// Copyright 2013 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 // Refer to the license.txt file included. #ifndef __TASINPUT_H__ #define __TASINPUT_H__ #include <wx/wx.h> #include "Common.h" #include "CoreParameter.h" #include "../../InputCommon/Src/GCPadStatus.h" class TASInputDlg : public wxDialog { public: TASInputDlg(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = 1, const wxString &title = _("TAS Input"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxSTAY_ON_TOP); void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event); void UpdateFromSliders(wxCommandEvent& event); void UpdateFromText(wxCommandEvent& event); void OnMouseDownL(wxMouseEvent& event); void OnMouseUpR(wxMouseEvent& event); void ResetValues(); void GetValues(SPADStatus *PadStatus, int controllerID); void SetTurbo(wxMouseEvent& event); void SetTurboFalse(wxMouseEvent& event); void ButtonTurbo(); void GetKeyBoardInput(SPADStatus *PadStatus); bool TextBoxHasFocus(); void SetLandRTriggers(); bool TASHasFocus(); wxBitmap CreateStickBitmap(int x, int y); private: u8 mainX, mainY, cX, cY, lTrig, rTrig; enum { ID_MAIN_X_SLIDER = 1000, ID_MAIN_X_TEXT, ID_MAIN_Y_SLIDER, ID_MAIN_Y_TEXT, ID_C_X_SLIDER, ID_C_X_TEXT, ID_C_Y_SLIDER, ID_C_Y_TEXT, ID_L_SLIDER, ID_L_TEXT, ID_R_SLIDER, ID_R_TEXT, ID_CLOSE, ID_UP, ID_DOWN, ID_LEFT, ID_RIGHT, ID_A, ID_B, ID_X, ID_Y, ID_Z, ID_L, ID_R, ID_START, ID_MAIN_STICK, ID_C_STICK, }; wxSlider *wx_mainX_s, *wx_mainY_s, *wx_cX_s, *wx_cY_s, *wx_l_s, *wx_r_s; wxCheckBox *wx_up_button, *wx_down_button, *wx_left_button, *wx_right_button, *wx_a_button, *wx_b_button, *wx_x_button, *wx_y_button, *wx_l_button, *wx_r_button, *wx_z_button, *wx_start_button; wxTextCtrl *wx_mainX_t, *wx_mainY_t, *wx_cX_t, *wx_cY_t, *wx_l_t, *wx_r_t; wxMemoryDC dc_main, dc_c; wxStaticBitmap* static_bitmap_main, *static_bitmap_c; wxBitmap bitmap; bool A_turbo,B_turbo, X_turbo, Y_turbo, Z_turbo, L_turbo, R_turbo, START_turbo,DL_turbo,DR_turbo,DD_turbo,DU_turbo; bool A_cont,B_cont, X_cont, Y_cont, Z_cont, L_cont, L_button_cont, R_cont, R_button_cont, START_cont,DL_cont,DR_cont,DD_cont,DU_cont,mstickx,msticky,cstickx,csticky; int xaxis,yaxis,c_xaxis,c_yaxis,update,update_axis; DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); }; #endif