// Copyright 2017 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "DiscIO/DiscExtractor.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cinttypes> #include <locale> #include <optional> #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "DiscIO/Enums.h" #include "DiscIO/Filesystem.h" #include "DiscIO/Volume.h" namespace DiscIO { std::string DirectoryNameForPartitionType(u32 partition_type) { switch (partition_type) { case 0: return "DATA"; case 1: return "UPDATE"; case 2: return "CHANNEL"; default: const std::string type_as_game_id{static_cast<char>((partition_type >> 24) & 0xFF), static_cast<char>((partition_type >> 16) & 0xFF), static_cast<char>((partition_type >> 8) & 0xFF), static_cast<char>(partition_type & 0xFF)}; if (std::all_of(type_as_game_id.cbegin(), type_as_game_id.cend(), [](char c) { return std::isprint(c, std::locale::classic()); })) { return "P-" + type_as_game_id; } return StringFromFormat("P%u", partition_type); } } u64 ReadFile(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const FileInfo* file_info, u8* buffer, u64 max_buffer_size, u64 offset_in_file) { if (!file_info || file_info->IsDirectory() || offset_in_file >= file_info->GetSize()) return 0; const u64 read_length = std::min(max_buffer_size, file_info->GetSize() - offset_in_file); DEBUG_LOG(DISCIO, "Reading %" PRIx64 " bytes at %" PRIx64 " from file %s. Offset: %" PRIx64 " Size: %" PRIx32, read_length, offset_in_file, file_info->GetPath().c_str(), file_info->GetOffset(), file_info->GetSize()); if (!volume.Read(file_info->GetOffset() + offset_in_file, read_length, buffer, partition)) return 0; return read_length; } u64 ReadFile(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const std::string& path, u8* buffer, u64 max_buffer_size, u64 offset_in_file) { const FileSystem* file_system = volume.GetFileSystem(partition); if (!file_system) return 0; return ReadFile(volume, partition, file_system->FindFileInfo(path).get(), buffer, max_buffer_size, offset_in_file); } bool ExportData(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, u64 offset, u64 size, const std::string& export_filename) { File::IOFile f(export_filename, "wb"); if (!f) return false; while (size) { // Limit read size to 128 MB const size_t read_size = static_cast<size_t>(std::min<u64>(size, 0x08000000)); std::vector<u8> buffer(read_size); if (!volume.Read(offset, read_size, buffer.data(), partition)) return false; if (!f.WriteBytes(buffer.data(), read_size)) return false; size -= read_size; offset += read_size; } return true; } bool ExportFile(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const FileInfo* file_info, const std::string& export_filename) { if (!file_info || file_info->IsDirectory()) return false; return ExportData(volume, partition, file_info->GetOffset(), file_info->GetSize(), export_filename); } bool ExportFile(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const std::string& path, const std::string& export_filename) { const FileSystem* file_system = volume.GetFileSystem(partition); if (!file_system) return false; return ExportFile(volume, partition, file_system->FindFileInfo(path).get(), export_filename); } void ExportDirectory(const Volume& volume, const Partition partition, const FileInfo& directory, bool recursive, const std::string& filesystem_path, const std::string& export_folder, const std::function<bool(const std::string& path)>& update_progress) { File::CreateFullPath(export_folder + '/'); for (const FileInfo& file_info : directory) { const std::string name = file_info.GetName() + (file_info.IsDirectory() ? "/" : ""); const std::string path = filesystem_path + name; const std::string export_path = export_folder + '/' + name; if (update_progress(path)) return; DEBUG_LOG(DISCIO, "%s", export_path.c_str()); if (!file_info.IsDirectory()) { if (File::Exists(export_path)) NOTICE_LOG(DISCIO, "%s already exists", export_path.c_str()); else if (!ExportFile(volume, partition, &file_info, export_path)) ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Could not export %s", export_path.c_str()); } else if (recursive) { ExportDirectory(volume, partition, file_info, recursive, path, export_path, update_progress); } } } bool ExportWiiUnencryptedHeader(const Volume& volume, const std::string& export_filename) { if (volume.GetVolumeType() != Platform::WII_DISC) return false; return ExportData(volume, PARTITION_NONE, 0, 0x100, export_filename); } bool ExportWiiRegionData(const Volume& volume, const std::string& export_filename) { if (volume.GetVolumeType() != Platform::WII_DISC) return false; return ExportData(volume, PARTITION_NONE, 0x4E000, 0x20, export_filename); } bool ExportTicket(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const std::string& export_filename) { if (volume.GetVolumeType() != Platform::WII_DISC) return false; return ExportData(volume, PARTITION_NONE, partition.offset, 0x2a4, export_filename); } bool ExportTMD(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const std::string& export_filename) { if (volume.GetVolumeType() != Platform::WII_DISC) return false; const std::optional<u32> size = volume.ReadSwapped<u32>(partition.offset + 0x2a4, PARTITION_NONE); const std::optional<u64> offset = volume.ReadSwappedAndShifted(partition.offset + 0x2a8, PARTITION_NONE); if (!size || !offset) return false; return ExportData(volume, PARTITION_NONE, partition.offset + *offset, *size, export_filename); } bool ExportCertificateChain(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const std::string& export_filename) { if (volume.GetVolumeType() != Platform::WII_DISC) return false; const std::optional<u32> size = volume.ReadSwapped<u32>(partition.offset + 0x2ac, PARTITION_NONE); const std::optional<u64> offset = volume.ReadSwappedAndShifted(partition.offset + 0x2b0, PARTITION_NONE); if (!size || !offset) return false; return ExportData(volume, PARTITION_NONE, *offset, *size, export_filename); } bool ExportH3Hashes(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const std::string& export_filename) { if (volume.GetVolumeType() != Platform::WII_DISC) return false; const std::optional<u64> offset = volume.ReadSwappedAndShifted(partition.offset + 0x2b4, PARTITION_NONE); if (!offset) return false; return ExportData(volume, PARTITION_NONE, *offset, 0x18000, export_filename); } bool ExportHeader(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const std::string& export_filename) { if (!IsDisc(volume.GetVolumeType())) return false; return ExportData(volume, partition, 0, 0x440, export_filename); } bool ExportBI2Data(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const std::string& export_filename) { if (!IsDisc(volume.GetVolumeType())) return false; return ExportData(volume, partition, 0x440, 0x2000, export_filename); } bool ExportApploader(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const std::string& export_filename) { if (!IsDisc(volume.GetVolumeType())) return false; std::optional<u32> apploader_size = volume.ReadSwapped<u32>(0x2440 + 0x14, partition); const std::optional<u32> trailer_size = volume.ReadSwapped<u32>(0x2440 + 0x18, partition); constexpr u32 header_size = 0x20; if (!apploader_size || !trailer_size) return false; *apploader_size += *trailer_size + header_size; DEBUG_LOG(DISCIO, "Apploader size -> %x", *apploader_size); return ExportData(volume, partition, 0x2440, *apploader_size, export_filename); } std::optional<u64> GetBootDOLOffset(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition) { const Platform volume_type = volume.GetVolumeType(); if (!IsDisc(volume_type)) return {}; return volume.ReadSwappedAndShifted(0x420, partition); } std::optional<u32> GetBootDOLSize(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, u64 dol_offset) { if (!IsDisc(volume.GetVolumeType())) return {}; u32 dol_size = 0; // Iterate through the 7 code segments for (u8 i = 0; i < 7; i++) { const std::optional<u32> offset = volume.ReadSwapped<u32>(dol_offset + 0x00 + i * 4, partition); const std::optional<u32> size = volume.ReadSwapped<u32>(dol_offset + 0x90 + i * 4, partition); if (!offset || !size) return {}; dol_size = std::max(*offset + *size, dol_size); } // Iterate through the 11 data segments for (u8 i = 0; i < 11; i++) { const std::optional<u32> offset = volume.ReadSwapped<u32>(dol_offset + 0x1c + i * 4, partition); const std::optional<u32> size = volume.ReadSwapped<u32>(dol_offset + 0xac + i * 4, partition); if (!offset || !size) return {}; dol_size = std::max(*offset + *size, dol_size); } return dol_size; } bool ExportDOL(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const std::string& export_filename) { if (!IsDisc(volume.GetVolumeType())) return false; const std::optional<u64> dol_offset = GetBootDOLOffset(volume, partition); if (!dol_offset) return false; const std::optional<u32> dol_size = GetBootDOLSize(volume, partition, *dol_offset); if (!dol_size) return false; return ExportData(volume, partition, *dol_offset, *dol_size, export_filename); } std::optional<u64> GetFSTOffset(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition) { const Platform volume_type = volume.GetVolumeType(); if (!IsDisc(volume_type)) return {}; return volume.ReadSwappedAndShifted(0x424, partition); } std::optional<u64> GetFSTSize(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition) { const Platform volume_type = volume.GetVolumeType(); if (!IsDisc(volume_type)) return {}; return volume.ReadSwappedAndShifted(0x428, partition); } bool ExportFST(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const std::string& export_filename) { if (!IsDisc(volume.GetVolumeType())) return false; const std::optional<u64> fst_offset = GetFSTOffset(volume, partition); const std::optional<u64> fst_size = GetFSTSize(volume, partition); if (!fst_offset || !fst_size) return false; return ExportData(volume, partition, *fst_offset, *fst_size, export_filename); } bool ExportSystemData(const Volume& volume, const Partition& partition, const std::string& export_folder) { bool success = true; File::CreateFullPath(export_folder + "/sys/"); success &= ExportHeader(volume, partition, export_folder + "/sys/boot.bin"); success &= ExportBI2Data(volume, partition, export_folder + "/sys/bi2.bin"); success &= ExportApploader(volume, partition, export_folder + "/sys/apploader.img"); success &= ExportDOL(volume, partition, export_folder + "/sys/main.dol"); success &= ExportFST(volume, partition, export_folder + "/sys/fst.bin"); if (volume.GetVolumeType() == Platform::WII_DISC) { File::CreateFullPath(export_folder + "/disc/"); success &= ExportWiiUnencryptedHeader(volume, export_folder + "/disc/header.bin"); success &= ExportWiiRegionData(volume, export_folder + "/disc/region.bin"); success &= ExportTicket(volume, partition, export_folder + "/ticket.bin"); success &= ExportTMD(volume, partition, export_folder + "/tmd.bin"); success &= ExportCertificateChain(volume, partition, export_folder + "/cert.bin"); success &= ExportH3Hashes(volume, partition, export_folder + "/h3.bin"); } return success; } } // namespace DiscIO