// Copyright 2013 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2 // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include "OCLTextureDecoder.h" #include "../OpenCL.h" #include "CommonPaths.h" #include "FileUtil.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define DEBUG_OPENCL cl_program g_program; struct sDecoderParameter { const char *name; cl_kernel kernel; float sizeOfSrc; float sizeOfDst; int xSkip; int ySkip; PC_TexFormat format; }; sDecoderParameter g_DecodeParametersNative[] = { /* GX_TF_I4 */ { "DecodeI4", NULL, 0.5f, 1, 8, 8, PC_TEX_FMT_I4_AS_I8 }, /* GX_TF_I8 */ { "DecodeI8", NULL, 1, 1, 8, 4, PC_TEX_FMT_I8 }, /* GX_TF_IA4 */ { "DecodeIA4", NULL, 1, 2, 8, 4, PC_TEX_FMT_IA4_AS_IA8 }, /* GX_TF_IA8 */ { "DecodeIA8", NULL, 2, 2, 4, 4, PC_TEX_FMT_IA8 }, /* GX_TF_RGB565 */ { "DecodeRGB565", NULL, 2, 2, 4, 4, PC_TEX_FMT_RGB565 }, /* GX_TF_RGB5A3 */ { "DecodeRGB5A3", NULL, 2, 4, 4, 4, PC_TEX_FMT_BGRA32 }, /* GX_TF_RGBA8 */ { "DecodeRGBA8", NULL, 4, 4, 4, 4, PC_TEX_FMT_BGRA32 }, /* 7 */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* GX_TF_C4 */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* GX_TF_C8 */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* GX_TF_C14X2 */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* B */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* C */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* D */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* GX_TF_CMPR */ { "DecodeCMPR", NULL, 0.5f, 4, 8, 8, PC_TEX_FMT_BGRA32 }, }; sDecoderParameter g_DecodeParametersRGBA[] = { /* GX_TF_I4 */ { "DecodeI4_RGBA", NULL, 0.5f, 4, 8, 8, PC_TEX_FMT_RGBA32 }, /* GX_TF_I8 */ { "DecodeI8_RGBA", NULL, 1, 4, 8, 4, PC_TEX_FMT_RGBA32 }, /* GX_TF_IA4 */ { "DecodeIA4_RGBA", NULL, 1, 4, 8, 4, PC_TEX_FMT_RGBA32 }, /* GX_TF_IA8 */ { "DecodeIA8_RGBA", NULL, 2, 4, 4, 4, PC_TEX_FMT_RGBA32 }, /* GX_TF_RGB565 */ { "DecodeRGB565_RGBA", NULL, 2, 4, 4, 4, PC_TEX_FMT_RGBA32 }, /* GX_TF_RGB5A3 */ { "DecodeRGB5A3_RGBA", NULL, 2, 4, 4, 4, PC_TEX_FMT_RGBA32 }, /* GX_TF_RGBA8 */ { "DecodeRGBA8_RGBA", NULL, 4, 4, 4, 4, PC_TEX_FMT_RGBA32 }, /* 7 */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* GX_TF_C4 */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* GX_TF_C8 */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* GX_TF_C14X2 */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* B */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* C */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* D */ { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, PC_TEX_FMT_NONE }, /* GX_TF_CMPR */ { "DecodeCMPR_RGBA", NULL, 0.5f, 4, 8, 8, PC_TEX_FMT_RGBA32 }, }; bool g_Inited = false; cl_mem g_clsrc, g_cldst; // texture buffer memory objects #define HEADER_SIZE 32 void TexDecoder_OpenCL_Initialize() { if(!g_Inited) { if(!OpenCL::Initialize()) return; cl_int err = 1; size_t binary_size = 0; char *binary = NULL; char *header = NULL; size_t nDevices = 0; cl_device_id *devices = NULL; size_t *binary_sizes = NULL; char **binaries = NULL; std::string filename; char dolphin_rev[HEADER_SIZE]; filename = File::GetUserPath(D_OPENCL_IDX) + "kernel.bin"; snprintf(dolphin_rev, HEADER_SIZE, "%-31s", scm_rev_str); { File::IOFile input(filename, "rb"); if (!input) { binary_size = 0; } else { binary_size = input.GetSize(); header = new char[HEADER_SIZE]; binary = new char[binary_size]; input.ReadBytes(header, HEADER_SIZE); input.ReadBytes(binary, binary_size); } } if (binary_size > 0) { if (binary_size > HEADER_SIZE) { if (strncmp(header, dolphin_rev, HEADER_SIZE) == 0) { g_program = clCreateProgramWithBinary(OpenCL::GetContext(), 1, &OpenCL::device_id, &binary_size, (const unsigned char**)&binary, NULL, &err); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { OpenCL::HandleCLError(err, "clCreateProgramWithBinary"); } if (!err) { err = clBuildProgram(g_program, 1, &OpenCL::device_id, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { OpenCL::HandleCLError(err, "clBuildProgram"); } } } } delete [] header; delete [] binary; } // If an error occurred using the kernel binary, recompile the kernels if (err) { std::string code; filename = File::GetSysDirectory() + OPENCL_DIR DIR_SEP "TextureDecoder.cl"; if (!File::ReadFileToString(filename.c_str(), code)) { ERROR_LOG(VIDEO, "Failed to load OpenCL code %s - file is missing?", filename.c_str()); return; } g_program = OpenCL::CompileProgram(code.c_str()); err = clGetProgramInfo(g_program, CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES, sizeof(nDevices), &nDevices, NULL); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { OpenCL::HandleCLError(err, "clGetProgramInfo"); } devices = (cl_device_id *)malloc( sizeof(cl_device_id) *nDevices); err = clGetProgramInfo(g_program, CL_PROGRAM_DEVICES, sizeof(cl_device_id)*nDevices, devices, NULL); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { OpenCL::HandleCLError(err, "clGetProgramInfo"); } binary_sizes = (size_t *)malloc(sizeof(size_t)*nDevices); err = clGetProgramInfo(g_program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARY_SIZES, sizeof(size_t)*nDevices, binary_sizes, NULL); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { OpenCL::HandleCLError(err, "clGetProgramInfo"); } binaries = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*nDevices); for (u32 i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { if (binary_sizes[i] != 0) { binaries[i] = (char *)malloc(HEADER_SIZE + binary_sizes[i]); } else { binaries[i] = NULL; } } err = clGetProgramInfo( g_program, CL_PROGRAM_BINARIES, sizeof(char *)*nDevices, binaries, NULL ); if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { OpenCL::HandleCLError(err, "clGetProgramInfo"); } if (!err) { filename = File::GetUserPath(D_OPENCL_IDX) + "kernel.bin"; File::IOFile output(filename, "wb"); if (!output) { binary_size = 0; } else { // Supporting one OpenCL device for now output.WriteBytes(dolphin_rev, HEADER_SIZE); output.WriteBytes(binaries[0], binary_sizes[0]); } } for (u32 i = 0; i < nDevices; ++i) { if (binary_sizes[i] != 0) { free(binaries[i]); } } if (binaries != NULL) free(binaries); if (binary_sizes != NULL) free(binary_sizes); if (devices != NULL) free(devices); } for (int i = 0; i <= GX_TF_CMPR; ++i) { if (g_DecodeParametersNative[i].name) g_DecodeParametersNative[i].kernel = OpenCL::CompileKernel(g_program, g_DecodeParametersNative[i].name); if (g_DecodeParametersRGBA[i].name) g_DecodeParametersRGBA[i].kernel = OpenCL::CompileKernel(g_program, g_DecodeParametersRGBA[i].name); } // Allocating maximal Wii texture size in advance, so that we don't have to allocate/deallocate per texture #ifndef DEBUG_OPENCL g_clsrc = clCreateBuffer(OpenCL::GetContext(), CL_MEM_READ_ONLY , 1024 * 1024 * sizeof(u32), NULL, NULL); g_cldst = clCreateBuffer(OpenCL::GetContext(), CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, 1024 * 1024 * sizeof(u32), NULL, NULL); #endif g_Inited = true; } } void TexDecoder_OpenCL_Shutdown() { if (g_program) clReleaseProgram(g_program); for (int i = 0; i < GX_TF_CMPR; ++i) { if (g_DecodeParametersNative[i].kernel) clReleaseKernel(g_DecodeParametersNative[i].kernel); if(g_DecodeParametersRGBA[i].kernel) clReleaseKernel(g_DecodeParametersRGBA[i].kernel); } if(g_clsrc) clReleaseMemObject(g_clsrc); if(g_cldst) clReleaseMemObject(g_cldst); g_Inited = false; } PC_TexFormat TexDecoder_Decode_OpenCL(u8 *dst, const u8 *src, int width, int height, int texformat, int tlutaddr, int tlutfmt, bool rgba) { cl_int err; sDecoderParameter& decoder = rgba ? g_DecodeParametersRGBA[texformat] : g_DecodeParametersNative[texformat]; if(!g_Inited || !decoder.name || !decoder.kernel || decoder.format == PC_TEX_FMT_NONE) return PC_TEX_FMT_NONE; #ifdef DEBUG_OPENCL g_clsrc = clCreateBuffer(OpenCL::GetContext(), CL_MEM_READ_ONLY , 1024 * 1024 * sizeof(u32), NULL, NULL); g_cldst = clCreateBuffer(OpenCL::GetContext(), CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, 1024 * 1024 * sizeof(u32), NULL, NULL); #endif clEnqueueWriteBuffer(OpenCL::GetCommandQueue(), g_clsrc, CL_TRUE, 0, (size_t)(width * height * decoder.sizeOfSrc), src, 0, NULL, NULL); clSetKernelArg(decoder.kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &g_cldst); clSetKernelArg(decoder.kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &g_clsrc); clSetKernelArg(decoder.kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_int), &width); size_t global[] = { (size_t)(width / decoder.xSkip), (size_t)(height / decoder.ySkip) }; // No work-groups for now /* size_t local; err = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(kernelToRun, OpenCL::device_id, CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, sizeof(local), &local, NULL); if(err) PanicAlert("Error obtaining work-group information"); */ err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(OpenCL::GetCommandQueue(), decoder.kernel, 2, NULL, global, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if(err) OpenCL::HandleCLError(err, "Failed to enqueue kernel"); clFinish(OpenCL::GetCommandQueue()); clEnqueueReadBuffer(OpenCL::GetCommandQueue(), g_cldst, CL_TRUE, 0, (size_t)(width * height * decoder.sizeOfDst), dst, 0, NULL, NULL); #ifdef DEBUG_OPENCL clReleaseMemObject(g_clsrc); clReleaseMemObject(g_cldst); #endif return decoder.format; }