// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include <cmath> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include "Common/Assert.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/Logging/Log.h" #include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h" #include "VideoCommon/BoundingBox.h" #include "VideoCommon/DriverDetails.h" #include "VideoCommon/LightingShaderGen.h" #include "VideoCommon/PixelShaderGen.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexLoaderManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoCommon.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h" #include "VideoCommon/XFMemory.h" // for texture projection mode // TODO: Get rid of these enum : u32 { C_COLORMATRIX = 0, // 0 C_COLORS = 0, // 0 C_KCOLORS = C_COLORS + 4, // 4 C_ALPHA = C_KCOLORS + 4, // 8 C_TEXDIMS = C_ALPHA + 1, // 9 C_ZBIAS = C_TEXDIMS + 8, // 17 C_INDTEXSCALE = C_ZBIAS + 2, // 19 C_INDTEXMTX = C_INDTEXSCALE + 2, // 21 C_FOGCOLOR = C_INDTEXMTX + 6, // 27 C_FOGI = C_FOGCOLOR + 1, // 28 C_FOGF = C_FOGI + 1, // 29 C_ZSLOPE = C_FOGF + 2, // 31 C_EFBSCALE = C_ZSLOPE + 1, // 32 C_PENVCONST_END = C_EFBSCALE + 1 }; static const char* tevKSelTableC[] = { "255,255,255", // 1 = 0x00 "223,223,223", // 7_8 = 0x01 "191,191,191", // 3_4 = 0x02 "159,159,159", // 5_8 = 0x03 "128,128,128", // 1_2 = 0x04 "96,96,96", // 3_8 = 0x05 "64,64,64", // 1_4 = 0x06 "32,32,32", // 1_8 = 0x07 "0,0,0", // INVALID = 0x08 "0,0,0", // INVALID = 0x09 "0,0,0", // INVALID = 0x0a "0,0,0", // INVALID = 0x0b I_KCOLORS "[0].rgb", // K0 = 0x0C I_KCOLORS "[1].rgb", // K1 = 0x0D I_KCOLORS "[2].rgb", // K2 = 0x0E I_KCOLORS "[3].rgb", // K3 = 0x0F I_KCOLORS "[0].rrr", // K0_R = 0x10 I_KCOLORS "[1].rrr", // K1_R = 0x11 I_KCOLORS "[2].rrr", // K2_R = 0x12 I_KCOLORS "[3].rrr", // K3_R = 0x13 I_KCOLORS "[0].ggg", // K0_G = 0x14 I_KCOLORS "[1].ggg", // K1_G = 0x15 I_KCOLORS "[2].ggg", // K2_G = 0x16 I_KCOLORS "[3].ggg", // K3_G = 0x17 I_KCOLORS "[0].bbb", // K0_B = 0x18 I_KCOLORS "[1].bbb", // K1_B = 0x19 I_KCOLORS "[2].bbb", // K2_B = 0x1A I_KCOLORS "[3].bbb", // K3_B = 0x1B I_KCOLORS "[0].aaa", // K0_A = 0x1C I_KCOLORS "[1].aaa", // K1_A = 0x1D I_KCOLORS "[2].aaa", // K2_A = 0x1E I_KCOLORS "[3].aaa", // K3_A = 0x1F }; static const char* tevKSelTableA[] = { "255", // 1 = 0x00 "223", // 7_8 = 0x01 "191", // 3_4 = 0x02 "159", // 5_8 = 0x03 "128", // 1_2 = 0x04 "96", // 3_8 = 0x05 "64", // 1_4 = 0x06 "32", // 1_8 = 0x07 "0", // INVALID = 0x08 "0", // INVALID = 0x09 "0", // INVALID = 0x0a "0", // INVALID = 0x0b "0", // INVALID = 0x0c "0", // INVALID = 0x0d "0", // INVALID = 0x0e "0", // INVALID = 0x0f I_KCOLORS "[0].r", // K0_R = 0x10 I_KCOLORS "[1].r", // K1_R = 0x11 I_KCOLORS "[2].r", // K2_R = 0x12 I_KCOLORS "[3].r", // K3_R = 0x13 I_KCOLORS "[0].g", // K0_G = 0x14 I_KCOLORS "[1].g", // K1_G = 0x15 I_KCOLORS "[2].g", // K2_G = 0x16 I_KCOLORS "[3].g", // K3_G = 0x17 I_KCOLORS "[0].b", // K0_B = 0x18 I_KCOLORS "[1].b", // K1_B = 0x19 I_KCOLORS "[2].b", // K2_B = 0x1A I_KCOLORS "[3].b", // K3_B = 0x1B I_KCOLORS "[0].a", // K0_A = 0x1C I_KCOLORS "[1].a", // K1_A = 0x1D I_KCOLORS "[2].a", // K2_A = 0x1E I_KCOLORS "[3].a", // K3_A = 0x1F }; static const char* tevCInputTable[] = { "prev.rgb", // CPREV, "prev.aaa", // APREV, "c0.rgb", // C0, "c0.aaa", // A0, "c1.rgb", // C1, "c1.aaa", // A1, "c2.rgb", // C2, "c2.aaa", // A2, "textemp.rgb", // TEXC, "textemp.aaa", // TEXA, "rastemp.rgb", // RASC, "rastemp.aaa", // RASA, "int3(255,255,255)", // ONE "int3(128,128,128)", // HALF "konsttemp.rgb", // KONST "int3(0,0,0)", // ZERO }; static const char* tevAInputTable[] = { "prev.a", // APREV, "c0.a", // A0, "c1.a", // A1, "c2.a", // A2, "textemp.a", // TEXA, "rastemp.a", // RASA, "konsttemp.a", // KONST, (hw1 had quarter) "0", // ZERO }; static const char* tevRasTable[] = { "iround(col0 * 255.0)", "iround(col1 * 255.0)", "ERROR13", // 2 "ERROR14", // 3 "ERROR15", // 4 "(int4(1, 1, 1, 1) * alphabump)", // bump alpha (0..248) "(int4(1, 1, 1, 1) * (alphabump | (alphabump >> 5)))", // normalized bump alpha (0..255) "int4(0, 0, 0, 0)", // zero }; static const char* tevCOutputTable[] = {"prev.rgb", "c0.rgb", "c1.rgb", "c2.rgb"}; static const char* tevAOutputTable[] = {"prev.a", "c0.a", "c1.a", "c2.a"}; // FIXME: Some of the video card's capabilities (BBox support, EarlyZ support, dstAlpha support) // leak // into this UID; This is really unhelpful if these UIDs ever move from one machine to // another. PixelShaderUid GetPixelShaderUid(DSTALPHA_MODE dstAlphaMode) { PixelShaderUid out; pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data = out.GetUidData<pixel_shader_uid_data>(); memset(uid_data, 0, sizeof(*uid_data)); uid_data->dstAlphaMode = dstAlphaMode; uid_data->genMode_numindstages = bpmem.genMode.numindstages; uid_data->genMode_numtevstages = bpmem.genMode.numtevstages; uid_data->genMode_numtexgens = bpmem.genMode.numtexgens; uid_data->per_pixel_lighting = g_ActiveConfig.bEnablePixelLighting; uid_data->bounding_box = g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsBBox && g_ActiveConfig.bBBoxEnable && BoundingBox::active; uid_data->rgba6_format = bpmem.zcontrol.pixel_format == PEControl::RGBA6_Z24 && !g_ActiveConfig.bForceTrueColor; uid_data->dither = bpmem.blendmode.dither && uid_data->rgba6_format; u32 numStages = uid_data->genMode_numtevstages + 1; const bool forced_early_z = g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsEarlyZ && bpmem.UseEarlyDepthTest() && (g_ActiveConfig.bFastDepthCalc || bpmem.alpha_test.TestResult() == AlphaTest::UNDETERMINED) // We can't allow early_ztest for zfreeze because depth is overridden per-pixel. // This means it's impossible for zcomploc to be emulated on a zfrozen polygon. && !(bpmem.zmode.testenable && bpmem.genMode.zfreeze); const bool per_pixel_depth = (bpmem.ztex2.op != ZTEXTURE_DISABLE && bpmem.UseLateDepthTest()) || (!g_ActiveConfig.bFastDepthCalc && bpmem.zmode.testenable && !forced_early_z) || (bpmem.zmode.testenable && bpmem.genMode.zfreeze); uid_data->per_pixel_depth = per_pixel_depth; uid_data->forced_early_z = forced_early_z; uid_data->fast_depth_calc = g_ActiveConfig.bFastDepthCalc; uid_data->msaa = g_ActiveConfig.iMultisamples > 1; uid_data->ssaa = g_ActiveConfig.iMultisamples > 1 && g_ActiveConfig.bSSAA; uid_data->stereo = g_ActiveConfig.iStereoMode > 0; if (!uid_data->forced_early_z && bpmem.UseEarlyDepthTest() && (!uid_data->fast_depth_calc || bpmem.alpha_test.TestResult() == AlphaTest::UNDETERMINED)) { static bool warn_once = true; if (warn_once) WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "Early z test enabled but not possible to emulate with current " "configuration. Make sure to enable fast depth calculations. If this message " "still shows up your hardware isn't able to emulate the feature properly (a " "GPU with D3D 11.0 / OGL 4.2 support is required)."); warn_once = false; } if (uid_data->per_pixel_lighting) { // The lighting shader only needs the two color bits of the 23bit component bit array. uid_data->components = (VertexLoaderManager::g_current_components & (VB_HAS_COL0 | VB_HAS_COL1)) >> VB_COL_SHIFT; uid_data->numColorChans = xfmem.numChan.numColorChans; GetLightingShaderUid(uid_data->lighting); } if (uid_data->genMode_numtexgens > 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uid_data->genMode_numtexgens; ++i) { // optional perspective divides uid_data->texMtxInfo_n_projection |= xfmem.texMtxInfo[i].projection << i; } } // indirect texture map lookup int nIndirectStagesUsed = 0; if (uid_data->genMode_numindstages > 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numStages; ++i) { if (bpmem.tevind[i].IsActive() && bpmem.tevind[i].bt < uid_data->genMode_numindstages) nIndirectStagesUsed |= 1 << bpmem.tevind[i].bt; } } uid_data->nIndirectStagesUsed = nIndirectStagesUsed; for (u32 i = 0; i < uid_data->genMode_numindstages; ++i) { if (uid_data->nIndirectStagesUsed & (1 << i)) uid_data->SetTevindrefValues(i, bpmem.tevindref.getTexCoord(i), bpmem.tevindref.getTexMap(i)); } for (unsigned int n = 0; n < numStages; n++) { int texcoord = bpmem.tevorders[n / 2].getTexCoord(n & 1); bool bHasTexCoord = (u32)texcoord < bpmem.genMode.numtexgens; // HACK to handle cases where the tex gen is not enabled if (!bHasTexCoord) texcoord = bpmem.genMode.numtexgens; uid_data->stagehash[n].hasindstage = bpmem.tevind[n].bt < bpmem.genMode.numindstages; uid_data->stagehash[n].tevorders_texcoord = texcoord; if (uid_data->stagehash[n].hasindstage) uid_data->stagehash[n].tevind = bpmem.tevind[n].hex; TevStageCombiner::ColorCombiner& cc = bpmem.combiners[n].colorC; TevStageCombiner::AlphaCombiner& ac = bpmem.combiners[n].alphaC; uid_data->stagehash[n].cc = cc.hex & 0xFFFFFF; uid_data->stagehash[n].ac = ac.hex & 0xFFFFF0; // Storing rswap and tswap later if (cc.a == TEVCOLORARG_RASA || cc.a == TEVCOLORARG_RASC || cc.b == TEVCOLORARG_RASA || cc.b == TEVCOLORARG_RASC || cc.c == TEVCOLORARG_RASA || cc.c == TEVCOLORARG_RASC || cc.d == TEVCOLORARG_RASA || cc.d == TEVCOLORARG_RASC || ac.a == TEVALPHAARG_RASA || ac.b == TEVALPHAARG_RASA || ac.c == TEVALPHAARG_RASA || ac.d == TEVALPHAARG_RASA) { const int i = bpmem.combiners[n].alphaC.rswap; uid_data->stagehash[n].tevksel_swap1a = bpmem.tevksel[i * 2].swap1; uid_data->stagehash[n].tevksel_swap2a = bpmem.tevksel[i * 2].swap2; uid_data->stagehash[n].tevksel_swap1b = bpmem.tevksel[i * 2 + 1].swap1; uid_data->stagehash[n].tevksel_swap2b = bpmem.tevksel[i * 2 + 1].swap2; uid_data->stagehash[n].tevorders_colorchan = bpmem.tevorders[n / 2].getColorChan(n & 1); } uid_data->stagehash[n].tevorders_enable = bpmem.tevorders[n / 2].getEnable(n & 1); if (uid_data->stagehash[n].tevorders_enable) { const int i = bpmem.combiners[n].alphaC.tswap; uid_data->stagehash[n].tevksel_swap1c = bpmem.tevksel[i * 2].swap1; uid_data->stagehash[n].tevksel_swap2c = bpmem.tevksel[i * 2].swap2; uid_data->stagehash[n].tevksel_swap1d = bpmem.tevksel[i * 2 + 1].swap1; uid_data->stagehash[n].tevksel_swap2d = bpmem.tevksel[i * 2 + 1].swap2; uid_data->stagehash[n].tevorders_texmap = bpmem.tevorders[n / 2].getTexMap(n & 1); } if (cc.a == TEVCOLORARG_KONST || cc.b == TEVCOLORARG_KONST || cc.c == TEVCOLORARG_KONST || cc.d == TEVCOLORARG_KONST || ac.a == TEVALPHAARG_KONST || ac.b == TEVALPHAARG_KONST || ac.c == TEVALPHAARG_KONST || ac.d == TEVALPHAARG_KONST) { uid_data->stagehash[n].tevksel_kc = bpmem.tevksel[n / 2].getKC(n & 1); uid_data->stagehash[n].tevksel_ka = bpmem.tevksel[n / 2].getKA(n & 1); } } #define MY_STRUCT_OFFSET(str, elem) ((u32)((u64) & (str).elem - (u64) & (str))) uid_data->num_values = (uid_data->per_pixel_lighting) ? sizeof(*uid_data) : MY_STRUCT_OFFSET(*uid_data, stagehash[numStages]); AlphaTest::TEST_RESULT Pretest = bpmem.alpha_test.TestResult(); uid_data->Pretest = Pretest; uid_data->late_ztest = bpmem.UseLateDepthTest(); // NOTE: Fragment may not be discarded if alpha test always fails and early depth test is enabled // (in this case we need to write a depth value if depth test passes regardless of the alpha // testing result) if (uid_data->Pretest == AlphaTest::UNDETERMINED || (uid_data->Pretest == AlphaTest::FAIL && uid_data->late_ztest)) { uid_data->alpha_test_comp0 = bpmem.alpha_test.comp0; uid_data->alpha_test_comp1 = bpmem.alpha_test.comp1; uid_data->alpha_test_logic = bpmem.alpha_test.logic; // ZCOMPLOC HACK: // The only way to emulate alpha test + early-z is to force early-z in the shader. // As this isn't available on all drivers and as we can't emulate this feature otherwise, // we are only able to choose which one we want to respect more. // Tests seem to have proven that writing depth even when the alpha test fails is more // important that a reliable alpha test, so we just force the alpha test to always succeed. // At least this seems to be less buggy. uid_data->alpha_test_use_zcomploc_hack = bpmem.UseEarlyDepthTest() && bpmem.zmode.updateenable && !g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsEarlyZ && !bpmem.genMode.zfreeze; } uid_data->zfreeze = bpmem.genMode.zfreeze; uid_data->ztex_op = bpmem.ztex2.op; uid_data->early_ztest = bpmem.UseEarlyDepthTest(); uid_data->fog_fsel = bpmem.fog.c_proj_fsel.fsel; if (dstAlphaMode != DSTALPHA_ALPHA_PASS) { uid_data->fog_fsel = bpmem.fog.c_proj_fsel.fsel; uid_data->fog_proj = bpmem.fog.c_proj_fsel.proj; uid_data->fog_RangeBaseEnabled = bpmem.fogRange.Base.Enabled; } return out; } static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, int n, APIType ApiType); static void WriteTevRegular(ShaderCode& out, const char* components, int bias, int op, int clamp, int shift, bool alpha); static void SampleTexture(ShaderCode& out, const char* texcoords, const char* texswap, int texmap, bool stereo, APIType ApiType); static void WriteAlphaTest(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, APIType ApiType, bool per_pixel_depth, bool use_dual_source); static void WriteFog(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data); static void WriteColor(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, bool use_dual_source); ShaderCode GeneratePixelShaderCode(APIType ApiType, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data) { ShaderCode out; u32 numStages = uid_data->genMode_numtevstages + 1; out.Write("//Pixel Shader for TEV stages\n"); out.Write("//%i TEV stages, %i texgens, %i IND stages\n", numStages, uid_data->genMode_numtexgens, uid_data->genMode_numindstages); // dot product for integer vectors out.Write("int idot(int3 x, int3 y)\n" "{\n" "\tint3 tmp = x * y;\n" "\treturn tmp.x + tmp.y + tmp.z;\n" "}\n"); out.Write("int idot(int4 x, int4 y)\n" "{\n" "\tint4 tmp = x * y;\n" "\treturn tmp.x + tmp.y + tmp.z + tmp.w;\n" "}\n\n"); // rounding + casting to integer at once in a single function out.Write("int iround(float x) { return int (round(x)); }\n" "int2 iround(float2 x) { return int2(round(x)); }\n" "int3 iround(float3 x) { return int3(round(x)); }\n" "int4 iround(float4 x) { return int4(round(x)); }\n\n"); out.Write("int itrunc(float x) { return int (trunc(x)); }\n" "int2 itrunc(float2 x) { return int2(trunc(x)); }\n" "int3 itrunc(float3 x) { return int3(trunc(x)); }\n" "int4 itrunc(float4 x) { return int4(trunc(x)); }\n\n"); if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL) { out.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2DArray samp[8];\n"); } else if (ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) { out.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING(0) uniform sampler2DArray samp0;\n"); out.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING(1) uniform sampler2DArray samp1;\n"); out.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING(2) uniform sampler2DArray samp2;\n"); out.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING(3) uniform sampler2DArray samp3;\n"); out.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING(4) uniform sampler2DArray samp4;\n"); out.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING(5) uniform sampler2DArray samp5;\n"); out.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING(6) uniform sampler2DArray samp6;\n"); out.Write("SAMPLER_BINDING(7) uniform sampler2DArray samp7;\n"); } else // D3D { // Declare samplers out.Write("SamplerState samp[8] : register(s0);\n"); out.Write("\n"); out.Write("Texture2DArray Tex[8] : register(t0);\n"); } out.Write("\n"); if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) out.Write("UBO_BINDING(std140, 1) uniform PSBlock {\n"); else out.Write("cbuffer PSBlock : register(b0) {\n"); out.Write("\tint4 " I_COLORS "[4];\n" "\tint4 " I_KCOLORS "[4];\n" "\tint4 " I_ALPHA ";\n" "\tfloat4 " I_TEXDIMS "[8];\n" "\tint4 " I_ZBIAS "[2];\n" "\tint4 " I_INDTEXSCALE "[2];\n" "\tint4 " I_INDTEXMTX "[6];\n" "\tint4 " I_FOGCOLOR ";\n" "\tint4 " I_FOGI ";\n" "\tfloat4 " I_FOGF "[2];\n" "\tfloat4 " I_ZSLOPE ";\n" "\tfloat4 " I_EFBSCALE ";\n" "};\n"); if (uid_data->per_pixel_lighting) { out.Write("%s", s_lighting_struct); if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) out.Write("UBO_BINDING(std140, 2) uniform VSBlock {\n"); else out.Write("cbuffer VSBlock : register(b1) {\n"); out.Write(s_shader_uniforms); out.Write("};\n"); } if (uid_data->bounding_box) { if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) { out.Write("SSBO_BINDING(0) buffer BBox {\n" "\tint4 bbox_data;\n" "};\n"); } else { out.Write("globallycoherent RWBuffer<int> bbox_data : register(u2);\n"); } } out.Write("struct VS_OUTPUT {\n"); GenerateVSOutputMembers(out, ApiType, uid_data->genMode_numtexgens, uid_data->per_pixel_lighting, ""); out.Write("};\n"); if (uid_data->forced_early_z) { // Zcomploc (aka early_ztest) is a way to control whether depth test is done before // or after texturing and alpha test. PC graphics APIs used to provide no way to emulate // this feature properly until 2012: Depth tests were always done after alpha testing. // Most importantly, it was not possible to write to the depth buffer without also writing // a color value (unless color writing was disabled altogether). // OpenGL 4.2 actually provides two extensions which can force an early z test: // * ARB_image_load_store has 'layout(early_fragment_tests)' which forces the driver to do z // and stencil tests early. // * ARB_conservative_depth has 'layout(depth_unchanged) which signals to the driver that it // can make optimisations // which assume the pixel shader won't update the depth buffer. // early_fragment_tests is the best option, as it requires the driver to do early-z and defines // early-z exactly as // we expect, with discard causing the shader to exit with only the depth buffer updated. // Conservative depth's 'depth_unchanged' only hints to the driver that an early-z optimisation // can be made and // doesn't define what will happen if we discard the fragment. But the way modern graphics // hardware is implemented // means it is not unreasonable to expect the same behaviour as early_fragment_tests. // We can also assume that if a driver has gone out of its way to support conservative depth and // not image_load_store // as required by OpenGL 4.2 that it will be doing the optimisation. // If the driver doesn't actually do an early z optimisation, ZCompLoc will be broken and depth // will only be written // if the alpha test passes. // We support Conservative as a fallback, because many drivers based on Mesa haven't implemented // all of the // ARB_image_load_store extension yet. // D3D11 also has a way to force the driver to enable early-z, so we're fine here. if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) { // This is a #define which signals whatever early-z method the driver supports. out.Write("FORCE_EARLY_Z; \n"); } else { out.Write("[earlydepthstencil]\n"); } } // Only use dual-source blending when required on drivers that don't support it very well. const bool use_dual_source = g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsDualSourceBlend && (!DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_DUAL_SOURCE_BLENDING) || uid_data->dstAlphaMode == DSTALPHA_DUAL_SOURCE_BLEND); if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) { if (use_dual_source) { if (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_FRAGMENT_SHADER_INDEX_DECORATION)) { out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 ocol0;\n"); out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(1) out vec4 ocol1;\n"); } else { out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 0) out vec4 ocol0;\n"); out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION_INDEXED(0, 1) out vec4 ocol1;\n"); } } else { out.Write("FRAGMENT_OUTPUT_LOCATION(0) out vec4 ocol0;\n"); } if (uid_data->per_pixel_depth) out.Write("#define depth gl_FragDepth\n"); // We need to always use output blocks for Vulkan, but geometry shaders are also optional. if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGeometryShaders || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) { out.Write("VARYING_LOCATION(0) in VertexData {\n"); GenerateVSOutputMembers( out, ApiType, uid_data->genMode_numtexgens, uid_data->per_pixel_lighting, GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa, true, true)); if (uid_data->stereo) out.Write("\tflat int layer;\n"); out.Write("};\n"); } else { out.Write("%s in float4 colors_0;\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa)); out.Write("%s in float4 colors_1;\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa)); // compute window position if needed because binding semantic WPOS is not widely supported // Let's set up attributes for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uid_data->genMode_numtexgens; ++i) { out.Write("%s in float3 uv%d;\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa), i); } out.Write("%s in float4 clipPos;\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa)); if (uid_data->per_pixel_lighting) { out.Write("%s in float3 Normal;\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa)); out.Write("%s in float3 WorldPos;\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa)); } } out.Write("void main()\n{\n"); if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsGeometryShaders || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uid_data->genMode_numtexgens; ++i) out.Write("\tfloat3 uv%d = tex%d;\n", i, i); } out.Write("\tfloat4 rawpos = gl_FragCoord;\n"); } else // D3D { out.Write("void main(\n"); out.Write(" out float4 ocol0 : SV_Target0,\n" " out float4 ocol1 : SV_Target1,\n%s" " in float4 rawpos : SV_Position,\n", uid_data->per_pixel_depth ? " out float depth : SV_Depth,\n" : ""); out.Write(" in %s float4 colors_0 : COLOR0,\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa)); out.Write(" in %s float4 colors_1 : COLOR1\n", GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa)); // compute window position if needed because binding semantic WPOS is not widely supported for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uid_data->genMode_numtexgens; ++i) out.Write(",\n in %s float3 uv%d : TEXCOORD%d", GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa), i, i); out.Write(",\n in %s float4 clipPos : TEXCOORD%d", GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa), uid_data->genMode_numtexgens); if (uid_data->per_pixel_lighting) { out.Write(",\n in %s float3 Normal : TEXCOORD%d", GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa), uid_data->genMode_numtexgens + 1); out.Write(",\n in %s float3 WorldPos : TEXCOORD%d", GetInterpolationQualifier(uid_data->msaa, uid_data->ssaa), uid_data->genMode_numtexgens + 2); } if (uid_data->stereo) out.Write(",\n in uint layer : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex\n"); out.Write(" ) {\n"); } out.Write("\tint4 c0 = " I_COLORS "[1], c1 = " I_COLORS "[2], c2 = " I_COLORS "[3], prev = " I_COLORS "[0];\n" "\tint4 rastemp = int4(0, 0, 0, 0), textemp = int4(0, 0, 0, 0), konsttemp = int4(0, 0, " "0, 0);\n" "\tint3 comp16 = int3(1, 256, 0), comp24 = int3(1, 256, 256*256);\n" "\tint alphabump=0;\n" "\tint3 tevcoord=int3(0, 0, 0);\n" "\tint2 wrappedcoord=int2(0,0), tempcoord=int2(0,0);\n" "\tint4 " "tevin_a=int4(0,0,0,0),tevin_b=int4(0,0,0,0),tevin_c=int4(0,0,0,0),tevin_d=int4(0,0,0," "0);\n\n"); // tev combiner inputs // On GLSL, input variables must not be assigned to. // This is why we declare these variables locally instead. out.Write("\tfloat4 col0 = colors_0;\n"); out.Write("\tfloat4 col1 = colors_1;\n"); if (uid_data->per_pixel_lighting) { out.Write("\tfloat3 _norm0 = normalize(Normal.xyz);\n\n"); out.Write("\tfloat3 pos = WorldPos;\n"); out.Write("\tint4 lacc;\n" "\tfloat3 ldir, h, cosAttn, distAttn;\n" "\tfloat dist, dist2, attn;\n"); // TODO: Our current constant usage code isn't able to handle more than one buffer. // So we can't mark the VS constant as used here. But keep them here as reference. // out.SetConstantsUsed(C_PLIGHT_COLORS, C_PLIGHT_COLORS+7); // TODO: Can be optimized further // out.SetConstantsUsed(C_PLIGHTS, C_PLIGHTS+31); // TODO: Can be optimized further // out.SetConstantsUsed(C_PMATERIALS, C_PMATERIALS+3); GenerateLightingShaderCode(out, uid_data->lighting, uid_data->components << VB_COL_SHIFT, uid_data->numColorChans, "colors_", "col"); } // HACK to handle cases where the tex gen is not enabled if (uid_data->genMode_numtexgens == 0) { out.Write("\tint2 fixpoint_uv0 = int2(0, 0);\n\n"); } else { out.SetConstantsUsed(C_TEXDIMS, C_TEXDIMS + uid_data->genMode_numtexgens - 1); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < uid_data->genMode_numtexgens; ++i) { out.Write("\tint2 fixpoint_uv%d = itrunc(", i); out.Write("(uv%d.z == 0.0 ? uv%d.xy : uv%d.xy / uv%d.z)", i, i, i, i); out.Write(" * " I_TEXDIMS "[%d].zw);\n", i); // TODO: S24 overflows here? } } for (u32 i = 0; i < uid_data->genMode_numindstages; ++i) { if (uid_data->nIndirectStagesUsed & (1 << i)) { unsigned int texcoord = uid_data->GetTevindirefCoord(i); unsigned int texmap = uid_data->GetTevindirefMap(i); if (texcoord < uid_data->genMode_numtexgens) { out.SetConstantsUsed(C_INDTEXSCALE + i / 2, C_INDTEXSCALE + i / 2); out.Write("\ttempcoord = fixpoint_uv%d >> " I_INDTEXSCALE "[%d].%s;\n", texcoord, i / 2, (i & 1) ? "zw" : "xy"); } else out.Write("\ttempcoord = int2(0, 0);\n"); out.Write("\tint3 iindtex%d = ", i); SampleTexture(out, "float2(tempcoord)", "abg", texmap, uid_data->stereo, ApiType); } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numStages; i++) WriteStage(out, uid_data, i, ApiType); // build the equation for this stage { // The results of the last texenv stage are put onto the screen, // regardless of the used destination register TevStageCombiner::ColorCombiner last_cc; TevStageCombiner::AlphaCombiner last_ac; last_cc.hex = uid_data->stagehash[uid_data->genMode_numtevstages].cc; last_ac.hex = uid_data->stagehash[uid_data->genMode_numtevstages].ac; if (last_cc.dest != 0) { out.Write("\tprev.rgb = %s;\n", tevCOutputTable[last_cc.dest]); } if (last_ac.dest != 0) { out.Write("\tprev.a = %s;\n", tevAOutputTable[last_ac.dest]); } } out.Write("\tprev = prev & 255;\n"); // NOTE: Fragment may not be discarded if alpha test always fails and early depth test is enabled // (in this case we need to write a depth value if depth test passes regardless of the alpha // testing result) if (uid_data->Pretest == AlphaTest::UNDETERMINED || (uid_data->Pretest == AlphaTest::FAIL && uid_data->late_ztest)) WriteAlphaTest(out, uid_data, ApiType, uid_data->per_pixel_depth, use_dual_source); if (uid_data->zfreeze) { out.SetConstantsUsed(C_ZSLOPE, C_ZSLOPE); out.SetConstantsUsed(C_EFBSCALE, C_EFBSCALE); out.Write("\tfloat2 screenpos = rawpos.xy * " I_EFBSCALE ".xy;\n"); // Opengl has reversed vertical screenspace coordinates if (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL) out.Write("\tscreenpos.y = %i.0 - screenpos.y;\n", EFB_HEIGHT); out.Write("\tint zCoord = int(" I_ZSLOPE ".z + " I_ZSLOPE ".x * screenpos.x + " I_ZSLOPE ".y * screenpos.y);\n"); } else if (!uid_data->fast_depth_calc) { // FastDepth means to trust the depth generated in perspective division. // It should be correct, but it seems not to be as accurate as required. TODO: Find out why! // For disabled FastDepth we just calculate the depth value again. // The performance impact of this additional calculation doesn't matter, but it prevents // the host GPU driver from performing any early depth test optimizations. out.SetConstantsUsed(C_ZBIAS + 1, C_ZBIAS + 1); // the screen space depth value = far z + (clip z / clip w) * z range out.Write("\tint zCoord = " I_ZBIAS "[1].x + int((clipPos.z / clipPos.w) * float(" I_ZBIAS "[1].y));\n"); } else { if (ApiType == APIType::D3D || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) out.Write("\tint zCoord = int((1.0 - rawpos.z) * 16777216.0);\n"); else out.Write("\tint zCoord = int(rawpos.z * 16777216.0);\n"); } out.Write("\tzCoord = clamp(zCoord, 0, 0xFFFFFF);\n"); // depth texture can safely be ignored if the result won't be written to the depth buffer // (early_ztest) and isn't used for fog either const bool skip_ztexture = !uid_data->per_pixel_depth && !uid_data->fog_fsel; // Note: z-textures are not written to depth buffer if early depth test is used if (uid_data->per_pixel_depth && uid_data->early_ztest) { if (ApiType == APIType::D3D || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) out.Write("\tdepth = 1.0 - float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n"); else out.Write("\tdepth = float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n"); } // Note: depth texture output is only written to depth buffer if late depth test is used // theoretical final depth value is used for fog calculation, though, so we have to emulate // ztextures anyway if (uid_data->ztex_op != ZTEXTURE_DISABLE && !skip_ztexture) { // use the texture input of the last texture stage (textemp), hopefully this has been read and // is in correct format... out.SetConstantsUsed(C_ZBIAS, C_ZBIAS + 1); out.Write("\tzCoord = idot(" I_ZBIAS "[0].xyzw, textemp.xyzw) + " I_ZBIAS "[1].w %s;\n", (uid_data->ztex_op == ZTEXTURE_ADD) ? "+ zCoord" : ""); out.Write("\tzCoord = zCoord & 0xFFFFFF;\n"); } if (uid_data->per_pixel_depth && uid_data->late_ztest) { if (ApiType == APIType::D3D || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) out.Write("\tdepth = 1.0 - float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n"); else out.Write("\tdepth = float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n"); } // No dithering for RGB8 mode if (uid_data->dither) { // Flipper uses a standard 2x2 Bayer Matrix for 6 bit dithering // Here the matrix is encoded into the two factor constants out.Write("\tint2 dither = int2(rawpos.xy) & 1;\n"); out.Write("\tprev.rgb = (prev.rgb - (prev.rgb >> 6)) + abs(dither.y * 3 - dither.x * 2);\n"); } if (uid_data->dstAlphaMode != DSTALPHA_ALPHA_PASS) WriteFog(out, uid_data); // Write the color and alpha values to the framebuffer WriteColor(out, uid_data, use_dual_source); if (uid_data->bounding_box) { const char* atomic_op = (ApiType == APIType::OpenGL || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) ? "atomic" : "Interlocked"; out.Write("\tif(bbox_data[0] > int(rawpos.x)) %sMin(bbox_data[0], int(rawpos.x));\n" "\tif(bbox_data[1] < int(rawpos.x)) %sMax(bbox_data[1], int(rawpos.x));\n" "\tif(bbox_data[2] > int(rawpos.y)) %sMin(bbox_data[2], int(rawpos.y));\n" "\tif(bbox_data[3] < int(rawpos.y)) %sMax(bbox_data[3], int(rawpos.y));\n", atomic_op, atomic_op, atomic_op, atomic_op); } out.Write("}\n"); return out; } static void WriteStage(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, int n, APIType ApiType) { auto& stage = uid_data->stagehash[n]; out.Write("\n\t// TEV stage %d\n", n); // HACK to handle cases where the tex gen is not enabled u32 texcoord = stage.tevorders_texcoord; bool bHasTexCoord = texcoord < uid_data->genMode_numtexgens; if (!bHasTexCoord) texcoord = 0; if (stage.hasindstage) { TevStageIndirect tevind; tevind.hex = stage.tevind; out.Write("\t// indirect op\n"); // perform the indirect op on the incoming regular coordinates using iindtex%d as the offset // coords if (tevind.bs != ITBA_OFF) { const char* tevIndAlphaSel[] = {"", "x", "y", "z"}; const char* tevIndAlphaMask[] = {"248", "224", "240", "248"}; // 0b11111000, 0b11100000, 0b11110000, 0b11111000 out.Write("alphabump = iindtex%d.%s & %s;\n", tevind.bt, tevIndAlphaSel[tevind.bs], tevIndAlphaMask[tevind.fmt]); } else { // TODO: Should we reset alphabump to 0 here? } if (tevind.mid != 0) { // format const char* tevIndFmtMask[] = {"255", "31", "15", "7"}; out.Write("\tint3 iindtevcrd%d = iindtex%d & %s;\n", n, tevind.bt, tevIndFmtMask[tevind.fmt]); // bias - TODO: Check if this needs to be this complicated.. const char* tevIndBiasField[] = {"", "x", "y", "xy", "z", "xz", "yz", "xyz"}; // indexed by bias const char* tevIndBiasAdd[] = {"-128", "1", "1", "1"}; // indexed by fmt if (tevind.bias == ITB_S || tevind.bias == ITB_T || tevind.bias == ITB_U) out.Write("\tiindtevcrd%d.%s += int(%s);\n", n, tevIndBiasField[tevind.bias], tevIndBiasAdd[tevind.fmt]); else if (tevind.bias == ITB_ST || tevind.bias == ITB_SU || tevind.bias == ITB_TU) out.Write("\tiindtevcrd%d.%s += int2(%s, %s);\n", n, tevIndBiasField[tevind.bias], tevIndBiasAdd[tevind.fmt], tevIndBiasAdd[tevind.fmt]); else if (tevind.bias == ITB_STU) out.Write("\tiindtevcrd%d.%s += int3(%s, %s, %s);\n", n, tevIndBiasField[tevind.bias], tevIndBiasAdd[tevind.fmt], tevIndBiasAdd[tevind.fmt], tevIndBiasAdd[tevind.fmt]); // multiply by offset matrix and scale - calculations are likely to overflow badly, // yet it works out since we only care about the lower 23 bits (+1 sign bit) of the result if (tevind.mid <= 3) { int mtxidx = 2 * (tevind.mid - 1); out.SetConstantsUsed(C_INDTEXMTX + mtxidx, C_INDTEXMTX + mtxidx); out.Write("\tint2 indtevtrans%d = int2(idot(" I_INDTEXMTX "[%d].xyz, iindtevcrd%d), idot(" I_INDTEXMTX "[%d].xyz, iindtevcrd%d)) >> 3;\n", n, mtxidx, n, mtxidx + 1, n); // TODO: should use a shader uid branch for this for better performance out.Write("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[%d].w >= 0) indtevtrans%d >>= " I_INDTEXMTX "[%d].w;\n", mtxidx, n, mtxidx); out.Write("\telse indtevtrans%d <<= (-" I_INDTEXMTX "[%d].w);\n", n, mtxidx); } else if (tevind.mid <= 7 && bHasTexCoord) { // s matrix _assert_(tevind.mid >= 5); int mtxidx = 2 * (tevind.mid - 5); out.SetConstantsUsed(C_INDTEXMTX + mtxidx, C_INDTEXMTX + mtxidx); out.Write("\tint2 indtevtrans%d = int2(fixpoint_uv%d * iindtevcrd%d.xx) >> 8;\n", n, texcoord, n); out.Write("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[%d].w >= 0) indtevtrans%d >>= " I_INDTEXMTX "[%d].w;\n", mtxidx, n, mtxidx); out.Write("\telse indtevtrans%d <<= (-" I_INDTEXMTX "[%d].w);\n", n, mtxidx); } else if (tevind.mid <= 11 && bHasTexCoord) { // t matrix _assert_(tevind.mid >= 9); int mtxidx = 2 * (tevind.mid - 9); out.SetConstantsUsed(C_INDTEXMTX + mtxidx, C_INDTEXMTX + mtxidx); out.Write("\tint2 indtevtrans%d = int2(fixpoint_uv%d * iindtevcrd%d.yy) >> 8;\n", n, texcoord, n); out.Write("\tif (" I_INDTEXMTX "[%d].w >= 0) indtevtrans%d >>= " I_INDTEXMTX "[%d].w;\n", mtxidx, n, mtxidx); out.Write("\telse indtevtrans%d <<= (-" I_INDTEXMTX "[%d].w);\n", n, mtxidx); } else { out.Write("\tint2 indtevtrans%d = int2(0, 0);\n", n); } } else { out.Write("\tint2 indtevtrans%d = int2(0, 0);\n", n); } // --------- // Wrapping // --------- const char* tevIndWrapStart[] = { "0", "(256<<7)", "(128<<7)", "(64<<7)", "(32<<7)", "(16<<7)", "1"}; // TODO: Should the last one be 1 or (1<<7)? // wrap S if (tevind.sw == ITW_OFF) out.Write("\twrappedcoord.x = fixpoint_uv%d.x;\n", texcoord); else if (tevind.sw == ITW_0) out.Write("\twrappedcoord.x = 0;\n"); else out.Write("\twrappedcoord.x = fixpoint_uv%d.x & (%s - 1);\n", texcoord, tevIndWrapStart[tevind.sw]); // wrap T if (tevind.tw == ITW_OFF) out.Write("\twrappedcoord.y = fixpoint_uv%d.y;\n", texcoord); else if (tevind.tw == ITW_0) out.Write("\twrappedcoord.y = 0;\n"); else out.Write("\twrappedcoord.y = fixpoint_uv%d.y & (%s - 1);\n", texcoord, tevIndWrapStart[tevind.tw]); if (tevind.fb_addprev) // add previous tevcoord out.Write("\ttevcoord.xy += wrappedcoord + indtevtrans%d;\n", n); else out.Write("\ttevcoord.xy = wrappedcoord + indtevtrans%d;\n", n); // Emulate s24 overflows out.Write("\ttevcoord.xy = (tevcoord.xy << 8) >> 8;\n"); } TevStageCombiner::ColorCombiner cc; TevStageCombiner::AlphaCombiner ac; cc.hex = stage.cc; ac.hex = stage.ac; if (cc.a == TEVCOLORARG_RASA || cc.a == TEVCOLORARG_RASC || cc.b == TEVCOLORARG_RASA || cc.b == TEVCOLORARG_RASC || cc.c == TEVCOLORARG_RASA || cc.c == TEVCOLORARG_RASC || cc.d == TEVCOLORARG_RASA || cc.d == TEVCOLORARG_RASC || ac.a == TEVALPHAARG_RASA || ac.b == TEVALPHAARG_RASA || ac.c == TEVALPHAARG_RASA || ac.d == TEVALPHAARG_RASA) { // Generate swizzle string to represent the Ras color channel swapping char rasswap[5] = {"rgba"[stage.tevksel_swap1a], "rgba"[stage.tevksel_swap2a], "rgba"[stage.tevksel_swap1b], "rgba"[stage.tevksel_swap2b], '\0'}; out.Write("\trastemp = %s.%s;\n", tevRasTable[stage.tevorders_colorchan], rasswap); } if (stage.tevorders_enable) { // Generate swizzle string to represent the texture color channel swapping char texswap[5] = {"rgba"[stage.tevksel_swap1c], "rgba"[stage.tevksel_swap2c], "rgba"[stage.tevksel_swap1d], "rgba"[stage.tevksel_swap2d], '\0'}; if (!stage.hasindstage) { // calc tevcord if (bHasTexCoord) out.Write("\ttevcoord.xy = fixpoint_uv%d;\n", texcoord); else out.Write("\ttevcoord.xy = int2(0, 0);\n"); } out.Write("\ttextemp = "); SampleTexture(out, "float2(tevcoord.xy)", texswap, stage.tevorders_texmap, uid_data->stereo, ApiType); } else { out.Write("\ttextemp = int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n"); } if (cc.a == TEVCOLORARG_KONST || cc.b == TEVCOLORARG_KONST || cc.c == TEVCOLORARG_KONST || cc.d == TEVCOLORARG_KONST || ac.a == TEVALPHAARG_KONST || ac.b == TEVALPHAARG_KONST || ac.c == TEVALPHAARG_KONST || ac.d == TEVALPHAARG_KONST) { out.Write("\tkonsttemp = int4(%s, %s);\n", tevKSelTableC[stage.tevksel_kc], tevKSelTableA[stage.tevksel_ka]); if (stage.tevksel_kc > 7) out.SetConstantsUsed(C_KCOLORS + ((stage.tevksel_kc - 0xc) % 4), C_KCOLORS + ((stage.tevksel_kc - 0xc) % 4)); if (stage.tevksel_ka > 7) out.SetConstantsUsed(C_KCOLORS + ((stage.tevksel_ka - 0xc) % 4), C_KCOLORS + ((stage.tevksel_ka - 0xc) % 4)); } if (cc.d == TEVCOLORARG_C0 || cc.d == TEVCOLORARG_A0 || ac.d == TEVALPHAARG_A0) out.SetConstantsUsed(C_COLORS + 1, C_COLORS + 1); if (cc.d == TEVCOLORARG_C1 || cc.d == TEVCOLORARG_A1 || ac.d == TEVALPHAARG_A1) out.SetConstantsUsed(C_COLORS + 2, C_COLORS + 2); if (cc.d == TEVCOLORARG_C2 || cc.d == TEVCOLORARG_A2 || ac.d == TEVALPHAARG_A2) out.SetConstantsUsed(C_COLORS + 3, C_COLORS + 3); if (cc.dest >= GX_TEVREG0) out.SetConstantsUsed(C_COLORS + cc.dest, C_COLORS + cc.dest); if (ac.dest >= GX_TEVREG0) out.SetConstantsUsed(C_COLORS + ac.dest, C_COLORS + ac.dest); out.Write("\ttevin_a = int4(%s, %s)&int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n", tevCInputTable[cc.a], tevAInputTable[ac.a]); out.Write("\ttevin_b = int4(%s, %s)&int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n", tevCInputTable[cc.b], tevAInputTable[ac.b]); out.Write("\ttevin_c = int4(%s, %s)&int4(255, 255, 255, 255);\n", tevCInputTable[cc.c], tevAInputTable[ac.c]); out.Write("\ttevin_d = int4(%s, %s);\n", tevCInputTable[cc.d], tevAInputTable[ac.d]); out.Write("\t// color combine\n"); out.Write("\t%s = clamp(", tevCOutputTable[cc.dest]); if (cc.bias != TEVBIAS_COMPARE) { WriteTevRegular(out, "rgb", cc.bias, cc.op, cc.clamp, cc.shift, false); } else { const char* function_table[] = { "((tevin_a.r > tevin_b.r) ? tevin_c.rgb : int3(0,0,0))", // TEVCMP_R8_GT "((tevin_a.r == tevin_b.r) ? tevin_c.rgb : int3(0,0,0))", // TEVCMP_R8_EQ "((idot(tevin_a.rgb, comp16) > idot(tevin_b.rgb, comp16)) ? tevin_c.rgb : " "int3(0,0,0))", // TEVCMP_GR16_GT "((idot(tevin_a.rgb, comp16) == idot(tevin_b.rgb, comp16)) ? tevin_c.rgb : " "int3(0,0,0))", // TEVCMP_GR16_EQ "((idot(tevin_a.rgb, comp24) > idot(tevin_b.rgb, comp24)) ? tevin_c.rgb : " "int3(0,0,0))", // TEVCMP_BGR24_GT "((idot(tevin_a.rgb, comp24) == idot(tevin_b.rgb, comp24)) ? tevin_c.rgb : " "int3(0,0,0))", // TEVCMP_BGR24_EQ "(max(sign(tevin_a.rgb - tevin_b.rgb), int3(0,0,0)) * tevin_c.rgb)", // TEVCMP_RGB8_GT "((int3(1,1,1) - sign(abs(tevin_a.rgb - tevin_b.rgb))) * tevin_c.rgb)" // TEVCMP_RGB8_EQ }; int mode = (cc.shift << 1) | cc.op; out.Write(" tevin_d.rgb + "); out.Write("%s", function_table[mode]); } if (cc.clamp) out.Write(", int3(0,0,0), int3(255,255,255))"); else out.Write(", int3(-1024,-1024,-1024), int3(1023,1023,1023))"); out.Write(";\n"); out.Write("\t// alpha combine\n"); out.Write("\t%s = clamp(", tevAOutputTable[ac.dest]); if (ac.bias != TEVBIAS_COMPARE) { WriteTevRegular(out, "a", ac.bias, ac.op, ac.clamp, ac.shift, true); } else { const char* function_table[] = { "((tevin_a.r > tevin_b.r) ? tevin_c.a : 0)", // TEVCMP_R8_GT "((tevin_a.r == tevin_b.r) ? tevin_c.a : 0)", // TEVCMP_R8_EQ "((idot(tevin_a.rgb, comp16) > idot(tevin_b.rgb, comp16)) ? tevin_c.a : 0)", // TEVCMP_GR16_GT "((idot(tevin_a.rgb, comp16) == idot(tevin_b.rgb, comp16)) ? tevin_c.a : 0)", // TEVCMP_GR16_EQ "((idot(tevin_a.rgb, comp24) > idot(tevin_b.rgb, comp24)) ? tevin_c.a : 0)", // TEVCMP_BGR24_GT "((idot(tevin_a.rgb, comp24) == idot(tevin_b.rgb, comp24)) ? tevin_c.a : 0)", // TEVCMP_BGR24_EQ "((tevin_a.a > tevin_b.a) ? tevin_c.a : 0)", // TEVCMP_A8_GT "((tevin_a.a == tevin_b.a) ? tevin_c.a : 0)" // TEVCMP_A8_EQ }; int mode = (ac.shift << 1) | ac.op; out.Write(" tevin_d.a + "); out.Write("%s", function_table[mode]); } if (ac.clamp) out.Write(", 0, 255)"); else out.Write(", -1024, 1023)"); out.Write(";\n"); } static void WriteTevRegular(ShaderCode& out, const char* components, int bias, int op, int clamp, int shift, bool alpha) { const char* tevScaleTableLeft[] = { "", // SCALE_1 " << 1", // SCALE_2 " << 2", // SCALE_4 "", // DIVIDE_2 }; const char* tevScaleTableRight[] = { "", // SCALE_1 "", // SCALE_2 "", // SCALE_4 " >> 1", // DIVIDE_2 }; const char* tevLerpBias[] = // indexed by 2*op+(shift==3) { "", " + 128", "", " + 127", }; const char* tevBiasTable[] = { "", // ZERO, " + 128", // ADDHALF, " - 128", // SUBHALF, "", }; const char* tevOpTable[] = { "+", // TEVOP_ADD = 0, "-", // TEVOP_SUB = 1, }; // Regular TEV stage: (d + bias + lerp(a,b,c)) * scale // The GameCube/Wii GPU uses a very sophisticated algorithm for scale-lerping: // - c is scaled from 0..255 to 0..256, which allows dividing the result by 256 instead of 255 // - if scale is bigger than one, it is moved inside the lerp calculation for increased accuracy // - a rounding bias is added before dividing by 256 out.Write("(((tevin_d.%s%s)%s)", components, tevBiasTable[bias], tevScaleTableLeft[shift]); out.Write(" %s ", tevOpTable[op]); out.Write("(((((tevin_a.%s<<8) + (tevin_b.%s-tevin_a.%s)*(tevin_c.%s+(tevin_c.%s>>7)))%s)%s)>>8)", components, components, components, components, components, tevScaleTableLeft[shift], tevLerpBias[2 * op + ((shift == 3) == alpha)]); out.Write(")%s", tevScaleTableRight[shift]); } static void SampleTexture(ShaderCode& out, const char* texcoords, const char* texswap, int texmap, bool stereo, APIType ApiType) { out.SetConstantsUsed(C_TEXDIMS + texmap, C_TEXDIMS + texmap); if (ApiType == APIType::D3D) { out.Write("iround(255.0 * Tex[%d].Sample(samp[%d], float3(%s.xy * " I_TEXDIMS "[%d].xy, %s))).%s;\n", texmap, texmap, texcoords, texmap, stereo ? "layer" : "0.0", texswap); } else if (ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) { out.Write("iround(255.0 * texture(samp%d, float3(%s.xy * " I_TEXDIMS "[%d].xy, %s))).%s;\n", texmap, texcoords, texmap, stereo ? "layer" : "0.0", texswap); } else { out.Write("iround(255.0 * texture(samp[%d], float3(%s.xy * " I_TEXDIMS "[%d].xy, %s))).%s;\n", texmap, texcoords, texmap, stereo ? "layer" : "0.0", texswap); } } static const char* tevAlphaFuncsTable[] = { "(false)", // NEVER "(prev.a < %s)", // LESS "(prev.a == %s)", // EQUAL "(prev.a <= %s)", // LEQUAL "(prev.a > %s)", // GREATER "(prev.a != %s)", // NEQUAL "(prev.a >= %s)", // GEQUAL "(true)" // ALWAYS }; static const char* tevAlphaFunclogicTable[] = { " && ", // and " || ", // or " != ", // xor " == " // xnor }; static void WriteAlphaTest(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, APIType ApiType, bool per_pixel_depth, bool use_dual_source) { static const char* alphaRef[2] = {I_ALPHA ".r", I_ALPHA ".g"}; out.SetConstantsUsed(C_ALPHA, C_ALPHA); if (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_NEGATED_BOOLEAN)) out.Write("\tif(( "); else out.Write("\tif(!( "); // Lookup the first component from the alpha function table int compindex = uid_data->alpha_test_comp0; out.Write(tevAlphaFuncsTable[compindex], alphaRef[0]); out.Write("%s", tevAlphaFunclogicTable[uid_data->alpha_test_logic]); // lookup the logic op // Lookup the second component from the alpha function table compindex = uid_data->alpha_test_comp1; out.Write(tevAlphaFuncsTable[compindex], alphaRef[1]); if (DriverDetails::HasBug(DriverDetails::BUG_BROKEN_NEGATED_BOOLEAN)) out.Write(") == false) {\n"); else out.Write(")) {\n"); out.Write("\t\tocol0 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"); if (use_dual_source) out.Write("\t\tocol1 = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"); if (per_pixel_depth) { out.Write("\t\tdepth = %s;\n", (ApiType == APIType::D3D || ApiType == APIType::Vulkan) ? "0.0" : "1.0"); } // ZCOMPLOC HACK: if (!uid_data->alpha_test_use_zcomploc_hack) { out.Write("\t\tdiscard;\n"); if (ApiType != APIType::D3D) out.Write("\t\treturn;\n"); } out.Write("\t}\n"); } static const char* tevFogFuncsTable[] = { "", // No Fog "", // ? "", // Linear "", // ? "\tfog = 1.0 - exp2(-8.0 * fog);\n", // exp "\tfog = 1.0 - exp2(-8.0 * fog * fog);\n", // exp2 "\tfog = exp2(-8.0 * (1.0 - fog));\n", // backward exp "\tfog = 1.0 - fog;\n fog = exp2(-8.0 * fog * fog);\n" // backward exp2 }; static void WriteFog(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data) { if (uid_data->fog_fsel == 0) return; // no Fog out.SetConstantsUsed(C_FOGCOLOR, C_FOGCOLOR); out.SetConstantsUsed(C_FOGI, C_FOGI); out.SetConstantsUsed(C_FOGF, C_FOGF + 1); if (uid_data->fog_proj == 0) { // perspective // ze = A/(B - (Zs >> B_SHF) // TODO: Verify that we want to drop lower bits here! (currently taken over from software // renderer) // Maybe we want to use "ze = (A << B_SHF)/((B << B_SHF) - Zs)" instead? // That's equivalent, but keeps the lower bits of Zs. out.Write("\tfloat ze = (" I_FOGF "[1].x * 16777216.0) / float(" I_FOGI ".y - (zCoord >> " I_FOGI ".w));\n"); } else { // orthographic // ze = a*Zs (here, no B_SHF) out.Write("\tfloat ze = " I_FOGF "[1].x * float(zCoord) / 16777216.0;\n"); } // x_adjust = sqrt((x-center)^2 + k^2)/k // ze *= x_adjust // TODO Instead of this theoretical calculation, we should use the // coefficient table given in the fog range BP registers! if (uid_data->fog_RangeBaseEnabled) { out.SetConstantsUsed(C_FOGF, C_FOGF); out.Write("\tfloat x_adjust = (2.0 * (rawpos.x / " I_FOGF "[0].y)) - 1.0 - " I_FOGF "[0].x;\n"); out.Write("\tx_adjust = sqrt(x_adjust * x_adjust + " I_FOGF "[0].z * " I_FOGF "[0].z) / " I_FOGF "[0].z;\n"); out.Write("\tze *= x_adjust;\n"); } out.Write("\tfloat fog = clamp(ze - " I_FOGF "[1].z, 0.0, 1.0);\n"); if (uid_data->fog_fsel > 3) { out.Write("%s", tevFogFuncsTable[uid_data->fog_fsel]); } else { if (uid_data->fog_fsel != 2) WARN_LOG(VIDEO, "Unknown Fog Type! %08x", uid_data->fog_fsel); } out.Write("\tint ifog = iround(fog * 256.0);\n"); out.Write("\tprev.rgb = (prev.rgb * (256 - ifog) + " I_FOGCOLOR ".rgb * ifog) >> 8;\n"); } static void WriteColor(ShaderCode& out, const pixel_shader_uid_data* uid_data, bool use_dual_source) { if (uid_data->rgba6_format) out.Write("\tocol0.rgb = float3(prev.rgb >> 2) / 63.0;\n"); else out.Write("\tocol0.rgb = float3(prev.rgb) / 255.0;\n"); // Colors will be blended against the 8-bit alpha from ocol1 and // the 6-bit alpha from ocol0 will be written to the framebuffer if (uid_data->dstAlphaMode == DSTALPHA_NONE) { out.Write("\tocol0.a = float(prev.a >> 2) / 63.0;\n"); if (use_dual_source) out.Write("\tocol1.a = float(prev.a) / 255.0;\n"); } else { out.SetConstantsUsed(C_ALPHA, C_ALPHA); out.Write("\tocol0.a = float(" I_ALPHA ".a >> 2) / 63.0;\n"); // Use dual-source color blending to perform dst alpha in a single pass if (use_dual_source) { if (uid_data->dstAlphaMode == DSTALPHA_DUAL_SOURCE_BLEND) out.Write("\tocol1.a = float(prev.a) / 255.0;\n"); else out.Write("\tocol1.a = float(" I_ALPHA ".a) / 255.0;\n"); } } }