// Copyright 2022 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/MappingCommon.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/CoreDevice.h" namespace ciface::MappingCommon { // Pressing inputs at the same time will result in the & operator vs a hotkey expression. constexpr auto HOTKEY_VS_CONJUNCION_THRESHOLD = std::chrono::milliseconds(50); // Some devices (e.g. DS4) provide an analog and digital input for the trigger. // We prefer just the analog input for simultaneous digital+analog input detections. constexpr auto SPURIOUS_TRIGGER_COMBO_THRESHOLD = std::chrono::milliseconds(150); std::string GetExpressionForControl(const std::string& control_name, const ciface::Core::DeviceQualifier& control_device, const ciface::Core::DeviceQualifier& default_device, Quote quote) { std::string expr; // non-default device if (control_device != default_device) { expr += control_device.ToString(); expr += ':'; } // append the control name expr += control_name; if (quote == Quote::On) { // If our expression contains any non-alpha characters // we should quote it if (!std::ranges::all_of(expr, Common::IsAlpha)) expr = fmt::format("`{}`", expr); } return expr; } std::string BuildExpression(const Core::InputDetector::Results& detections, const ciface::Core::DeviceQualifier& default_device, Quote quote) { std::vector pressed_inputs; std::vector alternations; const auto get_control_expression = [&](auto& detection) { // Return the parent-most name if there is one for better hotkey strings. // Detection of L/R_Ctrl will be changed to just Ctrl. // Users can manually map L_Ctrl if they so desire. const auto input = (quote == Quote::On) ? detection.device->GetParentMostInput(detection.input) : detection.input; ciface::Core::DeviceQualifier device_qualifier; device_qualifier.FromDevice(detection.device.get()); return MappingCommon::GetExpressionForControl(input->GetName(), device_qualifier, default_device, quote); }; bool new_alternation = false; const auto handle_press = [&](auto& detection) { pressed_inputs.emplace_back(&detection); new_alternation = true; }; const auto handle_release = [&]() { if (!new_alternation) return; new_alternation = false; std::vector alternation; for (auto* input : pressed_inputs) alternation.push_back(get_control_expression(*input)); const bool is_hotkey = pressed_inputs.size() >= 2 && (pressed_inputs[1]->press_time - pressed_inputs[0]->press_time) > HOTKEY_VS_CONJUNCION_THRESHOLD; if (is_hotkey) { alternations.push_back(fmt::format("@({})", fmt::join(alternation, "+"))); } else { std::ranges::sort(alternation); alternations.push_back(fmt::to_string(fmt::join(alternation, "&"))); } }; for (auto& detection : detections) { // Remove since-released inputs. for (auto it = pressed_inputs.begin(); it != pressed_inputs.end();) { if ((*it)->release_time && (*it)->release_time <= detection.press_time) { handle_release(); it = pressed_inputs.erase(it); } else { ++it; } } handle_press(detection); } handle_release(); // Remove duplicates std::ranges::sort(alternations); const auto unique_result = std::ranges::unique(alternations); alternations.erase(unique_result.begin(), unique_result.end()); return fmt::to_string(fmt::join(alternations, "|")); } void RemoveSpuriousTriggerCombinations(Core::InputDetector::Results* detections) { const auto is_spurious = [&](const auto& detection) { return std::ranges::any_of(*detections, [&](const auto& d) { // This is a spurious digital detection if a "smooth" (analog) detection is temporally near. return &d != &detection && d.smoothness > 1 && d.smoothness > detection.smoothness && abs(d.press_time - detection.press_time) < SPURIOUS_TRIGGER_COMBO_THRESHOLD; }); }; std::erase_if(*detections, is_spurious); } void RemoveDetectionsAfterTimePoint(Core::InputDetector::Results* results, Core::DeviceContainer::Clock::time_point after) { const auto is_after_time = [&](const Core::InputDetector::Detection& detection) { return detection.release_time.value_or(after) >= after; }; std::erase_if(*results, is_after_time); } bool ContainsCompleteDetection(const Core::InputDetector::Results& results) { return std::ranges::any_of(results, [](const Core::InputDetector::Detection& detection) { return detection.release_time.has_value(); }); } } // namespace ciface::MappingCommon