// Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Dolphin Project. // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. // A copy of the GPL 2.0 should have been included with the program. // If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // Official SVN repository and contact information can be found at // http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ #include "Common.h" // Common #include // System #include #include #include "Debugger.h" #include "DSPRegisterView.h" #include "CodeView.h" #include "../DSPSymbols.h" // Event table and class BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(DSPDebuggerLLE, wxFrame) EVT_CLOSE(DSPDebuggerLLE::OnClose) EVT_MENU_RANGE(ID_RUNTOOL, ID_STEPTOOL, DSPDebuggerLLE::OnChangeState) EVT_MENU(ID_SHOWPCTOOL, DSPDebuggerLLE::OnShowPC) EVT_TEXT(ID_ADDRBOX, DSPDebuggerLLE::OnAddrBoxChange) EVT_LISTBOX(ID_SYMBOLLIST, DSPDebuggerLLE::OnSymbolListChange) END_EVENT_TABLE() DSPDebuggerLLE::DSPDebuggerLLE(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString &title, const wxPoint &position, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxFrame(parent, id, title, position, size, style) , m_CachedStepCounter(-1) , m_CachedCR(-1) , m_State(RUN) , m_CachedUCodeCRC(-1) { CreateGUIControls(); } DSPDebuggerLLE::~DSPDebuggerLLE() { } void DSPDebuggerLLE::CreateGUIControls() { // Basic settings SetSize(700, 500); this->SetSizeHints(700, 500); this->SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE)); m_Toolbar = CreateToolBar(wxTB_NODIVIDER|wxTB_NOICONS|wxTB_HORZ_TEXT|wxTB_DOCKABLE, ID_TOOLBAR); m_Toolbar->AddTool(ID_RUNTOOL, wxT("Run"), wxNullBitmap, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL); m_Toolbar->AddTool(ID_STEPTOOL, wxT("Step"), wxNullBitmap, wxT("Step Code "), wxITEM_NORMAL); m_Toolbar->AddTool(ID_SHOWPCTOOL, wxT("Show Pc"), wxNullBitmap, wxT("Show where PC is"), wxITEM_NORMAL); m_Toolbar->AddTool(ID_JUMPTOTOOL, wxT("Jump"), wxNullBitmap, wxT("Jump to a specific Address"), wxITEM_NORMAL); m_Toolbar->AddSeparator(); m_Toolbar->AddCheckTool(ID_CHECK_ASSERTINT, wxT("AssertInt"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxEmptyString); m_Toolbar->AddCheckTool(ID_CHECK_HALT, wxT("Halt"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxEmptyString); m_Toolbar->AddCheckTool(ID_CHECK_INIT, wxT("Init"), wxNullBitmap, wxNullBitmap, wxEmptyString); m_Toolbar->AddSeparator(); m_Toolbar->AddControl(new wxTextCtrl(m_Toolbar, ID_ADDRBOX, _T(""))); m_Toolbar->Realize(); wxBoxSizer* sMain = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); wxBoxSizer* sizerLeft = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizerLeft->Add(m_SymbolList = new wxListBox(this, ID_SYMBOLLIST, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(90, 100), 0, NULL, wxLB_SORT), 1, wxEXPAND); m_CodeView = new CCodeView(&debug_interface, &DSPSymbols::g_dsp_symbol_db, this, ID_CODEVIEW); m_CodeView->SetPlain(); sMain->Add(sizerLeft, 1, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 0); sMain->Add(m_CodeView, 4, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5); wxStaticLine* m_staticline = new wxStaticLine(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxLI_VERTICAL); sMain->Add(m_staticline, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5); m_Regs = new DSPRegisterView(this, ID_DSP_REGS); sMain->Add(m_Regs, 1, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5); this->SetSizer(sMain); this->Layout(); } void DSPDebuggerLLE::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event) { Hide(); } void DSPDebuggerLLE::OnChangeState(wxCommandEvent& event) { switch (event.GetId()) { case ID_RUNTOOL: if ((m_State == RUN) || (m_State == RUN_START)) m_State = PAUSE; else m_State = RUN_START; break; case ID_STEPTOOL: m_State = STEP; break; case ID_SHOWPCTOOL: FocusOnPC(); break; } UpdateState(); } void DSPDebuggerLLE::OnShowPC(wxCommandEvent& event) { Refresh(); FocusOnPC(); } void DSPDebuggerLLE::Refresh() { UpdateSymbolMap(); UpdateDisAsmListView(); UpdateRegisterFlags(); UpdateState(); } void DSPDebuggerLLE::FocusOnPC() { JumpToAddress(g_dsp.pc); } void DSPDebuggerLLE::UpdateState() { if ((m_State == RUN) || (m_State == RUN_START)) m_Toolbar->FindById(ID_RUNTOOL)->SetLabel(wxT("Pause")); else m_Toolbar->FindById(ID_RUNTOOL)->SetLabel(wxT("Run")); m_Toolbar->Realize(); } void DSPDebuggerLLE::UpdateDisAsmListView() { if (m_CachedStepCounter == g_dsp.step_counter) return; // show PC FocusOnPC(); m_CachedStepCounter = g_dsp.step_counter; m_Regs->Update(); } void DSPDebuggerLLE::UpdateSymbolMap() { if (g_dsp.dram == NULL) return; if (m_CachedUCodeCRC != g_dsp.iram_crc) { // load symbol map (if there is one) m_CachedUCodeCRC = g_dsp.iram_crc; char FileName[256]; sprintf(FileName, "%sDSP_%08x.map", FULL_MAPS_DIR, m_CachedUCodeCRC); // LoadSymbolMap(FileName); m_SymbolList->Freeze(); // HyperIris: wx style fast filling m_SymbolList->Clear(); for (SymbolDB::XFuncMap::iterator iter = DSPSymbols::g_dsp_symbol_db.GetIterator(); iter != DSPSymbols::g_dsp_symbol_db.End(); iter++) { int idx = m_SymbolList->Append(wxString::FromAscii(iter->second.name.c_str())); m_SymbolList->SetClientData(idx, (void*)&iter->second); } m_SymbolList->Thaw(); // rebuild the disasm // RebuildDisAsmListView(); } } void DSPDebuggerLLE::OnSymbolListChange(wxCommandEvent& event) { int index = m_SymbolList->GetSelection(); if (index >= 0) { Symbol* pSymbol = static_cast(m_SymbolList->GetClientData(index)); if (pSymbol != NULL) { if (pSymbol->type == Symbol::SYMBOL_FUNCTION) { JumpToAddress(pSymbol->address); } } } } void DSPDebuggerLLE::UpdateRegisterFlags() { if (m_CachedCR == g_dsp.cr) return; m_Toolbar->ToggleTool(ID_CHECK_ASSERTINT, g_dsp.cr & 0x02 ? true : false); m_Toolbar->ToggleTool(ID_CHECK_HALT, g_dsp.cr & 0x04 ? true : false); m_Toolbar->ToggleTool(ID_CHECK_INIT, g_dsp.cr & 0x800 ? true : false); m_CachedCR = g_dsp.cr; } bool DSPDebuggerLLE::CanDoStep() { // update the symbols all the time because they're script cmds like bps UpdateSymbolMap(); switch (m_State) { case RUN_START: m_State = RUN; return true; case RUN: /* if (IsBreakPoint(g_dsp.pc)) { Refresh(); m_State = PAUSE; return false; }*/ return true; case PAUSE: Refresh(); return false; case STEP: Refresh(); m_State = PAUSE; return true; } return false; } void DSPDebuggerLLE::DebugBreak() { m_State = PAUSE; } void DSPDebuggerLLE::OnAddrBoxChange(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxTextCtrl* pAddrCtrl = (wxTextCtrl*)GetToolBar()->FindControl(ID_ADDRBOX); wxString txt = pAddrCtrl->GetValue(); std::string text(txt.mb_str()); text = StripSpaces(text); if (text.size()) { u32 addr; sscanf(text.c_str(), "%04x", &addr); if (JumpToAddress(addr)) pAddrCtrl->SetBackgroundColour(*wxWHITE); else pAddrCtrl->SetBackgroundColour(*wxRED); } event.Skip(1); } bool DSPDebuggerLLE::JumpToAddress(u16 addr) { int new_line = DSPSymbols::Addr2Line(addr); if (new_line >= 0) { m_CodeView->Center(new_line); return true; } else { return false; } }