffusefunc; BitField<9, 2, AttenuationFunc> attnfunc; BitField<11, 4, u32> lightMask4_7; u32 hex; unsigned int GetFullLightMask() const { return enablelighting ? (lightMask0_3 | (lightMask4_7 << 4)) : 0; } }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<LitChannel> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const LitChannel& chan, FormatContext& ctx) { return format_to(ctx.out(), "Material source: {0}\nEnable lighting: {1}\nLight mask: {2:x} ({2:08b})\n" "Ambient source: {3}\nDiffuse function: {4}\nAttenuation function: {5}", chan.matsource, chan.enablelighting ? "Yes" : "No", chan.GetFullLightMask(), chan.ambsource, chan.diffusefunc, chan.attnfunc); } }; union ClipDisable { BitField<0, 1, bool, u32> disable_clipping_detection; BitField<1, 1, bool, u32> disable_trivial_rejection; BitField<2, 1, bool, u32> disable_cpoly_clipping_acceleration; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<ClipDisable> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const ClipDisable& cd, FormatContext& ctx) { return format_to(ctx.out(), "Disable clipping detection: {}\n" "Disable trivial rejection: {}\n" "Disable cpoly clipping acceleration: {}", cd.disable_clipping_detection ? "Yes" : "No", cd.disable_trivial_rejection ? "Yes" : "No", cd.disable_cpoly_clipping_acceleration ? "Yes" : "No"); } }; union INVTXSPEC { BitField<0, 2, u32> numcolors; BitField<2, 2, NormalCount> numnormals; BitField<4, 4, u32> numtextures; u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<INVTXSPEC> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const INVTXSPEC& spec, FormatContext& ctx) { return format_to(ctx.out(), "Num colors: {}\nNum normals: {}\nNum textures: {}", spec.numcolors, spec.numnormals, spec.numtextures); } }; union TexMtxInfo { BitField<0, 1, u32> unknown; BitField<1, 1, TexSize> projection; BitField<2, 1, TexInputForm> inputform; BitField<3, 1, u32> unknown2; BitField<4, 3, TexGenType> texgentype; BitField<7, 5, SourceRow> sourcerow; BitField<12, 3, u32> embosssourceshift; // what generated texcoord to use BitField<15, 3, u32> embosslightshift; // light index that is used u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<TexMtxInfo> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const TexMtxInfo& i, FormatContext& ctx) { return format_to(ctx.out(), "Projection: {}\nInput form: {}\nTex gen type: {}\n" "Source row: {}\nEmboss source shift: {}\nEmboss light shift: {}", i.projection, i.inputform, i.texgentype, i.sourcerow, i.embosssourceshift, i.embosslightshift); } }; union PostMtxInfo { BitField<0, 6, u32> index; // base row of dual transform matrix BitField<6, 2, u32> unused; // BitField<8, 1, bool, u32> normalize; // normalize before send operation u32 hex; }; template <> struct fmt::formatter<PostMtxInfo> { constexpr auto parse(format_parse_context& ctx) { return ctx.begin(); } template <typename FormatContext> auto format(const PostMtxInfo& i, FormatContext& ctx) { return format_to(ctx.out(), "Index: {}\nNormalize before send operation: {}", i.index, i.normalize ? "Yes" : "No"); } }; union NumColorChannel { BitField<0, 2, u32> numColorChans; u32 hex; }; union NumTexGen { BitField<0, 4, u32> numTexGens; u32 hex; }; union DualTexInfo { BitField<0, 1, bool, u32> enabled; u32 hex; }; struct Light { u32 useless[3]; u8 color[4]; float cosatt[3]; // cos attenuation float distatt[3]; // dist attenuation union { struct { float dpos[3]; float ddir[3]; // specular lights only }; struct { float sdir[3]; float shalfangle[3]; // specular lights only }; }; }; struct Viewport { float wd; float ht; float zRange; float xOrig; float yOrig; float farZ; }; struct Projection { using Raw = std::array<float, 6>; Raw rawProjection; ProjectionType type; }; struct XFMemory { float posMatrices[256]; // 0x0000 - 0x00ff u32 unk0[768]; // 0x0100 - 0x03ff float normalMatrices[96]; // 0x0400 - 0x045f u32 unk1[160]; // 0x0460 - 0x04ff float postMatrices[256]; // 0x0500 - 0x05ff Light lights[8]; // 0x0600 - 0x067f u32 unk2[2432]; // 0x0680 - 0x0fff u32 error; // 0x1000 u32 diag; // 0x1001 u32 state0; // 0x1002 u32 state1; // 0x1003 u32 xfClock; // 0x1004 ClipDisable clipDisable; // 0x1005 u32 perf0; // 0x1006 u32 perf1; // 0x1007 INVTXSPEC hostinfo; // 0x1008 number of textures,colors,normals from vertex input NumColorChannel numChan; // 0x1009 u32 ambColor[NUM_XF_COLOR_CHANNELS]; // 0x100a, 0x100b u32 matColor[NUM_XF_COLOR_CHANNELS]; // 0x100c, 0x100d LitChannel color[NUM_XF_COLOR_CHANNELS]; // 0x100e, 0x100f LitChannel alpha[NUM_XF_COLOR_CHANNELS]; // 0x1010, 0x1011 DualTexInfo dualTexTrans; // 0x1012 u32 unk3; // 0x1013 u32 unk4; // 0x1014 u32 unk5; // 0x1015 u32 unk6; // 0x1016 u32 unk7; // 0x1017 TMatrixIndexA MatrixIndexA; // 0x1018 TMatrixIndexB MatrixIndexB; // 0x1019 Viewport viewport; // 0x101a - 0x101f Projection projection; // 0x1020 - 0x1026 u32 unk8[24]; // 0x1027 - 0x103e NumTexGen numTexGen; // 0x103f TexMtxInfo texMtxInfo[8]; // 0x1040 - 0x1047 u32 unk9[8]; // 0x1048 - 0x104f PostMtxInfo postMtxInfo[8]; // 0x1050 - 0x1057 }; static_assert(sizeof(XFMemory) == sizeof(u32) * 0x1058); extern XFMemory xfmem; void LoadXFReg(u32 transferSize, u32 address, DataReader src); void LoadIndexedXF(u32 val, int array); void PreprocessIndexedXF(u32 val, int refarray);