// Copyright 2010 Dolphin Emulator Project // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GC graphics pipeline // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 3d commands are issued through the fifo. The GPU draws to the 2MB EFB. // The efb can be copied back into ram in two forms: as textures or as XFB. // The XFB is the region in RAM that the VI chip scans out to the television. // So, after all rendering to EFB is done, the image is copied into one of two XFBs in RAM. // Next frame, that one is scanned out and the other one gets the copy. = double buffering. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "VideoCommon/RenderBase.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cinttypes> #include <cmath> #include <memory> #include <mutex> #include <string> #include <tuple> #include <fmt/format.h> #include <imgui.h> #include <implot.h> #include "Common/Assert.h" #include "Common/ChunkFile.h" #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/Config/Config.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/Flag.h" #include "Common/Image.h" #include "Common/Logging/Log.h" #include "Common/MsgHandler.h" #include "Common/Profiler.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "Common/Thread.h" #include "Common/Timer.h" #include "Core/Config/GraphicsSettings.h" #include "Core/Config/MainSettings.h" #include "Core/Config/NetplaySettings.h" #include "Core/Config/SYSCONFSettings.h" #include "Core/ConfigManager.h" #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Core/DolphinAnalytics.h" #include "Core/FifoPlayer/FifoRecorder.h" #include "Core/FreeLookConfig.h" #include "Core/HW/SystemTimers.h" #include "Core/HW/VideoInterface.h" #include "Core/Host.h" #include "Core/Movie.h" #include "Core/System.h" #include "InputCommon/ControllerInterface/ControllerInterface.h" #include "VideoCommon/AbstractFramebuffer.h" #include "VideoCommon/AbstractStagingTexture.h" #include "VideoCommon/AbstractTexture.h" #include "VideoCommon/BPFunctions.h" #include "VideoCommon/BPMemory.h" #include "VideoCommon/BoundingBox.h" #include "VideoCommon/CPMemory.h" #include "VideoCommon/CommandProcessor.h" #include "VideoCommon/FrameDump.h" #include "VideoCommon/FramebufferManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/FramebufferShaderGen.h" #include "VideoCommon/FreeLookCamera.h" #include "VideoCommon/GraphicsModSystem/Config/GraphicsModGroup.h" #include "VideoCommon/NetPlayChatUI.h" #include "VideoCommon/NetPlayGolfUI.h" #include "VideoCommon/OnScreenDisplay.h" #include "VideoCommon/OpcodeDecoding.h" #include "VideoCommon/PixelEngine.h" #include "VideoCommon/PixelShaderManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/PostProcessing.h" #include "VideoCommon/ShaderCache.h" #include "VideoCommon/ShaderGenCommon.h" #include "VideoCommon/Statistics.h" #include "VideoCommon/TextureCacheBase.h" #include "VideoCommon/TextureDecoder.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexLoaderManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexManagerBase.h" #include "VideoCommon/VertexShaderManager.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoBackendBase.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoCommon.h" #include "VideoCommon/VideoConfig.h" #include "VideoCommon/XFMemory.h" std::unique_ptr<Renderer> g_renderer; static float AspectToWidescreen(float aspect) { return aspect * ((16.0f / 9.0f) / (4.0f / 3.0f)); } static bool DumpFrameToPNG(const FrameDump::FrameData& frame, const std::string& file_name) { return Common::ConvertRGBAToRGBAndSavePNG(file_name, frame.data, frame.width, frame.height, frame.stride, Config::Get(Config::GFX_PNG_COMPRESSION_LEVEL)); } Renderer::Renderer(int backbuffer_width, int backbuffer_height, float backbuffer_scale, AbstractTextureFormat backbuffer_format) : m_backbuffer_width(backbuffer_width), m_backbuffer_height(backbuffer_height), m_backbuffer_scale(backbuffer_scale), m_backbuffer_format(backbuffer_format), m_last_xfb_width{MAX_XFB_WIDTH}, m_last_xfb_height{ MAX_XFB_HEIGHT} { UpdateActiveConfig(); FreeLook::UpdateActiveConfig(); UpdateDrawRectangle(); CalculateTargetSize(); m_is_game_widescreen = SConfig::GetInstance().bWii && Config::Get(Config::SYSCONF_WIDESCREEN); g_freelook_camera.SetControlType(FreeLook::GetActiveConfig().camera_config.control_type); } Renderer::~Renderer() = default; bool Renderer::Initialize() { if (!InitializeImGui()) return false; m_post_processor = std::make_unique<VideoCommon::PostProcessing>(); if (!m_post_processor->Initialize(m_backbuffer_format)) return false; m_bounding_box = CreateBoundingBox(); if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsBBox && !m_bounding_box->Initialize()) { PanicAlertFmt("Failed to initialize bounding box."); return false; } if (g_ActiveConfig.bGraphicMods) { // If a config change occurred in a previous session, // remember the old change count value. By setting // our current change count to the old value, we // avoid loading the stale data when we // check for config changes. const u32 old_game_mod_changes = g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config ? g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config->GetChangeCount() : 0; g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config = GraphicsModGroupConfig(SConfig::GetInstance().GetGameID()); g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config->Load(); g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config->SetChangeCount(old_game_mod_changes); m_graphics_mod_manager.Load(*g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config); } return true; } void Renderer::Shutdown() { // Disable ControllerInterface's aspect ratio adjustments so mapping dialog behaves normally. g_controller_interface.SetAspectRatioAdjustment(1); // First stop any framedumping, which might need to dump the last xfb frame. This process // can require additional graphics sub-systems so it needs to be done first ShutdownFrameDumping(); ShutdownImGui(); m_post_processor.reset(); m_bounding_box.reset(); } void Renderer::BeginUtilityDrawing() { g_vertex_manager->Flush(); } void Renderer::EndUtilityDrawing() { // Reset framebuffer/scissor/viewport. Pipeline will be reset at next draw. g_framebuffer_manager->BindEFBFramebuffer(); BPFunctions::SetScissorAndViewport(); } void Renderer::SetFramebuffer(AbstractFramebuffer* framebuffer) { m_current_framebuffer = framebuffer; } void Renderer::SetAndDiscardFramebuffer(AbstractFramebuffer* framebuffer) { m_current_framebuffer = framebuffer; } void Renderer::SetAndClearFramebuffer(AbstractFramebuffer* framebuffer, const ClearColor& color_value, float depth_value) { m_current_framebuffer = framebuffer; } bool Renderer::EFBHasAlphaChannel() const { return m_prev_efb_format == PixelFormat::RGBA6_Z24; } void Renderer::ClearScreen(const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& rc, bool colorEnable, bool alphaEnable, bool zEnable, u32 color, u32 z) { g_framebuffer_manager->ClearEFB(rc, colorEnable, alphaEnable, zEnable, color, z); } void Renderer::ReinterpretPixelData(EFBReinterpretType convtype) { g_framebuffer_manager->ReinterpretPixelData(convtype); } bool Renderer::IsBBoxEnabled() const { return m_bounding_box->IsEnabled(); } void Renderer::BBoxEnable(PixelShaderManager& pixel_shader_manager) { m_bounding_box->Enable(pixel_shader_manager); } void Renderer::BBoxDisable(PixelShaderManager& pixel_shader_manager) { m_bounding_box->Disable(pixel_shader_manager); } u16 Renderer::BBoxRead(u32 index) { if (!g_ActiveConfig.bBBoxEnable || !g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsBBox) return m_bounding_box_fallback[index]; return m_bounding_box->Get(index); } void Renderer::BBoxWrite(u32 index, u16 value) { if (!g_ActiveConfig.bBBoxEnable || !g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsBBox) { m_bounding_box_fallback[index] = value; return; } m_bounding_box->Set(index, value); } void Renderer::BBoxFlush() { if (!g_ActiveConfig.bBBoxEnable || !g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsBBox) return; m_bounding_box->Flush(); } u32 Renderer::AccessEFB(EFBAccessType type, u32 x, u32 y, u32 poke_data) { if (type == EFBAccessType::PeekColor) { u32 color = g_framebuffer_manager->PeekEFBColor(x, y); // a little-endian value is expected to be returned color = ((color & 0xFF00FF00) | ((color >> 16) & 0xFF) | ((color << 16) & 0xFF0000)); if (bpmem.zcontrol.pixel_format == PixelFormat::RGBA6_Z24) { color = RGBA8ToRGBA6ToRGBA8(color); } else if (bpmem.zcontrol.pixel_format == PixelFormat::RGB565_Z16) { color = RGBA8ToRGB565ToRGBA8(color); } if (bpmem.zcontrol.pixel_format != PixelFormat::RGBA6_Z24) { color |= 0xFF000000; } // check what to do with the alpha channel (GX_PokeAlphaRead) PixelEngine::AlphaReadMode alpha_read_mode = Core::System::GetInstance().GetPixelEngine().GetAlphaReadMode(); if (alpha_read_mode == PixelEngine::AlphaReadMode::ReadNone) { return color; } else if (alpha_read_mode == PixelEngine::AlphaReadMode::ReadFF) { return color | 0xFF000000; } else { if (alpha_read_mode != PixelEngine::AlphaReadMode::Read00) { PanicAlertFmt("Invalid PE alpha read mode: {}", static_cast<u16>(alpha_read_mode)); } return color & 0x00FFFFFF; } } else // if (type == EFBAccessType::PeekZ) { // Depth buffer is inverted for improved precision near far plane float depth = g_framebuffer_manager->PeekEFBDepth(x, y); if (!g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsReversedDepthRange) depth = 1.0f - depth; // Convert to 24bit depth u32 z24depth = std::clamp<u32>(static_cast<u32>(depth * 16777216.0f), 0, 0xFFFFFF); if (bpmem.zcontrol.pixel_format == PixelFormat::RGB565_Z16) { // When in RGB565_Z16 mode, EFB Z peeks return a 16bit value, which is presumably a // resolved sample from the MSAA buffer. // Dolphin doesn't currently emulate the 3 sample MSAA mode (and potentially never will) // it just transparently upgrades the framebuffer to 24bit depth and color and whatever // level of MSAA and higher Internal Resolution the user has configured. // This is mostly transparent, unless the game does an EFB read. // But we can simply convert the 24bit depth on the fly to the 16bit depth the game expects. return CompressZ16(z24depth, bpmem.zcontrol.zformat); } return z24depth; } } void Renderer::PokeEFB(EFBAccessType type, const EfbPokeData* points, size_t num_points) { if (type == EFBAccessType::PokeColor) { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { // Convert to expected format (BGRA->RGBA) // TODO: Check alpha, depending on mode? const EfbPokeData& point = points[i]; u32 color = ((point.data & 0xFF00FF00) | ((point.data >> 16) & 0xFF) | ((point.data << 16) & 0xFF0000)); g_framebuffer_manager->PokeEFBColor(point.x, point.y, color); } } else // if (type == EFBAccessType::PokeZ) { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { // Convert to floating-point depth. const EfbPokeData& point = points[i]; float depth = float(point.data & 0xFFFFFF) / 16777216.0f; if (!g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsReversedDepthRange) depth = 1.0f - depth; g_framebuffer_manager->PokeEFBDepth(point.x, point.y, depth); } } } void Renderer::RenderToXFB(u32 xfbAddr, const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& sourceRc, u32 fbStride, u32 fbHeight, float Gamma) { CheckFifoRecording(); if (!fbStride || !fbHeight) return; } unsigned int Renderer::GetEFBScale() const { return m_efb_scale; } int Renderer::EFBToScaledX(int x) const { return x * static_cast<int>(m_efb_scale); } int Renderer::EFBToScaledY(int y) const { return y * static_cast<int>(m_efb_scale); } float Renderer::EFBToScaledXf(float x) const { return x * ((float)GetTargetWidth() / (float)EFB_WIDTH); } float Renderer::EFBToScaledYf(float y) const { return y * ((float)GetTargetHeight() / (float)EFB_HEIGHT); } std::tuple<int, int> Renderer::CalculateTargetScale(int x, int y) const { return std::make_tuple(x * static_cast<int>(m_efb_scale), y * static_cast<int>(m_efb_scale)); } // return true if target size changed bool Renderer::CalculateTargetSize() { if (g_ActiveConfig.iEFBScale == EFB_SCALE_AUTO_INTEGRAL) { // Set a scale based on the window size int width = EFB_WIDTH * m_target_rectangle.GetWidth() / m_last_xfb_width; int height = EFB_HEIGHT * m_target_rectangle.GetHeight() / m_last_xfb_height; m_efb_scale = std::max((width - 1) / EFB_WIDTH + 1, (height - 1) / EFB_HEIGHT + 1); } else { m_efb_scale = g_ActiveConfig.iEFBScale; } const u32 max_size = g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.MaxTextureSize; if (max_size < EFB_WIDTH * m_efb_scale) m_efb_scale = max_size / EFB_WIDTH; auto [new_efb_width, new_efb_height] = CalculateTargetScale(EFB_WIDTH, EFB_HEIGHT); new_efb_width = std::max(new_efb_width, 1); new_efb_height = std::max(new_efb_height, 1); if (new_efb_width != m_target_width || new_efb_height != m_target_height) { m_target_width = new_efb_width; m_target_height = new_efb_height; auto& system = Core::System::GetInstance(); auto& pixel_shader_manager = system.GetPixelShaderManager(); pixel_shader_manager.SetEfbScaleChanged(EFBToScaledXf(1), EFBToScaledYf(1)); return true; } return false; } std::tuple<MathUtil::Rectangle<int>, MathUtil::Rectangle<int>> Renderer::ConvertStereoRectangle(const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& rc) const { // Resize target to half its original size auto draw_rc = rc; if (g_ActiveConfig.stereo_mode == StereoMode::TAB) { // The height may be negative due to flipped rectangles int height = rc.bottom - rc.top; draw_rc.top += height / 4; draw_rc.bottom -= height / 4; } else { int width = rc.right - rc.left; draw_rc.left += width / 4; draw_rc.right -= width / 4; } // Create two target rectangle offset to the sides of the backbuffer auto left_rc = draw_rc; auto right_rc = draw_rc; if (g_ActiveConfig.stereo_mode == StereoMode::TAB) { left_rc.top -= m_backbuffer_height / 4; left_rc.bottom -= m_backbuffer_height / 4; right_rc.top += m_backbuffer_height / 4; right_rc.bottom += m_backbuffer_height / 4; } else { left_rc.left -= m_backbuffer_width / 4; left_rc.right -= m_backbuffer_width / 4; right_rc.left += m_backbuffer_width / 4; right_rc.right += m_backbuffer_width / 4; } return std::make_tuple(left_rc, right_rc); } void Renderer::SaveScreenshot(std::string filename) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_screenshot_lock); m_screenshot_name = std::move(filename); m_screenshot_request.Set(); } void Renderer::CheckForConfigChanges() { const ShaderHostConfig old_shader_host_config = ShaderHostConfig::GetCurrent(); const StereoMode old_stereo = g_ActiveConfig.stereo_mode; const u32 old_multisamples = g_ActiveConfig.iMultisamples; const int old_anisotropy = g_ActiveConfig.iMaxAnisotropy; const int old_efb_access_tile_size = g_ActiveConfig.iEFBAccessTileSize; const auto old_texture_filtering_mode = g_ActiveConfig.texture_filtering_mode; const bool old_vsync = g_ActiveConfig.bVSyncActive; const bool old_bbox = g_ActiveConfig.bBBoxEnable; const u32 old_game_mod_changes = g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config ? g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config->GetChangeCount() : 0; const bool old_graphics_mods_enabled = g_ActiveConfig.bGraphicMods; UpdateActiveConfig(); FreeLook::UpdateActiveConfig(); g_vertex_manager->OnConfigChange(); g_freelook_camera.SetControlType(FreeLook::GetActiveConfig().camera_config.control_type); if (g_ActiveConfig.bGraphicMods && !old_graphics_mods_enabled) { g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config = GraphicsModGroupConfig(SConfig::GetInstance().GetGameID()); g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config->Load(); } if (g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config && (old_game_mod_changes != g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config->GetChangeCount())) { m_graphics_mod_manager.Load(*g_ActiveConfig.graphics_mod_config); } // Update texture cache settings with any changed options. g_texture_cache->OnConfigChanged(g_ActiveConfig); // EFB tile cache doesn't need to notify the backend. if (old_efb_access_tile_size != g_ActiveConfig.iEFBAccessTileSize) g_framebuffer_manager->SetEFBCacheTileSize(std::max(g_ActiveConfig.iEFBAccessTileSize, 0)); // Check for post-processing shader changes. Done up here as it doesn't affect anything outside // the post-processor. Note that options are applied every frame, so no need to check those. if (m_post_processor->GetConfig()->GetShader() != g_ActiveConfig.sPostProcessingShader) { // The existing shader must not be in use when it's destroyed WaitForGPUIdle(); m_post_processor->RecompileShader(); } // Determine which (if any) settings have changed. ShaderHostConfig new_host_config = ShaderHostConfig::GetCurrent(); u32 changed_bits = 0; if (old_shader_host_config.bits != new_host_config.bits) changed_bits |= CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_HOST_CONFIG; if (old_stereo != g_ActiveConfig.stereo_mode) changed_bits |= CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_STEREO_MODE; if (old_multisamples != g_ActiveConfig.iMultisamples) changed_bits |= CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_MULTISAMPLES; if (old_anisotropy != g_ActiveConfig.iMaxAnisotropy) changed_bits |= CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_ANISOTROPY; if (old_texture_filtering_mode != g_ActiveConfig.texture_filtering_mode) changed_bits |= CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_FORCE_TEXTURE_FILTERING; if (old_vsync != g_ActiveConfig.bVSyncActive) changed_bits |= CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_VSYNC; if (old_bbox != g_ActiveConfig.bBBoxEnable) changed_bits |= CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_BBOX; if (CalculateTargetSize()) changed_bits |= CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_TARGET_SIZE; // No changes? if (changed_bits == 0) return; // Notify the backend of the changes, if any. OnConfigChanged(changed_bits); // If there's any shader changes, wait for the GPU to finish before destroying anything. if (changed_bits & (CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_HOST_CONFIG | CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_MULTISAMPLES)) { WaitForGPUIdle(); SetPipeline(nullptr); } // Framebuffer changed? if (changed_bits & (CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_MULTISAMPLES | CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_STEREO_MODE | CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_TARGET_SIZE)) { g_framebuffer_manager->RecreateEFBFramebuffer(); } // Reload shaders if host config has changed. if (changed_bits & (CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_HOST_CONFIG | CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_MULTISAMPLES)) { OSD::AddMessage("Video config changed, reloading shaders.", OSD::Duration::NORMAL); g_vertex_manager->InvalidatePipelineObject(); g_shader_cache->SetHostConfig(new_host_config); g_shader_cache->Reload(); g_framebuffer_manager->RecompileShaders(); } // Viewport and scissor rect have to be reset since they will be scaled differently. if (changed_bits & CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_TARGET_SIZE) { BPFunctions::SetScissorAndViewport(); } // Stereo mode change requires recompiling our post processing pipeline and imgui pipelines for // rendering the UI. if (changed_bits & CONFIG_CHANGE_BIT_STEREO_MODE) { RecompileImGuiPipeline(); m_post_processor->RecompilePipeline(); } } // Create On-Screen-Messages void Renderer::DrawDebugText() { const bool show_movie_window = Config::Get(Config::MAIN_SHOW_FRAME_COUNT) || Config::Get(Config::MAIN_SHOW_LAG) || Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MOVIE_SHOW_INPUT_DISPLAY) || Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MOVIE_SHOW_RTC) || Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MOVIE_SHOW_RERECORD); if (show_movie_window) { // Position under the FPS display. ImGui::SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2(ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize.x - 10.f * m_backbuffer_scale, 80.f * m_backbuffer_scale), ImGuiCond_FirstUseEver, ImVec2(1.0f, 0.0f)); ImGui::SetNextWindowSizeConstraints( ImVec2(150.0f * m_backbuffer_scale, 20.0f * m_backbuffer_scale), ImGui::GetIO().DisplaySize); if (ImGui::Begin("Movie", nullptr, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing)) { if (Movie::IsPlayingInput()) { ImGui::Text("Frame: %" PRIu64 " / %" PRIu64, Movie::GetCurrentFrame(), Movie::GetTotalFrames()); ImGui::Text("Input: %" PRIu64 " / %" PRIu64, Movie::GetCurrentInputCount(), Movie::GetTotalInputCount()); } else if (Config::Get(Config::MAIN_SHOW_FRAME_COUNT)) { ImGui::Text("Frame: %" PRIu64, Movie::GetCurrentFrame()); ImGui::Text("Input: %" PRIu64, Movie::GetCurrentInputCount()); } if (Config::Get(Config::MAIN_SHOW_LAG)) ImGui::Text("Lag: %" PRIu64 "\n", Movie::GetCurrentLagCount()); if (Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MOVIE_SHOW_INPUT_DISPLAY)) ImGui::TextUnformatted(Movie::GetInputDisplay().c_str()); if (Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MOVIE_SHOW_RTC)) ImGui::TextUnformatted(Movie::GetRTCDisplay().c_str()); if (Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MOVIE_SHOW_RERECORD)) ImGui::TextUnformatted(Movie::GetRerecords().c_str()); } ImGui::End(); } if (g_ActiveConfig.bOverlayStats) g_stats.Display(); if (g_ActiveConfig.bShowNetPlayMessages && g_netplay_chat_ui) g_netplay_chat_ui->Display(); if (Config::Get(Config::NETPLAY_GOLF_MODE_OVERLAY) && g_netplay_golf_ui) g_netplay_golf_ui->Display(); if (g_ActiveConfig.bOverlayProjStats) g_stats.DisplayProj(); if (g_ActiveConfig.bOverlayScissorStats) g_stats.DisplayScissor(); const std::string profile_output = Common::Profiler::ToString(); if (!profile_output.empty()) ImGui::TextUnformatted(profile_output.c_str()); } float Renderer::CalculateDrawAspectRatio() const { const auto aspect_mode = g_ActiveConfig.aspect_mode; // If stretch is enabled, we prefer the aspect ratio of the window. if (aspect_mode == AspectMode::Stretch) return (static_cast<float>(m_backbuffer_width) / static_cast<float>(m_backbuffer_height)); const float aspect_ratio = VideoInterface::GetAspectRatio(); if (aspect_mode == AspectMode::AnalogWide || (aspect_mode == AspectMode::Auto && m_is_game_widescreen)) { return AspectToWidescreen(aspect_ratio); } return aspect_ratio; } void Renderer::AdjustRectanglesToFitBounds(MathUtil::Rectangle<int>* target_rect, MathUtil::Rectangle<int>* source_rect, int fb_width, int fb_height) { const int orig_target_width = target_rect->GetWidth(); const int orig_target_height = target_rect->GetHeight(); const int orig_source_width = source_rect->GetWidth(); const int orig_source_height = source_rect->GetHeight(); if (target_rect->left < 0) { const int offset = -target_rect->left; target_rect->left = 0; source_rect->left += offset * orig_source_width / orig_target_width; } if (target_rect->right > fb_width) { const int offset = target_rect->right - fb_width; target_rect->right -= offset; source_rect->right -= offset * orig_source_width / orig_target_width; } if (target_rect->top < 0) { const int offset = -target_rect->top; target_rect->top = 0; source_rect->top += offset * orig_source_height / orig_target_height; } if (target_rect->bottom > fb_height) { const int offset = target_rect->bottom - fb_height; target_rect->bottom -= offset; source_rect->bottom -= offset * orig_source_height / orig_target_height; } } bool Renderer::IsHeadless() const { return true; } void Renderer::ChangeSurface(void* new_surface_handle) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_swap_mutex); m_new_surface_handle = new_surface_handle; m_surface_changed.Set(); } void Renderer::ResizeSurface() { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_swap_mutex); m_surface_resized.Set(); } void Renderer::SetViewportAndScissor(const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& rect, float min_depth, float max_depth) { SetViewport(static_cast<float>(rect.left), static_cast<float>(rect.top), static_cast<float>(rect.GetWidth()), static_cast<float>(rect.GetHeight()), min_depth, max_depth); SetScissorRect(rect); } void Renderer::ScaleTexture(AbstractFramebuffer* dst_framebuffer, const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& dst_rect, const AbstractTexture* src_texture, const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& src_rect) { ASSERT(dst_framebuffer->GetColorFormat() == AbstractTextureFormat::RGBA8); BeginUtilityDrawing(); // The shader needs to know the source rectangle. const auto converted_src_rect = ConvertFramebufferRectangle(src_rect, src_texture->GetWidth(), src_texture->GetHeight()); const float rcp_src_width = 1.0f / src_texture->GetWidth(); const float rcp_src_height = 1.0f / src_texture->GetHeight(); const std::array<float, 4> uniforms = {{converted_src_rect.left * rcp_src_width, converted_src_rect.top * rcp_src_height, converted_src_rect.GetWidth() * rcp_src_width, converted_src_rect.GetHeight() * rcp_src_height}}; g_vertex_manager->UploadUtilityUniforms(&uniforms, sizeof(uniforms)); // Discard if we're overwriting the whole thing. if (static_cast<u32>(dst_rect.GetWidth()) == dst_framebuffer->GetWidth() && static_cast<u32>(dst_rect.GetHeight()) == dst_framebuffer->GetHeight()) { SetAndDiscardFramebuffer(dst_framebuffer); } else { SetFramebuffer(dst_framebuffer); } SetViewportAndScissor(ConvertFramebufferRectangle(dst_rect, dst_framebuffer)); SetPipeline(dst_framebuffer->GetLayers() > 1 ? g_shader_cache->GetRGBA8StereoCopyPipeline() : g_shader_cache->GetRGBA8CopyPipeline()); SetTexture(0, src_texture); SetSamplerState(0, RenderState::GetLinearSamplerState()); Draw(0, 3); EndUtilityDrawing(); if (dst_framebuffer->GetColorAttachment()) dst_framebuffer->GetColorAttachment()->FinishedRendering(); } MathUtil::Rectangle<int> Renderer::ConvertFramebufferRectangle(const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& rect, const AbstractFramebuffer* framebuffer) const { return ConvertFramebufferRectangle(rect, framebuffer->GetWidth(), framebuffer->GetHeight()); } MathUtil::Rectangle<int> Renderer::ConvertFramebufferRectangle(const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& rect, u32 fb_width, u32 fb_height) const { MathUtil::Rectangle<int> ret = rect; if (g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bUsesLowerLeftOrigin) { ret.top = fb_height - rect.bottom; ret.bottom = fb_height - rect.top; } return ret; } MathUtil::Rectangle<int> Renderer::ConvertEFBRectangle(const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& rc) const { MathUtil::Rectangle<int> result; result.left = EFBToScaledX(rc.left); result.top = EFBToScaledY(rc.top); result.right = EFBToScaledX(rc.right); result.bottom = EFBToScaledY(rc.bottom); return result; } std::tuple<float, float> Renderer::ScaleToDisplayAspectRatio(const int width, const int height) const { // Scale either the width or height depending the content aspect ratio. // This way we preserve as much resolution as possible when scaling. float scaled_width = static_cast<float>(width); float scaled_height = static_cast<float>(height); const float draw_aspect = CalculateDrawAspectRatio(); if (scaled_width / scaled_height >= draw_aspect) scaled_height = scaled_width / draw_aspect; else scaled_width = scaled_height * draw_aspect; return std::make_tuple(scaled_width, scaled_height); } void Renderer::UpdateDrawRectangle() { const float draw_aspect_ratio = CalculateDrawAspectRatio(); // Update aspect ratio hack values // Won't take effect until next frame // Don't know if there is a better place for this code so there isn't a 1 frame delay if (g_ActiveConfig.bWidescreenHack) { float source_aspect = VideoInterface::GetAspectRatio(); if (m_is_game_widescreen) source_aspect = AspectToWidescreen(source_aspect); const float adjust = source_aspect / draw_aspect_ratio; if (adjust > 1) { // Vert+ g_Config.fAspectRatioHackW = 1; g_Config.fAspectRatioHackH = 1 / adjust; } else { // Hor+ g_Config.fAspectRatioHackW = adjust; g_Config.fAspectRatioHackH = 1; } } else { // Hack is disabled. g_Config.fAspectRatioHackW = 1; g_Config.fAspectRatioHackH = 1; } // The rendering window size const float win_width = static_cast<float>(m_backbuffer_width); const float win_height = static_cast<float>(m_backbuffer_height); // FIXME: this breaks at very low widget sizes // Make ControllerInterface aware of the render window region actually being used // to adjust mouse cursor inputs. g_controller_interface.SetAspectRatioAdjustment(draw_aspect_ratio / (win_width / win_height)); float draw_width = draw_aspect_ratio; float draw_height = 1; // Crop the picture to a standard aspect ratio. (if enabled) auto [crop_width, crop_height] = ApplyStandardAspectCrop(draw_width, draw_height); // scale the picture to fit the rendering window if (win_width / win_height >= crop_width / crop_height) { // the window is flatter than the picture draw_width *= win_height / crop_height; crop_width *= win_height / crop_height; draw_height *= win_height / crop_height; crop_height = win_height; } else { // the window is skinnier than the picture draw_width *= win_width / crop_width; draw_height *= win_width / crop_width; crop_height *= win_width / crop_width; crop_width = win_width; } // ensure divisibility by 4 to make it compatible with all the video encoders draw_width = std::ceil(draw_width) - static_cast<int>(std::ceil(draw_width)) % 4; draw_height = std::ceil(draw_height) - static_cast<int>(std::ceil(draw_height)) % 4; m_target_rectangle.left = static_cast<int>(std::round(win_width / 2.0 - draw_width / 2.0)); m_target_rectangle.top = static_cast<int>(std::round(win_height / 2.0 - draw_height / 2.0)); m_target_rectangle.right = m_target_rectangle.left + static_cast<int>(draw_width); m_target_rectangle.bottom = m_target_rectangle.top + static_cast<int>(draw_height); } void Renderer::SetWindowSize(int width, int height) { const auto [out_width, out_height] = CalculateOutputDimensions(width, height); // Track the last values of width/height to avoid sending a window resize event every frame. if (out_width == m_last_window_request_width && out_height == m_last_window_request_height) return; m_last_window_request_width = out_width; m_last_window_request_height = out_height; Host_RequestRenderWindowSize(out_width, out_height); } // Crop to exactly 16:9 or 4:3 if enabled and not AspectMode::Stretch. std::tuple<float, float> Renderer::ApplyStandardAspectCrop(float width, float height) const { const auto aspect_mode = g_ActiveConfig.aspect_mode; if (!g_ActiveConfig.bCrop || aspect_mode == AspectMode::Stretch) return {width, height}; // Force 4:3 or 16:9 by cropping the image. const float current_aspect = width / height; const float expected_aspect = (aspect_mode == AspectMode::AnalogWide || (aspect_mode == AspectMode::Auto && m_is_game_widescreen)) ? (16.0f / 9.0f) : (4.0f / 3.0f); if (current_aspect > expected_aspect) { // keep height, crop width width = height * expected_aspect; } else { // keep width, crop height height = width / expected_aspect; } return {width, height}; } std::tuple<int, int> Renderer::CalculateOutputDimensions(int width, int height) const { width = std::max(width, 1); height = std::max(height, 1); auto [scaled_width, scaled_height] = ScaleToDisplayAspectRatio(width, height); // Apply crop if enabled. std::tie(scaled_width, scaled_height) = ApplyStandardAspectCrop(scaled_width, scaled_height); width = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(scaled_width)); height = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(scaled_height)); // UpdateDrawRectangle() makes sure that the rendered image is divisible by four for video // encoders, so do that here too to match it width -= width % 4; height -= height % 4; return std::make_tuple(width, height); } void Renderer::CheckFifoRecording() { const bool was_recording = OpcodeDecoder::g_record_fifo_data; OpcodeDecoder::g_record_fifo_data = FifoRecorder::GetInstance().IsRecording(); if (!OpcodeDecoder::g_record_fifo_data) return; if (!was_recording) { RecordVideoMemory(); } auto& system = Core::System::GetInstance(); auto& command_processor = system.GetCommandProcessor(); const auto& fifo = command_processor.GetFifo(); FifoRecorder::GetInstance().EndFrame(fifo.CPBase.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), fifo.CPEnd.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)); } void Renderer::RecordVideoMemory() { const u32* bpmem_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(&bpmem); u32 cpmem[256] = {}; // The FIFO recording format splits XF memory into xfmem and xfregs; follow // that split here. const u32* xfmem_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(&xfmem); const u32* xfregs_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(&xfmem) + FifoDataFile::XF_MEM_SIZE; u32 xfregs_size = sizeof(XFMemory) / 4 - FifoDataFile::XF_MEM_SIZE; g_main_cp_state.FillCPMemoryArray(cpmem); FifoRecorder::GetInstance().SetVideoMemory(bpmem_ptr, cpmem, xfmem_ptr, xfregs_ptr, xfregs_size, texMem); } bool Renderer::InitializeImGui() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> imgui_lock(m_imgui_mutex); if (!IMGUI_CHECKVERSION()) { PanicAlertFmt("ImGui version check failed"); return false; } if (!ImGui::CreateContext()) { PanicAlertFmt("Creating ImGui context failed"); return false; } if (!ImPlot::CreateContext()) { PanicAlertFmt("Creating ImPlot context failed"); return false; } // Don't create an ini file. TODO: Do we want this in the future? ImGui::GetIO().IniFilename = nullptr; ImGui::GetIO().DisplayFramebufferScale.x = m_backbuffer_scale; ImGui::GetIO().DisplayFramebufferScale.y = m_backbuffer_scale; ImGui::GetIO().FontGlobalScale = m_backbuffer_scale; ImGui::GetStyle().ScaleAllSizes(m_backbuffer_scale); ImGui::GetStyle().WindowRounding = 7.0f; PortableVertexDeclaration vdecl = {}; vdecl.position = {ComponentFormat::Float, 2, offsetof(ImDrawVert, pos), true, false}; vdecl.texcoords[0] = {ComponentFormat::Float, 2, offsetof(ImDrawVert, uv), true, false}; vdecl.colors[0] = {ComponentFormat::UByte, 4, offsetof(ImDrawVert, col), true, false}; vdecl.stride = sizeof(ImDrawVert); m_imgui_vertex_format = CreateNativeVertexFormat(vdecl); if (!m_imgui_vertex_format) { PanicAlertFmt("Failed to create ImGui vertex format"); return false; } // Font texture(s). { ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); u8* font_tex_pixels; int font_tex_width, font_tex_height; io.Fonts->GetTexDataAsRGBA32(&font_tex_pixels, &font_tex_width, &font_tex_height); TextureConfig font_tex_config(font_tex_width, font_tex_height, 1, 1, 1, AbstractTextureFormat::RGBA8, 0); std::unique_ptr<AbstractTexture> font_tex = CreateTexture(font_tex_config, "ImGui font texture"); if (!font_tex) { PanicAlertFmt("Failed to create ImGui texture"); return false; } font_tex->Load(0, font_tex_width, font_tex_height, font_tex_width, font_tex_pixels, sizeof(u32) * font_tex_width * font_tex_height); io.Fonts->TexID = font_tex.get(); m_imgui_textures.push_back(std::move(font_tex)); } if (!RecompileImGuiPipeline()) return false; m_imgui_last_frame_time = Common::Timer::NowUs(); BeginImGuiFrameUnlocked(); // lock is already held return true; } bool Renderer::RecompileImGuiPipeline() { std::unique_ptr<AbstractShader> vertex_shader = CreateShaderFromSource(ShaderStage::Vertex, FramebufferShaderGen::GenerateImGuiVertexShader(), "ImGui vertex shader"); std::unique_ptr<AbstractShader> pixel_shader = CreateShaderFromSource( ShaderStage::Pixel, FramebufferShaderGen::GenerateImGuiPixelShader(), "ImGui pixel shader"); if (!vertex_shader || !pixel_shader) { PanicAlertFmt("Failed to compile ImGui shaders"); return false; } // GS is used to render the UI to both eyes in stereo modes. std::unique_ptr<AbstractShader> geometry_shader; if (UseGeometryShaderForUI()) { geometry_shader = CreateShaderFromSource( ShaderStage::Geometry, FramebufferShaderGen::GeneratePassthroughGeometryShader(1, 1), "ImGui passthrough geometry shader"); if (!geometry_shader) { PanicAlertFmt("Failed to compile ImGui geometry shader"); return false; } } AbstractPipelineConfig pconfig = {}; pconfig.vertex_format = m_imgui_vertex_format.get(); pconfig.vertex_shader = vertex_shader.get(); pconfig.geometry_shader = geometry_shader.get(); pconfig.pixel_shader = pixel_shader.get(); pconfig.rasterization_state = RenderState::GetNoCullRasterizationState(PrimitiveType::Triangles); pconfig.depth_state = RenderState::GetNoDepthTestingDepthState(); pconfig.blending_state = RenderState::GetNoBlendingBlendState(); pconfig.blending_state.blendenable = true; pconfig.blending_state.srcfactor = SrcBlendFactor::SrcAlpha; pconfig.blending_state.dstfactor = DstBlendFactor::InvSrcAlpha; pconfig.blending_state.srcfactoralpha = SrcBlendFactor::Zero; pconfig.blending_state.dstfactoralpha = DstBlendFactor::One; pconfig.framebuffer_state.color_texture_format = m_backbuffer_format; pconfig.framebuffer_state.depth_texture_format = AbstractTextureFormat::Undefined; pconfig.framebuffer_state.samples = 1; pconfig.framebuffer_state.per_sample_shading = false; pconfig.usage = AbstractPipelineUsage::Utility; m_imgui_pipeline = CreatePipeline(pconfig); if (!m_imgui_pipeline) { PanicAlertFmt("Failed to create imgui pipeline"); return false; } return true; } void Renderer::ShutdownImGui() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> imgui_lock(m_imgui_mutex); ImGui::EndFrame(); ImPlot::DestroyContext(); ImGui::DestroyContext(); m_imgui_pipeline.reset(); m_imgui_vertex_format.reset(); m_imgui_textures.clear(); } void Renderer::BeginImGuiFrame() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> imgui_lock(m_imgui_mutex); BeginImGuiFrameUnlocked(); } void Renderer::BeginImGuiFrameUnlocked() { const u64 current_time_us = Common::Timer::NowUs(); const u64 time_diff_us = current_time_us - m_imgui_last_frame_time; const float time_diff_secs = static_cast<float>(time_diff_us / 1000000.0); m_imgui_last_frame_time = current_time_us; // Update I/O with window dimensions. ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); io.DisplaySize = ImVec2(static_cast<float>(m_backbuffer_width), static_cast<float>(m_backbuffer_height)); io.DeltaTime = time_diff_secs; ImGui::NewFrame(); } void Renderer::DrawImGui() { ImDrawData* draw_data = ImGui::GetDrawData(); if (!draw_data) return; SetViewport(0.0f, 0.0f, static_cast<float>(m_backbuffer_width), static_cast<float>(m_backbuffer_height), 0.0f, 1.0f); // Uniform buffer for draws. struct ImGuiUbo { float u_rcp_viewport_size_mul2[2]; float padding[2]; }; ImGuiUbo ubo = {{1.0f / m_backbuffer_width * 2.0f, 1.0f / m_backbuffer_height * 2.0f}}; // Set up common state for drawing. SetPipeline(m_imgui_pipeline.get()); SetSamplerState(0, RenderState::GetPointSamplerState()); g_vertex_manager->UploadUtilityUniforms(&ubo, sizeof(ubo)); for (int i = 0; i < draw_data->CmdListsCount; i++) { const ImDrawList* cmdlist = draw_data->CmdLists[i]; if (cmdlist->VtxBuffer.empty() || cmdlist->IdxBuffer.empty()) return; u32 base_vertex, base_index; g_vertex_manager->UploadUtilityVertices(cmdlist->VtxBuffer.Data, sizeof(ImDrawVert), cmdlist->VtxBuffer.Size, cmdlist->IdxBuffer.Data, cmdlist->IdxBuffer.Size, &base_vertex, &base_index); for (const ImDrawCmd& cmd : cmdlist->CmdBuffer) { if (cmd.UserCallback) { cmd.UserCallback(cmdlist, &cmd); continue; } SetScissorRect(ConvertFramebufferRectangle( MathUtil::Rectangle<int>( static_cast<int>(cmd.ClipRect.x), static_cast<int>(cmd.ClipRect.y), static_cast<int>(cmd.ClipRect.z), static_cast<int>(cmd.ClipRect.w)), m_current_framebuffer)); SetTexture(0, reinterpret_cast<const AbstractTexture*>(cmd.TextureId)); DrawIndexed(base_index, cmd.ElemCount, base_vertex); base_index += cmd.ElemCount; } } // Some capture software (such as OBS) hooks SwapBuffers and uses glBlitFramebuffer to copy our // back buffer just before swap. Because glBlitFramebuffer honors the scissor test, the capture // itself will be clipped to whatever bounds were last set by ImGui, resulting in a rather useless // capture whenever any ImGui windows are open. We'll reset the scissor rectangle to the entire // viewport here to avoid this problem. SetScissorRect(ConvertFramebufferRectangle( MathUtil::Rectangle<int>(0, 0, m_backbuffer_width, m_backbuffer_height), m_current_framebuffer)); } bool Renderer::UseGeometryShaderForUI() const { // OpenGL doesn't render to a 2-layer backbuffer like D3D/Vulkan for quad-buffered stereo, // instead drawing twice and the eye selected by glDrawBuffer() (see // OGL::Renderer::RenderXFBToScreen). return g_ActiveConfig.stereo_mode == StereoMode::QuadBuffer && g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.api_type != APIType::OpenGL; } std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Renderer::GetImGuiLock() { return std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(m_imgui_mutex); } void Renderer::BeginUIFrame() { if (IsHeadless()) return; BeginUtilityDrawing(); BindBackbuffer({0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}); } void Renderer::EndUIFrame() { { auto lock = GetImGuiLock(); ImGui::Render(); } if (!IsHeadless()) { DrawImGui(); std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_swap_mutex); PresentBackbuffer(); EndUtilityDrawing(); } BeginImGuiFrame(); } void Renderer::ForceReloadTextures() { m_force_reload_textures.Set(); } // Heuristic to detect if a GameCube game is in 16:9 anamorphic widescreen mode. void Renderer::UpdateWidescreenHeuristic() { // VertexManager maintains no statistics in Wii mode. if (SConfig::GetInstance().bWii) return; const auto flush_statistics = g_vertex_manager->ResetFlushAspectRatioCount(); // If suggested_aspect_mode (GameINI) is configured don't use heuristic. if (g_ActiveConfig.suggested_aspect_mode != AspectMode::Auto) return; // If widescreen hack isn't active and aspect_mode (UI) is 4:3 or 16:9 don't use heuristic. if (!g_ActiveConfig.bWidescreenHack && (g_ActiveConfig.aspect_mode == AspectMode::Analog || g_ActiveConfig.aspect_mode == AspectMode::AnalogWide)) return; // Modify the threshold based on which aspect ratio we're already using: // If the game's in 4:3, it probably won't switch to anamorphic, and vice-versa. static constexpr u32 TRANSITION_THRESHOLD = 3; const auto looks_normal = [](auto& counts) { return counts.normal_vertex_count > counts.anamorphic_vertex_count * TRANSITION_THRESHOLD; }; const auto looks_anamorphic = [](auto& counts) { return counts.anamorphic_vertex_count > counts.normal_vertex_count * TRANSITION_THRESHOLD; }; const auto& persp = flush_statistics.perspective; const auto& ortho = flush_statistics.orthographic; const auto ortho_looks_anamorphic = looks_anamorphic(ortho); if (looks_anamorphic(persp) || ortho_looks_anamorphic) { // If either perspective or orthographic projections look anamorphic, it's a safe bet. m_is_game_widescreen = true; } else if (looks_normal(persp) || (m_was_orthographically_anamorphic && looks_normal(ortho))) { // Many widescreen games (or AR/GeckoCodes) use anamorphic perspective projections // with NON-anamorphic orthographic projections. // This can cause incorrect changes to 4:3 when perspective projections are temporarily not // shown. e.g. Animal Crossing's inventory menu. // Unless we were in a situation which was orthographically anamorphic // we won't consider orthographic data for changes from 16:9 to 4:3. m_is_game_widescreen = false; } m_was_orthographically_anamorphic = ortho_looks_anamorphic; } void Renderer::Swap(u32 xfb_addr, u32 fb_width, u32 fb_stride, u32 fb_height, u64 ticks) { if (SConfig::GetInstance().bWii) m_is_game_widescreen = Config::Get(Config::SYSCONF_WIDESCREEN); // suggested_aspect_mode overrides SYSCONF_WIDESCREEN if (g_ActiveConfig.suggested_aspect_mode == AspectMode::Analog) m_is_game_widescreen = false; else if (g_ActiveConfig.suggested_aspect_mode == AspectMode::AnalogWide) m_is_game_widescreen = true; // If widescreen hack is disabled override game's AR if UI is set to 4:3 or 16:9. if (!g_ActiveConfig.bWidescreenHack) { const auto aspect_mode = g_ActiveConfig.aspect_mode; if (aspect_mode == AspectMode::Analog) m_is_game_widescreen = false; else if (aspect_mode == AspectMode::AnalogWide) m_is_game_widescreen = true; } // Ensure the last frame was written to the dump. // This is required even if frame dumping has stopped, since the frame dump is one frame // behind the renderer. FlushFrameDump(); if (g_ActiveConfig.bGraphicMods) { m_graphics_mod_manager.EndOfFrame(); } g_framebuffer_manager->EndOfFrame(); if (xfb_addr && fb_width && fb_stride && fb_height) { // Get the current XFB from texture cache MathUtil::Rectangle<int> xfb_rect; const auto* xfb_entry = g_texture_cache->GetXFBTexture(xfb_addr, fb_width, fb_height, fb_stride, &xfb_rect); const bool is_duplicate_frame = xfb_entry->id == m_last_xfb_id; if (xfb_entry && (!g_ActiveConfig.bSkipPresentingDuplicateXFBs || !is_duplicate_frame)) { m_last_xfb_id = xfb_entry->id; // Since we use the common pipelines here and draw vertices if a batch is currently being // built by the vertex loader, we end up trampling over its pointer, as we share the buffer // with the loader, and it has not been unmapped yet. Force a pipeline flush to avoid this. g_vertex_manager->Flush(); // Render any UI elements to the draw list. { auto lock = GetImGuiLock(); g_perf_metrics.DrawImGuiStats(m_backbuffer_scale); DrawDebugText(); OSD::DrawMessages(); ImGui::Render(); } // Render the XFB to the screen. BeginUtilityDrawing(); if (!IsHeadless()) { BindBackbuffer({{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f}}); if (!is_duplicate_frame) UpdateWidescreenHeuristic(); UpdateDrawRectangle(); // Adjust the source rectangle instead of using an oversized viewport to render the XFB. auto render_target_rc = GetTargetRectangle(); auto render_source_rc = xfb_rect; AdjustRectanglesToFitBounds(&render_target_rc, &render_source_rc, m_backbuffer_width, m_backbuffer_height); RenderXFBToScreen(render_target_rc, xfb_entry->texture.get(), render_source_rc); DrawImGui(); // Present to the window system. { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(m_swap_mutex); PresentBackbuffer(); } // Update the window size based on the frame that was just rendered. // Due to depending on guest state, we need to call this every frame. SetWindowSize(xfb_rect.GetWidth(), xfb_rect.GetHeight()); } if (!is_duplicate_frame) { DolphinAnalytics::PerformanceSample perf_sample; perf_sample.speed_ratio = SystemTimers::GetEstimatedEmulationPerformance(); perf_sample.num_prims = g_stats.this_frame.num_prims + g_stats.this_frame.num_dl_prims; perf_sample.num_draw_calls = g_stats.this_frame.num_draw_calls; DolphinAnalytics::Instance().ReportPerformanceInfo(std::move(perf_sample)); if (IsFrameDumping()) DumpCurrentFrame(xfb_entry->texture.get(), xfb_rect, ticks, m_frame_count); // Begin new frame m_frame_count++; g_stats.ResetFrame(); } g_shader_cache->RetrieveAsyncShaders(); g_vertex_manager->OnEndFrame(); BeginImGuiFrame(); // We invalidate the pipeline object at the start of the frame. // This is for the rare case where only a single pipeline configuration is used, // and hybrid ubershaders have compiled the specialized shader, but without any // state changes the specialized shader will not take over. g_vertex_manager->InvalidatePipelineObject(); if (m_force_reload_textures.TestAndClear()) { g_texture_cache->ForceReload(); } else { // Flush any outstanding EFB copies to RAM, in case the game is running at an uncapped frame // rate and not waiting for vblank. Otherwise, we'd end up with a huge list of pending // copies. g_texture_cache->FlushEFBCopies(); } if (!is_duplicate_frame) { // Remove stale EFB/XFB copies. g_texture_cache->Cleanup(m_frame_count); const double last_speed_denominator = g_perf_metrics.GetLastSpeedDenominator(); // The denominator should always be > 0 but if it's not, just return 1 const double last_speed = last_speed_denominator > 0.0 ? (1.0 / last_speed_denominator) : 1.0; Core::Callback_FramePresented(last_speed); } // Handle any config changes, this gets propagated to the backend. CheckForConfigChanges(); g_Config.iSaveTargetId = 0; EndUtilityDrawing(); } else { Flush(); } // Update our last xfb values m_last_xfb_addr = xfb_addr; m_last_xfb_ticks = ticks; m_last_xfb_width = fb_width; m_last_xfb_stride = fb_stride; m_last_xfb_height = fb_height; } else { Flush(); } } void Renderer::RenderXFBToScreen(const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& target_rc, const AbstractTexture* source_texture, const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& source_rc) { if (g_ActiveConfig.stereo_mode == StereoMode::SBS || g_ActiveConfig.stereo_mode == StereoMode::TAB) { const auto [left_rc, right_rc] = ConvertStereoRectangle(target_rc); m_post_processor->BlitFromTexture(left_rc, source_rc, source_texture, 0); m_post_processor->BlitFromTexture(right_rc, source_rc, source_texture, 1); } else { m_post_processor->BlitFromTexture(target_rc, source_rc, source_texture, 0); } } bool Renderer::IsFrameDumping() const { if (m_screenshot_request.IsSet()) return true; if (Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MOVIE_DUMP_FRAMES)) return true; return false; } void Renderer::DumpCurrentFrame(const AbstractTexture* src_texture, const MathUtil::Rectangle<int>& src_rect, u64 ticks, int frame_number) { int source_width = src_rect.GetWidth(); int source_height = src_rect.GetHeight(); int target_width, target_height; if (!g_ActiveConfig.bInternalResolutionFrameDumps && !IsHeadless()) { auto target_rect = GetTargetRectangle(); target_width = target_rect.GetWidth(); target_height = target_rect.GetHeight(); } else { std::tie(target_width, target_height) = CalculateOutputDimensions(source_width, source_height); } // We only need to render a copy if we need to stretch/scale the XFB copy. MathUtil::Rectangle<int> copy_rect = src_rect; if (source_width != target_width || source_height != target_height) { if (!CheckFrameDumpRenderTexture(target_width, target_height)) return; ScaleTexture(m_frame_dump_render_framebuffer.get(), m_frame_dump_render_framebuffer->GetRect(), src_texture, src_rect); src_texture = m_frame_dump_render_texture.get(); copy_rect = src_texture->GetRect(); } if (!CheckFrameDumpReadbackTexture(target_width, target_height)) return; m_frame_dump_readback_texture->CopyFromTexture(src_texture, copy_rect, 0, 0, m_frame_dump_readback_texture->GetRect()); m_last_frame_state = m_frame_dump.FetchState(ticks, frame_number); m_frame_dump_needs_flush = true; } bool Renderer::CheckFrameDumpRenderTexture(u32 target_width, u32 target_height) { // Ensure framebuffer exists (we lazily allocate it in case frame dumping isn't used). // Or, resize texture if it isn't large enough to accommodate the current frame. if (m_frame_dump_render_texture && m_frame_dump_render_texture->GetWidth() == target_width && m_frame_dump_render_texture->GetHeight() == target_height) { return true; } // Recreate texture, but release before creating so we don't temporarily use twice the RAM. m_frame_dump_render_framebuffer.reset(); m_frame_dump_render_texture.reset(); m_frame_dump_render_texture = CreateTexture(TextureConfig(target_width, target_height, 1, 1, 1, AbstractTextureFormat::RGBA8, AbstractTextureFlag_RenderTarget), "Frame dump render texture"); if (!m_frame_dump_render_texture) { PanicAlertFmt("Failed to allocate frame dump render texture"); return false; } m_frame_dump_render_framebuffer = CreateFramebuffer(m_frame_dump_render_texture.get(), nullptr); ASSERT(m_frame_dump_render_framebuffer); return true; } bool Renderer::CheckFrameDumpReadbackTexture(u32 target_width, u32 target_height) { std::unique_ptr<AbstractStagingTexture>& rbtex = m_frame_dump_readback_texture; if (rbtex && rbtex->GetWidth() == target_width && rbtex->GetHeight() == target_height) return true; rbtex.reset(); rbtex = CreateStagingTexture( StagingTextureType::Readback, TextureConfig(target_width, target_height, 1, 1, 1, AbstractTextureFormat::RGBA8, 0)); if (!rbtex) return false; return true; } void Renderer::FlushFrameDump() { if (!m_frame_dump_needs_flush) return; // Ensure dumping thread is done with output texture before swapping. FinishFrameData(); std::swap(m_frame_dump_output_texture, m_frame_dump_readback_texture); // Queue encoding of the last frame dumped. auto& output = m_frame_dump_output_texture; output->Flush(); if (output->Map()) { DumpFrameData(reinterpret_cast<u8*>(output->GetMappedPointer()), output->GetConfig().width, output->GetConfig().height, static_cast<int>(output->GetMappedStride())); } else { ERROR_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "Failed to map texture for dumping."); } m_frame_dump_needs_flush = false; // Shutdown frame dumping if it is no longer active. if (!IsFrameDumping()) ShutdownFrameDumping(); } void Renderer::ShutdownFrameDumping() { // Ensure the last queued readback has been sent to the encoder. FlushFrameDump(); if (!m_frame_dump_thread_running.IsSet()) return; // Ensure previous frame has been encoded. FinishFrameData(); // Wake thread up, and wait for it to exit. m_frame_dump_thread_running.Clear(); m_frame_dump_start.Set(); if (m_frame_dump_thread.joinable()) m_frame_dump_thread.join(); m_frame_dump_render_framebuffer.reset(); m_frame_dump_render_texture.reset(); m_frame_dump_readback_texture.reset(); m_frame_dump_output_texture.reset(); } void Renderer::DumpFrameData(const u8* data, int w, int h, int stride) { m_frame_dump_data = FrameDump::FrameData{data, w, h, stride, m_last_frame_state}; if (!m_frame_dump_thread_running.IsSet()) { if (m_frame_dump_thread.joinable()) m_frame_dump_thread.join(); m_frame_dump_thread_running.Set(); m_frame_dump_thread = std::thread(&Renderer::FrameDumpThreadFunc, this); } // Wake worker thread up. m_frame_dump_start.Set(); m_frame_dump_frame_running = true; } void Renderer::FinishFrameData() { if (!m_frame_dump_frame_running) return; m_frame_dump_done.Wait(); m_frame_dump_frame_running = false; m_frame_dump_output_texture->Unmap(); } void Renderer::FrameDumpThreadFunc() { Common::SetCurrentThreadName("FrameDumping"); bool dump_to_ffmpeg = !g_ActiveConfig.bDumpFramesAsImages; bool frame_dump_started = false; // If Dolphin was compiled without ffmpeg, we only support dumping to images. #if !defined(HAVE_FFMPEG) if (dump_to_ffmpeg) { WARN_LOG_FMT(VIDEO, "FrameDump: Dolphin was not compiled with FFmpeg, using fallback option. " "Frames will be saved as PNG images instead."); dump_to_ffmpeg = false; } #endif while (true) { m_frame_dump_start.Wait(); if (!m_frame_dump_thread_running.IsSet()) break; auto frame = m_frame_dump_data; // Save screenshot if (m_screenshot_request.TestAndClear()) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_screenshot_lock); if (DumpFrameToPNG(frame, m_screenshot_name)) OSD::AddMessage("Screenshot saved to " + m_screenshot_name); // Reset settings m_screenshot_name.clear(); m_screenshot_completed.Set(); } if (Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MOVIE_DUMP_FRAMES)) { if (!frame_dump_started) { if (dump_to_ffmpeg) frame_dump_started = StartFrameDumpToFFMPEG(frame); else frame_dump_started = StartFrameDumpToImage(frame); // Stop frame dumping if we fail to start. if (!frame_dump_started) Config::SetCurrent(Config::MAIN_MOVIE_DUMP_FRAMES, false); } // If we failed to start frame dumping, don't write a frame. if (frame_dump_started) { if (dump_to_ffmpeg) DumpFrameToFFMPEG(frame); else DumpFrameToImage(frame); } } m_frame_dump_done.Set(); } if (frame_dump_started) { // No additional cleanup is needed when dumping to images. if (dump_to_ffmpeg) StopFrameDumpToFFMPEG(); } } #if defined(HAVE_FFMPEG) bool Renderer::StartFrameDumpToFFMPEG(const FrameDump::FrameData& frame) { // If dumping started at boot, the start time must be set to the boot time to maintain audio sync. // TODO: Perhaps we should care about this when starting dumping in the middle of emulation too, // but it's less important there since the first frame to dump usually gets delivered quickly. const u64 start_ticks = frame.state.frame_number == 0 ? 0 : frame.state.ticks; return m_frame_dump.Start(frame.width, frame.height, start_ticks); } void Renderer::DumpFrameToFFMPEG(const FrameDump::FrameData& frame) { m_frame_dump.AddFrame(frame); } void Renderer::StopFrameDumpToFFMPEG() { m_frame_dump.Stop(); } #else bool Renderer::StartFrameDumpToFFMPEG(const FrameDump::FrameData&) { return false; } void Renderer::DumpFrameToFFMPEG(const FrameDump::FrameData&) { } void Renderer::StopFrameDumpToFFMPEG() { } #endif // defined(HAVE_FFMPEG) std::string Renderer::GetFrameDumpNextImageFileName() const { return fmt::format("{}framedump_{}.png", File::GetUserPath(D_DUMPFRAMES_IDX), m_frame_dump_image_counter); } bool Renderer::StartFrameDumpToImage(const FrameDump::FrameData&) { m_frame_dump_image_counter = 1; if (!Config::Get(Config::MAIN_MOVIE_DUMP_FRAMES_SILENT)) { // Only check for the presence of the first image to confirm overwriting. // A previous run will always have at least one image, and it's safe to assume that if the user // has allowed the first image to be overwritten, this will apply any remaining images as well. std::string filename = GetFrameDumpNextImageFileName(); if (File::Exists(filename)) { if (!AskYesNoFmtT("Frame dump image(s) '{0}' already exists. Overwrite?", filename)) return false; } } return true; } void Renderer::DumpFrameToImage(const FrameDump::FrameData& frame) { DumpFrameToPNG(frame, GetFrameDumpNextImageFileName()); m_frame_dump_image_counter++; } bool Renderer::UseVertexDepthRange() const { // We can't compute the depth range in the vertex shader if we don't support depth clamp. if (!g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsDepthClamp) return false; // We need a full depth range if a ztexture is used. if (bpmem.ztex2.op != ZTexOp::Disabled && !bpmem.zcontrol.early_ztest) return true; // If an inverted depth range is unsupported, we also need to check if the range is inverted. if (!g_ActiveConfig.backend_info.bSupportsReversedDepthRange && xfmem.viewport.zRange < 0.0f) return true; // If an oversized depth range or a ztexture is used, we need to calculate the depth range // in the vertex shader. return fabs(xfmem.viewport.zRange) > 16777215.0f || fabs(xfmem.viewport.farZ) > 16777215.0f; } void Renderer::DoState(PointerWrap& p) { p.Do(m_is_game_widescreen); p.Do(m_frame_count); p.Do(m_prev_efb_format); p.Do(m_last_xfb_ticks); p.Do(m_last_xfb_addr); p.Do(m_last_xfb_width); p.Do(m_last_xfb_stride); p.Do(m_last_xfb_height); p.DoArray(m_bounding_box_fallback); m_bounding_box->DoState(p); if (p.IsReadMode()) { // Force the next xfb to be displayed. m_last_xfb_id = std::numeric_limits<u64>::max(); m_was_orthographically_anamorphic = false; // And actually display it. Swap(m_last_xfb_addr, m_last_xfb_width, m_last_xfb_stride, m_last_xfb_height, m_last_xfb_ticks); } #if defined(HAVE_FFMPEG) m_frame_dump.DoState(p); #endif } std::unique_ptr<VideoCommon::AsyncShaderCompiler> Renderer::CreateAsyncShaderCompiler() { return std::make_unique<VideoCommon::AsyncShaderCompiler>(); } const GraphicsModManager& Renderer::GetGraphicsModManager() const { return m_graphics_mod_manager; }