// Copyright 2012 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "Common/GL/GLInterface/AGL.h" #include "Common/Logging/Log.h" // UpdateCachedDimensions and AttachContextToView contain calls to UI APIs, so they must only be // called from the main thread or they risk crashing! static bool UpdateCachedDimensions(NSView* view, u32* width, u32* height) { NSWindow* window = [view window]; NSSize size = [view frame].size; const CGFloat scale = [window backingScaleFactor]; u32 new_width = static_cast<u32>(size.width * scale); u32 new_height = static_cast<u32>(size.height * scale); if (*width == new_width && *height == new_height) return false; *width = new_width; *height = new_height; return true; } static bool AttachContextToView(NSOpenGLContext* context, NSView* view, u32* width, u32* height) { // Enable high-resolution display support. [view setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface:YES]; NSWindow* window = [view window]; if (window == nil) { ERROR_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "failed to get NSWindow"); return false; } (void)UpdateCachedDimensions(view, width, height); [context setView:view]; return true; } GLContextAGL::~GLContextAGL() { if ([NSOpenGLContext currentContext] == m_context) [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext]; if (m_context) { [m_context clearDrawable]; [m_context release]; } if (m_pixel_format) [m_pixel_format release]; } bool GLContextAGL::IsHeadless() const { return !m_view; } void GLContextAGL::Swap() { [m_context flushBuffer]; } // Create rendering window. // Call browser: Core.cpp:EmuThread() > main.cpp:Video_Initialize() bool GLContextAGL::Initialize(const WindowSystemInfo& wsi, bool stereo, bool core) { NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attr[] = { NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer, NSOpenGLPFAOpenGLProfile, core ? NSOpenGLProfileVersion3_2Core : NSOpenGLProfileVersionLegacy, NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated, stereo ? NSOpenGLPFAStereo : static_cast<NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute>(0), 0}; m_pixel_format = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attr]; if (m_pixel_format == nil) { ERROR_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "failed to create pixel format"); return false; } m_context = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:m_pixel_format shareContext:nil]; if (m_context == nil) { ERROR_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "failed to create context"); return false; } if (!wsi.render_surface) return true; m_view = static_cast<NSView*>(wsi.render_surface); m_opengl_mode = Mode::OpenGL; __block bool success; if ([NSThread isMainThread]) { success = AttachContextToView(m_context, m_view, &m_backbuffer_width, &m_backbuffer_height); } else { dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ success = AttachContextToView(m_context, m_view, &m_backbuffer_width, &m_backbuffer_height); }); } if (!success) { return false; } [m_context makeCurrentContext]; return true; } std::unique_ptr<GLContext> GLContextAGL::CreateSharedContext() { NSOpenGLContext* new_agl_context = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:m_pixel_format shareContext:m_context]; if (new_agl_context == nil) { ERROR_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "failed to create shared context"); return nullptr; } std::unique_ptr<GLContextAGL> new_context = std::make_unique<GLContextAGL>(); new_context->m_context = new_agl_context; new_context->m_pixel_format = m_pixel_format; [new_context->m_pixel_format retain]; new_context->m_is_shared = true; return new_context; } bool GLContextAGL::MakeCurrent() { [m_context makeCurrentContext]; return true; } bool GLContextAGL::ClearCurrent() { [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext]; return true; } void GLContextAGL::Update() { if (!m_view) return; dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ if (UpdateCachedDimensions(m_view, &m_backbuffer_width, &m_backbuffer_height)) { [m_context update]; } }); } void GLContextAGL::SwapInterval(int interval) { [m_context setValues:static_cast<GLint*>(&interval) forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval]; }