// Copyright 2008 Dolphin Emulator Project // Licensed under GPLv2+ // Refer to the license.txt file included. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/CommonTypes.h" #include "Common/FileUtil.h" #include "Common/IniFile.h" #include "Common/StringUtil.h" #include "Common/SymbolDB.h" #include "Core/ConfigManager.h" #include "Core/Debugger/PPCDebugInterface.h" #include "Core/HW/DSP.h" #include "Core/HW/Memmap.h" #include "Core/PowerPC/PowerPC.h" #include "DolphinWX/Debugger/BreakpointWindow.h" #include "DolphinWX/Debugger/CodeWindow.h" #include "DolphinWX/Debugger/MemoryView.h" #include "DolphinWX/Debugger/MemoryWindow.h" #include "DolphinWX/Globals.h" #include "DolphinWX/WxUtils.h" enum { IDM_MEM_ADDRBOX, IDM_SYMBOLLIST, IDM_SETVALBUTTON, IDM_DUMP_MEMORY, IDM_DUMP_MEM2, IDM_DUMP_FAKEVMEM, IDM_VALBOX, IDM_U8, IDM_U16, IDM_U32, IDM_SEARCH, IDM_ASCII, IDM_HEX, IDM_MEMCHECK_OPTIONS_CHANGE }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(CMemoryWindow, wxPanel) EVT_LISTBOX(IDM_SYMBOLLIST, CMemoryWindow::OnSymbolListChange) EVT_HOST_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CMemoryWindow::OnHostMessage) EVT_BUTTON(IDM_SETVALBUTTON, CMemoryWindow::SetMemoryValue) EVT_BUTTON(IDM_DUMP_MEMORY, CMemoryWindow::OnDumpMemory) EVT_BUTTON(IDM_DUMP_MEM2, CMemoryWindow::OnDumpMem2) EVT_BUTTON(IDM_DUMP_FAKEVMEM, CMemoryWindow::OnDumpFakeVMEM) EVT_CHECKBOX(IDM_U8, CMemoryWindow::U8) EVT_CHECKBOX(IDM_U16, CMemoryWindow::U16) EVT_CHECKBOX(IDM_U32, CMemoryWindow::U32) EVT_BUTTON(IDM_SEARCH, CMemoryWindow::onSearch) EVT_CHECKBOX(IDM_ASCII, CMemoryWindow::onAscii) EVT_CHECKBOX(IDM_HEX, CMemoryWindow::onHex) EVT_RADIOBUTTON(IDM_MEMCHECK_OPTIONS_CHANGE, CMemoryWindow::onMemCheckOptionChange) EVT_CHECKBOX(IDM_MEMCHECK_OPTIONS_CHANGE, CMemoryWindow::onMemCheckOptionChange) END_EVENT_TABLE() CMemoryWindow::CMemoryWindow(CCodeWindow* code_window, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) : wxPanel(parent, id, pos, size, style, name), m_code_window(code_window) { DebugInterface* di = &PowerPC::debug_interface; memview = new CMemoryView(di, this); addrbox = new wxSearchCtrl(this, IDM_MEM_ADDRBOX); addrbox->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT, &CMemoryWindow::OnAddrBoxChange, this); addrbox->SetDescriptiveText(_("Search Address")); valbox = new wxTextCtrl(this, IDM_VALBOX, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER); valbox->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT_ENTER, &CMemoryWindow::SetMemoryValueFromValBox, this); wxGridSizer* const search_sizer = new wxGridSizer(1); search_sizer->Add(addrbox); search_sizer->Add(valbox, 0, wxEXPAND); search_sizer->Add(new wxButton(this, IDM_SETVALBUTTON, _("Set Value"))); wxGridSizer* const dump_sizer = new wxGridSizer(1); dump_sizer->Add(new wxButton(this, IDM_DUMP_MEMORY, _("Dump MRAM")), 0, wxEXPAND); dump_sizer->Add(new wxButton(this, IDM_DUMP_MEM2, _("Dump EXRAM")), 0, wxEXPAND); if (!SConfig::GetInstance().bMMU) dump_sizer->Add(new wxButton(this, IDM_DUMP_FAKEVMEM, _("Dump FakeVMEM")), 0, wxEXPAND); wxStaticBoxSizer* const sizerSearchType = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Search")); sizerSearchType->Add(btnSearch = new wxButton(this, IDM_SEARCH, _("Search"))); sizerSearchType->Add(chkAscii = new wxCheckBox(this, IDM_ASCII, "Ascii ")); sizerSearchType->Add(chkHex = new wxCheckBox(this, IDM_HEX, _("Hex"))); wxStaticBoxSizer* const sizerDataTypes = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Data Type")); sizerDataTypes->SetMinSize(74, 40); sizerDataTypes->Add(chk8 = new wxCheckBox(this, IDM_U8, "U8")); sizerDataTypes->Add(chk16 = new wxCheckBox(this, IDM_U16, "U16")); sizerDataTypes->Add(chk32 = new wxCheckBox(this, IDM_U32, "U32")); wxStaticBoxSizer* const sizerMemCheckOptions = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, "Memory check options"); sizerMemCheckOptions->Add(rdbReadWrite = new wxRadioButton(this, IDM_MEMCHECK_OPTIONS_CHANGE, "Read and Write", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxRB_GROUP)); sizerMemCheckOptions->Add(rdbRead = new wxRadioButton(this, IDM_MEMCHECK_OPTIONS_CHANGE, "Read only")); sizerMemCheckOptions->Add(rdbWrite = new wxRadioButton(this, IDM_MEMCHECK_OPTIONS_CHANGE, "Write only")); sizerMemCheckOptions->Add(chkLog = new wxCheckBox(this, IDM_MEMCHECK_OPTIONS_CHANGE, "Log")); wxBoxSizer* const sizerRight = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizerRight->Add(search_sizer); sizerRight->AddSpacer(5); sizerRight->Add(dump_sizer); sizerRight->Add(sizerSearchType); sizerRight->Add(sizerDataTypes); sizerRight->Add(sizerMemCheckOptions); wxBoxSizer* const sizerBig = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizerBig->Add(memview, 20, wxEXPAND); sizerBig->Add(sizerRight, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 3); SetSizer(sizerBig); chkHex->SetValue(1); // Set defaults chk8->SetValue(1); chkLog->SetValue(1); sizerRight->Fit(this); sizerBig->Fit(this); } void CMemoryWindow::Save(IniFile& ini) const { // Prevent these bad values that can happen after a crash or hanging if (GetPosition().x != -32000 && GetPosition().y != -32000) { IniFile::Section* mem_window = ini.GetOrCreateSection("MemoryWindow"); mem_window->Set("x", GetPosition().x); mem_window->Set("y", GetPosition().y); mem_window->Set("w", GetSize().GetWidth()); mem_window->Set("h", GetSize().GetHeight()); } } void CMemoryWindow::Load(IniFile& ini) { int x, y, w, h; IniFile::Section* mem_window = ini.GetOrCreateSection("MemoryWindow"); mem_window->Get("x", &x, GetPosition().x); mem_window->Get("y", &y, GetPosition().y); mem_window->Get("w", &w, GetSize().GetWidth()); mem_window->Get("h", &h, GetSize().GetHeight()); SetSize(x, y, w, h); } void CMemoryWindow::JumpToAddress(u32 _Address) { memview->Center(_Address); } void CMemoryWindow::SetMemoryValueFromValBox(wxCommandEvent& event) { SetMemoryValue(event); valbox->SetFocus(); } void CMemoryWindow::SetMemoryValue(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (!Memory::IsInitialized()) { WxUtils::ShowErrorDialog(_("Cannot set uninitialized memory.")); return; } std::string str_addr = WxStrToStr(addrbox->GetValue()); std::string str_val = WxStrToStr(valbox->GetValue()); u32 addr; u32 val; if (!TryParse(std::string("0x") + str_addr, &addr)) { WxUtils::ShowErrorDialog(wxString::Format(_("Invalid address: %s"), str_addr.c_str())); return; } if (!TryParse(std::string("0x") + str_val, &val)) { WxUtils::ShowErrorDialog(wxString::Format(_("Invalid value: %s"), str_val.c_str())); return; } PowerPC::HostWrite_U32(val, addr); memview->Refresh(); } void CMemoryWindow::OnAddrBoxChange(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxString txt = addrbox->GetValue(); if (txt.size()) { u32 addr; sscanf(WxStrToStr(txt).c_str(), "%08x", &addr); memview->Center(addr & ~3); } event.Skip(); } void CMemoryWindow::Update() { memview->Refresh(); memview->Center(PC); } void CMemoryWindow::NotifyMapLoaded() { symbols->Show(false); // hide it for faster filling symbols->Clear(); #if 0 #ifdef _WIN32 const FunctionDB::XFuncMap &syms = g_symbolDB.Symbols(); for (FuntionDB::XFuncMap::iterator iter = syms.begin(); iter != syms.end(); ++iter) { int idx = symbols->Append(iter->second.name.c_str()); symbols->SetClientData(idx, (void*)&iter->second); } #endif #endif symbols->Show(true); Update(); } void CMemoryWindow::OnSymbolListChange(wxCommandEvent& event) { int index = symbols->GetSelection(); if (index >= 0) { Symbol* pSymbol = static_cast(symbols->GetClientData(index)); if (pSymbol != nullptr) { memview->Center(pSymbol->address); } } } void CMemoryWindow::OnHostMessage(wxCommandEvent& event) { switch (event.GetId()) { case IDM_NOTIFY_MAP_LOADED: NotifyMapLoaded(); break; case IDM_UPDATE_BREAKPOINTS: if (m_code_window->m_BreakpointWindow) m_code_window->m_BreakpointWindow->NotifyUpdate(); break; } } static void DumpArray(const std::string& filename, const u8* data, size_t length) { if (data) { File::IOFile f(filename, "wb"); f.WriteBytes(data, length); } } // Write mram to file void CMemoryWindow::OnDumpMemory(wxCommandEvent& event) { DumpArray(File::GetUserPath(F_RAMDUMP_IDX), Memory::m_pRAM, Memory::REALRAM_SIZE); } // Write exram (aram or mem2) to file void CMemoryWindow::OnDumpMem2(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (SConfig::GetInstance().bWii) { DumpArray(File::GetUserPath(F_ARAMDUMP_IDX), Memory::m_pEXRAM, Memory::EXRAM_SIZE); } else { DumpArray(File::GetUserPath(F_ARAMDUMP_IDX), DSP::GetARAMPtr(), DSP::ARAM_SIZE); } } // Write fake vmem to file void CMemoryWindow::OnDumpFakeVMEM(wxCommandEvent& event) { DumpArray(File::GetUserPath(F_FAKEVMEMDUMP_IDX), Memory::m_pFakeVMEM, Memory::FAKEVMEM_SIZE); } void CMemoryWindow::U8(wxCommandEvent& event) { chk16->SetValue(0); chk32->SetValue(0); memview->SetDataType(MemoryDataType::U8); } void CMemoryWindow::U16(wxCommandEvent& event) { chk8->SetValue(0); chk32->SetValue(0); memview->SetDataType(MemoryDataType::U16); } void CMemoryWindow::U32(wxCommandEvent& event) { chk16->SetValue(0); chk8->SetValue(0); memview->SetDataType(MemoryDataType::U32); } void CMemoryWindow::onSearch(wxCommandEvent& event) { u8* TheRAM = nullptr; u32 szRAM = 0; switch (memview->GetMemoryType()) { case 0: default: if (Memory::m_pRAM) { TheRAM = Memory::m_pRAM; szRAM = Memory::REALRAM_SIZE; } break; case 1: { u8* aram = DSP::GetARAMPtr(); if (aram) { TheRAM = aram; szRAM = DSP::ARAM_SIZE; } } break; } // Now we have memory to look in // Are we looking for ASCII string, or hex? // memview->cu wxString rawData = valbox->GetValue(); std::vector Dest; // May need a better name u32 size = 0; int pad = rawData.size() % 2; // If it's uneven unsigned int i = 0; long count = 0; char copy[3] = {0}; long newsize = 0; unsigned char* tmp2 = nullptr; char* tmpstr = nullptr; if (chkHex->GetValue()) { // We are looking for hex // If it's uneven size = (rawData.size() / 2) + pad; Dest.resize(size + 32); newsize = rawData.size(); if (pad) { tmpstr = new char[newsize + 2]; memset(tmpstr, 0, newsize + 2); tmpstr[0] = '0'; } else { tmpstr = new char[newsize + 1]; memset(tmpstr, 0, newsize + 1); } strcat(tmpstr, WxStrToStr(rawData).c_str()); tmp2 = &Dest.front(); count = 0; for (i = 0; i < strlen(tmpstr); i++) { copy[0] = tmpstr[i]; copy[1] = tmpstr[i + 1]; copy[2] = 0; int tmpint; sscanf(copy, "%02x", &tmpint); tmp2[count++] = tmpint; // Dest[count] should now be the hex of what the two chars were! // Also should add a check to make sure it's A-F only // sscanf(copy, "%02x", &tmp2[count++]); i += 1; } delete[] tmpstr; } else { // Looking for an ascii string size = rawData.size(); Dest.resize(size + 1); tmpstr = new char[size + 1]; tmp2 = &Dest.front(); sprintf(tmpstr, "%s", WxStrToStr(rawData).c_str()); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) tmp2[i] = tmpstr[i]; delete[] tmpstr; } if (size) { unsigned char* pnt = &Dest.front(); unsigned int k = 0; // grab wxString txt = addrbox->GetValue(); u32 addr = 0; if (txt.size()) { sscanf(WxStrToStr(txt).c_str(), "%08x", &addr); } i = addr + 4; for (; i < szRAM; ++i) { for (k = 0; k < size; ++k) { if (i + k > szRAM) break; if (k > size) break; if (pnt[k] != TheRAM[i + k]) { k = 0; break; } } if (k == size) { // Match was found wxMessageBox(_("A match was found. Placing viewer at the offset.")); addrbox->SetValue(wxString::Format("%08x", i)); // memview->curAddress = i; // memview->Refresh(); OnAddrBoxChange(event); return; } } wxMessageBox(_("No match was found.")); } } void CMemoryWindow::onAscii(wxCommandEvent& event) { chkHex->SetValue(0); } void CMemoryWindow::onHex(wxCommandEvent& event) { chkAscii->SetValue(0); } void CMemoryWindow::onMemCheckOptionChange(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (rdbReadWrite->GetValue()) memview->SetMemCheckOptions(true, true, chkLog->GetValue()); else memview->SetMemCheckOptions(rdbRead->GetValue(), rdbWrite->GetValue(), chkLog->GetValue()); }