# GPIP01 - Pikmin PAL [Core] # Values set here will override the main dolphin settings. [EmuState] # The Emulation State. 1 is worst, 5 is best, 0 is not set. EmulationIssues = sound is sometimes glitchy though EmulationStateId = 5 [OnLoad] # Add memory patches to be loaded once on boot here. [OnFrame] # Add memory patches to be applied every frame here. [ActionReplay] # Add action replay cheats here. $Always on 2nd day 003A2937 00000002 $Infinite health for Olimar on all levels 040FFF88 60000000 $D-Pad Left to freeze Timer (Knocking down walls won't work) 0C3A2280 00010000 04051488 60000000 $D-Pad Right to unfreeze Timer 0C3A2280 00020000 04051488 7FFFFFFF $D-Pad Down + Z to advance day timer 0C3A2280 00140000 843A2924 00020400 $D-Pad Up + Z to reset day timer 4C3A2280 00180000 043A2930 00000007 043A2924 40131E59 $All areas open 043A2800 0000001F $Turn off blur 0039D737 00000000 $Instant kill all bad guys 04143624 C002008C $End day for 999 red flower Pikmin 023D6C7E 00030000 043D6C84 000003E7 $End day for 999 yellow flower Pikmin 023D6C8A 00030000 043D6C90 000003E7 $End day for 999 blue flower Pikmin 023D6C72 00030000 043D6C78 000003E7 $Red Pikmin colour is random 803D6C9C 00000001 803D6C9D FFFFFFFF 803D6C9E 0000007F $Change Red Pikmin colour to black 043D6C9C 00000000 $Change Red Pikmin colour to white 043D6C9C FFFFFFFF $Change Red Pikmin colour to purple 043D6C9C D200D200 $Change Red Pikmin colour to grey 043D6C9C 80808080 $Blue Pikmin colour is random 803D6C98 00000001 803D6C99 FFFFFFFF 803D6C9A 0000007F $Change Blue Pikmin colour to pink 043D6C98 FE808000 $Change Blue Pikmin colour to purple 043D6C98 D200D200 $Change Blue Pikmin colour to grey 043D6C98 80808080 $Change Blue Pikmin colour to white 043D6C98 FFFFFFFF $Yellow Pikmin colour is random 803D6CA0 00000001 803D6CA1 FFFFFFFF 803D6CA2 0000007F $Change Yellow Pikmin colour to pink 043D6CA0 FE808000 $Change Yellow Pikmin colour to grey 043D6CA0 80808080 $Change Yellow Pikmin colour to white 043D6CA0 FFFFFFFF $Change Yellow Pikmin colour to black 043D6CA0 00000000 $D-pad down for map debug off 0C3A2280 00040000 0039D73C 00000000 $D-pad up for map debug on 0C3A2280 00080000 0039D73C 00000001 $Gfx Debug 0039D724 00000001 [Video] ProjectionHack = 0