// Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Includes // ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ //#include "Common.h" // for u16 #include "CommonTypes.h" // for u16 #include "IniFile.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "wiimote_real.h" // Local #include "wiimote_hid.h" #include "main.h" #include "ConfigDlg.h" #include "Config.h" #include "EmuMain.h" // for LoadRecordedMovements() #include "EmuSubroutines.h" // for WmRequestStatus ////////////////////////////////////// void ConfigDialog::LoadFile() { Console::Print("LoadFile()\n"); IniFile file; file.Load("WiimoteMovement.ini"); for(int i = 1; i < (RECORDING_ROWS + 1); i++) { // Temporary storage bool bTmp; int iTmp; std::string STmp; // Get row name std::string SaveName = StringFromFormat("Recording%i", i); // HotKey file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "HotKeySwitch", &iTmp, 3); m_RecordHotKeySwitch[i]->SetSelection(iTmp); file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "HotKeyWiimote", &iTmp, 10); m_RecordHotKeyWiimote[i]->SetSelection(iTmp); file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "HotKeyNunchuck", &iTmp, 10); m_RecordHotKeyNunchuck[i]->SetSelection(iTmp); file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "HotKeyIR", &iTmp, 10); m_RecordHotKeyIR[i]->SetSelection(iTmp); // Movement name file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "MovementName", &STmp, ""); m_RecordText[i]->SetValue(wxString::FromAscii(STmp.c_str())); // Game name file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "GameName", &STmp, ""); m_RecordGameText[i]->SetValue(wxString::FromAscii(STmp.c_str())); // IR Bytes file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "IRBytes", &STmp, ""); m_RecordIRBytesText[i]->SetValue(wxString::FromAscii(STmp.c_str())); // Recording speed file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "RecordingSpeed", &iTmp, -1); if(iTmp != -1) m_RecordSpeed[i]->SetValue(wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), iTmp)); else m_RecordSpeed[i]->SetValue(wxT("")); // Playback speed (currently always saved directly after a recording) file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "PlaybackSpeed", &iTmp, -1); m_RecordPlayBackSpeed[i]->SetSelection(iTmp); } } void ConfigDialog::SaveFile() { Console::Print("SaveFile\n"); IniFile file; file.Load("WiimoteMovement.ini"); for(int i = 1; i < (RECORDING_ROWS + 1); i++) { // Get row name std::string SaveName = StringFromFormat("Recording%i", i); // HotKey file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "HotKeySwitch", m_RecordHotKeySwitch[i]->GetSelection()); file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "HotKeyWiimote", m_RecordHotKeyWiimote[i]->GetSelection()); file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "HotKeyNunchuck", m_RecordHotKeyNunchuck[i]->GetSelection()); file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "HotKeyIR", m_RecordHotKeyIR[i]->GetSelection()); // Movement name file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "MovementName", m_RecordText[i]->GetValue().c_str()); // Game name file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "GameName", m_RecordGameText[i]->GetValue().c_str()); // Recording speed (currently always saved directly after a recording) /* wxString TmpRecordSpeed = m_RecordSpeed[i]->GetValue(); if(TmpRecordSpeed.length() > 0) int TmpRecordSpeed; file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "RecordingSpeed", TmpRecordSpeed); else int TmpRecordSpeed; file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "RecordingSpeed", "-1"); */ // Playback speed (currently always saved directly after a recording) file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "PlaybackSpeed", m_RecordPlayBackSpeed[i]->GetSelection()); } file.Save("WiimoteMovement.ini"); Console::Print("SaveFile()\n"); } ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create GUI // ------------ void ConfigDialog::CreateGUIControlsRecording() { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Real Wiimote // ---------------- // --------------------------------------------- // Status // ---------------- wxStaticBoxSizer * sbRealStatus = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_PageRecording, wxT("Status")); m_TextUpdateRate = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Update rate: 000 times/s")); m_UpdateMeters = new wxCheckBox(m_PageRecording, ID_UPDATE_REAL, wxT("Update gauges")); m_UpdateMeters->SetValue(g_Config.bUpdateRealWiimote); m_UpdateMeters->SetToolTip(wxT( "You can turn this off when a game is running to avoid a potential slowdown that may come from redrawing the\n" "configuration screen. Remember that you also need to press '+' on your Wiimote before you can record movements." )); sbRealStatus->Add(m_TextUpdateRate, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sbRealStatus->Add(m_UpdateMeters, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxUP), 5); // ----------------------- // --------------------------------------------- // Wiimote accelerometer neutral values // ---------------- wxStaticBoxSizer * sbRealNeutral = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_PageRecording, wxT("Wiimote neutral")); wxStaticText * m_TextAccNeutralTarget = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Target: 132 132 159")); m_TextAccNeutralCurrent = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Current: 000 000 000")); wxArrayString StrAccNeutral; for(int i = 0; i < 31; i++) StrAccNeutral.Add(wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), i)); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) m_AccNeutralChoice[i] = new wxChoice(m_PageRecording, ID_NEUTRAL_CHOICE, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, StrAccNeutral); m_AccNeutralChoice[0]->SetSelection(g_Config.iAccNeutralX); m_AccNeutralChoice[1]->SetSelection(g_Config.iAccNeutralY); m_AccNeutralChoice[2]->SetSelection(g_Config.iAccNeutralZ); wxBoxSizer * sbRealWiimoteNeutralChoices = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sbRealWiimoteNeutralChoices->Add(m_AccNeutralChoice[0], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 0); sbRealWiimoteNeutralChoices->Add(m_AccNeutralChoice[1], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 2); sbRealWiimoteNeutralChoices->Add(m_AccNeutralChoice[2], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 2); sbRealNeutral->Add(m_TextAccNeutralTarget, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sbRealNeutral->Add(m_TextAccNeutralCurrent, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT | wxRIGHT), 5); sbRealNeutral->Add(sbRealWiimoteNeutralChoices, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxUP), 5); m_TextAccNeutralTarget->SetToolTip(wxT( "To produce compatible accelerometer recordings that can be shared with other users without problems" " you have to adjust the Current value to the Target value before you make a recording." )); // Wiimote Status wxBoxSizer * sbRealWiimoteStatus = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); wxStaticBoxSizer * sbRealBattery = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_PageRecording, wxT("Battery")); wxStaticBoxSizer * sbRealRoll = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, m_PageRecording, wxT("Roll and Pitch")); wxStaticBoxSizer * sbRealGForce = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, m_PageRecording, wxT("G-Force")); wxStaticBoxSizer * sbRealAccel = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, m_PageRecording, wxT("Accelerometer")); wxStaticBoxSizer * sbRealIR = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL, m_PageRecording, wxT("IR")); // Width and height of the gauges static const int Gw = 35, Gh = 110; m_GaugeBattery = new wxGauge( m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, 100, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(Gw, Gh), wxGA_VERTICAL | wxNO_BORDER | wxGA_SMOOTH); m_GaugeRoll[0] = new wxGauge( m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, 360, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(Gw, Gh), wxGA_VERTICAL | wxNO_BORDER | wxGA_SMOOTH); m_GaugeRoll[1] = new wxGauge( m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, 360, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(Gw, Gh), wxGA_VERTICAL | wxNO_BORDER | wxGA_SMOOTH); m_GaugeGForce[0] = new wxGauge( m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, 600, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(Gw, Gh), wxGA_VERTICAL | wxNO_BORDER | wxGA_SMOOTH); m_GaugeGForce[1] = new wxGauge( m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, 600, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(Gw, Gh), wxGA_VERTICAL | wxNO_BORDER | wxGA_SMOOTH); m_GaugeGForce[2] = new wxGauge( m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, 600, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(Gw, Gh), wxGA_VERTICAL | wxNO_BORDER | wxGA_SMOOTH); m_GaugeAccel[0] = new wxGauge( m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, 255, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(Gw, Gh), wxGA_VERTICAL | wxNO_BORDER | wxGA_SMOOTH); m_GaugeAccel[1] = new wxGauge( m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, 255, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(Gw, Gh), wxGA_VERTICAL | wxNO_BORDER | wxGA_SMOOTH); m_GaugeAccel[2] = new wxGauge( m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, 255, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(Gw, Gh), wxGA_VERTICAL | wxNO_BORDER | wxGA_SMOOTH); // The text controls m_TextIR = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Cursor: 000 000\nDistance: 0000")); // ----------------------------- // The sizers for all gauges together with their label // ----------- wxBoxSizer * sBoxBattery = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); wxBoxSizer * sBoxRoll[2]; sBoxRoll[0] = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sBoxRoll[1] = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); wxBoxSizer * sBoxGForce[3]; sBoxGForce[0] = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sBoxGForce[1] = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sBoxGForce[2] = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); wxBoxSizer * sBoxAccel[3]; sBoxAccel[0] = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sBoxAccel[1] = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sBoxAccel[2] = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); wxStaticText * m_TextBattery = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Batt."), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE); wxStaticText * m_TextRoll = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Roll"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE); wxStaticText * m_TextPitch = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Pitch"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE); wxStaticText *m_TextX[2], *m_TextY[2], *m_TextZ[2]; m_TextX[0] = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("X"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE); m_TextX[1] = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("X"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE); m_TextY[0] = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Y"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE); m_TextY[1] = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Y"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE); m_TextZ[0] = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Z"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE); m_TextZ[1] = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Z"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_CENTRE); // ---------------- // ----------------------------- // Set up sizers // ----------- sBoxBattery->Add(m_GaugeBattery, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sBoxBattery->Add(m_TextBattery, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 0); sBoxRoll[0]->Add(m_GaugeRoll[0], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sBoxRoll[0]->Add(m_TextRoll, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 0); sBoxRoll[1]->Add(m_GaugeRoll[1], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sBoxRoll[1]->Add(m_TextPitch, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 0); sBoxGForce[0]->Add(m_GaugeGForce[0], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sBoxGForce[0]->Add(m_TextX[0], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 0); sBoxGForce[1]->Add(m_GaugeGForce[1], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sBoxGForce[1]->Add(m_TextY[0], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 0); sBoxGForce[2]->Add(m_GaugeGForce[2], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sBoxGForce[2]->Add(m_TextZ[0], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 0); sBoxAccel[0]->Add(m_GaugeAccel[0], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sBoxAccel[0]->Add(m_TextX[1], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 0); sBoxAccel[1]->Add(m_GaugeAccel[1], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sBoxAccel[1]->Add(m_TextY[1], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 0); sBoxAccel[2]->Add(m_GaugeAccel[2], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sBoxAccel[2]->Add(m_TextZ[1], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 0); sbRealBattery->Add(sBoxBattery, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sbRealRoll->Add(sBoxRoll[0], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sbRealRoll->Add(sBoxRoll[1], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sbRealGForce->Add(sBoxGForce[0], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sbRealGForce->Add(sBoxGForce[1], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sbRealGForce->Add(sBoxGForce[2], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sbRealAccel->Add(sBoxAccel[0], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sbRealAccel->Add(sBoxAccel[1], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sbRealAccel->Add(sBoxAccel[2], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sbRealIR->Add(m_TextIR, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); sbRealWiimoteStatus->Add(sbRealBattery, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 0); sbRealWiimoteStatus->Add(sbRealRoll, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sbRealWiimoteStatus->Add(sbRealGForce, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sbRealWiimoteStatus->Add(sbRealAccel, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sbRealWiimoteStatus->Add(sbRealIR, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); // ---------------- // Tool tips m_GaugeBattery->SetToolTip(wxT("Press '+' to show the current status. Press '-' to stop recording the status.")); // ========================================== // ==================================================================== // Record movement // ---------------- wxStaticBoxSizer * sbRealRecord = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, m_PageRecording, wxT("Record movements")); wxArrayString StrHotKeySwitch; StrHotKeySwitch.Add(wxT("Shift")); StrHotKeySwitch.Add(wxT("Ctrl")); StrHotKeySwitch.Add(wxT("Alt")); StrHotKeySwitch.Add(wxT("")); wxArrayString StrHotKey; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) StrHotKey.Add(wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), i)); StrHotKey.Add(wxT("")); wxArrayString StrPlayBackSpeed; for(int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) StrPlayBackSpeed.Add(wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), i*25)); wxBoxSizer * sRealRecord[RECORDING_ROWS + 1]; wxStaticText * m_TextRec = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Rec."), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(80, -1), wxALIGN_CENTRE); wxStaticText * m_TextHotKey = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("HotKey"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(170, -1), wxALIGN_CENTRE); wxStaticText * m_TextMovement = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Movement name"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, -1), wxALIGN_CENTRE); wxStaticText * m_TextGame = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Game name"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, -1), wxALIGN_CENTRE); wxStaticText * m_TextIRBytes = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("IR"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(20, -1), wxALIGN_CENTRE); wxStaticText * m_TextRecSpeed = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("R. s."), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(33, -1), wxALIGN_CENTRE); wxStaticText * m_TextPlaySpeed = new wxStaticText(m_PageRecording, wxID_ANY, wxT("Pl. s."), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(40, -1), wxALIGN_CENTRE); // Tool tips m_TextRec->SetToolTip(wxT( "To record a movement first press this button, then start the recording by pressing 'A' on the Wiimote and stop the recording\n" "by letting go of 'A'")); m_TextHotKey->SetToolTip( wxT("Select a hotkey for playback of 1. Wiimote movements, 2. Nunchuck movements, 3. IR data. You can combine it with an" " option Shift, Ctrl, or Alt switch." )); m_TextRecSpeed->SetToolTip(wxT("Recording speed in average measurements per second")); m_TextPlaySpeed->SetToolTip(wxT( "Playback speed: A playback speed of 100 means that the playback occurs at the same rate as it was recorded. (You can see the\n" "current update rate in the Status window above when a game is running.) However, if your framerate is only at 50% of full speed\n" "you may want to select a playback rate of 50, because then the game might perceive the playback as a full speed playback. (This\n" "holds if Wiimote_Update() is tied to the framerate, I'm not sure that this is the case. It seemed to vary somewhat with different\n" "framerates but perhaps not enough to say that it was exactly tied to the framerate.) So until this is better understood you'll have\n" "to try different playback rates and see which one that works." )); sRealRecord[0] = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sRealRecord[0]->Add(m_TextRec, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sRealRecord[0]->Add(m_TextHotKey, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sRealRecord[0]->Add(m_TextMovement, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sRealRecord[0]->Add(m_TextGame, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sRealRecord[0]->Add(m_TextIRBytes, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sRealRecord[0]->Add(m_TextRecSpeed, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sRealRecord[0]->Add(m_TextPlaySpeed, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sbRealRecord->Add(sRealRecord[0], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 0); for(int i = 1; i < (RECORDING_ROWS + 1); i++) { sRealRecord[i] = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); m_RecordButton[i] = new wxButton(m_PageRecording, IDB_RECORD + i, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(80, 20), 0, wxDefaultValidator, wxEmptyString); m_RecordHotKeySwitch[i] = new wxChoice(m_PageRecording, IDC_RECORD + i, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, StrHotKeySwitch); m_RecordHotKeyWiimote[i] = new wxChoice(m_PageRecording, IDC_RECORD + i, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, StrHotKey); m_RecordHotKeyNunchuck[i] = new wxChoice(m_PageRecording, IDC_RECORD + i, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, StrHotKey); m_RecordHotKeyIR[i] = new wxChoice(m_PageRecording, IDC_RECORD + i, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, StrHotKey); m_RecordText[i] = new wxTextCtrl(m_PageRecording, IDT_RECORD_TEXT, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 19)); m_RecordGameText[i] = new wxTextCtrl(m_PageRecording, IDT_RECORD_GAMETEXT, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 19)); m_RecordIRBytesText[i] = new wxTextCtrl(m_PageRecording, IDT_RECORD_IRBYTESTEXT, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(25, 19)); m_RecordSpeed[i] = new wxTextCtrl(m_PageRecording, IDT_RECORD_SPEED, wxT(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(30, 19), wxTE_READONLY | wxTE_CENTRE); m_RecordPlayBackSpeed[i] = new wxChoice(m_PageRecording, IDT_RECORD_PLAYSPEED, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, StrPlayBackSpeed); m_RecordText[i]->SetMaxLength(35); m_RecordGameText[i]->SetMaxLength(35); m_RecordIRBytesText[i]->Enable(false); m_RecordSpeed[i]->Enable(false); sRealRecord[i]->Add(m_RecordButton[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sRealRecord[i]->Add(m_RecordHotKeySwitch[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sRealRecord[i]->Add(m_RecordHotKeyWiimote[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 2); sRealRecord[i]->Add(m_RecordHotKeyNunchuck[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 2); sRealRecord[i]->Add(m_RecordHotKeyIR[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 2); sRealRecord[i]->Add(m_RecordText[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sRealRecord[i]->Add(m_RecordGameText[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sRealRecord[i]->Add(m_RecordIRBytesText[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sRealRecord[i]->Add(m_RecordSpeed[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sRealRecord[i]->Add(m_RecordPlayBackSpeed[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); sbRealRecord->Add(sRealRecord[i], 0, wxEXPAND | (wxTOP), 2); } // ========================================== // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up sizers // ---------------- wxBoxSizer * sRealBasicStatus = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sRealBasicStatus->Add(sbRealStatus, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 0); sRealBasicStatus->Add(sbRealNeutral, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT), 5); m_sRecordingMain = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_sRecordingMain->Add(sRealBasicStatus, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxALL), 5); m_sRecordingMain->Add(sbRealWiimoteStatus, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxDOWN), 5); m_sRecordingMain->Add(sbRealRecord, 0, wxEXPAND | (wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxDOWN), 5); m_PageRecording->SetSizer(m_sRecordingMain); } ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Record movement */ // ------------ void ConfigDialog::ConvertToString() { // Load ini file IniFile file; file.Load("WiimoteMovement.ini"); std::string TmpStr = "", TmpIR = "", TmpTime = ""; for (int i = 0; i < m_vRecording.size(); i++) { // Write the movement data TmpStr += StringFromFormat("%02x", m_vRecording.at(i).x); TmpStr += StringFromFormat("%02x", m_vRecording.at(i).y); TmpStr += StringFromFormat("%02x", m_vRecording.at(i).z); if(i < (m_vRecording.size() - 1)) TmpStr += ","; // Write the IR data TmpIR += ArrayToString(m_vRecording.at(i).IR, IRBytes, 0, 30, false); if(i < (m_vRecording.size() - 1)) TmpIR += ","; // Write the timestamps. The upper limit is 99 seconds. int Time = (int)((m_vRecording.at(i).Time - m_vRecording.at(0).Time) * 1000); TmpTime += StringFromFormat("%05i", Time); if(i < (m_vRecording.size() - 1)) TmpTime += ","; /* Break just short of the IniFile.cpp byte limit so that we don't crash file.Load() the next time. This limit should never be hit because of the recording limit below. I keep it here just in case. */ if(TmpStr.length() > (1024*10 - 10) || TmpIR.length() > (1024*10 - 10) || TmpTime.length() > (1024*10 - 10)) { break; PanicAlert("Your recording was to long, the entire recording was not saved."); } // Debug Console::Print("Saved: [%i / %i] %03i %03i %03i\n", i, m_vRecording.size(), m_vRecording.at(i).x, m_vRecording.at(i).y, m_vRecording.at(i).z); } // Recordings per second double Recordings = (double)m_vRecording.size(); double Time = m_vRecording.at(m_vRecording.size() - 1).Time - m_vRecording.at(0).Time; int Rate = (int)(Recordings / Time); // If time or the number of recordings are zero we set the Rate to zero if (Time == 0 || m_vRecording.size() == 0) Rate = 0; // Update GUI m_RecordIRBytesText[m_iRecordTo]->SetValue(wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), IRBytes)); m_RecordSpeed[m_iRecordTo]->SetValue(wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), Rate)); // Save file std::string SaveName = StringFromFormat("Recording%i", m_iRecordTo); file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "Movement", TmpStr.c_str()); file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "IR", TmpIR.c_str()); file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "Time", TmpTime.c_str()); file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "IRBytes", IRBytes); file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "RecordingSpeed", Rate); // Set a default playback speed if none is set already int TmpPlaySpeed; file.Get(SaveName.c_str(), "PlaybackSpeed", &TmpPlaySpeed, -1); if (TmpPlaySpeed == -1) { file.Set(SaveName.c_str(), "PlaybackSpeed", 3); m_RecordPlayBackSpeed[m_iRecordTo]->SetSelection(3); } file.Save("WiimoteMovement.ini"); Console::Print("Save recording to WiimoteMovement.ini\n"); } // Timeout the recording void ConfigDialog::Update(wxTimerEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { m_bWaitForRecording = false; m_bRecording = false; m_RecordButton[m_iRecordTo]->SetLabel(wxT("")); UpdateGUI(); } void ConfigDialog::RecordMovement(wxCommandEvent& event) { m_iRecordTo = event.GetId() - 2000; if(WiiMoteReal::g_MotionSensing) { // Check if there already is a recording here if(m_RecordSpeed[m_iRecordTo]->GetLineLength(0) > 0) { if(!AskYesNo("Do you want to replace the current recording?")) return; } m_RecordButton[m_iRecordTo]->SetLabel(wxT("Hold A")); } else { m_RecordButton[m_iRecordTo]->SetLabel(wxT("Press +")); // This is for usability purposes, it may not be obvious at all that this must be unchecked // for the recording to work for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) m_UseRealWiimote[i]->SetValue(false); g_Config.bUseRealWiimote = false; return; } m_bWaitForRecording = true; m_bAllowA = true; m_bRecording = false; UpdateGUI(); m_TimeoutTimer->Start(5000, true); } void ConfigDialog::DoRecordA(bool Pressed) { // Return if we are not waiting or recording if (! (m_bWaitForRecording || m_bRecording)) return; // Return if we are waiting but have not pressed A if (m_bWaitForRecording && !Pressed) return; // Return if we are recording but are still pressing A if (m_bRecording && Pressed) return; //m_bAllowA = false; m_bRecording = Pressed; // Start recording, only run this once if(m_bRecording && m_bWaitForRecording) { m_RecordButton[m_iRecordTo]->SetLabel(wxT("Recording...")); m_vRecording.clear(); // Clear the list m_TimeoutTimer->Stop(); m_bWaitForRecording = false; } // The recording is done else { m_RecordButton[m_iRecordTo]->SetLabel(wxT("Done")); Console::Print("Done: %i %i\n", m_bWaitForRecording, m_bRecording); //m_bAllowA = true; ConvertToString(); } UpdateGUI(); } void ConfigDialog::DoRecordMovement(u8 _x, u8 _y, u8 _z, const u8 *_IR, int _IRBytes) { //std::string Tmp1 = ArrayToString(_IR, 20, 0, 30); //Console::Print("DoRecordMovement: %s\n", Tmp1.c_str()); if (!m_bRecording) return; //Console::Print("DoRecordMovement: %03i %03i %03i\n", _x, _y, _z); SRecording Tmp; Tmp.x = _x; Tmp.y = _y; Tmp.z = _z; Tmp.Time = GetDoubleTime(); memcpy(Tmp.IR, _IR, _IRBytes); m_vRecording.push_back(Tmp); // Save the number of IR bytes IRBytes = _IRBytes; /* The upper limit of a recording coincides with the IniFile.cpp limit, each list element is 7 bytes, therefore be divide by 7 */ if (m_vRecording.size() > (10*1024 / 7 - 2) ) { m_bRecording = false; m_RecordButton[m_iRecordTo]->SetLabel(wxT("Done")); ConvertToString(); UpdateGUI(); } } /////////////////////////////////